HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-11-30, Page 5November 30th, 1916 'Th At :forma know Jlnblis 'Temp the b Nue cities same. the C Cntar ion' A Provi; Tl 11; Part feet i so Io same aro pe Part his.cl sale y intoxi direct device city, than' y�dper any it ship, sent, or int intoxi consig ward intoxi brougl Par d of t any iii broil person earn i]y tied, b for in person servan j)rinci as him No pravisi render Any 'O1' bre Any .'any st 'dl'; re liquors 'or otl' •or ...Any west bt'and•Y eves or :ituous. Any :whets 1,18- iy sac 'certific that t mental gists license 'eacii p such I{ shall n or par .one fo tants 110 - 'for exe for ho 'or mall person sante ; when shall b and stn the ce physic! sale, a been p. therein tttg li art, same '^r ce justice faith o Inc the (CORN Oh! A, da,, toy} soli oft ou W. McD0i ne gar and to A 1 LEP Mic of rich to' AUSTI to l Va 'COLLI 1St1 Col MUNN to l tial. liCeiE. to sot :c1eTA( To Ta, 9?ALF( 2011 fon LYNO] jot ,0 0' VE Jet late yea k1cTAG No aged e2 years, Clinton News -Record Canada Temper," C' a p arca Act. theala- request of and for the hi- tion of readers who wish to the law 'rhe News -Record is hin that part of the Canada)L, g .ranee Act which has to do with 'Ting,sellingand keeping of p 6 a under this Act, and the pen-, attached to the violation of Huron County is still finder anada Temperance Act, not the io Temperance Act, the llontin- ettakingprecedence v• tU" o ea c dial'law : AFFIU IN 1NT7'OYTCA'1'INCT LIG1zTJORS.Suits, t -From the day on which this comes into force and. takes ef- o any county or city, ,and for ng thereafter as, and while' the continues or is in force therein, 'son shall, except 'as in this specially reveled, himself,' s y i by err:, savant or agent expose for vithin such county or city any' eating liquor, or directly or in- Ty on any pretence or by anyi- within any such county or sell or barter, or in. considers- of the purchase of any other ty, give to any other : person itoxicating liquor ; or send, bring or carry, or cause to be shipped, brought or carried to any such countyor city anya catiug'liquor ; or deliver to'azty nee 'or other person or store, Ouse or keep for delivery any eating liquor so sent, shipped, It or carried. a graphs o, and c1. of sub section his section shall not apply to toxicating liquor sent, 'shipped 1pp or carried to any person or s for his or their personal or use, except it be'so sent, shirr- rouge:, or carried to be .paid such county or city to the delivering :the same, his clerk, t or - agent, or Ms master or pal, it the person delivering it self a servant or agent. g act done in violation of the one of this section shall he ed lawful by reason of- license issued to any' distiller license for retailingon board eamboat• or oilier vessel,bran- ea whiske • or ether spirituous y P wine, ale, beer, porter, cider Cr vinous or fermented liquors; license for retailing on board eamboat or other vessel, wine, et, porter, cider or other vin- �, rum, whiskey or other spinligite, fermented liquors, but not liquors ; or' license o of any description The sale of wine for exclttalve-' :amental purposes may, on the ate of a Clergyman affirming he wine is required' for sacra- purposes, be made by drug- anal vendors thereto specially' I by the lieutenant governor of, :ovine ; but the number of ceased druggists and vendors it exceed one in each township 'sli, or two in each town, or r every four thousand inhabi- its each city'. The sale of intoxicating liquor lusively medicinal purposes, or na fide use in some art, trade UfaCtllre, man lie made by any duly authorized to sell the but such intoxicating liquor sold for medicinal purposes rti6razte stillcate, s h, v, the particular purposes set forth' in that the liquor is to be used only for the a(iirination. Such vendor Shall fila the certifleates and keep a re 'fs- E ter of all such sales, indicating the name of the purchaser and the quan- tit c'sold and shall make an annual return aP all such sales, on the Chir- ty-first (lay of December in every year, to the collector of inland Rev- entre within whose revenue division the county or city is situated, county? may, at his premises, any Ii- 120 -Any producer of cider in the oeused