HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-09-21, Page 4Clinton News -Record September 21st, 1916 Goderich. , Misses Meth Hamilton and Elsie gone freBoston, Mame 'eat have e where they intend taking a • eouree of ;Taming in nursing. -• ' : Capt. A..• Rouged came . up from eondon and spent a tew days recent- y with Mrs, Rougvie, who has been tee 1.11)111101: at Hewn 0e- ads, The latter returned with him Shads, Tire no. London and goes on to Philadea this to spend the winter, Rev. R. Ce ItlieDiarreld, pastor ird the Stayetre and Sunnyside Presby- tedan churches, has accepted the call k) become pastor of Knox church and will lie inaucnted• on Oeifeber the third, Mr. Cleo. Porter was presented by tine eioaerice members of the eelst eattabou home on leave recently with a handsome gold beaded earn. This was in recognition of the many sourte.sies shown them cludi% their months of training in Cioddeich. Mrs. Arthur M. Keith() has:: retinue eel to Toronto after a lengthy visit with Mts. Valletta et town, Mrs, sem, Broehey has returned Iron' Winnipeg, where she,. has. bean visiting her son, Mr. Fred Broeney. Mr. Justice Lindsay Elevated Mid Mrs. Elwood of Regied have been visiting her 'sin, Mr. Fred BroPheY• Mr. ana Mrs. F. H. Wood and corn,a have returned hole a visit in l'e- troit. • _ Mr. Win: Siltherland of Detroit has been visiting friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Clark Were in Toronto recently. ' Miss Mary Serie-lege= has retain- xl from a visit in Hamilton, Misses 'Reta and jean Alexander of Port Arthur were the guests of Mr, rhos, Smarts recently. Word was received here on There- lay morning by Mrs. lifealath that her son, Arthur Micelath, had died of wounds at No, 3 Casualty Cleating Nation, Pte. Naftali enlisted here with the 33rd Battalion, trained its with eondon and .was drat tell to -the firing line atter the unit reached England. Re was twenly-lour years of age nel one of the most popular young nen of the town, A letter was re e rreived recently from him, in which Se said all was going well with him. Mr. Cliarles Garrow has received word that his brothel', Lieut. John Sorrow, formerly of the 74t1r Bette- eon, Toronto, lunchlunchbeen killed in ac- hon. Lieut. Garrow was a , former eederich boy. Hie father, Judge earrow of Toronto, died suddenli at Allendale a few weeks ago while on its way from Muskoka to Toronto. Seaforth. Mrs. S. Neely has been visiting London friends, , • ' Major and Mrs, B. S. ' Hays have returned from their summer " outing at Camp Borden. Major Nees tree of course retereed to the camp. ears. N. A. weenie" and lime see have been. visiting Barrie friends. Mr: and Mrs, E. J. Whittaker have returned to Ottawa after a visit here with the eormer's mother. . Mrs. A. D. Sutherland and Miler Anne dive been visiting in London. Misses Belle and Marion Watson of Port Arthur were visitors recently at the home of their brother, Mr. Jas. Watson. :.• ' Mrs. O. Robinson of Toronto, 'lures- ident, of the Provincial ile.IVI.S., of tire :Preebyterien church,. Was the guest while In towns for ei few days oh Mrs. E. H. Leekin. mt. Newton McIntosh, edittle of Poronto vis- the Canadian Magazine, • , ilea recently with his brother, mrr, ;Idle McIntosh. Mr. and Mr.:' H. • Somerville mice away on a visit to the . Eastern Prole Mrs. W. Morrow end Mrs, Broad- toot, Sr., •of Tuckersmith were caned to Detenit last week 'Ma account 01 , the -death of their sista, Mrs. Brew- of that city, - Imre, fe, Ceded -re sea Master Steered have been visiting me, Cud- mote in Tillbulle • , — Mrs. Douglas ('alder and little daughter of Toranto have been visit - log Mrs. Andrew Calder of 'town'. Mise. jean Gander:Jr returned lase week to reemee her teaching duties at Windsor, The school was not opened earlier on account of the feee of infantile paralysis, Mr. Howard leartry of London and London arid majoji Martry of St. Catharines vie- ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartry, for a week -end recently. Miss Eliza Belle Mackay, daughter: of mr, and Airs. Hugh mackay, was married on Tuesday. of last wed( to lines Mr. Harry L. MYres eit Stratford. Mrs. (Dr.) Cooper and 'Miss Tbomp- son beve returned from a- visit to Manitoba. . Miss Mabel Simithers and • Arms Forbes of Toronto have been visiting friends in town. ,Dr. and Mrs. MeFairl and family of Toronto were here last Week attenee Mg the funeral of the forder's fads- er, the late L. L. Mend. Miss Margaret Sutherland has re" turned from a visit with her brother in Toronto. Mrs. A. 13rownlee of Toronto was Present at the funeralof the elite .Methodist District Meeting.