HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-11-09, Page 1The Clinton News
No. 1962 -37th Year
In a Watch is the result of superior
materials, combined with pains-
, taking caxe in putting them
Knowing that every
£egtna Watch
is as good as it can be made, we
have no hesitation in endorsing the
universal guarantee that gees with
every one of therm
• .
Jeweler and Optician
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Paid-up 11,560,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,236,000
Total Assets 234,000,000
330 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
f + ... .......x INCORPORATED 1855
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted,
Circular Litters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
!Interest allowed et highest current rate.
'C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton' Branch.
1 2 he ,Morrish Co.I OnD>;n 1:
Clothing U 1. OLaTrrINa
the style
ent grades,
Men's Overcoats
ial Suit
find here the
yo want, in
you' ou like, at the
Yo�u want to pay.
s e we show so
styles, s es in different
in all the differ-
f er
we feel sure
we can please you.
$ 0.00 to $25.00
7.50 to 13.50
2.25 to 6.50
t seeour
o se spec-
1 .
at$5 00.
Agent C. P. R.
Phone 18 for Sunday or night calls.
Wheat $11:75.
Oats 60c.
Barley 90e,
Butter 35c.
Eggs 31c to 350.
Live flogs $10,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Reid of I-Iamio-
ta, Man., announce the engagement of
their sister, Bertha Stanley; youngest
'daughter of lin. William Stan-
ley, Clinton, to Mr. Geo. Wright of
Hantiota, the marriage to take 'place
November 15th.'
Much sympathy is felt for Me. and
tics. W. L. Johnson in the death of
their infant son,which occurred
Tuesday. The little fellow had seem-
ed to be doing well until very short-
ly before his death, which was en-
tirely unexpected. He had lived but
the short span of twenty-six days.
Last week a very kindly and beau-
tiful expression was given of the bond
of sympathy existing between the
families in
Clinton vho
have mem-
crtets serving in the Huron
when the wives and families of the
officers and men of the Met sent a
handsome floral emblem for the cas-
ket of the late William Leppington,
who died so suddenly. Mrs. Lapping -
ton, who was so unexpectedly be-
reaved, has but :two sons, and both
are members of the :Mist and at the
time of their father's sudden death
were probably upon the Atlantic.
The loneliness of the widowed moth-
er's position struck a responsive
chord in the hearts of other wives
and mothers of Clinton soldier boys
and they gave sweet expression to
their sympathy by the gift of fra-
grant roses and a kindly message.
But for such kindly thoughts and
deeds titis old world world often
prove but a poor place to sego:'rn.
1 2
Murphy Lodge was at-home to its
friends on Tuesday evening, its
bers being hosts at a very ct' l le
social evening to which its wives,
daughters gird friends were invited. A
large number responded to the in: i-
tation to make merry with the Or-
angemen. A program had been ar-
ranged by the committee in charge,
the first number being a guessing
contest. Short speeches were also
given by -Rev. U, A. Agn ntt', Rev. C.
C. Maine, Rev. E. G. Powell and Rev,
Dr. Rutledge. Rev. W. Moulton end
Miss Lucile Grant each gave a
ing and Miss Lillian Fairlull and Mas-
ter Jack Bllwden cantributed snipe.
The Clinton Pipers' Band also con-
tributed a couple of selectionsanti
very kindly responded to an encore.
Rev. J. A. Robinson, a member of
the Lodge, occupied the chair,, pre-
siding hr a very happy manner.
At the conclusion of the program
refreshments were served, n part of
the evening's proceedings which seem-
ed to be much enjoyed. Altogether
the members of Murphy
Lodge are
to be congratulated
u yon the success.
of their annual at-home.
The bommittce in charge of the
arrangements desire to extend their
thanks to all those who took part
in the program or who in any nay
contributed in making the affair a
The council met on Monday and
transacted a tidy bit of routine busi-
A communication was' read from
the ratepayers en James steed, ask-
ing that ,a light be placed between
Maria street and the freight sheds,
it being, so dant there on dark nignts
as to cause considerable •inconven-
lance. The council decided that the
light should be so placed.