distiller or brewer, haying his •s• • • ; distillery ot. brewery, expose and keep •3. for sale such liquor as he nlanufac-(y d tur•es thereat, and no other ; and maysell the same thereat but. only in , c uant quantities not less than ten gallons, 1 or in, the case: of ale or beer, not' less than eight gallons at any one time, and only to druggists and Yen- dors licensed 'a9 aforesaid, or to such person as he has good reason to lie- 'neva will forthwith, carry the same beyond the limits of the county or city", and o;f any adjoining county or city in' which tine Part, is then in force and will not carry or send the seem or cause the same to: be sent or carried into any city or county in . which the same is to be dealt with in violation of any pron'incial law in force in such city or county, to be wholly removed, or taken ayva i't Y quantities not' less than ten gallons; or in case of ale or beer, r nboxof ot less than eight gallons at a trine. 122 -Manufacturers of pure native wines made from grapes grown and producedby them in Canada, may, when authorized so to do, by license from the municipal council, or other authority, having jurisdiction where such =manufacture is carried on, sellTo such wines at the place of mannfac- titre inquantities of not less than ten gallons at one time, except when sold for sacrimental or medicinal iur- 1 poses, when any number of gallons, hem one to ten, may be sold, . 128 -Any merchant or trader, ex- elusively in wholesale trade and duly licensed to sell liquor bywholesale, gP.Potter having his store or place for sale of goods within such county& or city, Wray thereatkeepfor sale and sell in_ toxicating liquor, but onlyin quanti- tics not less than ten gallong at, any one time, and only to druggists and vendors licensed as aforesaid, or such persons as lie has good reason to believe will forthwith carry flit " same beyond the limits of the county or city in which this Part is then in ford and will not carr or send Y the same or cause the same to be sent or carried into any city or conn- ty in which the same is to be dealt with in violation of any, provincial law in force in such city or county, to be witolf removed and tai..ett away` ]V in quantities not less than ten gat- Ions at a time, 124 In any prosecution against a producer, distiller, brewer,,manufact- erer, a merchant or trader, for any violation of this Part, it shall lie upon the defendant to furnish satis- factary. evidence of 'having good tea- ,roti. for believing that each liquor would be forthwith removed beyond the limits of the county or city, anti of any adjoining county or city in which this Part is then in force, for eonhsunrption outside the same and that such liquorwould not be carried or sent into arty city or county and dealt with in violation of any pros'-- !petal law iii force in such county or county,. ('l'o be continued.) •• - . • L: mote 63,7 ' • SHOWI'1IO NS FOR 'SALE --THREE ► f)0SALE-YOUNGE FOR COW, FOR SALE OR 71 O RENT. AN 'g -,-L, lluclie 63.1 W. Bert 02.7 ' Y ; ` 0• Smith 62.2P 0. Lindsay62.2 young butte, two reds' and a roan, from 11 to 13 months old, sired by a bull from a record. milking strain, toy freshen Feb. 1st. �1.ppl to -Hi- roomed house on Princess street. Y rain Hill, --G4-2. Furnace' and' bath. Now • occupied by W. Collyer, -For particulars • 0 � A. R, McGoan 62.1 L Kahle 62- -• M. Gibbins 61,9' Feirfull61.5 Good -growth and Med. , • Come and see them or write -E. H. Wise, R. No.3, Clinton, R. k hone 1!2- on plyto W. S. Harland,tt tre t Clinton. eta enbt'x 5 BRIOT� n oni: FOR SALE. -GOOD s c , wiitio-55 location William reel, near the PARCELS E, i F. Strrl n-4 'rooms, L+, G, 80.6 155. G1, Model school.' Ten""� electric light,.waterworlcs, bathroom, etc.