HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-10-05, Page 1The Clinton l��vvs- r No. 1957 -47th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1916 THE HOME PAPER ,r, THE LABEL READING JANI 17 SHOWS NOW ABOUT YOURS ? 11 "When in goubt" kr a 9retent der the ./ ride=tc=J`3e Vhccse silver 1. There is no other gift for the bride that is so un- iversally certain to be greeted with joy, used with and treasured for ears: We carry a large pride, y 1 47 ROGERS Gatos, knives, well assorted stock of S cold meat forks,pie servers, berry spoons, tea coffee, desert and table spoons and numerous_ other useful pieces. . Also a good assortment of silver plated hollow ware, cut glass, china and :locks. Ye1tqr e-weler. and Optician - Clinton J oyal ank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided. Profits 13,236,000 Total Assets 239,000,000 350 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1855 THE.ul.;Cla'ILSOS u . i l and Reserve $8,800,000 a ltd C , 1 P 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted,. Circular Litters of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Department. interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch. READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHINGCLOTHING 2 he al0rrlsh Clothing Co. ORDERED • GETTING YOUR HEOE SI Your satisfaction xbe are determined his fall suit before, Our plete, W eSuits �V Show as 11EMAI��RDLE ALU Among our15,00 �$ prominence. Sl ECI PR Men's sages blues, blacks, teed to be absolutelyfast. con'benience showing them. MEANS NE FALL CERTAIN SUIT aim, and who buys as never com- and we have special suits in guaran- atour your in -that's that every here shall be satisfied showing is as Lowas High as $25.00. SHOWING SUITS E TAT the many priced line stands NOTICE TO , for women's 9 and greys. f and we'll our man now 'beat $8.50 O F EXCEPTIONAL �j1 0.00. W suits out with THE LADIES. Colors Dropin take pleasure THE MORRISH CLOTHINGco, Agent C. P. R. 18 for Sunday or night calls. Phone 9 THE LOCAL. MARKET.1 Wheat $1135. Oats 50c, Barley 70e. Butter 30c. Eggs 32c to 830. Live' Hogs $10.90. COUNTY CLERK LOSES SON. Lieut. Maitland P. Lane, son of. County Clerk Lane of Goderich, was killed in action in France en -Sept. 28th. Lieut. Lane joined a unit at Vancouver, B.O. and went , to the front last spring, WILL CONVENE IN SEAPOR'rH.• Centre Huron Sunday School Asso elation Will meet in convention in Seaforth on Thursday of next week. In addition to several local speakers Miss Bertha Lathe of Toronto, one Provincial t' lliears Associa ion o of the will speak at'afternoon and •evening sessions and also at the banquet which is being provided by the Seaforth S. S. Assn. ' The conven- tion promises to be both interesting and profitable and it is expected that a • large delegation from the Various Sunday ,Schools of Centre Huron will be present TOWN TCOUNCIL. T THE0 The town council began its deliber- ations on Nlondela evening with Reeve Ford in the chair in the absence of Mayor Thompson, who, however, Baine in after the business of the eve ening had commenced. Various communications were put before the council. One was from the British Red Cress asking that . the support given this year by the, town be even more generous than that given last. Last season it appears that the grant from the council and donations from the Patriotic, Society to the lied Cross amounted to $1000. The matter was referred to the May- or with the .request that a meeting of the citizens be called, A communication was read from the Commission Of Conserbatlon. Town I'launing Branch, who met in convention in I3amilton this week, asking that the Municipality of Clin- ton become a member and that a representative be sent- to tite meet- • in g.actionwas taken. en. 