The Clinton News Record, 1916-10-19, Page 8Clinton News -Record
October 19th, 1916
Shoe Cost
Everybody is aware that there has
been a universal increase in the price
of SSIOh S !
The advance in the cost of Leather
and of ever',thing else that enters
into the construction of Shore has
'compelled manufacturers to advance
their Prices—ft could. not be avoided.'.
However !
Please remember that this Store of
Good Shoes will continue to give its
Patrons the very limit of Shoe Val-
ues for
al-ues-for their money mill still sayer
Raincoats I
If you would be prepared to meet, without fear,
the cold wet days of fall, that are fast approaching.
You ellould visit this store 1.Vne3 4141 a look over our
fare assortment of wet weather goods.
Raincoats—Our raincoat stock is the largest and
best assorted we have ever shown and our prices the
We have men's coats from $5.00 to $15.00,
We have ladies' coats from $4.50 to $1.5,00.
See our new tweed raincoat both in ladies and
mens. They are the latest idea in raincoats.
See our men's special waterproof coat at $10.00.
Rubbers—Dont let your children go with wet
feet "it is too expensive.''
The cost of "dry feet" is small if you buy your
rubbers here.
We handle nothing but the very best,
Agents —New Idea Patterns--Senni-Ready Clothing.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits Phone 25. — More Business
Singer Sewing Machines,
Itis not necessary for us fto say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation i'for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made, It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
are'gond mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic i Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting, Free trial .given,
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the hese toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chide you have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Bali & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N, BALL Phone 110, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 186
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to the room,
1 t has other advantages al-
so, being easy to cleen, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine nip including
Brussels, Axmansf ers, Wit -
tons, etc., that we have
priced_�at attractive prieee.
We would be most pleased
to show them to you. ,
Undertaker and Funeral Director..
28 Phone lW 28.
The ewsItecord
to the end of 1916
for 25 cents.
Use .Conus .Caws
Stationery for all
your social corres-
pondence. 101iile,
moderately priced, It
is of a qualify that
delights botli segder
and receiver.
Note Pnpor Envelopes
Writing Tablets Papetcios
Correspondence Cards
Initialled •Stationery
Gontlemen'a Club Nolo
and Envelopes
Often the Cheapest --
Always the Hest,
Miss Mae Mettle has returned •from a
visit with Toronto friends.
Miss Larine Langford is spending a
vacation. with friends -in London.
Airs. II. F. McMullen of Ripley is
the guest of Mrs, F. Wise, Thigh
Miss Mabel Colclough of Blyth spent
the week -end -as the guest of Mrs.
J, S Miller.
Rev L Ci. Powell is in Sarnia this
week owing to the serious illness
of his father.
Miss Ferguson of New York is visit-
ing her sisters, Mrs. W. Carter and
Mrs. Cardwell.
Mrs. (Rev.) Frank Hovey of :Burling-
ton is the guest of Mx. and Mrs.
J. P, Hovey of town.
Mrs, Weir of Detroit visited her bro-
ther, Mr. R Ti, Manning of town,
lot a few days recently,
Mr. A. T. Cooper is du Toronto this
week attending a meeting of the
Committee of One Hundred,
Mr. T. Managhan attended a meet-
ing of the Scarlet Chapter in Sea -
forth on Saturday evening. "
Mi. and Mrs. H. BartlilI, Misses
C'ardili, J. -Bartlilf and
motored to Brussels on Sunday.
Revs. 5, T. Bartlett of Toronto is
the ,guest while in town this week
of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. H.
Mr. -J. C. R. Wightman of Redlands,
Cal., spent a few days this week as
a guest at the home of tir. Thos.
hies. A. Brown Reddiek, Provincial
Inspector of Factories and Ships,
was in town yesterday on her offi-
cial rounds
Mr, and Mrs. J. if, Hovey, Mrs.
Frank Hovey amid Mrs. J. A. Robin-
son motored to Markdale last
week to visit relatives.
Miss Dorothy Cantelon returned Sat-
urday front the west, where she
had Spent the past couple of
months with her brother,
Mrs. (Dr.) McBride of Welland and
Miss Grace Cleft of Toronto are
visiting at the 'parental home, that
of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Club'.,
Manager Manning of the Royal Bank
was in London last week and was
a guest at the banquet given in
honour of Sir Wilfrid Laurier..
Capt. Webster and Lieut. Saunders
of the local corps of the Salvation
Army were in Gaderich on. Friday
last assisting in special services.
Mrs. H. J. Pingel of Seaforth, for-
merly of Clintotl, has been spend-
ing a few days in town as the
-guest of Mr. and Mrs. if, Saville.
