HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-08-31, Page 8lipanninisammannasempaunnissima A Family Shoo Storo.! We meet every requirement of every.m.embet of the family! ' Among our patrons there are many families where we shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby I. We shoe every mernber because they all know where to come for-- PERFECT or—PERFECT SHOE SATISFACTION ! Shoes of comfort for eldei'ly.people; shoes of style and durability for the middle aged; shoes for strenuous wear and adapted to the growing feet of boy and girl, We stand ready to prove a benefit to any fam- ily. It Will be worthyour while to test us ! You'll be quick to discover why so many call this "Their Shoe Store," FRED. JACKSON Angnst Specials During the balance of August we are offering some wonderfully low prices on the following lines, Women's and children's wash dresses, gowns, drawers, underskirts, etc. Wash goods—muslins, voiles, ginghams, etc. Shoes—A11 white canvas shoes at cost. Special prices on patent and dong pumps. Also extra special prices on boys' school suits and odd pants and boys' and girls' school shoes. Give us a call, we can save you money. Agents Semi - Ready Tailoring and New Idea Patterns. Bros. Phone 25, - More Business Plumsteel Small Profits ram Lines Popnhtr Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlac, Campbell's Varnish stain, Alluminum paint, GoldPaint, White enamel, Buggy and wagon .paint, New Home washing machines, Garden hose and sprays, Perfection and Puritan oil stoves are all carried by Harland Bros, and everything else in hardware. 3 lave n mowers at cost. Oils Palatine, Separator, Black, Castor, and the celebrated xxxx Cylinder, Harness, Linseed, Neatsfoot heavy machine oil. Try- it, llarland Bros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It ;s not necessary for us 'to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines; they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with ns. Ostermoor Mattresses are'good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15, Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. 17very house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting, Free trial (given, Price ,$12,50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and bear our,Oolumbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have beard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ba & Atkinson S 11k n o n. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone. 110, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 180 ENJOY Your VERANDAH. You can make it into the pleasant- est room of the home, a cosy, com- fortable, homelike gathering place for all the family, a cool, shady, out- door play.roonn for. the children'' and an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a- partment -by equipping, it with wood slat shades. We have them in smock, 4, 5, 6, 7, Sand 10 feet wide, they have a no -whip attachment that pre- vents them' swinging in the wind, will beautify the "home, shut out the strong sun- but let in the air. They will make_ your rooms seven degrees cooler. ' W. D. FAIL CO.. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best. Miss Ella IKerr of Weston is visiting Mrs, S. S. Cooper: Miss K. E. Brown is 'the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Crich. Miss Gestic Cridh is a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fowler. Air. and Mrs. J. W, Moore spent Sunday at the camp at Burk's. Misses Maud and• Margaret Torrance are spending a few days in Toron- to. Pte. Norman Werritt of Camp Bor- den was in 'town over the week- Rev, J. W. Ribbert of Wingham was a visitor at the Ontario street Parsonage the latter end of the week, Miss Graham is in Toronto this week visiting the big fair and layiug'10 a stock of art materials for her win- ter's wook. Miss I''lorence Chapman returned to Ripley on Saturday after spending a week in town with the Misses Walkinshaw, Messrs, G. M. Elliott and C. Whit- more, took a Clinton Motor truck to Toronto last week for entry at the Canadian National, 1Ir. Murray McNeil is in Toronto Ulla week assisting with the Doh- erty Piano Co's exhibit at the big fair. Miss 8'. Waldron left on Monday to spend a week or so with Miss L. Shultz at Auburn and 1M1iss J. Grainger at Londesboro. Mr. James Smillie and his sister, Miss