HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-12, Page 1No. 1958 -37th Year e Clinton NewsRc;i r CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER I2th, 1916 THE LABEL READIN JAN. 17 SNOWS THE SUB 15 PAID UP TO JANUARY 15T, 1917. THE HOME PAPER How ABOUT YOURS be - o the e any walked h'HELOCAL MARKET. Wheat:,$:t,45. Barley 70c. ;wish Oats 50c. 3U to 32e. Buttergs -33c to 4432 Live Hogs $10,50, : CLINTON 130Y WOUNDED, Mr: Ed„ ,Steep, son of Mr: and Mrs. 4ftn. Slee of Clinton,;s re= ported as being admitted to a hos-_ pital in France suffering from a 6 troccnd int the sjdc. 1V1'r."Stecp rgsid- ' .. ed In Petrolia before enlistin AThe 1 , 7 DEATH or FORMER CITIZEN, Mr, Chas, E. Tt n e of London,posed Y !traveller for the Sherlock -Manning Piano Co., died at Charlottetown, P.E.I., on Saturday},. having taken ill while on a business trip. The re- mains were brought to London for interment. Mr. Tenney ,was forn.ci• interment.3 ly a citizen of town and will be re- timbered by malty here. His wife and one daughter and one son sur- vive, A SISTER' DEAD. Mrs. D. 'Tiplady received word on Monday of rite death on Sunday of her sister, MIrs. A. Alciun of Living- lIontana, .'rhe aoceased lady whose maiden name was Elizabeth Morlow, was born and spent her girlhood daps in Clinton. The family left here about twenty-eight years ago. She is survived by her husband aril a family of four daughters. She waS only a utile over fifty years of age. Mr. Robt. Marlow of Swift Current,Sack. and Walter Marlow of Goderich, formerly of town, are brothers of the deceased. SUCCESSELL FILLD DAY. The weather man certainly did his y best for the C.C.I. annual field day 01 sports on Friday last bbs dayDistricts being: an ideal Canadian October day with lust enough chill in the air to j g make one Teel "tit." There was therefore a good turnout to see the g boys and girls deport themselves the athletic field. The different events were well contested, both boys toad girls taking part, A baseball team !rola the Sea- forth Collegiate Came up and played a game with a (' (,I. nine, the re -in stilt being a score of 10-6 in far- or of the local team,while the C.C.I. basketball tenndefeated tete S.0 .I s in a score of 15-0, 'Tile baseball line-up wits as fol- lows : Seaforth—A, Hays, :P , Edigholfer, A. Crich, D. Beatty, E. Schatz, E. Johnston, E. Rivers, I•:. Chesney, G. Dill. Clliaton le, Law'xence 1i. 'McNeil, J. Elliott, 1L SChoenitals, E. !.vans, P. Murphp, A. 7`gwnsllend, Y. Mal- fat, H. Potter. The basketball teams were mule up thus 1 Seaforth—Mabel Turnbull, Ella Turnbull J. Hays, J. Cowan, 7. , } ' CaoveitloClr, M. Edge, S. McClOy, Middleton, K. McGreg- or, L. =Holmes, M. Taylor, K. Mc-: Connell, C. Danford, E. 1Vasrnan, 11'. Lawrence won the senior dram- pionship in the bops sports and F. r Wallis the junior championship. Quite a number came up from Sea- forth 'to witness the sports as well as diose who came to takeinn part. Friday of ebbs tveelc elle ,Bcaforth Collegiate will have their field day and a number of students will go down from hee to -take part. On another page will be found thie nam- the winners in the different e- vents. ' i S L'. PAUL'S S UI[LRCII• •On Sunday evening last Rev. N. L. Ward, 1V1.A,, returned Missionary, gave a very interesting and instruc- tfve address on Clt nv. Mr, Waxd gave a short account of the three pagan Religions of China : Coir fuc'ianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism is a moral system enlpltazistng the duties of the present •life, l'aofsm taught b}' Tao-tse, a coltternporary of Con- facies, is an elaborate rationa- listie philosophy, Buddhism, which en- tereii China in the first century, d.D., 4yas_brgt[ ht