HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-12-21, Page 1Clinton
N ews- Reco r
No. 1968 -37th Year
The News -Record
Wishes all its many readers in Merrg
Canada and elsewhere . Christmas
his _=1916
the largest stock Abe ever carried
We are nal showingh g
—It is large, cornprehensi7'e and up. -to -date.
For weeks back we have been receiving goods from the
leading Canadian n dian manufacturers of Jewelery, Silver
Plated Ware and Cut Glass,
o er Bros Knives, Forks, Spoons, of 1841 R g Etc
. Watches and Rings
Lockets Bracelets Fobs Pendants
cstuBrooches EbonyBrushes
Cuff Links Tie Pins andIvory
Toilet Articles Out Glass Fountain Pens, Etc.
'�n� `dark
Lake cur Jelectl �
10 a9 • Ye11qw'
Oldest Established,jewelery Store in Clinton
on Savings
. . rel,ank
r .,r
he .
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Resetve and Undivided Profits 13,_8,
Total Assets 23#,000 ,000
550 Branches.. Withworld wide connection. Interest allowed
Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
E. MANNING,' Manager - Clinton Branch
( r...
INCORPORATED 1855 ,•••••••••••• -----
` i{Canada.
Capital and Reserve
96 Branches in
A General Banking Business
Circular Laters'of
. Bank Money
•t Savings Bank Denartnnent.
cc f Interest allowed at highest
C. E. Dowding, Manager,
current rate.
Clinton Branch.
• I
READY-TO-WEAR I 2 he Morrish
i Clothing Co.
So;nething Wear to
f rChristmas o
YesB y All Means.
f J,
Nothing is so well appreciated. Nothing else re-
calls the giver to mind so often. Nothing else is sure
to be "just what 1 needed most." Look over the list
presented andy ou will immediately decide that we are ,
"first aid to the puzzled Christmas shopper."
Neck Ties
25c to $1.00
Mufflers - '
Soo to $2.50
25c to 7
59e to $3.50
Wool Toques
2Se to 75c
Fur Collar Overcoats
$13.50 to $20.00
Men's Overcoats
$10 to $25
Boys' Overcoats
$3.50 to $12
$3.50 to $10
2$c to 75c
Permit us to, hint
selections early while
Sweater Coats
$6.00 is $6.50
25c to $2.50
gc 75c to $1.50
$1.50 to $3.50
Cuff Links
25e to $1.00
Initial Handkerchiefs
25c to 35c
Fur Coats -
$25 to $50
Men's Suits
58.50 to $25
Bath Robes
$6.50 to $10
Boys Suits
' $2.50 to $1S
that you make your
the Picking is Best
Agent' P R.
A` ent C.
18 l s. for Sunday . or night call
R. Fitzsimons and Son on Satur-
day last shipped two cars cattle of
t' were
n •st the to
to Toronto. Amo g
sixteen export steers fed by Mi:. D.
A. Forrester which fetched the verp
high market price paid :on Monday
The Women's Patriotic Society will
not hold a meeting the first Friday
of the New Year but the ladies are
asked not to forget that the Socie-
ty is trying to double the output of
socks for January. Fi:om the moth-
erland comes the appeal for more
socks, as during the past month
twice as many socks were given out
to Canadians as were received. from
Canada. laturallp this decreases the
supply veep seriously and Canadian
women. must
endeavor to put more
time into the worm of
preparingdiihgg comeforts for her sioldiei boys at the
The will of the late Joseph
Maw, of Winnipeg, who died 're-
cently at ,bis winter home in Califor-
nia, has been probated. The es-
tate is valued at $403,014.01.,
$13,000 of which was bequeathed to
charities, churches, etc. The late lir.
Flaw, who went to Winnipeg about
thirty-four years ago as an agent
for the Massey -Barris Cm, had done
much to build up the city and Was
considered one of its pioneers. The
funeral took place in Winnipeg from
the hone of the lIon. Robert Rog-
ers, his son-in-law. Mt', Maw has
visited in this vicinity on more than
one occasion, having been a Hell
of Mrs. Margaret Thompson of Al-
bert street, Clinton.
