HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-09-07, Page 111
News -record.
No. 1953 •37th Year
should take• an interest in the pros-
peritg of an Up-to-date Local
Newts, -Paper like
The. NewsAle
"When in 9Gubt" For a 9rejent for the
J ride=tc= Ze Vhovse iilvea• 1
There is no other gift for the bride that is so un-
iversally certain to be greeted with joy, used with
pride, and treasured for years. We carry a large
and well assorted stock of 1847 RoGLRS Bros, knives,
forks, p
berry spoons, cold meat forks, pie servers, tea'
coffee, desert and table spoons and numerous other
useful pieces.
Also a good assortment of silver plated hollow
ware, c
cut glass, china and clocks.
W. iei1qar
fewelet ana Optician - - - Clinton
The Royal Bank
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 18,236,000
Total Assets 284,000,000
380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch
ryi INCORPORATED 1855 •••��
Capital and R,eserve 8 800 000
96 Branches in Canada. 't
'A General Banking Business Transacted„
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings BankDepartment.
tInterest allowed at highest current rate,
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
1 2 he glorrish
Clvths9 Co.
On Monday, August 28th, 'we began our Day
Letter Service. Fifty words or less may now be' sent
as .Day Lettergram to all points on C. P. R. for one and
one half times regular day rate, and one fifth of such
rate for each additional ten words or fraction thereof,
these tetters will be treated as a deferred service,
subordinate to the priority of transmission and delivery
of full paid telegrams.
Eitherfor business,or inasocial way, the public
should find this new service a great convenience.
We also advise reduction of rates to Manitoba
and many points in Saskatchewan.
(Cut this out for future erence.)
Agent C.P.R.
Phone 18 for Sunday or night calls.
Harold Ilunt, a student of the Clin-
ton School of Commerce, last year
made the highest record in typewrit-
ing of any student of any school in
Canada, T-Iow is that fur Clinton ?
Mr. - and Mrs, J. J. McCaughey an-
nounee the engagennent of their
daughter, Marls : to Mr. , John J.
Flynn, eldest son of Mr. and -Mrs.
Do vinic Flynn of Willett township.
The marriage will take place in.
Customs collections for ,five months
ending August 31st, 1910
April 1st to, Aug. 31st, 19,525,33
April lot toAug. ,3
Ap i t ti g. 31st, X12, i 2.33
Increase -for 1916 97,003.00
The name of J. R. Rumbalit• of
Toronto appears in the list of those
who were awarded captains' certifi-
cates after a terns. at the training
school at Cramp Borden. Mr. Rum -
ball, who qualified as , a lieutenant
last winter, has been attached to
the 229th, the York County Bette,
lion, and Jias been; assisting with re-
cruiting throughout the county for
some time. He is another old Clin-
ton boy who. is making good in the
big outside world but who was will-
ing to lay abide personal ambitions
in order to serve the Empire.
To see him walking briskly • up
street with erect bearing, meeting his
fellow -citizens and conversing about
the topics of the day, one can hardly
imagine that Mr. Isaac Jackson is
fourscore and six years of age. And
yet it is so. On Monday last, Septa
he passed the eighty-sixth mile-
stone on lire's journey. A long-time
citizen of Clinton, having come hero
winen the town was little more than
a crossroad, he has always had its
welfare at heart and being' cheery,
optimistic and kindly, now, in the
evening of life, he enjoys the regard
of his fellow -citizens. The News-Rec-
ord•hut voices the general sentiment
in offering Mr. Jackson felicitations
on the attainment of so venerable an
Every woman in Clinton is asked
,to note thatthe Women'sIatri
Society will hold their annual meet-
ing, for the election of officers and
the receiving of reports, 'on Friday
afternoon, Sept, nth, at three
O'clock in the council chamber. The
women ate also asked during the in-
tervening weeks to think about the
patriotic work which must be carried
on during tbe coming winter ani to
-come to the annual meeting • and
thus show an interest and a willing-
ness to assist:
The Society meets on Friday; al-
ternoon of this week and on Friday
of next weelcthe supplies on hand
Will be packed. All who have fin-
ished work kindly see that it is in
for the 22nd.
