HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-12-07, Page 5December 7th, 1916
Clinton News -Record g
Not Many of The
Brave 33rd Left
The, following interesting letters
were received by Major H T. Rance
anf town and Mr. J. B. Hay of_..Lon-•
den. They were written by Captain
Peacock, formerly, Chaplain .. of the
.33rd Batt. Tho ladies referred to
.are.members of Unity Club, Goderich'
township who sent presents to 'the
.03rd boys through Capt. Peacock :
"Oh Brigade, 2nd Div., B. E. F.;.
F'noes, November3rd, 1910.
My Dear Major :—Your letter dated
November, 9th, 1919 reached me toe
tiay. We are, out of the line but are
going in again tomorrow. 1 may not
'have time to write again to you for
a few days, so in doing so. now. I
am not going to describe the Somme
business, as it Would take too long;
but will leave that until I return to
Canada, it was Hell, and I eves'
through the whole business..:I buried,
lots of our own dear fellows in. shell
holes and heaps of. Germans the same
way, ,ail caused bil shell fire and ma -
thine gun bullets. I was bruised in
the shoulder, and a shall piece taken
oft the first finger *of my right hand,
this has healed. up O.K,, I did not
tete the clearing station,' but after
the Somme fighting, I went :home on
special leave, for fourteen days. We
are now in a, much quieter sector,
but will be down• at the Somme again
later. There are very few of the
'33rd boys left now, both officers and
men have suffered dreadfully, This is
an awful We and I pray that I may
'forget some of the dreadful things I
have seen. I. have been out here four
months, and it seems like four pears,
T have aged that much. Wednesday
"being.M1aints Day,cele-
* Saints I had a
br:ation for two companies of the
18th Batt., 9 officers' and 207 .men
'took communion. I had the celebra-
tion at nine o'clock, a.ie., in the op -
air. Splendid wasn't it ? And af-
ter all these are the things which
really count. I' get terribly lonely -
for my wife and wee girlie, and would
•.do much to he back with thein right
new, Shall very much appreciate the
presents, and, as soon as they arrive
swill distribute them, mut then write,
'the dear ladies, who have so kindly
donne so much, l hope they have en -
:closed some cigarettes to give away
on Christmas Day,. or if they will
send Me: the money I will buy them
and carefully distribute. I have so
'often wished you were out here,
Mit I don't think you could have
stotthc strain very long. I sent a
•to'at dealing with the 33rd to one
of the London papers,'you may see
it, and it expresses the opinion of
wine who has •seen the men of the 33rd
under fire, attended to any number of
them dying, and seen hundreds in hos-
pitals. Give my kindest regards to
the Rector, and and' his wife, Mrs.
"Ranee, and others of your relations
known to me, especially 1laaelon, and
don't forget my kind Clietoni friends,
i'our old friend,:
—IL Dobson P'baeook,"
Chaplain H. Dobson peacock pays
tribute to the Wren of the 33rd for
their: heroic conduct on the firing line
in a letter to J. 13. Ilay, Dundas
street, London. In part he says :
"As chaplain of the 4th Brigade I
hare had during the past five months
.-ample opportunities cif seeing and
heating of the good work done by the
.officers and men who trained with
this unit in London, Being next to
the 1st division auchcoming . in con-
tact with many of their officers, al-
so for some time near the 3rd div-
ision, I often discussed with the 33rd
'dicers and men, who have been draf-
ted to various units, in each division.
In every 'case praiseunstinted was
•generously given. Praise of work done
in the Ypres salient, and in the Som-
me, which some one has said was the
;mouth of heli, On the fourteenth, fif-
teenth and sixteenth days of Septem-
ber some of the old 33rd boys helped
to win fox the' 4th Brigade eery
which even time will never destroy. I
'saw some of • them in tale advance
regiment aid post, and the brave
manner in which they bore in same
eases, terrible wounds was wonderful,
'On Sunday, October 1st, at 3.15 p.m.