Marys, of Seaforth were guests for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. Cantelon, air. W. 1:. Rands of Arnprior, for- merly a member of the Clinton Collegiate teaching staff, has been visiting friends in town during the past week, Miss McTavish, who has been resid- ing in town for some titney has returned to Seaforth, having taken a position in the Jackson Mfg. Co's branch there. Mrs. Geo. Cook and children of Sea - forth visited at the home o1 Mrs. Eliza Cook and with other friends in town over the week -end, going on to Goderich. Dr. and Mrs. Holloway of Peterboro are in town this 'week and were guests at the Rattenbury-Holloway wedding. Mrs. Holloway has been here for a week or so. Mr. Harry. Hunt of Galt has been a visitor in town during the past: week,• having come up to be present at the funeral of the late Mrs, T. R. Foster, an old-time friend. Messrs. Fred- TynhalJ and Norman Holland have gone to Virden, Man. on the harvesters' excursion, hav- ing been ticketed through by Mr. A. T. Cooper, local C,N.R agent, Miss Jess O'Neil lett Saturday for Alberta, where she bas taken a position as teacher. Her school is within eight miles .of Olds, Alta., where Rev, D. K, and MTs. Grant - are located. Mr. Dodds Holloway of the Royal Bank staff, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. is spending! a vacation , at his home in town, having come to be present; at the marriage of his sis- ter, which took place yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Will -Carter and Mrs. Fred Match attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Lawrence Bell of Cloderich . township, on Thursday last. On their return they visited the camp. of the Boy '', Scouts at '.Iron Springs, to see their sons who were spending the week there. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Treleaven and'' Miss Norma returned Monday. from Lueknow, where they had spent a. fortnight with friends, Mr. Tre- leaven had been in. Toronto previ�- oaslq attending spe::ial summer classes at the University and Mrs. Treleaven and Miss. Norma had vis- ited friend's at Lapeer, Mich. Mrs. D. Wood and little 'daughter, Miss Edith, left this week for Tor- onto and will spend a couple of days at the Exhibition and a few days with friends at Unionville be- fore returning to their home on a ranch near Maple ' Creek, , Sask', Mrs, Wood has been spending the past couple of months as the guest of ber mother, Mrs. Turner of Jo- seph) street. Clinton News -Record August 314 MM16 Our Special READY-TO4VEAR UhLLT/ A new shipment of these goods has just_been received. We can honestly recommend every item as one which will give you long, satisfactory wear and full value for your money. In fact, as the cost of materials has advanced three times since the war commenced, the values are really better than usual as we have not yet increased our prices, But these are only a few of the at- tractive lines and honest values we have to offer you. Come in and see our complete stock, you make your dollars go further here, s. ungalow Apron New svle apron, similar to Coverall • Apron without sleeves. Covers dress completely, Made of good quality, serviceable prints that will wash well. Belt at back, pocket, trimmed with white bias binding all aroaround.Sizes . 36 to 42. Each 45c. ' Child's Middy Dress WHITE PIQUE MIDDY DRESS A. stylish little dress in much favor, made of fine white pique, low neck, sailor collar, with middy lace: Plat- ed skirt, tuck at top of skirt. Sizes 4 and 6. Each $1.00 The same diess as above, sizes 8, 10 and 12. Each $1.15 PRINT MIDDY DRESS Made of good quality stripped prints, collar, cuffs, short sleeves, plaited skirt with tuck at top. Sizes 4 and 6 Each 69c. As above, sizes 8, 10 and12, Each 8ge. You will always find a full assortment of up-to-the-min- ute styles here. Coverall Apron Kimona style, made of good quality washable print. Neck,.sleeve, pock- et and belt piped with white bias binding. Cuff on sleeves gives extra length, Sizes 36 to 42. While the price ot prints has advanc- ed several times we are still supply- ing this old favorite in the same quality prints at Each 50c, Combination Set H©USE DRESS, APRON AND DUST CAP HOUSE .DRESS Blue print, good washable quality, trimmed with white piping, snug fit- ting, sizes 36 to 42. ARON---Bib over head, black and