HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-11-16, Page 1The Clinton News - eco r, No. 1963 -37th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I6th, I9I6.: THE HOME PAVER,' You Will Find the names of the most progressive Business People in the advertising columns of TheNews or .,R el kthilitq In aWatch is the result of superior materials, combined with pains- taking care in putting them together Knowing that every 5egina Watch is as good as it can be made, we have no hesitation in endorsing the universal guarantee that gees with every one of them. SOLE AGENT 787. a"f. Yeilqar fe'wele, and Optician - - Clinton yal OF CANADA. Incorporated 1889. Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets $25,000,000 11,500,000 13,236,000 234,000,000 830 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits, General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch READY-TO-WD•.AR CLOTHINGClothing . : ••nrsa,o.,.•au. INCORPORATED NCQRPORAgE® 1855 i i ` C. tr ry"LSONS IDANII Capital and Deserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. t A General banking business Transacted Circular Utters of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Department. ,Interest allowed at highest current rate. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton' Branch. 1 the in the pay. so eat e r- sure to $25.00 to 13.50 1 to 6.50 spec- find here o want, Y u Y le you like, at you want to we show in styles different d f in all 'theiff d s feel eel w w ea c nle s p a e You. oats � 1000 . tc 7.50 c� 2.25 to 'see our at $15.00. GOTHHEMORRISH INETCO, _Agent C. P. R. Phone 18f9 or or Sundaynight calls. READY-TO-WD•.AR CLOTHINGClothing Me r1GlorrishORDEItND CO. I OLOTFrIN(F all `Overcoats. You'll Overcoat thet s 'price � Because many fabrics, ent grades, that a Men's Overco ut �Yth'e o ' Boys Ask ial Suit andWinter the in the pay. so eat e r- sure to $25.00 to 13.50 1 to 6.50 spec- find here o want, Y u Y le you like, at you want to we show in styles different d f in all 'theiff d s feel eel w w ea c nle s p a e You. oats � 1000 . tc 7.50 c� 2.25 to 'see our at $15.00. GOTHHEMORRISH INETCO, _Agent C. P. R. Phone 18f9 or or Sundaynight calls. -EVER THINK OF IT ? If you buy out of town, and we buy out of town, wad all our neigh- bors buy. out of town, what would become of the business of our town ? DLI it ever strike you this 'Way-? —Exchange. THE BISHOP COMING. Rt. Rev, David Williams, D. D., Mahon- of Huron, will preach in St. Paul's church at eleven o'.cioek on Sunday morning. His Lordship goes to Holmesvifle for the afternoon gad 'to Goderich in the evening. NO WAR TAX ON P. O's. It may not he generailyt known that picture or season postcards may be sent through the Mails for one cent, provided they do not contain ' mote than, five words over and above the signature of.sender and address of one to whom it is sent. WILL MEET AT WALTON, The special November Meeting of the Methodist churches of the Goderich district will be held in the Methodist church, Walton, on 'Thursday, the last dap of. November. Three sessions will he held, at nine -thirty a•m., and two and seven -thirty p.m. It is expected that the attendance will be large and that each of the sessions will be in- teresting. • [1.0.13.A. MEII'rS: The Heron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will hold their, annual meet- ing at the Royal Cafe on the evening of November 24th for the election of officers and other business. After - Wards a banquet will be field to which the ladies will be invited. A program of music and speeches has been arranged, Rev. Byron H. Sta'.if- fcr being the chief speaker. ' NEW ORGANIZATION WORKING. The central committee of the Ilur- on County Emergen ey Corps were busy the beginning of the week going over the ship- ments of soldiers' comforts and Red Cross supplies sent in from the different parts of the conty, which are all "censored" at Clinton, the headquarters of the united ot aniza- tion ofatri is societies, p of being shipped to healiquarters at London. MOVING TO TORONTO. Mr. Frank R. Ilodgens, a native of Clinton, and 1oi years one'of its most 'highly esteemed business men, but for some time past a resident of God- erich, has decided to move to Toron- to. For