• The financial district meeting and - missionary conference of the Goiter- Win Meehodi et District was ' held in " f rth a Teesday, being well ate tended byomitesters 'of the • district and especially by laymen. . Meer the usual routine business Rev. Smith, assistant seeree Lloyd. „• , pp . tary of education, mane an a , eat . .. fee a larger contribution .feie.: °,.def.i.e'e- tonal purposes, explaining that the drieivi;irir oolli coVnieefirriaablyCo°1111eresecoilleaidt of conditions weed by the Wale A special ettort is to be made in bring up the contributions to this fend. Rev. ,T. W. Hibbeet, convener •of the finandal committee, presented en elle meeting the state: ,of .aeraies in mord to the weaker circuits of the aseieet mid maimed the plan of the eorderenee finance committee tor rads- log the minimum salary in $900.: While not adopting this' plan in its ...). e, meeting a . • eed e entiti•e ale ppoln. a committee consisting of the: chair - Irian of the district, Rev..], E. Ford,. Sea-, Geduld -1 , Rev. Cf. McKinley, • Sea-, foetbe, and Mr. Gwynn, (3 °deride to visit tire weaker circuits and make air endwise -re to encourage them to adopt a' more thorough plan of .en_ m g• • ane , . At the afternoon session Rey, ' s, Arnap of Toronto, Rev. Cle N. Haz- ea, serum, and Rev. Ain Eisen, a missionary 1 rom China, each addeese- ed the meeting, Mr. Aenup spoke of the general outlook or the work, Arte. Haeen dismissed the financial side of time question and Mr. Elson told something Of his work in China, It is the eesire of the missionary hoard that an effort :be merle during this pat to increase the missionary givens of eine conference seventeen percent. :Those present expreesed a willingness to put the matter before their respective churches and make an effortrt to do this. At the evening meeting Revs. Am- ml) annl Eisen each spoke ailing eels- sionary and the Seaforth pee -marquee pie also provided a medal meogrera. ' , Camp Borden As: Seen . . • • With Discerning Eyes, lection about as nearly an any site thateould be found in. Ontario. One who goes there with an open mind cannot well escape the. eonviezioe that those who hesee combine:led the .....-... could eat and tea or coffee. I cannot conceive at men being better fed than the soldiers at Barden. Some bread was sent up one day In a dosed bee. It bot, - th'ere How Canada's Great Military Training Camp Strikes the Thoughtful . Visitor. ' . site heve, not -taken the trouble to form their, owe opinions, Mit : have accepted statements exaggerating eve cry fault that can. be :urged Aga:test was pet in arid being no ventilation, it moulded. 1 have seen that 'happen in the homes of the best housekeepers. Just a bit of carelessness, easily and immediately remedied.' The ' .1 reached the camp on Seturdayi Fie following interesting eeserip- tion o f ,C,,ani,,.? Barden was written be De. G. S. bowie . . : , engie4y appeared in to which paper we are indebt- cit for the article • d • "Think of , forty square miles of country, ten miles long and hour wide in tacit, set apart for the training of the Militia of Ontario, •and then think of all the different kinds of ter- ritorY you would be likely to find in , 40. square. Miles, level ground anti 1 • Inliyi ravine and etream , and wood. You have them all in Camp Barden. . . . It eras selected mo doubt for rine light sore 14 good .drainage, Its excellent water and its splendid level plain for . . , , . i . ., . reviews, inspections and , eeeeinoreal• parade. As e permanent Military Camp it presents a maximum of ad- vantage with e minimum of defects, Everything is done lerat. eau be done for the comfort and convenience of the men. Large . beaches With granite imeins and taps above foe whitewashed stones and lev-ell- _mg where necessary. Each regiment „ , . incinerater for burning all ee.,e fuse, for the emeip must •be and is kept sanitary, ; showed 185 men OiriliehodsaPyi'tsalTSOPTITY147-111. OE whom Were . usable to Mess them- 'elves out of l35 000 . in camp el p, . 