't It g, No A letter from F. S. Spence, re- garding some action being taken to- ward retaining ble the Municipality the fines or certain parts of the fines collected for the violation or the temperance acts, was also laid upon the table. Patric. IeS•Holds was appointed member of the fire brigade in place of the late Wm. Wheatley, A motion was carried requesting the Dominion Government, as several other municipalities have already done, to put into operation a con- scription bill of some sort, the pre- sent system of recruiting having prov- ed unsatisfactory, being considered Both expensive and inadequate. Bylaw No, 9, 1916, was read a third time and adopted. This bylaw deals with the matter of street oiling. On all the main streets, Albert, Ontario, Victoria, etc., those whose property abuts the street twill pay sixty per- cent.h town to pay thecost,the p. Y the remainder. A statement of the indivisual cost will be sent each property holder and in case the as . a certain m not paidb Y. cessnts i e date the amount will be included in the taxes and collected in the same way. Thestreet committee rat teebrought in a u comprehensive xehensive full and oat report of p the work performed upon the streets during the past few weeks, in accor- dance with orders made by the coon - cit at a Previous meeting, 145 loads of crushed stone has been placed on the Bayfield Road between the town limit and the G.P.R. crossing ; 195 loads on the roads between the town limit and the 'top of "Vinegar Hill," on Albert street. 'Phis intrudes the gravel road towards Lofulesborc • to the corporation lihiit. On Ontario d have en street GO loads na a be .placed, on the Huron Road toward (loderiob, 15 loads.. London Road from the G. T. R. crossing to the bridge has al- , 'so received attention 1'ol a nd Mary St., opposite the Nor mandie Hotel got GO loads, and an odd load was dis- tributed, here and there throughout the town where it was thought it would do the most good. Altogether the street committee seemed tj con- sider that the streets, capeiially those leading Into the town from all sides, had' been put into pretty good shape and the council was inclined to agree with its committee, The street committed also reported on the Middleton drain matter, which iad been somewhat vexed question and has come in Lota good deal of discussion daring the deliberations of • the town fathers. Messrs. McCart- ney and Steep were set to work im- mediately after Dr. McNally's visit and a drain had been constructed to the mutual satisfaction of Mr. llid- (Beton and the committee, and this at the comparatively small rust of $75. It is hoped this matter wi,1 now rest for at least fort or five. years, when the drain will probably need clearing out again. Regarding tho work done by the Bell Telephone Co., under the super- vision of the committee it was re- ported that it was most satisfactor- ily, done. In the spring, so thought the committee, it might be fin nd ile- cessary 'be :put on a light coating of shale but otherwise the streets are supposed to be in as good condition as, before the work began. bHOVED TO STR-ATFORD. Mrs. T. Carbert ' and family, who have been residents of • town for the past year and a half, moved to Stratford on Tuesday, where NIrs.' Carbertpurchased'a house a few ' weeks ago. Their many friends were sorry to see them go and all wish them a pleasant 'sojourn in the Classic City. ' A NARROW ESCAPE. While assisting in Oiling his silo' at Stapleton on Saturday last Mr, Mel- ville Ransford had a narrow escape. from serious injury. The cover of the cutting box . becoming foul, of the knives, struck him, tinfict- iug severe cuts amid bruises, and a portion of a broken knife ' narrowly missed striking him on the head. His injuries, though painful, might easily r serious. beenmuch more s o blva LITTLE LOCALS. Monday next is thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. The Pastime Club intend putting on a dance iu their club rooms on Friday evening, tomorrow, for the boys in, khaki who are expected home on leave this week -end, The Girls Auxiliary intend ,havinga bazaar about Nov. 25th. Tdnrorrow,' Friday, is C. C. I. Field Day and a good program of sports has been arranged. Customs collections, in Clinton, for the six months ending Sept, 3frth 1916, were as follows Apr. 1st, '1G to Sept. 30th, '16 $ 28321'.52 Apr• 1st, '15 to Sept. 30th, '16 145•lO 50 Increase $ 8780.98 DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT. On Saturday the funeral took place in town of Mrs. John Smith, whose death occurred at the home of her son, Mr. H. Smith of Toronto. The deceased was very well known. in Clinton the family having come from Nottinghaaishire, England, a- bout forty-two years ago, settling first in Goderich township and later moving to Clinton. It is a- bout five }t mars since Mr. and Mrs. Smith removed to Woodstock, where