some time he has been man- ager of the Canadian Branch of the Siciway Mercantile Association, at Gollerich, and it is moving its Can - adieu headquarters to Toronto. -Mr. Hodgins is a brainy business man, and will doubtless find Toronto a good distributiag point, ONTARIO STREET CHURCH. The Saerement of the Lord's Sup- per was administered by the pastor after the morning sermon on Sunday:, a large number of communicants be- ing present. Fifteen n:w members were received into the congregatloh here and the one at Turner's. On Monday evening the quarterly board met when the finances of the two churches were bOnd to' be in a satis- factory state. Arrangemtnts. were made for the missionary anniversary which will be held on the last Sun- day in November, • Rev, W. J. Baird of Exeter will be the preacher on this occasion. The pastor, Rev, J, A. Agnew, will preach at both services on Sunday. In the evening he will take for his subject : "The Great Test." C. A. S. MEETING. The lluron County branch of the Children's Aid Society held its anon.- ial meeting in Clinton on Tuesday afternoon and evening, The meeting for the election of of- ficers and the trausaetian of other business was held in the counci: clam, bet at half past four in the after. noon and was fairly well attended, a number being present from Goderich, Brussels and other parts of the coun- ty. • The county executive of last year was re-elected with the exception of the honorary president, Judge Doyle, who has removed from the county.. Mr. W. H. Kerr of Brussels was ap- pointed to this position The following officers were elected for the local branch President, C, D. Boeck, Secretary, T. Jackson, Treasurer,: R. E. Manning. A meeting was also held • in the town hall inthe evening, g, a good at, tendanee being present. Mr. G. M, Elliott, county secretary, and who is said to be one of the best officers in the province, gave a most interesting address, explaining the work done in the county by the organization. The address was illustrated by many lantern slides which served to make clearer just what is being done, Rev. Mr. Wren of Brusselsiso gave g e an address, his subject being, "A Square Deal for the Boy and Girl." Mine' Edna McCaughey contributed a plana solo to the musical part of the program, Miss Gertrude Chant gave a selection on bet violin and Mr. Gilroy of Brussels sang a couple of colds, Mayor Thompson -occupied the chair, ENGAGEMENT,- ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs,G. A. Bre khat an - nounee the en agenent of their dau- ghter, Ethel Mildred, to Mr. Lawrence Stephenson, son. of Mr. and Mrs. A, B., Stephenson of Tuekersmith, The marriage will take place this month, THE LOCAL MARKET. ` Wheat $1.80. ` Buckwheat $1'.00. Baden 00c. Oats OOc. Butter 31e. Eggs 38e, Live•Hogs $10.25. NEW CITIZENS COMING. Mr, W. J. Elliott is moving into the house on the Corner of Victoria and 'Joseph .streets which he, bus'ov- erhauled and renovated and has rent, ed his house on Victoria street to' Mr. A. B. Stephenson, who is this week moving into town. A THANK TOLD. Mrs. W. Leppington wishes to ex- tend her sincere thanks to the fi°i- ends and neighbors for the kindness .shown her In her recent sudden be- reavement and also to the families of menof the c the 1 1st for the s n {: 8 y tpa by expressed and the flowers sent. WON NEARLY' EVERYTHING. Mr. Thos, Watts exhibited six of his Light Braiunes at the Woodstock Poultry Show this week and carried oil six prizes, four firsts, one second and one third. Mr, Will. Carter of Hullett, who is a well known poul- i.ryman, was a judge at this show, Mr. Watts will also enter his chick- ens at Guelph. A MISSIONARY GA'THERINC1. A Union Men's Miissh nary bait:luet will be held in the lecture roam 'of Ontario street church on Weihiesday of next 'week. Supper will be Sane;l at six -thirty 'ed afterwards Rev: J. A. Arnup of Toronto will give an ad- dress, These union banquets have in the past been most successful and have proved very enjoyable. MAKI''. X "KITC'HI:NI:R TOE." The Red Society e Crossin a neigh- boring a boring town makes the following ap- peal to its knitters. "Three do's anti three don'ts for knitters : Do knit socks, do wash each pair, do fasten eaeletinir