in from India and ad- g aptod to suit the conditions of Chin- 'ese life, Christianity was .first in -The y in- troduced 111(0 China by the i�estgri� ans in the sih.th century. In 1247 the first Roman Catholic missionary, Friar John of Carfinl, entered China and again !dept the Jesuit briar, gery Ricci, made ntathy converts. Dr. Mor- risen, sent by the Lenon Missionary Society in 1:8.07, was the Orsi ,pro_ to rant Missionary. The A; i'„' s o y y tg i „iu church has now eleven Dioceses in China foiining what 1s called the Oh! Cathobic Church al called '1'fie Canadian Church -looks after, the Di- Deese of Ronan which covers an area of 07940 square miles and supports a population of over 35,000,000 or 52t0 per square mile. Mt, Ward showed that the Chinese were converted not Chinese by showing them that Christianity was better than other religions and vain Philosophies but bypreaching to p p g them Oheist who could save then from their sins., Next Sunday being Children's Day special addresses on Sunday school work will be given and a s retial ser- g Pe vice for the children held in the f- a ternoon at Lao o'clock, I1oly corn- mullion next Sunday morning at 8;30 o'clock, W. A. will hold their missionary tea ' on Thursday, from lour to seven o'- ;'. clock. A TFIANKYOU. 1Tr. Mts. l'I.:4Valtoii'attd faniil y to express through the medium of The News -Record' their appreoia- tion "the kindness' anti s m ath p Y shown tliern in, the loss of their Son, who recently Pell fighting In France. W. P.'S. NOTES. The • Women's Patriotic Society meets on'sightdemonstration Friday afternoon at three o'clock and es there is important business to be. done in regard to the planning of the work for the Pinter president would a fulltlye' the presi i t vve d like at- tendance of the members. GO, HEAR THE -MUSIU, The Young Ladies' Patriotic Auxil- iaty intend having a series of must- tales this evening. Mrs,' J. W. Ross, Mrs. W. Brydone, .Mrs. 11, T. Rance and Airs: R. T. Manning have each opened their homes and will net 'on p l a pretty program of music •ontheir P 6 victrolas, A charge of ten cents willbe made and the proceeds win go into the Auxiliary treasury, ,The young ladies are hoping that each of g will be taxed to the drawin • rooms its utmost, • lyp14'OIi't'II LIIAGUE CON4•'LNTION Phe annual, convention of the Ep- worth Leagues of the Goderich Dia- Wet will be held in Ontario Street Church on Wednesday next, with morning, afternoon and evening sec- signs. The morning sessions opens at ten o'clock. Ile", A. Sinclair, ITolmesvllle ; Airs, J. , H.r Marshall, Blyth, Miss M. Irwin, Clinton and Rev. De. Wilford of China are the speakers in the more- ing. In the afternoon Rev. A. Brown, Varna, 3Irs. .T. McKinley, 'Zurich, E. S. Sauvage, Seaforth Rev. S. i, Iiartlet•t, General t See- rotary, and Rev, C. G. Harris, the reerrsentative in China,scboal will speak. 111r. Harris and. Mr. Bartlett are the chief speakers in •the evening. All the. young people al the Methodist contand ,g'egations should make a point of attending some or all of these meetings.Thompson FOR TITI. RL:D CROSS. A number of citizens met is the Council Cha,nbsr alt Tuesday evening, response to the Mayors request' in order to invite discussion as • toA. the best means of raisingfunds to meet the appear of the'ed Cross Society. The matter was discussed7 at length and it was felt by those •present that Clinton bad not done as welt as site ought to have done in the collection taken up on 'Trafalgar Dap last year, Seaforth and Wing- barn• far outdoing us in this respect. Last )year Clinton collected $1000, and it was the 1 feeling of the meeting that this year we .ought to it 'least double it. 3+ivally the following