HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-26, Page 5PIMPLES
'In- the - SPringe Meet PeoPle . Need. ai'
Topic Meditine:
One of the stitest signs that the
blood iS Out' of Mater it the pimples, ....,
unsightly eruptions and eczema .that e aanous Priest Renews His Attacks on
come frequently With the change from ' • Those Who Would Spare,
Winter 4i -soling. These Prove that
the long indoor. life of winter ha e had : e , ,. • . e
its effect Upon the bleed, and 'that a i ,Kill Germans . if you would win the
tole medicine is needed to put it : war," continues to be the elogaii of
Indeed, there are few people the Rev. .Bernard Vaughan., priest
who do Met need a tonic at this sea- militant, of London, England. Father
on, Bad blood does not merely show Vaughan teed).* answered another
itself in disfiguring eruptions. To thie . clergyman who thought it was a pity
Same condition is due attaeke of rhea- to km so many Germans .by saying;
biotin', and lumbago; the sharp stab- Intl my blundering stupidity I had
birigpains . of sciatica and neuralgia; thought it a pity to miss so Many of
poor .appetite and a desire to avoid theme .. :
exertion. You cannot .cute these trou- 1 in a late iisue of Reynolds' News-
' Ides by the use of Purgatiire Medicines paper Father Vaughan returns to the
' '-,-yeti need a tonic, .and a tante only, I charge with the following: . • •
had among all medicines there is none i, There are two extreme sahoola of :
can equal 13r. Williams' Pink Pills for I thought respecting this life and death
their tonic, life-giving, nerve -Teeter- straggle called warfare: The militar7
ihg powers.: Every dose of this meth- ists and pacificists are poles apart in
cine makes new, rich blood which 1 their teaching about war. On the
drives out impurities, stimulates every
' one head; while Prussiaxi. war lords
make out war Aci be not only E "bio-
logical necessity," but also the "reli-
gion o fValor," the Society of Friends,
HOW TO WIN THIS A Crisp, Delicious ,R.NI,C.• Cornmandalit
• "Snack" for luncheon or'
CRENIEST OF WARS th th t o any
a ers e- ea re, r
- old time when the appetite
cr,aves "something adiffea- ,
MORE GERMANS: ent" is TRISCtrr, the
Shredded Whole Whet
toast. Heat it in the oven
Organ ' and brings a feeling of new
health and energy to weak, tired, ail-
ing men, women and children. If you
re out of sorts 'give this Medicine a I one the other hand, declared that no -
trial and see how quickly it will re- thing can justify "the repelling of
a store the appetite, revive drooping force. The German Bernhardt would
ppirits, and fill your- veins with new,
' health -giving blood.
You eon' get these Pills from any
inedieine dealer of by mail at 50 cents
h bm.• or six boxes for. $2.50 froin The
Dr. Williains' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Delicious Perfume Disguished Poison
turn Ploughshares into swords, and
the Russian Tolstoy would, on the
contrary, 'crush swords into plough -
shared. A plague on both your houses,
say I. Between these optimistic and
pessimistic views about the right to
fight there is a third class made up
of people like the Rev. Dr. Meyer and,
the Rev; Newsham Taylor, who lead
one under the impression that they
regard the present European war as
some international football match,
*ith --the- betting on our side, and
A Central News correspondent with the hope that none of the play
sends the following description of an era in the rough game will be badly
abortive German attack made under hurt They and their followers in
cover of gas: their solicitude for My welfare, keep
"On Saturday evening the, word on reminding. me low ill beseeniing
went around that the Germans were ecolesiastical lips it is to give the
preparing to attack, and all night adviu
ce t
Mst Go On Killing Germans. kill' Germans.
long the big. guns behind Us were .
sending the great shells roaring over .
