HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-05, Page 8A Family shoe Store We meet every requirement of every member of the family [ Among our patrons there are many families where we shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby l We shoe every member because they all know where to come for— PERFECT SHOE` SATISFACTION r Shoes of comfort for elderly people ; shoes of style and durability for the middle aged shoes, for' strenuous wear and adapted to the growing feet of boy and girl. We stand ready to prove a benefit to any fame sly. It will be worth your while to test us 1 You'll be quick to discover why so many call this "Their Shoe Store." FRED. JACKSON Raincoats � gigtEdb • If you would be prepared to meet, without fear, - the cold wet days of fall, that are fast approaching. You should visit this store and have a look over our large assortment of wet weather goods. Raincoats—Our raincoat stock is the largest and best assorted we have ever shown and our prices the lowest. We have men's coats from $5.00 to $15.00. We have ladies' coats•from $4.50 to $15.00. See our new tweed raincoat both in ladies and mens. They are the latest idea in raincoats. See our men's special waterproof coat at $10.00. Rubbers -Dont let your children go with wet feet "it is too expensive." The cost of "dry feet" is small if you buy your rubbers here. We handle nothing but the very best, Agents—New idea Patterns--Semi•.Ready Clothing. Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — Phone 25. — lf1ore Business OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It :s not necessary for us fro say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk L over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses are:good mattresses. We will: give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every honee should own a Domestic Vacuum (Meaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting, Free trial [given. Price $12.50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and bear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the beet toned and the most distinct talking ma - chi ae a-chi'e you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ball & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110. J, D, ATKINSON, Phone 186 111111111.1111 A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to -the room. 1 t has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We have at present an excellent show. leg of fine rage including Brussels, Axmiusters, WI" - tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you, ' • JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone Vigir. 28 w' The News -Record to the end et 1916 for 25 cents. personal ,Stationery Use Lotus Lawry Statiogery for all your social corres- pondence. While moderately priced, it is of a quality . that I delights bout segder 1 and receiver. Nolo Paper Envelopes i4C ' Intitufionx Writing Tsbiefe Yupetrioe Correspondence Cards Initialled Stationery, 4 l►' Gentlemen's- Club: 'Note $ sad Eavelopue , ,�7 149V31. W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest— Always the Best. tin au inumm�mt err - _ ^tmuuli hu. Mrs. A. 'Forbes was 'a visitor in.Sea- orth last week for a few days. M •s, R. J. Ciuff returned last week after spending a few weeks in Ham- ilton. Mrs. R. Match of Goderich was in town for a couple •of days at the beginning of the week, Misses Helena Middleton and Hattie Turner left last week for Toronto to attend the Faculty of Educa- tion. Mr. F. Vanstone and daughter of ivingliam were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.• H. •Bartliff on Thursday last. Mrs, Cardiff, who has peen visiting her daughter, Mrs, H. Bertiiff, re turned to her home in Brussels on Saturday. Rev. J, A. Robinson was Jn Seaforth on Sundays conducting Harvest Thanksgiving services in St, Thom- as' church. Miss Helen Fisher, who has visiting her sister, hits. R. E. Manning, spent a 1ev days in Toronto dur- ing the past week. Mrs. Fred. F, Gillies and little Miss Marion of Kitchener I are visiting at the home, of true lady's parents, Mr. and Mr. S. J. Andrews. Mr, and Mrs. Ilamer Smith of Tor- onto were guests from Saturday un- til Monday at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. Chas. Hellyer. Rev. Dr Rutledge took the services in the Methodist church, Hensel', on Sunday while Rev. J. F. Knight preached( in Wesley church, Clinton. She. Angus McKelvey and twa chil- dren, Miss Winnilred and Masteer. Donald, of New i,iskeard are visit- ing the lady's sister, Mrs. N. Ball • of town. Mr. J. Cuninghanie left Tuesday mor- ning for Grand Rapids, Mich., to visit his brother and will spend a fortnight with friends at vatious points in the State. Mrs. Edmonson left this week for Win, nipeg, where she intends residing, Mrs, Edinonson has some property in the Manitoba capital and has gone out to lookafterit. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Downs of Wood- stock spent the weer. -end with fri- ends in town, having come up to be present at the funeral of the litter's mother, the late Mrs. John Smith. Miss Beatrice Greene spent the week- end with Holnresville friends and. assisted in the musical part of the program at the anniversary services in the Methodist church there oa Su lay, Rev, Dr. and 'Mrs. Rutledge returned the end 'of the week front a three weeks' stay in the United States. They spent most of the time with their daughter, Mrs. 