Miss Margaret Miiler returned to her
home at Stella on Tuesday after
spending a couple ell weeks as the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. James Ma-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould received a
cable on Tuesday telling of the safe
arrival of -their son, Pte. W. Gould,
at Folkstone, Eng.. Pte. Gould
goes as a transport driver.
Miss McLaren returned Saturday af-
ter an extended visit with her bro-
ther ,at Spolcane,, Wash., sand with
friends in Vancouver and in other
Perts of the Canadian West,
Capt. Frank Ce Harper land Mrs.
Harper left Monday aftbreoon by.
motor ,tor Barrie. Capt, Harper
will rejoin his battalion at once
at Camp Borden but it is expected
that the 177th will winter at Bar-
Revs. 'A. ltlaclat:lane, J E. Jones and
F. RickardkaRickardand Mr. N. W.Erwin
of Bayfield were in town on Mon-
day. The reverend gentlemen came
in to attend the monthly meeting
of the ministerial association, and
Cleric Erwin is always welcome in
Clinton whether he has any partic-
ular business ornot.
erg's Your ide to the
Unknown in underwear
You can tell at a glance whether an Underwear garment is warm ; whether it is coin
Portably soft ; whether it is well finished.
Its wearing -power remains obscure. So does its resistance to the wash -tub, .How, are
you going to know—positively--.that it will resist the hardest wear you can give it for
several seasons? How canyou be sure that it will not shrink ?
We answer:" Con,e here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Care..
fu gimaking.has given it stamina, And it is guaranteed against shrinkage.,
Opposite the Public Library.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Next Royal Bank.
1 e-
c:le seween
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library.
Mrs. T. Neelands left last week for
Toronto - and intends spending the
winter there and in Detroit. -
Mr, Walter Hobkirk has returned
from the west.
litre. J. lellis and daughter, Miss
Mantic Ellis, spent a few days last
week at Camp Borden. Miss Versa
Geiger supplied on the Public school
staff during Miss Ellis' absence.
Miss Tena Swan has returned from
Rochester, where she has been un-
dergoing surgical treatment, and is
much improved In health,
Mrs. A. King returned last week
to her home. in Toronto after spend-
ing the summer in town with her
mother, firs. T. Neelands,
Reeve Smallacombe spent a few
days at Camp Borden last week.
Mrs. Smyth, formerly Miss Lulu
Hemphill, of Nelson, B.C.,' is a
guest at itIr, Thomas HencphilI's.
Rev. W. J, Doherty, for twenty
years rector. of St. Paul's church
here, has resigned to take the posi-
tion of secretary -treasurer of the
Diocese of Huron, Before the de-
parture of the family from Rlensall
they were each made recipients of
tokens of esteem from the congrega-
tion. Rev. W. i.i. Moore of I{ings-
mill succeeds Mr. Doherty as rector.
of St. Paul's.
While Mr, 'P. Neelands was here
over the Thanksgiving holiday - the
members of his Bible Class in the •
Methodist thatch took advantage- of
the occasion to present hini with an
appreciative :address. and a hand-
somely engraved silver mounted um-
brella, Mr, Neelands . was' for years
the teacher of this class and 'his re-
moval from town and rem the
church is much regretted.
Town Hall Clinton
Saturday Evening,
Me. Win. Reap presents Palmer's
Spectacular Production of
with all the added features that
have made this company famous
Special Prices 15c and 25c
Miss-Gertie Grazier of Clinton ane
Miss Jennie McNeil of London spent
a few clays as the guests of the
former's aunt, albs, Pollard and with
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crawford
and daughter of Lomlesboro :,petit
Sunday the guests of the lady's sis-
ter, Mrs. George Riley,
The Women's Adult Bible Class in-
tend holding their monthly meeting
at Mrs. J. Sundercock's on Friday
Mr: Love of. Walton spent Sunday
with his daughter, Mrs. lid. Britton.
Potato picking is the order of the
days: The potatoes are turning out,
in -the majority of eases, better than
was expected.
The funeral of the late Fred. Mar-
tin took place last week to Mait-
land cemetery. He had not been
very well for some time, suffering
from heart trouble.
The many friends or Mrs. Ed.
Britton will be glad to know she
is recovering, though slowly,
Mr. Wm. McIntosh intends to. move
to the village this week to the house
he purchased some time ago.
Mr. Thos. Riley has hired with
Mr. Ira Johns of Tuckerstnith for
some time,
News -Record means News -Leader.
. Goderich.
