HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-26, Page 4Give the "Kiddies
All They att of.
1111111111i1181111IlitiIIpl11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII illillllllllllllltllllllllllll(llllllilliillnIIIA(:
nut/n////i lull
It Is one of the delicious "good things" that has a real food value.
A slice of yaw. good homemade bread, spread with "Grown Brand", forms,
a perfectly balanced food; that is practically all nourishment,
So—let them have it on biscuits and pancakes, and on their:
porridge if they want It,.:
You'll like it, too, on Griddle Calces—on Blase Mange and
Baked Apples, And you'll find It the most economical sweetener
you can use, for Cakes, Cookies, Gingerbread and Pies.
Have your husband get a tin, the next time he is in town—•
a 5, 10 or 20 pound tin—or a 3 pound glass jar.
Ou r new recipe book, "Desserts
THS CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED and Candles", will show you ,
//////p aruxer- J 7 +u rrrrrt<"' aorn saw -n w�ms co Star ch—: delicious dishes with "Crown
!INlllllll//p/I/IpNl1/Illll auq seal-erosx"laun5 i/ srnr"h.. 611I111l Brand", .Write for a copy to
220 /IIIflI111111111Nlillll 1119111111111111111R11111fl our Montreal Office.
Or The Sunlight of Love
CHAPTER IX.—(Cont'd). _
"Well?" he said gruffly, without at-
tempting to change his position.
"Short, and not polite! retorted
Jasper, shaking•him again. "Didn't
I tell you I'd come here to -day, you
imp of darkness?"
"You did, guv'nor," the man replied
"Well, here I am. You're not
drunk, are you? Here—let's look at
you." With a cruel smile, the soft,
amiable Mr,' Vermont seized the ear of raw boy straight from college.
the dwarfed jockey and dragged him As he paced up and down his luxuri-
t°'the light. "No, not drunk—for a ons study, thoughtfully smoking a
•wonder. Well, you know what to do cigar, his past life rose before him,
to -morrow?" with all its idleness and wasted years.
The man nodded sulkily. He knew that with most women he had
"Tighten and choke off at the last only to throw down the glove for it to
outward calmness, she bade him au
revoir till they should meet at dinner,
Adrien went .straight to his own.
rooms. An unusual restleeenese-was
upon Mm, and his pulses throbbed
wildly, but as yet he did not under-
stand what these things meant. He,
who had played the lover so lightly all related in a wittymanner that kept
his life, did not realise that it was p
now his turn to feel Cupid's dart, and his listeners in a perpetual roar of
that he was becoming as deeply, en- laughter,
amoured of his pretty cousin as any Adrien, though compelled by polite-
ness to take his sharmin the convey-
sation, was yet glad when they ad-
journed to the silver drawning-room. I cold; then add one cupful sifted flour
This was one of the smallest of the and cut and fold the beaten whites of
half-dozen drawing -yearns in Bar- the eggs into the. mixture. Bake for
minster Castle, and was decorated forty or fifty minutes in a pan lined
entirely in blue and silver. " The with buttered paper in a slow oven.
hurdle. Mindyou do it neatly,too. be snatched up eagerly; women had furniture was upholstered in pal_ bite Honey Pudding.—One-half cupful
loved him erred' and spoilt satin and silver embroideries. Cur- honey, six ounces bread crumbs one -
You can do it, I know; and it wont , A P t him ever tains, hangings, and et, were
be the lu'
first affair you've sold eh? since he could remember. But here gs ' even oar P half cupful milk, one-half teaspoonful
was one who thought of him as moth- all of the same color, while the mfr- ginger, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls
rare and ornaments were entirely of butter, e' id of one-half lemon. •' Mix
silver, the honey and the bread crumbs and
To-ght, Lady Constance's dress add the milk, seasonings and the yolks
matched the room, for it was of palest of the eggs. Beat the mixture thor-
azure silk, veiled with chiffon, on oughly and then -add the butter and
which were Etruscan silver ornaments the whites of the eggs, well 'beaten.
and silver -thread embroidery. Itwas Steam for about two hours in a pud
a color which suited her shell-like ding mold which is not more than
complexion; and she looked her best in -three-quarters full.
it. Butter Honey Cake.—Rub together
She was at the piano when the men one and a half cupfuls of honey and
Mr. ' Vermont beamed, Nothing
seemed to please him so much as the
idea' of work, especially . when it - in-
volved, the spending of money other
than his own, '
"I am at your service, dear lady,"
he said amiably,
Miss Penelope rose, and gave the
signal for the ladies to retire.