'Shiilington of South Bend, lnd•. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor of Tor- onto have been visiting friends in town during the past week. Al- though they like the Queen City well they like to get back to the old town occasionally', where they have many friends. NTr. J. B. 'Lindsay ;returned Satur- day after a 'very pleasant three months' .visit with relatives in the west. He reports a great variation in crops, wheat yielding from No. 1 to nothing. Much of the wheat was injured be, heat,' rust, hail and from excess of moisture where on low lying lands. Mr. Lindsay says a very large amount of mon- ey is being paid: out in some dis- tricts this season for hail insur- ance. One farmer in the vicinity of Wilkie, Seek., claimed that he was getting 56,000, being $10 per acre for 600 acres hailed out. Those who have good crops Will reap- a rich reward from the good prices prevailing. Clinton News -Record Snapp (•] October 5th, 1916 G E Stylish, Serviceabl FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the SPOTLIGH1" of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. ,They are made of only the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and com- petent craftsmen. They are soft and pliant --yet firm and strong. They are rich in feel and lustre --and will neither grow "shinny" with use --nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weavers art. INCIDENTALLY—We stock "INDIGO SERGE" in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing --do not hes- itate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO 'SERGE" because we are be- hind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Next Royal Bank. Men's Store Custom Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library, Varna. Miss 1)e Coo of Hamilton is visit- ing at the home. of Airs. Frank Keys. Misses Jennette and Louise Grif- fiths spent Saturday and Sunday un- der -the parental roof. Miss ,Lula -Coleman spent the week- end with Miss Flossie Stephenson. Mr. William Stephenson spent Sun- day with friends at Staffa•. Mr. Fred Appleby, who has been indisposed for the past week, we are glad to salt', is able to be around a- gain. • lIr. Tom and Miss Ruth Reid spout Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Turner. The Presbyiteriah church intends having its anniversary services on Sunday week when Rev, Dr. Fletch- er of Thames Road will be the preacher. Rev. E. A, Wanless and his wife and family left last week for their home at Fitzgerald, Ga., after spend- ing some weeks visiting friends and relatives at 'Varna and in the vicini- ty. Seaforth. Miss Frances Roberts returned last week to New York after a vacation spent at her -home here, Miss Grace Weir has gone to New York to take a course of training as a nurse: Mrs. R. Houghton has returned to her borne in Buffalo alter spending a'' month or so with her daughter, Mrs, James Devereaux and other friends hereabouts, Miss Nellie ]Devereaux is- spending a few weeks with friends in Detroit. Miss Violet Cluli has returned to her nursing duties in Toronto after a visit with her father, Mr. S. Chili of town. Mr. Robt. Bell, ,Ur. McKay and Mr. A. D. Sutherland spent, a few clays last week in Ottawa. Mr. Gates of Blyth has purchased the old Robb property in ITarpurhey and intends to go into market gar- dening.' The Misses Cardno have gone to the west to visit their brothers and other relatives. Mrs.. Fred Beattie and two children left for their house at Edmonton., Alta., last week after spending the suunmer at the lady's parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Boluses, Mrs. Stanley L. Wright of Ottawa , is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Slur - less Tones. Miss Edith Scott has. gone to '1'or- onto to resume her studies at the University.. Mr Arthur Powe -ll had his wrist badly injured while working en ele- vator, Rev. MMr.sArgo of Edmondville was granted three months leave of ab- sence by his session and left on Fri- day last on a trip to Calgary in the hope of receiving benefit to his health. Hullett Township The following itehts of news dip- ped from the Dauphin, (Man,,) Her- ald, have to do with former residents of I•Iullett and will be read with in- terest by many in the township : "The home of Mr, and L4irs, Jona- than Crawford, Cumberland, was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding of more than usual interest, on Monday September the eleventh, when their second daughter, Ella Pearl, became the wife of Tilr. Hepworth Nicholson and their niece, Miss Lizzie May Ilesselwood, was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Nicholson. Rev. R. E. Spence officiated. The brides 'en- tered the parlor on the arms of their respective fathers, who gave them in marriage, to the strains of the wedding march played by Nlrs. Frank Nicholson, They looked lovely in similar gowns of habitant silk draped with shado'.v,lace and each carried a shower bouquet of asters and 'tweet peas, and wore as her on, ly ornament the gift of her bride- groom, a sunburst of pearls. After