tseeths er at the top only : don't ltnot'yarn, splice it, don't Have one sock ten in- ches and its fellow eleven inches, don't finish toe with a hard knob."' SEND CS THEIR IET'I'E.1IS. The readers of The News -Record ere all interested in the soldier boys and particularly iii the members of the ifilst battalion, The Hurons. The News Record world, therefore, be glad to publish any letters coming from the boys in England Or later from leraitee, We will promise to preserve the original letters and return them to the owners. Send along the boys' letters, Others want to, heat from them, too, - I1EMEMMBERIsD OLD 'PUPILS. As it is time for sending Christmas cheer to our soldier boys, the pupils of the Collegiate did not forget their oid chums, who are serving King and Country. On Friday last a sub- scription was taken , up which amounted to $25.10 and the members of the staff blade it up to $30. The C.C,I. has fifteen members who left school to enlist in the 101st Huron Battalion and the 33rd Battalian and Ove others who had been out of school for a few months had enlist- ed. '1'.hus the Honor Roll contains twenty names, a good record for the size of the school, Air cushions was the gift chosen to send to the boys. So far none of the boys have been 'in the casuality list, WENT TO HOLT E'SVIl,LE. A toile number of Clinton people went out to Holrresville on Monday evening to the fowl supper in the Methodist church given in connection with the Men's Day celebration, They went in rigs, by automobile and by, foot and one and all report having hat! a most enjoyable time. The sup- per was the Bind that the l3almesvil- le people know so well how to serve, abundant and well cooked, and the program was also good. One party of young ladies who went OUt early intending to return in time for cer- tain other gatherings in Clinton had a rather disturbing experience. On arriving at the church a Hohnes il- lite, with ebaracteristio courtesy, of- fered to put away their horse, which he did,.:putting him in the far corner of the shed in order to leave coon - for later comers. The young ladies had 'their supper tied when ready to leave for home 'went out to see about their horse. But the shed was Gull to overflowing with horses and rigs. Furthermore, they weren't very sure of the appearance of their trusty steed. One of the young ladies vol- unteefied the inforna.ation that rt was. a Drown horse with rubber -bitesand had a Mack robe in the buggR This did not seem to throw sufficient light on the subject to make indentifica- tion easy, however. But atter: some delthe a and rigwere extrica- ted, hors,, ,t ica ted from the medley of vehicles' and the young ladies were started on their honeward journey, arriving safe- ly and only an hour or so later than was intended. .I. a..I .I..i..I..I, q..i..I..i..1..1. -I..i. -I' 1 =b The News -Record sub - i• + seri}tion list has passed •i -I• into the .hands of the new .1 Q•proprietor_ and any sub.- �i• scriptions in arrears should 1 4. be paid without -delay. Call .I q• at Rowe -Record office .or -•1- 4• remit by postoflice or ex- .1. $+ press order, .I .g •i- +++.I.+.I +4. 4' -1' •i. $..g -i'4- S. S, GA'l'HERINC1. . A .gathering of Sunday school wor- kers Will he held in Willis 'church this evening when Mr. Long of Goderich and Miss Marion Irwin of Clinton will give a report of the provincial con- vention at Kitchener, All Suielay school workers are expected to ire present. Supper will be served at halt ,Past six and the program will follow. • OF GENERAL INTEREST, The Duke of Devonshire was formal- ly installed as Governor General of Canada at the Provincial Buildings at Halifax on Saturday. Woodrow Wilson, contrary to tine first reports, has been re-elected, pres- ident of the United. States. That is lmless a recount e't an appeal to the courts will change the results of the holing on Tuesday last, A SURPRI,SE "SHOWER,," A number of the young lady friends of Miss Ethel Braclsilaw surprised her at''her home yesterday evening and, in view of her approaching marriage, gave her a shower of miscellaneous articles which will be found, useful when starting housekeeping, The bride-to-be was taken completely by surprise and the girls spent a jolly couple of hours