"I shall take you at your word, Mr.
Vermont,`." she said graciously, as she
passed out.
After theelaides had gone, the wine
circulated freely, and in the .merry
badinage that followed ib must be ad-
mitted that Jasper Vermont was the
life and soul of the party. -He had
the newest scandal at .his finger-tips,
the latest theatrical news; and all was
Things Made With Honey,
Honey Ice Cream,—Mix one quart
thin cream with three-quarters cupful
delicately flavored honey,, Freeze,
Honey Mousse,—Beat four eggs
slightly and slowly pour over them one
cupful hoot delicately flavored honey.
Cook until the mixture thickens. When
it is cool add one pint crear whipped
Puttite' mixture intoa mold, pack -in ice
and salt and let it stand three or four
Honey Bran Cookies.—Mix one-half
cupful sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful
cinnamon, one-quarter teaspoonful
ginger and one-half teaspoonful soda
with three cupfuls bran, one-half cuE,,,
ful honey, one-half cupful milk and
one-half cupful melted butter. Drop
from a spoon on a buttered pan and
bake fifteen minutes. --
Baked Honey Custard.—Beat five
eggs sufficiently to unite the yolke
and whites, but not enough to make
them foamy. Add four cupfuls scald-
ed milk,, one-half cupful honey, -one-
eighth teaspoonful powdered cinna-
mon and one-quarter tablespoonful
salt. Bake in cups or in a large pan
set in water in a moderate oven.
Orange Frosting for Honey Cake,—
Mix grated, rind of bne orange, one
teaspoonful lemon juice,- one table-
epoonful orange juice and one egg yolk
together, and allow the mixture to
stand for an hour. Strain and add
confectioner's sugar until the frosting
is sufficiently thick to be spread on
the cake.
Honey Sponge Cake.—Mix one-half
cupful sugar and one-half cupful
honey and boil until the syrup will
spin a thread when dropped from a
spoon. Pear the syrup over the yolks
of faun eggs which have been beaten
until light. Beat the mixture until
Yoe sold one too many, though, when
you crossed my path, and you know
what will happen if you fail me."
"All right; the jockey muttered
ing but a means to save her people—
or rather, his people—from distress.
It said much for Lady Constance's
powers of reserve that she had ion -
"I hope it will be all right," said his pressed him thus,'antl had, she' known
persecutor, shaking -him -gently to and it, nothing could have helped her .cause
fi•o'by the ear, '•'If not, you'll find more,
yourself in the care"": x^ a paternal Throwink himself into a chair, the
t 1' over-nntent=T tell you—picking Young man reviewed again the incid-
oakum," ene6 .,f their ride. How beautiful
The man gave it sudden jerk and she lied looked; how pointedly and yet
released himself from the cruel gras • gently she had reproved him for his mitered; and Leroy, who was pas- one-half cupful butter; add the un -
then he looked up almost piteously.n� long absences from his estates and the sionately font: of music, and a music- beaten yolks of binee eggs and beat
"Must we do it, guv'nor?" he said people who loved him. Well, it should Ian of no mean order himself., came thoroughly. Add five cupfuls flour
hoarsely. "I've seen em—"
"Him! whom you idiot?"
come Lo an end now, and there and straight over to her. At his request, sifted with two teaspoonfuls of ground
then he formed a resolve to return to cinnamon and one-half teaspoonful
"Him—Mr, Leroy—as we're to town directly after the race, anti gosalt; one and a half teaspoonfuls
sell," through his affairs with Jasper. His listening, and occasionally glancing soda dissolved in one tablespoonful
friend would help him -to lead a thoughtfully at, the beautiful profile orange -flower water. Beat the mix-
ture thoroughly and add the well -beat-
en whites of three eggs, Bake in
shallow tins and cover with frosting.
Constance sang song after song;
while Vermont sat a little apart,
"You're to sell, you mean, you gal-
lows -bird," returned Jasper.
The man eyed him viciously.
