HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-26, Page 30c1o11itr 26th,I9I6 Clinton News -Record Goderich: Rev. Ct. M. HIolrnes• and Mr, .Jobst :Donaldson were iii Hamilton last week attending the annual convention •uf the Baptists of Ontario and. True bee; Mr.,W. Stewart Lane or Vancouver, 13.C., spent a few days last week with. his father, County Clerk Lane, He left here to visit his, brother in l)gi,roitn; where his mother is also 'laying for a few weeks. Mr's. W. L. Horton and her niece; Miss Josephine Clearfhue., left last 'week to . return to Calgary, Alta. They, intended visiting 'at various. s enroute. Vliss Eva Dinsmore has gone to Port Huron to take a Course of training, as a nurse'. Miss Isabel Johnston of Barrie has been visiting at the home of Inspec for and Mrs. J. E. '1'oni, Mrs. Gordon Wright will address a meeting of the Women's War Aitxili- nryin the lecture room of Knox church this evening. Miss Gertrude,' daughter or ('olin- -elllor and Mrs. Munnings, was mar; tied on Wednesday. of last week to Mr. Harold Boggs of Jones, Oklaho- ma. Mr. J. C. S..,Varcoe, son of Lieut. Cal. and Mrs. Varcoe of Goderich, was married in Toronto last week to Miss •Diana Smith of that city. They will reside upon their return from their honelvmoon on Varcoe avenue. Mrs. Bert Broplroy and Miss Flor- ence of Francisville, Ind., have been visiting Mrs. Win. Brophey of town. Lietibb Unsworth Jones was home for a fet+ttays last week. Miss Edith Miller is visiting fri- ends in Toledo. Mr: John Green has gone to Pick - Jura, Mich,, and will probably spend the winter there with members of his family. Miss Mays is visiting Mrs. Miner of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs. IV. J. Carrie have re- turned to their home in London of tyr a visit with M'Irs. Carrie of town. `_vliss M. Edwards has gone to Citi- • cagis to tail a course of training in the Ill>_is Training School for Nur- ses. Mrs. H. C. Philips of London vis ited last week with Mrs. Austin and 'other friends in 'town. Miss Sutherland and the children -of Mr. Arthur Sutherland of Toron- to are at present staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coats. Mr.' Sutherland has enlisted and is being retained for home service. Mrs. Geo. MacVicar and little son 'have returned from a visit With, the lady's parents, at Ploradale•, Mr. H. H. McKay has gone to Walters' 'Falls to take a -position as teacher, Mr. Joseph Linch intends' taking up his residence in Toronto, having been appointed C.P.R. car inspector for North Tor* Zurich Rev, H. and Mfrs. l;embe and dau- ghter of Hamilton' spent a few days recently as the guests of Rev, and -tars. Bombs of Zurich. Mr. J. J. Monier has purchased a gasoline tractor, for use on his large farm, Hay township council voted $200 to the British Red Cross Fund, at a special meeting called for the par - Pose. On Wednesday of last week the wedding took place of Diana II, Rick - bell of Zurich to Mr. Julius N. Zel- 1er of Kitchener, ' Mrs, V,. Kochens is spending a Few weeks with friends at Linwood. Marriages JACKSON-BEGLEY-At Blyth, on October 17th, Lela, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Begley, to John H. Jackson of Uxbridge. ZELLER-RICKBEIL-At Zurich on Oct. 18th, Diana Henrietta, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil, of Zurich, to Mr. Juluis N',, Zeller, of Kitchener, VrAIi;G7)E-SMITH-At Toronto,` ou. October' 11th Dianaua Mary Y Geor- gina, eldest daughteii,, of Mr. and Mrs. C.co. H. Smith, tb John Charles Stanley, younger son of Lieut. -Col, , J. A. S. and Mrs. Varcoe, of Goderich. HART -ANDERSON In West Wa• - wanosh, Edna 11, Anderson to James. C. Hart of Hampstead, Ontario, O'REILLYct er -CLEARY In Seaforth, on b c October 177th 1'atree Albert I O'Reilly, of Tuckersmitli, to Many daughter of 1VIr. Peter Cleary, of Tuckersmith. MacDONN13LL-DODS-On Oct. 10th, at Alton, Ontario, 'Dr. Hugh Ger- aid MacDonnell, of Goderich, to Muriel Eda Dods, of Alton. MCLELLAND-IIAYS - In Seaforth, on October hiOth, Bessie Reynolds, daughter of Major and Mrs. R. S. Hays to E. C', McLellenei, of Ba- den, Births piaSWAN -In Stanley township, ea Oct 32nd, to Mr. and Mrs, John H. McEwan, a son. VO'L'T --In Tuckersmith, on. October li8.tlr, to Mr. and Mrs. Cr. W. Nott, a daughter, (Evelyn Beat-' rice.) Deaths 'COOPER. -1:n Clinton, on Oct. 20th, Mary, wife of Mfr. W. J. Cooper, aged 03 years and 7 months, - JOHNSTON-In Goderich, on Octoher 17th, Mary Elliott, widow of. the late W. L. Johnston, aged 59' years. • 'THIRSK-At Blake, on Oct. 1,8th, Margaret Lawson, wife of John Thirsk, aged 66 years and 7 months. BRUCE -In West Wawaloslr township on Oct. '18111, Margaret Edgar, wife of Mr. James Bruce, aged ,,81 years. Seaforth. TA. H. Jackson of 'Toronto spent a few days recently as. the guest of his father; Mr. Geo..'Jeekson. Mrs. . S. Boyd and Mrs. II. Gibson. have returned after a lengthy visit in the west. Mr'. and Mrs. Archie D. 