HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-12, Page 5Oetober 12th, I916 Clinton -News -Record C. C.I. Field Day. 1 �s' ,Senior Championship, (over•'. Doy I h5 years.) '(a) ` Putting shot, 1st, V, Copp, :21)(4. _F• Lawrence; 3rd_ ° P. Moffat, •distance 38 feet, 8 inches. (b) Half -mite race -1st, W. Town- sheed ;' 2nd F. Lawrence ; 3rd, ' F. Copp. (e) Pole vault -list, II, Potter ,}. _ .2nd, M. McNeil 3rd, F. Lawrence. (d) Running high jump -let ' F. • C'oPP ; 2nd, 1>: 114oiat,, 3rd, NN , Tyn- dall. (e) 1"10 yards hurdle -let, F. Law- rence ; 2nd, Pl Mafiat ; 3rd,. N, 1`ce7- dal.. f :Running, hop, step and jump 1st, F. Lawrence ; 2nd;: P. Moffat ;. .3rd, F. Copp. (g) 100 yard dash -13t, P: Moffat; Y ' 2nd, F. Lawrence ; 3rd, W. Towns - heed. . (h) Running broad ,lump -Mt, P. Moffat, ; 2nd, F. Lawrence ; 3rd, N. 'Tyndall, distance 16 feet, 10 • inches. B:oys. junior championship, (Under 10 years), (a) Putting shot -1st, E. Rall 2udr, S. Jackson ; 3rd -1+`. Wallis; die - taupe '7 feet, 7 inches. (b) Half -anile race -1st, S. 'Jack son; ;And, Schrenk, 3rd, 1+. W ailis. (el 'pole vault -1st, Iaars •ul Middleton., ; Schrenk, 3rd, Nr (d) Running high 'jump-lst, F Wallis ; 2nd, IL Rance ; 3td, Murphy,' (ii) 1,20yards hurdle -15t, F. Wal- lts ;• 2nd, Middleton ; 3rd, Smith. (f) Running, hop, step and jump IpplimpeF. Wallis 0 nl Murphy ;Ord, , Schrenk, distance 30 feet, 8 inches . gleo yardsdash-Jst Murphy, y 2nd,, F.Wallis, 3rd Middleton,(i) Runniog broad jump -last, F. Wallis 2nd; P Hall ; 3rd, Schrenk, distance 1+1, feet, 3 inches.. Boy's [nterform .Events, (a) Relay race -list, Ill, Orin team ;-W. Townshend,.; N. Potter N. 'Tyndall and F.. Lawrence.. 2hd-IV form team, P. Moliat, Gray, A, Townshend and J. Church - ll. 3rd, III form ; team R. McClymont E. Evans, ll. Stuart anti A. Leon - :era. (b) Wheel barrow race -let, IV form ; team, A. Townshend, 1. Chur- chill. 2nd, hi form ; team, Ii. Stuart, and F. Lawrence. 3rd, II form ; team, S. Jackson and F. Wallis. (c): Three legged race -.-.1st, U form ; Schrenk, and Middleton. 2nd, •IV form, team, A. To'wnsheud, J. Churchill, 3rd, 11"' form ; team -F, Wallis, Manning. GIRLS' EVENTS: (a) Relay race -let, TI form team, C. DiinEord, S. Draper, C. Jer- vie, K. Mcfonnell, 2nd, III form ; team, L, Holmes, ► -N'..Draper, M. Lansing, K. Elliott. (b) Quarter mile -1st Miss Glen, 2nd, Miss Stuart, 3rd, Miss S. Bra- • per, (c) Three-legged race -1st, L. Hol - rims and W. Draper. 2nd, C. Dunforcl, K. McConnell. 3rd, K McGregar, J. :Middleton. (d) 5r.; putting shot, 1st, M. Taylor ; 2nd, G. Wallis ; 3rd, M. 'Lansing. (e) Jr., putting shot, 1st, C. Dun- ferd ; 2nd, P. Scott ; 3rd, A. Glen. OPEN EVENTS, (a) 1100 yard dash, 1st, P. Moffat, (Clinton) ;_2nd, heys, (Seaforth), It) Running, hop, step and jump, 1st, Keys, (Seaforth). 2nd, Moffat, (Clinton.) BASKET BALL. Seaforth vs. Clinton, score 15-9 in favor' oT Clinton. B LSE•B41:LL Seaforth vs. Clinton, score 1,0--11 in favor of Clinton. Senior championship ;, F, .Lawrence -(15 points) 2nd, PC Moffat, (13 points.). Jtrnior championship , 1st, F. Wal- lis, (19 points), :•; 2nd (iia Varna A Reid Harvey f the Dental' 'Ino College, Potento, spent 'thanksgiving under the parental roof. ,Privates J." Mealtins M, Keyes, A. French and. W. McNaughton of the 161st Mutons, who were home on their last leave,' left for Cuiup Bor- den on Tuesday. Mr. Clarence Keys of Niaga;}i Falls spent Thanksgiving finder the parent- al roof. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred lugs spent Sunday and Monday at the latter's., home in Hay township. Messrs. George Foster and Malcolm McNaughton, are spending the holi- day with.,their brother ,Mr. Den Mc- Naughten oieKitchener, who Is in poor health. Mrs.Ed. Foster is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Percy Couch of Clinton,. Court of, Revision of the Voters' Lst of the.; Municipality of Stanley was held in the township hail, Var- na, on Moulay,' About twenty • new voters were added to the list. Stanley Township it was announced - that there Would Ile a' prayer meeting at Mr.,Alex, McEwen's on the second • co, on Tuesday night and there avere' Cf ty- five present. Two auto loads from Clinton helped to make it •interest- ing, Rev. -Dr. •Rutledge spoke aim "Prayer and the Value of :it." We• hope it will not be long before• he will Drake .us,inotiher visit. Marriages 14ES 4C l -, BLAKJ -1n 51. . •ioseph's church, 'Clinton, by Rev. ler. 1Iog- an, on Oct. 12th, Nora Marie, daughter. `. of Mr. and 14Irs, • Ricnaiil Blake of Mullett, to James L. Lesage of Little Current. ' l''IcMICTIAEL-DONE-At Brantford, on Sept. 23rd, , Wm. McMichael, of Brantford, , to Mabel D., eld- est 'daughter of Mr, ' and Mrs. Henry_ Bone, Morris township., Births KENNEDY -In Detroit'' on Oct. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. .1, Iia. Kennedy, a daughter. NAYLOR--iia Seaforth, on October. ]st, to' 14H, and :Mrs, A. A, Naylor, a daughter. BURROWS -In. Goderich, on October 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur- rows, a daughter., Deaths ti1;I,L1-hi Morris towns'hili, on Oct. 9th, Michael Kelly, aged 70 years and 10 months, C'i`RAITON-In Goderich, on 'October 3rd, Anna R. Grant, wife of Alex. Straiten, Req., in her 72nd year. McINNES-In Goderich, on October 2nd, Ronald McLines, in. his ;93rd year, ,lOIINSTD.N-la G•oder'Joh , o:i Sept.. 30th, Sarah Johnston, wi- dow of the late Robert John - sten. Goderich Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Mannings an- nounce the engagement of their dau- ghtex Gertxude to Mr. Haroldld 0. Boggs of Jones, Okla.' The mar- riage will take place this month, Mr, Richard Phalen has returned from a trip to Northern Ontario. Mrs. J. D. Long of London has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ellen Sallows. . Mr.J.ds has B: Reynolds, who been Yn r sonic time,r inGtiteph -for so ehas. s e turned to Goderich,` Mrs. George Acheson of Toronto has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown. Miss Helen Strang of New York is home on a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Strang. Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. MacMillan mo- tored over from Ann Arbor, Mich., recently to visit the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacMillan. Mrs. Fred. C. Shephard and fam- ily bave gone to Preston to• join Mr. Shephard, who has taken a pos-' ition there. Mr. Arthur R. Ford of the Floss Gallery, Ottawa, was here last week visiting his parents, Rev. J. E. and. Mrs. Ford. Mr. H. 5, Wallace, teller in the local branch `of ,the Sterling Bank, has gone to' Courtwright to take the Management of that branch: Mr. R. Cr flays; barrister, hes been appointed deputy judge to assist Judge Dickson, the sppointmeut be- ing necessary owing 'to the continued illness of Judge Holt: ' Mrs. Stratton, wife of the town treasurer, fliedunexpectedly on Tues- day evening of last week after only a few days Illness. The funeral took place on Friday to Maitland ceme- tery. bliss Phyllis Baker of Toronto has been visiting friends in town. FOR SALE-A.NICEE OCTET PONY,. -Apply at The News -Record Office. -58 FOR, f3.\Lle Oft 'f0 (RENT. - A house and lot on. North street, and house and lot on Cutter St, -Apply to Mrs. liutier•or to C. I3, Hale, -58. 1`OR SALE --A GOOD RELIABLE drivinghorse suitable for women or children to drive,arid aCeo b u6 1 ,- Apply to Seeley. At Barhliff, -58-3 MISS GLENN OF GLEN't-CTTAR-, • les; Toronto, Canada's 'Hair Fash- ion Store, will he in Clinton Wed- nesday, October 18th, iRattenhurp Hotel, with a full line of Hair Goods, Miss Glenn will be pleased tri demonstrate satue. 58-1i NOTIC I - NOTICE IS HERE - by given that'. the Municipal Cour- ciI of the .Town of Cl•i3,ten has adopted the Assessment' „'Boll for 10111 as authorized by The Assess - meet Act, sub -section (3) of sec tion 56, E.S.O. 1914, and the Bald Roll may be acceptedby the suc- ceeding Council as the Assessment Roll. for 1.917, And , further, take notice that a meeting of the Court of Revision 'of the Town, of Clinton vvill be. held, in. the Council Chain- ber.ou Monday the 30th day of. October, 1910, at $ o'clock pm. for the purpose of hearing and deter- mining complaints against the said Assessment 'Roll. Peeeens having business et the Court will please attend at the said time and place. -D. L. 'Macpherson, Town Clerk. Dated the 12th 'day of October, 1916: -58-5 DR W. J. GLANFIKLD, M,A., K. Be Physician, etc., Honor Gradu-` ate, Toronto University, (six years' experience, Brucefield, Out, -58-12 NOTICE -THE CLINTON EVAPOR- ator being tow. open for business it will pay 30e for cider apples and delivered at i ales el a paring a 4.0e [ r I1 0 , p g --5 the Evaporator. 