T saw the' 18th Battalian go over the,
parapet. Souse to certain death, but
' they obtained their objective • and nev-
er a man wavered. Since then .I have
'enjoyed a short holiday in Blighty,
seen some of the boys in hospitals,
but not a complaint, and they gave
the a delightful. welcome. I am now
:at the front, but the memory of the
faces of those' brave lads, smiling
through their aches and pains, is still
before me. The nerve of the 33rd
Inas helped to make a name. for Cana-
da, for he iat 'division a ea
, and I
think I and perfectly within my
rights when I claim for the late
'0. C. of my much -loved battalion,
the coveted title of "tine glorious
_J-; Our Subscribers :
Newspaper conditions are such that
publishers all over Canada may be
forced on very short notice to in-
crease subscription rates•. We, have
concluded an agreement with the ieem-
ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mon-
treal by which, we can guarantee one
'tweet's notice before any change talc-
-es place. That means that our club-
bing rate with ;that great popular
'weekly will hoed good for any sub-
seriptions received during one week
after we publish a notice of increase
in price, it does not follow that there
will necessarily, be an increase but
publishers must protect themselves' in •
some way against the extraordinary
conditions that' are changing from
week to week, Our clubbing rate with
The Family. Herald and Weekly Star
cf Montreal is $1.85 per Mar., This
rate is guaranteed for one week after
this paper reaches subscriber's, Send
carders ;to 'Che News -Record.
The Canada Tempera
ance Act.
(continued from, last weevi:)
125—Nothing in this Act shall be
deemed to interfere with the purchase
or sale, :by legally qualified physi-
eians, chemists or druggists -sof • the
official preparations of the'authorised
pharamacopoeias when made offull
Medicinal strength'"and sold only for
medicinal purposes --el any patent
medicine, unless such patent medicine
is known to the vendor to lie cap-
able of being used as a beverage the
sale of which i5 a violation of this
Act—of eau.; de cologne, hay rum, or
other articles of perfumery, lotions,
extracts, varnishes, tinctures of other
pharmamnaceutical 'preparations con
Weil r alcohol, hut not •intended for
use as beverages—of methylated spir-
its for pha.ramaceuti'al'., chemical or
Mechanical uses -of spiate oas liquors
or.aleohol for exclusively medicinal:
purposes, on for bona fide use in some
ant, trade or manufacture; provided
that such spirituous• liquor or al-
cohol, when sold for medicinal pule
pases, shall not exceed in quantity
ten ounces at any one time, and shalt
d be renmoved from' the premises, and'
that the sale thereof is' made on the
certificate orprescription of a legally
salified physician affirming g that such
liquor or alcohol has been prescribed
for the person named therein and
that when such sale is for the use of
the liquor or alcohol in some art,
trade or manufacture, such sale shall
be made only on a certificate signed
by two justices,of tale peace of the
good faith of the application, acme -
panted by the affirmation of the ap-
plicaut that such liquor or alcohol is
used only1
to be ed for the I nur
poses 'set
forth in the application. The vendor
shall file all such certificates and pre-
scrilftions and shall record every nth
sale in a book kept for that purpose,
giving the name and address of the
purchaser, the quantity of liquor or
alcohol so sold, tite name and address
of the physician prescribing it and
of the person for whom it is prescri-
bed, and of the justices whose names
are appended to the certificate above
referred to, and of the purpose for
Which the alcohol is prescribed. The
file of such certificates and prescrip-
tions and the said book shall be kept
for inspection by the inspector of the
the county or district at all proper
times. The vendor shall make an an-
nual return of nil of such sales on
the thirty-first day of December in
every pear to the collector of Inland
Revenue within whose revenue divi-
sion the county or district is situa-
136—Any legally qualified physician
who gives a certificate under this
Part, for :Iffy other than strictly
medicinal purposes, affirming, that any
intoxicating liquor, therein specified,
has been prescribed for the person
named therein, shall on summary
conviction, for the first offense be li-
able to a penalty of twenty dollars
and fora second offence to a penalty
of forty dollars.
127 Every one who for himself, ser-
vant or agent, in violation of Part 2
of this Act --exposes or keeps for sale
any intoxicating liquor ; or directly
or indirectly, under any pretense, or
by any devise, sells, barters or in
consideration of the purchase of any
other property, gives to any other per-
son any, intoxicating liquor ; or sends,
ships, brings or carried, or causes to
be sent, shipped, brought or carried
to or into ally county ox city any in-
toxicating liquor ; or delivers to any
consignee or other person, or stores,.