- CREAM WANTLID. -DAIRYMEN e-� A. Eagleson 60.5 T. T. -iviure i ., �.,. having cream to sell wri+ t I3, Forrester 00.3 IVIDET1NG OF HURON COUNTY for cane. We supply pp y two cans tree, FORM I'I[ Honors L, Kemp 54,3 30.orS S 0.l G•raingei• 80,4 17. Reid 80.1. W. Townshetul75.6 S. Nelson 75,4 council. The council of thetorpor- or alien of the County of Huron will meet the council h ,. chamber, inthe Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 5th day of December next,, at -3 o'clock, Dated Nov; 20th, 1010, - ll'. Lane Ctierlr, OI -2, Pay all express charges and issue cheques YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE- twice each month, cheques •in payable at' ar, Wo' a the hi - paired and Pressed and at the e. i p .Y, gh shortest ossible notice. Bothest-market pxtces consistent with p o Lad les mid Gentlemen's clothes,We as honest last. Testing dnno re a guarantee to do rood':'work.' I am competent man. Each can careful- bly weighed,; sampled and tested on prepared to French Dry Glean an Ladies arrival and statement returned. Gents Suits and all kinds - For the bo boys at the front, in the trenches, camps and hos- " itale, p we'ravemanysu estions to Ilia t art , gg • , . choose your pau:els for Christmas. = —' Pass 1\LOhidla 73.5)r y se Carter 78,3Hall 1. Stothers 73.2 R. Taylor 73.1 yPatrons 11• McGowan STRAYED -TO LOT .,1y CON. 5, Tltalett, a yearlinghenna owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. Apply to - Those in the vicinityea of Iiinburn of woolen clothingincludingSweat- era, etc. All orders promptly at-`. may leave their cream with Mr. who will deliver it here, ohnson's tended to. Rooms over J VPritq for cans and give us a trial. yewelery Stora. -Wm. J. Jago. -58 in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their ordain to Beatty We Raisins Otlly a %eW left _ ..e... at lie per lb, ^73.1 Z. Churchill 72,3 Thomas Flynn, R. 11. No, 1, Olin - Bros, E. Stella. 0,0 71 I. Stoltz 70.6 D. Fowl ie 70.6 ton. Phone ?' on 165. -64. II II' pinkly 'pf f�if p�1BtT L�u� pit tJ ��ii Store and it will he taken care' of there -The `Seaforth Cream- Cream - ffChristmas cry„ Box 486, Seafortla; Anti. Cake in our south 10. Evans 70.5 V. Asclunh 69.1 L 1 19V l `D window will be tallied at Bazaar -Y, L,P.S, W, Draper 68'4 14L. Lansing 67.9> F. Reynolds 67.8 WANTED -HORSE 7I1DL,S BEEK Hides, Skunk, Coon, Mink, or ant other Furs. -James Steep, Licensed ...ea,: We are prepared to handle kinds Tickets, 8 for sec -For sale here y: t M. Orich 65,9 A. Leonard 65,2 to deal in Pure. -04 all i y' of live toultr011R AI H. Stuart• O5 R HaD'. Mardowirins 64.6 n lel161.6 FORM IV HbHors I1latricnfation IC, MacGregor 87.5 J. Smith 78.2Shaw M iSIC-MISS IITTA MORI'EN IS prepared to accept a limited Hunt- pupils for instruction in piano. For refsrnee e I a l or I '1'o ne 0. Conner's, Clinton. -62 - Highest in a r k eli - price paid -Phone 14 on 1GG. Pullets For Sale. fat the corning poultry season 100 !so ■ O'ieil H. 61 tons of Poultry. - W. MARQUIS. Part 1 -Faculty Entrance FARM ICOR SALE, - 100 -ACRE Honors L. Mackay 76 Pass P. S Cott 73.5 H. Cantelon 73 W- Gray 61 5 A. Glazier 61 • Perri 2-1+acuity Entrance Honors farm tor' sale, 21 miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, IIul- lett tkbarzip. On the premises are a bank barn 50x80 with stone stab ling underneath and lie storey 8- roomed frame house with good eel- o. Rural telephone.irtls lhard wood bush ; first class 'soil. This farm is convenient to schools and 1 ,ti �5 NANTED I 1 +•le WE CiAN GIVE ship the above amount wifl re- qure at least 20;000 chickens 20,000 hens . Brucefield and Hayfield ���)t Lumber Coal and Cement Yards. K. MacGregor 84.4 F, 0opp 19.8 A. Townshend 78.8 78,8 Pass I, Middleton 60,3 Churchill churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit perches- er. ForFEW particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Out. -62, EMPLOYMENT TO -Al MORE KNIT- TEES, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE, 5,000 ducks 8,000 turkey's 1,00.0 geese. lie ara In lite ,market for all your — Coal is going to be dear, scarce and hard to get, so let us have your orders now and we will supply - pen with "The COM that Satisfies" if at all possible, A, Dewar 83,8 A, POULTRY WANTED. - >✓ V P R Y Clinton KnittingCo. live poultry of good straitly at top prices. Enquire for prices Before you We are going to stock a few cart of Cake which will come considerably PRIVATE SALE -OF :A NUMBER of household articles. Call at Mrs. Tuesday ntonung. Highest prices Iaaitt,- Horner cue Ings,, Tarns -00 " LIMITED. l sell.you It will pay to cheaper coal and If would like to try a load of this, let us know atde once so that we may, place Mark's (residence of the late Rev, you give your best attention to our orders. J, Greene)Huron Street, dayor es. al 65-1. STRAYED. -FROM LOT 21 CON. O f3, 13ullett, .a yearling heifer with a merle on dewlap. A suitable • re- x' ' 'p' pv r) b ;� r r 0 rs L �v 4p.,. k •' ! ° a a ;lrm w,i ,'vq � y, $ r; ° your laying hens as new laid eggsWe are expected to reach re -g• cord prices this winter, also handle all kinds of I o s and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, NOTICE TO CREDITOTtS. 