The Clinton News Record, 1916-11-23, Page 1Clinton News-Rec�rd,
No. I964 37th Year
You it Find the nam. es of the most progressive Business
People in the advertising columns of
g el jab ilit
In a Watch is the Jesuit of superior^
materials, combined n itlr pains-
taking carein putting them
Knowing that every
.fie inaa
is i' sr good as it tn he made' v e
have nohesitation in endorsing the
universal uaranteathat rest with
everyone of''hem,
.- 10
I l
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,,"'G01 •; \,
lirgi:xtei Q
er".. -.
d no
ro `'F
'•�ue�" �
t ve rccats.
r .•.:
and Optician -
ell a6
- - Clinton
Incorporated 1860.
Capital Authorized
()vital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided Profits
Total Assets
380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager •- Clinton Branch
toI and R,eserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Busine4s Transacted,
Circular Darters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Deuartnnento
Interest allowed-at•'highest current rate.
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
2 he r! or,'isf2
of cn Co.
1 OiUTBrN4
the styleyou
ent grades,
Men's Overcoats
ial Suit
t ve rccats.
� Y
Qr'�10.00•to lr..00
to 5 13: 0
to 6.50
find here
you want,..
y like, at
3' want to
-. W e show
styles les_ in different
�in it the differ-
we feel
we can P lease you.
tosee our
at $15.00.
Agent C. P. R.
Phone 18 for Sunday or night calls.
The Women's Patriotic Society Will
meet at two a'clock on Friday. after-
noon 'in the council 'chamber. The
ladies are asked to come early and
bring along thimbles or knitting as
the need for helpers at sewing and
knitting is great,
Lieut. Anderson, who caste here
from Godcrieh, is now in charge of
the local Salvation Army Corps. but
Clapt. Ii ,ane of Stratford is expect-
ed along anyday. Special afternoon
and evening
Meetings were held here.
Tuesday and Wednesday addressed by.
Brigadier :Rawlings and .Brigadier A.
Mr. Fred Cr. Rumball of London
fell on an icy walk the other clay and
sustained a fracture of several ribs.
Mr. Rumball seems to have heels Irar-
ticularly unfortunate for only a few
weeks ago he received severe injury
to his bands when two street cars
collided. The latter accident has had
the effect of laying him up for sever-
al days.
liv, Currie of Blenheim was
the preacher on Sunday last. Next
Sunday will he communion Sunday
and Rev. A. Macfarlane of Bayfield,
moderator interim, will conduct the
services, ,He will also be in charge
of the preparatory service onFriday,
On Tuesday everting next the Girl's
Club will have their annual Than:rof-
fer:ing meeting when Mrs. J. S{.
Fairfull will give an address.
Rev. i'. T. Bartlett General Sec-
retary of the :Epworth League Board,
has been released of many of the
duties of his office so that he may
engage in. recruiting, He will be at-
tached to Major Williams' staff and
his work will chiefly be in and around
Toronto, Mr. Bartlett is a brother-
in-law of Mr. W. H. Heliyar of
town and has often visited in 'Chil-
Word has been received by Mrs.
Tong of Stratford that her hus-
band, Who was recently reported ser-
iously ill, had died in a hospital in
England. Pte. Tong, who was an
Englishman, having heed a resident
of Canada for six years or so, et-
listed with the 33rd and Was thirty-
nine years of age. Pte. Tong and his
family resided in Clinton for a short
time and he was connected with the.
town band for a season or two. The
family left here a couple of years
Mr. W. S. Law, 'collector of cus-
toms at Tilsonburg, died on Friday
in his 83rd year, . Mr Law was at
one time a resident of Clinton, hut
it is so long ago that It is doubt-
fuI if there are more than Ito or
three people here who can remember
him, In the early sixtiest he "Clin-
ton Courter ryas u Iished
b byLay-
cock & Law, and when the paper
ceased publication Mr. Law
went toTtlson ur
band started art d th
Observer, which is still in existence,
but from the management of which
he retired some time ago.