115,000 in e' ' that tone, a creditable , showing which can scarcely be bettered by London ro: Niagara, Camp Borden 'was surveyed in 1,905 by the military engineers of the Laurier Government 'Toe a permanent militar • camp TM Ontario. Sir Seen' s Hughes- is to be cammeeded for las lack of partisan bigotry in that be add recognize the Merit of. the ground' selected- by iris !predecessors ins deed. His military mind was quick Inc act in the purchase for it was bought before the PeoPie were awake to the fact that it was the Croverement that was buying hence it was beiegert eight. If there was need for a permanent military camp ter a nights downpour of rain that • • ' a , clay land ,. . would have (eaves -tee may land mco a sea of mud Instead there , -were few' traces of the heal,' lest rain or . the season. lle put, the camp into rather 'better than : its normal cond.' t- i°'er h: y'-,, laying the(.iliet, wiseiele ,.. to ' eq' mem Is tee one' se'rems aisda' an" thee of the location • : Tire.e . .. a dvantages of the site -as I saw them -are: (I) an abundant supply ref the best Ny'tter, :c m that it can be used, re' 'it:Luse:eel-al" operations .wtthoset treatment ; (2) its' eeeessib- atY to nearly every cornier of the province, arid particularly to the mote . densely populated sections; (3) the absence of mud and the clay dust „ tvenehiiieyh morn seneaus(e4d) by i tetheanlittiti(iiieg ofaascto _;,...L,..,- _ . . charming diversity of seenay which add Immensely to its salubrity, and ini relief 01 that Morminny which is generally a feature of camp life ; (5) the: financial outlay involved, and. the possibility at getting it Into use Postage Parcels. . - For the information of those sena- mg Parcels to soldiers 'n _England Or • i 'rhor essieRe'eeerd /M- tolishteir th7nrta.:ees:ofl\peoe'tago : as, , foe id - lows : 1 o England the rate is 12 ceete, Pound, or airy fraction there- of. 'The limit weight parcels to ,., T _ England is 11 pound% o France or Bel (ium• the rate is efeente for par - ce13,1': any' weight up to '3 pounds; ' from 3 pounds to 7 pounde (limit), the rate is 32 cents, not 32 cents per ended, but 32) emits tor any 'weight from 3 %to 7 pounds. Any! letter or parcel lot any solder in an hospital Leiveeneeiletrh)e,, raseiiinitgaitilise.n.00eeraknowilhoteo- pital ,. Marked derbss it, Will be -de..- liver d. A customs declaration must be attached to each...parcel, for \deft _ the application should be made at stamp window of the post:office. washing, shower baths of tom eons- . . • , . , ; for Ontario in 1605 Is there not much without delay. .e. , , „ . . Camp Borden has . .partments and other eonvenimices Poi, the °deers of each regiment, the greater need now ? Borden Camp surveyed under Liberal auspices el: so many, meats of excellence to weigh- against Its drawbacks that it only requires GRANO ' • ' "' TRUN K....R. il_ I.LWAY SYSTEM sense only with many fold greater ac- commodatioa for the men. We were in a regiment's Q. M. tent where Inc has a large box set in the ground double and double- floored about 7 ft. square and as deep for a refriger- ater. The colimany quartermaster has a similar arrangement only smaller, and abundonee of ice for preserving perishable articles ofediete Each company is provident with ranges in screened Mid ings, fly and they eat in a Proof, for cooking,again tent at tables that seat eight. Similar ranges are provided tor the officers and sergeants, Patti- Honed off for each, foe the Govern- merit elevates exactly the same for offences as for men ane the ration has a basis' of 1 lb. of beef, ill oz. of bacon, 1 lb. of bread Per man per they besides all the other article, cheese, lain, beans, rice, sugar, tea,Wh coffee, etc:, in due proPoetion. There are no. better fed soldiers in the 1805: examined, aPinroved and lint- thased by the MiletarTi department under the Conservaelves in MG baths ed thus by both' parties, will . go dawn in history as the great military training ground of Ontario', o v eel' 1 - lodged by, men who know it to bathe idett con the continent and the finest In the world, _ 'JUST • ONE TinNa. FOR CAN- ADIANS, -(From The Selene Rammer.) "The editor of The Reformer was in Borden last week -end. 