The need of a. new fire hall and a
suitable place cot storing the town's
machinery was suggested and caused
considerable discussion, It was final-
ly decided' that a committee, consist-
ing of Reeve Fond and Councillors
Hawkins and Wiitsc, be appointed to
make enquiries regarding the cost of
erecting a building suitable for the
town's needs and report to council.
The marriage took place in Winni-
peg on Saturday last of MTr. W. Roy
Grigg, younger sort of Mr. and Mrs.
A; J Grigg of town, to Miss Muriel
Rogers of that city. Roy's old Men-
ton friends, 'and they are many, will
join with The 'News -Record in ex-
tending congratulations. '
The pastor preached at the morning
service on Sunday, taking fox his sub-
ject-; "The Significance of the Cross."
After the serum the sacrament of
the Lord's supper was administered
to a large number of communicants.
Next Sunday Rev. A. A. Bowers of
Brantford, an old pastorate, wily,
preach morning and evening, tire pas-
tor going to Brantford, to con-
duet anniversary services,
• The annual public meeting of the
Children's Aid Societe will be held:
in tire council chamber and the hall.
on Tuesday next. A meeting for
business and the electicn of oTrcers
will be held at four o'clock and there
will also be a meeting in the even-
ing, addressed by Mr. G. M. Elliott
who will tell of the
vvori: of the So-
ciety in the county. All who are
interested in the welfare of children
are welcome and are urged to attend
these meetings,
r'NNL'ZsL lidEr, E IN CI.
The IlotLicultura'l Society held
their annual meeting on Tuesday ev-
ening, eleeted officers for the year
and transacted other necessary busi-
ness. Major M. 0. McTaggart was
again elected president, Messrs. G.
Ii, David and H. W. Watt were elec-
ted first and second vice lnresiclente,
respectively, and Mr. T. Cottle was
reappointed secretary. Miss K. Mc-
Taggart and Messrs. .1. Cuninglzame
and J, Cook were appointed delegates
to the Provincial Horticultural Con-
vention to be held in Toronto this
While assisting Mr. Arthur Cattle -
lois in erecting a cement bloclt build-
ingon h
the farm .1•
,lr.N 1 1-
ofNoble Hol-
land of Mullett township one day
last week Mr, Joseph Rands met with
a painfuI, and what might have prov-
ed a very serious accident. He was
managing a windless by which the
cement blocks were swung into place
when suddenly something gave way
and tine handle of the windless was
jerked from his hand and flying back
struck him a terrine blow on the
-side of the head, "Joe" was knock-
nocked. dizzy for a thee and
blood flowed
freely but no very serious effects fol-
lowed, though he was unable to re-
sume work for a day or so. But such
an accident might easily have been
a great 'deal worse.
At the regular meeting, of the Clin-
ton Camp of Boy Scouts on Tem s -
day evening last they were presented
with bugle, drum and colors, the pre-
sentation being made by Miss I'.earl
Shipley. Th, funds for the purchase:
of same were collected. lected• byMiss Ship-
hi -lap some time ago but owing to un-
navoidable delays the articles were'
not received until last week, The
was collected
sum of $1,35, which v
over and above what was required
for payment of the articles need-
ed were placed in the treasury of the
Scouts. After the presentation a very.
hearty vote ofthanks was tendered
bliss Shipley by the boys, who are
also grateful to all citizens who took.
enough interest in the movement to
contribute money! for the purpose p tse of
furnishing them with the articles a, -
hove mentioned,
Finer (weather could hardly have
been provided for the anniversary
services ort Sunday and the church
was taxed both morning and evening
to accommodate the congregations
t Especially w
which attended. s this a
the case in the evening as Wesley
church withdrew its service and the
people came up in large numbers to
join in the service.