It is with regret we announce the
death of Mr. Henry William Jervis,
which took place at his home on the
Loudon Road on Friday last,
The late Mr. Jervis w s born neer
Holnesville and lived near there un -
ill about
five years agoo when
bought a comfortable little home on
the London' Road and retired from
active work, During the 'last year
he had been failing in health and
his death was not unexpected, He
was a genial, tinnily man, always
cheerful, a good citizen, kind neigh-
bor, and a loving father and husband
Ile is survived by his wife and a
family of seven, live slaughters and
two sons. The family consists of
Mrs. Alex. Elliot of. the Reynold'
Line, Mrs. John ILitkin of the lrlth
concession, Mrs., Thos. Anderson of
C}oderich, Fred and Walter of Alber- •
to and Mabel and Laura at hoine,
tour broth?i•s and five sisters
also survive : Mr. Charles Jer-
vis of Clinton, Mr. John Jer-
vis of Stanley; bIr, Alfred Jervis,
l d t rs
llolmesvilie, Mr, Joseph Jervis of
the Maitland, Mrs. John Trewartha,
of Holmesvidle, Mrs. Thomas Potter
of the Huron Road, Mrs.. Samuel
Merrill of Ebenezer, ilLss. R. C.
Holland of Clinton and Mrs. Thom-
as I-Iolland of Winnipeg. •
in religion Mr. Jervis was a Meth-
odist, worshipping in the :Ontario. St,
church and when his' health permitted
he was always found in his place.
the funeral took place on Sunday
afternoon to Clinton cemetery and
was very largely attended. Rev. J.
A. 'Agnew conducted the services.
Mr. Jervis was a member of the
G. .P• beinga charter
member } of
Iloirnesville Court, Which attended
the funeral in a. body and eondhcted
their beautiful bariel service at the
Mrs. Jervis• and family wish to
express to that friend's and neigh-
bors their sincere thanks for the kind-
ness. and sympathy shown them in
the hour of their severe bereavement
Owing to changes tense; male in
the Public Library, the booksbeing
moved into new quarters and a new
system of distribution -Mein intro-
duced, rto books are being issued just
now and all those having books out,
are asked to return same. The read-
ing, room is open to the public after
goons and evenings as usual,'
Wan Clara Ferguson, who has been
visiting with h hersisters' s 'i town for
ev ra weeks,. and et, l tt a s, a d who had ollered
her services as amilitraxy
nurse, 1et
today for Montreal, having receiv-
ed orders to. report there Friday.
Miss Ferguson gees with The {ween
Alexandria imperial Nursing Service,
Before leaving town Miss Ferguson
was resentedthe Women's 'Pat-
p b} \Vo er s P t
riotic Society with a handsome mili-
tary. wrist watch.
IN •
'rhe marriage took place on Novent-
her 7th at the home of the 'bride's
lather, Rev. D. B. McRae of Kincar-
dine, of Mrs. H. Ballard to Dr. Har-
vey Mackie Lackner of Kiteltermr,
Mrs. Ballard formerly resided in
ton and will be remebe ed
by ' man
here. She has been nursing for the past
few years,..haviug taken a course of
training after leaving Clinton. Her
old friends will waft congratulations
and good wishes.
Next Sunday will be the annual
missionary Sunday. 'The :pastor will
preach in the morning and in the ev-
ening Rev. J. W. Baird of Exeter will
conduct the service.
On Monday 'evening: the - League
meeting Was in charge of the • Good
Citizenship department, Mr. Austin
Roars,, head of the department, oc-
cupied the chair and the feature of
the prograin was en address on Bel-
gium, given by Mr. J. A. Irwin,
A young lady well known in Clin-
ton, Miss Edith Jean Stevenson dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Stev-
enson of Toronto, was . married on
Wednesday last to Mr. Elrirer W.
Wood, also of Toronto, The ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. .1• Jclilfe,
now of 'Toronto, bat formerly pastor
of Wesley church, ("Unions. On their
return from their wedding tour the
young couple will reside in Toronto.
Mr. Duncan Stevenson hill be remem-
bered as a former resident of Clin-
ton, having been for years in the em-
ploy of the late Jan. Twitchell.