'The last time we Ventured to express an. op- inion of ('amp Borden we called downs On Our devoted head two different brands of trouble. First there was the editor of the Government organ o desired to bring into coert ev- cry possible witness who would say a Personalinvestigation to be . eonvin- ,I that ti c, d re eovernment anthin er_ Unistet of Militia hate done well in selecting that spot for Ontario's' div- isiourd camp. Before enlarging upon these good it is well to give the reader an idea as to the (Utterance between Borden and Niagara, Barriefleld and Londoe camps, These old camps- which answered their purpose in their day -are not likely ever to be used . The limit of their aceommo- dation was a brigade -5,000 mere In the past our militia has been trained M brigades. The future requirements will be for training crimes that, will provide' Niece for a division -20,000 men -if not for an army corps -e0, - 000 -the maximum military unit. Whatever the future developments of our military establishment May be, we will never go back to the brigade camp. Canada cannot afford 0 0 L 0 N I S T F A R E S'• (One-way Second-class) . '11 From all stations in Ontario to eere tam points in Alberta Betish Columbia Arizona Catarina Colorado Idaho • Nevada Oregon Texas Utah Washington, Etc. t Oct.8 ' I ' On Sale Sept 24: ' o me usive. Fell Particulars from agents Or write ('. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto Meeting of Presbytery. The _presbytery of Huron held its regular meeting on Tuesday week at Bruedield. There were present air. Woods, moderator ; Or. lelettheie Messrs, Johnston, Carswell, Maar- lane, Sharp, Ledge Abery, Harper, Turner, Carriere and Mamittoe, min- men, and Messrs. Wilson, Sparrow, Meleille, Urgehare, McLean, Fraser, Gemmell, Bell, Brigham, Inglis and Turnbull, elders., Mr. Tender was elected moderator for the netting six months. A call was presented Irons St. Am drew's, Ripen and Halsgreen, iu favor of Res', Pr. W. N. M. Aitken, signed by one hundred and eighty-six members and eighteen aeherenes, promiting a stipend of $101-5 Per an- num, use of manse and four weeks' annual holiday, Messrs. McLean, Me - Cully, Robertson, Alexander, Mindy- :eon, Anderson and ,Consitt were the Commissioners from the sessions and ethgregations on behalf of the OR Mr. Harper resigned his .charge of Willis church, Clinton. Dedston was Postponed until conference could be had with the congregation' and Messrs. Turner, Sharp and Laine -"ear mieistees, and M eSers. McLean and Stetting, elders, were appointed • to act for the Presbytery and to report Possible, sensed' nmm aemsebonA rags° , abi-., Mr:. Larkin appointed moderator of Session in the meant i me, : Du. Fletcher thanked the Presbytery for the iympathy shown to him dur- leg his great trial through the death of 'Mrs. Fletcher. me. R. D. eimeeee eireseneed m forceful words the mattee of the de- emit in the °beech funds and the need for: making a great effort at Thanks- giving to clear off thatdebt. A. call having been issued from Cal y le church, Montreal, to Mr. Turner of Btyth, an adjourned lueet- ing was called for the 26th of Sep- tembet at one o'clock to deal webb it. Notice of the acceptance of the call front KnoX climb, Godedele having been received, the induction oi Mr. MeDeensid Was appointed to take place OR the' eveitifig of Tine.' day, October Bed next. Mr. A.berY . is to preach, Mr. Carswell to ad- [tress the eninisthe and Me. Maar- lane the people, Arrangements went made also for the induction at Hip- pen on October 1,20 at two p.m. of Dr. Aitken, Mr. meDermid to Meath, Woods t adds Mr. W o Tee the minister . and Mr. &bitty to address the peoples even one good word for: the eamp. world. When out tor the day a field And after all, the editor of The Re- to do that. When the war broke, out there kitchen with Lumber follows the men, former is a Liberal, and dislikes be- was not a Caiddian offices who had ever handled a division. the dinner heated with hot water so ing called as a witness for the other they get the same hot dinner out on side. Opposed to this gentleman but Their experience was limited to brigade movemente. The same is CANADIAN NO the march as in camp, There is a itas