The Clinton News Record, 1916-11-23, Page 5November 23rd, I9I6 Clinton. News -Record Holmeavi'1e Rey, el,..7 McCormick came o Y`er , ;from Blyth on Monday and on his re-` lairn wan' ec(ompanicd .by. .Nl.rs,.Me- Cov.mick, who had remained over Iron) the entertainment ,last week visiting Weeds in the neighborhood.- The heavy frosts of the '!last fess eights has interfered somewhat with plowing but it :ivi hoped that there will be some line weather still. Tne R't. l'lnv, David!. Williaaus, Bish op. of Iluron, administered the rite of confirmation to a class of twelve. candidates at Ste John's, church on' Sunday afternoon last. His Lordship Ow preached e very inspiringsermon front' the -text, "'Hallowed 13e Thy Name." The 'emsdidates were presen- ted by the incimbent, .'Rev. W. R. Moulton, while the lesson was read by the Rev. J. fin Robinson of Clin- ton, A very large and attentive au- dience was present to hear the ad - ',dress of the Bishop. Stanley. Township The Stanley Maple Lear Patriotic Society have closed 'a very successful year, Dueeng the. past twelve snouts they collected $4'03.57, part of this h9 been expended in donations, Ma- tergal was purchased for the follow- ing supplies,` which were made up by the ladies: 405 flannelette day shirts; 27_ flannel shirts, 20 helpless. shirts, 1,14 pair socks, 25 pillows, 10. •dtuflts, 37 wash cloths, 12 Christmas ,stockings. Bahl/lee of cash on hand - $116. This society consists of twenty-four families in the northern part of the township. Thep have received no aid ;from outside sources, and are to be congratulated on the accom- plished. work plished. At the last meeting of the Stanley township council the sum of one thousand dollars was' unanimously voted to the British Red Cross. On .account of the delay in makiog the .donation it was thought that the council did not intend to do anything :and a deputation of "Wise men from the East" with those stalwart pat- riotic orators, Messrs. John Fraser' and R. R. McLean as spokesmen, ape peared to urge action, but the coun- cil was merely waiting to see what the county council would do When the time came they were quite pre- pared ro-pared to do the handsome thing. The clerk of the township would like that all patlimaster:s• return their lists, whether the work is finished or not, so that it snag be known what i lane and those who supplied gray - 'el. may be paid. Native of Stanley Dies in Edmonton. The death occurred in Edmonton, .Alberta, on the eighth inst. of Mr. 'Thos. McClymont in his sixty-seven- th ixty-seventh year. The late Mr, Meolymmnt was a native of ,Stanley township and spent his boyhood and early manhood in the. old township. Later lie spent some time in the United States bet a dozenyears ago he locat- ed in the city of Edmonton, where he has since continued to reside. Par- alysis was the cause of death. Ile is survived by one daughter, Miss 'May, Mrs. McClymont having passed away severer years ago. He is also survived by two brothers, William M.eClymont of. Edmonton and John McClymont of Stanley township, Goderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie- ty meets next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Daisy Middle - the • Marriages STEPHENSON- BRADSHAW — In Clinton, on November 22nd, by Rev, J. A. Agnew, Ethel Mildred, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cr. A. Bradshaw of Clinton, to Law- rence D, Stephenson, only son of Mr. A. B. Stephenson. STRAUGHAN—CUNNINII'ATC'— At Auburn, on Nov.. 15th, Pearl Ag- nes Cumningbam to Jas. Straugh- an. 'WOOD—STEVENSON—In 'Toronto on November 115th, Edith Jean, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. -Stev- enson, formerly of Clinton, to Elmer W. Wood of Toronto, OLENNEY—MORSON — lu Seaforth, November 15th, Marion Ottilie; eldest daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. T, Morson to William lid - ward (Denney, I3es'peler, 6,ACIKNEI'b-MacRAE.--Tu Kissea,:diee, on November 7th, Dr. Harry Mac- kie, Lackner, a ea Kitchener," to • Mrs, : Bell rd , :laughter th a•ofthe Rev, D. B. McRae. Births BEARD -In Hullett, ..on. Noy. 24th, to Pte; John L. and Mrs. Heard, a eon, (John Franklin). 23UEC1=I1L.L—In Brussels, on Novem- ber 12th, to Sergt. and Sirs, Bur- chill, a son. tttISC)NES—In Ushorne, on Nov. 14th; to Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, a son, Clarence Moval. 'I'ISl),ALE—In East Weetanosli,, Nov. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piss dale; a son. Sfael4 iNZRE—In Regina, on Novem- ber 4th, -to' Mr. and Mrs, .Jack Mac- Kenzie, a son. Deaths T7]CIC--In. Clinton, en Nev, 22nd, Mrs, William Hick, aged 76 years and 8 months' -- JERVIS—In Stanley township, Nov, 17th, Henry William Jervis, aged 67 years and 8 months. PETTY—In Hay, on November 1.3th, John Henry Petty, aged 63 years and 10 months. 2VfcCLYMO'NT-In l dinnntorn, Anti-., on November 8th, Thomas Mc- Clymon; in his 67th year, ndrich.. Pte. 