warehouses, or keeps' for delivery any
intoxicating liquor so sent, shipped,
brought or carried shall, on summary
conviction, be liable to a penalty,
for the first offence, of not less than
fifty dollars and not more titan one
hundred dollars, or imprisonment for
a term not exceeding onemonth,
with or without hard labour, and. for
a second or every subsequent offence,
to imprisonment for a term not ex-
ceeding four mouths, with or without
hard labour. Everyone who, in vio-
lation of Part 2 of t ra Act, in the
employment ;pr on the premises or
WELSH–HICKS--Tn God.erich town-
ship, on December 6th, Nellie M.;
onlyi daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Guy I -Ticks, to Oliver R. Welsh,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Welsh,
all of Goderich township,
erich, on November 20th, Margar-
et Mabel McDonald to Roderick
G. Johnston, all of Goderich,
N.L4jT0 \—BRADS'—lYIe1C'DONt\i,D
On November 294h, at St. Mar -
ties -in -the -Fields, London, Eng-
land, Evelyn Harriette 13rongln,
youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Macdonald, "S. tea thdonald"
Goderich, to Arthur Newton -Bra-
dy, R. A. M. C., son of Sir And-
rew and Lady Newton -Beady,
Demote Park, Belfast, and Mel-
lafarry Greystonees County 11'ick
low, Ireland,
BLACKER -1'n Clinton, oil Non'enmher
300, to Mr. and Mrs, E. Black-
er, a sou.
YOUNG. --In Goderioh township, on
Nov. 10th, to ih..ir, and Mrs. S.P.
Young, a daughter, (Clive Mae.)
:E—In Exeter, on Nov. 23rd, to
Sapper: Frank W. and lY)rs. f,,ce,
• twin daughters.
WE5'1'G ATE—At St. Pant's rectory,
Sandwich, on December 3rd, to
Rev, II• P. and Mrs. Westgate, a
RILEX,—At' Goderich, on Nov. 28th;
to Pte, and Mrs. Frank Riley, a
CARRI' f.—In Goderich, an Nov. 21th
to Mr. and. Mrs, Janice 0. Carrie,
a son.
another ; so exposes or keeps for sale:
any intoxicating liquor ; or so sells,
barbers, or gives , any intoxicatime
liquor ;' or so sends, brings, ships or
carries of curses to be sent^h', e .
s ipP d
brought of carried ally intox-
icating' Iiquors; or so de-
livers to s tares, warehouses,
or keeps- any intoxicating liquor ; is
equally guilty with the principal and
shall seminary conviction be li-
able to the same: penalty or'punish-
•nnenit as the principal. Ali iutoxicat
ing liquors with respect to which any
such efimeehas been committed; and
all kegs, barrels, `cases, bottles, pack-
ages and reeeptieles of any kind in
which;such liquors are contained,
shall be forfeited.
123—TI any, person has beeif convic-
ted of a violation of any :lmrhvision of
Part 2 of this Act is afterwards
convicted ' 61 ally offence against
such provision or any other provision
of Part 2, such conviction shall be.
deemed a conviction for a second of-
fence and may be dealt with and
nun' n .
I nsled accordingly, although the
two convictions be for acts of differ-
ent descriptions, and if any such
person is afterwards again canvicted
of a violation of any provision of
Part 2, whether similag or not to
the previous offences, such °envie-
'tton shall, in like manner, be deemed
a conviction for a third offence.
120—Any prosecution for any such
penalty or punishment may he
brought by or in the name of the
collector of Inland Revenue within
whose official division the offence was
committed, or in and by the name
of any Person,
13.1—Everyr such prosecution shall
be oommencetl"'i thin three months
after the alleged offence and
shall he
hoard and determined
in a sunt nn.ary manner
either upon the confession of the de-
fendant or upon the evidence of a
witness or witnesses.