'Scott, ''T.hornton Hall," announce the ' en gagernent of their elder daughter, Margaret Isabel, to Mr, John Mc- Kinley, only, son• of Mir. and Mrs. Ho- bert McKinley, the marriage to take place' quietly in October. POULTRY WANTED. E V CI R Y Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid. -Earner i0 legs, Varna -00 PONY FOR SALE, -STRONG, PER loctly sound pony, very quiet and well broken to saddle. -H. F. Shaw, Clinton. 'do -1 ANNUAL MEETING -THE REGLT-' lar Annual Meeting of .the Clinton Horticultural Society will be held - in the Council Chamber on 'Tues- day, Nov. 7th, at 7.50 p.m, -Major M. 1). McTaggart, Pres., T. Cottle, Sec.-Treas, (10-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, -Mr, Trios. Brown has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public atm- tion atation on,Lot 215, Con. 2, Tucker - smith, on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, at I o'clock p.m., the following : horses -Agricultural mare rising 1,2 years Supposed to be in foal, agricultural gelding rising. 5 years old, jagriculturalfilly rising 3 years old sired by King Thomas, broke to harness, 'driving colt rising,' 3 sired by Mr. 'Templeton, broke to harness, aged driving mare with foal by her 'side sired by Mr. Tem- pleton,"driving horse rising 0, good in all harness and an exceptionally good road horse. Cattle -Cow ris- ing 5 due to calve Dec. 25th, cow rising 5 due to calve Feb. 0th, cow rising 4 due to calve March hst, cow rising 4 due to- calve 10th March, cow rising 4' due to calve March 20th, Holstein cow rising 8, an extra heavy milker, due to calve 1st of April, cow . rising 8 supposed to be in calf freshened the end of August, cow rising 9 fresh- ened in Sept., cow rising 12, sup- posed- to be in calf, 3 heifers rising 2 -years, 3',steers rising 3, 8 spring calves, About 60 hens, all young. Implements -Massey -Harris binder No. 5, sheaf carrier and truck, Deering mower, hay rake, wagon, land roller, walking plow, Premier riding plow, combined cultivator and seeder, corn sculller with bean attachment, 1 cutter, 2 top bug- gies, set heavy harness,' set plow harness, set single driving harness, set slings, 1140 feet rope, car, fan ding mill, Empire creams separator mei,: '2 years, wheelbarrow, disc, set of harrows; set of sleighs, chains, forks, shoirels and other articles too numerous to mention. About 25 tons of hay, 800 bushels of oats anal 160 bushel's. of 'buck- wheat. No reserve as the pro-, prietor has given up the farm. Terms :-All suns of $.10 and un- der, chsit over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing, approved joint notes, A discount of (i percent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts, -S. McKenzie, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 60-.1, TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD AND PINE LIMIT,' Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned tip to and including the 1st dayof Decem ter next lot the right i t g to cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certainsituatedthe area a srt a a n I'ic River and other territory adjacent thereto, in the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount per cord on pulpwood, and per thous- and feet, board measure, On: pine, that they are prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to dues of 40 cents per cord for spruce, and 20 cents per cord for other pulpwoods, and $2.00 per thousand feet, board measure for pine, or such other rates as may from time to time be fired by the Lieutenant -Governor -in -Conn- ell, fo•r the right to operate a pulp mill and a paper mill on on neon' the area referred to. Such tenderers shall be required to erect a mill or mills onor near +ire territory and toManufacture the wood Into- pulp and paper in. the Province of Ontario -the paper mill to be erected when directed by the Minister of Lands, Forests ant Min. es. Parties making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque, payable to