their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Downs, reside. Mr. Smith died about three years ago. Mrs. Snaith had reached the age of eighty-one years and sewn months. She is survived by five sons and two daughters c GeoPort, Huron, 0l n , Toledo, Ohio ; Robert, Vancouver, B. C„ William of Arden, Man., Namur, Toronto, and Mrs. Easom, London and Mts. R. A. Downs, Woodstock. The remains were brought to Clin- ton for interment, the funeral tatt- ing place front the Baptist church on Saturday afternoon. The services at church and graveside were conducted by Mr. 0. H. Eastman and the pall- bearers were : Messrs. C. Ilellyer, R. A. , Downs, 1V, Tiplady and D. K. Prior. ' Among those who attended time fu- neral from, out of town were : A'Ir. George Smith, Port Huron ; Mr. and Mrs. Hamer Smith, Toronto • and Mrs Downs Mr. R. A. Wood- stock ; Mrs. Eason, Landon, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodsworth and Mr. ;Pet- er Perdue; Seaforth. W. P. S. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Women's Patriotic Society was held on Fri- day afternoon last The reports' for the year were presented and the of- ficers for the coming year elected. The new officers are as 'follows : Ilon. Pres,, Mrs. II. 13. Combe. President, Mrs. Walter Manning. lst vice, Mrs. T. Mason. ?lid vice, Mrs, J, Ti. Hovey. Secretary, Treasurer, Mrs. J. Wiseman. Envelope Treasurer, Mrs. L Rat- tenbtuy, The executive of the past year fil- l} apprectato the loyal support eih}cit the citizens of the town and Sur- rotinding country gave to the Socie- ty in all its undertakings. The need for 'the Work is stilt very great anti we ask that the Society may receive the same loyal support as has been given in the past. Secretary's report: During the year from Septemberb 6 1015 to September 1919, the Society has held forty-five regular meetings. The personget of officers and work committees meet with changes but the work accomplished through the different supply ;departments gives proof of the many loyal workers. The committee in. charge of supplies, sot s, hospitall supplies,etc. ,have endeavored as far as possible to ship perfect work. Prom September to January 28th all supplies • were ship- ped 'through the Canadian Red Cross', Toronto, and direct to the Canadian Field Comforts Commission, Shorn- England. hornEngland. From the month of February to the present supplies have gone through the London branch of the 'Canadian Red Cross, this branch being the shipping centre for the Western part of Ontario. All sap - plies and gifts' shipped have been duly received and acknowledged to me in letters of most sincere thanks and with the deepest appreciation of the Work being .carried on by this Society.—Mary B'tydone, Secretary. On another page will he. found a list' of the work accomplished through the different supply departments, and also the Treasurer's report for the year, ••••••110 • • • • • #y: • • • • As the estate of the late • • W. J. Mitchell is to be • • wound up all subscriptions • • in arrears must be paid,' '. • • Subseri'bers out of : town ' • • please remit by pos'toihice • • order, instead of' cheque, as • • exchange on latter is ex '• • cessive for small amounts, - • • • • • • 0 • • 0 •`• 0 • • • IV, :I. ENJOYED: OUTING. On Tuesday afternoon the members of the Women's Institute had a most enjoyable meeting when they drove out to the home of Mrs. Charles Clew, Jr., of Mullett and there held their regular meeting. The clay was an ideal autumn one for the drive. Interesting papers were giv- en v - en by Mrs., J. K. Fairfull and, Mss. Downs and Mrs. L. Paisley contribut- a reading. Afterwards refreshments were served by the hostess and the ladies returned to town very well pleased with.thesuccess of their lit- tle eating. TIIE I-IURONS GOING. Huron's Overseas" Battalion, the ' has been notified fr 101st, b no to prepare to proceed overseas, There has beetl- e -persistent rumour fur some time to the effect that the .191st would go overseas at an early date but on Saturday it was announc- ed that they might return to Huron for the winter and again have headquarters in Clinton; This report bolstered up the hopes of relatives and friends to sonic t extent but it looks now as if the Hurons would get an earls opportunity to prove their metal. The 161st has been making a- good record for itself since going to Camp Burden