Rev. W. G. Howson of London was
the preacher of the day and he de-
livered two eloquent and thoughtful,
sermons. In the morning he chase
or iris subject : "The Glory of
God," taking for his 'text the words
"I -Es Train Filled the 'i'emple. In'
the evening his subject was "A .hi -
vet of Squares" his text being "That
vs may comprehend with all saints
what Is the breadth and length anti
Leight and depth of the love of•
On eaclb
occasion kir. Rowson
preached eloquently and earnestly,
roving to the many who had sat
tinder his ministry in the years gone
by that he had lost none of her
old-time flee,
The choir rendered special music at
ach service. In the evening Mr.
Wares sang tine sola, "FIe'1l Wipe
he 'Tears from Every Eye."
The thank -offering amounted to
L doil'ars about
s, ahtutdred�tinil Iii
V )Z ,
tie hundred dollars more titan last
The pastor, Rev. J A. Agnew, will,
rreach on Sunday next. At the
close of- the regular preaching service
n the morning the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be administered.
In the evening the pastor will take
for his subject "Forgiveness."
Dr:, J. C•. Oodles was' appointee. f
Medical Health Officer for the town,
pending the return al' Dr. Shaw', who
is on military duty.
Major X. D. McTaggart, who is also
absent on military duty, sent in his
resignation as a member of the Col-
tegtate board. and Dr, F. 'A. ,Axon was 1
appointed to fill out the remainder Of
the term.
A letter was read from the sore -
a the British lied Cross thank-
tr ofLe n 1
ing the town for the contribution of
L188,5.0 sent M after the collection
last month.
Town Solicitor Brydone warned the
council regarding; upstanding water-
works taps, etc., .en the sidewalks e
and called attention to the fact that
the munleipal fly could be held ac,
countable f'i et
l or anyccr 1 tts. resulting
a t
such obstructions. This matter..
was submitted to the waterworks die- o
NG:Went: , ' y
Mr. It, 0raham wrote asking that
he be Oven parmission to' install a l
gasoline tame. on. the street opposite
fr,a.rajre which ire fs now erecting, i
After dlriami:slim the (matter was re-
ferred to the. street committee.
A number of accounts were passed.
•1..p++.p++.p .;..i. •. •1• .f..f .p
3• -t•
• The News -Record d str
scription • 1 list haw passed •;•
•;• into the hands of the new .p•
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•;• ecriptions in arrears sbo:ild 4-
•;• be paid without delay, Ciall 3•
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.p brass 'order.
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A meeting of the Sunday school
workers of- Clinton and surrounding
country will be held in Willis church
on Thursday evening next when hiss
Marion Irwin of Clinton and Mr, H.
R. Log of Goderteh will give a re-
port of the Provincial S.& conven-
i held in
ton M'tc»enet last e
z Week. .:11x.
George Raitlfiby of Auburn, president.
of the Centre Huron S.S. Ass'n will
be present and all the ministers anti
S.S. workers in town and vicinity,
will he invited.
Tile Patriotic Society meets inn the
council chamber on Friday afternoon
at three o'clock, when those who
have not yarn for knitting or other
work to do ,may be supplied. And
while the knitting needles are busily
plied a tow of tine' ladies will serve
afternoon tea. Of course a 'small
charge will be made for the tea, ten
cents, to be exact, and this will be
added. to the SocIety's funds. Wheth-
er a member or not 'every lady in
town or surrounding country will be
welcome to conic in and enjoy a cup
of tea and spend an hour in pleasant
People You Klt €� v
Mrs. Win. Bolton of Coderich . spent
last week with her father, Mr,
James Carter.
'Mr. and Mrs, T. Dunbar and little
daughter, Dorothy, of Sarnia are
home of the Inri} s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett.
of Princess street.
Mise Irene Gould, nurse in traleln; .rt
the Wingham hospital inns been
spending a vacation at the parent-
al home in town, that of Ir. and
Mrs. H. Gould. She returns to her
duties again this week.