The Board of Trade held a well at-
tencled meeting in the council cham-
ber on Friday evening last. Four
new members were received, the.
membership now numbering fo_tya
A number of subjects which will be
discussed at the annual meeting of
.h Associated the lsso lased Board of Trade at
Hamilton this week, Came up and
received due attention, and Messrs.
J, Ransford and W. Jackson were
appointed to represent the local board
at this meeting.
Committees were appointed also to
interview the G 1`.11, with regard to
better railwayservice between here
and Toronto and to wait upon tire
County Council of Huron in regard
to a `Good Roads" scheme for . the
The matter of starting a creamery
in Clinton was also brought up and a
committee, was appointed to make en-
quires regarding the adm sability of
taking action.. They will report at
the next' meeting.
The marriage took place at six o'-
clock yesterday evening at tMilheir
home on Mary street. of Ethel -
dred, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Bradshaw, to Mr. Lawrence U.
Stephenson, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 13. Stephenson, else of town but
recently of the London Road.
The bride, who was giv n
her father, was married in. her suit of
navy blue cheviot, handsomely tai-
lored, with which she wore a pretty
bodice of ivory georgette crepe with
tests o incise' satin and hand e t
touches f
trimming. Her hat was of blacir vel-
vet t she carried t o s (
e and z a t ux}u t ofbeam
Ill - f-, h -v i
roses and l ly o t e a1 ey.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. J. A. -Agnew, the bridal pair
standing before a bank of ferns and
flowers, stately'inums and fragrant
carntiona . •
Mrs, Douglas Rhee -ler of I,ondctn,
sister of the groom, played the wed-
ding music and during the signing of
the register Miss Grace Stephenson,
another sister; sang very sweetly,"O
Perfect Day."
None but relatives of the true fam-
ilies and a few intimate friends were
After the ceremony the wedding
feast was served the tante decora-
tions being it. green and white and af-
terwards acouple of hours were pleas-
antly spent in music and social inter-
course, Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson
at in the e e for their
leavin later
home on the London Road.
The bride, who' is a popular young
lady among her young. friends in town
was the recipient of many beautiful
The News -Record joins with the fri-
ends of both bride . and groom in
wishing them all good fortune and
happiness in the future.
1'1310 I.00'AL MART{Er,
Wheat II,85c
Buckwheat 11.00'
Bartel" 11. e0.
Oats. 05c.
Butter 38e:
Eggs 40e
Live hogs $10.25.
Corp., Manley Shipley, son of Mr,
and Mrs. George Shipley, who went
overseas several months ago with a
draft' from the 07th University
tery and who has taker a course in
signalling sreaching g
been chosen as an instructor 'in sig-
nalling at Risboro Barracks, Shorn-
clin'e, and will spend the whiter in
On the eve of her departure for
Toronto •the ladles of the,S of
Ontario street church presented Mrs.
John May with a piece of silver-
ware, just as a small toted of their
appreciation of hex work in emacia-
tion with 'the society. Mr, and Mrs.
May will both be touch missed among
their circle of friends in Clinton, es-
pecially by the congregation of On-
tario streetchurch, and sheuld
at any time decide to return to Clin-
ton will be accorded a hearty wel-
Every now and again reference is
Made in these columns to the remov-
al, by death or otherwise, of some
one who has long been a resident of
town, and the question is sometimes
asked "who are the old residents of
'town 7" The n'uintier of those who
have resided here for a good many
years is rapidly decreasing, and the
honor belongs to a conml:aratit'e fcty,
among them beinry Mr. Isaac Jackson,
Mr. James Sheppard, air, and Mrs.
J. C'uninghante, Sins. McTaggart, sr.,
Mr. ,John Gibhfngs, Mrs. .lames
Smith, firs, L. Trowse, and Mrs.
John McGarva. There may be. others
whose names should be in this list,
hut there cannot be very ny.
A til C'C'T:SSt''UL RALLY.
