HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-11-30, Page 88
Prepare for Winter
Brantford Roofing
Roofing Paint
Tarred and Pain Building Paper
Beaver Board
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Glass and Putty
Cow Chains and Horse Clippers
A Big Assortment of
Stoves and Ranges
Stove Boards, Stove Pipes and Elbows
Perfection Oil Heaters—just the thing for chilly
mornings and evenings,
Mitts and Gloves Galan.
Harland Irosm
Ilse .Cetus .,Caen
Stationery for ali
your social corres-
pondence. While
moderately priced, it
is of a quality that4
delights bot,' sender ql
and receiver.
Note Poser Envelopes
NV -rifled Tablets Tablets Papetriee
Correspondence Cards
rnitialred Stationery
Gentlemen's Glob Note
toad. Envelopes
Rubbers ! Rubbers ! Rubbers!
111131100113001:671664:111111110481561:51154 922153:11M861 MICSILKI26211
Are you getting the very best that money
can buy in Rubber Footwear?
Are you buying these Rnbbers at the
lowest possible prices ?.
Give us a call for your next pair.
We handle only the best and sell them at
the lowest prices possible for high=grade goods
.A Man and His Shoes I
I g
A man likes to buy his Shoes ata store in which he
has confidence.. -where he knows that the shoes tire the
best, and that he will get real honest value in return for
his money.
In other words, Sir. if you buy your Shoes here, you
will Set satisfaction as well as shoes, -not an advertised
fictitious value, but
Real Shoe Worth
We have a dust Might Shoe Style for Man's taste
and a special requirement
We're Men's Shoe Specialists
$4.00 $5.00 $6.50 up to $8.00
There is no copyright on these prices. Any store can
quote them. Its out' -::Shoes at the price that tell the
story, and we trust we may have your consideration.
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to -the room,
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axwinsters, Wif-
tons, etc., that w e have
priced at attractive prices.
We would be rnost pleased
to show them to you, a
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone We:- 28
The Nems -Record For
Neat, Well Executed'
Job Work.
Often the Cheapest—
Always the Best.
Mr. A. Hooper was in Guelph yes-
terday. .
Stiss Florence Cunindiame is in Lon-
don this weep.
Mr. G. II. Mitchell of Hanover was
in town last week,
Mrs. Geo. Mackenzie left Monday for
Toronto to visit her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Clark of
Goderich were in town on Tuesday.
Miss Mabel Cantelon spent a few
days in •Detroit daring the past
Miss C'leta Ford was up from London
speeding the week -end at her home
in town.
Mrs. J. Southcombe is spending a
few days this week visiting in the
eta home neighborhood in Hu'ilett.
Rev. J. W. Baird of Exeter was the
guest while in Clinton over the
week-end•of Mr. and Mrs. A, Hoop-
Principal l3ouck of the Model school
was in Goderieh on 'ruesdayl even-
ing giving his address on "The Un-
ion Jack."
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woods, who spent
a week in town, left
Detroit. They will probably, go on
to their home in Victoria, •B.C•.
Mr. H. and Miss Cole and their
niece, Miss Mildred Evans, leave
the beginning of the week for Brant-
ford, where they will spend the
litrs. Fred Bast of Buffalo, formerly
bliss Ida Murphy, returned, to her
home on Fridays after spending sev-
eral days visiting Mrs, J. Appleby
and other friends in town.
Mr. A. V. Quigley. of The News -Ree
ord staff is enjoying a fortnight's
vacation. He visited Stratford fri-
ends fors a few days last week,
This week he is in Detroit.
Rev, Dr. Rutledge goes to Wingham
on Saturday and on Sundaynext
will conduct special services in the
Methodist church which is an old
Mrs, Attridge and, Mrs. Brooks, who
had been the guests for a fortnight
of their aunt, Mrs. W. C'antelon,
left Monday for their homes at
Brown City, Mich.
]Miss Sybil Cmurtice returned home on
Monday evening, having attended
W.M.S. conventions at Strathroly
and Forest. She also spent a few
days as the guest of Rev, S. J.
and Mrs. Alibi at Wyoming.
Mr. Frank Keys has gone to visit
friends in Orillla.
Mr. Edward Foster has taken over
the mail route from Mr. Frank Keys.
