HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-09-14, Page 5!Pr SrepQeiliber I4th, l916 Clinton News -Record -A Pretty Wedding in Bruce- ; field. • The house of Mrs. James. Turner, Bzucefieltl, was the scene et a very :quiet but pretty wedding at high noon on Saturday last when her on- ly daughter, Mabel, became the bride of Mr. Walter Watts, manager of the Dominion Bank at Huntsville, • Promptle' at twelve o'clock; to the ▪ strains of Loh.engrin's wedding march, played by Miss Edna Mc- Caughey of Clinton;; the bride enter- ed the drawing room; She was at-. .hired in her travelling suit of Bur- gundy broadcloth with seal trifle - :things and bat to match and also wore a corsage boquet of sweetheart • roses and lily -of -the -valley. She looked very dainty ,and charming as she came leaning on the arm` of her brother, Mr. George Turner, • who gave her away. The ceremony, which was perform- -ed by Rev, Hail Woods, pastor of. the Presbyterian 'church, took place under an arch of fern and asters. The couple were unattended. • After wishing well to the newly- weds, the wedding, party, adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding feast was partaken of. Among the many beautiful gifts re- ceived bY the bride vasthe grooM's "gift; a little -finger ring with dia- mond set in platinum: cup and onyx top set in platinum. The gift •to the pianist was a .plain gold 'brace- let f y if'r, and Mrs. Watts later motored to Clinton, and amid -showers of con- fetti and good Wishes, ' took the three train forh nev otrip o a o mon to nester's points after which they will take up their abode in Huntsville, Goderich Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. King have returned from a visit in Detroit, Mr. Earl Kelly returned to Forest last week to resume his school :duties, ]nr,•and Mrs. J. H. Brophy of Redford, Mich., have been visiting in town. Mr. L. Downing and Mrs. Aastay of Leamington are the guests of Mrs. Sinclair. Mrs, Jos. Baeelrler has returned from a visit of some weeks with relatives in'Kansas City, Han. Miss Josie Saunders has returned to Toronto after spending a maple of months with her parents here, Misses Nina and Florence Graham stave returned. to New York atter summering in Goderich. Mr. ]:-Iarry, Wiggins of Chicago is spending a fortnight at the old home an Goderioh, Mrs. Nicholl of Pittsburg, Pa., lies .returned to her home after a visit with her niece, Mrs'. Walter Naftel. ea, Mrs. Naftel's mother, Mrs. Sinclair, who has also been visiting her, has zeturn.ed to her home in Perth. Dr. C. R. LeTouzel, lately of Jam - nice, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Le- s -fount of Goderich, was married in Toronto recently to Miss Elizabeth Moselp,, daughter of Mr. John Mose- , ly, formerly of Goderiels Dr. Le - 'fount leaves almost immediately for -overseas. Mr. S. 1•:. Hick has gone to King- ston 'to take a position for a time with the Poison Company. Mr. C. M, Burton and family have returned to Detroit after spending a pleasant summer: in their bungalow at the lake. Miss Agnes Hamilton has accepted a position as art specialist on the Kincardine High school stale. Miss Hellen Ford is supplying for her at Kincardine -while she finishes Ler en- gagement with the Exeter school board. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart and sons have returned to their home in Kansas City, having spent several 'weeks with the former's relatives at Benmiller, Miss Lotto Robinson has gone to Ingersoll to teach for the present term, Marriages CLIFTON—TYNER--In Hallett, on Sept. 13th, by Rev. W. Moulton, Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tyner, to Charles Clfflob of Brimfield. WATTS—TURNER—At 13rucefieid., on Sept. Otis, Mabel Turner to Wal- ter Watts, Mgr. Dominion Bank, Huntsville. FORTUNE—KENNY—At Driblin, on Sept.7th Jean Gertrude, > o rill - est daughter of Wm. Kenny, to Leo Doesep Fortune of Seaforth. ?LETO•UZEL—MOSELS'-1n Toronto, on September Ind, Mary Eliza- beth Mosely, to Di. James R. Le- Touzel of Jamaica, rormerlyr of Goderich. HOWES—GrRIMOLDBY—M. Seaferth on September Ith, Ann 'Elizabeth terimoldby to'Ge.orge Henry How- es. • :Births ELLIOTT—In Clinton, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A4. Elliott, a 'daughter, . (Margaret Jean). PURDON-At Sty. f -Miens, on August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. .lames Pardon, a • dau:ghter, FARRISSH—At Leeburn, on August 57th, to Mr. and Mrs, J, D. Par- rish of Leeburn, a son, PHILLIPfS—In Seal/myth, on Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips, a daughter, Deaths .JALKS.ON—In Clinton, on Sept. 38th, Jolla Jackson, aged 8g years and 8 months. McGRIEGOR—ha Goderich township, on Sept. 11th, William J. P, Mc- Gregor, aged 30 years and 8 months. FINN—in 'i ledo, 'Ohio, on Sept, 5th, John J. Finn, only son of Mrs. Michael\ Finn, Goderich, in his 22nd yearl. Lieut. Arthur S. McLean. Wounded. Seaforth, Sept. 90.