"Yes," he growled, "you think
you're going to git off, scot-free, don't night few would have noticed any of hie friend and benefactor, as he Salad Dressing.—Four egg yolks,
yet? What if I don't do it? Ho iv' difference in his calm face and the leaned over the piano, But at any two tablespoonfuls of vinegar or len-
me a tanner, he did. 'E's a real gent meanour; none, indeed save Lady movement of the other guests his on juice, two tablespoonfuls of butter,
What if I don't do it?" he repeated. ed. Constance herself, who, with the countenance would assume its usual two tablespoonfuls of honey, ono tea-
l�lt•. Vermont's eyes narrowed p subtlety which seems inbred in' even amiability of expression, as though a spoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful.
y s I tod till he.mask were re -adjusted while his fat of paprika to taste and one
looked like a snake about to sttfke, the best of her sex, devoted her at- + +salt, cup -
Raising the riding -whip which he had tention almost exclusively to Mr. Jas- white hand softly beat time to the fill of cream, l:•Ieat the cream in a
in Ms Band, he seized. the wretched per Vermnnt. It was he who was al- music, double boiler. Beat the eggs and
creature once more, and brought the lowed to sit next her at dinner; it was At last Lady Constance declared add 'to them all the other ingredients
whip down again and again on his to him she turned when the race, with she was tired, and turned to Achien,I but the cocoa. Pour the cream
almost skeleton body, f which all present were concerned, was begging him to sing instead. He, slowly over the mixture, beating con -
''Play me false, you hound, and I'll the subject under discussion. hesitated for a moment; then, as if I stantly. Pour it into the double boil
kill you;' he almost hissed; and, half I Adrien noted all this, and his heart throwing off the unusual moodiness er and cools until it thickens or mix
beside himself with pain and rage, the' grew heavy within him But he did that oppressed him, lee seated himself all the ingredients but the cream and
g ' g y , at the piano• and after a few mo- cook in a double boiler until the mix -
jockey gasped brokenly: not giuclge Jasper het favor—as yet ture thickens. As the dressing is
needed, combine this'mixture with
whipped cream. This dressing is
particularly suitable for fruit salads.
worthier and more useful life, he of the singer. Then his cold, malign-
thought—if anyone could do so. ant eyes would wander with an almost
When he went down to dinner that sinister expression over the rapt face
"Stop ! stop! I'll do it."
It was just five o'clock when Lady
lee blamed himself too deeply for the ments of restless improvisation, he
neglect of his past opportunities. sang song after song from Schu-
Jasper skilfully trnecl the toner- mantes Dtchter-Bebe, with an in-
Constance and Leroy returned from sation to Lady Merivale's ball, which tensity of passion in the clear tenor
their ride. During the coarse of it he described in detail to Lady Con -notes that thrilled the soul of every
Adrien had realised something of his stance; adding many little realistic
cousin's beauty of character, as well touches concerning the fair hostess and
as of face. Until that day he had Adrien, till he had convinced her—as
only regarded her as a younger sister, he thought—that there was a great
pretty, perhaps, in a quiet, retiring deal more between them than was
way, but nothing more. Now, as he really the case. For Vermont, as had
lifted her down from the saddle, he been said before, was "no fool;" and
he realised only too well in what direc-
tion events were tending with Lady
Constance and her cousin.
could have bent and reverently kissed
the little foot that lodged.so lightly in
the stirrup.
Woman-like, she was quick to notice
the change in him; and her heart beat
high with hope.
"I•Ie will love me yet," she whisper-
ed to herself triumphantly, as, with
r a.
green or ripe, in
� jelly, spiced con -
ser, vos, or simply
preserved in light
1V t
syrup, make a delicious
and inexpensive addition
to your winter supplies.
But she showed no signs -either of
understanding or misunderstanding
his allusions to Adrien, and began to
discuss a ball which Miss Penelope
was trying to arrange.