ins - elutions were passed 1 Resolved that this meeting express their sympathy with the Red Cross' Sacietjc, and in order to assist the town o0iciais' in raising the town's share of finances, eve .recommend the following plan : 1st. Appoint Ward Committees who will look after the distribution of circulars and envelopes, also collect envelopes, and. Appoint an advertis_ , ting committee '3rd, Ask the minis- tern or the town to make special re- ferenoe to the Societies' work on Sunday, Oct, .115th. And second res- elution : that in the opinion of this meeting; the council bo recommend- ed to ;augment the funds for lied Cross purposes by a direct tax, An- other meeting has begn called for Mnday' evening next, when painpie. lets, envelopes, eta, will be ready is address for distribution, The minis-- ters of all churches are beingasked tospecially mention this appeal at both services on SUndayi next. A LIZ"1 ORGANIZATION The Huron:Clounty W.C.T.1i. has just gotten out its annual ctitsctoey, The last annual meeting, the nine- teenth, was held in Exeter in July and was considered a successful one. This organization has been in exis- tense, since 1897,having been organ. /zed le Wihighan on Sept. 9th g of that year, and has held annual meet- ings ever since, three of them being 1. held in {]intoe. The platform on *which' this or- ganizatfon firmly stands is fatal abstinence for the individual and equal franchise tot women on inter- mine terms as rnen, but its inter- fists are wide 0soegh to touch ev-- phaze of life which touches, the horde, • Its members are all arcual yeomen who do not confine them selves to one or, two ideas. they 111 terest themselves in the welfare of the sailor lumbermen find abbroad s'., x employees', ,n Prison reform, to tem- perance education„ law enforcement, , oto 'rh '1 begantheyA i en state the war have been taking a deep `interest in patrioticrte n . l atttotrr work, have a pattinctt fox Red Crossjerk and' the Doinin- .:it vv ton Society is supporting a repro seutatiwe or two at the front. The officers for Huron Countyy tor 1016-17 are as follows : FTon.-President, gra. Davidson, Goderich. President, Mrs. TI, Hooper, Ex- eter. Vies -President, Mrs, Dark, Brus- cels, Cor. -Secretary, Airs. A. T. Coop- e -r, Clinton, Rea: Secretary, Miss R. S. Allen, Goderich, eeasurer, airs. (Rev.) Sharpe, Exeter. I ••••••• •• • • •• •• • • • •and • As the estate of the late . • • 4V• J. Mitchell is to be • • 'wound up all subseriptione• • •of • iii arrears must be.paid, • ° Subscribers out of towel • • please remit by. Postotfice • a order, instead of cheque, as • exchange on 'latter is ex- • • "cessive for small amounts, •• . • • • v • • • • • • • • • •' • • .• Ll'f`1"I IS LOCALS, pastime dance on Friday ev- y enfii • last was lin enjoyable 6 1 lt e cue, as, is always the case when the Pastimers entertain. An attempt was made on Monday uigl t to -- rescue "John Barleycorn' from the lockup, where he has been confined for some weeks, Night- watchman Welsh frustrated thq at.- t tempt, hotiget'er, oho is still p, „ a prisoner. AN ACCIDENT. Mrs. James Fair of Calgary, for- meily of town, was pretty badly burned a short time ago by; the ex- plosion of gas 9n i kitchen range. Fortunately Dix. Fair and the tam- ily were right there and help was immediately at ]land but even then she was pretty badly burned about . the 'lace and chest. At last reports she was improving nicely and it is hgped she will soon be quite well again, HARPER NO LAGGARD. From The Barrie Advalhce we quote : "Capt. Frank -C, 13arper, chaplain of the 177th Battalion, vvas T3rigacle Chaplain, when the soldieis 1 ( attended Barrie Fair last weejc) and nharehed alt the rya' from Cam } P Borden with the men. When along h}, Utopia the cha1.iafu noticed a private whose feet seemed to have given out and he was limping along g he relieved him of his rifle an l kit, thus marched into town,' IN i COLORS S.