and whatever lies before it Huron is confident that its own battalion will reflect credit upon the old house county. Nearly all the of- ficers are Huron born and most of the men also, and many of the of- ficers and a good many of the Wren are Clinton born. It' is small wonder therefore that "The Iiub" should feel an especial interest in the warfare of the Hurons, Several members of the battalion were home for last week -end and the rest are expected by special train this evening. This will probably be their last leave and if the soldier boys conte in for a bit of "spoiling" during the next four days it need hardly occasion any wonder. WESLEY CHURCH, DIED AT GUELPH. The death occurred. on .September net at Si. Joseph's hospital, Guelph, of Kathleen,• wife of Mr. George Bean of Brantford, and daughter-in-law of Mrs: Bean of Clinton." The deceased lady had been ailing' for several months ,and lien death was not unex pected. She was' a woman much. be- loved by her family ,and those. who knew her and her early :Gassing is Matter for deep regret. Besides her husband she is survived by' one son and one daughter. Old friends of the bereaved husband will sympathize with Mr. Bean and his family in' their sore trial, ENTERTAINED IN THE COUNTRY Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrell, formerly of Clinton but for the past few years resident ie Mullett township aboutmiles f Sour ut le from town, enter- tained tained the members of the Walking Club 'at their home on Monday ev- ening. Over, twenty of the young people walked out, enjoyed the hos- pitality, which included such a varie- ty of good things to eat as the club have net' hitherto indulged in on their jaunts, and after an hour or 'two returned to town, arriving in good time and quite ready for a good night's sleep. The outing was much enjoyed by all who participated. JU.UC'1'lENT RESER Judge Dickson of Goderich presided en Saturday over an appeal made by Miss Smith, of Toronto, against a drainage award made by Engineer Farncontbe, of London, for 0oderich township council. Miss Smith has 30 acres of land south of town and she has been assessed $148 towards the new drain which is proposed to drain the Ranee, Smith, Holland anti Trick properties. D. Urquhart, K. C,, of Toronto, and Engineers. 5, A. James and E. M. Proctor, of 'Toronto, are rrepre- seatiiig Miss Snaith and they, claim that while the award is heavy the results are not satisfactory and that the natural flow of the water should d but instead a sub- stantial he followed, - b a h stantial drain should run through the Rance property and empty into the BaY fell River. Judge Dickson reser- ved cs rwed his decision. owrmuO ST. CHURCH, Rev. E. Sinclair of Ilolmosvil}e preached at both morning and even - lug service on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. J. A. Agnew, conducting anni- at il 1 vi e. ones 11 versat services t S ti n „ of e f rt lZev Geo. lIci�i lty b a o h will preach iii this pulpit on ,Sunday evening next. The pastor will preach in the Morning. A week from Sunday anniversary services will be held at !turner's chinch, when the Tidy. T. 12. Sawyer of Ilderton will be 'the preacher. The League tweeting on Monday'ev- ening was an interesting one. Miss Eva Carter gavel an appropriate read- ing, "The Legend of Si. Christopher" Miss P. Shipley had the topic, which was based on the• 23rd psalm and which she handled very interestingly, utr' Miss M. Walker contributed a 'vocal solo and Miss V. Snider a piano sel- ection. "God Save the King" brought the meeting to a close. Rev. J. F. Knight of Ideitsall preached both morning and evening on Sunday and also addressed the Sun- day school in the afternoon, it tie- ing Rally Day. The' officers and mem- bets of the Ontario street Sunday school came clown to join in this ser- vice and, together with the many parents and friends who turned out, the church was comfortably filled upstairs and down, Superintendent Rorke presided and Rev. J. F. Knight and the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, who had just returned the previous day after a vacation, each gave address. The exercises were acan d carried Out in accordance With the program sent out by the S. S. As- sn., the school taking part. A choir of young girlsled 1n the singing an t d 3 g g g ( the church quartette rendered a