Lieut. A. J. Grigg was rep from Lon-
don over the week -end. Limit, Grigg
has been engaged in military work
in connection with Military Divis-
ion No. Ii and his appointment as
recruiting officer for Huron and
Bruce has jug' been announced.
Mr. and Mrs. A, Ilewett and children
left the beginning of the week for
Montreal and ee Saturday Mrs.
Hewett and children gait for Eng-
land, where they will spend the
winter visiting the parental homes
of both Mr. and Mrs. Hewett.
Messrs. A, V. and 5. Quigley, and
Miss Kathleen were at Kingsbridge
the beginning of the week attend-
ing the funeral of their cousin, the
late John Quigley,
who lost st his life
when the lake steamer, e mer Merida,
'went down in Lake Erie in the
storm of Friday week.
Pte, iMcConnell, en lIcG
ounell, who enlisted
with a Highlanders Battalion in
Edmonton, ,Alta., several months
ago, called on his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James McConnell of Princess
street, yesterday evening and return-
ed' to Toronto this afternoon where
his battalion is spending a couple
of days while on their way to Hal-
ifax, prior to going overseas,
Mr. W. J, Cooper and Miss Lucy
left this morning for To:orto,
Where they intend taking up their
abode for the future. Mr. Cooper
has been a resident of Clinton for
forty-one years and it was with
considerable regret that he bade
good-bye to his old friends here. He
has a son in Toronto, however, and
bliss Cooper is taking a positiou r
an office there aril lie thought it
better upthe to break r e Horne in
Clinton. May good luck attend hint
in the evening of his days.
• Varna
Messrs. W. Logan and C. Diehl re-
turned home last week after spending
past few weeksin the west.
Mr. Tiros, Reid anti the Misses
Flossie and Annie Stepteneon slept
Sunday with Clinton friends.
Stanley. Township
Mr: John 'Davison, Mr. Fred Baker
and Mr.. James Wacnsley, who are
working in tire muni-itian factory' at
Seaforth, spent over the week -end -at
their respective homes in Bayfield,
NLr. and Mrs. Win, llathweli spent
Sunday at the hone of Mr. Williams
Mr. Peter McGee has moved onto
his farwhich he recently
from Mr.Alberte} Boyce.
Mr. Albert Boyce has leased Mfr.
Geo, Johnston's farm for a time, un-
til he can locate a suitable place to
Mr. Jas. Mtedlinohey of the Goshen
gave the young people a pleasant hop
en Hallowe'en evening, James, in
his, genial, good-natured way, made
the evening pleasant for them,
Coderich Township
The following i
s the �
e icor.
L of
Young Ladies' Patriotic Society of
the south end of the township from
March trend to October ' 18th, 1916.
Funds collected were as follows :-
as follows :-
Membership Les
Sale ofrags and rarer
$ 8.00
Grant from C'o'.rncil 00.00,
Carden Party' 110.00
Total amoiunt' $273,',0
Money .paint'out for expenses and
To the Clinton Pat, Society $15.00
Comforts, soldiers in trenelies 511,81
Duchess of Connaught Fund for
Prisoners 55.00
Christmasustnas gifts
to the boys in
trenches sent through the
Can. Field , Comforts Com-
mission, Moore Barracks,
Shorncliffe, Ping. 25.00
Wool for knitting 446,53
Knitting Needles 1.45
Del. expense at Convention 1.00
Total amount paid out 220.55
Balance on hand 47.15
In additions to the aba- e report
there were four dozen shirts made for
the Clinton society and fifty-one
pairs at socks knit, some of which
have been sent to the trenches. Those
on lined will be shipped on Nov, 1St
along with other supplies f our the
county. The, society extends an in-
vitation to all who can to join and
help then( in their work as they n -el
more workers. The so iety meets
next Wednesday afternoons at the
home of Miss Edna Wise,
Along with the report we ta':e the
liberty of printing a letter received by
Miss Flossie Cole le acknowledgement
of socks which were sent to the boys
in the trenches last July by the
Young Ladies' Society.
"somewhere in France."