The following rinks took part in
the annual Labor Day Bowling Tour-
nament on Monday :
D. L. McPherson, R. W. -Reed, W.
Johnson, Capt, Dowding, skip Won
2, lost 1.
D. A. Forrester, 3'. H. 1 -lardy,
Bert Ilovey, J, E. Hovey, skirl, Won
3 games.
0, Libby, A. J, Holloway., W.
Grant, 'N, Ball, skip. Lost a games.
1', Jackson, J. Ransford, J. Mill-
er, J. Harland, skip, Lost 3 genes.
0. Holland, 10. Hunniford, 1. Wil-
tse, W. Jackson, skip, Won 2, lost
J. L. Hovey, winning three straight.
games, carried off fitst prize, Capt.
Dowding, with two wins and one
loss, getting the second prize. '
In the Scotch Doubles contest W.
Grant and (l, Libby won tbe first
Prize and John Harland and T. Jack-
son the second prize, The weather
was ideal for bowling and a most
enjoyable day was spent by all of
those taking pant in the contest.
Camp Borden, "August 61st.—An im-
pressive event in camp today was
the presentation of cants to the
161st Huron County? Battalion, the
colors being a gift from the Sol-
diers' Society of the town of Ex-
eter. The ceremony was attended by
Colonel S. 0. Mewburn, assistant ad-
jutant -general, officers of . headquar-
ters of camp brigade stalks and forty
visitors from Huron County.
Colonel Mewburn took the salute
during the march past, representing'
Major-General Logic, who is away
'frons camp today.
Capt. J, K. Tairfu•11, chaplain of
thc:I3uron battalion, consecrated the
colors, Rev. D. W. Collins, rector
of thehu
C ich of Ascension, Windsor,
formerly spoke of Exeter, oke oil behalf
of the presentation. eommiiktee, which'
was replied to by Lieut. -Col. IL 13.
Combe, the 16iist's .Commandant.
. Mrs. Creech presented the King's
colors to Major R. S. IT'ays, of the
1G'hst, Lieut. M. C. McLean receiving'
them. The regimental colors were
presented by lOIrs. ,Johns to Major W.
J, Neaman and received by Lieut, R.
A. Walter.
Wheat Vf.1.25,
Gaits 50e.
Barley GOo.
Butter 27c to 28c.
Eggs 27c to 28c.
Live hogs 0111.00.
Mrs. J, Lanxon and family desire,
through the medium of The News -
Record, to
ews-Record,'to thank their neighbors and
friends'. for tlic marry kindnesses
shown and the sympathy extended to
them in their recent bereavement.
Mr. W. Collyer, head cutter with
the !Jackson Mfg. Company, who has
been with the firm for fifteen years,.
severs his connection this week and
on Monday leaves for Hamilton where
he has accepted ap osition. Mr.
Collyer and his family, will ,be miss-
ed in many circles in Clinton. I -le is
himself a member i of several 'frater-
nal societies, a member of Willis
church choir and an officer ,in the.
Sunday' school. IIis' interesting tam-
ily will also be missed. For the
present Mrs, Collyer :and the family
will not leave town.
Sergeants Kemmis and McLeod of
the 239th Battalion, which is being
recruited for railway construction
and which will proceed overseas as
soon as it reaches' full strength, were
in town on Tuesday. The battalion
was started at Montreal but owing
to the- nature of the requirements
has been given permission to recruit
also in Ontario. Their present head-
quarters are in London and they
were looking up likely candidates
about here. This battalion will do
no fighting but will serve the Empire
by building the railroads, which are
so necessary in modern warfare,
The C.T.R. is putting.ou special
traits next week for the aecomuno-
dation Of those wishing to visit the.
Western Fair, 00 next Thursday,
morning only the special train p, ill
.801110 into the Clinton depot, eu all
•other days passengers wishing to
take this train will meet it at the
"Y," This concession is un account
of the fact that the Kitty Band goes
to London in a body on that.par-
ticular morning, it having been in-
vited to furnish one day's music at
the fair. The specials conte into the
depot always on the return Trip in
the evening,
The pastor, Capt. J. K. Fairlull,
is expected to preach in the Baptist
church on Sunday next,
Rev, Mr. Jones of Strathroy will
preach in Wesley church on. Sunday,
the pastor being absent: The Ep••
worth League meetings will be re
tinned 011 Monday evening after the
summer recess.