Master Carl Johnson had the mis-
fortune the other day to break his
arm while cranking his father's car.
Mrs. Alfred Austin is spending a few
weeks with irierids in Clinton.
Misses Louise and Jeanette Grif-
fiths spent the week -end at their home
Mrs. Andrew Reid of the Parr. Line
is visiting her son, Mr, John Reid of
• Hamilton.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist church on December
3rd• withentertainment n the
an o
Alonday etenin g • following..
Miss Myrtle Johnson has gone . to
London to train as a nurse.
Nlre, Weeks has returned home after
spending a month with -friends In
Mr. Nelson Reid and Miss Maggie
Stewart spent Sunday at the home of
the latter's sister, Mrs, Harvey Tur-
Quite a number frons around, here
went to the Hillsgreen tea sleeting
last 'Monday evening.
Clinton News -Record
November 30th, I9it3
r. ry '! ow
On account of the constant rise in the cost of all materials and labor, it became necessary for
the manufacturers of 1). & A, Corsets to advancetheir prices. They thought that the wearers of.
their product would prefer them to do this with the understanding that the high standard of the
Le Dive and D. & A. Corsets is to be maintained. From time to time they have issued price lists'
showing the advance on their many styles. The price list taking effect Oct. 25th was an enormous
advance, only to be followed by another sharp advance ons Nov. 1st, In order to enable everyone
who wish to secure a pair of the above mentioned corsets at the old price, we offer them for sale from
now until Saturday night, Dec, 2nd, provided our stock lasts that long,
is stayed at the vital points in such a way that the shapely lines of your gown are accentuated and
retained. At the same time this corset is so pliable and easy that absolute freedom of movement
is assured. It lends a youthful grace and elegance to the figure.
Not one woman in ten thousand can really have a "figure"
without a corset, D. & A. Corsets furnish the actual support nec-
essary to every lady. A few light strips of the peerless D. & A.
boning give as much control of the figure lines as the stiff, heavy
crainping corsets of former years.
Whatever the design, style or price of the D, & A. Corset you
buy,'it is the best value, best fit and quality for the money.
We illustrate two styles of D. 8z A. Corsets --there are many—
and,' whatever your physical type, you will find a "D. & A," to
please' you A Corset that will keep its shape and beau-
",Will not break, or rust, or tear, D, & A. Corsets made for wear"
DECEi`lB'ER 2nd, at
Women's Store
Dry Godds and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom. Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Mr. Ed. YungbluI has returned from
the west.
Mrs. 'I', Sampson and daughter, Su-
sie, spent the week -end with London
Mrs. J. Lyon is visiting her (laugh-
ter, Mrs. Dewar of London.
The local branch of the Women's
Institute will assemble for its regu-
lar lar mon thl mein Foresters'
ball on 'l'hursrday, afternoon of next
week. The unmarried ladies will pro-
vide the program, entertaining •their
married sisters. All ladies will be
matte welcome.
Goderich Township
Thr, Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie-
ty will hold their meeting on Wed-
nesday afternoon next at the home of
Miss Flossie Cole.
Airs. 5, B. Kiraly and son of Tor-
onto are visiting at the horpe of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Suther-
Mrs. Phillips and children of Tor-
onto have returned home after visit-
ing for a couple of months with the
Masts Willison and other friends.
The members of the w M°.S. recent-
ly sent two barrels and a large bale
of goods to the fire sufferers in the
northern part of the province.
Mr. Daniel Sutherland is not im-
proving iii health as quickly as the
many friends of the faintly would like
to see.
The Women's Bible •Class of the
Methodist church donated fifteen dol-
lars to the acedy Belgians recently.
St. Helens
Mr. Janes Henry and sister, Miss
',attic, spent Sunday at the borne of
ii r, Arch. Anderson.
Fr, Elwell Webster has returned
tonic from the west.
Mrs. Mills troll Saslratchewarr vis-
ited at the home of Airs. Jas. Aibeh-
eson last weeir.
Messrs. llarvey. and John Webb are
home from the west. We arc pleased
to see them in our Midst again.
Mrs. .Jas. Levis and family mored
to the house owned by 'Mr. Buchanan,.
