HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-12, Page 8Hullett Township Messrs, Edward Blake of Detroit cud Michael Blake of Winnipeg came home Tuesday to be present at the wedding of their sister which took place yissterday. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Medd have returned home after a very pleasant few weeks' visit with relatives la the western provinces, Miss Nellie Medd of Winchelsea spent Thanksgiving with her parents and brothers in this vicinity. McKillop Township Pte. T. L. Govoalock, son of Reeve Govenlock of this township, was killed in action on Sept, ,80th. Re resigned a position on the Col- legiate stall at St, Catharines to en- list, He had been taking a special signalling course in England for sonic time and had only been at the front about m month. Farmers eompatin that the ground is still too hard for ploughing with comfort, ,Pies. Win, and Joseph Bolton, who both belong to the Hurons, have been home bidding good bye to pareirts aiid other relatives and fri- ends, Mr. and Mrs. Staples of Northern Manitoba were visiting relatives here. last week. Mr, Staples is a Mer- chant up there. Mr. J. J. Irvine who had one of his wrists fractured over a month ago, still carries the injured member in a sling. Ile says it is wonderful what work a man can do with one hand when he is willing, Mr. Freeman Hackwell has been on a visit to relatives at St. Thom- as. Many of the women are shipping away their. old .hens. Not ea had plan when feed. is dear and the win- ter coming on. Seaforth. Miss Agnes G ovenlock has returned . and is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Scott; 1\3r..Ernest Box and bride returned last week from their honeymoon trip, bliss Jessie Wilson left ob Friday to visit her sister in Owen Sound. Mrs. ,lames Archibald visited., Brussels friends recently. Mrs It. S% Hays and bliss Bessie were in Toronto last week. Mrs. H. H,- ]toss and little dangli• ter Margaret have been visiting fri- ends in Listowel. Mrs. Will Jones of Toronto is. the guest of her father, Mr. George. t-Iolman. Mr. -Gee and family of lviagham have moved to town and are occupy- ing the flat over Aberhart's drug store, lire. James Sleeth had the top tat - en off a linger while at work in the' Bell Poundry one day last week, Mr. Doty of Codericli has taken a. position with the Bell Engine Co. St. Helens Miss Clara Woods is visiting :fri-- ends around Stanley. at present, Isle. anti Mrs. Sam. Reid visited at the home of Win, R. Farrier re. death,. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Farrier attend- ed Brussels' Show on Friday last. Anniversary services were held in Bethel church last Sunday, Rev. Mr; 13ridgette of Ashlleld conducting the. services, Mrs. Wellwood of Wingianl is vis- iting her slaughter, Mrs. (leo. Webb' at present. Mr. and hers, Dave McDonald and family and Mr, and Mrs. Herb 'Thome.. son. from Winghain spent Sunday. with friends around St. Helens. Miss Edith Rathwell of Stanley has returned home after visiting fri- ends here. Plagegiagf Perfect cooking and baking with least expenditure of heat is assured by the double flue system forcing heat twice around the oven of andora Come in and P11 show you why the Pandora stays agf good as new long after other ranges have to be repaired or replaced. sae, RLAND BY SO DA BROS. 1. H Clinton News -Record October I2tb, ISKI& A Family Shoe Store We meet every requirement of every member of the family ! Among our patrons there are many families where we shoeevery foot from grandpa down to baby We shoe every member because they all knob, where to come for PERFECT SHOE SATISFACTION t Shoes of comfort for elderly people ; shoes of style and durability for the middle aged ; shoes for strenuous wear and adapted to the growing feet of•boy and girl, We stand ready to prove a benefit to any fam- ily. It will be worth your while to test us ! You'll be quick to discover why so many call this "Their Shoe Store, FRED. JACKSON Raincoats! If you would be prepared to meet, without fear, the cold wet days of fall, that are fast approaching. You should visit this store and have a look over our large assortment of wet weather goods. Raincoats—Our raincoat stock is the largest and best assorted we have -ever shown and our prices the lowest. We have men's coats from $5.00 to $15.00. We have ladies' coats from $4.50 to $15,00. See our new tweed raincoat both in Iadies and mens. They are the latest idea in raincoats. See our men's special waterproof coat at $10,00. Rubbers—Dont let your children go with wet feet "it is too expensive." The cost of "dry feet" is small if you buy your rubbers here. We handle nothing but the very best, Agents—New Idea Patterns—Semi-Ready Clothing, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — Phone 25. -- More Business • OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It .s not necessary for us fto say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the beet household machine male. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses are'good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every house shou',d own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting. Free trial ,given. Price $1150. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come iri and hear our Columbia Orafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma - chi Oe gnu have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ball 45c Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. BALL Store Phone 104. Phone 110. J. D. ATKINSON, Phone . 185 monose . A Beautiful Art Square • lends a charm to -the room. II; has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We have at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including 13r.ussels, Axmansrers, Witons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices, We would be most pleased to show them to you. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 erey Phone 28 i The NewsRecord to tete end of 1916 for 25 cents. Personal ;, tatoortery Ilse Lotus Lawn Stationery for all your social corres- pondence. t'$ile Moderately priced, it is of a quality that. delights bout .odder and receiver. Note Paper Envelopes Invitation. -. Wriiln4 Tablets I'gnoirioa Correspondence Cards Lai/lolled Stelionsry tionilon,on'e Club Note and Envelopes i1 W. D. FAIR CO. Ic Often the Cheapest-- Always heapest—Always the Best, Miss Mae Forbes spent the week -end with her brother at Watford, Mrs, Hugh Ross visited Wingham fri- ends for a few days ,last week. Miss 'Beth Weber was at her home in Elmira over the week -end and liol- May. Miss Olive McNee of Goderich spent the week -end as the guest of Miss Mildred Coot. Miss Amy Rlowse» was a visitor from Saturday until Tuesday, with Georgetown friends. Mr, 15. Guestof l,ucan was a holi- day visitor at the home. of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Cantelon. Mr, Alva J. Barnes of Toronto vis- ited at the home of Mr. J. S. Mil- ler over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitchell of Toronto were visitors in town over the week -end and holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. W, T. O'Neil and Miss Winnie spent the week -end and hol- iday with Toronto friends. Mr. Eddie Shepherd of Toronto was a visitor at the home of his mother over the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Mrs. Kearns returned Friday last af- ter spending ten days with her ne- phew, Mr. James MoOlacherty of Goderich, Miss Mabel Augustine of the G.T.R. freight office stall spent the boa, day season at her home in Port Colborne. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Roberton of the Bayfield Road attended the McDow- ell -Snell wedding in hast Wawan- osh last week. • Mist McCallum of Kincardine cal- led on friends in town on Satur- day, She was on her way to visit . Goderieh friends. Mrs. Annie Colelough, who has spent the past several weeks with her son at Madora, Man., returned home Friday evening. Miss Olive Cooper was in Teeswater over the week -end while her moth- er spent the week - end and holiday with Goderieh friends. bliss Edith Hodgens was a visitor in town over the week -end and holiday. She was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. Hainblyn. Mr. John Roberton and mother of Auburn spent the week -end as the guests of Mr. add Mrs. R. A. Rob - on of the 13a'yfieid Road. Mr. Wellington Cook motored up from Iiaoniton last week and spent a day or so at iris home here and with Goderich friends. Miss Daisyr Mediger of Hamilton spent the week -end and holiday as a guest at the home of her broth- er, Mr. .1. W. Nediger: of town. Mr., E. C,. Matthews of the Sterling Bank stall, Goderich, accompanied by Mrs, Matthews and little son, Bill, visited. at the home of Mr., and Mrs, W, S. Downs aver Sun. days and the holiday. Messrs. Frank Alexander of Toronto and Herbert Cantelon of Streets - vine, who motored up and spent a week or. so, visiting relatives and friends in Clinton and vicinity, left for home on Monday morning. Miss Jennie Miller, who has been spending the past year with her sister hire. W. 4. , C;anttlour of Moose .Jaw, Sank., has been spend- ing a few weeks with her parents, before going to Toronto to take a Position, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Taylor and dau- ghter motored up from London on Thursday: last and spent a few days here The former visited at the home of Mr. James Stevens. of town, the latter with Mr, and Miss Brown of the Huron Road. On i ieir return Mr. Stevens returned with then and spent a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs, I. Tay - ler. Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable. FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. C7 They are made of only the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and com- petent craftsmen. They are soft and pliant --yet firm and strong. They are rich in feel and lustre --and will neither grow "shiny" with use --nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weavers art. e INCIDENTALLY—We stock "INDIGO SERGE" in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing --do not hes- itate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are be- hind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one, of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Next Royal Bank. Men's Store Custom Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103. Opposite Public Library. People You Know 14Irs. Geo. Jackson was with SW, forth friends for Thanksgiving. Mr, T, R. Watts of Stratford spent the weelt-end at his home hi town, Misses Mae anti Norma Bentley are spending the week with Loudon Mende. Miss Florence Cuujinghame was in t Toronto over the week -end and. holiday, Mr. C, J. Wallis returned Monday from a business trip to New Brunswick. Mrs. Jas. Finch spent. Thanksgiving with her son, Mr, Jas. Finch, Jr., in Stratford. 