\l l: Si1sI0I TNG. A number o[ Clinton citizens trent to Gocierfeh `on Sunday to witness the putting away of the colors of the ,101st 13cl bbs.on. Lieut. -Col, Combe presented the colors w l ieh, were received b}; Sheriff ltecuolds and put safely away iu the Co+lrt house to remain until after the vvrtr• An impressive service was conducted by Rev, J, B. leotheringham. At the conelusioa of the war the colors will Probably be presented en the caul- nonny whose representative pet- formed the most conspicuous act of valour while on active duty. Y DIED FOR TATs EMPIRE. r was received here 011 Ffld1y, of the death of 'Lance -Corp, Thoinas Garton, 5011 01 Air. and Thomas Mrs, Cleo. Clarion of Whitechurch. He Biqa of •wounds received an Sept. 2+'ltn. Corp. Garton carne from the west to enlist with the 33rd and was one of the first to bo drafted and sent to the trout, Tie had been In Belgium for over a year. He was twenty-eight }ears of age, He was known to many in Clinton, !ravine... often visited here, and a younge brother is a member of the 10.1st• Ire was a member o£ tele Presbyter- church and of the 1,O,F. . AMONG TIIL Cl11IItCHI.eie. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Agnew Will Preach at both services' itt Ontario street ehnroh on Sunday next. In the evening he will take for his sub- Isot : "The of Friends," It is expected that Capt; Frank C. harper will reach ibis farewell P sermons as pastor of Willis church on Sunda next, The following Sun- clay Rev. Sunday iVtaafarlanq, niod rotor interim, will declare the pulpit:, va- cant, The W.M.S. of Willis church will have -their annual thankofferin meet- Ing on Phursdap eveningof g next week. Airs. Dr. McCr of London will give an address and a program .of msic is beingarranged, 1 , g C', G, f, .17' 110VIE, Friday last wras a gala day for the C, O. I, for in addition to a most successful field daythe students had their annual At -Horne in the town hallr in the cocain' gv ito this function were invited the visitors from Sqa-.,prfde forth the ex -students file Model class of 1010 and .the spillers who were home on leave from Camp 13g1- Glen. A most energetic committee louts decorated the big hall with t2,haple leaves plants and il.onvers and flags 50111 it looked very pretty and invitiarg, •unit. progz'anf was arranged for. the first part of the evening and Mr, Poster. Copp occupied the chair while was in progress. Vocal solos were Marion Gtbbings rendered by Greig and Hattie Greig ; Misses 4 esta Sill- der and !:dela •AinCaughgy each eon- tributes an. instrumental, Miss R, Struthers gave a redilation, Misses Lois Holmes, Mary Mch;£urehey and Lillian Fairfull sang a trio and brief addresses were given by Principal Treleaven and. Mr. Graham, This pro• grant was fa/lowed by . Promo- nades, then refreshments and later by a little dance for those who liked; dancing. It was a melt enjoyable 'at-hom.e and the committee m 'charge of the ate :closed rangemonts , are to be congratulated on the success of thele efforts. Clinton Gives Fitting Send To .Her Soldier Boys. " [� is FWhdnin 9 ,ubt for a Jr'eeient for the �, l'rde=ttJ=J3e 'Choose itraer !Y There is no' other gift f r the bride that is so un- lversally' certain to be greeted with; joy, used with• ride, and 'treasured foryears. Vie carry a large pride, and well assorted stock of 1847 ROCTI;RS Bnos. knives,p, folks, berry spoons, cold meat forks, pie servers, tea h coffee,desert and table s p ooiss and numerous other p pi useful