duo heads towards the Germans. Just I suppose I am expected by this
after dawn a delicious fragrance was school of thought to exhort our
noticed, wafted along by a gentle troops' not to kill them. Mr. Bernard
north-west breeze. The perfume of Shaw has reminded me that there is
lilac! We •tirere all standing, up and another way. of Muting the war ,be,
sniffing the beautiful scent whenthe sides that of killing Germans, and
scene changed, The 0. C. came rag- that is to end it by killing English-
ing and shouting something in- men. MY attitude toward the war
coherently about goggles. The' next may be summed up in a very simple
moment the whole regiment got it, syllogism: It is this:
and every Map was fumbling frenzied. Warfare Means killing the troops
ly for -hie goggles. When the goggles fighting against you.
were- adjusted ,relief. came gradually But the troops fighting against us
but surely: Then the order Came to are German.
put on gas helmets, and:a feW,min- Therefore, the war for us means
utes later a. white mist tame towards killing Germans.
us.: was about twelve hichei high, About the major premise,Mr. Shaw
• but gathering volume from the Ger- and myself are in complete. agree -
man trenches. When it reached Us it Silent It is with the minor premise
was a wall of grey -green vapor. But that we seem to be quarrelling. It is
• the fateful moments sped by, and now
we were breathing gaspingly.
"Peering through our eye -pieces, we
descried perhaps a. hundred Germans
climbing their parapet end coming
atumbling, forward, waving their
. rifles. Our Machine pips Were sput-
tering bullets at the rate of four hun-
dred a Minute. Before he had got
twenty yards from his trench the last
- German was down.
"All' at Mice one became aware .6f
a dark • ass of Men surging along
, .
On they =le in loose Order at a lain-
bering trotprobably three or four
, hundred, wearing gas masks and look-
ing like giant toads:
"Then, just before our eyes, the
leading Germans stopped, tWiebed and
fp11,. and we were too hearse to
cheer as the terrible machine. guns
wiped awayethdaylide line as a child's ' determination never to slip that sword ward. Tolfson, who was employed on
Wet hand, wipes away a row of figures into its scabbard again Europe is: the Government grain elevator at the
rid of its menace to liberty, justice, foot of Salisbury Drive.
on a slate."
and Civilization. Kamloops people are taking hold t'dO'sfsKidney Pills have a record
Prusollanism Must Go. of over a quarter of a 'century in Can -
of the preliminary arrangements for
to res,tore it S crispness, then
serve with butter, soft cheese
or marmalades As a tOast
for ,chafing dish cookery it
is a rare delight. It is full
of real nutriment. •
Made in Canada,.
Progress of the Great West Told
in a Few i'einted
. .
. • .
-Victoria school kids have been re-
duced by 30 teachers.
Coal is to drop 50 cents a ton in
Vancouver this spring.
South Vancouver is talking of es-
tablishing a ,woollen factory.
Version propeity is assessed for
$4,042,753, a slight increase over 1.215:
Neleon -will be the scene of a mining
convention for one -week early in
Lee Sing was fined :$75 in the Vies
feria Police Court for :keeping on
opium joint.
The Fraser Hotel at New West-
minster was recently sold out by.the
A motion to establish a dog tax at
Langley' Was lost in the council by a
vote -of 3 to 4.
Bridge Foreman Johnson has a
deir of 28 men at work now on the
new Goat River bridge at Creston.
There were 288 births; 95 deaths,
and 94 marriages in the city of Van-
vouver during the month of March.
Work will be begun:iminediately on
the constraction of a plant for the
treatment of complex ores in Nelson.
During the past winter over .4,000,-
000 feet of logs Were taken out at the
Crow's Nest Pass Lumber Company's
In South Vancouver eleven China-
man, gardeners, are asking $2,500
damages they allege to have been done
not quite clear whether he puts Eng- to them gardens by the floods.
lishmen where I put Germans. No There has beeo recIsived at the
doubt the proGerinan pats English- Com.t Hods°, for the Government ex -
men -where I pat England's enemy. Milt there, a pure white cock pima -
So that the conclusion to be, drawn sant, from the Kelowna district.