—Mrs. M. 'Y. McLean :of this town has ,received a telegram front Ottawa informingher that her. sou, Lieut, Arthur G. laic - Lean, had been officially reported wounded in the trenches'on Septem- ber 5th. Lieut. McLean was former- ly a member of the Ord ]3attalioit, going overseas with Cola Wilson, He. was, subsequently drafted with the 13th Royal Highlanders of Montreal, and has been in the trenches since the beginning of June. Be is a b'ro- trier of Lieut. R. Y. McLean of the 101st , Hurons. Seaforth. Mr. L. L, Meleaul died at ,his resi- dence on Goderich " street Sunday might at the age of seventy-nine years. For twenty-eight years he had been principai of the public school here. Inthe comparative retirement of -the last twelve years he was ever. a busy man until handicaped by more. recent illness, Mr. Meleaul was a much valued member of the Presby- terian . church, resby-terianchurch, and served for many, years as clerk of session. He is sur- veyed by his wife his son, De. John McP ul'of a h' • T route ohis daughter, Mrs. 'J, 0•. Mullen of British Colu bia, and his brother, ]Edward Me - Feu!, retired merchant of Seaforth. ••••••••••••••• • • • The Molsons Bank, Clinton, • 1vi1 • l be pleased to receive your • • application for the New Dom 0 • inion of Canada War Loan. • ♦ All those wishing to subscribe ♦ may obtain prospectus and • form of application on and af- • ♦ ter September 12th, the sub- • scription list will close on the • 23rd inst. 53-2 ♦. ♦ • ••••••••••••• *0♦ ••••••••• •• • • •-0: • , • • The new Dominion of Canada • • 5 percent. War 'Loan) will be • • open for subscription front • • Sept. lath to 28rd. The loan • • will mature in 1931, and may •, • be secured in denominations :• • of. 2100 and over. Full infer- • • matron may be obtained from • • the Royal Bank, through • • which applications may be • • made. 53-2 • • . • •••i:••••••••••• High -Class Concert ! "tele The celebrated Forest (''ityr Male Quartette, so well and favorable known, will give a concert, under the auspices of the ladies of Ontario street church, in the' town hall on Tiles. Ev'g, Sept. 19th Plan of hall open at Fair's on Sept. 12th. RESERVE SEATS 35c. A DMISSION He. For Patriotic alul Church Purposes. • ['LENDERS FOR PULPWOO)) AND PINE LIMIT. Tenders win be received by the un- dersigned up to and including the 1st day of December next for the right to: cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situated on the Pie River and other territory adjacent thereto, in the District et Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount per cord on pulpwood, and per thous- and feet, :hoard measure, on pine, that they are prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to dues of 40 cents per cord for spruce, awl 20 cents per cord for other puipwood.s, and $2.00 per thousand feet, board Measure for pine, or such other rates time • may from time to t trte be fired by the Lieutenant -Governor -in -Coun- cil, for the right to operate a pulp mill and a paper mill on or• line the area referred to. -- Such. tenderers shall be required to erect a mill or mills on ''or near the territory and to . manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the, Province of Ontario—the paper mill to he erected when directed by the Minister of Lands, Forests aril via Parties making tender will be .re quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque, payable to the I-Ion- arablc the Treasurer of the. Province of Ontario; for twenty -live thousand dollars ($25,000), which amount will be forfeited in 'the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out conditions, etc. The said 4.25,000 will be applied on account of bonus dues as they accrue, but the regulation clues, as mentioned above, will re-. quire 'to lie paid in the Usual manner, as returns of cutting of wood and timber are received, 'The highest or any tended: not flea essarily accepted. For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., apply, to the undersigned, G. IL FERGUSON, Minister of -Lands, Forests' and Mines, Toronto,August 28th, P310, N,B.