HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-09-14, Page 8Clinton News -Record
A Family Shoe Store
call t
We meet every requirement of every member.
of the family.! Among our patrons there are
many families where we shoe every foot from
grandpa down to baby !
We shoe every member because they all know
where to come' for
Shoes of comfort for elderly people , shoes of
style and durability .for the,middle aged
shoes for strenuous wear and adapted to the
growing feet of boy and girl,
We stand ready to prove a benefit to any fam-
ily. It will be worth your' while to'test us !
You'll` be quick to discover why so many
call this "Their Shoe Store,"
n nst c pedals
During the balance of ' August we are offering.
some wonderfully low prices on the ,following
Women's and children's wash dresses, gowns, drawers,
underskirts, etc.
Wash goods—muslins, voiles, ginghams, etc.
Shoes—All white canvas shoes at cost. Special prices
on patent and dong pumps,
Also extra special prices on boys' school suits and odd
pants and boys' and girls' school shoes.
Give us a call, we can save you money. Agents Semi -
Ready Tailoring and New Idea Patterns.
lumsteel pos.
Small Profits — Phone 25. — IViore Business
Popular Lines
Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlac,
Campbell's Varnish stain, Alluminum paint,
Gold paint, White enamel,
Buggy and wagon paint,
New Home washing machines,
Garden hose and sprays,
Perfection and Puritan oil stoves
are:all carried by Harland Bros. and everything else
in hardware.
3 lays n mowers at cost.
and the celebrated xxxx
heavy machine oil. Try it,
��rl�intl Br$s.
You can make it into the pleasant-
est room of the home, a cosy, com-
fortable, homelike gathering place for
all the family, . a cool, shady,. out
door play.room for the children and
an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a-
partment—by equipping it with wood
slat shades. We have them 5n stock,
4, 5, 6, 7, 5 and 10 feet wide, they
have a no -whip attachment that pre-
vents them swinging in the wind, will
beautify the home, shut out the,
strong sun but let in the air. They
willmake your rooms seven degrees
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Singer Sewing Machines.
it is not necessary for us say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
arergood mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting. Free trial ;given.
Price $12.50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you,
Dill & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone no. J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 186
rt pu n ''''' -
11„1�! `un Itl,,,
Mrs. La Penetiere was in Toronto
last week..
Mr, and Mrs. J. Danford were in
London on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilken were London
visitors on Tuesday. •
Lieut. W. H. and Miss Winnie O'Neil
were in Exeter on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Rattenburyl returned
Saturday, from their honeymoon
Major and Mrs. McTaggart and Miss
K. McTaggart left Monday for
Miss Perkins of Perth is a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robs.
Mrs. M. IL Elliott and Mrs, Camp-
bell ref .Toronto are the guests of
Mr. W. S. Marland,
Lieut. Field of Mitchell was a week-
end visitor at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. J. C. McMath.
Mr. D. S. Chili, western traveller,
has been spending the past .Ecru
clay's at his hone in town,'
Misses Annie Southcombe and E. A.
Washington returned Saturday from
a fortnight's visit at Port Union
and Toronto.
Mr: Murray Jackson of Hamilton has
been home this week on account of
the illness or his grandfather, Mr.
John Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Etselg, Miss Etsell anis
Mr. Scott of Walkerton were week-
end guests' at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. P. Cantclon,
Mr.. john Rayson of Windsor was
the guest last week of his sister,
Mrs. C. Farquhar of the Gravel
Road, north of town.
Miss Bernice Hay of Lapeer, Mick,
is here visiting her grandparents,
Mn'. and Mrs. J, Gibbings, and
other friends in town.
Mrs. W. Ii. Hellyar and Master Bren-
ton returned Saturday after a
fortnight's visit with friends at
Pert Hope and Toronto..
Mr. James Fulton of Yale, Mich,,
has been visiting during the past
week at the home of his father-in-
law, NI .Robs. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Rap Ruiytball and Islr.
and Mrs. Frank Saunders of ,Goder-
ich motored down on Friday to be
present at the Pastime dance.
Capt. and Mrs. Frank. C. Harper
have been occupying the manse
during the past week after an
absence of a couple of months.
Lieut. Malcolm Douglas of Wood-
stock, who is home from the front
on furlough, was the guest last
week of Mr. and hire.; G. B. Mc-
Miss BeatriceFri-
Greene returned evening after a visit of six
weeks with relatives and friends In
the 'State of New Harshire anti
ur Toronto and Hamilton.
Mrs. Gurus leaves next week 'to ;join
Dr. Gunn at Glasgow, Scotland,
where he is in charge of the sur-
gical ward in a military hospital,
She will probably be absent some
Mr. and Isles, Irwin left Tuesday
morning for Loudon and Glencoe.
