HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-11-16, Page 5November 16th, 1916 Clinton News -Record yennenammesassomerimmnossisasm. Would Knock at 'William's Front DOOt - The, following interesting ,lietbee was ',written Irons France, iy Ptooper. Thoma e F, Ranee, of the Seemed Mounted Rides', to his brother, Major • Rance.. Trooper Ranee was lamely with the P. Etvton Co., Winnipeg. •.According to. a later teeter Trooper Renee has been peothoted to Corpor- al, for proficiency upon the.'field : "My Dear Brother ;-Just a few lines to let you know how we an getting along, .and . what we are do- ing, Well, to' sten, my story, we went into the trenches on September 27th at three o'clock in the morning, rested up as .well as ire could on the 28th and 'got: ready -Le go over the parapet on the '29th, which We did with a will, at twelve o'clock, noon, while each individual Fritz was eat - nig his dinner, and I bet' it wad the hottest dinner he ever hail. We had hardly any casualties, but, pool: old :Pettey suffered heavily, and tot a long Rile of tranchee. We advanced • in the open about Met hundred yards, which seemed about two Miles, with the Abelle end guns playing arMuid one. We must have taken over. one, :thousand yards of trenches, we also Iptettged a great many, prisoners, and • ...thveral machine guns, and left scores of dead Huns. I actually believe the beggars like to be taken prisoners, they .certainly are willing 'to nine, - 'der whenever they get a chance. We were six .clays at the freest, and in Support and working 'parties did .good- Work while there and are ' get- ting' lots of- praise for Whet we ac- complished. I am .glad 1 .had tbe op- portunity of being there. I wish you Could have seen the way our boys Went. enter' them. Say, Torr, it was -great, but at times awfully hard on ene'S nerves, especially at my age, as I am the oldest man in the compeller, and ;not as posing as I used to be. r, however, consider that quite an honor, We have now had a few dive rest in billets several miles back , of the Dime, but have orders to move, tne at a moment's notice. The trenches are very wet and muddy, it rains her nearly all the time. I am anxious to see if you could get niece, pair Of long trench -boots, or larrigans, about number nines, as they are the only thing to wear, and we don't get them issued until it is too late, most of the boys are wearing them now. I have Met a great manp of the 33rd, they are mostly with the 58th. We were billeted with them . for a clay or two, We got our mail sent right to see firing line,. had two letters given to me ball an hour before we made :the charge Men -ticked above. We are getting Plenty to eat, and lots of. to- • bane, Say, Torn do the people in Canada understand the hardships: we are putting up with for the cause of -humanity ia general, and of Belgium and Erwin in particular 9 If they do, then -they. should not let us Mil , tor want of men to back us up, 1 would, figuratively speaking, love to see a continuous line of transports, each, bearing a Canadian Regiment, stem to stern, reinn Halifax to Havre, if we were only sure of that, we Ctinadians Would not stop until we had presented our credentials at the front door of William 1:P0:bete's palace as Potsdam. ' Kindest regard's and love to all, Your loving brother, THOMAS RANCE," Marriages ELLIS,-CRIOH-la Tucketemin, on November 15th, by Rev. J. A. Agnew of Clinton, itsicy May; da;u- ghter of Mr. Eli Oriels to Ezra Ellis of Stratford. SSCOrt-LEE-In Londesboro, . Nov- . ember 11th, Mabel eldest (laughs ter of Mrs. William Lee, to John Scott, both of Hullett township. ‘tc.:RMSTRONG--1VIOFFAT -At Sea - forth, on November -15th, by Rev, G, McKinley, Mabel Moffat of Tuckeremith; to John Armstrong of Stanley township. 'CARTER-JARMA.N-In Seaforth November- let, Mary J. Janne* of Tlickeremith to Henry Critter of Eullett. ISARNETT-GRIMOLDBY - At Sea- lable; on October 31st, Marion 13-eitnoldby to G. R. Bartlett of 'Toronto, • Births flAKES-In Goderieh township, Nov, 9th, to Mr, • and Mrs. Herbert Oakes, a daughter, (Frances Mary Elizabeth). MURPHY.. -In C'oderich towashin, .on November 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murphy, a son. C1,1.1E7,4-11 Seaton's, On November 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Oluft, a son. BROADFOOTP.