139—When in any house, shop,
room or other place in any county
or city in Which Part 2 of this Act
or 'in which any prohibitory bylaw
passed under the provisions of the
Canada Temperance Act is in force,
a bar counter, beer pumps, kegs or
any other appliances or preparations
similar to those usually 'found in
taverns anti shOps where intoxicating
liquors are usually sold or trafficked
in, are found and intoxicating liq-
uor is also found in house, shop,
room or place, such liquor shall be
deemed to have been kept for sale
contrary to the provisions of Part
2 of this Act, unless the contrary is
proved bythe defendant in any pre-
secution anti the occupant shall be
-taken conclusively* to be the person
who keeps therein such liquor for
110-1n proving the sale or barter
or other unlawful disposal of liquor
-it shall not be necessary to show
that any money actually' passed or
that any liquor was actually con-
sumed if the justices, magistrates or
other officer or court hearing the
case is satisfied that a transaction,
in the nature of a sale or barter or
other unlawful disposal aetamallp took
Ill—in any prosecution
under the Temperance Act
for the sale or barter or
other unlawful disposal of intoxicat-
ing liquor, It shall not he necessary
that any witness should depose dir-
ectly to the precise description of
the liquor sold or' bartered, or the
precise consideration therefore, or do
the fact of the sale or other dis-
posal having taken+ place with this
Participation or to his own personal
knowledge but the justices or finagle-
nagistrate or other Officer trying the case,
so soon as it appears to them or
him that the circumstances in evi-
dence sufficiently establish the vio-
ation of law complained of, shall
put the defendant on his ' defence,
and in default of his rebuttal of
such evidence, shall convict him ac-
148 -No conviction, judgment or
order, in respect of any offence a-
gainst Part 2 of this act shall be
removed Certiorari or otherwise into
any of ills Majesty's courts of rec-
ord. No appeal shall be allowed from
any such conviction, judgment or or-
der to any court of general
sessions or other court whatso-
ever, , if the conviction has been
matte by, a ..Stipendiary
magistrate, recorder, judge of' the
sessions of the peace, police magis-
agictrate, silting magistrate, or any
magistrate or officer bevies -the pow-
er and authority of two or more
justices of, the peace,
the Municipal Council of the Town
of Clinton' at its meeting held on
Dec, 4th; YU1.0, passed the first and
seeped readings of abylaw of which
the following is a synopsis :
Purpose.—lis tension of Waterworks
system :
Amount to he raised $5,1)00
Debentures: to. be issued 14 of $50G'ea.
Rate of interest 5 percent ;
Principal payable Dec. 1st, 1946 ;
Int. payable Dee. 1st, annually,
comnmencer% on Dec. 1st, 1017-4250,
Amount to be raised annually
'for Sinking Fend 8 80.15
I'ota1. amount to be raised an-
nually . $339.15.
A This bylaw will ire sun bmitted to
the electors qualified to vote on'
money bylaws on Jan. 1st, 1917 at
the same places and by the same
Deputy retur:niog officers anti Poll
Clerks asfor the animal municipal
eleetions. This notice is given Pula
scant to sub section 7 of section
263 of the Municipal Act,
—•90--3. Town Clerk,
A year's 'subscription to Tne
News -Record would be an
excellent Christmas Gift
Paul's Church will hold their an-
nual 'sale of work on Thursday af-
ternoon,.Dee, 14th, in OwenMemo-
rial hall. 'Afternoon tee will be ser-
ved. —611-1
tracks and the residence of Ilr. W.
Jackson', a lady's silver mesh purse
containij?g a small sum of moneyr,
'Owner can have' same by proving
property and paying for this act-
vertisenaeet,-Cuy Hicks, R. R. No.
3, Clinton, 'Phone 11 on 155.--00-1.
"Tuesday morning. Ilighest prices
paid.—Horner Sr Ings, Varna —G0
estate of Wm. Leppington, late of
the town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. —
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having any claims against the
Estate of Wm. Leppington, who
flied on the 30th day of October,
1916, at Clinton, Ontario, are re-
quired on or before the 213th clay of
December, to send by. post or deliv-
er to the undersigned. ed Execui x here-
er -in for the estate of the said deceas-
ed, full particulars of their claims ;
and that after the said last men-
tioned date the said Executor will
proceed to distribute the assets of
the- said deceased among the per-
sons entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which
he shall Hien have had notice, and
that the said Executor will not be
liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to any person 'of
whose claim he shall not then have
received notice. Dated 'at Clinton
this 22nd they of Nov, OM—Jac-
ob Taylor, Executor. 04-3.
young bulls, two reds and a roan,
from 11 to 13 months old, sired. by
a bull from a record milking strain.
Good growth and kind. Caine anti
see them or write—E. H. Wise, R.
R. No, 3, Clinton. Plnolie. 1,2 on
155. —64.
farm for sale, 2y, miles north of
Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hid -
lett township. On the premises are
a bank barn SOx60 with stone stab-
ling underneath and 1 k storey 8 -
roomed frame house with good cel-
lar. Rural telephone, 5 acres hard
wood bush first class soil, This
farm is convenient to schools and
churches ; will be sold on easy
terms ; possession to suit purchas-
er. For particulars apply to—John
Reynolds, 1311 Nelson 5t., Strat-
ford, Oat. —62.
8, IlulIett, a yearling heifer with a
mark on dewlap. 'A suitable re-
ward will be paid for information
leading to its recovery, Thos.