pieces. Also a good assortment of silver` plated hollow a liS, Ware, cut lass;, china and .10(. Qa On 'Thursday last the members of the 1GIst whose homes aro in (lin- ton or vicinity arrived in town and for the' week -end the of the mon to khalif was a fan t/me, one n- „ bout,the 'streets. There was a Iiew clement of concern about this month- leave because only a few days lie- fore it had been announced that the Hurons Nati been warned to get ret- dY to go overseas and this was s0P to be the last leave before o- . P b ing; Many, a mother and a sister thus' spent the Thanksgiving day,' in Putting in last stitches, baling dein- ty morsels or in some way tninist- tiring to the comfort of the son or brother who might not a ain• for! o g some time be privileged to spend a 1 g P few' clays tnlder the old root tree. It wan' thought fitting, also, that demonstration :the soldiers' women folk mar chert 'stile their men on the way t station, but not manymad at all only quietly down, stood' patient patient] overan hit before the train hoer t 1 n in and then as quietly said f But the air was electric with as, to a lively air which the thoughtfully stench up, the .m ched into the train and it moved out, carrying many a heart with it but leaving man the less brave behind, God picas elle Hurons ever Should i( beranted that el oS shall return to home and again, that were indeed well whatever conies or goes mal • circ play the man. t ® Yel1qar ® ewelet ana Optician - d . Clintonand come public should mark the is occasion of thea: leavee talcinMonday } g and on the Mayor anti council arranged that the courier boys should be escorted to the train nt fitting style. 1 osiers were lis- tributed about town Tuesday morn- Dig calling the citizens to meet at 12.48 at the postolfice square. Aa eordingty the citizens turned out, al- most to a man, women and child, many coming in frgm the country. The soldiers gathered in also from surroundingpointsThanks and - formed into mass in front of the band stand, which was draped with (lags ant. bunting g, and on which were gathered the mayor and contig!! and several y prominent citizens. The kitty band marched to _their place playing a arteriae air and the children of the Model school marched down from the and took their place before the bane! stand, each carrying a mat - P. e branch, They attertvards sang ale ver) nice )' Tseep rite - orale bares 'laming,"evitb 4fihea all had been lined up Mayor stepped to the front of the Platform and in his oOicial capacity gave greetings to elle •soldier., boys. Ti mayor spoke with feeling, otic \1•ith. reaS011, ai kip Dwn twO aritl gnly. exits were sn. taudiu w�itli title IXurons witllflh sound of his voice, ile then palled on Rev, Dr. Rutledge, who saki in part : "11 w•e could say all that 15 in our hearts to say If. we could tell the Hurons just how much l pride we have in them, just hot, much we love tihem and how grate- fuI we are to them and bow much l we hope for from them it would take all day and thep wouldn't get their train at all. We have watched the splendid record the Hurons have made SjIICe 501115into camp and ever Y where we hear of them, They have brought honour to the county which sends then! out and we believe they will still eoutfnue to do their duty whatever it map lie and whatever it brings to them," He assured them g that the old county would not for- .get them, but would follow them with loving prayers and thoughts and pride in their achievements, Lieut. -Col. Combe replied far the Battalion. Ile. said that it was not an easy task for hum to speak be- eutise in the first pbace he wasn't a public speaker and in the second place this had been a somewhat trying day fox flim. He had been be sleged all day with telephone hoes- sages front the mothers of the boys asking that another day's leave might be granted but to one anti all he had been obliged to give tbs 50010 answer: "We must play the game, Our leave has expired and we must. return to duty." "As far as r am aware," he said, "this is cul: last leave. 