1VIrs. J. B. Atkinson and _Miss Eileen were with Exeter friends for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard drove to .Baylleld on Wednesday to at- tend the. Fair. burs. D. B. 1Kennetly is spending a few weeks with her son, Mr, J. 13. Kennedy of Detroit. Mrs, R. L. Moore left for Toronto last week to loin Mr. Moore,' who has taken a position with T. Eaton Co. Sapper S. J. Watts of Toronto spent the holiday at his home in town, leaving for Ottawa Tuesday' morn- ing. Mr. and ft's. H. 13agler were in Goderich on Tuesday attending. the funeral of the latter's sister; Mrs. John Bromley. Mr. and Mrs. IC. Nal tel anti children of the Lake Shore wore guests of Mr. and irrs, Gordon Cuningbarne on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. W. G. Oxtaby and niece, Miss Olive Creech, of Brantford spent Thanksgiving holidays as the guests of Miss Jennie Robertson, Pte. Clarence Shepherd of the 161st was hoarse a couple of days the end of the week and left Saturday to visit his sisters in Ottawa. Mr. acid Mrs. Nixon Welsh of Toron- to spent the week -end and holiday with the former's parents in town and the latter's parents in Goder- ich township. Miss Ida . Harland of Detroit, who has been visiting in 'town for a week, left Monday to visit at the home of her heather, Mr, Will. Harland of. Guelph, 11'irs. Will. Merrill of Mullett spent the week -end anti holiday with her. sister, Mrs. Harry Hays of. De- troit hits, Hays returned with her and is visiting relatives here- abouts for a time. Mr. T. Neelands of ',Stratford, for- merly editor and proprietor of the Hetisali Observer, was' in town on Tuesday'. His son, Pte. Rey Nee - lands, is a member of the Hurons and was here with the Hensall contingent, 11Ir. Necclands was carry- ing a very handsome Sllv r mounted ed cane which had been presented to him by the members of his 'S, S. class prior to his leaving blensall. rent r the daily glad of a is four grind Mr. Neelands is already talk- lag of getting back into newspaper I+ work again. Wedded in Clinton Yester- day. Mr. and IMS, Richard Blake of Mullett township announce the mar- riage of their. daughter, Nora Marie, to Mr. .James L. Lesage of Little Current, son of life, and Mrs. Alex- ander Lesage of Ottawa, The eet- emeny took place in St. .,Joseph's church, Clinton, at half past eight yesterday morning, being performed� by Rev. Father Hogan. The bride, , who was given away by her brother, Mr. Michael Blake, wore a very be- comitag suit of navy blue broad cloth with picture hat of maise. Her corsage was of silk crepe -do -clone and she wore a corsage boquet of American Meauty roses and Bila of the -valley, Miss Loretto Fitzpatrick was bridesmaid. Her suit was of ashes -of - roses broadcloth and she wore a white hat and a corsage boquet of violets. Air. Ed. Blake of Detroit was best man and Messrs. M. and J. Blake acted as ushers, At the conelusiau of the ceremony the wedding party and galests re- paired to the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Blake where the wedding breakfast was served and the happy couple left on the afternaon train from Clinton on a honeymoon trip to Toronto, Ottawa, and other points east where they will spend a few weeks with friends before going to their home at Little Current, where they will be at home after November first, Tho bride was the ,recipient of a number of very handsome gifts. The groom's gift was a handsome brace- let watch and to the bridesmaid he gave a carved pendant and chain, The bride is a popular young ladyi and she Is followed to her new home with the best wishes of a large cir- cle of friends, Goderlph. Rev, li, C. McDermid, formerly pas- tor of Stayner and Sunnyside Pres-, hyterian churches, was inducted into the pastorate of Knox church on Tuesday evening of last week under very pleasing circumstances, . Mrs, Fred Doty is spending some bane with friends in Kalamazoo, Mich. Mrs, N. F. l'oungblut, who has been spending the past few months with liar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, and with other friends hereabouts left last week for her home at Arcola, Sask. Mrs. Fred Ilewson and babe of New Liskeard are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Strang. Mrs. s, 1'stibe] Parnham is spending a few 'weeks in Detroit, life. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson left last week to visit their son in Butt Montana: Butte., 111oz lana. Miss Gertrude 1Vlunnings of Okla- homa City 'is home on a visit to her father, Councillor Munnings.