Rev, ,James Abrey of Londesboro
ipreached in Willis church on Sunday
at both services. The resignation as
pastor of the Rev. Frank 0. Harper,
who is et Clamp Borden acting as
chaplain for the 177th Battalion, was
read from the pulpit on Sunday. On
Monday evening a ' dongre.,ational
meeting will be held to consider it
and the natter will also be consider-
ed and acted upon at the Presbytery
meeting on Tuesday,
Last Wednesday, was the last half
holida}t for the season..
J. Cook, the "Old Reliable" bus-
man, now drives a 110116some Crew
The Public school, Collegiate - and
Business College opened - 'Tuesday
morning for the autumn term.
"Jan, 17" upon your label means
that your subscription is paid up to
Jan. Jet, 119l7. flow does yours
stand 7
Mr. Reuben Graham, the local
agent for the Ovcrlands, has sold a
car to Mr. Wee, Stevens of the
Base Line.
Mr. R. A. Roberton has been act-
ing the :role of inlne host at the
i;attcnbury House while "Ike" was
on his honeymoon.
At the council meeting yesterday
°Vening the question of the Middleton
drain came in for a good share of
discussion and it was decided to ask.
Dr. McNally, Provincial health In -
come andon i
spector, to o pr or nee upon
it. 'Upon his pronouncement depends
the further action of the council,
People You Know
Mrs. J. 'Flynn was in Goderich over,
the holiday.
Mrs. P. Cantelon spent the holiday
with Blyth friends. '
Sergt. and Mrs. Seigner went to
Toronto for the weekend,
Miss Viola Cook has taken a position
in Couch 4 Co's millinery depart-
Miss Daisy Copp has retuned to-�
Mealord to resume her teaching
Mi a N
and Its, Robt. Ma enzie
in Detroit over the week -end and
Dr. and Mrs, Wallace :Irwin of
Moose Jaw, Sask,, and Mr. J. W.
Irwin of London were le town on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Biggart and chil-
dren were the guests of friends at
Niagara Falls over the week -end
, and holiday,
Peop'e You Knew,
Mrs. C. 13artlilt spent the holiday is
Miss Jean Scott is visiting !London
friends this week,
Mr. A. Mitchell was a visitor in .De -
trait for the holiday,
Miss Ross Levis was seine over , the
week -end and holiday.
Mr. Wm, Walker was in Elmira last
week visiting his sister.
Mr. Albert Seeley and. Wilfrid are in
Toronto this week taking in l;he
Miss Margaret Torrance and Mrs.
Cranston leave today for fort Ar-
Dr. and Mrs. Axon spent the week-
end and holiday With Mitchell
Mrs. R. J. Clulf left on Friday to
spend a few weeks with her
daughter i -n Hamilton,
Miss 'Hattie Courtiee retained on
Monday from a holiday visit in
Toronto and Peterboro.
llrs. Andrew Porter of Goderich was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.
Tyndall, on the holiday.
iVlr. Heppler, teller in the local
branch of the Royal Bank, spent
the holiday in Stratford,
Miss Helen Fisher of Denver, 001.,
is expected tomorrow to wish her
sister, Mrs. R. E. Manning.
Miss Mary Carber:t left tofiay for
Quill Lake, Sask,, where she has
accepted a position as teacher.
was. Joseph Guest of Wingham spent
the week -end and holiday. with her
nmotiier, Mrs. Mitchell of Albert
111dss Ruby Irwin returned to Toron-
to the beginning of the week after
speeding a vacation at her Bonne in
11r, and Mrs, Ray Rumball of Goder-
ich were the guests of the former's
mother from Saturday until. bion -
Mrs. Rhmball, local manager of the
Bell Telephone CO., is on duty:
again this week after spending a
, vacation with Wingban and Goder-
ich friends,
Messrs. W. R. Counter, .3, A. 1•`ord,
],Schoorthals, and Reuben and Roy
Graham motored up to. Camp 13o1: -
den on Sunday and were there for
the review on Monday,
Mrs. Herbert Hughes has returned
to her ]rouse in Fort William after
an extended visit with her father,
Mr, James Stevens of town, and
with other friends hereabouts.