—No unauthorized publication. of this notice will be paid for, ' Hensall Miss Dottie: Cdrlin has -been in Tor -2 onto. Miss3eltha Blatclrfard has r - turned from the west. Miss' Dollie Hagan went down to London one day last week to meet .her sister, Mrs• Clarice of Detroit, who accompanied her house for a visit -tete. Mr. John Dingwall has been spend Mg some clays in Toronto. Mrs. J. Hutch and little daughter of Goderich have been visiting at the home of Mr. James Moore. Miss' Jessie Sproul was in London last week attending the; funeral ' of her, nephew. Mr. and Mee: Mark Drysdale took a motor trip to Buffalo and Brock- ville last week. Messrs. 'John Glean anti John Mc- Allister loft last week for the west. Miss Belle McDougall of Hiurondale was a Hensall visitor last week, • Mr. 'John D, Buchanan returned to New York last week titter a visit with his parents here, A Good Resolution "I will pay my subscription to The News -Record in advance." GENERAL WANTED.—MAID POR RA.GL L housework Apply to. James Scott, High street, Clinton: —54 `OR SALE.—YOUNG PIGS, SIX weeks' old.—Ed. Johnston, , R. R. No. 4, Clinton, 'Phone 8 on 162:. 54-1 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. —At 'present occupied by Mrs. D, McCorvie, Huron street, For sale —the. old Methodist church Proper- ty on Rattenbury street,—Apply to Mrs. .D, ivlcCorvic, 54-2 DOMINION W=AR LOAN: SUB- scriptYons to the new War Loan will be forwarded through my of- fice without charge. --W. Brydone. —54 PRIVATIE ' SALE OF CHOICE Household Furniture and Electric Fixtures. Can be seen . any day from 10 a.m. to it p.m.—Sirs. Ed- mondson, o Isaac street, Clinton. —54-1 PRIVATE SALE Ole ,HOUSEHOLD Furniture. -Including piano, sewing machine, etc., at residence of Mrs. D. IYIcCorvie, Huron street, com- mencing Saturday, Sept-: •10th. from 2 to' 5 p.m, and following week. Also private sale of tile following articles : Wagon, sleigh, buggy, cutter, one fanning mill in good order, also a quantity of sieves and screens, 1 good iron vise, etc. Sale Saturday, Sept. 23rd and fol- lowing week from 1 to 0 p.m., on the premises, old Rattenbury street churel. Mrs. D. McCorvic, 51-2 PRIVATE SALE. • — OAK :SIDE - board, rockers, extension table, gasoline range, parlor lamps, s, ,ere., will be sold privately, afternoons, at the residence of W. (Viper, Princess street. 52-2 MEN WANTED.—LOWEST WAGES paid He per hour. Good prospects for advancement and higher wages for steady men.—Appip to The Im- penal Oil Company, Limited, .Bat- nia, Ont. 53-2 NOTICE—I WILL PAY 10 DOLLARS to any one giving information that will lead to the conviction of per- sons shooting my IToming Pigeons, —John Walton. —52 WANTED—A POSITION AS HOUSE - keeper, by young married woman. Experienced in farm work. Apply at News -Record office. —52 0OT'l'AGE TO RENT ON WILLIAM street. At present occupied by Mr. Albert Palmer.—Apply to P. H. Powell or Wm. Glen, executors of. the le. Marshall estate. . —51 P TERRIER, J OS'1— A WHITE 0 \ R larR, brown markings over eases eye. Any person returning her will be suit- ably .rewarded.—W: Middleton, R. It. No. 0. -5() FARM FOR SALE LOT 30 IN THE 7th eon., Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation ; small house ; good well. For particular's apply to—Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. —48, FOWL ANDSPRING CHICKEN'S Wanted, highest market price paid. W. ikiangenis, Phone h4 on 1.00, R. R. No. 1. --25. FOR SALE. -HOUSE ON RATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G: D. McTaggart. —32 HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO RENT —Nine roomed ]rouse on- Frederick street ; furnace and good cellar hand and soft water ; choice' gar- den and small fruits ; good stable on premises. 'Also the brick house on Isaac street next bowling green. For particulars apply to—Robert Thompson,• Clinton, FOR SALE.—FORD ' AUTOMOBILE, second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exchange for horses on cattle. ;-C. J. Wallis. • —41 2 CLAY TILE FOR SALE, FROM3 to 12 in. A first class article.