--,la Pueiceesmitb, on November 5th, to Mr. and Mts. J. A. Broadfoot, a daughter. RHODES -In Brussels, en November • ,,etssrt Ns to Mr. and Mrs. jos, Rhl- SS, a son. Deaths CURRIE-In Goderich township, on November lin, Janet Russel wife of Mr. Wm, Currie, aged 80 years and 7 months. " MAGTHRE-In Goderich township on November 10th, Mrs. Andrew Ma- guire, aged 68 years. RABB-IGoderich on November Ith, Capt. Charles W. Babb, son of Capt. and Mrs, William Babb. FEAR -In France; on October 88th, Thornton Fear, son of Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Fear of Wheatley, for- merly of BIM, aged 21 years, MeICAY-In Tuckersmith, on Novem- ber 1st, Daniel Clark McKay, ag- ed 35 years and 7 months. DO 01)17 -In McKillop on November 8th, Charles Dodds in his 84th year, . . . . Death of Mrs. A. Maguire.. At midnight on Thursday' lase the spirit er Mary , Agnes Shanahani,, wife; of Andrew Maguire of Conetten, town- ship, passed from this life into the life beyond., The, late ;Mrs: Maguire was,- a na- tive of Innen township; she being daughter of, the late Daniel Slam -cam On her marriage to Mr. Andrew' Ma- guire she went to live on the sixth of Gederieh township and that eon - tinned to be her heme eutil the. end or her earthly life, ' For A year or more she -had been in failing health but it Was :but' a few week e previous to lier death that ;she ; was Tensidend really ill. Mrs. Maguire is survived by her husband and a family of two sons and five daughters ; Jobe and Will, Clara and Anua at home, Mrs. Thos. Lane, Soarath ; Mrs. j, 13. Clark, Hager - 'vine and. Miss Ella Maguire, poi:on- to ; and he two brothers and three sisters : John Shanahan, Daniel 'Shanahan, Seatath ; Mrs, John Lacey, Geduld" and Mrs. Jelin MeInten and tilis'S Ellen Shanahan, Clinton. A memorial service was held MS'S Joseph's Church, Clinton, at nine o'clock Saturday morning, when maga Was said by Rev, Father Hogan, and the funeral took plan to Colborne cemeterY on :Sunday. Rev. Father McRae of Gederich read the service at the graveside. The • pallbearers were : Martin Reynolds and Matthew Carberie Haien ; Harry Weston, Jame s Sterling and john Woods, Goderiels township, and jantes•Plynn, Clinton. - Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were' Mrs. A. Grent of Mackinaw, lies, Thos.. Byrne and Miss Netta Byrne, Stratford Mr. j. B, Clark, Hagen - vine; and 'Messrs. Thos, Lane and: D. Slum alma, Sea,forth. Coderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie- ty meets next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Polly Ellwood. Mr. Jasper K. Brindley of the fourth concession had a sale on Fri- day last which netted him some $3700. Mr. Brindley has one farm seeded clown and found hi stock was to large so he decided to reduce it and as be had a good stock prices ran high. Sheep want particularly well, several ewes going as high as $25. Zurich Mr. J. Decker, Sr., has piereheeed the house and lot of Mr. peter Kronf just east of the village. Possession Will be given December first. FOUND. -IN CLINTON, A SUM OF money. Owner can have same by 'calling on T. T. Carter, Joseph St. proving property and men for this advertisement. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implemen ts, -Mr. Fred. Yung- blut has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 38,. Con, 11, Hullett township, on Wed- nesday, Nov. WWI, at 1 o'clock sharp the following -Aged heavy horse, heavy draft man supposed to be in foal, heavy driving snare, aged driv- ing mare supposed to' be in foal, driving horse, quiet, 8 years; heavy draft horse 5 years old, general pur- pose mare 4 years old, gelding Per. eheron rising 3 years, filly rising. 3 years. 