'Harry Carey came home Sin, the late train. Friday night„ and the town, Si most of it, stayed' ap end ttu•ned out to greet hun, He was met at the station: by a eo'rchlight pro- cession, the town officials: end -the people. Pte, Careywill soon be Lieut. 'Carey. While regtrperating in England from his, 'third wound, -lie tools a lieutenant's course, passed with honors, and will receive a cams mission whoa be -returns to England at the expiration of his three weeks' furlough. lie is the tirfrd son of;; 0.• F Carey: pis s brother, :yv lieutenant; was recently killed ;in action, and he has three other brothe'rs,,, non' ii, Prance, Mr. 'Phos•. Tabb 'returned last weele from. Maple Creek, Sask.,'where .lie had been assisting his brothers with harvesting and other, farm work for the past_law menthe, Mrs. Fred Hunt has returned from a visit fn .Detroit. Miss Evelyn McDonald has returned to England after a visit with her perents here, Dr. and ties. I'. Ma Kerrison of Co- bourg spent a few days recently es guests of the former's. brother, Mr. W. I3, Harrison, Mr. A. Challenger • • rebutted last week from Alberta, where he spent the summer arnrnec with his sons. M. r Chas: Doty had his hand bally.. injured at the Bell Engine works in Seaforth last :week. Dr. Clark returned last week after spending several weeks judgung light horses in: the counties of York, On- tario, Peel and Simcoe', Miss Margery Moore has returned to Toronto after a visit of some weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn. Mrs. Sheak of Toronto has been visiting Mrs. Joseph Elliott. Miss Clara Stothers has returned from a visit with Guelph and Elora friends. Thomas Lucas, forty-five years of age, of this town, a baggageman on the G. T. R. train -running between Goderich and Buffalo, was struck by his own train just:be- fore entering Terrace street station, at Buffalo, on Friday night last. '171e train stopped,, and with other mem- bers of the crew, Lucas left the train to investigate. When the train started he tried to board it, and was struck by a step. Ho was rush- ed to Emergency Hospital, where it was found the was suffering from a badly -put head and internal injuries. • This was a Piggishdog While leaning over the hog trough, feeding his hogs, Phillip Bondy of Auld, dropped his watch into the trough, and it was quickly gobbled up by one of the animals in its hurry to get his share of the feed. Mr, Bondy noticed the animal go and lie down afterwards, and in this ways he loca- ted the one which had his ticker. The next Jaya the same pig gave evidence of an attack of indigestion, and this decided him that It was the one, He butchered it, and' in the. stomach found the missing timepiece. It had stopped but was in no way injured. lie wound it up and it has been go- ing just as well as it slid before its trip into the pig's interior.—Dresden Times. Beans a Good Crop Huron county' is showing splendid results from the begin crops of 1916, according to reports. The farmers had an unusually heavy crop, which. has turned out to be of excellent quality, One farmer, John Sohsvantz, living a few miles north of Clinton on the Huron Road, had 65 acres of beans, and has already ,sold 1,,900 bushels, which will net hint $5,500, he having made the sale at $5.50 per bushe,, The. farmers of Stanley town- ship are leaders in the production of. beans and they report excellent re- sults this year. NOTICE -LET THE. PERSON WHO took the chain off the machine at Reuben Graham's. return it at once and thus save trouble.--Iliram Hi1L COLTS FOR SALE --THREE COLTS 2, 3 and 1 nears old. -Isaac Bezzo, Clinton. —8d. POULTRY 1VIEETINCa—A MEETING. will he held in the Council Cham- ber for making final arrangements before closing the Prize List 'for the ..owing 'Poultry Show. Every- one in and around Clinton are re- quested to attend this • meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 29th.— Thomas Watts, Secretary,. AZAR The Young Ladies' Patriotic Auxiliary purpose holding a bazaar in town ball, on. Saturday, Nov. 25 Sale of Homemade Cooking, Aprons, Bags, Dolls, etc. DOORS OPEN AT 3 O'CLOCK, Afternoon Tea Served Business Men's Supper from 5 to 7, 20c RAFFLE Dli' CHRISTMAS CARD COS t ortSALL' 'I DUNG COW; SiRA\ I D -TO LOT L 1i, C;ON, ' 5, }eeriett, a yearling „heifer,; 'Owner can hale same ,by Pro,•iiig property and -.paying Lhargee.. Appi)c; to — Thomas Flynn, 11.li. No, 1, Clin- ton. Phone e. on .162. • —64, to' froihen, Feb. 1st.. Apply ttt—I3i- rant Hill. •64 1, SHOR'T'HORNS FOR SALE—THREE young lulls, tyd reds and a roan, from 11 to 13 Months old, sired by a bull from a record milking strain. Good growth and land, Come and' see them or writeeeE. 1-J• Wise, R. R. No. 8., Clinton.:l'iione 12 on 155: -61. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY council, The council of the corpor- ation of the County of Huron will meet its the conned chamber, its the Town of Goderieh, on Tuesday the 5th dray of .December next, at 3 o'clock. Dated Nov. 20'th, 1910. — W. Lane, Clerk, 64-2, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements.—The undersigned has been, instructed by ,Me. William Evans to sell by public auction at Lot 6, Bauble Line, Stanley town- ship, on Tuesday November 28th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the' following ; 1 grey Percherorr mare 8 years old supposed to be in foal, 1 grey per- cheron. 'horse. 4 pears old, blank P thecolt er tnn 3ear s old, 1 tofu y 6 years old,supposed , d tobe 'in calf, 1p 2 cows 0 years old, supposed, to be in calf, 1 cow 3 years old, suppos- ed to be in calf, 3 steers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old,, 2 heifers 1 year old, 4 spring calves, 1 Mas- sey -Harris hinder, 1 Massey -Harris drill, -Massey-Harris bean har- vester, 1. Massey -Harris cultiva- tor, 2 sets iron harrows, 1 No. 7 Verity plow, 1 potato igger, -1 root slicer, 1 sulky rake, 1 'wagon, good as new, 1. set Manitoba bob- sleighs, 1 set market sleighs, 1 buggy, 1 Gladstone buggy, h cutter '2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, steel scraper, 1 fanning mill, 1 set weigh scales, 1 cream separator, 1 large kettle, 1 Daisy churn, No. 2, chains, spades, shov- els, forks .and other articles 'too numerous to mention. A quantity of hay and grain. Terms 5—Eleven months' credit will he given upon furnishing approved joint notes, or a straight discount of 4 per cent. will 'be allowed on all credit amounts except the !rayl and grain which will be sold for •cash or with interest at 0 per cent... -Win. E'vans,, Proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, Auction- eer, uctioneer, —61-1 NOTICE TO CIIEDI'rORS.—IN THE estate of ilio. Leppington, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceasedt, -- Notice is hereby'given that all per- sons having any claims against the Estate of Wnr. Leppington, who died on the 30th day of October, 1910, at Clinton, Ontario, are re- quired on or before the 20th day of December, to send by post or deliv- er to the undersigned Executor here- in for the estate of the said decease ed, full particulars of their claims ; and that after the said last men- tioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of Um said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having ve- gatd only to the claims of which lie shall then have had notice, and that the said Executor will not he liable for' the said assets, or ally part thereof, to any person 'of whose claim heeled] not then have receives] notice. Dated 'at Clinton this 22nd day of Nov. 1.916,• -Jac- ob Taylor, Executor. 04-3, TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD ' AND PINE LIMIT. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including the 1st day of December next for the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situated on the I'ie River and other territory adjacent thereto, if, the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount per cord on pulpwood, and per thous- and feet, boardmeasure, on pine, that they are prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to dues of 40 cents per cord for spruce, and 20 cents per cord for other pulp,voods, and $2.00 per thousand feet, board measure for pine, or -such other rates as may from time to time be fired e u er or-' - by the Lt Gov n rn ute ant (:cion• cil, for the right to operate aa• pulp 1n 11 and a paper mill on or near the area referred to. Such tenderers shall• be required to erect a mill or mills on 'or near the territory and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the Province of Ontario—the paper mill to he erected when directed by the Minister of T,ands, Facets anl es. Parties making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque, payable to the Ilori- arable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for twenty-five thousand Oilers ($25,000), which amount will be forfeited in the event of their not entering into agreement,te carry out conditions, etc. The said $25,000 will he applied en account of bonus dues as they accrue, but the regulation dues, as mentioned, above, will re- quire to be paid in the usual manner as returns of, cutting of wood and timber are received. 'The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., apply to the undersigned!, Cr. H. FERGUSON, eflaister of Landis, Forests and Mines. Toronto, August 28th, 1i0,1,0. N.B•-No unauthotized publication of'this notice will he paid for, WANTE• D—HORSE: HIDES,' 135185 Hides, Skunk, Coos;, !link; Or any, other Furs.