Mr. Irwin returns the end of the
week but Airs. Irwin will visit
friends for a week or so,
Mr_ C. W. Rowden, formerly of
Brown's stall, who has been spend-
ing a vacation under the parental
roof in: Goderich township, returned
on Monday to resume, his studies
at the School of Telegraphy, Tor-
Lieut. E. H. Cooper, paymaster of
the 16811h Battalion, Mrs. Cooper
and daughter, Miss Hester, are
spending a few days this week as
the guests of the farmer's mother,
Mrs. W. Cooper of town. Airs, B.
ii. Cooper and daughter have late-
ly come irons London, Hug., and
have taken apartments in Toronto
to be near: 'Lieut. Cooper during
his in Canada.
t da.
a a
Mrs. J. Wiseman returned home
Saturday after an absence of four
months. She went west to visit
her daughter, Mrs. ' Robinson of
Lethbridge, 'Alta., and visited en -
route or while in the west friends at
Chicago, Michigan City, Ind,, Win-
nipeg, Calgary, 'Bank', and rsinion-
ton. At almost every point in the
Canadian :west are located former
Clintonians r who are always glad
to welcome a visitor from the old ,
home town.
September.t4th, I9
Snappy, Stylis
of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of
only the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and com-
petent craftsmen. They are soft and pliant—yet firm and strong.
They are rich in feel and lustre --and will neither grow "shiny” with
use --nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the
weavers art:
SERGE" in all weights and prices.
If you like blue serge clothing --do not hes-
itate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY
A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are be-
hind it with an absolute guarantee.
SERGE -is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and
see therh.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Pretty Wedding in Hullett
Elmvalo Parm, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. CI. A. Tyner, Hullett, was
the scene of a happy, event at high
noon yesterday, Sept, 13th, when
their daughter, Miss Mantle, was un-
ited in marriage with !lir. Charles
Clifton ; of Brumfield.
The ceremony was performed by
Bev. IV. Moulton, enoiunbent of the
Middleton - Il.olmesviile - Summerhill
parish, in the presence of about sev-
entcy-five relatives and friends who
had 'been bidden to take part in the
wedding festivities.
The bride was married In her trav-
elling suit of navy: blue serge with
which she wore a bodice Of radiant
silk nett. She carried a briquet of
bridal roses. During the r-
emony the couple stood under an
arch of ferns and asters with stream-
ers of pink and white, pink and
white being the scheme of decoration
The couple were unattended. The
wedding music was played by bliss
Avice Scott of Deifield.
After the ' ceremony the wedding
feast was enjoyed, the toast to the
bride being proposed by Rev. Mr.
Mot43ton and replied to by the
Mr. and Mrs, Clifton :took the af-
ternoon train from Clinton for a
brief honeymoon trip and on their re-
turn will reside on the grooms farm
on the London Road near Brumfield.
The bride was the recipient of a
great many beautiful wedding gifts,
the groom's gift being a handsome
bar pin get with diamonds. The
groom presented the pianist with a
pretty bar pin with pearl and ruby
Among those present front a dis-
tance were : Miss Lovell, Wroxeter ;
Mrs, Clifton, Cioderich ; Miss Mar-
garet McLaughlin, graduate nurse
Victoria Hospital, Landon ; Pte. A.
McLaughlin, Camp Borden ; Mr. and
Miss Scott„ Derided, and bliss Phil -
taps, Blyrtir.
The News -Record adds its con-
gratulations and hopes that Mr.
and Mrs. Clifton may have a good
share of p ospeiity and a' happy
Wedded life.
• Blyth
Airs. .John Pia.teer. of Detroit hat.
been visiting Mrs. Plcetzor of town.
Mr. J. 13. Watson has gone on a,
trip to west.
Rev. Waiter McLean has returned
to Hanover after spending several
weeks with friends here, Mrs. Ifc-
Lean and children are remaining for
a while longer.
Miss 'Annie Mertes, who has been.
holidaying at her home here, will
accem'pany, her brother: on his return
to Belleville College, where she will.
take up the study of some subjects
and also engage in office Work at the
Mrs. L. Claxton and son of De-
troit have been visiting the lady's
sister, Mrs. S, II. Gidley, and with
other friends in town.
Dr, and Mrs. Wilford and little
daughter left last week for Toronto.
Dr. Wilford intends taking an advanc-
ed course in medicine before rethrniag
to his work in China,
Mrs. J. J3. Rogerson and daughter,
Miss Anna, and Mrs. George of
Bradford, Pa., were guests recently
l at the home of Mr. E. C. I,aundy.
Mr. anti Mrs. I. H. Brown visited
last week with Toronto friends.
Mr, W. J, 'Maines itis returned
from the west, where he spent the
summer vacation on a Methodist err
Rev. W. D. Turner hasu
ret rn
from a holiday spent in Eastern
Mrs. A. McVittio and family have
gone to Hespeler, where Mr. McVit-
tie has taken a position.
Mrs. Clydesdale of Salem has been
visiting her mother,. Mrs. Joins
Mr, and hirs, Tltos. Tannin and
daughter, Miss Emma, have gone
on an extended visit to the west.
Mrs. Scott of Montreal has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs, W. D.
