HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-09-07, Page 8Clinton News -Record
A Family Shoe Store
We meet every requirement of every member
of the family I Among our patrons there are
many families where we shoe every foot from
grandpa clown to baby !
We shoe every member because they all know
where tai come for-
Shoes of comfort for elderly people; shoes of
style and durability for the middle aged;
shoes for strenuous wear and adapted to the
growing feet of boy and girl,
We stand ready to prove -a benefit to any fans
ily, It will be worth your while to test us !
You'll be quick to . discover why so many
call this "Their Shoe Store,"
August Specials !
During the balance of August we are offering
some woaderfully low prices on the following
Women's and children's wash dresses, gowns, drawers,
underskirts, etc.
Wash goods—muslins, voiles. ginghams, etc.
Shoes—All white canvas shoes at cost, Special prices
on patent and dong pumps.
Also extra special prices on boys' school suits and odd
pants and boys' and girls' school shoes.
Give us a call, we can save you money. Agents Semi -
Ready Tailoring and Nevi Idea Patterns.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — Phone 25. — More Business
Popular Lines
Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlac,
Campbell's Varnish stain, Allumirrum paint,
Gold paint, White enamel,
Buggy and wagon paint,
New Home washing machines,
Garden hose and sprays,
Perfection and Puritan oil stoves
are:all carried by Harland Bros. and everything, else
in hardware.
3 latiin mowers at cost.
Polarine, Cylinder,
Separator, Harness,
Castor, Neatsfoot
heavy machine oil. Try and the celebrated xxxx 1 Ic y it,
ilarhind Bros.
Singer Sewing Machines.
It s not necessary for us fto say anything about the good ,quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
aregood mattresses. We will give you thirty nightsfree trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back, The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, They will,
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping; and dusting. Free trial (given..
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafono.las,
We invite you to come in and hex -our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the hest toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have beard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball Et Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALI, Phone 110.
J, 3), ATKINSON, Phone 180
'You can make it into the pleasant-
est room of the home, a cosy, com-
fortable, homelike gathering place for
all the family, a cool;' shady, out-
door'play.room for the children and
an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a-
partment—by equipping. it with wood
slat shades. We have them in stock,
4, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 10 feet wide, .they
have a no -whip attachment that pre-
vents them swinging, in the wind, will
beautify the home, shut out the
strong sun but let in the air. They
will make your rooms seven degrees
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr., is spending the
week in Toronto. •
Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler spent the holiday
with Listowel friends,
Miss Ruby Graelis was in Toronto
over the holiday time.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacLennan were
in Toronto for a'day or two.
Mr. J. Scott and Miss Kate are in
Toronto for a few flays this week,
bliss Dcl>'a Hearn has gone to Paris,
,;where she has accepted a position.
Mrs. Kerr and bliss Mabel Kerr have
been spending.a few days in Goder-
Misses Gladys Chowen and Laura
Wilken were in London over the
Miss Enema Stephenson left Friday
for Port Arthur to resume her
teaching duties.
bliss Viola Hearn left Monday for
Grand Valley, where she 'will
teach for the present term.
bliss Mate Scott arrived from New
Fork on Tuesday, and is spending a
vacation at her home in town.
Miss Weber, of the Jackson brig.
Co's stair, spent the week -end and
holiday at her home in Elmira.
Dr. Thompson was at Camp Borden
on 'Thursday last when the Hurons
were presented with the colors,
Mrs. W. Pickard of Holmesvillo was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Ford, over the week -end and holi-
Miss Mary Chidlcy returned Satur-
day from Toronto, where she spent
a week with her aunt, Mrs. J. T.
Miss Helen Struthers of Galt was
the guest for a few days the latter
end of last week of Miss Olive
Miss Edna Jackson of Buffalo was a
holiday visitor at the parental
home in town, that of Mr. and
Mrs. I. Jackson.
Miss Edith Torrance returned last
week from a visit of several weeks
at different points in the eastern
part of the 'province.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Lanxon of
Goderich were the guests for sever-
al days over the week -end of the
former's mother in town.
bliss Edna Levis left last week for
Toronto to vi -Sit the fait and to be
ready to assume her teaching dut-
ies at the Humber Bay school;
Mrs. R. Welsh is in Toronto this
week taking le the big fair. She
was accompanied by her sister -in-
law, Mrs. Johnston of Stanley.
Mrs. J. F. Wasman and her father,
Mr. Geo• Pollard, have returned
from a visit with friends at Ben -
tion Harbor, Mich., and Essex,
Miss MacDougall and Miss, Campbell
of the C C,I. staff, have returned
and resumed their places on the
staff on the opening of the school
Tuesday morning.
Miss Delle 0" Neil, who has returned
from a holiday ;enFnt out west,
spent a few flays at her bonne in
town before leaving for Toronto to
resume her teaching duties;
Mr. and Mrs., W. J. Merrill and Mas-
ter Charlie of the Base Line. and
bliss E. Richardson of town spent
the holiday as the guests of. Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Peck of Seaford).