from the premises depends altogether A new traffic by,:lasy in' Victoria is
Usion which side yeti are in the tight to the effect that pedestrians must
As it is 'as clear as nooaday to me not cross the streets at intersections,
that .we have entered into this devils. hu only at designated crossings. •
tating war with a clear conscience The announcement is- made by the
and clean, hands, I am satisfied • that C. P. R. that during the coming' sum -
we must go on killing Germans tin-. mer liquot will be sold at the coin-
th we haire reached the munber that pany's hotels at Banff and Lake
will entitle us to dictate to the enemy L •
our -terms of peace and to save Fishermen from the Vedder River "My wife got the same good ?:e -
Europe from the tyranny, the Icon= and St -,o River report that steelhead sults from them. It was after trying "I'd turn you into a rat and call the
of the superman -with his supers salmon are plentiful and have been several doctors and a specialist from Cat, and wouldn't I have lark!" •
State. We have ds'asvp. the sword to caught in large aumbers in the last Sault Ste.•Marie, who advised her tol
Protect the heatrality, independence, two weeks, stay in. bed a month, that she decided
and autonomy of the smaller Euro- To .fall a distance of Seventy FOOD FOR BATTALION.
ean kin doms Mid it is our rooted and still liVe is tlie experience of Ed-
•I'et. to try Dodd's Kidney Pills., She took
a dozen boxes in all with splendid re- In the British army a battalion of
• iminou.i.-orm. G. ss. rirannExu,
'.'ho has been. appointed commandant.
of the !loyal Military. College at'
Kingston, with the rank of colonel.;
Hitherto die lies been only acting;
Cure Bordas on the
He and His Wife, After Years of Doc-
toring, Found Quick Relief and Per-
manent Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Electfic Bell Rings When Bullet is
Reached by Iiistrunielit. • .
The --war has brought into being
Many ingenious pieces of apparatus
designed to 'aid- the Brit:fah surgeon'
in his diffictilt work. Some. of these
instruments are much too complicated
to be described in -the pages of a lay
journal, but there are ethers- the value
of which can be -appreciated..readily
'by anyone. ,
.Aniong theee is the telephone probe,
of which a good deal has • already
been heard, and now a bullet extradtor
has been introduced with the object
of facilitating what is often a tedious
and diffieult operation. This ,bullet
extractor has necessarily been con-
structed to meet definite requirements.
In the first plade, the operation. is per-
formed in the dark, the bullet being
visible bee the 'Shadow thrown by X-
rays. In the second' place, the bbllst
must be removed with the least pos-
sible danger' of injury. to important
, structures, In the third place, the op
elation of -removal must be made as
easy as practicable,
tThe first object has been secured by
fitting a fluorescent screen to the ap-
paratus in such a manner that, if an
'K -ray 'tube be placed under the table
and the room darkened, the shadow
of the bullet and of the points of the
forceps will be 'visible contimuiusly.
But the solution of one difficulty in
this ease raises another—that of the
.darkened room.-- Cutting instruments
cannot be used unleds the surgeon can
see what he is doing, and as this in-
strument has to work in the dark' it
is constructed with a blunt point that
will work its way down between
structures, separating without 'doing
appreciable damage pressing struc-
bures aside rather than through them.
A very powerful siair of forceps is
necesssary to grip and extract a bul-
let, and a great deal of damage might
be done if something that was .not
seen, perhaps an artery or. a nerve,
was picked up along with the bullet
Accordingly, the blades of the foreepe
are attached to an electric bell, which
only rings when both the blades are
touching the bullet. Therefore, if the
bell is made to 'iing while the blades
are being opened to grasp the bullet,
and if the ben -continues to ring when
the 'bullet is- seized, nothing else can
have been picked up beside the bullet,
and there is no danger in pulling it out.
The surgeon using this instrument can
therefore not only see what he is do-
ing, but, by means of the bell, he has
a very accurate sense of touch for any
piece of metal that he is latatehing the
Goveriainelit itilaatied• the Savings
The 'London 'TelegitinVe Rome coe-
reapondent says that, according to in-
direct informatiorr 'frein Berlin, Dr.