white striped print, trimmed all round with white bias binding, length 46 inches. Button at back. CAP—Plain blue print to match dress, trimmed with white, attractive style. Be Sure To See This Set Each Set, $1.25 House Dresses A serviceable well made and neatly fitting house dress. Made of good quality prints, attractive patterns. Long sleeves, collar and front of waist taimmed: with white. Skirt is four gored and has a wide pleat down centre, Piped with white at waist line. Sizes 36 to 42, tach $1.0Q, Child's Coverall Apron Attractive patterns in good washable prints, trimmed with white binding, pocket, belt at back. Sizes 8, 10, and 14. Each 39c. It's a pleasure to show our goods—give us a chance. Comae and see us, Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Nest Royal Bank. Men's Store Custom Tailoring and - 11:1en's ]furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library, People You Know .Mrs, W, J. Ross and Miss Melen are in Toronto this week, Mrs Geo. Burnett is visiting her daughter, airs. Thos, Dunbar of Sarnia, Mrs. Brock, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. (Puningharne, left Monday to visit at Watford before returning to her home at 'Vancouver. Mrs. Alf. 'Torrance mild little daugh- ter Margaret left Saturday. for their home in I5lint, -pita., after a Visit of some weeks with Mr, and Mrs. J. Torrance of town,' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ohapphl of Lansing, Mich., and Mrs. Wm. ('ole of ,Flint, same state, are visiting their sister, Mrs, Cuilmore, and other friends in town. Mrs. Christian and her daughter-in- law, Mrs, (Dr.) Christian, and babe, who have been visiting Dr, and Mrs. (randier, left for Toronto the beginning of the week. Miss Grace Shepherd, who Inas been spending a part of her vacation at Lambeth and Detroit, is home this week but leaves on Saturdays for Ottawa to resume her teaching du- ties. Mrs. R. L. Rutledge ands babe of Montreal, who had been spending the summer as' the guests of Rev. Dr, and-- Mrs. Rutledge at Wesley parsonage, left for their home an Friday afternoon. Mrs, D, Cantelon and Miss Dorothy, who have been spending the sum mer with Mrs. Weatherwax at her summer hone at Orillia, have gone out to Skull Creek, Sask,, to vis- it the former's son. MVlr. bid, .5. Jenkins, Slrs. Jenkins, Master George and Miss Elizabeth Krause, who have been spending their vacation at Woodland's farm and 13urk's Camp, return to Toron- to the end of the week, bir. Ern. Davis, 'of Toronto, son of bir, Silas Davis, who: has been con ducting a hardware business on Do vercourt Road for several years, has decided to move to Sunderland where he has bought a mote erten sive business. Miss Lelia Ford, who has been teach- ing in the west for the past two or three years,' and who has .spent the' summer vacation at her home ins town, leaves Monday, to enter Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, as a probationary Heine. Mr, and Mrs. D, S. Kemp and three children left for, 'their bonne at Ottawa on Monday after: spending the vacation as the guests of the totmet's mother, Mrs. J, Shepherd.. Mr. Kemp is principal of the Man- uel Art' school in the Canadian cap- ital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paltrier leave to- day for Seaforth, where they will make their house. Mr. Palmer is going to take a position in the Jackson Mfg. Co's branch there. Clinton citizens are spew to' lose Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, add to .obit of Wm, Wheatley. People You Know Miss Alice Holmes orf Sarnia is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex. Beaton, Miss i-Iolmes spent July with Ottawa friends and also made a stay of some weeks at i:agane- tau'an River and Lake Karin, Miss Mary L. Holmes, who has spent bur. vacation with friends at "Nee pawn, Moose Jaw, and in this vis- inity, left Saturday for Medicine IIat, Alta., to resume her duties as a member of the Public Schools teaching staff. St._H:elens Mrs,. W. 11. Gordon has returned to the village after spending a few weeks in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I Sturdy. of Wtnghnam motored to Dungannon On Sunday to see the latter's father, who is very ill, and they called au friends at St. ]=felons enroute. Rev. bit. Mckenzie is spending a few days visiting friends about 5t. Helens, Rev. Mr. Mckenzie of I{inlo;tgh conducted services in the Presbyter- ian church here on Sunday- last. Rev. Dr. Martin of Stratford will preach Sunda' next . e Sunday. 