Rev. Dr. :Rutledge left prsterday for
South Bend, Ind., for a , ,holiday
visit. Mrs. Rutledge went last
week, accompanying her daughter,
Mrs. Shiliington, and her, two
Messrs. Chas. Ii • Libby and W. Jack-
son went to Toronto today to
take part in the Scotch Doubles
contest. They will play this after
• noon and, ' if. luck favors them, also
Mr.' George A: Evans of Toronto,
who has just ;returned from -a two-,
months' trip West, was in town the
beginning of the week` for a 'day or
two, He also called on old friends.
at Hoimesvi'le.
illr, and Mrs. Harry Twitchell lett
yesterday for Toronto, where' they
intend making their home in• fut-
ure. the Clinton friends regret
their departure from town but
with them •well,
Dr. and Mrs. Gandier, children and
maid have been visiting the form-
er's home at Newbury and with
friends in Toronto. The Doctor
and Mrs. Gandier intend going on
to Muskoka for a week.
Septenfmberiltll,, 1916
Styli b.,
of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of
only the finest Australian wool in the hands of only skilled and com-
petent craftsmen. They are soft and pliant --yet firm and strong.
They are rich in feel and lustre—and will neither grow "shiny" with
use --nor fade. They are .the result of years of experience in the
weavers art.
SERGE" in all weights and prices.
If you like blue serge clothing --do not hes-
itate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY
A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are be-
hind it with an absolute guarantee.
SERGE is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and
see them.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's -Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Mr. Harry Scott of Chicago, who
had been visiting his brother-in-law,
Mr. Wm. Dennison, died very sudden-
ly on Sunday week. Mr. Scott had
come over to, accompany his wife,
who had been here for sonic time,
home and while here took f1L lie had
recovered partially, however, and in-
tended returning home on the Mon-
day but on Sunday evening had a
relapse 'and died in a few minutes.
The funeral took plate from the home
of Mr. Dennison on Tuesday of last
week, the interment being made in
Bayfield. Rev. D. Johnston, pas-
tor of the Presbyterian church
here, conducted the religious services
at house and graveside. The Masonic
brethren from I3ensall and Clinton
took part in the services The pall -
beaters were : John Stacey, S. Bon-
thron, Robt. Cameron, Geo. Foster,
Daniel Shearer and David Johnston.
Sympathy is extended to the bereav-
ed wife and daughter.
Rev, A. W. Brown has returned
home after spending his holidays
with friends at Chatham,
Mr. and Mrs, Chester Duncan are
spending a few weeks with friends
in Hamilton.,
Mrs. Barber of Or ilia, who has
been visiting relatives , aied friends,
here, left for home last week.
MI. and Mrs. Will, Cudmoro of
Clinton, who have been visiting the
latter's mother here, left for their
hone on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sparrow and
Mrs. roster motored to Kitchener on
bliss Elisabeth Ester, left foil Min-
neapolis on Saturday ,after having
spent some time at her home here.
Dr. and Mrs. Parsons and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Tenger were guests on
Monday of Mr, and. Mrs. Ings,
Rev, hlr. huller of Mlilvcrtoa
preached anniversary sermons in the
Methodist church, on Sunday after-
noon and evening, to large congrega-
Mr. Robert Cullson of the Amer-
ican Soo spent a: few days with
friends in this vicinity,
Mr. John Evans left for his Horne
in Winnipeg on Tuesday atter a visit
of some' weeks with Mends, bliss
Evans will remain for a couple of
months longer.
Quite a number from this locality
are taking in the Exhibition this
week. Sonne went last. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Yates of Gederieli
spent a day at the home of bliss
Blair. Also Mr. and Mrs. John Roh-
Miss LVlayme Hall returned on Mon-
day from a visit with Clinton friends,
Messrs. Leslie Lawson, John Arm-
strong and Lorne Taylor left on
Friday for Saskatoon, Sask.,
fluilett Township
Mr. Francis Kettle has disposed of
his line four-year-old gelding for the
handsome sum of $300. The horse
was bought for show purposes.' He
was sired by Glenrae, and Mr. Met-
tle says it pays to raise good stock,
Mrs. Win, Quigley and Miss Mae
Quigley of Sarnia spent a few days
this week with relatives .in this
School commenced oil Tuesday and
Miss Moss of Goderich is the
teacher in charge of S. S. S. No,, 2
for the corning term.
bliss Tess McIntosh of Goderich
spent a few clays with Miss Nora
Mr, E. J. Tighe left on Saturday
to assume his studies at the Sand-
wich College:
Mrs. Jane Gagen returned on Sat-
urday to Bliffalo after spending sev-
eral weeks with Mrs. Jas. Reynolds.
Mrs. Purcell of Seaforth is visiting
with hell daughters and with other
friends in the vicinity,
Mr. Ernie Reynolds has returned to
Peterboro after spending a holiday
at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shuler of Sea -
forth spent Sunday and Monday with
Mr, and Mrs. C"arbert,
Mr.. Charles McCarthy of Ashfield
spent Tuesday at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs, Thos, Tighe.
Mr. John Tighe and bliss Eileen
went to Dublin on Wednesday.