.Lieblenecht disclosed a fact 'of oonsia-
erable gravity .deriag, the Sitting'. of
the Reichestag. On 8 regarding
the latest German loan: The President,
Mioisters and,Depaties, alike made the
mot determined effoata to prevent Do'.'
Liebleneeht 'Speaking,. and the
censorship nreVented the newspapers
from poblishing anything about lb,
Persons in Gerrriany do not know,
or know only: imperfectly, what Dr,
Liebknecht said; but great fear pre -
veils in Germany that to cover the
loan the Government iemptied 'the
'savings banks and kindred • institu-
HMIS, The ten . loan is a
colossal mystification, and Liebknecht
Would seem 'to have disclosed this in
the Reichstag in two or three seri-
tences heard in the tumult.
After the sitting it was made
PeSsible ,for Liebkneeht to cam-
mttnicate with any 'newspaper, There.
was a demand for his arrest, but the
Government Was afraid to take this
Stem fearing the indignation of the
working classes, whose savings had
been ecimmandenred.
The conclusion to be drawn from
the above is that it will be impossible
fin, Germany to float any further
loan. Echoes of the scandal post
have reached Austria-Hungary, and
will have a prejudicial effect on Aus-
tro-Hungarian borrowing.
The heat medicine for the baby is
the one that never fails to cure and
Which at the same time, the mother
may give with perfect assurance that
it is absolutely safe. Such a medi-
cine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are
the only medicine absolutely guaran-
teed entirly free from injurious drugs
and what is more they never fail to SEED POTATOES
free the baby from those minor ills of BED POTATOES, IRISH COB -
biers. Beleware, Carman. • Or -
ass and childhood. Once a .0e.rotaattirx. EFilfri.lynll,m, tend. Write for
mother has used them she would use so . Brampton.
no other medicine. They regulate
nenn, mann.
the stomach and bowels; drive out ess-
constipation.; expel worms and make S E_WING MACHINE. Slit'PLIES--ie
teething easy. They are sold by inedi- esiiiTtVesoil5q,
pine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a , auperiee sinuate'a Coe., Handlion, aont'.1e.
box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co. Brockville, Oct. .
Her Dress.
Fly. Poistn
Kills More Children
Than All Other Poisons
' Combined
For Safety's Salle?Us
is there within your home,
anywhere within baby's reach,
a saucer of arsenic Poisoned
paper floating id water, or a can
with s.sweetened poisoned wick?
During 1915, 26 cases of fly
poisoning were reported Erom 11
states; in 1914, 46 cases from 14
states. Fly poison kills snore
children than all °Mei. poisons
Yet fly poison still is left un'
guarded except in the homes
where mothenshave learned that
the safe, sure, non.possonous,
efficient fly catcher and de-
stroyer is
91, t
The Sournal of the Michigan State
Medical Society comments thus in a
recent issue:
"Symptoms of armies' poisoning are
very similar to those of cholera infantum;
Undoubtedly a number classes of cholera
infantum were really eases of arsenical
poisoning, but death if occurring, was
attributed to oliolore'lefautum,
"Wo repent, arsenical fly destroying rie-
vices are dangerous and should be abol-
ished. stealth officials should become
aroused to prevent further loss of life
from Hick Baum°. Our Miehigan Legis-
lature, this inst session, passed ala,', reg-
ulating the sale of poisonous fly papers."
The 0. & W. Thum Co.
Grand Rapids, Mich. pis)
A Distinction.
"Did that firm fail, to pay itf
"No, it failed so it wouldn't have to
pay them."
gri kI E E S B PACTOBY nomnits.
‘..., shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, Orates.
Let us figure on your requirements,
Napanee Iron Works, Ltd., Napo.nee.
"I dress expensively. Do you think
points of his forceps attexnpting to : you could do as well' or Inc in that
pick uh from among the ,structure 'respect as father does?"
deep down below the skin.onu, Gs;t7..f7ts.WANTEI) TO EANDLE
success in a number pf cases, but it looking as shabby as he does."