2 cows newly calved, 4 cows supposed to be in calf, 2 heifers due to calve in Decemher, heifeisuppos- ' ed to be in calf, 5 yearling steers, I yearling, heifers, 4 spring calves, I Durham bull, brood sow in pig, Mas- sey -Harris binder nearly new, Mas- sey:Harris mower nearly new, Mas- sey -Harris mower with pea harves- ter, disc harrows, Massey-Hareis drill nearly new, cultivator, sulky, rake, set 4.seetion' harrows'land roller, swifter nearly -new, 3 pairs sleighs, 2 wagons, fanning mill, ma- nure spreader nearly new, crusher, hay loader nearly new, pair trucks, set scales 2000 lbs, twin plow, 2 -fur. row plow, sawing inachin,e. Climax corn cutter, separator, 2 sets double harness, and other articles too nom - evens leo mention, Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be al- lowed on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of Spar cent sin credit amounts. -F. Ynngblut, pro- prietor, P. Gundry, Auctioneer, • MUSIC -MISS ETTA AfeBRIEN IS prepared to accept a limited mem- ber ot pupils for instreetion in piano, Poe reternee call or phone C. (ioniser's., Clinton: Don't Fail to Hear Lottie L. ZOO:4Pa is One of . her elocutionary entertain- - meets hi Ontario street church on Monday, November 27 A musical , program is also being prepared. Come and Enjoy a Treat. BAZAAR The Young Ladies' Patriotic: Auxiliary mirpon holding ft bazaar in town hall, on Saturday, Nov. 25 • Sale of Homemade Cooling, Aprons,, Bags, Dolls, etc, Afternoon Tea Served, APPLE OE CHRISTMAS CAKE ...„ „ . . Ex= oTORS' SALE OF YALU- . able 'Farm: Peopeete.e-Thei :sender- --signed executors of the estate of Thomas Weed, deceased, will olt0 for sale at public anction by Thos. Broten, Esq., Auctioneers at the Vil- lage af Varna, in the County] of Euren, on Wednesday, the 2,2nd dee Of 'November, 1916, at 2 o'clock in the safternelni, 'the . re:Wit/Mg' vale - able • property -Parcel. No. 1, The west hell of lot 18, north of' the Rectield Road, in,. the Township of Stanley, .containing 100 acres of land more or toss: On this proper- ty Veen is a geed -two-etoreS frame. Meuse with furnace, in a good state of repair ; else good bank barn 45x 60, and driving shed and pig pen. The land is a good clay loam, There are two wells on the place. ----parcel. No. 2. Lot 19, south of the , Bay- field Road,' in the Tot/net-tip of Stanley, containing 53 ; acres' of land. On the proper to there • is a triune barn 84x55 in a fair state of repair. The land- is an excel:Mit finality. These properties; bothof which adjoin the. Village or Varna,. Will he 'Offered' subject to- a 'rosette bidse-Terms of Sales -pen per' cent Of the pantie,* Money to be paid. to hid Ventibes at the tithe ofssale, the. balance in thin'days thereat - Seer father particulars, terms Mid conditions., apply, to, the ender - signed. Dated Novembee. Otis, -Ceristopher Ward, Varna, Ernan- net Ward', Clinton, Executors of Thomas Ward, . deceased, Charles Gam*, Solicitor for Executors: Thos, Brown, Auctioneer, Sestforien AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK acid Implements.-Tbos., Brown has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public -auction on Lot 1, Concession 4, Hullett, on Tuesday', November Mat, at 1. o'clock, ; the following ; Horses -Heavy draught brood mare 5 years old supposed to be in foal, heavy draught mare reg- istered Clydesdale 12 years old sup- posed to be in foal, driving horse 7 years old, quiet and reliable, aged driving snare, general purpose filly rising three and broken, 1 roadster brood mare, ii roadster foal by Red McKinney, Cattle -Four cows to calve in April, 2 cows to calve in May, I yearling heifer, 8 spring calves, Pigs -Brood sow with nine pigs ready to wean, 2 chunks, about 60 hens and pullets. Implements - Massey -Harris 7 foot cut binder, Frost tt, Wood 0 foot cut mower, • 10 ft steel rake, fertilizer Deering cultivator, set of harrows, riding plow, walking plow, seutiller, disc harrow, turnip drill, ' wagon with box, gravel box, set of bob sleighs, hay . rack, Del:A- vail cream separator, hay fork, rope and pulleys, sling ropes, Port- land nutter, top buggy nearly new, set double harness; set heavy breech - togs, set plow harness; set single harness, halters, blankete, etc:, one second buggy, root pulper, stone boat, wheel barrow, emery grinder, cross -cut saw, hand saws, chains,. hoes, forks and other articles, about four hundred buehels of grain a quemtity of hay., some oat straw to be fed on the farm,' two loads Of buckwheat in sheaf, a quantity of turnips, some cedar Posts, some 3 - inch tile. Terms -Sums of ten 'dol- lars and smiler, cash ; over -that amount six months' credit on ap- proved joint bankable -notes. A discount of six per cent, per an- num for cage, tray and grain for cash. No reserve as the propri- etor is giving ' up -the tarm-Gar- neld McMichael, Proprietor ; Plies, Brown Auctioneer, -63-e TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD AND PINE LIMIT, Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including the 1st day of December next for the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber On a- certain area situated on the .Pie River and other territory adjacent thereto, in the District of Thunder • Bay. .Tenderers shall state the amount per Cord; on Pulpwood, and per thous- and feat, board meature, on pine, that they are prepared to Pay as a bonus in addition to dues 01 10 cents per cord for spruce, and 20 cents per cord for other puipwoeds, and $2.00 per thousand feet, board measure for pine, or such other rates as may from time to time be (Med by the Lieutenant -Governor -in -Coun- cil, for the right to operate a pulp mill and a paper mill on or neer 1,hse area referred to. Such tenderers shall be requited to erect a mill or' mills on ter near the territory and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper, in the Province of Ontario -the paper mill to be erected when directed by the Minister of Lands, Ism:este an I. Mm. Os. • Parties making tender will lee re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque, payable to the Hon - arable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), which amount will be forfeited in the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out conditions, etc. The said $25,000 will be applied on account of bonus dues as they accrue, but the regulation dues, as mentioned abeve, will re- quire to be paid in the usual manner as returns of cutting of wood and timber are received. The highest or any tender not nee. essarilyi accepted. • For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, dice apply to the undersigned, G. H. FERGUSON, Minister of Lends, Forests and Mines, Toronto, August 28th, WIG. NB. -No unauthorized publication of this notice will be Paid. for. • FOR SALE -ONE, PAIR OF HEAVY ; Sleighs and! bnepair 'of light sleighs else tet. heavy- dealer, which wifl weighs two sthousand poundsees Apply toil, Cole, •Heiron -Se, "or Ms Evens, corner Mary ' and Erie, Phone 5e1, -63-2 I WILL., BE AT THE FOLLOWING placne, on the following dates to re- ceive taxes for Hulletle township ; nuntern, Dec. 7th Clinton Dec, 0th i Constance, Dee, Inth ; Londes- bore, Dec. 14th and e5th. All tax- es not paid ley 'Dee, lath will be eliargedethe added live percent. - Samuel McCool, Collector.-: 63-2, AUCTION 8ALE.-4113S. will oder her liaise end , funiture for sale at the premises -on Sant- • dae -the; 18th day of ;November: at 3 o'clock - psis. For' particularS see Posters or apply 'to.tC. Eales Agent:- 7 -62 FARM FOR ' SALE. - Iftte-ACRIS Latin for sale, 24 miles north ' of Clinton on the ravel -Road, Hal- lett township. On the premises.are a bank barn 5exeil with stone stab - Bug uncleeneath and 14 storey '8 - roomed frame house, with good cel- lar, Rural telephone. '5 acres hard wood bush ; first class Soil-. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit Peaches- cr. For particulars apply to-Johe Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -02, POULTRY WANTED. - EVERY Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid. --Horner de Dim Varna -00 LOST NEAR CANTELON BROS. Store. -.A. parcel containing boys' overalls, shirt, and underwear. The finder Wi II ander a favor by leav- ing same at Plumeteels' Store, -59 STRAYED. -PROM LOT 24, CON. 0, Hullett, a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable re- ward will be paid for information leading to its recovery. --Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. 1,, Clinton. Phone 18 on 105. FARM TO RENT-100ACRES at miles south of Clinton, on B a y11 a I d Road, Welt house, bank . ban, young orchard, bearing, two wells on farm.. Possession giv- en April 1st, 1,917. Tenant call go on farcu to. do fall plowing. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Wiggle - ton, Clinton, or James Switzer, Bennet& -59 FOR, SALE OR' TO RENT.. - A, house and lot on North street, and house and lot on Cutter St. -Apply to Mrs. Butler or to C. IL Hale. -58. DR. W. J. GLANFIELD, M.A., M. B., Physician, etc., Honor Gradu- ate, Toronto University, 1 six years' experience, Brueefleld, Ont. -58-12 NOTICE -THE CLINTON EVAPOR- atm: being now open for business it will pay 30e, for cider apples and 400 for paring • apples, delivered at the Evaporator, -57 HOUSE FOR SALE OF FOR RENT. -On Dunlop street, eight rOoms, good cellar, town water and cis- tern ; house in good state of re- pair ; quarter acre land - apple trees. Will be vacant 1st.