Mrs. H. W. Cook has returned .from
a visit in - Toronto and Detroit.
Her daughter and son-in-law, Dr..
and Mrs.Garrett of Hamilton, ar
spending a fortnight with her.
.Airs. Campkin and Miss Frances and
Miss Edith Lee left for. their Bonin
at Regina, Sass:,, on Momlay after
spending some weeks as the guests
of their sister and aunt, Mrs.
lVlessss, Lorne Meire0, Percy Couch,
W. Plumsteel, Frank Pennabaker,
Charlie Cantelon, L.. Harland and
J. Cl. Beaton were among the many
who spent a day or so in Toronto
this week,
illr, 13, 0. Eastman was called to
Arkona last week otiing to the.
death 'of a relative. In company
with his brother, Agent, Eastman
u made
ofrl burn, hethe tri n
I by
motor on Saturday.
Miss Clete Ford has received an ap-
pointment as a member o1 the
teaching staff of the London Con-
servatory of Music and .after this
week will probably spend about
half her time in London.
Miss iVlolfat left last week for Mon-
treal to resume her duties as
dcaconness at St, James' church
in that city. She had been a
guest for a fortnight at the . home
of IVIr. awl Mrs. J. A, Irwin,
Mr. John {look of New York {City
reeentlyi-visited his aunt, Airs.
Mary Cantelon, and with other
friends in town. Mrs. Mulholland
and Miss Muriel accompanied hint to
Goderich on his leaving here.
Mr, i). Gardner, who has been spend-
- ing the past couple of months or
so with relatives in town, left
Monday for Montreal and goes at
once to Winnipeg, where he has
taken a good 'position with a
wholesale firm,
Miss Marion Irwin, , who has been
working in connection with the
Old Brewery Mission, Montreal, for
the past couple of months, is this
week undergoing an operation in
an hospital in Montreal and will
probably not be home for a fort-
Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Downs and blas-
ter Everett 'were rn Toronto last
week, the latter undergoing a min-
or operation at the Hospital for
,Sick Children. ivlr, Downs re-
turned the end of the • week, Mrs,
Downs and little son arriving tome
on Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Henry leave
next week for London, where they
intend taking up heir residence.
Clinton is sorry to lose this fam-
ily from town but trusts good for-
tune may attend them in their
new home. Mr. 'Siebert Henry
will enter the Western 'University
the beginning • f the fall term
at be o
g 6
Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Morrish, Miss
Bessie, Miss Minnie Cooper and
Mrs, Ieairlull and Miss Lillian
motored to Camp Borden on Sun-
days and were also there on - Mon-
day for the review, before the Duke
of Connaught. 'l'hey went on to
Collingwood' on Monday to visit
friends, returning Tuesday. ivlr. J.
W. Nediger took. the party in his
People You Know.
Miss Louise Beaton has returned
from a trip through the west.
Yiiss Jennie '1 aplor of London is a
guest of the Misses Southcombe,
Messrs. H, and Perry Plumsteet
went down to Toronto yesterday],
Miss C. Crooks has taken a position
in St. Marys for the autumn season,
Mrs. James Webster of Londesboro
is visiting with her daughter, Mrs,
C. 1.. Saville; •
Mr, Walter Jackson of Brantford was
a visitor at the parental horse in
town over the week -end.
Misses Eva and Mabel Cluff spent
Sunday and the holiday as the
_guests of Miss Emily Morrison of
Miss Vera Trick visited last week
with her cousins, Miss Grace Moore
or •Forest and Miss Angeline Trick
of Thedtord.
Mr. Albert IKentp a:ucl son George of
London were visitors at the home
of the former's brother, Mr, S.
I'lemp, on Labor Day.
Miss Bertha Webster returned to hen
home at Londesboro on Tuesday af-
ter visiting for a month with her
aunt, 1vlrs. G. E. ,Saville.
Mr, 'vVm. Rutledge, bookkeeper for
the Maxwell IVtotoo Co., New Cas-
tle, Ind,, has • been spending his
vacation at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutledge
of town.
Popular Goderich Township
Couple Wed.
A veryl quiet but preltytl wedding
took place at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. Robt. Pearson of Goderich
township at high noon on Tuesday
ween their only daughter, Flossie
Anna, became the bride of bit. Clif-
ford George Lobb, second son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11, .Cobh, also of God-
erich township.