A rally of the Sunday school wor-
kers of Clinton and surrounding dis-
trict was held in Willis church on
Thursday evening last. The gather-
ing opened at six -thirty with a ban-
'duet served by the members of the
local Sunday school stalls, When sup-
per had been partaken of Mr. A. T.
Cooper called the meeting to order
anal Miss Marine Irwin of Clinton
and. Mr. I.,ong of Gociei'iclr gave a
report of the Provincial S. 8, Con-
vention reeeully held in Kitchener.
Miss Sybil C'ourtice spoke along
missionary lines, .117, James Ra'lthby,
President of the Huron 5,8, Associa-
tion, spoke briefly arbd 13ev. .3, A.
Robinson and Rev. .J, A.
Agnew each gave short addresses. Af-
terwards an association for Clinton
and district was formed with the
following .officers : President, W. 1.1'.
Lobb, Vice, Wm, Walker, ,Secretary-
Treasurer, Miss M. Chowen.
According to the regulations of the
'Neon County Branch of the C.W.O.
A. Clinton was made a centre from
which ta following patriotic socie-
ie -
ties, namely, Varna, 13rucefeld, Bay-
fiehl, South End Goderieh township,
Unity Club, Bethel, Stanley Maple
Leaf and Chaim, were to ship their
supplies to London the third Wednes-
day in: each month.
On Wednesday last the', following
consignment was passed by Vie :cen-
sor committee and shipped
From Unity Club --8 sheets, 2 slips,
G flannel shirts, 10 helpless shirts, 18
handkerchiefs, 20 "hospital towels, 1
scall and 12 pairs of socks.
Varna Patriotic Society -27 Itannll
shirts, 13 pairs of socks,
Stanley Maple Lea1-67 hospital day
shirts, 10 wash cloths, 2.5 pairs : of
socks, 1 quilt.
You»g Ladies' patriotic Society —
C deric
r township -21 pairs of socks
Clinton Patriotic Society -63 slips,
62 towels, 22 helpless shirts, 8 wash.
cloths, 22 sheets, 27 flannel shirts,
102 pairs of socks', 3 scarves.
At Windsor the other day a party..
of Mennonites consisting of six melt
and four women were turned back to
Detroit, The litrty was beaded by
one John Fry, who styled himself
".Bishop," and was admittedly on IIs
wary to Huron County to hold asst-
ofv •'. IS ".t • ti in :ut the camzr
les re pS a bio g o r
ty to discotuage recruiting: There
may lie nothing behind tins affair on-
ly the foolish fanaticisemi of seine
foolish people, but anyway Huron
county wants aro such 'disturbers
withinitsborders. What the resi-
dents of this county who have good,
red, British blood in their veins, ir-
respective of the denomination to
which they belong, want to see, "not
only in Huron but in every county
in Canada, is .a "revival" In favor
of recruiting. The British Empire is
engaged, in conjunction with her Al-
line,for a
struggle h
in a
och make life worth liv-
ing and Canada as a part of that
Empire is with her to the end. Hu-
ron. County tvan:ts no weak -kneel,
s n i v e l l f rt g, it -is -wrong -to light
'sect or party, men and women w:ho'
are content to sit at home and enjoy
the liberties and privileges whish
others are pouring out their lift blood
to ensure for us,
Murphy Lodge meets ,on Friday ev-
ening when the election of ollict.s,
will be held.
A very successful .Union'Mon's hiis-
sionary banquet was held in, Ontario
street church yesterday evening, Rev.
J. A. Arnup. of Toronto bciug the
chief speaker.
Next Sunday has beet set apart as
'I'ubeteiilosis Day in the churches and
t 0 a•Y boo in the schools, !s. :Ch • i a t•i
The y onal
Sanitarium Assodiation is working in'
c r r r $
o -operation at o c tit it the clergymen of
all denominations ainl with the Ldu-
catioe Department in this matter and
literature is being distributed
throughout the province. The great
end in view is the stamping Out of
the disease.