the Hon - arable the Treasurer of .the Province of Ontario, for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), which amount will be forfeited la the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out conditions, 'etc. The said $25,000 will be applied on account of bonus clues as they menie, but the regulation dues; as mentioned above, will re- quire to be paid in the usual manner: as returns of cutting of wood and timber are received, The highest or any -tender not nec- essarily accepted. For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc.; apply to the undersigned, Cr. H. FERGUSON, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. • Toronto, August 28th, 11016, N.B.-No unauthorized' publication of this notice will he :paid ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, -Mr. Thos. Brown has received Instructions to sell by public auction at' Lot 1r7', Con. 0, Hallett, on Tuesday, Oet. 31st, at one /o'clock, p.m., •the following : Horses -Driving horse 7 pars old, not afraid of autos, draught filly ris- ing 4 years, in foal, draught filly rising .3 years. Cattle -3 -year-old Shorthorn bull, 4 good dairy cows, supposed to he in • calf, 2 -year-old heifer, 3 2 -year-old steers, 5 year- ling heifers, 5 calves, sings and hens -2 sows to farrow first week in December, 9 good feeders, about WI yearling liens and pullets, An- dalusians, Anemias and Barred Rocks. Implements -All . new with- in the last few years-1Viassey-Har- ris binder, Massey -Harris mower, Massey -Harris hay rake, Deering hay rake, Deering hay loader, Deer- ing cultivator, Deering disc,, 4-sec- tion -seation set 'harrows, Massey -Harris 1.3 -hoe drill, Premier 21 sulky plow, No. 8 National cloitble plow, No. 21 Floury plow, No, 4 Wilkinson plow, wagon, 3 -inch• tire wagon steel wheel, set of barn scales, ,rubber tire buggy, steel tire buggy, Port- land cutter, Massey -Harris No. 4 500 lb. capacity cream separator, No, 8 Maxwell chum, 'Butter work- er, set ork-er,,set double harness, set plow harness, set Goldine_rubber single harness, set' nickle single harness, gravel beck, root indoor, grindstone, Clinton fanning mill, hats fork, car, ropes ;and slings, robes, blankets, chains, etc. A large quantity of hay, straw and grain, also a plank silo 14x20, in first-class contrition. Terms ;-Sums of $10 and under, • cash. On over that amount 110 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of five percent. per annum will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. -F. Bruce Medd, Proprie- tor ; Thos, Brown, 'Auctioneer. -59 L"UR SALE. -THAT VALUABLY piece of property known as the old postolhrce, Clinton.: For full particulars ninety to Mrs. H. Cooke, R. R. No, 2, Barrie, Ont., or Thos. Watts, on premises. 50-2 LOST NEAR ' C'ANTELON BROS. Store. -A, parcel containing boys' overalls, shirt, and underwear. The finder will confer a favor by leav- ing same at Plemsteels' Store, 60 STRAYED. -+.'ROM LOT 24, CON. 0, Hullett, a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable re- ward will be paid for information leading to its recovery. -Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. it, Clinton. Phone 18 on 155. -50 FARM TO RENT -100 ACRES 3j, miles south -of Clinton, on 13 a y fi e t d Road, brick ]copise, bankbarn, young orchard, bearing, two wells on farm. Possession giv- en April 1st, 1,017. Tenant can go on farm to do fall Plowing. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Wiggin- ton, Clinton, or .lames Switzer, Bayfield. -50 FOR SAL E, -A NICE MET PONY. Apply at The News Record 011rce. -58 FOR • SALE OR TO RENT. - A house and lot on North street, add house and lot on Cutter St, -Apply to Mrs. Butler or to C. B. Hale, -68, DR. W. J. GLANFIELD, M,A., IDL 13., Physician, etc., Honor Gradu- ate, Toronto University,isix years' experience, Brucellcld, Ont. -58-12 FOR SALE. --74 GOOD RELIABLE driving horse suitable for women or children to drive, and also buggy,- Apply Seeley Bartli . A,pp y to e ey & ff -58-3 r NOTICE -THE CLINTON EV APOR- ator being now 'open for business it will pay 30c for 'cider apples' and 40e for paring apples, delivered at the Evaporator. ' -57 MILLINERY=WE HAVE B.I1CIDI'V- ed a shipment of Fall Hats and Trimmings. Would , be pleased to have you call and see them. -E. P. llernt,r, BayOeld. -57. FARM le011, RENT -THE FARM ON • the .Bayfield Road known as the R. Marshall property, 271/ miles south of Clinton. The farm consists of 175 acres 40 acres broken, remain- der under grass. Good frame house and barn with stable underneath good spring at barn, Excellent stock farm. Possession given April 'list, 101.7, tenant can go or farm to do fall ploughing. 