sel- ection. Miss Daisy Nediger gave as recitation and the S,• S, orchestra contributed several pleasing numbers.ers The church wasPrettily decorated with flowers, maple leaves and flags and looked fiery attractive. At time League meeting on Monday evening Rev. Dr, Rutledge told the young people something about the el- ection of a president of the United States and gave some impressions of the Republican nominee, Mt. Hughes, whom ho heard speak while a visitor across the border, His interesting address was listened to with much pleasure by all present. CLINTON,BOYS FALL. Clinton has received word this week of the death of two of her soldier boys and the wounding of a third. t. Pte. Richard Walton was notified. his Tuesday that d 11 o ,Pte. R. D. Walton, had been killed in action Se1t..lath. Pte..Waltonenlisted here ' with the 83rd battalion andongoing to England was transferred to the. lilt C.1M..R. and had been fighting in France for several months past. He was a young ratan of ex'celleiit quali- ties. '1 -Ie bad been employed with the Jackson Mfg. Co,, previous to enlist- ing and was highly thought of by em- ployers and others. Wand has also . been received of the death from wounds' on Saturday last of Pte; Murdoch McLeod, whose home was in Lucknow but who was also well known in. Clinton, having been em plo•yed at the freight sheds of the G.'1'.Ti. before enlisting. He also went with the Bird but was transferred to another unit after reaching England. He was a brother of Mrs. Otto Fink, formerly of Clin- ton. "They were two splendid fellows," remarked Major Ranee, who knew them well. 1henn are no better Eel - lows than they v ere " Word has also been received of the wounding of Pte. Wm, Bezzo. He was wounded once before and spent some time in the' hospital but hail beth back in the trench es again. At time of writing it is not known whether or not his.' wound is a serious one. HaBfield All roads will lead to Bayfield on Tuesday: and Wednesday, 'especially, Wednesday, of next week, pe being :the' dates of , the simm- al fall fair. The fair will of course, be a good one. It always is and the directors are taking all sorts , of trcublo to mance this one "bigger and better'' than ever. On Wednesday evening $hate will lie a grand concert in the town hall when the Forest City Male Quartette, who are described as "Ontario's Premier Entertainers" will' provide :one of their varied and amusing programs. Was Ingles, Irish and Scottish dan- cer, will also contribute to the pro-- gram. ro-gram. Anyone missing this concert will miss at 0OPortunit31 of being Well entertained. We are glad to say that Mr. T. J. k i Marks, who en sernot sl ill. a wasto S n few weeks dao, is recovering sad be-' fore long it is hoped will be able to be around again. The Ladies' Aid of the 1Iethodist church held their, monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Parsons on Wed- nesday afternoon of this week. A special meeting af the meutbera of the Public library Board was held in Mr. H. Drehmann's shop on Wednesday evening of' last week, When they decided to make the fee fifth cents for membership for 1917; Any new members joining now can become a member till the end of 1917 for fifty cents. A memorial service will he held in the Methodist church on Sunday ev- ening at seven o'clock for the late Private Harvey Currie, eldest son of Mrs. Currie of this village, who was killed in action last week in li'cenc'e. The -Women's Patriotic Society. will have a ten cent lunch counter an the Fair grounds on show day anti will serve lunches during the after- noon. Every person come prepared to help on this good cause. , Kenneth . Smith of Toronto, son of Dr. Smith, is in Bayfield on a visit. Rev 1. Macfarlane exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Hall Woods of Bruce' field on Sunday last. We are called upon this week to record the death of a well known former resident of this village la the person of Enzaboth S(ian relict of the late Samuel Blair, who passed away on Mondays morning at Sault Ste, Marie, at the age of eighty, rears. The deceased was born in the town- ship of Goderich on May 18th, lObs year 180 f , was parr i Ird. and in the a to the late Samuel Blair of the same township They took up thein:' residence on the first concession of Cl oderich take:Ishii) where they resid- ed for forty. years, afterwards mow, ing to Bayfield, where they continu- ed to live up till the time of her husband's death, ' seventeen years ago last May: Since then Mrs. Blair has lived among her children up till the time of her . death. The re- mains were brought home to this village to idle residence of her son, Samuel, who resides on the home- stead. From there the funeral takes place this week to the Bayfield ceme eteryi. Rev. 7. Ti. Jones will con - Th late Mrs. theservices. e duct Blair is siuvived by a family of nine children : John and hiss. H. Beaolr.