Oil ober 17th, 11;10.
Dear Miss Cole :-It gives me great
pleasure to comply with your regee•t
Mr an aeknowledgement of the
splendid pair of socks width It was
my good fortune 'to receive from the
Young Ladies' Patriotic Society of
your township
the socks
when toy veus die tilr ie
d by the
battery over two wens ago and they
were more than welcome because at
that time it was very wet and it OM -
ed life a gift from. the gods to receive
dry, warm socks. The reason of the
delay in writing was not due to tack
of appreciation but because we were
called into action and when we are
in the gun position we are too busy
distributing souvenirs an:ongst Fritz
t v u n letter -writing. W'
beam to a for i tt t t,
received our hardest shock yesterday
when our Major and Serge -Major
wereboth killeid while making sure
that_ all the men were under cover
during a heavy shelling. They were
two of the finest fellows in the
world. Wishing you the best of luck
in your good work, Tannin sincerely
-F. .J, Radford."
Right Reverent David Williams,
Lord Bishop of Itmn, will preach in
St. John's church on Sunday week,
that is November nineteenth, at
three o'clock, HisLordship ordshi will al-
administer confirmation to a large
A number of young men from 'the
surrounding towns were in this vic-
inity on Sunday shooting. Surely
these young men are aware that such
conduct is against .the law and that
they render themselves Iiable to pro-
secution. It would be as well for
diem act to indulge in such unlawful
Sport again.
"Men's' Day" will he' celebrated on
Srutday next in the Methodist church
here. This has come to be r:e;;arcietl
as an annual feature and is looked
forward to with anticipations of
pleasure by the whole congregation.
The pastor will preach both morning
and evening and a choir of male voi-
ces will lead the singing. On the
Monday evening following a fowl sup-
e will re served and the n
per a tLondon
le Quartette will put on a con-
A good congrogatinn was present
on Sunday morning last when the
quarterly services' for the Methodist
circuit were'iild here. The pastor
preached an excellent sermon. The
Sunday evening services' continue in
er sin and attendancei '•
t a t g n is Myrtles-
ing. !'Protestantism" was the sub-
ject of last Sunday's' address. Mr,
Sinclair proved Mimsolf master of his
Subject and made - the application
both practical and interesting to his
At the official meeting of the
quarterly board on Monday evening.
the financer of the circuit
were fo:ind
to come up to and exceed cxpec-
tati ens.
Just as an experiment Mr. A. J.
Courtice on the :Ilth day If August
planted a fete hills of potatoes. On
Sept. lithe some blossoms were slow-
ing but unfortunately, a few evenings
afterwards the frost came and hilted
theutno all
ho blossoms'h ofofthcK
tops. Just recently the 'potrt:es
were 'dug and at the roots were
found tubers-, sone as large as hen
eggs. Some of the earlycrops did
not do so well as this.
Mx. Mair has been cutting up
Straw stacks at the premises of
Messrs. NN.."W. Tretvartha anti W.
Tebbutt' and blowing it into ties
barns. Getting ready for winter,
Mr. . J. •tn . ltcarer-1, r
w n has 1,_ct,
manager of the local branch of the
Sterling 13an It for the past fourteen,
mouths, left on Wednesday for 'Tor-
onto. His successor is Mr. Motive of
St. Cathcrines,
Rev, Teerseym of Stratford will ire-
cupy the pulpit of the Methodists
church on Sunday morning. next.
Mr. Michael Duper left last week
for Seaforidi where he will make his
home in the future with his ' sox+,
Daniel Uupee.
Rev, A. Macfarlane attended
meeting of the Library institute at.
Stratford this week. ' e-
lls:. 'Harry 'Marks of Edmonton anis:
Mrs: Netter of Kansas, who were
called hone on account of the serious
illness s of their father, at r, MIr T. .1,.
, eft for their homes an Water -
The axonal bazaar under the atrrm-
pices of 'tine Guild of Trinity church
will be held in the town hall on
December 5th. -
Mrs. (trashy of 73elgra;e is riser
guest of her sister, Mrs. Brandon.