12 acres plough- lug clone. J,'01' further particulars apply -P. W. Powell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, or Win. Glen, R.. R. 'No.5; Clinton, executors of the R. Mar- shall estate. -57 LL KINDS OF APPLES WILL BE taken at the Bayfield Evaporator. if. P. Mercer. -56 HOUSE FOR SALE OF FOR RENT. -On Dunlop street, eight rooms, goad Cellar, town water and cis- tern ;• house in good state of re- pair ; quarter acre land ; apple trees. Will be vacant Oct. 1st, - For particulars apply to W.' Dry - done, Clinton. -5fi WANTED FOR,,,SALE OR, TO RENT. roomed house on Princess street, Furnace and bath. Now occupied . by W. Collyer. -For particulars ap- ply to W, S. Harland, ltattenbury street, Clinton. -55 'FARM FOR SALE -LOT 30 IN THE 7th con,, Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion ; ultivation-; barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation ; small houses; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, '`West, Clinton. -48. FOR SALE; -HOUSE ON RATTEN • bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs: Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. -32 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electrie. light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.- T. T. Murphy. --44, McCORMICK AGENCY -I ',•HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine,, etc. An. order from ' you will receive prompt attention: - Wilson Elliott. -43 FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury;street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will be sold separately or together, Electric lighting throughout. Water in, stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer kit- chen.-'Apply i it. chen: Apply to Dr. Gandier. -40. FOR SALE. - THE 14 STORY house with a acres of land on On- tario street lately: occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop. -Jacob Taylor. -35 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, (tent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store. -Win, J. Jago. -55 LIVE POULTRY WANTED i •e• W'e are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid, -Phone 14 on 166. Pullets -For ,Sale, W. MARQUIS. WANTED NOW I Reliable salesman to act as agent in Huron County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory, and money making :specialties. Our agencies are the best In the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guaran- tee ran tee deliveries in first-class con- dition. clition. Nursery stock is sell- ing well this year and good money can be made in this district. For particulars write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co. TORONTO, ONT. DE LAVELLE CREAM SEP- ARATOR EPARRTOR WORLD STANDARD Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three doors west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Satur- day afternoons, Also 'Agent fo combo Piano. To the Public: c. We are how prepared with ''better facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher Rolls, Gum Circular and Cross - Cut - Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. 'Repair 'Automobiles. Do Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers., Sharpen Hand - Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and .Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. . Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. SEELEY &W EST. T S GIRLS WANTED ••• WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. MISTY VISION conies with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly, fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty: when we fit tbent they give satisfaction, Eges . Examined Free Leh me show you how quickly I can do your repair work, no waiting, work always ready, when you come. Silverware of all kinds 1$0 in- cluded. A beautiful dine of genuine cut glass-. No imitation, anything we haven't in stock we will gladly send for. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler FCrearn. Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in - every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received. Wednesday, morning week. k . T. E. MASON, , General Merchant, Cool Wether We have now swung into fall and almost before we know it winter will be upon us with its chill days. Here is where we believe in PREPAREDNESS Every house wife should be pre- pared to get rid of the accumulation of dust of our hot and dry summer. Some suggestions we offer that are helps for, house -Cleaning : Soap Naphtha Soap Soap Chips Dastbane Brushes 'Gillett's Lye Dutch Ceanser Ammonia Starches Pancakes and Syrup Most of us like something mote appetizing at this time of year. Why not revive the pan cake hab it, its healthy and. good for young .and old. Our Pancake Flow: is all ready to use with Com Syrup will recreate old memories. Come in anti See IT FOR SAI:} .-A - SEeOND HAND Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, tires practically new. Very cheap, -•Seeley & West.. -31 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with' an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can Careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburn. may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us' a trial.' Patrons in the vicinity of Varna. may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will "-be' taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont. 01111 AIM for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire at least 20,000 chickens . 20,000 liens 5,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese. We are in the market for all your live poultry of good quality at top prices. Enquire for prices before -yea sell. It will pay you to give your best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord prices this winter. GUNN, LANGLQIS' CO. 1'he Up-to-date •Fir..i1 CLINTON. THE CORNEA STORE Live and Let Live BUSY AT HOUSECLEANING ?' If you are let us help you save labor in Cooking. We have a ' delici- ous line of Cooked Ham, all ready for the table, that the entire family will appreciate. Or if you prefer you . can have your choice of a number of other lines that are easily made ready to serve. Read This List : Cooked Ham, Veal Loaf, Jellied • Hock, Canned Salmon, Kippered Her- ring; Finnan Menthe, Chipped Beef, Bologna. For Quick Desserts we suggest ' Jelly Powder, Tapioca-ready-to- serve-in-minim apioca-roadyrto- serve-in- in ikinds' r e andallids• fancy n of preserves. Specials '-C Crapes, Oranges, Banan- as, Celery, Sweet Potatoes and Span - fair Onions. E. E. HUNNIFORD a �r LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. ri; kNOID new i11Mom. ted. LET US LOAD some of our baled hay and feed on. our truck the next time it is going in pour direction, which will be very Soon. Just as an experiment we ask you to try them on your ,horse for a while,' II it doesn't result in your. becoming a steady customer for our hay and feed we miss our guess.. Once used always a user bas been our experience. Watch this space next week for Bargains ! W. T. O'Neil 499031301211111181911113 Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal' and Cement Yards, Coatis going to be dear, scarce and hard to get, so let us have your orders now anti we ,will supply you with 1 l'he Coal that Satisfies" if at all possible. We are going to stock a few care of Coke which will come considerably cheaper than coal and if you would like to try a load of this, let us know at once so that we may, place our orders. We also handle all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cetnont,, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, ''edar Posts, Etc. 11 in the market for-auy of th above items it will pay you to tel- ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD Bead Office BRUCEFIELD. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital'{ It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the greab advance in thep rice of all kinds' of metals Furnaces are soon to advance,are If yougoingto instal a Furnace or have any: Plumbing done this year you will save money, by getting prices at once. 1 = ' Tg) THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Snl-o FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wboat, 40 acres ready fon spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or, chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo, Water tank and Windy mill .at barn. One quarter+ mile from, Porter's Hill, -James. Hamilton, Clinton. --08. An►Ibiog you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g , Tinsmitlring and . Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing,, Steel Shingles, Felt ;Roofing' and Slate. Call or phone for• 'prices. ' es cheerially given,