together. FIRST SNOW NOV. 13TH, While we have been ]hearing anti reading of the snowfall t t and d cold' weather experienced in the west, we in Ontario Wive been cnhoying the mostout eaut f l autumn b t u nun 1•cattl A tet. On Monday, the thirteenth day of Nov- eiitUer, we had our Iirst snowfall and twon't o t 1 art long, The 1 to pnta•r ,u climate, taking year it A a in and year out, can hardly be beaten in Canada or elsewhere. - TIKES THE HOME NEWS. Iu writing to renew his subscription to The People's Paper Sir. S. A, Mc- Lean of Long Beach, California, says: have been taking The News -Rec- ord fur thirty-three of thirty-four years. It was first sent to me at Goderich, ther to f.ucknow, then to Dauphin, Mae., and now 'I wish you to change my address to Long Beach. I was born at Porter's f'lill and though far from the old home township I like to keep in touch with the old Friends there," Mr. MItLean is a brother of Mr. R, McLean of Goderich, AS OTHERS SEE CS. The New Era, Clinton, had the fol- lowing to say in its. last week's issue of the new proprietor of The News - Record, Thanks, we'll endeavor to live up to our neighbor's good opin- ion: "Owing to the demise of W. J. Mitchell, i it hell, Lilitor and Proprietor of the Clinton News -Record, the plant and goodwill was offered for sale by the administrator. The purchaser is G. E. Hall, who has been foreman of the New Era for the past six years. Ile is- now iii "possession. Mr. Hall is wet! known to the people of Clinton and surrounding country and will no doubt prove worthy of the esteem in which he is held. As an employee we found him industrious, eonhpeteut, careful, polite and aewon% modating and these in his own office will bring their reward. The New Era 'wishes Editor I:iall many years of success in his new position." THECHRISTMAS SEAL. • _ T • aW The Pleld Secretary of the \an- al Sanitarium Association, Mr. Wat- son, visited Ond addressed the Public school on Monday last, giving infor- mation in regard to the Marts icing put forth for the externhinaticn of - the dread White Plague from this Province, 'The progress made in On- tario towards that end is equal to that made in any other part of the world and surpassing most, the death tate from tuberculosis having already been reduceci'since the year WOO by over 40 percent, The hope is how confidently entertained that in less than thirty years hence, Wo shall have seen the end of it. Tile Muskoka Free Hospital for eon': stunptives lids been' the prinnipa-i fac- tor in the accomplishment of so much good, and it is today 'carrying the heaviest load in its history, there be- ing 2aS3 patients there taking the cure, 210 of whom are free, paying nothing. For this reason an appeal has to he made to all people, and the Christmas Seal has proved a great helper since it secures so many small contributors from many that other- wisecontribu- ting.would never think of co trtbu- ting. .Last year, handled mostly by the scholars, over sixteen thousand dollars came in from this source. This year twenty thousand dollars or more is looked for. The Education Department approv- es of the use of the schools for this purpose as -the satire is good and. the need is great. WILLI,S CHURCH. Rev. Mt. Duncan of Ja:know preached very acceptably bl y on Sunday to good congregations, ills'. Duncan was the third of the candidates fot the vacancy Ceased the resignation of Captain the 11ev. Frank U. liar; Per, The Junior: Girls' Club will: hold iits thaukolfering meeting on Tuesday ev- ening next at half past seven, e. good musical program willbe given end a large attendande is expected, AN INCREASE IN PAY. The mages of the employee of the G,T1-1 have recently been increased twenty-five cents per day for the area and twenty cents per day for the fore- men. The big company is thus endeav- oring to assist their employes tic meet the high cost of living. A preiniuni is also placed upon long service with the company as men in its service for fifteen years are issued yearly passes over the local division while those in the employ of the Company far twenty years acre given yearly -pas- ses over the whole system. ' HIRONS SAFELY ACROSS. It was with a thrill of thankfulness that the announcement was heard in