unscrupulous in the use lie Water: cart specially constructed to snakes of another man's views, we ireeP Water caol ter the regiment at discovered' that we had. deeply griev- the rangesor elsewhere, ed a lot of partizan Gras who doinet There is no:idling at Clamp Borden. give a hang what happens, so long as So where you will, men are being in- they win a party victory. For two strueted. Birds twigs bound 'togeth- years or more the: editor of The Re- or tightly with Wire and fastened tamer has regarded a Grit victory lengthwise between two upright poles as of secondary importance. There is are used as dummies to. Practise the just one thing that we all ought; to thrust and emcee of the bayonet. be aping, and that is helping to Physical exercise here, trench jump- Whip the Germans. It was in this ing there, trenching, bombing, out- frame of mind we went up to Bin- post and extended meter drill, all are den in July, looted it over Pretty being practised and ample ground for thoroughly and decided that On -the all without interfering. Addle. lb was a mighty good camp its Muthetry! wbat a revelaijon-three ethich to trains soldiers. A Second. , . y codirms that opinion, segments .gieing out air once and an- visit out Ming their practtce III balf a day, Those Liberal friends who 'object to m, far as t its eye eau reac 1, one - • 1 reachour malcmg this thecesmon will have for cads elan, the scare signaiied to take it or let it alone, In ar- without change of target, each man guing that Borden is a well-equipped finishes his score before tine target is and commodious training ground we lowered IcY\Tc:leneretplafr'a":dePagsitit'il, over 1000 acres baltiendaentlineli)tyttrig pa°r tililzYanNsvlInliapt tirimet acinnihi, if lie is ea oll.1:1 a 11 Isinnioietn true of the non-dnurnissioned oftleas and men, Manifestly, we ought to make Provision for training oUe 'of- deers and men in the larger units. That would give us officers qualified for any emergency that may arise. it would also give the men a more comprehensive knowledge that would at them tor • active service better than was possible under the old system. So large an area being imperative, if the men are to be properly traits - ed, where else than the Pine Males could it have been found and. put is order to serve the purpose. Suppose the government had decided • upon a site oil the shores of Insure Sinwoe, what would the cost have been, del how could a camp have been pet inn order ift lees than a year, or posstb- ly two years. The land would have cost between e.50 and $100 an mac, rangitieortdilota be: f w.le‘ebno et oin‘Ne.0 ainacilie.stiwectni ' / omosoekers o Excursion - ---t0 — Manitoba and Western Provinces. i$35.00 to $40 00 Return limit 60 days. Every Monday during September and October, Mr. Ward. • Stanle0 Township. Mrs. Chas. Broadfoot and children have returned to their home in the Mr. James McQueen received a west. nablegram twin France on Tuesday if tendon stating that his son, Limit. Wm. N. McQueen, had been slightly Goderich, woe... He is now doing well and is le a convalesced; hospital in Miss Famnie Blethstene has return- France. ed from e visit in Toronto. Ready.t...., I Garments tsi Co.Furs 11U " Conch PHONE 78. and- , Millinery A 11 Couch display town dajs and • 11111 11 SEPTErIBER of high and surrounding see / 83 the „ . I Co. beg class rzelbest •-,----47, —,- s . 111 Eli 21st, to announce millinery • country creation . • ! 11 11 011 '22nd and their and invite to come on in high-class Wew Autumn THE STYLES SEASON WELL IN OUR READY letePA,RTMENT EVERY FAVORED STYLE FOR FALL INCLUDED IN 0 illen Op bifilid 23rd, , 11 fa opening the ladies of , the opening millinery. Suits. OP' THE BM ON. VIEW' TO WEAR THIS WEEK GOOD WEAR IS OUR COLLECe Level as a !loot, sod, menet an Mem- leg sight it must be wigs - all the does not follow that there cannot regiments marching, e me, fee have been tremendoes waste in its heed.' e"'",e,..'"iee construction, end disreputable seen- each tub% to outdo e 4 04_ .