"Me. Shelton, I am counting on you
to help us," she said, turning to the
gentleman on her other side. "Auntie
has been besieging uncle for the last When teased bya foreign diplomat
two months; anh has, Ithink, carried streaming in from the outlying dis- \1 et
the citadel." scald before using.running over, spread a titin riin of about her nationality, the little girl
tricts some man miles awe while
"What is the motive of the attack?" at the side of the course, stretched a A gallon stone jet wel hold 40 butter around the under crust at the replied with dignity: "I am a little
enquired Mortimer Shelton, long line of vehicles of all kinds which average eggs. One pint of water) edge before putting on the top crust, Rumanian, is little German, but most
"Aunt Penelope wonts a fancy dress had already disbursed their load. glass syrup mixed with 10 pints of The juice will not escape, and the ly English.
dance in the ballroom in the east Iii twos and theses the late horses' water will cover 120 eggs in a three flavor of the pie will be Improved. Queen Marie, by the way, has
wing," returned gaily,arrived, 1 h l gallon stone jar. A simple dessert is made by grating queer hobby.- It is the collection of
g, adding, as iroetl„ sw. ddled in cloths, and sus I Water:—Mix the `water glassI apples into a mixture of white of egg scent. bottles, and she now has Some
she loked across at her cousin, who rounded by the usual crowd of bow- with l and powdered sugar. Then drop Liy 8,000. I Rear, too that she is head
was listening attentively: "Adrien, if legged grooms and diminutive jock water that has been boiled, The mix-,
Ru -
you would add I tore should be kept covered at all ' tablespoonfuls into a large dish .pact- of the Society of Goddesses of Ru -
y ul e c your word, we should Cys; while the air reeked with the I 1 filled with slain cream and dot with y
get it. Won't you do so?" smell of the stable and the oaths and
times in order to prevent' evaporation, 3 1mania, not because of her beauty,
"A fancy dress ball here?" ho re- candied cherries. which is remarkable, but because site slang of rho men. I When cold it is ready for use. t A roodpolish for tinware can be
Water Glass.—Water glass can be 6 has promised to .play fairy godmother
plied, i-iilut it my father has refused Later still came the bookmakers' ; obtained b making into at caste With -
you, it is scarcely likely that Ishan with their brisk besiness-like method' Purchased either in liquid or dry form, Y b l to. at least one poor child, The so
Most drug stores, however, carry in) water. about one wineg'lassful of fine- ciety, I understand, has done much
n gbig t cthely-powdered whiting and one-quarter good work in this fanciful wa
have any more influence.'' IIt turned of entering the bets or small the
to his aunt Why not have Bar,' "swell'e thousand, or the' country s o k only liquid ;Form• pound of ordinary seal shredded. Y
minste, House, A,rnt: Penelope?" This mans shill'in • were all one,to. them. Strong of q Solution.—Different of a p, redded. _.
was the town: hotiso, supposed to be And lastly,amid allthe due and fur proportions of water glass to water, Apply with 'a picas of flannel, polish ...,,... 2.
have been successfully used, bat the with a dry cloth and powdered :whit-
given up almost exclusively toe the :moil of the most crowded meeting higher strengths as for example: one ieeg., e
y habit na s use, though he generally Ba rminnter had ever witnessed, came If you intend lcaviieg home: for a
inhabited his own chambers in Jermyn the at my of the Castle servants to pint of weer glass to: 9 of 10 pints of few days and wish to keep your palms
Street. I will hand it over to you put the finishing touches to. the boxes water have given better results'. .v
from caller to i Iii t' and will hind my in the grand st'eOcI over 'which floated Uses.—Eggs preserved in water and other plants well watered doling
t glass can be used in place of :fresh you absence set in a tub and get as
l self to be your faithful slave 1'rotn the Leroy colors, Y g, g, many bricks as.youhave pots to plane
early moth to dewy eve," Towards noon; the hour at which
ones far frying, seranrblin cookie in the tub• Cover the bricks with
Hisimiii laughed the firstrace was to be run the crowd and, if not kept too long,' can be used
for meringues, icings, angel cake, etc water, and the plants placed on. them
A pin hole opening made on the blunt will draw all the moisture they re
end of the shell makes it possible, to
boil the eggs without any danger of
their bursting, •
Commercial - Packing.—A large
number of persons have packed eggs
in' water glass successfully for corn-
rnercial purposes.... They should be
water:. glass eggs when be-
e.—Agr. Exp. Sta-
In the silence which fell on the lit-
tle company when the last chords died
away, Jasper Vermont, half -hidden by
the curtain, opened the window, and
slipped out on the terrace, The
moon shone full on his white face, dis-
torted with an unaccountable fury, as
he muttered through his clenched
teeth; "Curse the fellow! How I
hate him!"