A large congregation assembled on
Sunday, morning last to hear Rt. Rev,
Bishop Williams, of Huron and to take
part in the solemn service of cont-
lunation. In his practical but roue -
big address on Heb. 12- 1 and 2. the
Bishop said that here the Christian
life was described as a race,'which
from a:walk
a stroll, A race implied putting
forth all one's energy and staving a
cielinite goal .or objective. We have -
a splendid illustration of the topmost
speed and the licsurely stroll in the
increased production iii Great Brit-
ain since' the war began. Are we doing
our utmost for the Kingdom of Clod ?
Doing all that we can and putting
all possible power behind our spirit-
ual life ?
The choir rendered appropriate mu-
sic for the occasion.
Capt. apt. Rev. C. E. Jenkins of Brant-
ford, formerly • rector of St. l'aul'a
church, Clinton, was iii town for a
few hours on Saturday calling on cid
friends. Capt. Deakins has reeetutlyi
returned from the front, where lie
served as chaplain lain until compelled.e 1
ed IT
a nervous breakdown to return horse,
tie was on his way on Saturday to
\Hingham, where he preached on Sun-
unday anti . addressed a gathering of
young people on Monday evening.
fall field
Mr. Chas. F. Wheaton, manager of
the Mudge :Mtamufaetu.ring Co., , 'l'ur-
onto, has fallen heir to an estate val-
ued at $20,80 by the will of the
late Samuel May, a 'Toronto mane-
facturer, who left art estate of over
half a million.
Mrs. l im
J Wheaton is a w•eilknotvn for-
mer Clinton girl, being the elder dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Homes,
formerly of town. The old friends of
the fancily congratulate Mrs. Wheat-
on on 'the good fortune which has
befallen her.
The 8;0 gallons of whisky whirls
Jacob Weber of Sealor-h bought last
August, expecting, as he said, to
have sufficient to last hint his life- I
time, will not go hack to Seaforth,
unless Magistrate Andrews' decision.
is reversed by a higher court, which,
in view' of the result of a resent appeal I
in another case, is considered unlika-
On Thursday last Magistrate An -
brews gave iris decisions that, after
carefully considering the evidence, ire
considered a conviction should be reg I
istered and the liquor confiscated.
Tiegave a written judgment, review- I
ing the ease and showing on what
points he based his decision, stat-
ing that, while the Canaria
ance Act, Oder which the ease was
tried, does •n of say what quantity Y a
man may have in his possession, he
slid not think it permitted an unlim-
ited unreasonable amount, t as this
shipment seemed to he.
The following letters, which will ex-
plain themselves, recent,y passed be-
tween "Uncle Tom" and Old Santa
Claus, and will be of interest to a
good many readers a!t this season :
• "Clinton, Nov, 10th, '16
To Santa Claus, North Pole. Dear
Santa :—The children of the Clinton
Public School and a lot of kids who
have not yet started to school want
to know if the war or the price of
butter, eggs and potatoie will have
any effect on your annual visit on
Ctireistrnas live, I hope it won't for
they are the very, best bunch of kids
in Canada, especially In Miss 'Thotnp-
sir's room, and every one should lie
remembered, Also what about anoth-
er free entertainment next month. I
thinly we should have one if you will
pay for it„ Yours in behalf of the
Clinton kids,—Tom Jaty rson."
North Pole,'' Nov, 20th, '16
To 'font Jacksora,l Clinton. Dear
'font :—Replying to year letter of
Nov. 10th ,just received I sure will be
in Clinton on Christmas Eve after
every one has gone to sleep. I don't
care what the price of butter, eggs,
and re andthe war . nr
potatoes a y
business to
ismake all good children
happy while they are young, I am
sending down to Dick Fair and Ah.
Cooper•• a whole lot of nice oew toys
that the children must ail see, then
tell' their father or mother what they
Want and I will deliver tam Christ-
tr st-mas' live, if you have a father or mos
thor who won't do this send me their
names, About a free Entertainment
before Christmas, why certainly there
must be a bigger., better and funnier
one than last year and free to all
the Public• School Kids and their mo•
th.ers, Get Dick Fair, Torr, Ranee,
Billy Ja is n
Dr. Aeon, gee. McLen-
nan, b.Br d ne R Rowland and
Wyn Sheppard `to help you one if
they do, I will bring all their 5133--
iren sonic nice toys, if they won't
help you ask all the female teachers
who hone no husbands and all the
Trusties who have wives ; it must be
in the afternoon and it must be a
good afternoon's inn. Years in the
interest el the Kids, --Santa Claus.