- ing of Sault Ste. Marie ; Mrs. Thames Ward, 1etas hawm Alta. , Mrs. McKenzie, Edmonton, Alta ; Mrs. Robert Harris and Josephs Of Port- Huron, Mich ; Thomas In the west,Mrs. Peter McGee, Varna, an l Samuel of this village. Also two brothers and one sister: 11'(llfant Spiel' of the American Soo, Phonies Splan of, Greenock, and Mrs. John Harrison of Goderich township. Stgmpathy is extended t0. the bereav- ed ones. People You Know visitingfri- ends RuthValkinsita• v is miss 4 e d Brantford and Hamilton. ensu Miss Bessie Davis has returned hecne after an extended visit in Detroit and Parkhill, Sir. Heber Archibald, Barrister, Win- nipeg, is visiting Ms sister, Mrs. W. W. Fattens Mrs. W. Fisher of Detroit has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Pickett of Albert street, Miss- Ni. J. Moore left this morning to spend a couple of months with. her brothers in .Winnipeg. Rey. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge left this morning for Hamilton to attend the funeral of a relative, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Hamilton were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram IJ:ill. Mrs. Robertson of West lvlonellon is spending a days • few da s with her sis- ter, Mrs. J, Young of Albert St. Mrs. 3artliolomew of London "is spending a few weeks as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Pauli, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robb leave' on Saturday mooting 'to spend Sunday acrd Thanksgiving Day as the guests of their son at Clifford. Lsnof London NIrs. a of r L was in town on Saturdays, having come up 'to attend the funeral of leer mother, the late Mrs. 'J. Smith • Miss Marion Rarlaed was in Goder- ich last week attending the fair and visiting friends. While there she was tate guest of Mrs. R. Mutch. Mr. Jas. Carter and daughter, Miss Meuc}'elean:, spent last week at W'hitcahurch,, Lucknow and Ripley, taking in the fall fairs amid visiting friends. Mr. Jof M W.formerlythe "Stevenson,� Electric i,i.ghi Co.,. was in town for a short time the beginning of the week calling, on old friends. He had been attending the, funeral of his. father at Stratford and made a harried Visit to Clinton. At pre- sent Mr. Stevenson is running a sa.ty still near Thurlow, in the Northern Ontario Clay Belt. ild)11 i>zesville Good apples arc also said to he scarce in this vicinity, The rain which fell last week did much good but more is needed in, or- der to make plowing easy. Several of the old pluckers from this vicinity, are now assisting6 Mr. N. W. Plewactha, at the Clinton plant, Some of the farmers, it is said, have more potatoes than they need for their owa use and they are find- ing ready sale for them -at the some- what unusual Price of two dollars the bushel. Time anniversary services Iii connec- tion with the Methodist church on Sunday were very successful. Rev.. J. A. Agnew, pastor of Ontario St. church, Clinton, had charge of the services and preached excellent ser- mons morning and evening. Itis mar.- ning text was, "For without faitic ive cannot please God." In the ev- ening he took for lois subject, " Pa- tience its Tribulation." The interest shown by the congregations proved the appreciation of those pdeseni'a, Mr. Agnew will always i receive ai welcome any time he conies to liar• nesviile. Time music for the day wan in the bands of the choir of the church and they were l8,,sisted by, the Messes:, and Miss Lab, Miss and Greene ' e a NXissd. Lei e Lobb oy Th quartette rendered a selection at each service, Miss Greene of Clinton contributed a solo also: at each ser- vice' and ' bliss Leroyd of Regina snug in the evening. The music' was mucin appreciated anti those who arranged: it are to be congratulated. The thankoffering '.for time day amounted to eighty Ave dollars,