-i dale in its original Purchase. Pose- military -beading and efficiency. Par- ades and reviews are practically mil -thly a strong ease can be made out for the contented that there were itary examinations with regiments as , i . without Pt. its The day is set and the re- prelim, of camps wienout ne. Bat ne: , . , , wet , can't these questions abide. ? Why - view takes place hot or cold, or hearten the Germans by telling the dry', for the f"Peethig °me" fs ' world that we cannot, in the eon,- besy man and too meth of a soldier sleet of Militia affairs, be even teas- be dealt with to secure 20,000 acres. Men cannot be ordered oft their land overnight.. Either exothitant prices: would have been paid or tediou e* , s :s.- propriation proceedings would have been started. Delay was' one thing - ,. - . . tide costar not be allorded, In PIRC plains there was the (tutted at ea. It could be taken over at orene. 'the price was a bagatelle °metered with • that of the good Farms on. Lake Saa A A9 9 Cooper T , Agent for Agent tor uanadian Northern Railway, to let the elements Interfere with his programme and regiments onably honest ? Let's wash our dir- cue - are selected for oversord as they try linen after we have won out to victory. It will best serve the in- prove effident terests of the Liberals if they loyal- Six hours is • about the average net play the game to the end, we day's work for a private, toe the ob- have nothing to lose ess waiting. We iece is not to work a man sdown but have everything to lose by taking One of the eSsentials of a good camp is a location that is sanitary, In this respect Borden emmot be equalled. by any similar ares of 'clay tend in the province, The sandy soil reduces the cost of sewerage to eseeee„. —•. e %Sear (.ritF. 1,,,L C••.N, to' tete up the muscles, keep him our dishes, and going borne, A khaki active and fit ante Li good heart, election is omit Of tin question. Let 'ehere were Tame when it WaS ho es de ea eimple, plain duty to the ee Camp Borden bet so it was in very end as loyal &flash subjects, the hay and harvest' fields all over and trust implicitly' in the future be- Ontario' au•d in the lusty mow it was ing very kind to a party that so stifling, yet the wade there went on eanduets itself. Liberals M Nils:folk without complaint, nay with grad- who have been ailed with dope }Aide for the dry weather, for ten or agaiest Camp Borders are advised to more hours a. day witho.ut the heart- visit it. m is one, one hundred and ..., ening music • of the band or the linen miles (listen I; from simeoe, thought of a shower bath or a througe a country of Varied beatite plunge in the cool waters Ot: tile les. Your friend's in the 103rd will Pond, There was little groued for a give you a hearty welcome, rind we riot at Camp Bolden. . will wager: you will get some eye- Bathing, one stream that Inas hem opening impreeseme.» dammed for a bathing pond is sere% water, hence cold, then on. the Not- The editor of. The Reformer is Mr. Hal 13, Dottie, the besternown Libor- tawasaga there is another 'niece end al in Norfolk County, and also well- the water is warm, thus there . is lato'we throlighoue Western Ontario, bathing to euit all Instee and within It would be well tor Canada if thereervi easy react of the came. were more men in Ramie:mit places it would be hard to find ea square courageous euougb to speak their :miles of countey without some pais- minds anti "inlay the game" reedy, on ivy and a little, hae been found at ' ' camp Borden hint it will soon go the a minenium. It facilitates the laying of watee mains, so that every. leatin- . lien has runnine water ler cooking, for bathing, • and for lavatories, There are now 2-5,000 men at Camp Borden, and not one-half the number of hospitel cases that were provided fel: ripen the experience with other camps.. What, is that worth ?. How than we comPute the value of sane . . . etation en such a eamP I The complaints of the food find no echo amen% the mom An •ordiaary ration toe the day was placed before one by Capt. r, E. Thompson, of the 208th Battalion. He took it .feonn ehocarrying ' • • - the waiter -' was it to ono ot the men. The plate eon -tabled as tender:a cut of roast beet as 1 ever lasted. There was: a plentiful eng or potatoes and turnips and .a whole tomato. There followed a . dish of tapioca that would compare with any (lest -class restaurant, along with all the bread and butter a man Th N 1517 Mod e ew ei Ford Gar arrt' vea C- has and can be seen at any , time at the Ford' Garage. The