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Clinton News -Record
November 161h, ISI I
Prepare for Winter!
Brantford Roofing
Roofing Paint
Tarred and Plain Building Paper
Beaver Board
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Glass and Putty •
Cow Chains and Horse Clippers
A Big Assortment of
Stoves and Ranges
Stove Boards, Stove. Pipes and Elbows
Perfection Oil Heaters --just the thing for chilly
mornings and evenings.
Mitts and Gloves Galore,
F Arland 'I rosy
SID feat Offer /
for One Year
and t FREE PATTERN all for
45c. INSTEAD OF $1.40
For a short time only you can secure
12 copies of Tin WoMArr's
MAGAZINE at 1.0e. $1.20
Fashion Book, New Idea Pattern .20
Instead of $1.40 Our Special offer .45
A saving of $ •95
But you must act at once. This offer is
made by special arrangement with the 8487-Juniors'and
publishers and holds good for a short Girl.' seat
time only, su come to the Store to -day. psizes Y> sie,1
The Toronto representative, Mrs. Edgar, will he with
us Nov. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Conte in and leti,her ex-
plain this proposition to you.
Plumsteel Bros.
Shoe Cost
Everybody is aware that there has
been a universal increase in the price
of SHOES 1
The advance in the cost of Leather
and of everything else that enters
into the construction of Shoes has
compelled manufacturers to advance
their Prices—it could not be avoided.
Please remember that this Store of
Good Shoes will continue to give its
Patrons the very limit r. Shoe Val-
ues for their money, and still says—
elle ,
YAM la
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm tothe room.
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove: We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axminsters„ Wil -
tons, etc., that we have
priced at attractive prices.
We would he most pleased
to show them to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 ' Phone ilk' 28
The ews•Record For
Neal, Well Executed
Job Work.
Ilse .Cotes .Caw?
Stationery for all t
your social corres- 91
pondence. While
moderately priced, it
is of a duality Mat
delights Goth: tetjdv"
and receNPr.
.Vele raper )envelopes.
.1 - Invitations •C'
,t.? Cor espondence Cards
Io' ialled Stationery
Gent men's Club Note
said Envelopes
'Writind Tablets Panetrieo °pal
Often the Cheapest --
Always the Best.
Miss Mabel Anderson of Toronto was
the guest over the week -end of Miss
Olive Cooper. -
Mrs. Jack Willis of Ritchie, Sask., is
spending the winter with her moth-
er, Mrs. Leppington of town.
Mrs. Attridge anti. Mrs. Breo' s of
Brown Pity, Mich., are the guests
.their aunt, Mrs, Win. Cantelon.
Miss La.rine Langford returned the
end of the week after a very pleas-
ant month's visit With friends in
Mrs. James Mahafiy was at Exeter
over the week -end owing to the
death of a Cousin, the late 1-lugh
bliss Irene Brooks of Mitchell spent
a few days over the week -end with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Cantelon,
Mrs. Thos. Dunbar and little daugh-
havereturned to home in
Sarnia after a visit here with the
parents of the lady, Mr. and Mrs,
George Burnett.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mose of Walton
were in town on Monday, being on
their wap to attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. Win. Currie of Gorier-
le township, a former neighbor.
Mx- and Mrs. J. Torrance returned
Thursday last from. Flint, Mich.,
where they had been visiting their:
son, Mr. A. Torrance. Miss Maude,
who accompanied them, remained
in Flint for a longer visit,
Mr. James Mitchell of Godericli, for-
ormerly of The Goderich Star, hut
now connected with Government Re-
search work, was in tone. on Tues-
day', having come down to attend
the meeting of the Children's' Aid
Mr. Thornton Mustard and his
little son Donald of Toron-
to. spent the weekend in
Clinton and Brucelleld, Mr. Mus-
tard came up to see his father,
who has been quite ill with pneu-
monia at Brumfield.
Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Medd, MicsFlor-
ence Garrett, Mrs. James and' Miss
Annie Southcombe, Mrs. J. 0, Mc -
Math and Mr. J, Miller were among
those who atteofileil the funeral of
the late Mc, J. Tamblyn at Lon-
desboro last week.
Mr. and lirs. J. D. Atkin
son went to Exeter on Sat-
urday owing to the death of Mrs.
Atkinson's'brother-in-law, Mr. Hugh
McDougall, who had been in failing
health for' a year or more, Mrs.
Atkinson remained until alter the
funeral on Monday.
Mr. G. H. David, who sustained an
injury to his knee sonic weeks ago
anti who has been laid up ever
since in consequence, is now begin-
ning to amend. • Mr. David has been
with the G.T.R. Company for thir-
ty-three years and is one&of the most
valued of their employes In this div-
Mr. Roy East, who has for some
time been assistant inspector for
the western provinces for the Royal
Bank anti who was sent to Toron-
to on the. Bank's business, has been
holidaying iu town for the past
week He is in Tilsonburg this
week but will return before leaving
for the west; again. Roy is an old
Clinton bop who is making peod in
his chosen ;illi a•.