Mr, Thos. A. Tighe left this morn-
ing to take a position in 'Detroit,
School re -opened on Tuesday morn-
Mrs. Noble of Blythe , and Mrs.
Churchill of Goderich township call-
ed on friends here on Thursday last.
Mrs. Roth, Snell of Wisconsin State
has been visiting, het brothers,
Messrs: Andrew and lien Snell,
bliss Vera Colelaugh left on Tues-
day to visit her grandmother at
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stanley of Clin-
ton spent Sunday as the guests of
their daughter, Mrs. Duncan Tudor.
Mrs. lien. Riley, Sr., of Chisel-
hurst• is visiting relatives in and
around Constance:
While Mrs. Ped. Briton was visiting
friends in Walton last week she was
taken suddenly ill but we are glad
to report that she is improving.
' Mrs. Geo. Stephenson is visiting
friends at Niagara.
Mrs. Coleman and daughter, bliss
Lula, spent Thursday with the form-
er's daughter, Mrs. W. Clarke.
The village ,farmers have got their
.threshing done.
While taking in the separator at
Mr. Adam Nicholson's' on Monday
afternoon Mr. .aures Mann, Sr.,
was somewhat badly hurt, . being
squeezed against the gate post, We
trust no serious ''damage was none
and that he will soon be ail right
The - News From Londesboro
bliss Lizzie Maines spent the week-
end with Toronto friends.
bliss 1%chta Lyon left Mondap for
Dresden, where she is engaged to
teach fur this term,
Miss O. F. Brigham left Monday. to
take up her duties as teacher at Nor-
bliss Esther Jamieson left Mondap
for 'Toronto where she resumes her
duties on the teaching stall of the
Public schools,
Messrs. Chas. and ..`oseph Manning,
attended the exhibition in. Toronto
WS" week.
Mr. John Brown was called to
Stratford Wednesday morning on ac-
count of his mother's death.
The death occurred in Stratford on
Tuesday of Mrs. Hannah Drown,
formerly a resident of Londesboro
and mother. of Mr. John Brown and
of Mrs. Win. Lee, The deceased was
in her seventy-third' year and for
;Ghe past two an! three years had
been in rather delicate health. She
had resided in Londesboro for a
good many years and was well known
here. For the past couple of wars
she has been residing with her fam-
linnd hase
a been in Stratified with a
daughter for some time and it was
there her death occurred. She is
survived by three daughters ' Mrs,
Wm, Lee, Londesboro ; Mrs, i'I:o'y,as
Lawson, Stratford, and Mrs. Fault
Gibbs, Clinton, and three wine, 'I'll -
Hata Brown, Summeroill John
Brown, Hullett, and ..lame:.'
Brown, Clinton. For the past few
Weeks it was known the end was
t n..
near and members of tier family
have been constantly at her bedside.
The end came about eight o'clock on
Tuesday evening. The remains were
11d:ought to Londesbo'r n for interment,
arriving on the noon train on
Thursday, and the funeral will take
place on 'Friday afternoon froiin the
home of Mr. John Brown, The Ser-
vices. will be conducted by Rev, C.
C, Maine, pastor of the Methodist
church of .which the deceased ;
Mr. Wm, Brigham left; Monday to
spend a couple of months with his.
ton, Dr. Brigham of Star City, Sask.
Mr. D. E. Dewar spent Sunday
with friends here. lire Dewar and
son returned to London with him et,
Mrs. and bliss Armstrong of Moles-
worth spent Sunday with the form•
er's son, Mr. 'IV. C'. Armstrong,
Mrs. White of Drayton is mains'
at 'the bonnie of her brother, Thomas
Mr. Thos. Lyon spent the holiday;
with Chatham friends and also visit-
ed his eon at Windsor,
Mr. Wm. Deer spent a few days;
with Toronto friends and took in the
Mr. Thos. Moon spent a few days,
in the Queen City this week.
A meeting was held Tuesday even-
ing in the Methodist church at.
which it was decided to hold the us-
ual fowl supper on Thanksgiving
Mr. J. W. Tamblyn hat, purehase.
a gas tractor engine and Is lasing it
for plowing,
Mr. C. Scott of Denfield spent
:last week.. as the guest of Mr, ('has,
Blaster Ray Mason Is spending a
few. holidays with Detroit friends'.
Mr. R. G. Reid and Miss M. Reid
of Varna i ;tont Sunday at the home -
of Mr. and Mrs. Tyner.
Mr. and Mrs. EarlMason De-
i o of D
troit were the guests of Mr. anti.
Mrs. 'i', Mason recently.
bliss Holland, our, popular school.
teacher, resumed her duties on Tues-
day after the long summer vacation.
bliss Margaret McLaughlin is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Tyner.
A Good Resolutions _ "I will' pay
was a ' my subscription to The News -Record'.
member. r in advance.,"
No warping or cracking is s possible with our secret
process semi -steel fire -box linings. Being in five pieces,
they are easilyremoved or replaced without. bolts or cement..
Before you invest in a new range let me show you the
Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor. ear