- William Wheatley, phone No, 74, Huron. Street, Clinton, ,-43 COTTAGE FOR SALE, Al' CORNER of Dunlop and Isaac streets. ; Nine rooms, good cellar, good back kit- chen, stone foundation, waterworks and cistern. Place in good state of repair. Quarter acre of land with, small fruit. -E. le. Jackson, —47. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy, -44. HOUSE FOR SALE — ROOMY ' house, corner of Ontario and Will- iam streets. All modern .convenien- ces, Garden and young fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacom on prem- ises or to W. Brydone, Clinton— 2.. McCORMICIC AGENCY.—I HAVE taken over tire agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. c An order from you will receive prompt attention, - Wilson Elliott. —43 FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Dandier, including house, office, barn and two Iots.. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Bard and soft water In bathroom, kitchen and summer kir'.- cher.—Apply to Dr. Dandier. —40. FOR SALE. — T1 -IE 1-1 STORY house with e. acres of land on On- tario street lately- occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is i- acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop.—Jacob Taylor. —35 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to. do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gents Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —55 Fir las St -e S Hand Laundry Next the Commercial ]:Iotel Solicits a trial on work which will be executed by, hand without the use of acids, lime, or any other chemi- cals to destroy the clothes. Shirts ironed so that they will not hurt your neck. Stand-up collars ironed without be- ing broken in the wing. No error will be investigated with- out the original list, or after ai hours from the time goods are deliv- ered. Patrons should list their cloth- es otherwise our count must be ac- cepted as correct. Sample prices : Shirts, open flouts 8c, Collars 2e, Ladies' Skirts, plain, 15c to 25e., Blouses 100. Parcels called for and delivered. IF work suits tell your friends WASH DAYS : Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings of each week. DE ' LAVELLE CREAM SEP- ARATOR V'ORLO •STANDARD Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and •Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three doors west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Satur- day afternoons. Also Agent for New- combe Pianos. Phone 207. D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent. To the Public: We ate now prepared with better e h facilities than to o Re -Cut Crasher Rolls. Gum Circular and Cross - Cut Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. D'o Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen Iland Calipers. WE. SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires s for Buggies: Gasoline amid Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST News -Record Means News -Leader. GIRLS WANTED ! 40♦ • WE CiA:N GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEV MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED, Eli free EYES EXAMINED FREE BY THE NEW SHADOW TEST System) "These Spex. have overcome the misty vision that creeps on with the advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man 11. -now." This is what our patrons are sapl- ing.. A pleased patron is the best adver-. tisement, I give free tests and guar- antee satisfaction. e When our •e it department nt is so '41 ori a P 1 close at hand there is really no ex- cuse for carrying anything, but an accurate time piece. Consult us about any watch trou- bles that may arise. Everything in the jewellery. line re- paired, rings, broaches, pins, barretts etc. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T, E. MASON, General Merchant, A Biscuit For Every Taste. The upward node/soy of flour and shoetetung markets has rais- ed the prices .of all lines of sweet cakes. We were -fortunate to secure some good limes of good eating cakes, just the thing for: the table at any time at the old pop- ular prices. Try our 2 lb. for 'He line. Lennon cakes Vanilla bar Royal Fruit biscuit Our 15e lines Fruit biscuit Oatmeal sandwioh • Pineapple sandwich ltaspberrii tarts. Also other linos that arc dain- ty and wholesome, wafers foe the reception or evening party. All at popular prices. Highest Market Price for Produce fie eV Piiione orders promptly attended. to. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality, FOR SALE. --i. SECOND HAND FordAutomobile, thoroughly over- hauled, •'tires practically new. Very cheap. -Seeley & West. -31 CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply 'two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay,' the high- est market prices consistent with. an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested, on arrival and 'statement returned. Those in the vicinity of :Kinburn' may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and ,give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinityr of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty' Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery„ Box' 486, Seaforth, Out; OUR AIM for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire, ui at least 20,000 chickens 20,000 hens 5,000 'ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese, We are in the market for all your live poultry of good quality at top prices. Enquire for prices before you sell. It will pay ymou to give your best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord prices this winter. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let .Live Peaches Home 'grown peaches of the best qutalit'y; grown in Huron coun- ty and tree ripened. Why not preserve a good supply of this luscious fruit now that sugar has taken a drop! You only need one half pound of sugar to one pound ,of peaches. Most ethe:e fruits take pound for pound. Intending purchasers would do well to call and leave their orders for 'home grown fruit. Prices guaranteed. E. E. HUNNIEORD LIVE AND LET LIVE' GROCER. IF YOUR HORSE IS YOUR FRIEND step in and order a supply of our high grade feed as a treat for . him. You'll be well rewarded for your friendly act by his better condition, appearance and action. The bettor the feed the: better the horse and our' feed is the vcr:yr best obtainable at any price. iseeeeei W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, Phone 109. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevator., News -Record means News -Leader, Poaches ! Will soon be ready for canning. Yellow St. John, a large, g free stone Peach is ready now. Other varieties next week, Don not buy until` o ylI see our Peaches and enquire prices. IV. T. O'Neil Tliresh!ug Coal f • Whether you have wood or not, you can do a day's threshing on the same money as it costs you to get the old cross -cut saw sharpened up. Secure a load of our nice clean 10 in. lump. Fall Wheat If you are putting in a piece 'of wheat it will pay you to get a lit - tie of our BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for it - 1 t It it- self and then some. We also handle all 'kinds of Logs, and Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and V. Matched Siding, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Material, Tile, Cedar Posts,, Etc. JOHN B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. We have added a stock of New 'Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines tobe found n a store We 0ndi grocery rocer l d also sell Conners BreaThis is a a addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage, All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods. - D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital'.: It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great' advance in the price of all. kinds 01, j metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to festal a Furnace or have an y Plumbing done this ytear you will save money, bp getting ' prices at once. t) THOS.. HAWKINS. Farms- for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 2.1 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acrea ready Sox spring plowing, 7 acres of bush,. remainder under grass. Small ore chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with atone foundation, Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quarter mile from. Porter's Hi11.—James Hamilton; Clinton. —2h you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate, Call or phone for prices. Estimates ohe,erfuily given BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone :le The sub to The News- Record is $:1 per year, •