the different churches in town at the morning service on Sunday lust that the 161st Battalion, in which there are so many Clinton men among the officers end men, hid reached the other side of the Atlantic in safety, With suhmarins scooting aro. nd every- where it is a -remarkable fact and one which is most creditable to those in authority that Britain has been able to move her thousands of troops across the seas with no loss of life, A SUDDEN CALL, Word has been received in town of the sudden death of Mr, Win. C'ulIty- ford of Los Angeles, ('al., ii Mich c, cured a lithe over a week ago Tet a hotel in Barras City. 31r. and Mrs. Cullafard visited in Clinton during the late summer, being for sonic dasi, the ('btiii s'. 6 of Mrs. Katy of town, and they had been travelling ever sane leaving here. Arriving in Kan- sas City they went to a hotel such almostun et rte 7 in lcc h 1 on being • :Mown to their apartments Mr. Cullaford ev- pired. Heart trouble was the cause, Mrs. C:'ullaford was a daughter of the - late Sirs. KTlty and a sister-in-law of Mrs. Kitty of Clinton, W. P. S. NOTES, The ladies arc asked to please re- member the meeting this' Friday will be a sewing day, The committee out pyjamas will have work ready, The tea given bp the A's and B's on Friday last was very much enjoyed by all present and the proceeds a- mouated to $11,15. The Society gratefully acknowledges the following donations :— t Out; St, church Ladies' slid G. D. McTaggart Mrs. I•I, B. Combe 'Miss Rance Mrs, Roland Stirs M. Beacons Smaller donations Full listof shi n lentwill ' e 1 l U later. People 'Yoca2Know Mr. l K' J. W. Kilbride r e of S ' taathroa tc: S in towht this week. Mrs. (Rev.) i-Iolmee spent a few dayse last,: week with Iiaelield friends, Mrs. George Connell is in Hallett': this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Carter. bliss Jessie Grainger was .in towis yesterday, on her way to I--rued:Hdi - after spending a couple of monthu or so nursing at :Simcoe, Mr. John Ransford was in Toronto last week, attending a meeting of. the Manufacturers' Association, nd which lie is an nffuential ntereller„ Ha jtiek f Mrs. Brandon is visiting at f}cif grave at present, Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes oft Enloe i the guest of Miss Lizzie Canttr.0a the - past week, Messrs. Wesley Monier, George Ayes ton, Jack Castle and Willard Stier. [ geon left last week for Detroit. Mr. Charles Dupee and sister, Mires Eliza Dupee, left last 'week fir Tor- onto, where the latter expectes in' remain, Charles going on to Latham, ton, Alta., to his- former position, Rev, F. Rickard exchanged pulpit--.,: with Rev, C. N. Forney of Purkhiji last Sunday, Pte. Wilber Erwin of the 118th Batt., Queen's Park, ,London, speott the week -end at his tante in the vil- lage. Mfr. George Green, wife and tv;^, sons of Drayton were the guests ,s the former's mother, Mrs. Green es Bayfield, a few days the past weak. Dr. Metcalf and wife returned to Detroit last week after spending Um sunnier at their summer Route -a the village, ISir, .1..Audersion, who rant a bathes shop in the village during the Cast summer, has returned to his home at Dungannon for the winter. - i Vit' • e- 1 e .1. 1 ,Innes exchanged pet - pits with Re Mr. Kersey of Bet, meet circuit Stratford, last .Sunday. Mr. Albert, '• i \ a t:,tanc sonanddal". a gitter, Harald and Dorothy, of C3niri,: spent a few day's the past week the of This sister, 1 Mrs. Thomas:, guests, a mg. 'flee treasurer of the Bayfield ( Ag- ricultural Society is now prepared to, pay out all prize money awarded al' the Pall Fair. Soon we'll have the long winter tr. enings' anti those Who enjoy reading, have a splendid opportunity of sem.- ' ing good books at the Bayfield Public Library and the cost is very smelts. You may become a member now €ire the small stut'r of fifty cents. This en-. titles you to membership till the miff of 1FtL7 giving you the remainder or liid free. 'there are about titrewhunn, Bred books in the library and new ones are added frequently. it Is a little over a year since the librsrcy�; $10.00 ' was established and it has given mucltr, 1,0.01 ' pleasure to a large number, 10.00 h00 1+.00 2.00 1.50 given g e LITTLE LOCALS. The season for municipal candidates Is almost here. Who will sit at Clinton's council board after January 1st, 1017'[ The W. C. 