4Ve have had our orders to prepare for overseas and we have prepared as quick- iY anti as thoroughly as we COultl. It may be that the fact that Lite submarine has reached this side elle :1UlautiC may dela •. our transport but I am not speaking of- fieially, But one thing I know, B.ri- fain. will not unnecessarily expose to danger her troops and when we are dang r tU s vfl it will be when the tan er of submarines has been as far S as hossible overcome." 1 C'olUngl told of the inspection of the Hurons and spoke with i1J little pride, and a very justifiable it ryas, of bbs splendid. ecoid made by the battalion in the recent ins ec,;tion. "1 tell ole this," he p Y said, "because rects se I know that you are all interested, hardly a person within sound of m voice hitt has a relative: or near frietrt ill .the battalion.” spoke f e hopespending The Colonel also sl oleo tb they had of going to the front as a 13e saisi that a fifth Canadian division was about to be formed and et was'hoped that the Henn Battal-: ion wouldl rem a para of it and . would thus go Forward as a tout un- der its own officers. , 1 I3efnre retiring C.ol, Combe asked lot three diem and a tiger for the county, and these were heartily giv- en by the ;nen, Then Rev. Dr, Rut- ledge stepped forward and asked Inc three cheers for the Colonel and the ITurons and these were not a whit less People -ae egl pre, Neil Sparks of Hensal the week -end with Clinton " Mrs. L, iVIe(`I ltalld of Dctrq3 e,T guest of 14r. and Mrs. W. x3`• Mrs. A. fi, Wiegand of Port is the guest of Miss Jessi !tins, Mr. S. 4lrlsc,iiau of 'Toronto iving at the parent g '' 6 in town. Miss Clare Sipes of Fiattsvi a weejc-enct visitor with Mi ion Irwin, Mrs. Royale and Master Ken Toronto have been vtsitfnt, R. C?ovier• Dlrs. 14. I?, i lien is '6hc this week at her parents, Mrs. H. is Chant, 4ltsses Alberta .Jae]cson and Watkins spent Thanksgiving Mensal! friends. pre, Wilmer Wallis, who is t i special sfj ualifng course n ta, is itoniq on leave. glr, P:astman of .lrcona Phanicsgiving with his son, �1�1 PE'tItman of tn of ownar(hlle itol.iday visitor at the home aunt, Mrs, T. HenryCrrefg. CR'. T. ry and *Mrs. Cornish spent Thanksgiving Mrs. IV. and Petrolea friends Miss Pearl McKay of Killeen](11 tele guest of Hiss Hattie C,, er the week -end and holida hllss Mae Smith of New TI was with her aunt:, Miss L. of town, for the holiday pe , Mrs. W. Ttplaily *as the ...ter g T tau csgiv£ng, of her 515ter, Thos, Smallacombe of St. lees. Pte, Fred Rumball of the 18 tgry was home over the w He left Monday for 1 , Camp. Miss Margaret Miller of Staf been speeding the past vv the home of her aunt, Mr bfaheffy, Salt. and Mrs, Angell spent day as the guests of Mrs, Watkins, the latter remain v, days longer. a feye Mrs. O. 11. Eastman and'Ttex Airs, Lerman of Sarnia, vv been_ visiting her, have gon it friends at A tweed, Mr, Wilber Welsh, who has 1 the local staff of the 13011 1 has 'one to Loudon to talof g r. with leo im there, bit. Dawson Eninnerson of n y and Mr. Chas. „ Liddy their 4 were the guests of their Miss. R. J. Cluff, for the h Pte. 0. A. (I cntelon of the 1,57 1 talio, has been home on g trip past week. The during is slated for overseas and soon for 33e east, Mr. and Dies. Gordon Ballet Toronto spent the week -en •holida • at the parental ho the former, that of Rev. i3 Mrs, Rutledge of R'esley pat Mr. Lorne Welsh of the L.'