The instrument has been used with "St9.1., I shouldn't like to
"perhaps eoiaid_ the younggoarnoluannd 1.1,0 our rapio selling specialties. Eller-
Agme Supply Co., ,I(Ings.
18 still upon its trial; later on it will
no doubt be possible to state whether iismarfv.s Liniment Zumberinawa Priced
„ Caporal Junction, Ont., April 24th.— or not this beautiful theory will stand
(Special.)-,Eordering on the
miracu- the bast of actual service conditions.
lous is. the cure of Mr. A. Sawyer, of
it apears to have given good results
this place. For ten years he was an in experimental work, but the real
invalid, Five doctors failed to help
him. When he was a complete wreck,
and unable to walk across his room,
he decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Six boxes of theni made hien like a
new man.
"Yes, I suffered for ten years," Mr.
Sawyer said in speaking of his cure.
"The doctors, of whom I tried five al -
test will be when the instrument
comes to be used by others then
those who have -carried out the investi-
Rough on Dad.
Frank'n Mother took him to a con-
juring performance one afternoon and
together,. 'couldn't give me any per. the small boy was much impressed by
manent relief. Some said I had then- , the' Wonders he saw. That evening
matism, others called it lumbago, but after tea, he said:
I got steadily worse. "Father, I. wish I was a maecian.'
"I Must say I was a complete -wreck .Do you, sonny?" said the fait:her
when I started to take Dodd's Kidney with a smile. "If you were one what
Pills. They made a new Man of.me. would you do?"
"Well," said the boy thoughtfully,
. •
P g
sults. We both praise Dodd's Kidney
Pills. No one can speak too highly
of them."
The latest estimates of the dead and
permanently incapacitated:from the
war are 2,000,000 for the Entente coun-
tries and. 1,080,000 . for the Teutonic
allies, says the New York World, The
proportiods total population are 0.7
per cent, for the Entente . countries
and 1.4 for their enemy. The great-
est safferers are AustriaeHungtuey,
with 1.7 per cent.; Germany, 1.5 per
cent.; and France, 1.3 per cent.
We II Built
Is Built To Win—
but in'bUilding brain and
body, often the day diet
lacks certain' essential
mineral elements.
These neaeSaartry fad -
ors are abundantly mm -
plied by the field fxrains,
but . are lacking in many
foods—cap 2 y white -
flour, from which they
are thrown out in the
prOcess to mske
the flour whits.
niade of whole wheat and
malted barley, 'supplies
all the rich nntriment of
the grains, including
their vital mineral salts,
those all -necessary build-
ers of active brains and
vigorous bodies.
To build right, eat
Grape -Nuts'
"There's aleason"
the next convention of the Western ado, during which time they have
To the militatist, then, who regards ' Canada Irrigation AssociatiOn, which earned undying praise in all parts of
1;46 men requires for its. daily ra-
tions 635 two -pound -loaves, 12'7 ponds
of bacon, more than al pounds of salt
and nearly 13 pounds Of pepper, to
mention only a few of the Hauls.
Ask for Maar d'e and take no °thee
warfare as the higheet expression of i's to be held there Silly 23-25. ' the Dominion. Ask your neighbors
life, I say it is the, worsf; expression i It is reported 'that bettet -returns
of physical evil; and to the pacifist ' f imin placer -gold mining in various
who contends that nothing can justify i
streams in the -Fort -Steele division
war, I reply that there are Occasions were obtained in 1915 than for seVeral
when you must make use of the worst
physical evil—warfare—in order to iyears previhus: The value of the gold
support some great metal cause. n recovered
has been estimated at $10, -
covered has been estimated at
other words, a just war means mak- I *.