Mrs, Cornell and two children, Don-
ald anti Jacor, have gone to Sault
Ste. Marie to join `Mr. Cornell and
will malts their home there. -
Mrs, harry} McKnight alto two
children of Toronto were guests at
the home of the lady's parents, Mr.
said Mrs. li, Martin, receetly.
Mrs. H. A. Walker and Kiss 'alma
of Toronto have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker.
Mrs. O'Reilly of Detroit has re-
turned home after e visit with Mors,
Wns. - Rhynas.
Mrs. James Clark returnedlast
week from a visit with her mother in
Port Colborne.
Miss Mice Fraser has gone to T'or-
onto to take e,ocurse of training as
a nurse.
Mrs. Oliver Johnson • has been vis-
iting her son iia Toronto.
Miss :1 Welyn Jones has Veen visit-
ing relatives int Perth.
Miss Buchanan of Hamilton was
the guest last week of Mrs.. W. El,
Miss Agnes Nairn has returned to
Detroit after an extended visit
Miss Martha Edwards left last
week for Chicago to enter the Ill-
inois Training School for Nurses.
Mr, Philip Horton of Port Elope
and Mrs, Pote of Toronto have been
visiting their mother, Mrs. II Hor-
Mr. Robt. Reid 'of Brantford spent
a few 'days recently with his mother,
Mrs. David Reid of town.
Mi, and Mrs. bred. Willows and.
family of Sarnia and tic, and Mrs.
Philip Willows of Uxbridge have re-
turned to their homes after visiting
their mother, Mrs. Willows of town.
Mn, John Cole and family have
gone to Seaforth, Mr. Cole having
taken a position in the munition
Asir.. John S. McI£immn and son of
Toronto visited recently for a few
days with the former's sister, Mrs.
(Dr.) Milne,
Mr. Harry MclIannus of Mitchell
was here last week visiting friends,
Messrs. E. Laundey and John Petits
have gone to Niagara Fails where
they will be employucl during the
Mrs. Stratton of Detroit and Miss
Jessie I-Erons of Toronto were here
last week visiting their brother,
Pte. James Ilirons, who leaves
shortly for overseas.
Mrs. (Rev;) R. J. McCormick was
called to London last week owing to
the serious illness and subsequent
death of her father, the late Rev.
Wm. Godwin.
Miss Annie White of-4toodstock
visited her sister, Mrs, C. Spafford
of town, for ft few days recently.
On Saturday week death called one
o'f hellcat's well-known and highly
esteemed citizens in the person of
George Knox, who was in his seven-
ty-llfth year. His wife and a fanc-
ily of four suns and two daughters
survive, fie was a Presbyterian in
religion and a Conservative in poli-
tics. The funeral tools place to
Iluriis' cemetery on Wednesday after-
noon of last week, the service being
held at the mance, Londcsboro.
Goderich Township
The young Ladies' Patriotic So-
ciety will meet on Wedncedayt next
at the home of Mrs, Arthur Welsh,
W inghaim
Mrs. IIarry Greer and daughter of
Ingersoll spent a few days recently
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ii, i.iliott.
Mn, and Mrs. T.- .1. McBride and
family of Hamilton were guests c-
eentiy at the home of Mr. J. J.
Moffat. They came by motor cat
and on their return they were tie.
companied by Miss Prances MolTat.
Miss A. E. Sanderson of Sarine.
and Mr. iSinto Sanderson of Detroit
visited for a few days with their.
parents, Mr. anti Mrs. W. A. Sander-
Mr. Edward Small has returned
from Georgetown and will make this-
his home in future.
Mx. W. J. Armour spent a few»
days in Detroit recently.
bliss McVittie of Toronto has been
visiting with her cousin, fire, ,John.
Miss Jean Maxwell of Leamington
hiss been visiting friends in Wingham
and iline-vale,
Mrs. C. 0: Vanstone of Toronto'
visited for it few clays in town haat:
Miss Beth Calder of Toronto bass
been visiting her sister, Pr. Margaret
Calder, recently,
11ev. James Plastic of Cornwall was-
a guest at the home of Br. J isimedy
Mrs. Jautes Meilen has gone to
reside in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gregory of
London visited with the latter'spap.
etas, Mr. and Mrs. F. Buchanan, foe
a few days recently.
Mrs. Vansieklc of ;Seaforth visited
the home of her son, Mr. .Bert Vaa-
sickle of town recently.
Miss Gertrude Cruiekshanks -of the
Kincardine High school stall spent
the holiday period at her leime in
town. -
DRs. .David Tlaurlovv bas returned
from a few weeks' stay with friends:
at Windsor and Detroit -
^ 1
Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash up
clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three-
Themanwhodesigned es: nod the Pandora rknewjob? �' do a his b r
know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well
as the makers'.