'I'. U. will meet on Fri- day evening at the bonus of Airs. A. f, Tyndall, MIrs, A, K, Fairfull my ll give a report of the Provincial Con- vention at Hamilton. - A little coini purse, containing a small Sum of money was Picked up on the street Saturday evening and left in this office. The rimier can have rain by calling here, in order to have all 'the news of Clinton and surrounding dlstriet you, need to take The News -Record, '1:0 new subscribers in Canada from now until the end of next, year for aim dal- far• The Board of Trade meets in the council ehamber on Friday - evening and will have some important busi- ness to transact, All the members should make -a point of being present, WESLEY' CIIUJRCI-i. Rev, A, A. Bowers of Itrantforci preached. at both services ou Sunday, the pastor: being in Brantford conduc- ting anniversary services. In the ev- ening the church quartette, consist- ing of Mrs. last, Miss Crandle and Messrs. Moffat and :last, rendered -a selection very pleasingly. The official board has extended to Rev. A. E. Jones of Stratitroy an in- vitation to become pastor of the con- e reend con- gregation at the of the present conference year. Mr. Jones has ac- cepted, subject of course to the ae- tiOn of• the stationing committee, and will commence his pastorate here next July. Mr. It. Iii. Manning at the Monday evening meeting of the League, which was under tihe direction of the literarp department, gave a very in- teresting address on . Roumania. lle gave sonic of the reasons for her en- try into the war and suggested some of the rewards which may come to her at its close;, lee• described sever- al of the customs and habits of the people themselves, and expressed the hope that Roumania might be able at the close of the war to realize her ambition; at toast in part, or u- niting her people under one nag. Halmesville The men's rally held in the MOMS. - dist chatch 0 Sunday last under ur tI a auspices of the Brotherhood ymcoe& to be most successful. The pastor, Rev. A, Sinclair, conducted both ser, vices. His expositions were earnest.., Practical and most helpful and the congregations were held in rapt abe tentiois on both occasions, The. fowl supper given in connection on Monday, evening had a larger -than -has -Leen at- tendance, and that it saying a good deal. Although the weather on 'MOP, day evening was somewhat disagieer able the crowd began to arrive about half past five and until hinrthirty those serving sapper were kept u Everyone by, lveryq c ryas satisfied and there seemed - to he ars ahundance of good. thing‘ togo around. The concert put on of -- ter the supper by the Forest City Male' Quartette was also well received ht. a delighted audiohee. Their select:ons were well chosen and well rendered though they worked under a grave, disadvantage in that pale of their' number, Mr, Dowling, the bass, was unable to be present owing to the see- thes illness of his wife, Owing to - this cause their program bad to bet changed somewhat. Miss Vance, elo.- etttionfst, London, assisted in the program, rendering several nrumbers. very acceptably, and Rev. W. Moul- ton, who is well known in and about Hohnesville, being incumbent of St. John's church, also assisted. Thee proceeds of the entertainment amoun- ted to $258, which is the largest sum. ever raised by this congregation by„ an entertainment. Rev. R. J. McCormick, of Blpbht,. formerly pastor here, came do -vim witlx his wife and family on Monday and' took in the entertainment and called. on old friends. 'Mir, McCormick's speech on Monday evening was clear---- acteristie and was hutch enjoyed bye a11. The IIolmesville people were es- pecially delighted to have him witls them as It was under Isis direction., that the Brotherhood was formed. Most people arehoping ig that the snow will not remain as manyarm not even yet prepared for it. About thirty young people, carni., down Prem Cloderieh on the evening train on Monday and remained for the entertainment, going Name by.• the late, A large number of Clinton Teeple: came out, some walking and mazer driving, and took in the supper eel entertainment on Monday. -