The morning of the race dawned
clear and bright, and the Leroy course
shone like a strip of emerold velvet in
the crisp, sparkling air. -
Since sunrise, throngs of people,.
mei:, women, and children, had been
Preserving Eggs.
Recommendations for preserving
eggs by the water glass method.
Selecting Eggs, -The eggs should
be collected daily . from clean nests
only,'and from healthy flocks. It is
preferable to use infertile eggs and
thereby climate the possibilities for
embryonic development andsub-
sequent spoiling. In no case should
old, sunbaked, cracked or thin -shelled
eggs be used. Cracks are usually de-
tected by gently tapping the eggs or
candling them.
Container.—Generally, glazed earth-
enware jars, galvanized tubs or buck-
ets and wooden tubs or kegs are used.
In case of wooden' receptacles' it is
desirable to let them stand several
days full of water, then empty and
all the time. Strain the liquor and
chop the oysters fine. Rub together
one tablespoonful of butter and one
rounded tablespoonfulof flour for
every pint of chopped oysters. Add
the oysters and liquor and cook until
thick. Add the yolk of one egg beat-
en well. After taking from the fire,
stir in one teaspoonful salt, one of
minced parsley and the juice of one-
half lemon, Let all stand until cold.
Shape into cutlets, dip into -egg; then
into breadcrumbs and fry into hot fat.
Deviled Oysters. -Wipe the oysters
dry and lay in a fiat dish; over with
a mixture of melted butter, cayenne
pepper and lemon juice.- Let them
lie in this for ten minutes, turning
frequently. Takeout, roll in cracker
crumbs, then in beaten egg, then in
cracker crumbs again, and fry in hot
lard and butter, half and half,
Creamed Oysters.—Parboil one pint
of prepared oysters, that is oysters
The Baker of Lille Sent to Jail When
He Covered His Ears.
The Prussian police regime in Lille,
Belgium, is ruthlessly enforced, The.
following amazing episode is circum-
stantially vouched for. A baker in
one of the main streets of the - city
was standing in front of his shop
when a German military band passed.
In order that "Deutschland, Deutsch-
land uber Alice" might not offend
his ears, he put his hands over them.
Instantly a policeman pounced , upon
him, demanding to know the meaning
of this "insult," -
The baker stammered that he suf-
fered from earache. Unimpressed by
this explanation the policeman drag-
ged him to, gaol, where he was kept
for two daysasa puitiehment. Some
time afterwards the same policeman
freed from bits of shell and rinsed if again observed the same baker "de -
gritty. Dram and use the liquor with monstrating" when the band passed.
enough cream to make one and one- This time the baiter stood absolutely
half cups in making a thick, white motionless and silent "What about
sauce. Season with salt, pepper,
mace or nutmeg, add the oysters, us-
ing- only the soft parts if large and
serve them in fancy shells. Sprinkle
fine minced green pepper over the top
and serve hob. Serve each shell on
a fancy dolly '.laid on medium-sized
Household hints.
A piece of elute kept in the silver
drawer will prevent the silver from
that earache?" snarled the policeman,
Latest Happenings in Big Republic
Condensed for Busy
Great swarms of butterflies have
been seen passing through and over
Greenville, S.C., making their way
The first woman to take out a
hunter's license in Cumberland county
for 1916 was Mrs. E. 0. Hatfield, of.
West Fairview, Pa. ' —
A. Buch Sons Companyan of- gl-
bethtown, Pa., a $250,000.ue,'corporation
manufacturing machinery, has, gone
into receivers' hands.
The town of Deerfield, Conn„ • re-
cently entertained a reunion of 100
descendants of Sergt, John Plympton,
and while the baker was expostulat- who settled in Deerfield in 16'73.
ing that he had -done "absolutely -
nothing," he was once . more hauled
off andforthwith sentenced to six
weeks' imprisonment.
For Catarrhal Deafness
and >t .ead Moises
tarnishing. ' 73ere In America there Is much suf-
To fasten loose handles in chests terin rom catarrh and head noises.
of drawers apply some powdered
warmed in an iron spoon.
A. tablespoonful of turpentine boil-
ed with clothes will greatly help to
whiten and disinfect them.
alum Afoot'1the meoule would eo well to eon -
aider the methal °tnnloyed by the nag-
iish to combat this insidious disease.