Tighe, R. R. No, h, Clinton, Phone
18 on 1.05. —59
B., Physician, etc., Honor Gradu-
ate, Torouto University, I six years'
experience, Brumfield, Ont. -58-12
7th eon., Goderich township, con-
taining 80 acres all Undo; cultiva-
: barn 50 x 50 with stone foun-
dation ; small house; good well.
For particulars apply to—Mrs. Pet-
er Cantelon, Huron Street, West,
bury street formerly occupied by
the late Mrs. Wm, Murray. Ap-
ply to G. D. bleTaggart.' —92
taken over the agency for the Mc-
Cormick Implements and moved it
to my place of business, the car-
riage and , repair shop, iluron
street, where I will keep on hand
a full line of implements, repairs,
twine, etc, An order from you
will receive prompt • attention.—
Wilson Elliott. —43
II•attenbury street occupied by Dr.
Dandier, including house, ;office,
barn. and two lots, Will be sold
separately or together. Electric
lighting throughout. Water in
stable. Hlard and soft water in
bathroom, kitchen and summer kit-
chen.—Apply to Dr. Candler. —40;.
house with •4 acres of land on On-
tario street lately occupied by Mr.
Baines." The garden is in excellent
condition and there is y acre of
raspberries and small fruits. The
house contains seven rooms with
cellar full sire of house, .Furnace,
electric lights and waterworks. I
have also for rental the office late-
ly occupied by John Medd as a
barber shop.—Jacob Taylor. -35
Hides, Sktutic, Coce, Mink, or any Hullett, a yearling heifer,. Owner
other' Furs. -James Steep, Licensed can have same by proving property
to deal in furs, • -04 and ,paying charges. Apply,, to
Thnn s Flynn,
R. No. 1,
tooPhone oo165.
location on William street, near the
Model school, Ten rooms, electric
light, waterworks, bathroom, etc,
'1`. T. Murphy.. —44,
Paired and Pressed and at the
shortest possible notice. Both- Lad-
ies' 'and Gentlemen's clothes. We
guarantee to' do good work. I am
prepared to French Dry Clean, Ladies
Suits, Gent'''s Suits and all kinds
of. _woolen clothing including Sweat- J
ers, etc. All orders promptly at-.
tended to. Rooms over Johnson's
jewelery Store. -Wm, J. Jago. —55 1
D t
We are prepared
to handle all kinds
of live poultry..
Highest II st market
price paid. --Phone
14 on 166.
Pullets For Sale,
Clinton Knitting Co.
conies with advancing years, hut can
be cleared by properly, fitted glasses,
Spectacles are our specialty when
we lit them they give satisfaction,
Let me show you how quickly I
can do your repair work, no waiting,
work always ready waren you come.
Silverware of all kinds 18117 in-
A beautiful line of genuine cut
glass. No imitation, anything we
haven't in stook we will gladly send
Optician and Jeweler
Cream Wanted
Highest price paid for cream,
which will be taken in every
WE•BNESDAY morning
and weighed, tested and paid for
while you wait.
Also all kinds of livefowl wan-
ted. Fowl received Wednesday,
morning each week. •
General Merchant,
For Your
Christmas Baking
Now is the time for you to get your
supplies for your Christmas baking
We've carefully selected our goods
for a cake you w 11 enjoy, and a look
at our window will convince you that
they are wholesome and good, and
prices within reach of all
Sunkist goods we recommend, and
once tried, always used. They have a
quality which is all their own,
We oiler you a few suggestions
needed for your Christmas baking
Sunkist Seeded Raisins Currants
Sunkist Seedless Raisins Walnuts
Valencia Raisins Almonds
Muscatet Raisins Mixed Peel
Bleached Sultana Raisins Lard
Domestic Shortening Crisco
Domedary Dates Loma Dates
Special for Chii'stmas Baking
2 cans Baking Powder for 25c
Peas Corn Tomatoes
Catsup Fork and Beans
Turnips and Cabbage
Highest Market Price for Produce
Johnson & CO. Phone 199, Highest prices paid for
The Store of Quality. Grain and Wool. Elevator,
Rhone orders promptly attended to. Residence phone 9-1:42,;
FOR S'ALp1 OR To RENT. -AN 8 -
roomed house on Princess street.
Furnace and bath. Now occupied
by W. C'ollyer.—,For particulars ap-
ply to W. S. Harland, ICattenbury
street, Clinton, -55
having cream to sell write to us
for cans. •We supply two cans freer
Pay all express charges and 'issue
cheques twice each month, Cheques
payable at par. We pay, the , high-
est market prices consistent with
an honest test. Testing done by a
competent man. Each can careful-
ly weighed, sampled and tested on
arrival and statement returned.