Mr, A. Case took 'a little run over
to his home at Rose, N. Y., last
week and wlile there cast his veto
in the presidental election, the first
time, by the way, in the past
twenty years or more as he is usu-
ally h Canada whm the election
comes on, President Wilson was
one vote ahead by Mr. Case's visit
as he is a supporter of the famous
note -writing' president, though not
particularly for that reason.
A. Cors N
On account of the constant rise in, the cost of all materials and labor, it became necessary for
the manufacturers of D. & A; Corsets to advance their prices. They thought that the wearers of
their product would prefer them to do this with the understanding that the high standard of the
Le Dive and D. cc. A. Corsets is to be maintained. From time to time they have issued price lists
showing the advance on their many styles. The price list taking effect Oct. 25th was an enormous
advance, only to be followed by another sharp advance on Nov, 1st. In order to enable everyone
who wish to secure a pair' of the above mentioned corsets at the old price, we offer them for sale from
now until Saturday night, -'Dec;, 2nd, provided our stock lasts that long.
is stayed at the vital points in such a way that the shapely lines of your gown are accentuated 'and
retained. At the same time this corset is so pliable and easy that absolute freedom of movement
is assured. It lends a youthful grace and elegance to the figure.
Not one woman in ten thousand can really have a "figure"
without a corset. D. & A. Corsets furnish the actual support nec-
essary to every lady. A. few light strips of the peerless D. & A.
boning give as much control of the figure lines as the stiff, heavy
cramping corsets of former years. '
• Whatever the design, style or price of The D, & A. Corset you
buy, it is the best value, best fit and quality for the money.
We illustrate two styles of D. & A. Corsets ---there are many—
and,' whatever your physical type, you will find a "D. & A," to
please you.' A Corset that will keep its shape and beau-
"Will not break, or rust, or tear, D, & A. Corsets made for wear"
DECEMBER 2nd, at
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
People You Know
Mr., John McIntosh was in Goderich
on Mondap and. Tuesday.
Miss Clara Ferguson who has boon
visiting her sisters in town, spent
a few days in London last week.
Mir. Jack McGaughey returned to
Azilda on Tuesday, where he has
charge of a station, after spending
a couple of weeks at his home in
Capt. (Rev. ) R. J. Irwin, chaplain of
the 237th overseas battalion, visit-
ed at the parental•home ,ht town
last week, that of ilr, and Mrs. J.
A. Irwin.
Mrs. .J. U. Butterfield, who has been
spending the past month as the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. Wheat-
ley of town, is now visiting her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Armstrong of Stanley, before
returning to her home in•Bay City,
Mrs. Arthur Cook, who while visiting
relatives at Acton was thrown from
a rig and sustained a fracture of her
hip sonic weeks ago, returned home
on Tuesday. ')`hough somewhat im-
proved Mrs, Cook is still unable to
use her limb but it is hoped that
her recovery will be uninterr'.ipted
Her daughter, Mrs. Atkins of Tor-
onto, who was with her mother
during her illness at Acton, return-
eturned to Clinton with ,her..
London Road
itfr.'and Mrs. George Henderson me:
tared over from Brussels and spent
Sunday as the guests of - Mt. and
Mrs. Fred Pepper,
Mrs. James Nott is spending a few
days with her brother, Mx. T.
Mason, Sr., of Clinton.
Mr. Frank Walker of Stratford
spent the week -end with friends on
`Che .Road.
A very successful and pleasant wind-
up was given to the hest End Beef
Ring on Monday evening when the an-
nual business meeting and oyster sop -
per was held at the home of Mr. Hugh
Hamilton, tine members • and their
"Ayes being present. This is oneof
the organizations which enables the
farmer to cut out the profits of the
middlemen and he has the satisfac-
tion of knowing that he has the very
best product of the edict at cost.
There are forty-five families served 'by
this ring and during the thirty weeks
that it was in operation 1054 Me.
of beef were consumed. (i he old of -
Rears, who are entering upon their
tenth oyear of curse, ware re cleated
president, G. B. Hanley, vice, J. G.
Crich, seeretary, Ira W. .lobes,
treasurer, Cr. W. Layton, In:Magen:,
T. Livingston, Herbert Crich nail A.
B. Stephenson,' At the curicluston of
the business meeting. a short program
of music, speech and song was given.
The whole evening was very much
enjoi:ad. The gathering broke up Stith
the hearty singing of the national
anthem. Next year's meeting will to
held at the home of Mr. G. W. I.aP•
Wedded in Tuckersmith
A pretty wedding took place at the
r •of Mr. and Mrs. Eli 'rich
home a l C of
Tuckersmith township at six o'clock
yesterday, when their eldest daughter
Linty May, became the bride of kir.