. The sawinill at Cascade, employing
ing use of physical forces to secure
sonic great moral such. . eighty mem resnme operationa
Let us get to grips with this clues,
posteda lidl.4i I tharr Weall'Ik SVitliillresio%0
warfare, and let me -again remind nItbies re-
thanyou that there . is a -far greeter evil I
in : stinted ' upon the big gold filifte at
wale and that is,. sing War
its most tepellant aspects can never ClAil7epl'atiicia In'
migration Officer A. I
g0 away from its chatecterials is
PitilYi; ' A. . Westlake is kept very busy pre-;
steal evil only, Whereas
brand dolled moral evil. The:founder renting undesirables froin crossing, ;
of Christianity Warne us not so nneeh tAbiencli)iocuatinclarsyweat this pocittittnafaaaom atiliecte ,
to :Coq him who can kill the body
only as to fear him Who can destroy hardly a day Paesees that lie does not
, timn some...hada ': ., - .. , - !
the soul also. In the eiglitoert mil -
During the season of 1919 the Ok-'
lions Of casualties recorded in the
present scientific' slaughter
4 the oarnruaerzaiiitioillkit::',111?el'i6WiLt'si ;:ettlifth6e61]-11.
aranian race net a single soul has
duet pi! the: nine fruit unions:'.fe:oni '
been :necessarily hurt, though that
Member of bodies hare been hit, i'Salanon Am, ' to Pentiettin, 'did 'a:
I believe the I; this wee, a terribly ,, okni e of , ' be si neati , reaching the
p.bysico „Fit though it is, hao sent splendid total of 8802,18a, : •
The improventegete of e: the, road
heavenward weals lanunierable who
tray through the-. . Iminellelin aeanyon at
might otherwise have lost -their
thither. Meanwhile 1- mil' satisfied' iMgeWood, 'arc whith ', the Interned
that God in His goral thno will give . aliens I ara ' dirP10y6d it rapiella• ' ap,.
to :the` Attlee a g'reut, and lain;ing sic- Moachlata eompletion, This -le .a neesta
: tory against a foe who, having etart- valuable impeoveroget, as it atoll bee
-, ed, out be Kaiserize Pitiesia . and the mily heavy s,;,rode on the Edge-
Prustianize GetinanY, meant to Ger- wood-Ver.:on road, ,
, • a• -
It has" a geed 'supply of loge,1
tion about the eights and wrongs of °.nce'
maenze the world..
--- •
Two or three times 'a week Lord
Rosebery is to be found lunching air
Backing,ham Palace, which merely em-
pha.siz& that King George, like his
father, has the firmest faith in Lord
Rosebery's judgment, and like to get
liii views on iirmortarit questions.
Lord Roeebevy has, of eouree, known
King George since he was, a child, and
woe a constant -visitor at Sandring-
hem. He was always a favorite with
the'young Princee and Prineeeeee, ted
1:1;:ed to 100e to romp with then' in
the schoolroom to 'their hearts' eon
THEN, laafTTI U C'
ie didieult, to realize..that
wonderful Woman Madame Patti Will
celebrate her seventy -Hued- birthday
this ninth, 'but. such ii thesfact? and
in Spite of her age; her.voice still re-
tains its reMesicable powess,
Madame Patti haa told a good storV
about a little girl who was kerbing
music. The famous singer had ex-
plained' to, her the meaning of the
musical signs IP and FF.
"Now," said ,Madame Patti, "if Is
moans foete, what, does Mean?"
The little girl tismight seriously for
mommit, and then her fttee bright-
ened. -
"1 kiaow," she said at last, "eighty."
about them.
What Dreams are Made of.
• ,
'Is ---Dillydally (a chronic procrastinaa-
THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. or)— I dreamt last night that I-er-
- sTah-proposed to you. I wonder what
The People of Chide Do Not Under- ' that is a sign of?"
stand One Another. . Miss Lingerlong (desperately)—"It
-Ais a sign thortyou have got more
, n: incident, trifling in itself, that sense When you are aeleep than when
showthe sliffieulties . with which a
traveller m China has occasionally to You arawake."
contend, is told by Sir -Alexander
Hosie in his interesting account of a
trip through the interior provinces en-
titled, "On the Trail of the Opium
When We left Fu-chlang Haien; he
says; one of the local escort, evident-
ly a man of the streets,' began to
make up to the muleteer in charge of
the litter, He hoyerd round the fro* ;
milk, and the muleteer ' addressed
"You are one of our escort, aren't
The man replied in conic unintele
ligible jargon, and the moleteer tried
hist again: "-What is the .narse of the
place at, which we stop to -night?"