Sunday school entertainment Thurs-
day evening at seven -thirty in the
parish hall. •
Choir practise on Weiiie,•duyn and
Friday e\en
Next Sunday being the day before
Enhas in the evening will be held a spe-
cial song orrice,
when the congrega-
C ILt-
tion will sing those old English car-
ols, so' sweet and ,vondeiousl , y con-
torting. "The intense sweetness and
gladness or the first Christmas rs s
bas endured throughout the ages and
hes flowered -in the beautiful carols,
without which 'Christmas would seem
strangely barren and savourless.".
Service on Christmas Dali at ten -
thirty, a.m. Special music by the
choir, Cerate and hear the special
message of Christmas 1913.
A big crowd gathered at the town
hall on Monday afternoon and even-
ing and again oil Tuesday, evening ,
to see "Uncle Tom" Jackson's big COUNCIL MEETING.
entertainment, which was free to7,h0'tawml council met on Friday
all the children and their mothers, last, Mayor Thompson in the chair
but to all others fifteen cents. The and Reeve ford, and C"oancillors
program oh each occasion consisted Paisley, Wallis, Sheppard, Hawkins
of choruses, by a jolly bunch of Col- and Fitzsimons present.
e students and others, recita-
tions,About all the business transacted
songs, etc., a pillow light, bun
eating contest, tug, of war, gramo- was the receiving of the treasurer's
phone, piano and victrola music and
repeat far1 the e Y
ear and a
what was considered to be the best
of file taxes received by the collet-
lot of moving pictures ever shown in tor. The treasurer's statement re -
Glinted, The pictures thrown upon Ported the -receipts from December
the screen included a lot of local eel. 15th, to December 31st, 1016 as
ebreties, which were much enjoyed by $5183.04, and expenditures for, the
all present. same period $12327.0:1. Receipts
The program on Monday evening from Jan.1st to Decf 14th, 1916
'was going along fine and ,everybody were $5735 .03, and Cxpentiiturtrs'
enjoying the fun when in the middle $50743.52. Balence on hand is
of the Pillow fight, Mr. C. F. Libby, 90000,3:1.
manager of the Knitting Co., got up Taxes still ,unpaid amount to
and protested that he wasn't getting ,$082.05, The time for thereturn of
the worth of his and demanded the list was extended to Feb. 15th
o money
that a better show be immediate- but the five percent. will be added
ly put on or the iiecvple he refunded to all taxes remaining unpaid.
their money. "Uncle Tont" was ter.- The council ,adjourned to meet on
ribly hurt, almost knocked speechless Jan. 2nd, 1017, for the final wind up
for a minute, indeed, and Judge An- of the year.'s business,
I 1 Mr W Beydone arose to
The Women's Institute will bald
ngthe home
'meeting at
1 alter -
F airs. Cieo. Levis Thursday
noon next. All ladies are invited to
this meeting, when a 'good program
will be given and a tea -cent -tea will
,be served,
Christmas services will he hell . in
all the churches on Sunday next.
Dr, Gaudier has. been appointed
physician to the ]louse, of Refuge
during the absence of Major J, W.
Shaw, v,hu' is with the Huron Bat-
By some nlisunderstandiog invita-
tionsu fordance
have been sent outa a
rooms of the
to be given in the x .
January second.
Pastime Club on a y o
This, it appears, is incorrect as the
Pastime Club does not intend enter-
taining on that date.
The Bell Telephone Company has
been making extensive repairs to the
local station, the interior of the
building having been thoroughly ov-
erhauled. New and more convenient
switch hoards have been installed
and the offices have been changed to
mance them more convenient for the
manager and stall. A new furnace
has been put in, ensuring an even
warmth throughout the building and
altogether when' the decorating is fin-
ished, which will prolaaly *be done
early in the new year, Clinton will
hove as convenient and well appoint-
ed an office as any hereabouts, and
it already has an efficient -manager.
and obliging stal. About seven thou-
sand denims have been expended in
Clinton by the Bell Company durifig
the past few months.