�i11 R. and Mrs. Welsh, have 'b iting. the parents of the 1'h town.. Mr, and .Mfrs': R. They have ju4t returned iron it in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs, Ray nlmlball q erich and Mr, and ' Mrs, it t Children the and 'WO arcird spent the week -em holiday in town with the rno the former and the ladies Mrs. L. > , Mc7.�.cnzie, and son of Garman, 11'Ian., tubo have a week as the gue the lady's sister, Mrs. Be bings, left yesterday to vis beKlay a n and other. points before returning home. Mr, ll, Ile t ler 'eller in lh i P , t t branh of the loo al Banl1 dayiiig for a fortnight. N'1 East of the head office, T. and ate old les a in bo i c s lug and smiles a welcome the teller's cage Ion old Men g Coate to do business at the these days, ' F'•Capital Capital Reserve Total 330 Branches, 11 on Savings Deposits. R E MANNING, ® �„ � ^pstone, er fit' CANADA. OF Incorporated 1509. 1lntltorized $ Paid-up 11,5011,000 and Unclivicled Profits 13.236,000 .Assets 234,000;000 With world wide connection. General Banking business Manager m ClintonBranch $ 1,560,000C,ITT, Interest allowed transacted, „ ...�'r. INCORPORATED 1855 - .-. - ... +'••"'•••«■.`..••.•y • } T + r r } • rl 1 LSONinion + � r� g yy��� p pw p �gry�Q �•: Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada, ? A General Banking Eusine�s Transacted. Circular Liters of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed a4 Highest current rate. C.E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch. _,^_ — __ _. , (Word READY-TO-WEAR CLoTnuee 2 he Morrish Clothing Co. OR}T15RED CLOTHING �'■wu■' ����•■ HERE Y l SATISFA'CTIOI! I' o�+ MOn N W I •■ °■ ��`� ��I� C'ERTAI.N Tile his before. piete, ��) E our prominence. blues, teed Con%enief;Ce sho2vtn Your are fall We Show �D Amon SPECIAL Mens to Satisfaction—that determined that suit here shall Our showing Suits asLowas as High as ��IE SHOWING 9f •St Cyt 11ASUITS LUE lJU� 1 the man priced g yp 15,00 line stands N NOTICE r serges for blacks, and greys. be absolutely fast. and we'll g thein. etiery be is $25:OO. R T I D women's s our aint, man who satisfied as now ?sery 8, $ 5� OF E CEP yry� T 515.00. I yJ�� OD ' suits we out with special p T 6 THE LADIES. , suits Colors guaran- .Drop in at•your tape pleasure and buys never Coni- and faNAE have in in H Phone O RR I, Agent 18 for I N H /+ C. Sunday TNN OTA, P R. or night calls. NG 0 hearty. Then the soldiers formed in line arta healed by the band mat:ch- ed to. the depot accompanied by the whole crowd of people. Nothing else seemed to matter that day, All the stores and places:of business were for the couple of hours and, things were lett to look after them- selves for the time being, A few of LITTLE LOCALS. Mrs. T. lNason was appoint rotary of the Women's Patric eiety at the meeting last Fri' ternoon. The pupils of the Model solo contributed over $12 to the hiesaorjal twirl_ ,for Came areweli, Peeling band ea mate slowly brave y note one ch ane friend Bet each. Ql�`il'il• 1 sent friends: it is the T, Hen - Rarer 0 Wat- s lent a1 borne lle isa,s V: Mar - nett el 11re, 511010. fr. dill' ,Jessie 1)00 king a Tenni- spent; tin, (a, wee a of his Jima with tee woe. sig 01r - . Y • am.bure Smite. fed. it river firs. Caner.- b. aner th Bata. eels .end etewawee ffa Das eek. at Mr; Twee. Jahr. Mg; fox mother, ho has u to vis - eco, qp el Co., a Pas- Ber110 1JiUIipeg, cousin., al iday, th Hai !Peso 157th leaved !ge 11 d ared- one•., r.; ancf sologe: i. Iter' 1,@""'1. W111s1 1 it vise r God•. %ter, - of Nein t and Cher. of E , Ater,. been sts cl l Gibe it at south; local; s hol;te ('311 )eontt, relieve, from. _ cls who ' batik ed sec. tie So - ay day al• 01 have; Cave}