The Man unneared not • to under., '
atand the question, and I replied .for
'.2;:itesceytien Haien."
rindetete-thererpon said to him.:
Pelf, "ri. hie is vi ry fernay. I. uader-
rtand all My foreign employer nays,
but I do net Undeicemd Whet this'
man, a eoeditryinan ef.:thy own, eay.3
to me roa does be underetand me."
The man passer,. on Sri the cocand
maleteey atter a long eilence, bat, the
latter was equally nrable to under-
stand him •Nothing debuted; the num
*1.7: refuge in sorg, anch inapt on sing-
ing the whole Of the day.
When will' China possess a language
that will be intelligible to the whole
Chinese race? -
You Will fin I relief in L'am-Bult I
It easee II 0 burning, stinging
pain, slops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zatn..
tkik, means cure. Why not prove
this ? 452 Dilgeoglabad Sfores.—
' TOO. Willing Worker.
"Yes, the boss said he was: losing
money on the things I was making."'
"And, what were you making ?" , •
Beauty may be only skin deep; bat
eyei y wamen knows that ',hat is doe,
ncep iEtids.i'C'a Ltail,lItlt hi the .licn...se
Fills die grooves of the
worn axle.
hiskrii a pi rfect hearing
no ritOd,
Prey e tea blocked wheels.
Lets your horse pull
bigger loads,
The Mica does it.
Dealers Everywhere
The !reverie! Oil' Company
MUNCHES IX A.1.1 15-I01E5
Rides—What did you get out of
year aunt's estate?
Kross—After settling things up the
lawyer blew me to a good dinner sad
loaned me $5.
Granulated Eyelids,
t, Eyes infiained by expo- Offiees for sale In good
• ente to Sun, DUE and Wind towns. The most useful and Inter/s nig°
sgyueRicicelymreetilyie. vNeodsbny!iititillng, of an businesses. run Informall"o; ton
to lson Publishing Corn -
Pa"' 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
iest Eye Comfort. At
and:Fitters Toolmakers, ales
operatore expeetendea on the larger Size
shells, Picnic or wire applications Pre-
ferred. B. Bell & Son CompanY, Ltd.,
St. George, Out.
.i.V.R. makers, handy men. also OPP Vatars
experienced on shells. Phone, wire, or
Write. B. Bell & Son Company, Ltd., St.
George, Ortt.
rsuw ars:emus TOE sAnm,
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Shaine Es
sniveinTubeasc. ForBookotiiiofiyorrenask
Druggists orrdurinelEyeRemedyee.,Chifulio
Fathers and Sons
"The old-fashioned boy used to
sn'ini every word his father said."
"Yes," replied the rais*.etiVrileal-
youth; "but you aust remember that
the old-fashioned boy had one of
these thoughtful, old-fashioned 'fath-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited:
I was very sick with Quinsy and
thought I would strangle. I . used
MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it cured
me at once. I ani never -without it
YOUra gratefully,
mns. C. B. PRINCE.
Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st,
Their Employment to Instruel Sol-
diors Urged in England.
Dr. Sloan Chesser, speaking recently
at a meeting al, the Institute of Hy-
giene, LOntion, urged the employment
of wernen cooks to instruct soldiers.
Thoee in charge of cape and hoapital
kitchens, she said, were in many eases
ignorant of cooking anti dietetics, and
the Covernent had only begun, in a
small way, 'et Utilize trained women
cooks to teach the holdiers.
If England could, on a large scale,
ase good wenien coolcs, with SOldiora
working under thetas the countsy
v-ould save in a camp where a Orli,
Sion is billeted several thousand
pounds each week. .