Turner of the- manse. She has just
returned from a visit with her
sons in the west,
Mrs. B Herrington and daughter,
Miss Louise, have gone on a visit to
friends in Kingston,
Mrs. C. H. Brown, who has been
visiting Friends in town and vicinity
during the past few months, has re-
turned to her home at .Deadwood, N.
Mrs, II. McQtiarrie is vial mg her
daughter, Mrs. Babb, in Teeswater.
Ci serge Johnston, Norman Radford,
Walter McGill and Geo. McGowan
were among those who went :west
last week.
Misses May and Isabel Sinclair vie-
-nod Miss Dixie McGowan over Lab-
or Day,
Misses Luella Parrott and May
Cowan left last week to teach in the
west, •
Among those who took in the Tor-
onto Exhibition and the trip to the
Falls were Mr. and Airs: James
smith, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith,
H. C. McGowan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack-
son; Isle. and Mrs. ,John Howard, Dr.
and hire. Wilford, hir. and Mrs. Isaac
Brown, Mrs. Mills, Miss Dixie Mc-
Gowan and Miss Lizzie Sanderson,
Mrs. Weir of London and Mr. and
Mrs. Little of Teeswater were visit-
ors at R C. McGowan's last week.
Rev. Mr. McCormick is having his
holidays now.
Montreal, Sept. 12,—Rev. W. D.
Turner of Blyth, Ont., has accepted
the call to Calvin Presbyterian
church, Montreal, at a 'salary of
i.1,000. He will succeed Rev, James
MacKay, who went to New St. Jam-
es' church, London. 'It is proposed
to unite Calvin apd Westminster
churches, with Mr. -Turner as minis-
Lieut. Hall and Private George
Riley were home fora few ,days
leave before they go overseas,
Mr. Edwin Britton spent Sunday
with his wife at Walton, Mrs. Brit-
ton is improving nicely.
Quite a number around here are
taking in the London Fair this
Private McArthur and wife of
Clinton spent a few days as the
guests of the lady's parents, Air.
and Mrs, James Mann, Sr,
Mr. Chas. I)uirk of Buffalo spent a
few days recently visiting his father,
Mr. quint
Joan quirk,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Musgrove were
in Toronto last week,
Mr. Albert Forton has gone on a
trip west to visit his brothers and
Miss Belle Fowler of Prince Al-
bert, Sask., is here on a visit 'to her
brothers, Messrs. Peter and James
Fowler of the Bluevale Read.
Mrs. M. A. IIarnmand has returned
to her home at South Bend, Ind., af-
ter a visit here with her parents,
Mr. anti Mrs. John Kerr.
d returned
Mrs.R. Ilei Saran has t rr ed
from Niagara Falls and will make
her home here for the future,
Mrs, Brock and daughter spent a
few ,clays in London recently.
Mrs. W. J. Adair was visiting in
Toronto last week for a few clays,
Miss Gladys Dear is spending a few
week with London friends.
Mr. Roy Adair has gone to the
Miss Bessie Kennedy has gone to
Stratford to attend Normal.
Mrs. Diesley has gone to Detroit
and will take up her residence there,
Dr. and Airs. Redmond and family
have returned from u, lengthy motor
trip through the Eastern Provinces,
Mr. Murdock left Saturday for his
home at Edmonton taking alonghis
o a g to
two daughters, who had been spend.
ing some time with their uncle,
Mr. 0, P. I:rratt, Miss Mabel pHr-
raft acconipanied them and will via,
it in the west for a couple of months.
Mrs. Riddell and Mrs. McGill re
turned home on Saturday after
spending a few weeks with friends
in Nebraska.
Mr. Hugh II. hilt has completed
his new verandah which acids greatly
to the appearance and corn fort cf
his dwelling.
Mr. Henry Doer, who got hurt
sonic little time ago, is now inr•
A patriotic lawn social will bo
given on the lawn of Mr, Frank
Stanley, Colborne, shortly. Pro-
ceeds in aid of the Red C'roes.
Mr. William Craig is looping patr
titularly happy these days over the
arrival at his home of a littlo
We regret to report thesudden
death of hiss Emma Moss, which
took place in it inglram hospital ore
Wednesday of last week. The re
mains were ;brought to her home ire
West Wawanosh and the funeral took
place toDungannon cemetery.
on Fri-
The sympathy of the comm a-
ti'y is extended to the family and,
relatives in their 'sudden bereave•-
men t.
Mr. Harry Cresswell has gone ow
a trip to the west.
Mr, Clarence Kelly of the Strati -
ford postofdce staff has hem holiday-
ing In
oliday 'ing'In town.
Mrs-. Harrigan of Minneapolis ha•s
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mrs, IV. W. Meredith has gone . to
Wallaceburg to visit her sister.
a n
Perfect cooking and baking with least expenditure of
heat is assured by the double flue system forcing heat
twice around the oven of •
Come in and I'll show you why the • Pandora stays as:
good as new long after other ranges have to be repaired
or replaced. a�a