Hera Ellis of Stratford.
The bride wore a dainty wedding
gown of white silk and carried a bou-
quet of bridal roses. The young cou-
ple were unattended; and the ceremony,
was performed by the Rev. • J. A. t
Agnew of Clinton, Mike. Gertrude
Ritchie of Shallow. Lake played the
wedding music.
About fifty guests were present at
the wedding, coming from Stratford,
Owen Sound, Hanover and "Oct 11-
At the conclusion of the ceremony
and when the newly -wedded pair had
received the congratulations of the
assembled friends the wedding feast
was partaken of and the evening was
afterwards pleasantly spent in music
and social chat.
Mr. and Mrs. iiliis are this week
setting up housekeeping, in Stratford
and they have the very best wishes
of a large circle of friends for a
long, prosperous and happy married
London Road
Mr, and Mrs. A. Ii. Stephenson are
moving to Clinton this week, where
they intend residing in future. Mr.
and Mrs, Stephenson have been resi-
dents of The Road for a great num-
her of years and are highly esteemed
by their neighbors. Their removal
from the community is much regret,
ted het as they are not going veep
far away they will no doubt often
pay a visit to old friends leer. 'They
will always find the latch string on
the outside of the doors.
An Epworth League has been ne g:an-
iced in connection with ' t'urner's
chlurch. Mr. S. Whitmore has been
appointed president and the meetings
are to be held on Thursday di each
The marriage took place yesterday
evening of Miss Lucyl, daughter of hit',
Eli Well, to ?vlr. Ezra Ellis : of
Stratford. The young people Will
ta.lce up housekeeping in the t',iassie
City and have the best wishes of
their friends for a happy married life,
W. Layton was in London
on iThursclay last.
Mrs. Cole is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Pollard.
Rev. J: E. Ford of Goderich, chair-
man of the district, will preach a
Missionary sermon here next Sundae
'The Adult Bible Class met this
week at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brit-
Mr. C. Iioare of Clinton delivered
a flue piano to Mr. Ie, Hall the 6th -
ton. er day.
Mrs. J. D. Ainsley of Leamington
is spending a few weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs. J. Taniblysi.
The membersh
of the Presbyterian
church met recently and donated`clo-
thing and bedding to the are setter-
ers in Northern Ontario, amounting
in value to over one hundred dollars.
Time Red Cross members have ap-
pointed a committee to collet for
the soldiers and will send a ' Ship-
mment to the local boys for ('llrist-
Fruit and potatoes are scarce this
year, the stores , being supplied bp
outside places.
Fall grains are now looking "good"
The recent rains have been of great
At a meeting held last week for
the purpose of ,organization it was
decided to form a branch of the Red
Cross. Meetings are to be held the
third Friday of each month after this
month, in which the meeting will be
held Monday afternoons next.
A number of the people are packing
boxes for the soldiers. We are sure
the boys will appreciate anything
sent from home.
On Friday: night the Auburn Dram-
atic club will give their popular play
"The Minister's Bride" in Cart-
wright's hall under tine auspices of
the Red Cross Society. The proceeds
are 'to go towards lisping material
for the soldiers comforts,
We are sorryto hear thatMrs.
Lasham stili continues vers • poorly,
We hope she will soon be sro:lild a-
Mr. Robert Crawford has left leis
position at 1-lutton's hull, end has
rented a farm from 3'Ir, Herman
Dace of the Boundary Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolie. Claseho were
visiting last week with Exeter fri- BYAIVI & SUTTER R
ends. Sanitary Plumbers. Pbons 7.
Millett Township
Mts. George Connell of Clinton ii'
visiting her daughter, Mfrs. William
Mr. George talter and Mr. IMO::g.'
Campbell arrived home irons Mtlete,-
ka, each having secured a line deor.
Mr. Wm. Carter is at Woodstock
this week judging at the winter fair,
Mrs. M. A. Taylor returned to her
home In Detroit last week atter vis-
iting at the home of Mrs. Armstrong.
Mr. H. J, Marshall, -who has been
laid up with sciatica for some little
time, is now improving nicely,
Miss Scott, who won such golden
opinions for her splendid work during
tine fire in the north country in the.
summer, has been the guest or Miss
Graham. She left here to visir,dete-
onto and New York,
Mr. James Sims visited relatives
in Stanley township last week for a
few days.
1101110- ad
Also a few second=hand_
Stoves, in good repair
for sale.
Agents for Alcelary's Famoune
Sunshine Furnaces.
'Call or phone for prices.
Estimates cheerfully given..
Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash ug
clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three
! ane
The man who designed the Pandora knew his job. I
know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well
as the makers'.