1N THE ward will he paid for very.-Ttioii leading to its recovery, -Thos. q ea d f 5 }: y =��" ; r .,.'Ml ,•--- Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Car- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building estate of 'yin. Leppington, late of the town of Clinton, in the County 12. R. No. ly Clinton. Phone 18 on 1,651 nil •� r^ ,� - �,t�° � ,- ai\ 4 - GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc'. o[ Huron, f;eutleman, Deceased. / It in the market for anyof the -- Notice is hereby •;,gtd1 i above items it will pay you to tel - given that all per- seas having any claims against theMISTY Estate of Win. Leppington, who FARM 'rG RENT -100 ACRES -32,- . miles south VISION The Lip -to -date Firm CLINTON. - ephone. died on the 30th day of October, 1916, at Clinton, Ontario, are re- a kon Bap b b 1 d Road, brick bearing,r lieu': barn, young orchard, comes with advancing years, but can -ee (mired ou or before the 20th clay of December, to semi by. post or delis- or to the undersigned )executor heke- in for the estate of the said deeeas_ two wells on farm, Possession gin- en April 1st, fel Tenant call.go on farm to clo. fall plowing, . For or Particulars nada to-hIrs. WI in- gg teat, Clinton, or James Switzer, be cleared by properly, fitted glasses. Spectacles are our specialty when we lit them the ire satisfaction, Y give THE CO��E TOBE JOHN B. MUSTARD LIcad QIllce BRUCEFIELD, , ed, full Particulars of their claims ; and that after the said last men- tiotied date the said Executor willLive Bayfield, -59 Eyes Examined ., We have added a stock of proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having r6- gard only. to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said Executor will not he FOR, SALE OR TO RENT, - A house and lot on North street, and house' and lot on Cutter St -APP1Y to 'Urs, Butler or to C. B, Hale, -5s, Free Let pie show you how quickly, I can do your repair work no waiting, ' g, work always featly when you come, and'Let Litre .-._ �± For Your C Christmas Baking. New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store., Re also sell Conner's Bread, This is en liable for the said 'assets, Oh:. any part thereof, to auup person 'of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated 'at Clintonate, this 22nd :day of Nov. 1910, -Jac- oh Taylor, Executor. 94-3, DR, W. J. CrLANli'IEL.D, M,A., M. B., Physician, etc., horror Grade- Toronto University,six oars' y' experience, Brumfield, Ont. -58-12 e Silverware of all kinds 184'7 in- eluded. •A beautiful line of genuine cut glass. A o imitation, anything WAwill haven't in stock we will gladly send for. +* Frem many lauds there ]lase been gathered togetherin our store thes ingredients and most s baking, for the Christmas addition to Flout' and Feed of which we keepa full stock and deliver goods to any part of the town: We will appreciate a share of p your patronage. e. removed from the premises ch sale shall be merle onlyon of a legally qualified an having no interest in the Terming that suds liquor has :eseribed for the person named When such sale of intoxicat- guar is for use. In some trade or manufacture, the shall be made only on signed by t in of the peace, of the good f the application, accompanied agirmation of the applicant, --. _finest Clinton Collegiate Institute Report of first term exantlnetivii. Names of pupils holm have obtained 60 pea cent or over on.the whole oxamin- alien, FORM I. Honors D. Marquis 87,1 H. Ross 81 J. Townshend 79.