Promptly at twelve o'clock, to the
strains of Lohengrin's bridal chorus,
played by 111r. Geo, Pearson, the
bride's brother, the bride entered the
drawing room leaning on the arm of
'her father, who gave her away, She
wore a lovely wedding gown of ivory
satin with trimmings of georgette
crepe, her bridal veil caught up in
Juliet cap effect with crown of or-
ange blossoms. She also wore the
groom's gift, a handsome necklet of
pearls, and carried a shower bouquet
of bridal roses. The bridal pair
stood during the ceremony beneath a
wedding bell hung Irons a canopy of
evergreen and asters,
Rev. Dr, Rutledge, pastor of Wes-
ley church, Clinton, performed the
ceremony in the presence of Immed-
iate relatives. During the signing
of the register Mc, Geo, Pearson
sang in splendid voice, "I Love
Your, 'Truly," and "0, Promise Me,"
When the newly" -wedded pain liad
received the congratulations of the
assembled friends they led the way
to the dining room, where a tempt-
ing wedding luncheon was served,
and in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Lobb took the train from Clinton
for a honeymoon trip to Niagara
Falls. and Buffalo. The bride travell-
ed in a handsome suit of navy . blue
with picture hat aind wore•a corsage
boquet of sweetheart reser.
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts, among them being a
piano, the gift of her father,
Both young people are well-known
anci popular among their circle of
friends and have the best wishes of
all for a happy anii prosperous wedd-
ed life,
Mr. and .Mrs, 1'.,ashbrook, who have
been visiting at the lady's parental
home, that of .Mr. and Mrs. Id, Pick-
ard, have returned to their borne in
Mitchell. •
Miss Helen Leroyd of Regina,
Saslc., is visiting at the home of 11e1:
grandmother, Mrs. Rutledge of the
Huron Road,
A'lr, 5. T. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Schwantz, Mr. 'Theo, Wilson and
others from this vicinity have been
attending .the Canadian Northern at
1010, and Mrs. R, 1-T, Fauber and
family of Locust. Hill spent a few
days with friends here, returning
home Thursday.
The services in' the Methodist cher-
ch oft -Sunday were taken in the
morning by the . Epworth League,
Mr. G. Gould and Miss 0, A. I3olnt-
es land'ling the topic, and in the ev-
ening by NIr. 0. H. Holland, who
preached a practical and inspiring
sermon. Next week the pastor, Rev.
Air. Sinclair, will resume his work.
The funeral of the late George Ren-
der on Wednesday of last week was
one of the largest seen in this vicin-
ity for a long time. The services' at
house and graveside were Conducted
bythe assof
pastor the Methodist
Re A.Sinclair, who re-
turned from his vacation to officiate.
Rev. R. J. McCormick of Blyth, who
was well-known to the deceased, be-
ing formerly ;pastor here, was on his
wayi west at the time and could not
be reached.
Mrs. Cleo. Render wishes to extend
thanks to the many friends and
neighbors for the assistance shown
during her recant severe bereavement.
Mr. T . Merner has purchased
new car.
Mrs. 'Phos, King was caked 0 '
Stratford 011 :Ronda}i on account 1)1
the illness of her mother, Mrs,
Mr. James Ivamslep left 0n Moat
(lay for Winnipeg,
! Miss C, Baxter, who has spent ilos
past summer with :Miss Ferguson,
1 returned to her home in London o>
Monday. •
Mr. G. 13, Patterson of London
'spou't the week -end with his family;
who are summering In the village.
1 Public school opened on '1 uesday-
with Miss ;D Geddes of Luclmow as.
principal and Mrs. James Ferguson
as assistant.
1 Rev. Mr. Brooks, wlio has bees..
supplying the Methodist pulpit Irr.
Ithe absence of the pastor, Rev. J..
E. Jones, left for his own charge at.
' Sombre on Wednesday.
1 IlIr. Clifford Pollock spent the
holiday at London,
Mrs, Arthur Stalker and son, Nee -
man, of Toledo are the guests et
Mrs. Stalker's sister, Mts.' George
Dewar 'of the Sauble Line.
Miss Lulu King left on 1Vionday for
Stratford to attend Normal.