It has often been said that the in-
habitants let-
Quebec t
of Ontario and
low -Canadians, should be able to un-
derstand each other sufficiently to be
horses or
a 1 to jack
b t
whin occasicra demanded. 'l•he fol-
lowing letter, written,. by a native of
Quebec to a local chicken fancier, will
prove that but a meagre knowledge
of English is necessary in order to
make one's meaning understood :
"Quebec, Dec. 10.
Dear Sir :—I see in the Poultry
Journal that you have W'.W, pellets
who come of a good' strain for lays.
Please will, you tell me the price for
six to twelve and one good cocker-
el. And tell me if she are pretty
soon to lay, and she is well devel-
oped ami about weigh she got it.
Answer quick will oblige. Yours
Wheat $1.50.
Barley 95c,
Oats OOe.
Butter are,
Eggs hoe.
Live Flogs $11.23,
Tom Mark's Company - headed by
'his Highland Laddics wi' 'the Kilt
Bag -Pipes an' Datims, will appear in
the town hall Clinton on Fraley,
Dec. 20th, presenting the great com-
edy, "Are You a Mason ?" and eight
vaudeville acts. Prices 25o and 35e,
reserved seats 50c, on sate at Fair's
book store.
1 Southgate of. o
*111 visit Murphy Lodge on- Friday
evening of next week to install the
officers for the year.
The Cloderich officers were present
for the annual Christmas tree enter-
tainment held by the local corps of
the S.A. yesterday. evening.
Mr. Tomlin, the new local tele-
phone nspeetor, Inas taken up resi-
dence in the bo.ise recently 'vacated
by Mrs. Ednuston,
The Sunday school of St. Joseph's
church and the Separate school in
Hulle'tt combined hi a Christmas tree
entertainment which was
held in the lecture room
of St. Joseph's . yesterdayi evening.
There was a good program of dia-
logues, recitations and singing y y the.
children anti fun foreverybody.
carte the distribution of the presents
from time well -laden tree. It ,vas al-
together avary bonny gathering of
young and old.
Mr. All. (hazier, sun of Mr: Adapt
(Racier of town, while hunting In the
. , ti recently sir t a
Parry .Quad District
in triumph
timber wolf.,rCtliTRtlil.,1 r P
with the Jude as a trophy. The' skims
1 es tip to
measures sixfeett t
tip, so it was, a big fellow. Alf. will
claim the twenty dollars bounty
paid by time government for each wolf
killed and thus will have his expens-
es for his• outing. 'The hide is on ex-
hibition this week in he window of
Mr. James Steep's shop.
It was with much regret that word
was received in town this week of
the death,' which occurred on Monday
of Mrs, (Dr.) W. ltolloway' of Peter -
born, The deceased lady,, whose maid-
en name was, Lillian Welsh, was mar-
ried to her now bereaved husband
fifteen years ago. She has been in
failing health for several months and
her death was not unexpected. The re-
mains were brought to Exeter, her
former home, for interment, the fun-
eral to take place tomorrow. Mx., A.
J. Holloway went to London yester-
day, met his brother and accompanied
him to Exeter,. returning yesterday
crews and
expostulate with left. Libby and hug DON'T uo, nowmLI9r1R'L''ED•.
him to withdraw his remarks and to Monday will be Christmas Day, the
allow the s h o w to proceed. greatest festival c4 the Christian
]rut, not he. He s t it e k to world. Celebrated as the birthday of
his . p 0 int . IIe'd been down the Prince of Peace the festival will
to New York recently and had pro- this year be marred by the fact that
bably seen' a show or ` two worth it „'ill be the third successive "War
seeing. Filially he bet a dollar: 'that Christmas.:' Thousands more C'auia-
he could go but on the street now flans are at the front this year than
and get a girl who could put .up a were last and many a home during
better fight than those beets were the past year has, been saddened by'
showing. By this time the master the loss of a lowed one, father,
Ot ceremonies had recovered his self- brother or -son, who has laid' clown
possession and, "called- the Mull'," his life in the sacred cause of liber -
told Mr. Libby to go out and get ty. Christmas in Canada cannot be
his champion and the stakes 'were as gay as it was three years ago.