—James Steep; '.1'.icensed• to deal in Puss. —04 MUSIC—MISS bli"TA McBR'IEN IS prepared to accept a limited num- ber of pupils for insteuetion in piano. Fox:referiice call or phone 0, Conner's; Clinton, —02 FOR SALE—ONE PAIR OF HEAVY sleighs and one pair of light sleighs also set good heavy scales which will weigh two thousand!' potpies,- Apply to H. Colo, Huron S ;, or M. Evans, corner Mary and Erie, Phone 501., —68-2 I WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING places on the following dates to re- ceive taxes for Hullett township ; Auburn, December, 7th ; Graham House, Clinton, December 8th ; Constance, e December 12th ; Loathe - rah ; Constance, Dec. 15th ; Londes- hero, Dec. 14th and 15th. All tax- es not paid by 'Dec. 111th will be charged the added five percent.—' Samuel McCool, Collector, . 63-2. FARM FOR SALE. — 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 21. miles north of Clinton Ott the •Gravel Road, Ad - lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- ling underneath and l- storey 8 roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rnraf telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to' suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. —62. POULTRY WANTED. —EVERY Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid.—Horner di Ings, Varna —60 STRAYED.--FROII LOT 24, CON. 6, IIullett,'a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. 'A suitable re- ward will be paid for information leading to its recovery.—Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. li, (Alston. phone 18 on i65. —59 FARM TO RFN'P-100 ACRES fie miles south of Clinton, on 13 a y fl e i d Road, brick house, bank barn, young orchard, bearing, two wells on farm. Possession giv- en April 1st, 5917. Tenant can go on farm to do fall plowing. For particulars apply to—Mrs. Wiggin- ton, Clinton, or James Switzer, Bayeleid. —50 FOR. SALE OR TO RENT. — A house and lot on Nettle street, and house and lot on Cutter St.—Apply to Mrs. Butler or to C. B. dale. -58. DR, W. J. GLANFIELD, M.A., NI, Be Physician, etc., Honor Gradu- ate, Toronto University,•Isix years' experience, I3rucelleltl, Ont. —58-12 HOUSE FOR SALE OF FOR RENT. —On Dunlop street, eight rooms, good cellar, town water and cis- tern ; house in good state of re- pair ; quarter acre land ; apple trees. win bo vacant Oct. 1st,— For particulars apply to W. Bry done, Clinton. —55 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 30 IN THE 7th con., Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation ; small house. ; good well. For particulars apply to—Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. • —48, FOR..SALE.-HOUSE ON BATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. —32 IVIcCOfMICI{ AGENCY,—I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention.— Wilson Elliott. —43 FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaultier, including house, office, barn and Iwo lots. Will be sold separately or together.,: Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. !lard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer leil;- ellen.—:Apply to Dr. Gaudier, —40, FOIZ SALE. - THE 11 STORY house with acres, of land on On- tario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is 1. acre of ' raspberries and small fruits, The house contains seven roomy with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworics, I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop,—Jacob Taylor. —35 WANTED.—MAID FOR, GENERAIn I housework.—Apply to James Scott, High. street Clinton, —54 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school, Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, T. T. Murphy. —44. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. 'RE- paired and' Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and : Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good veorlr. I am prepared tot -trench Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent'''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders' promptly at: tended to. Rooms over. Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. 755 LIVE POULTRY CHY WANTED , -so+: We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid.—Phone 14 on 160. Pullets For Sale. W. MARQUIS. GIRLS VYANTED +a. WE C'iAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED, MISTY VISION comes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly, fitted glasses,. Spectacles are our specialty, when we, fit them they give satisfaction. Eges • Examined Free Let me show you how quickly I can do your repair work, no waiting, work always ready when you come. Silverware of all kinds 1847 in- cluded, A beautiful line of genuine cut glass. No irritation, anything we haven't In stock we will gladly send for. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week, T. E. MASON, General Merchant, CATCH THE BOAT With a' nice Christmas Cake for your soldier boy or friend. I am sure they would appreciate a nice Cheisrmas (Jake such as they used to enjoy at home. We mention a few of the necessary lines that are needed for your Christ- mas baking Sunkist Seeded Raisins Sunkist Seedless Raisins Dromedary Dates LePratras 0urrants Magnolia. Peels Extracts Gunn's Pure Lard Crisco Ahnonds or Walnuts Net Begs Eggs Johnson's Baking Powde' Our'brands'we recommend are: the Sunkist Brand of Seeded or Seedless Raisins which have it flavor that is their own, and prices that will be in reach of all. Highest Market Price for Produce Johnson & Co. FOR SALE OR ;t'O'•'R'IWT.