Miss Edith Green spent a few
days last week as the guest of her
cousin, Mrs. E. A. Sender of Kit-
Mr. 0. II. holland of Clinton oc-
cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's
chiiurch on Sunday morning last. ,
Thursday, Sept. 11th, has been
proclaimed civic holiday for Hay,
Mrs. (Inas. Simons of Goderich and
Father Sharman of Memphis, Time.,
spent Monday with friends in Oo
ilfrs. Moorehouse and :Mrs, lt'i,cocr-
er are attending the 'Toronto FsJr,
Mrs. Shurman and 0151)11 of 179,
troit are guests at the hone of Rev:
W. and Sirs, llinde,
Messrs. James Reid, Arthur, El-
liott, Daniel Shearer and 1M Me -
Laughlin were visitors at the 'li3Mil••
to ;Fair last weeir.
Mr, and .firs. (leo. Fisher and eon,
Master Millar, of Waterloo and Miss
Ruby Fisher of Kitchener -were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs F. A. bet -
wards over: the week -end.
Mrs. • (Dr.) Chas. Logan and ;:bribe
09 Trout Lalce, Mich., were the.
guests of the lady's sister, etre.
Samuel Cleave, last week.
Orr. and firs. John Biggart are
spending a week in Toronto vritla
their daughter, Mrs. Baker,
hlr. Hugh McLaren and wife o9
Port Eigin visited the latter's moth-
er, Mrs. Wm. Stirling, last week.
Mrs. John Foster and daughter,.
Miss Floretta, of Kitchener are the
guests of Mrs. Herbert Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Giflispie, Miss Hein,:
Gillispie, Mrs.. Laughed, Mise
Lougheed, bliss Spencer, Miss
Josephine Spencer, Mr. Ritchie,
lYliss Ritehie, Mr. A. Graham,
bliss Wilson, the Misses Ash-
well' of London ; Mr. and Nirs, Gov -
en, Billy Goven, Stratford ; Mr. Mal-
colm Douglas, Mrs, Douglas, I.ieut.
M. L. Douglas, signalling officer Lot
13attalion, just returned from the
front, Woodstock ; Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Barr, Windsor ; Roy M.
Horsley, l3ufkalo, -said Mr. Philip•
Hermann, New York, were guests at
Miss Ferguson's,
Stanleij Township
Mr, Victor Evans, son of Mr. Wnr.
Evans of the Lake Shore Road, has.
taken charge ot'the Parr Line school
for the term just opened and eenr:-.
menceti duties on Tuesday morning.
Mr. IT. Lippert of Kitchener, au•
eompanied by a friend, spent the
weak -end as guests at the hoarse of
Mr: Launcelot Clark,
Miss Christina Montieth of Stret-
ford teas the guest of Mrs, J. Ve..,
Reid over the week -encs..
Mr, flop Dewar assumed his rlitfee•
as teacher of the Babylon Line school.
on Tuesday last,
Miss Mabel Clark, who has spent
the summer vacation under the par:- =
ental roof, returned to Markdale ora
Monday to resume her teaching dun -
fes. Miss Cora Nicholson at the:
same time took charge of a oohed
in the next section to Miss Mark-.
We are glad to .report that Mr.
Geo Elliott, who sustained a frac-
ture of the shoulder a short time,,
ago owing to being thrown from hie!
buggy when his horse took fright at
a passing bicycle, is now able to be
about again as usual. '
Little Miss Marie Elliott, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, W. Elliott of the
Goshen Line, who has been quite:
seriously }31, is recovering.
Mr. Chas. Reid and family, tverl5
the guests of the former's sister,
Mrs. W. Rathwell, on Sunday last.
It is with regret that we speak of
the serious' illness of Mr. Richard
Penh le.
a Sli rh
hopes are entertaim-
6 p
ed for, his recovery,
Mrs. Ed. Johnston of the Goshew
Line, accompanied by her sister -in
law, Mrs. R. Welsh of Clinton, has
been taking in the Canadian Nation
a1 at Toronto this week.
Mrs. McEwan and Mrs. J. Macfar-
lane were the delegates of the local.
Women's Patriotic Society at a
meeting of the workers of Ream
county held hi 'Clinton on Monday..