$ J. Cooper 78.3 All kinds of produce taken ;n ex, _g = k,kl . ' 14 ° HOUSE FOR SALE OF FOR RENT. -On Dunlop street,eight rooms, good cellar, town water and cis- tern ; house in good state of re -Optician paircarter acre land ; g , apple trees. Will he vacant Oct, 1st,- R• H. JOHNSON and Jeweler We welcome one and all to inspect these goods ; 'they, will bear he closest analysis for we selected them from only the most choice of Sam- pies, Kindly order all tor holiday change for goods, D. D N.1'y ATSOI\ Victoria St., Next the Hospital, TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD AND PINE LIMIT. IPor particulars apply to 1V, Dry.. done, Clinton. -55 Crum Wanted goods baking as early as possible' as some of them are' going to he short this year. ....00,1 It Will Pay You Tenders will be received by the un• dersigned up to and including the 1st day of December next foe the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber onCurrants a certain ,area situated on the I'ic River and other territory adjacent thereto, in the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount per cord on pulpwood, andper thous- and feet, board measure, on pine, FARM FOR SALL'•-LOT 30. IN THE 7th con., Goderich township, con- &0 acres all under cuftiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone form- dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet- Cr' C•antelon, Huron Street, West,' Clinton, r18, Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every W E• D' N E S D A Y m o't n nog and weighed, tested and paidfor while you wait. Also all kinds 01 live fowl wan- ted. Fowl recelyred. Wednesday, morning each week. Let us suggest a few of the More important lines : Seeded and Valencia •Ra•sins from Patios Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts Peels -Lemon, Orange, Citron Mincemeat and Extracts, , Canned Z egetabies- Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans, Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus, to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance, Ifyou are goingto instal a Furnace or have any; Plumbing done this year you will save money, by getting prices at once. i y t - �-F1� .Marriagestaming SIT-PICKETT-In O'atarlo St hrch; on Nov. 29th, by Rev, J. Agnew, Effie Alberta, younger ;gaiter of Mrs. I. Pickett of, ce, to Glen Wray Cornish, only of Mr. and Mrs. James Cornish he Base Line -STRAITON - At Goderich, 26ev.,2let, Bello_ Stratton, .to J. Smith, both oie Strattn 7GALL-WALKER-At Par- Nov. 18th, Mary Isabella Mar- et, youngest daughter of r M , I. Mrs. John Walker, Brucelield ldugis McDougall of Tiverton P - LAWSON - At Detroit, h., Nov. 21st, Anna, daughter Ca .t•. and Mrs, Lawson, Ug e- 1, to Raymond Be Allen of De• it Births N—In Clinton, on Nov, 28th, 'Ir, and If re, Alfred Austin of rna, a son NGWOOD-In Exeter, on Nov I, to Private Ernest and Mrs, lin yvnocl, a daughter- g g -Near Hensen, an. Nov. 10th, 4ir. and Mrs, .Robert Munn, a igh•ter .N -At Gederiola, on Nov. 12th tir,.and Mrs. R, M, McLean, a G It - rl 7 In Blyth, on Nov.18111 bar, and Mrs,, George,D. Mc- ever, .a doughty, )Uit-In Wiugbam. on Nov. 1 Mr. and Mrs, William Bal. to r, a daughter Deaths T -Lu \IcKillo on Nov, 19th, p• nu Lynch, aged 80 earnkIi Y S Y Ni ooK—In Seaforth, on: Nov. ;lttine Hogg, widow . of the Andrew Geri -3' hoer: aged 85 is GART--In Exeter No'th. on 15th, Leonard McTaggart; Pass A. walker 78.0' F, Heliyar 71.7 I. Mester 71.1 E, Rutledge 70,5 C, Tyndall 80,8 V. Pepper. 60.2 Z. Jackson 67.9 I, Boucie 67.5 H, Johns 67 W, Nelson 63,3 E. West 65 I). Schee:Meals 04,5 G, Glidden O3 A. Glen 622,8 M. Flynn 61.6 A Lawrence OT,O B. Jervis 61.4 FOR\6 'LI'With Honors Q , 13. Roberton 7. 4 K. Downer 76.8 N. Kennedy 75,4 I. Cole 75,2 Pass- A. Davidson 74,4 M, Cook 73. Mcg' ; 8 J, kiurc hie 13,7 B. Elliott 7;3,4 0, Danford 73,3 H. Lpweenoe 7.3:1 p R. S erenk 72,3 H. Rance 71,0 D. Stephenson 71.7 , L. McOJymont 71:5 C. Jervis 70.6 E. Wasmann 80,0 ' E, Livermore 861,0 E Connell 69,5yterence el. McNeil 60' IL Manning 68.7'brand ei, Holland 68.4. M, Powell 68.1 1, Sinclair 68.1 K, McConnell 67.8 P. Currie 67.8' .ratio V. Wise 68.8 G. blcl3urncy Bfy.'1 M. Ross 66 Freiaa Wattle 65,7The B. Jackson 65,1 4,7cellar G. Middleton 6n G. Mills 64,6 DI, Walker 6d.1 i+, McGregor 64 ' �r m.., n.., ,, a i'i.Highest that they arc prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to dues of 40 SALE, ON T. E. MASON, cents pee cord for spruce, and 20 cents per cord for other