M.r. T. J. ;,larks has recovered snf-
ficientl tohe
abletobe • r .
Y Oen
er ch hospitalfor
where he left for last Friday.
Mr. Robert Bailey of the Sterli•ug
Bank, Sebringviile, s,.ent the wear-,
end at his home in the village.
Rev. C, M. Ferny, rector of Pa't?c-
hill, will have charge of the Anglican
services here next Sunday;
G. Rickartd taking the work at Park.
A bright young life was cut short
on 'Tuesday morning of this gook
when the spirit of Sarah Emma I' ark
beloved wife of Mr. Frederick eir-
Ewan of' this village, passed Into tic.:
unseen world at the age of thirty:
years and ten months. The ttecoascr`
was boat in the towus}tip of eltaitfey;.
on December Hilt, 1.885, and remain
ed at hone up till the time of her
marriage. During her eurly. 'ife ehy
became a member of the Methodist
church and was always a co etant
attendant, assisting in the choir for
a number of years and always wil-
ling toassist in any good
wort lotr
the church.
On Februarys 1st, till, she was
muted in marriage to Mr. Frederick
McEwan and this village has been her
home since until her death.
The funeral takes place this atom
noon to Mayfield. cemetery.
Mrs. Mciniwan is survived by hen
sorrowing husband, her parents ord.
four sisters and three brothers,
Richard, London ; Ella, Throne e
Maggie at Normal school, 'Ilanziltou;:
and Lilly, Lottie, Wesley andArthur
at home,
She had always enjoyed excellent
health until stricken ,with her Salt
illness and her early death lifts cc
great shock to her relatives, who
have the sincere sympathy of then
whole community.
Mr. Lewis L. Ahiworth of (loiter -10r
lodericl -
township, who has had considerable:
experience in the cutting of corn axil
sorgbrunt during the past six years
sgives or o it as his opinion that
, P
t a
the farmers in this section are -
r r s o cow-
ing wrong kind of seed, He se•yen
that the Orange anti Early Amber
are the two varieties which seem to
suit the climate here best, especially
the latter as it resists the frost most
successfully. Mr. Aidworthbad quite a.
long season this year as he began
cutting September 10th and fin sheet
on November 1st.
Miss Aggie Beattie is visiting Lon -
den and Pond Mill friends,
Miss Lizzie, McGregor has returned
front a pleasant visit at Harrow ens(
Detroit, '
Mr. Chas. Reid and little seri,
Stanley, spent a few days , in and
around Brussels this week, -
Mrs. (Rev.) 155,11 Woods, wito fins.'
been the guest of ler brothel', Dim..
Thornton, itas returned home,
the many friends of him Alex. Otus-
tarn will be sorry to hear that he..
is ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. George Swan has released.
from an extended visit with her mem
ther, Mrs. Chas. Wilson of Toronto;
Mr. and MIrs. Torrance Dunlop and
little sous, Harry and Jack, spent
the weep -end with ihire. Dunlop's inn'
tier, Mrs. W.. El, Rattenbury.
The Kelly Circle Missionary Serie-
tlx intent holding a bazaar and sale
of work or Nov 24th,
The Red Cross workers and friends
shipped a large box of Christmas .
chem: to our soldier bays at the
front on Wednesday,
Mrs. .John- Grainger has recovered'
from her recent illness:
The committee, in charge intend
malting their shipment of fruit and,
jam for the Mspitals soon and wont
like those that have not done so to'
send in their jars at' once to the
manse as they wish to ship.
Nurse Rowatt is in Egmondvtlle on
professional dutythis weele,
Miss Reah'1Loitatt has almost re-
covered e from her .'ec at
x e operation few
appendicitis and intends returning tee '
work at St. Joseph's Hospital, !Lon-
don, this week.
Mrs. Wm, Reddanger end• child of
Detroit have been visiting her moth-
other, Mrs. II, Wenn.