the ceremony the guests partook . of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The happy couples left on the midnight train .for Winnipeg, where the honey moon will be spent. The brides trav- elled im smart suits 'of ewe' blue silk poplin, ;salmis coats opening on pretty blouses of ivory silk,with hats in a combination of black and white vel- vet. • 'Phe brides were the recipients of numerous and costly gifts showing the high esteem in 'which the young couples are held. Mr. and firs, It, Nicholson will re- side in Winnipeg. On their return Mr. and 1-'rs. F. Nicholson will take up 'their residence in Dauphin." "A very pleasant evening was spent, by the members of Cam betland 5. S. at, .the home of a -Jr. and "Mrs. John Crawford. The occasion was in -the nature of a surprise party, the object being to present tokens of es- teem to Miss Pearl Crawford and Miss May i^.iesselwood on the eve' of their marriages. An address was read by Mc, Elgin Meynard, assistant superintendent of the S. 5., express- ing regret of the school in the loss it would sustain by the departure of Msg. Crawford kora our midst," Mr. J. H, Quigley returned from De- troit on Monday and, if Dame Ru- mour's reports are correct, he will probably remain here this .time. Miss Florence Tight spent a few days in Goderich recently. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Sundercock and children visited at the home of the forrner's father, Mr. ,I, Sunder-, :cock, on. Sunday last. Threshing is the order of the day on the eighth 5'i5 ninth concessions and the weather this week has been ideal. tot the work. A Good Resolution : I will pay my subscription to The News -Record in advance. • Constance Mr. and Mrs, Roht. (lark and dau- ghters and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall called on Mrs. Ed. Britton of Walton on Sunday). Mr, and Mrs. Parsons' and Mr. Nic- hol of Brussels spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. 'Thos, Pollard, Miss Janet Campbell had a sale of her household effects on Tuesday. Rev. lilt. l:Iediey of Nile will preach anniversary sermons here on October. 15th. Rev. Mr. Fair of Atwood, a former pastor of the Methodist church here, will preach next Sunday. Mrs. Colciough and Airs, Thuell of Brussels spent Sunday with friends at Blyth. Mrs. Ed. Bateman of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting her brother, Mr. Tiros. McMillan, and other friends hereabouts, Summerhill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clifton spent Sunday at Mrs. George Tyner's. Filling silos is the order of the day. Mr. Robert Mellveen of Banff, Al- ta., called on a number of his old schoolmates and friends. The following is the report of SA, Na. L2, Goderieh and Mullett, for the mouth of September. Sr. 4th—Mary Wright, Bessie Lindsay, Jr. 4th, — Hilda Forbes, Jean Farquhar, Nellie Beacom. Jr. 3rd—Mabel Wright, Ed- die Johnston, Norman Wright. Sr. 2nd—Walter Forbes, Robert .1ohnstau Pt. 2nd—Ray Mason, Russell Jervis, Elva Smith. Primer—Violet Watkin, Jean Weir, Viola Johnston, Clarence Boll. -1 Holland, Teacher, Winghain Mr. Robert Mulvey of Winnipeg, who has been visiting in town, left last week for Ottawa to visit his son, who Is a member of anoverseas company. Mrs. (Dr.) Milne visited her wrlsia, Mrs. John Ritchie. of Wing urin re- ceutly. Miss Dorothy Tierney has gone to Toronto to attend the University. Mr. N. A. Taylor was in ('hatsia u last week on business, Rev. W. D. Turner preached his farewell sermons as pastor of the Presbyterian church here out Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. W. Ii. Lyon of Lon- desboro visited the latter's sister, re. Gently. Mrs. Win. Craig has returned from an extended visit at St. Thomas and Port Stanley. Mr. J, B, Tierney and bride of. Capreol visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Tierney, last week for a few days. Mrs. 0. Donaldson and son, Clint-. Iie; of Wiugham and Miss A. Stew -- art of Port Arthur were visitors last Week at the home of their cousin; Miss McGinnis, The ladies of St. Androwis /church', on hearing that Mrs. (Rev.) W. D. Turner was going to leave Blyth, thought it fitting to . make her presentation, and on Thursday even- ing, ing, after the service in the church1 they read her an address exbressing their high appreciation of the good work she has done in conneetion Witte the church during her four years: residence, and hoping for her eontirr- neil success in the new field of labor. in Montreal. They also Presented her with a well-filled purse of gold. It. is. the intention of !Rev: and ,firs. Turner and family to leave for Mon - areal this week, Holmesville Rev, N. L. Ward M.A. Lth., lion -- an, China, will be the special preach- er in St. John's church on Sunday afternoon next at three o'clock, As Rev. N. L. Ward is on furlough front, the mission field, his sermon will be - one of special _interest to all. "dwEin.0"bit' 9?'v ' No warping or cracking is possible with our secret process semi -steel fire -box linings. Being in five pieces, Ikkeyare easilyremoved or replaced without bolts ai cement,. , an Before you invest in a new range let me show you the' Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor. sad, SOLD 'BY HARLAND BROS.