-AN g- roomed house on Princess street, Furnace and bath. . Now occupied by W. Collyer,—For particulars ap ply'to W. S. Harland,-Rattenbury street, Clinton. —55 CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice, each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent • with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled .; and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of ' Kinburn' may leave their cream with Mr; Hail who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give, us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bras, Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., reamery., Box 486, Seeforth, Ont. OUR AIM for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire at least 20,000 chickens 20,000 hens 5,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese, We are its the market for all your live poultry of good qualrty at top prices. Enquire for prices before you sell. It will pay you to gf,'e pour best attention to your laying hensas new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord prices this winter: GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up.tomdate Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live • For Your Christmas Baking. From many lands there have beets gathered together in our store the finest and most tempting ingreitieats for the Christmas baking, We welcome one and all to Inspect these goods ; they., will` bear the closest analysis for we selected therm from only the most choice of sam- ples. Kindly cider all goods for holiday belting as early as possible.' as some of them are' going to be . short this year, Let es suggest a few of time more important lines ; . Seeded and Valencia Raisins Currants from Patros Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts Peels—Lemon, Orange, Citron • Mincemeat and Extracts,; Canned Vegetables—, Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans, Sweet • Potatoes and Asparagus. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER IT .1WA Y BE NEWS to you that there is any great dif- ference in flours: But we assure you drat once you try a Sack of • our brand you'll recognize that there is a great difference and that ours is so far superior that there is no com- parison, For the interest o'E beater belcing order a sack today, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED.,. OVER';;. SEA PARCELS For the boys at the front, in the trenches, camps and hos- pitals. We have many sit = restions to ii 1p youchoose' yvur parcels for Christmas. We have only a few Raisins left at llo per lb, Christmas Cake in our south window will be raffled at Bazaar—Y.L.P,S. Tickets, 3 for 25e—Por sale here W.T. Oei1 Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards. Coal is going to be Clear, scarce and hard to get, so let us have your orders now and we will supply you with "The Coal that Satisfies" if at all possible. We are going to stock a few cars of Coke which will come considerably cheaper than coal and if you would like to try a load of this, let us know at once so that we may, place our orders. We also handle all Minis of logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and. Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Leinber and Sbingles, Can- ada Fibre Denial, Metal Building Suteterials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc. If in the market for any of the above items it will pay you to tel' ephone, JOHN B. MUSTARD Head Office ' BRUCEFIELD, •' We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Conner's Bread, This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital., It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to tate great advance In the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to • instal a Furnace or have any; Plumbing done this year you will save money, by getting prices at once. THOS. HAWKINS. 19 ) The Big Store 1000 yards English Print at 121c and 15e, worth 15c and 18c. 500 yards Flannelette, in white, pink and white, blue and white, also dark shades, special at 15c, 100 yards Bliss Serge,. regular 75c for 60c. Men's Fleece -lined Underwear, all sizes, at 50e, worth 75e, Boys Fleece -lined iJnderwear, all sizes, at 40e, worth 50e. Specials for Saturday 4 packages Seeded Raisins, new fruit: for 45e, 4 Lantern Globes for 25e, 100 prs Ladies Storm Rubbers et 50e Coal Oil 15e per gallon. Will pay 40e for Butter in prints or rolls, and 40c for Eggs not over 7 days old. J. Oe Lounsbe,i LONDESBORO The big stare with little prices The Storrs of Quality. The sub to The News- y Phone i00.. IIlghest prices. paid for Record is $1 per year, Ptio>ac orders promptly, attended to, Grain and Wool., Elevator., `"