Everyone knows hoiv clamp the English
climrc.e Is and how dampness atfeets
those suffering from catarrh. In leng-
Innd thoy treat catarrhal fleetness and
head noises as a constitutional disease
Put a few dropsof ammonia on a and use aninternal .remedy for it that
rag to rub finger marks from your is really very efficacious.
Sufferers who could scarcely hear a
looging-glasses or windows. neaten lick tell how they had their hear -
The worn and greasy collars and restored t' this English treatment
bT y to succi an cx tenC that fhe Belt of a
cuffs of a coat can be cleaned with' watch was pirilnlb attdilile seven and
betaine and an old clean brush. ; eight Inches away from either eat,
Therefore, 1f you m know semen' who
Keep tin vessels free from rust by netroubled
r or Bead with
taut , calarut e forniul
placing them near the fire after they and Nance it to them and you will have
have been washed and dr ed. C been the means of m total de noon
To soften water iii which flannels sulYerer perhaps from astle' deafness,
The prescription can be costly prepared
are to be washed allow. two table -at home Lou' about 76e. and is made as
spoonfuls of glycerine to a tub of ; tallows
A g y From y
arm itt i sou q Strength) i t'ata :.04
If silk handkerchiefs and ribbons } hint of hot water ,did ,r ounces of
are washed in salt and ironed :vet the graniilateci sugar : sift unto dissolved.
best results will. be obtained. Tulro le tnblcssteed In four tnnec-a-.duy,,.l
Pnrrulntls. used in this way not Jury
To remove a rusty screw first ap- to reduce by tnntc action the Infli:ln-
I ahot iron to the head fora etinn and swelling .191 the hileta.e ell'
plyveryTubes, and thus to equalize the air
short time, then use the screwdriver I pressure on the drum, but to correct any
eseess or secretions in the .middle ear,
• To, render boots and shoes soft and hind the results It gives aro usuttly re -
waterproof wash them once a month meekebly uulclt arid. erfectlYe.
Every person who hits catarrh In ani•
with warm water and then rub in form should give this :regime a triol gnu
Castor ofl, free themselves front this destructive
Only freshly boiled water should be disease,
used for malting hot beverages, and
only freshly drawn water for mak-
ing cold beverages.
Don't them away old stockings. She Has a Collection of Some 8,000
Fold them and put them in a con-
venient place. They make good fill-
ings for holders. ,
t lur bdtuggist obtain 1 nz, of
worth. Take thus home and rtdd to t
Scent Bottles.
The Queen of Rumania is a daugh-
ter of the late Duke of Edinburgh, fa -
It has been learned that three Chi-
cago students of the Universityof
Michigan are involved as victims in
the nation-wide blackmail investiga
Efforts of volunteer .rescuers were
futile when Frederick - Davidson:,
wealthy Pittsburg steel man, becime
exhausted when swimming and was - -
drowned off Virginia avenue, Atlantic
After working in the service of
the Federal Government since 1866,
Dr. Caroline Asenah Gran Burghard
was rewarded with an increase in sal-'
ary from $000 to $1,000 year. - -
Nation-wide prohibition in the
United States within ten years; and
a victory for Charles E.. Hughes in the
Presidential election, were predicted
by Frank A. Munsey, the American .
publisher. -
The annual report of the treasurer
of Yale University shows the institu-
tion now has an endowment aggregat-
ing $7.8,431,444.64. There was an in-
crease of $2,256,356.69 for the year
ended June 30th, 1916.
It was said in C�^•o recently
that British ships" it d hereafter
be alln-:r.. to carry a' greater pre
pprtion of corn than they have for
'months, and that as much as pos-
sible Europeans would substitute
corn for wheat.
According to testimony offered
Mayor's Court at Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
Joseph Norman, a leper who is sup-
posed to be under strict quarantine
night and day, left his home and.
went to the home of a neighbor- and
engaged in a poker game.