.lir. Ransom Fields and wife have
moved into Mr Michael Dupees resi-
dence on Main street,
"Mrs. Bailey is now en oyrng thu
comforts of hernew residcty'e out
Catherine street,
Sir. 1lic}tael Dupes of Seafortlt wau
the 'guest of Isis daughter, Mrs, N„
Geminliardt, the past week.
Messrs, Emerson and Nelson Ilea;•3
who spent the past summer in the
west, returned to their home la t
Mrs. Robert Elliottliott and daul,lu.t.r
Miss Lottie Elliott, who have spent
the past year in Lite village, returned
back to tite farm on the Goshen,
Line; Stamey, last week,
Mrs. Joseph of Detroit was the
guest of Mrs. 1), Leetch the past
Rev, A .Macfarlane will hold coins
Minion services in Willis chinch,
Clinton, on Sunday next and on Fri-
day afternoon will conduct prepartfrc
tory services in the same church.
Rev, J. 11. Jones will administer,
Sacrament of the Lord's slipper in
the Methodist church utc Sunday at
11 init.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas King attend.
ed the funeral of Mrs. King's unties
in Colborne on Sunday last,
Mr. M. Shaw and bride of Newman;
ket .are •tire guests of 'the former's
aunt, Mrs. George Copeland.
A Miss o
r nayY Institute ' will be-
held in the Methodist church on Fri- •
day afternoon and evening next. Rev,
J. H. Arose, 13.1),, assistant foreign
secretary, Toronto, Rev. A. Sinclair;,
l'olmesvilie, Rev. A, W. Brown, Var-
na, and r1te resident' ministers will
take part in the sessionst. •Supper
will be served in the basement of
the church from six to seven o'clock
P.m, to those attending.
On Sunday% Rev. A. McConnell of
Toronto will Conduct services in St.
Andrew's church.
Mrs, Gee and h'Ins. Jelly of Moss -
ley are visiting their brother, Rev,
F. Rickard, at the rectory,
A large number from this vir..inity,
attended the funeral of time late H,
rofClintonW. Jervis C ]ion r ay
Srmci af-
ternoon, The sympathy of the whole
comtuuuityt Is extended to Mrs. Jet -
vis anti her fancily in their bereave-
Mrs., W. O. Elliott Called j
On Tuesday there passed away at
her home on the Bayfleld Road, Cloda
erich township, one who had borne,
much suffering with great cheerful.;
ness in the person of Sarah Wilson,.
widow of the late William 0• I7liott„'
The late Mrs. Elliott was a native
of Fermanagh, Ireland, and came to.
this country with her husband and
family in the spring of .1890. The
family settled on the llaylield Road,
where Mt Elliott died about eight
years ago. Sevens sorts and one
daughter survive : Alexander of Phil,
adcl-Phia ; T. J., Blonnan, Alta. ; E.
R., San Francisco ; Cr. FI,, on the
homestead, ; W, J., David and Wilson
of Clinton, _and Mfrs. Fred Witting -
ham of C1ue'Appelle, Sank, Another
daughter, Mrs, Macfarlane of 1 1
delphia, died some years' ago,
Mrs, Elliott was a woman of
strong, self-reliant character, ono
who met the inevitable vicissitudes ci
life calmly and cheerfully and who ere,
ated about liter an atmosphere of cheer-
fulness and quiet strength. Elie was
a faithful wife and a good mother,
and though they have all grown
man's estate, her children wcork-
thine to miss her wise counsel for
many a long day, In religion she was
an Anglican but for years had been
unable to attend a Place of tvorsliilr
owing to yheunratisrn, from which she
was a great sufferer,
The funeral takes Waco from the
family home on the Bayfleld, Road
this afternoon to Clinton cemetery.;