Most women, Dr. Masser insisted,
Made the mLitake or being too anxious
to save in food. Girls might be traia-
ed for "home service" iii the kitchen,
the garden, thee fain, the counting
hottee or the hospital. It should be
impossible for any healthy wcimen to
be idle at the present time.
. .
He Was it Navigator.
Sir Charles Wyadhare, during hie
Americen tome aid at a dinner in
New York :—"Too many of us res-
emble a bey at the wheel. The boy
stood on the bridge of a schooner be-
e'de the captain on a datry night. It
suddenly became necessary' for the
eapiteio to go below, rind he said to the
bry--`Here take the wheel, be back:
in it few minutes. .Steee by that, stat'
and you Will be all right.' The boy
began to sane the boat, and soon he
get 1.me eat of her course. The star .
new appeared =tern 'ristend of ahead.
He ,Imutcd down to the capthinea'Hi,
rkipper. cenie up and find us anothee
ste r. I've passed that one,"
Y.,Inin#.71.1 used by ritrideliniiiii Ea 7.
Exceptional advantages Modern
ernes' Home; fully equipped Ulssa
Roma; eight hour schedule; allowance
ca' $5.00 per month with uniforms and
Lela hooks after three months
titulary porlOcli Yeors high- .
school required for el -deans , leer full
rirt_leu 1.11.4 address :11 rederilia. K.
II •Gaiser,-;:;ittiVallOudent or Nurses, City
os pi tat. Clevelantl;-CCID, '
us before too late. Dr, Bellniall Medical,
Co., Lind tea, • eoningwood. Ont.
"Overseas" Liniment
Why suffer with..11hottinalism, Linn,
huge. .1.4in.e. MIRK or pulp of any kith).
when -Overseas- Liniment ‘01t cur. you.'
The Highest Clrade• ,Liniment made.
Guaranteed.. Send at once. Vurotly size
SI .00.
OVVSISE,e.S CMEIVEX0.11.17...• 00,
U10 Matlturot St., .Toronto, Can.
iioff Remedies
1.3C01( ON
And 'Row -to ieed
Mailed free to say r.dLie,ss
the Author
118 West 31st &rest, New Yea:
adc'aa 6t.,a40
1,• you are losing time and money !brawl) sickness.
wile at (meet° P. Hervey Reef Co. 'or
ran2dIcs for Neurasthenia, Artinna, 0.4,2 ,,,,,,,,,,, of
111.1neys, Pli,t, Spilepsy or Falling Skim
Oebility, Catarrh, 'feseinit, Rheumatism, Old &mt.;
or IJis •rs, and haligestion. Tiles hay: teen
fattd by years of medical Mediae. It ie.1 satio.kd
with results after 30 days. they cost you nothm,t. ,
Send liarnoney but return this ad for a:10%dd .
0.00.,vtparticulam. F Poi•c
Salta A, 5064, Sttition If., New Y07,57,, CT :Y.',
▪ anIXATIVM(32=17.M.6.6..11,,V119L,Ar- I .7W.
PARRA F'ooTt..1VE..;Aitl
Vaii„ YOU
) ' V•25
Nere melt light weight, durable aria
comrariavia working shoe specially
suitable for farmers. W.Orit-1717.11,
men, Imeltrnen.-laboress--all who re-
quire extra strong, easy footwear l'or
working In. We malts them Of tati
Splendid oil-tannod Skowhegan water-
proofed leather that has Made
pasmer's "moose head Brand"
famous for almost forty 3•ears, No
' »eed to suffer with tired, sere, aelr•
leg. burning Peet; Clot a Pair Of these'
en,: dna 011.750 and comfort. 11' your
clmder doosn' t carry them, send us his
name, enclosing and we will
ship you a pair, all charges paid, to
any address In Canada or U. S. 'Remit •
(stating else) by postal or express
artier Same ,:tvle ns shown. S eye-
lets o h I rs,
1V1111,•:. rontw,..er
700010 PALIS1311 CO., Limited.
Vrederleton, N.T. Canada.
ISSUE 18.--'10