Some innocent looking sausage in,
Oakland, Cal., contains the end of
the middle finger of a man's hand
lost during an accident. Where the
sausage is that has the fragment' of
this finger is a dark mystery' :The
finger belongs to Fred Peterson, of
Before pouring hot fruit in a glass 1239 Allston way, Berkley, who, work -
dish or jar, place the receptacle on a vorite niece of King Edward, and a ing in a meat packing house, shoved
cloth wet with cold water. This first cousin to King George, and it is meat too far into a sausage machine,
prevents the glass from breaking. only natural that her sympathies are
Game should always, where possible, with the English. As a child, Queeh
be roasted in front of a clear fire. Its Marie was the pet of Queen Victoria,
flavor is then incomparably better who bad her portrait painted by Mil -
than when baked in an oven. i leis when she was about five or six.
Oil from the sewing machine may Queen Marie introduced a distinct -
be removed Som material by tacking ly English tone into covet circles
a piece of cotton wool on each side when she arrived in Bucharest as
of the stain. The cotton will soon Grown Princess, and so strong has
absorb the oil. been her in -finance in the Rumanian
Foraood comfort liningwhen capital that English is now practical -
making a comfort for baby's cradle ly the language of the aristocracy.
use soft, fleecy padding, the kind that It has become almost a, proverb in
is under the linen cloths of a Bucharest that it is only the "women
dining table. It will prove most sat- who wear kerchiefs"—that is, the
isfactory. laboring classes—who cannot speak
A tasty breakfast dish is to take English,
a dozen herring, filletandwash, and
then roll them. Place a small piece
of butter or dripping on each with
pepper and a touch of vinegar. Bake
slowly for half an hour,
To prevent the juice of pies from
Drink Hot Water
For Indigent/On
A Physician's Advice.
"df dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind
or flatulence, stomach acidity or sour-
ness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, err.,
wouldtake a teaspoonful of pure
bisurated magnesia, in hair' a gloss of
hot water immediately after eating they
would. soon forgot they were . ever
Meted with stomach trouble,-ttnrl doc-
tors woold pace to took elsewhere for
patients,'!. Tn explanation of these
words a well tcinWn New York tthysl-
russ stated that 'Most forms of stomach
trouble are due to a tenrnch acidity arid
fermentation of the food contents of the
There is a storytold of Princess stonrach Crnnhined. with an hrsul'Clcient
blood supply fo the stomach I•Iof
Ileaiea, the third and seven-year-old water increases Olio bleed eunuly n.nd
daughter ofQueen Mavis and King'bisurauod magnesia instantly neutral•
a g lees- the excess lve sfonuurh. acid nnq
Ferdinand, which illustrates the feel- stoles food fermentation, Nie comblia•
{ tion. of the two, theta etc. hcin� mar-
ing of the Rumanian Royal Fancily, velously auecmal i 'tori ilerideriii t rc-
ferable to the use of artificial tit "✓
tents, stimulan to or mod lot nos .-L"o+' ta-
d1gestion, _
Bananas' Colds.
You have probably had many a ha.
uana that has been covered with
brown spots and streaks of brown and
is vary "squashy" inside. Most peo-
ple think that such a banana is mere•
ly over -ripe. As a matter of fact.
that particular fruit has caught a bad
cold. Any sudden change of liart, a
rush of cold air, or a draught, makes
the fruit spotted, and it quickly be•
conies sodden and uneatable.
A combination of bath liquid and
paste. They ;mince a briilieul,
lasting shine wlth very little effo: t:
Theiepaiidhes ceataiaao acid and
%Mili not creed the leather.'- They
preserve the terthercad intreeee
the life of your rhoes.
Hamilton Canada
because of its purity and
101N E granulation, is.
best for all preserving.
"No, thank you, Adeicn, - -I • know
your idea of slavery," she said. "You
would hand it over to Mr. Vermont;
and he does quite enough of your wont
already," Vermont was a favorite
with Miss Penelope, owing chiefly to
his frequent gifts of marron glance—
grew denser, the excitement keener.
"Two to one on 'Ging Cole'—three
to one `Miracour'—and five 'to one.
'Bay Star'—six to one, bar three"—
all these cries rose in a lour, turbul-
ent roar. It was known to all that
the "swells"—as they termed the Cos -
Every housewife knows the value of
kerosene at housecleaning time, and
every other time that there is clean-
ing to be done. Itchases antis, too.
Saturate a cloth with kerosene and
leave it near the ant hills. They; soon
disappear. For cleaning painted
and varnished floors, bathtubs and
marble washstands it is unsurpassed,
For tubs and marble, apply with a
cloth, then wash with• soap and
ori: anti walls use
as they