Mr. and Mr's. Woodley and family
moved into the village last week,
Mr. Thomas Reid of Auburn ac-
conrpanied by his two sisters visited
at h Robinson
the borne of Mr ob o Woods
last week-,
Mr, Irwin has been busy during tire
past week putting in a water system
at -Robt. Woods.
Mr. D. Bell of Toronto spent a few
d.' _e , John Lit.-
J. i ..i
days at the borne ofmRt-
Misses Rose and Irene O'Connor of
St. Augustine visited at the horse of
Mr, W .1. Todd' last 'week.
Mrs. Jas. Barbour is spending a few
days with her daughter, bits. Ben Me-
Olenuingan, ui Kinloss.
Itulleft Township
Mr. Frank Reynolds spent a veru
euioyable day last Sunday at Cole-
man's of Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds and
family have returned home From Por-
tage la Prairie this week after an
absence of nearly five years.
Mr. Charles McCartney of Ashfield
was the guest at Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
on Sunday nd tveck
A quiet tet .wedding took pines at the
Presbprterien manse art Wednesday of
last week 'when tire Rev. Mr. Laing
united in marriage Miss Pearl Agnes
Cuningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Cunningham of Hullett, and
Mr. James Straughan of near Sum-
merhill. '
The Auburn Dramatic Club went to
Londesboro on Friday evening last
and presented their popular playlet,
"The Minister's Bride," They all re-
port having had a most enjoyable
On Saturday week at the manse at.
Varna Miss Mary Walker was marri-
ed to Mr. Htlgii Mcdougall Of Tiver-
ton, Rev. D. Johnston officiating.
Miss Annie Foster of Varn>, was
bridesmaid and Mr. Macdougall, a
cousin of the groom, was. hest pian.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
lcamisome necklet of pearls and to
the groom a tic pin. After tire cer-
rsrony the party drove to the home
of the bride's parents, where a sump-
tuous wedding feast was .partaken of,
Mr. and Mrs. McDougall afterwards
drove to Seaforth anti took the train
for Hamilton, Toronto and oilier
points on a honeymoon trip. They
returned Wednesday turd a reception
was }cele] for them at, the home of
the bride. Mr. and Mrs, McDougall
left for their home at "Tiverton on.
Friday last,
The Kelly MissionCirele held their
annual bazaar and sale of work in
the lecture room of the Presbyterian
church on Friday last anti the day
being very unfavorable there was not
so many out as was expected, but
all the articles, and they were num-
erous anti pretty, were disposed of.
Tile proceeds emanated to about sov-
eut} five tltilars. .
bliss Mice Rattenburp is. visiting in
Before Iris departure for this new
home at Marlrham the oddfellowe
presented D'r. Rogers with a hand-
some watch fob.
The r friends of Mr,Alex, Mu
will he pleased to heat brat he
is recovering fresc his recent' severe
illness, -
Mrs. 'Torrance Dunlop of Zurich
was the 'guest of her. molter, Ales,
R'attenbuty, this week,
For the Big Entertainment to be
held in the Town Ball, Monthly
Decenrfrer 18th
25 OIS
To take part in a Pillow Fight,
Bun eating Contest, and a
Tag -of -war
Alse"24 Pictures of Babies born in
Clinton since the war started.
Pictures to be shown on the slide for a
prize worth trying for
For full particulars see
Chairman Santa Claus Committee
Stove Pipes
Also a few second-hand
Stoves, e , in good repair
for sale.
Agents for McClary's Famous.
Sunshine Furnaces.
Call or phone for prices.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Sanitary Plumber. Phone 'P.
40.45 p.m.
. Monday, Wedaesda3, Friday
For Parry Sound, Sudbury; Port Arthur,
Fort William Wiunipcg, Brandon, Regina,
Saskatoon. Calgary, North Battleford,
Edmonton, Vancouver, Ar Pacific -Crest points
Tickets and Borth Reservations from A. T, Cooper, G.N.W. Agent, Chil-
ton, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, .GS King St.,
G. Toronto, Out.
D Cleanq smokeless and odorless oven means perfect
-Cooking and baking. This isassured by ventilation and.
the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in
won't be hard ro decide what range you want in your
kitchen after I show you the Pandora's special featu,res..