handed over to Fir. Holloway and' the Indeed, to' the men and women of
stage was got ready far the new tins generation Christmas can never
contest. 14Lr. 'Libby made good and again lie quite the same, But still
ina few minutes brought in and in- as we celebrate 'again the birthday
traduce(' to the audience "Susie Hit- of I3int who gave his life to redeem
im" (alias Jacts_ Damien y while Mr. the world we can think gratefully of
Jackson brought on his champion, those who, in this present struggle
"George Necktie (alias George Car- have given their lives in defence of
ter) Not until the contestants we're all that Christianity implies. There -
before the audience did many of them fore while perhaps thefestivities
realize that the whole thing was a this year will lett: something of the
huge jcfce, one of the very, best ever light-hearted gaity of the old happy
carried out without rehearsal 'before days of'peace, yet there are many
an audience. The etnile on ,Jo.cer.
Libby's face when the crowd "caught
on" was well worthy to be photo-
graphed and pui, upon the screen and
had an instantaneous photograph ap-
paratus been at nd probably. this
would have been done,
Altogether; the concerts were a great
success, and thanks are due to Mr.
Jackson for the trouble and expense
he incurred „in putting on three such
jelly Christmas entertainments for.
the Winton children. The proceeds
are to lie devoted to local charity,
The marriage of Prances Jane, dau-
ghter, of the late' Josiah Hampton
amid Mrs.Hampton, T 1 '
141 Mount 0 t OLCSt
w' 1. Crooks of - Vancouver, took
place on December 19111 at the
bride's hone, the Rev. A. C. Eddy
officiating. The bride was married in
her travelling 'suit of prunella
gabardine, and wore a
bat. to .match and her blouse was of
gold cldth and Georgette crepe, and
her furs black fox, Mr,. sand• Mrs.
Crooks have gone to New York and
will visit Clinton friends before leav-
ing for their home in Vancouver.
At the recent meeting of the
Royal Black .Preceptry No. 101 the
following officers were elected
Preceptor,. 1 B
Depuity , I ,4fan Lilian.
1 blain
( tai Lcivis Clarlc.
Register 13. Rathwell.
'l'reastcrer, P'. Cantelon,
Lecturers, Robt, McMurray,
Censors, C. Sheppard, T. Cope-
Standard Bearers W. ?fenny, W.
D. Register, J. 1'. Sheppard.
Marshall, John Scarlet.
Comm ittee, J. Brownlee, W. J.
Falconer, C. Tyner, \S'nl. Mc-
Cully, D. Galbraith, J. Sheen-
, hale, \1`n1. Bullard,
Christmas services will be We on
Sunday, when the choir will render
time following' program of music
:Morning Service,
Ilyrnn 148 ".Joy at the Redeemer's
Anthem—"C'hrietians Awake, Salute
the Happy . Morn"
by J. H. Maunder,
Ilynm 115, -"The Adoratian of Christ"
.tnthemn--Glory, to God, in the
J lightest,"
S. C', Cook,
("Irristmas Message."
came upcn the Mid-
night ht Clear,"
by A. Sirabzki.
Hymn 1.1.3—"On Earth, Peace, Good
will toward 1Ien."
Evening Service.
"(rod Save the King."
Hymn. 108—"The Carnation of ('triad'
Anthem—"Goch from on High 'Math
by If, Turner,
1!fyuiu 1.43—"On Earth Peace, (rood
Will Towards Men."
\ilthem "Arise Shnie,"
by Cialeb Simper,
Sermon— "The Wonderful Name."
Quertetle—"The Anthem Celestial.''
by .1, N. Adams,
Hyum iia -"Grateful Praise to 1,110
From a recent issue of The North
West Tribune, Stevensville, Montana
we learn of the death of a former
resident of Clinton in the person of
W. H. May, who died on December
0th. The .late Mr. May was born in
Clinton in 1850 amid hS, youth and
yrotgig manhood were spent here and
for a time lie carried on business in
Clinton. He will he remembered by
many, Fee sonic three years or more
his health had been failing but prev-
ious to that he hail been indentilied,
with the business life of Stevensville,
where lie had made his hone for: e
number of years, His wife and a
family of three daughters survive, The
deceased was. a nephew of Mr, Geo.