7 TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD AND PINE LIMIT. Tenders will .be received by the un- dersigued up to and: including the 1st day of December next for' the right to cutpulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situated on the Pie River and other territory adjacent, thereto, its the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount per cord` on pulpwood, and per thous am feet,.. beard "measure, ou pine„ that they are prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to :dues of X10 cents per. cord for spruce, and 20 cents per card for other pulpwoods, .and $2.00 per thousand feet, board Measure for Mile, or such other rates as may :from time 5p tune, . be Sired by 'the Lieutenant -Governor -in -.Coon - cif, for the right to operate a Pulp mill and a paper mill on' hi tre'esr the area referred to. Such tenderers shall' be required to erect a Mill or nulls on or near the 'territory and.. to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the Province of Ontario -tire paper mill to, he erected when directed: 'by the Minister of Lanais, Forests nn'1 Fin - as. Parties malting: tender will. be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque payable to the Hon - arable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario; for twenty-five . thoitsand dollars . 025,000), which amount will be forfeited in the:event of, their not entering into agreement to carry out conditions, etc, • The said $25,000 will he applied on account of bonus' dues as they accrue, hitt the .regulation dues, as mentioted, above; . will re- quire to be paid in tate usual manner as returns of cutting of wood. and timber are received. The highest or eny tender not nee- essarily accepted. - For particulars as to deseription of. territory, capital to lie invested, etc.,.. apply to the undersigned, Cr. H. FERGUSON, NB:lister of Lands,. Forests and. Mixes: Toronto, August 28th, 1,116. N,LI No unauthorized publication MILL,INERl-W1 HAVE RECEIM- ecl a shipment of Fall I1ats and Trimmings. Would , be pleased to have you call and see them. -E. F. Kerner, Hayfield. -57. H O U S le FOR SALI? - SMALL house on Princess street. Town wa- ter,,cistern, cellar, garden with small fruit. Also a stable on Dr. Gasdier's property. Will sell cheap. Apply -W. Carter, Clinton. -57 WANTED -000D GENERAL SER- vant. Apply to WRs. 1I. T. Rance, Clinton. -57 FARM FOR RL;N'r-'PILI!: FARM ON time;Reynold. Road known as the R. Marshall property, 21 miles south of Clinton. `The farm consists of 175 acres, 10 acres broken, remain- der finder grass. Good frame house and barn With stable underneath ; 'pod spring ,, at barn. Excellent stock farm. Possession given April fast, 1517, tenant can go on farm to do fall ploughing: 12 acres plough- ing done. For further partletlars apply -l'. W. Powell, R. 11. ,No. 3, Clinton, or Win. Glee, R. K..No.5, Clinton, executors of the R. Mar- shall estate'. -57 ALL hINDS OF APPLES WILL 1.3E taken at the Bayfield Evaporator. E. 1`. Menet:. -56 FOR SALE. -A WELL. MATCH -IED team of heavy Wraught geldings, rising three years. Apply F. W. Powell, R.R. No. 3, .('litter. Phone 9 on 157. -53-3 "PAR14lI+UTt SALE -LOT 36 IN 'PIIS 7th con., Goderich -township, con- !taiojng 80 acres all under cultiga tion ; barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation • small house • good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. P et- er Cantelon,. Huron. Street, West, Clinton. -48. FOR SALE OR TO RENT."AN g- roomed house on Princess street. Furnace and bath. ' Now occupied by W. • Collyer. -For particulars 'ap- ply to W. S. Harlad, Rattenbury street, Clinton. -55 STOCK 10011 SALE. 'I' H RE, le colts, one rising 2 years, one 3, black and fairly well matched, one bay Colt rising 2 ; Sive steers 1 year old ; eleven pigs 3 months old; 'ore sow to litter Nov. 1st. Will he sola. privately. -T. T.J. Elliott, Bayfield, 55 -et FOR SALE. -=HOUSE ON I'oATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by 'the late Mrs. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply 'to G. •D., McTaggart. -32 HOUSE FOR. SALE Ole FOR RENT. -On Dunlop street,. eight rooms, good cellar, town water and ' cis- tern ; house ingood state of : re- pair ; quarter ecce land ; apple trees. Will be vacant . Oct, For particulars apply to IV:.Bry- done, Clinton.' • -55 FOR SALE. -FORD AUTOMO!BILE,. second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exchange for. horses or cattle. -C, J. Wallis, -11. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electite light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.- T. T. Murphy. 1McCORMICI AGENCY. -I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron si;reet where I will keep p on hand a full line of implements, repairs, thine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention. - Wilson Elliott. -43 FOR SALE-T11E PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and 'summer 1(4- cfien: Apply to Dr. Gandier. -40'. FOR SALE. - THE i;4 STORY house with 3 acres of land on On- tario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines, The garden is in excellent condition and there is us acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop. -Jacob Taylor. -35 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. ' We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared t0 French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store. -Wm.. J. Jago. -50 EXECUTORS SALE „ S.OF 'FARM Lands,in the Township of Stanley. -7`he excdutors of thc,late Thomas Ward offer for sale two very valu- able farms,. ou'e•.consisting of one Ixuncired acres and the other: of fifty acres' --more 'or less, ,belonging to the estate and situate. in the Town- ship of Stanley, These must be sold in order that the estate shall be wound up. The fames are in a good locality, and in a, good state of euttivation, and most suitably adapted to mixed farming. They are handy to schools, churches and pas:tollxce 11,1116 adjacent to the r Fat ' s an \' ]. bx term d -Village of acna particulars of sale apply to the un- dersigned executors, - Christopher 1Varcl, Varna ` P.0„ nr Emanuel Ward, Clinton .P.O. WANTED. ---MAID FOR GENERAL housework .-Apply to James Scott, High street; Clinton. -51 WANTED --A POSITION AS HOUSE - keeper, by young married woman, Experienced in farm 'work. Apply to Mrs. Patey, care Mrs. Ward, Huron St., Clinton. -52 News -Record means News -':reader, News -Record means News -Leader, LIVE POULTRY WANTED ! 411. To the Public.. We are now prepared.'with better facilities than ever to Re -Chat Crusher 'Rolls. Gum Circular and Cross - Cut. Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for '_Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. Do Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work: Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen Hand Clippers. Ws are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid: Phone 111 on 166. W. MARQUIS. WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Huron County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive terr.ito•y, amid money making specialties. Our agencies are the best In the business for we sell the highest grade of stock mit most. reasonable prices and• guaran- tee deliveries in first-class con- dition, Nursery stock is sell- ing well this year and good money can he made in this district. For particulars write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co. TORONTO', ONT. DE LAVELLE CREAM SEP - TOR WORLD•S TANDAflD ARA Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines,' De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three doors %vest of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Satur- day afternoous, Also Agent for New- combe Pianos. Phone 207. D. W. Ha1rlilton The De Lavelle Agent. wh SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tiree for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. • AUTOM013II.E GARAGE IN CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST GIRLS 'ANTED.! s.e WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE 'KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED, MISTY VISION conies with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty when we fit then they give satisfaction. Eyes Examined Free Let me show you how quickly, I can do your repair work, no waiting, work always ready when you come. Silverware of all kinds 1.8.1'7 in- cluded. A beautiful line of ' genuine eat glass. No imitation, anything we haven't in stock we will gladly send for. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler :Cream Wanted Highest price paid for eteam, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, It's Easy to Beat Eggs But - It's Hard to Beat the Quality uality o'f Our Bulk Tea. FOR SALE. -A SECOND HAND Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled; tires practically 'new. Very cheap. -Seeley & West. -31 DREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a corilpetent man.' Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and' statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinitp of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 186, Seaforth, Ont. ER Al for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire at least 20,000 chickens 20,000 liens 5,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese. We are in the market for all your live poultry of good qualrty at top prices. Enquire for prices before you sell. It will pay you to give your best attention to' your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord prices this winter. Every tea drinker en- joys a good cup of 'tea, Wo lmaye put in a line of Black, Mixed or Green Tea that is hard to heat for quality and flavor. The first time you: are down town .(or in town) cone in and ask. about our Bulks. 'Teas. They will sure interest you, 0 t h e r ' seasonable drinks that you will en- joy are a nice cup of COCOA or POSTUM (instant or cereal) and last but not least try out Excelsior Brant. COFFEE which has a quality and flavor all its own. Highest Market Price for Produce Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phew) orders promptly, attended to. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to=date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live BUSY AT HOUSECLEANING ? If you are let us help you save tabor in Cooking. We have a delici- ous line of Cooked TIain, all ready for the table, that the entire family will appreciate. Or if you prefer you can have your ehoicn of a number of other lines that are easily made ready, to serve. Read 'Nils List : Cooked Ham, Veal Loaf, Jellied Hock, Canned Salmon, Kippered Her- ring, Finnan Haddie, Chipped Beef, Bologna, For Quick Desserts we suggest' Jelly Powder, Tapioca -ready -to - serve -in -minute and all kinds of fancy preserves. Specials '-Grapes, Oranges, Behan - as, Celery, Sweet Potatoes and Span - fah Onions. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. 5 Made in Canada ada are the only goods to buy in Canada these days. How about "Clark's" Chicken, Ham and Tongue Pork and Beans ? in all sizes. These `are just the thing for overseas par- cels, Also Clark's Peanut Butter in bulk, \\T. T. O'Neil i TlireMll Coal! Whether you have wood or not, you can do a day's threshing on the carne money as it costs you to get the old cross -cut saw sharpened up. Secure a load of our nice clean 10 in. lump. Fall Wheat If you are putting in a piece. of wheat it will pay you to get a •lit- tle of our BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for it- self and then some. We also handle all kinds of Logs, and Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and V. Matched Siding, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Material, Tile, Cedar Posts; Etc. JOHN B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken In ex-, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the HospitaL It Will Pay -You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces aro soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any. Plumbing done this year you will save money, by getting prices at once. i,t) THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, .. 16 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready EOM spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small ore chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo. Wates: tank and Wind -4 mill at barn. One grrartce mile front Porter's Hill: -James Flamilton, Clinton. -09 Empty a Sack of Our', Flour in your flour bin and your baking troubles will be reduced to a mini- mum. For our flour bakes so easily and so surely that the very best re- sults can be attained by even the most indifferent bakers. A sack of our flour will put you in the fine La- ker class, Odder one and. you'll, ICarir for yourself. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 100. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevator. News -Record means News -Leader. AIi7thhj you want Clone in the line of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g , Tinsmithiug and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate. Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary .Plumber.. Phone •R\, The sub to The News-' Record is $1 per years