Those in the vicinity of Kimburn
may leave their cream with Mr.
Hall who will deliver it here,
Write for cans and give us a trial
Patrons in tine vicinitp of Varna
may deliver their cream to Beatty
Bras. Store and it will be taken
care of there -The Seaforth Cream-
ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont. •
for the conning poultry season is
tons of Poultry. -
To ship the above amount will re-
quire at least
20,000 chickens
20,000 ice,
5,000 ducks
3,000 turkeys
1,000 geese.
We are in the market for all your
live poultry of good qualrty at top
prices. Enquire for prices before you
It will pay you to give pour best
attention to.your laying liens as new
laid eggs are expected to reach re-
cord prices this winter.
The Up-to-date Firm
Live and Let Live
Christmas Cheer for all
There is a tendency this year
to curtail the expenditure on lux-
uries.. People are living with more
care and discrimination, Buyers
who are looking for quality and
good solid value for their money
instinctively turn to this store.
We have all the good things' for.
Christmas of the brightest qual.-
By at the most reasonable pric-
New fruits for cake and plum
pudding, also new shelled nuts,
new raisins, oranges, sweet and
juicy, new mixed nuts, fifty . vari-
eties of fancy cakes, short cake,
water ice wafers, Lacreame wafer
rolls and acorns,
Our Genuine Homemade Mince-
meat. The best of fruits, ab-
solutely clean, and purest spices
to give it that delicious flavor,
Candies for the children. Cut
Rock, Mixed Creams, Chocolates
and Stockings.,
Candies for grown -maps — An as-
sortment of Bean and Westhake's
Fancy Boxes, to suit all pockets4
for some of our Western Oat's, which
we have just received and we will
charge you no more than if they
were just the ordinary grade of oats,
If yeti wish to secure some of these
Oats, place your order early as they
are going fast.
We always have 'a full stock of
Flour anti Feed.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Ifo w ab •ut onr Christmas
R in8
Window and all the
Delicacies ie
New 'Figs at only 10c lb
New.T,ayei' Figs ,15e pkg
New Dates-. , • ` . , l:Ic lb
New Assorted Nuts , .,,25c,lb
New Layer Raises; ....,30c lb
These arever
y choice and last.
the thing for overseas liarcels
Then there are Candied Cher-
ries, Chocolate Wafers, and
A Full Assortment
o tlttent
of Christmas
W. T. O'ei1
Brucefield and Bayfield
Coal and.
Cement Yards.
Coal is going to be clean', scarce
and hard to get, so let us have yew: -
orders now and we will supply you
with "The Coal Haat Satisfies" if
at all possible.
We are going to stock a few cars
of Coke which will come considerably
cheaper than that and if you would
like to try a load of this, let us
know at 'once so that we may, place
our orders.
We also handle all kinds of Logs
and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and
Scranton Coal, Canada Cement,
Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can-
ada Fibre Board, Metal Building
Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc.
Tf iii the market for any of the
above items it will pay you to tel-
Head Office BRUCEPll?LD,
We have added a stock of
New Groceries
and can now supply you with Teas,
Sugar, Caa.led Goods and other lines
to be found in a grocery store, We
also sell Conner's Bread. 9Phis is an
addition to
Flour and Peed
of which we keep a full stock and
will deliver goods to any part of the
town. We will appreciate a share of
your patronage.
All kinds of produce taken is et-
change for goods.
Victoria St., Next the Hospital,
It Will Pay You
to Order Now.
Owing to the great advance
in the price of all kinds of
metals Furnaces are soon to
advance. If you are going to
instal a Furnace or have anyt
Numbing done this pear you
will save money, bp getting
prices at once.
E �a T"il
The Big Store°
Men's Heavy Rubbers, black with
red sole ,,,,2,05
all recd 3 00
black with white pole 3.00
. with Min, leather top 4,25e.
and a felt insole free
100 lbs oyster shell for 00e
5 Ib package of Dr. Hess Poultry
Panacea 85e
14 lb package " 35e
This is the greatest egg producer.
Specials for Saturday
Eggo Baking Powder, reg 25e for Zinn
3 pkg Corn Starch. reg 30e for Inc
3 pkg Laundry Starch, rag 80c for 25a
3 pkg Jelly Powder, meg 80c for 25e
3 bottles Vanilla or
Lemon, reg 20e for 250
un -
O. iia sber
The big stole with little vices