pulpwoods, FOR -HOUSE BATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm, Murray. Ap- General Iveercltant, --- THOS HAWKINS e o and $2.00 per thousand feet, board measure for pine, or sect' other rates . ply .to G. D. McTaggart. —02 •GIVE E. E. HUN.NIFORD . as may from time to trine be lined by the Lieutenant -Governor -in -Cann til, for the right to a pulp 1VLcCORMIGI� AGS NE Y,-1 HAVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, 0 �:. IgStore operate mill and a paper mill on or near' the area referred to. Such tenderers shall• be required to erecta mill or mills on 'or near the tcrr:itery and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the province of Ontario—the paper mill to be erected when directed bythe Minister of Lands, Forests ant Men- es. taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business; the car- doge and repair. shop, - Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention.- p P Wilson Elliott, -43 !!�� 66 MM a u]ee soldier boy I am sure nice Obrisrmas to enjoy at We mention Imes that oro mats baking NN��.. Ciend. tits Cake or friend. they would appreciate Cadre such as home. a few of the needed for your -. for theyused necessary your Christ. a _ a , = = c Y �_ 6 Iii r 1 v;F; V� e'af _ tl9� ~\ l�plus i i ' l ,- / 1 Burdock A et s y Hood's Golden Favorite Lydia '(vegetable -. Blood Sarsaparilla p Sarsaparilla Medical Prescription E. Pinkha Compound - _. -- Bitters all at Discovery79c ps the war tax Parties making tender will be re- ,: .e t� unit �a /, quued to deposit with their tender a marked cheque, payable to the Hon- arable the Treasurer' of the Province of Ontario, for tweet five thousand Y dollars ($25,000),. which amount will FOR SALE -THE, PROPERTY. ON Rattcnbur street occupied by Dr. Gandiex neludln house oflieq g barn and -two lots. Will be sold Booklet Seeded E s• Sunkist SeedlessarDRaisins Dromedary Dates LePratras Cerra -11M Magnolia Peels Extracts v r i I' awe, 1� ` ) 2 Cans Peas for 25c 2 Cans Corn for.25c 2 Cans Tomatoes for 30c F� be forfeited in the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out Condaigns, etc. The said $25,000 will be' applied on account of bonus dues as they accrue, but the regulation dues, as mentioned above, will re quite to be paid in the usual manner separatelyor together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft' water in bathroom, kitchen and summer lair'Johnson'sEggs cl)eri.-Apel to, Dr. Gaudier. -40., -- G nose Pura .Lard Criaca Ahitonda:or vValniats 1�7tmefs e Baking Powder Our brands we recommend, are the etunkistBrand of Seeded or Seedless Seedless • (+ IT s4 Y BE NE Y►%7, to you there is any teat diF )g in flours. But we assure you that once you try a sack of our that there is Specials for Saturday 3 Tins Comfort Lye for 25c Canned Pumpkin 10c 8 Tins Swallow `apron for Ode. as returns of cutting of wood Dad. timber Raisins which have a flavor is their own, and rices that will be in 6 you'll recognize a great dilfexcnce and that ours is so @lbs Epsom Salts for 25c P are received, The highest or any tender not 110C- essarlly, accepted, For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be Invested, oto., apply toundersigned, 1 1` the undOR red' G. H. rERCTUSON, Minister i [ Lands, Forest and FOR SALE, - THE . In STORY house with a aerys of land oOn- street lately occupied byMr. Bathes. The garden Is in excellent_ condition and there is 1 acre of raspberries and small fruits. '(he house contains seven rooms with full size of house. Furnace, reach of all, _ hest Market Price for Produce g--•--� fat. superior that there is no Com - p arisen. For the interest of better hDlttiig order a Sack today. W. Jenkins &' Son. t J A t IJ lJA �• 0. I ou sber LONCIESBURO bigstore with little rices p Mines. Toronto, August 28th, 1,91(1. N.I No unauthorized publication electric lights and waterworks, I have also for rental the office late -The ly occupied by John Medd as a Ohns � CO.. Tho Store of Qfla�lty - FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 109,Highest ; ices aid for Pr P • sub to The News. 17)..,,,./....A ell th15 tla5ICC will bc• pard, for, artier shop. -Jacob Taylor. -3b Phoae orders promptly attended to, Grain and Wool. Elevator;