Davis of town,
The Clinton butchers, in spite of
"high east of living" and "higher"
cost of "high" living, ere showinga
fine* lot of Christmas meats this
week, as a glance over the following
list will prove :
Thtoo -heifers fed bp lilt, W,
Lobb, weight, 3220 pounds ; two hei-
fers fed' by Thomas Fraser, weight,
1980 pounds ; one 'heifer fed. by Jobs
Biggins, weight, 0.10 pounds,
Two extra baby -beef calves, Ove
months old, fed by ,f, Brown, weight-
eighing 1330 pounds ;. one calf,;six Weeks
old, fed by Jas, Switzer, 210 pounds.
Five.hogs, fed by Joe Reynolds„220
pounds each. One hog, fed by'A, Mc-
Leod, 190 pounds.
'three lambs led by Tilos. Flynn,
125 pounds each.
All kinds of fowl and outer Meats
also on hand in abundance.
Two extra fine fat heifers, 2100 lbs,
causes fccr deep thanktuhless and we fed by Loren 'Tyndall ; one heifer, fell
shall hope that before another
Chmistmuias collies, around Britain
and her faithful Allies will' have
victorious come
• •l us o0t of the fierce or-
deal of vraridle thin is it ang to
wish each other "A Merry Christ-
iana 7” Then, we will change the
form somewhat and with great at heart.
Mess and with Cheerful' •face set to
mess and with, cheerful] face, set to
the future, The NoweRceced wishes
all its ' readers, and everybody, "A
Floppy 'Christmas."
by A. Welsh ; one feel by J. ,Shan-
ahan and one by W. ll, Stevens.
A very fat call, fed• by (;co. Hu-
Two pigs fed by B. Rowclife.
And plenty -of choice dressed fowl,
geese, chickens, dltcks, turkeys and
There' is a guessing contest otu re-
garding kine weight of tile fat calf,
the one coming. nearest , the exact
weight to be given a roast of beef.
Senn( m— The
Quartette—"t t
Gode'rich Township
C.hristiiias sermon and music at St,
Janes church, Middleton, n1
morning next at eleven o'clock
the celebr ltiau of the holy commun-
ion. Holy corucnmiol on t hristmas
Day at. 0.30 in the morning. Alt
welcome at this service,
Mr. E. H. Wise reports more sales
of Shorthorn cattle. Recently he
sold two of his fine two-year-old hei-
fers to Mr. Fred Colborne of Gulf
Lake, Bask„ time same being slipped
last week. lilt, Wise has also deliv-
ered to Mr. Wm, Snell of Mullett
township a year-old burl calf,
'1'he 'Unity Club, which has been do-
ing splendid work along patriotic lines
ever since the beginning of the war,
presents the following report of theic
work during the year just closing
Socks knitted, 30 pairs,hanner
shirts, 18, {cwels, d8 billets, 11,
p llaw-ease6 7 pairs,hospital shirt
40 ; pyjama suits, 7 ; sheets, 32
handkerclhiefs, 54 ; wash cloths, 48
quilts, 1 ; scarf, 1. Cash receipts for
the pear, $280.05 ; Expenditures,
$241:37, balance on hand, $30.28,—
Jessie A. Murphy, Secretary.
On Wednesday evening. of last week
the members of L,O:L. No. 300, with
their wives and families, foregather-
ed at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. 01-•
iver Welsh, master of the lodge, and
tools possession of tife premises, 5Cr.
and Mrs, Welsh were surprised,well.
the lady may have had as inkling tri
what was coining but, 'thus proving
the fallacy of old belief that a wo-
man cannot keep a secret, site had
not told her husband. After all hal
been made welcome Mr. Belt Lind-
say read an address to Mir. met
d Mr A Mope!: pre-
Mrs. Welsh an p
Mr. Welsh with a handsome
clock and Miss Ellwood presentee
Firs. Welsh with a silver pickle dist:.