undersigned. has for sale A good 3-.ye,ar-old 1 t• CO ._,, ee epee ' Bert Langford "The Ford Garage." .PhOtte .183. Zurich Miss Irene. Douglas has gone to Nashville, Teem, and will spend sone menthe visiting friends there- Mt. George Bender of Illinois, and elre. David Bender of Elkton, Mech., extol:ea over last week to visit their father, Mr. Peter Bender of town Dr. A. Lic'eff 'and Mr. Ci'. Roeh of New Dundee were in town last week attending the funeral oh the late Mrs. Cossenberry. • Miss Mary Hahn of Indira was a guest at the home of Rev. F. B. aid 'Mks. Meyer for a few days recently, Mr. 0. L. Smith has purebased the residence of Mts. Me • Fritz, Who loaves for London about the end of September, '''' Mrs. elen, Rosemary passed away et the h°tee °I 'Mr. LiYrue EoloelTP , on Saturday week at the age of eighty-six 'years, •She is survived by a family of five sons and two (laugh- ters. Rev. W. Weber of iclieliener was a visetot recently with relatives more. Mr. Jobe Weds°. of the State of Michigan .visited relatives here last week, . TION. COME -_--5 gob THESE MODERATELY : Genesee% ED SIM'S. New Autumn coats. F p ,,,- WE SHOW MANY NOVELTIES .: •e or.• IN FA.SHIONA.BLE OUTER C-1•AR- , KENT& THE NEW COATS ARE EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME IN In APPEARANCE AND ARE MADE OF HANDSOME MATERIALS- PLUSHES, BRO_ADOLOTe-IS, VEL- \P --- OURS AND VELVETS. OVER 200 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. urs o :Quality, 5 f WE ARE SHOWING A. VERY LARGE RANGE OF HIGH CLASS FURS INCLUDING ALL THE NEW - STYLES. FURS THA.T WILL BE r WORN FOR THE COMING SEASON' ARE RED FOX, BEAVER, BLACK g lhaltt if FOX, BLACK AND NATURAL Hortlw- WOLF, LAAIB AND MINK, GARt4ENTS ii . Every Day is Fashion Day. agibays Something Ai* ••••=030.1.11eleeMdats. AND , 4. e - - el i. SEE PRRIe - - a 0( , l• :. .. New, , , I, , i: • ! way of the snakes width woe seem- ------ . - — ingly plentiful for a day or two but ANOTHER NEWSPAPKR MAN'S elle mentaon of which now evoires a VIEWS. rflefstrimia •e 7 knowing. — '' 7- -,.,-----77J. 1, A Beautiful :.....e.: smile from tile Every. regiment -has its epee space : Mr. 11. Cl.. Hocken, editor of the • -, .....Zre=e Art Square Orange . • ormer mayor for sport. Supper oVer, the whole Grange Sentinel and a, f CAM ‘.• of Totonto, :took the trouble to 1 isit p is alive 'with games DE ane kind or another, hen a quiet genie ee time came and the following are some thete. boot- of the good theige he said about it, sei: •-)) . )1' ___Netrf .7-- i lends a charm teethe room. It has other adventages al - quoits, baseball, yonder Lack f :• t la • o space only mem s to- so, being easy to clean, easy, bete and so on with feequent matches . .un between reginiente on the stadium, production of the whole of his long known as Flannignues field, It is a ertiele : . joyous We ter Mean and vigoimus, "There hoe been so much adverse men. The moving picture theatre criticism of Camp 'Borden that it seats 2005 people, sixty tiers of seemed worth while to pay it a VIF•it 'e s .,,e ae ....2 . -weeeereze ,, to remove, We h ay e at er-• --ST e* -s• present an excellent show - eaafr hog of fine rugs including ee - Cs. . Brussels, Axminsters, Wit - '6- ,, ie,4 - T. tons, etc., that we have i• - eesseer ea Priced at attractive prices. h• . r , a o' c_ We would be most pleased seats I believe,. while hem and there and give sess•own impressions to• ebe M:ei irestaidants provide% refresh- !Mindere of The &deed. meets the best that can be bad, but Alta speeding two. clays in tine , te..3 to show them to you. e• --a, . ' r b Booze ( ti er more Camp,' M. the momsand ()Mee e no ooze.. ant o 1nmeeti g e „ e i •. fruitful soirees' of sickness axe, out and discuseing the paints of advert- out at Camp Borden as far as is huge end disadvantage, and personal - trusnanly possible nowt ,o1" a prieon. by inspecting the grounds, the ea- . Each regienent "taker; , a .pride toile, the aneesements. provided, I in • its grounds, keeper% them came to the eronelepion that while ii clean, beautifying them; with is mit Perfect, it aneroximidies trot- . . , jAS .DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director, . 28 'Ir Phone Via'. 28 illeKILLOr. M Themes O'Laughlin, who was DI hiss recovered'. • , I