- For particulars apply to W. BrY- done, Clinton. -55 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 30 IN THE 7th con., Goderioh township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation; Smell house; good well.. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet- er. Galactose, Huron Street, West, Clinton. -18. FOR SALE -HOUSE ON RATTElN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to (7.5. MaTaggart. -32 McCORMICK AGENCY. -I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where 1 will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention. - Wilson Elliott. -43 FOR SALE-TEID PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gandier, including house, office, barn and -two lots, Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard add soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer Id t- ohen.-Apply to Dr, Gaudier, -10, FOR SALE, - THE STORY house with ij acres of land on On- tario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is ; acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks, I have also for recital the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop.-Jecob Taylor. -35 _t_eseiposeismismistssitettesesissinasienemmemeeemeenneeesiel . WANTED -MAID FOR GENERAL housenmelcs-Apply' to; James Scott, etreet, Clinton. • s --54 • .. .. f. BRIbx notisE FOR' SALE, -.GOOD location ou 'William street, neat the 'Model' School': Tien reams, electric light, waterwalts, bathroom, etc. - T. P. Murphy. -44. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE.; paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible- notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemenni Mlothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prePared to French Dry Olean Ladies Scuts, Gent's Suits and all - kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 LIE POULTRY MINTED ! ;v. see We Are prepared -to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest marke t' price paid, -Phone 14 on 100, Pullets For Sale, W. MARQUIS". "NI GIRLS IIIMNTED ! WE CtAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY Al' ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. MISTY VISION comes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly, fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty when we fit them they give satisfaction. Eges Examined Free Let me show you how quickly I can do your repair work, no waiting, work always ready when you come, Silverware of all kinds 18137 in- cluded. A beautiful line of genuine cut glass. No itnitation, anything we haven't In stock we will gladly send for. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for %idle you wait, Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, CATCH THE BOAT With a nice Ohristm us Cake foe ynur soldier boy or friend. I am sure they would appreciate a nice Chriermas Cake such as they need to enjoy at home. We mention a few of the necessary lines that are needed for your Christ- mas baking Sunkist Seeded Raisins Sunkist Seedless Raisins Dromedary Dates • LePiatros Currants Magnolia Peels Extracts Gunns Pure Lard Crisco Almonds or Walnuts Nutmegs Eggs • Johnson's Baking Powder Our brands we recommend are the SunkistBrited of Seeded or Seedless Raisins which have a flavor that is their own, and prices that will be in reach of all. Highest Market Price for Produce Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly attended to. fOli, SALE Oft '1,0 RENT. -AN i- mpaled ,house on !Princess.- street. Furnace and bath. NOW ; occupied' be W. Clellyert.:-Fdr 'particulars a11- • ply to W. S. Harland, RattenburC street,Clinton. -51 CREAM WANTED, - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell. write . to us for cans. We mupply, two cans free. Pay- all express -charges and issue cheques' twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity 'Of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will • deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vieinitp of Varna may deliver their cream to Peetty Bros, Store and it will be taken care of there -The Sealable Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. 