MEI Welsh uratic a suitable reply oM
behalf of' himself and wife, thanking
the friends for 'the nice things said
to them anti for the handsome gift.;,
and afterwards the evening was give
eu up to music, games and pleasant
Intercourse,the` companyh break -
leg ftp until all hail partaken of the
good things which the ladies1 n
prodded 'to cat. '1'be fallowing is •
the address :
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. WeIsh :—WF,
the members of L.O.L. No. 300, have
the pur-
this venin • fur
assemble evening1
pose of extending to you our hearti-
est wishes fur the future. As a slight
token of the high esteem in which
you are held by time members of the
lodge we beg of your to accept ci
these gifts, not, for their -intrinsi
value, but as a `slight token of 'ap-
preciation of your valued services.
We also hope that' our lodge may be
honored by your presence for many
years to come. We earnestly trust
that you may be abundantly endow-
ed with health and happiness.—
Sign-ed on behalf of Godcrich township
L.O.L. No. 300."
It was. inadvertently stated last week
that No. 2 Polling place will be at the
home of Melville Sturdy. instead the
ratepayers will, find their ballots at
him:. 0. O. Sturdy's while Mr, Melva.
le Sturdy- will act as deputy return-
ing officer and Howard Sturdy as poll
People You Know
Miss A, Stone left Saturday for her
hone at Essex to spend her ,Christ -
leas vacaticra.
Mr.r, hurl Mrs. T. A. Greig 1g ant bliss
Hattie leave the end of the week
to spend Christmas with Erie -ails at
Mr. and firs. Harry Moulden of Med-
icine lIat, Alta., are in town this
week visiting the farmer's nrotlter
and sister and the nianyf old M-
erida lie has in the old town.
Mr. Richard ,Brown of :Edmonton,'Al-
ta•, is a visitor at his home in
FTuilett this week, having come
east to attend the convention of
Limited Brotherhood of Locomo-
tive Firemen and Engineers at Ot-
tawa, It is his intention before
returning to the west to tale a run
over to Detroit to visit a brother
and sister there,
Mr. William Mustard, wife and, dau-
ghter left amm Monday for Detroit,
Messrs. Charles and Joan Tippet
attended the funeral . of their. sis-
ter, Mrs. Milburn at Kitchener, an
Messrs. George Weston, Herb Ale-,
Gregor and Willard Surgeon return-
ed hone from Detrtit its Ffontiap,
Robert Pcnlhale, who spent the past
six weeks in the west, retuu•ned home
last week,
('apt. 3'. A. Ferguson returned to
his home hi the village last week are
ter spending the past summer on
the 'lakes.
Mts. Brandon left on 'Tuesday fox
Beigrave to spend the winter,
Firs. Tucker of Saskatoon, Sask.,
is visiting .her parents, . Mr. and
Mrs. Williamson.
Mr. John Pollock, who has ' spent
time past summer in the west re-
turned home last week.•
St: Andrew's Sunday school , will
hold .their annual Christmas enter-
tainment in the basement of the
church on C hi r I ;Pt in a s even-
ing. 0IIue first part 01 the
evening, will be occupied in games
u followedb'
ro Ear
anda sh
program g
war pictures in the church. Fifteen
Cents admission,
Trinity church and Sunday school
are bolding a private socia] evening -
and Christmas tree for the children
in the town hall on Thursday even-
ing, Pee. 28th. Lunch will be served
during the evening,
People You Know
iVIrs. J. B. Levis! visited over the
week -end at the home of her cous-
In; Dr. J, W. Peak, Henson.
Firs. L. Greig returned yesterdays
from Toronto, where she has been
spending several weeks with her
Firs. Kearns leaves the end of the
week for Codericb, where she will
spend the Yuletide and probably,
extend her stay well into the new
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Stanbury, Miss
Landsborougli and Mrs. Campbell
of town were in attendance a't the
McQueen -Thompson w e d d in g in
Stanley on Saturday last,
Mrs. G E. hail, Master Gordon anti
little Miss Evelyn leave tomorrow •
to spend the Christmas vacation
with friends at Port Roavan Glut
He Does it Well
"Uncle Tom" Jackson.
When "Uncle Toni" undertakes any-
-thing be usually "does it well," and,
this was again proved by the suc-
cess of the Christmas entertainmente
held in the town hall on Monday and
Tuesday of this week,