01111 AII for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above aniceula will re- quire at least . 20,e00 chickens 20,000 liens • 5,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese. We are in the market for all your live poultry of. good qualay, at top prices. Enquire for prices before. you sell. It will pay you to give your best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord . prices this winter.. GUNN, LANGLON CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE COHNEHTORE Live and Let Live For Your Christmas Baking. :IQ Front many lands there have been gathered together in our store' the finest and most tempting ingredients for the Christmas baking. ; We welcome one and all to inspect these goods; ‚they, will bear the closest analysis for we selected them from only the most choice of sam- ples. • Kindly order all goods for holiday baking as early as possible' as some of them are' going to be short this year. Let us suggest a few of the more important lines : Seeded and Valencia Raisins Currants' from Patna Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts Peels -Lemon, Oranges Citron Mincemeat and 'Extracts, Canned Vegetables-, Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans, Sweet • Potatoes; and Asparagus, is • E. E. flUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. IT MAY BE NEWS to you that there is any great dif- ference in flours. But we assure you that once you try a Sack of our brand you'll recognize that there is a great difference and that ours is so far SuPerior that there is no eons- parison. For the interest of better baking order a sack today, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevator. argains , These ere a few of many bar- gains tor one week only, ' Best Valencia raisins per lb. $.11 Good cleaned currants ' .20 Shelled almonds " .50 Shelled walnuts " .50 New cooking figs " ,10 New mixed peels " 30 New Dromedary dates plte; .15 Wagstafre's mincemeat .(ifl21b. tins) per tin .25 Sterling tea, 311 30e. 5 lb 1.10 Clark's peanut butter, we are - selling large quantities of Granulated sugt;htresei 1288 npser lb • sacks at wholesale price none(' oats in0011vbilsortieeskistioaptrice 3 bottles any kind essence for .25 Crystal Dominosyrap per tin .20 Christn,as Cake in our south window will be rallied at Ticket, 3 for 25c -For eale 'hero W. T. Rd 40174ffiliNt Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards. Coal is going to lee dear, vane and bard to get, so let us have your orders now and we will supply you with "The Coal that Satisfies" if at all possible, We are going to stock a few ears of Coke which will come considerably cheaper than coal and if you would Like to try a load of this, let us know at once so that we may, place 'our orders. We also handle all Wads of Logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement,. . -Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Boded, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc, If in the market for any of the above items it will pay you to tel- ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD Head 0 Iliee BRUMFIELD, We have added a stock of ew Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store,. We also sell Conner's Bread, This is art addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock arid - will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share your l patronage, of Aproduce taken In este change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital. It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advances in the price of all kinds 08, metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any/ Plumbing done this pear you will save money, bp getting prices at once. THOS HAWKINS. The Big Store a-- 100 pairs Overalls, black, also blue with stripes, absolutely fast colors, Regular $1,75 for 1.00 500 yards Wrapperelte, worth 1.8e and 20e, for 16e 5 pounds of India and Ceylon Tea Black, Green. or,M.ixed, for $1,75 3 bars of Richard's Pure or Natalie Soapfor, 25e Specials for Saturday 0 pounds of Oatmeal for 25,, 12 younds of Granulated Sugar $1.00 -only one dollar's worth to eash cus- tomer. J. O. Lounsbery LONDESBORO The big stole with little prices The sub to The News. Record is $1 per year, 1