1Miss Caroline Webb spent a few ,days With Miss_: Luella .Farrior, Zurich Mrs. Norman Rupp and children of Detroit were here last week visiting relatives. Messrs. E. PubY, F. Thiel, E. Weide, R. Ifalbfieisoh and . 1,, W. Hallman motored over to Detroit re- cently and spent a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Holtzman of Ki.t- ohner have been visiting the former's father, Mr. 0, Holtzman. Mr. James Watson and slaughter were, callers in town recently. Mr, 0, Patterson of Caro, Mich,, has been visiting at the home of Mr. W. Lamont. Mr. and Mrs, John TI'ohner mf IUt- ebner, were guests of Zurich friends last week Cora few days. Misses Tillie and Nettie Well of Detroit are speeding a vaeati.on at the home of their parents, Mr, and Airs. H. Well, Mr, Dan, Thiel went west With a car of horses for Mr, J. J,' Mernes. last u'colt, Mrs. 0. Fritz and children are spending a few weeks 'camping 'at Grand Bend. Mr. Peter Lamont has gone west with a cut of horses. Mr, T. 'Zeller' of I(itcnncr visited the home of 1VIr. J. F. Riolcbell for a few days recently. Dr. 13. 'A, Campbell visited Camp Borden last week for a few. days. Alas. T. N. Jarvis and three , sons of Dresden, and Mrs. W. 0, Knechtei and children of laaehner have .been the guests of Mrs. J. Pester. . Hallett Township Miss Mildred Fitzpatrick of Wawan- osh is visiting - her uncle and aunt, Mt, and Mrs. Richard Blake, Mr. Mike Cummings of St. August- ine Sundayed at the home et Mr; and Mrs. 0. Flynn. Mr. and 'hits, George Jzreeskopf of Dublin spent it couple of days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos, Tighe. Mrs, George Coekerline and son, Wesley, have returned to their home in 'roranto after spending sae weeks with friends 111 Mullett and Morris townships, Wingham Mr. and Mts. Thos. J. Watts left last week on a trip to the west.' They will be absent several weeks. J)r. Fox and family have returned hone after a visit of some weeks with friends at Athens, Mich, Major Sinclair and Capt. Vanstone were down from Camp Borden re- cently. Mr. J. I1. Skelly of Cobalt has been visiting at the home of Mr, Arthur Idaines. Hensall Mr, Alvin Mitchell ot Atwood was the guest for a few days last week of. Mrs, W. J, Miller. Mrs, hlilis and . daughter Mattie have returned. from a visit in De- troit. Mfrs. Geo. Lodge of Cleveland, 0- ' 11io, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Drake. hlrs, 1{ Catlin has gone to Luean to visit i•irends, Mr. John Buchanan of New York pis home on a visit to his - parents. Mrs, Ben Caldwell of Carberry, bran•,, is the guest of her sister-in- law, Mrs. 0, Joynt. Misa Hattie McQueen is holidaying with friends in Hanover.• 1Mr, Albert whitesides Inas return- ed from a business trip to Detroit. Mr. Herbert Blatchford of Kinder-- ley,.Sask., has been visiting his bro- ther, Mr. has Blatchford, Mr. D. Urquhart and daughter, Miss Beatrice, were guests last week with relatives in Chatham. Mrs. I8, Cudtnore has returned from a visit with members ofher family in Toronto. Mrs, John Mason and little child of Lielgrave have been visiting the lady's parental home in town, that of Mr. James Clark, Mrs. Cali Willson of Superior City has been here visiting her brothers, Messrs. John and ;William Caldwell. Misses Alice and Margaret Hab- kirk recently returned from a visit with relatives at :Bad Axe. Miss Mabel Cudmore, vvlro has graduated as a nurse from the Strat- ford hospital, has gone to New York to take a post -.graduate Bourse, Londesboro. The regular monthly Meetingg ' theWomen's Institute will 1 be led at the house of Mrs. (Dr.) Young next Thursday afternoon, :111 ladies are invited to attend, Miss J':dna Lyon is spen•ling a few days at 'Toronto Exhibition this. week, 1fr. John Brown spent Tuesday 111 Stratford, being called there owing to the illness of 1115 another, Mrs, W. Lee spent a few days with her mother in Stratford. Miss Nettie Woodman . returned Monday after spending a few weeks with her brother at Tilbury. Mrs. D. E. Dewar and son of Lott don are visiting the former's moth- er, Mrs•. E. I,yon. Mr. D. D. Roberton, who has been relieving at the G.T.P. 'station while Agent Lyon had his :vacation, left on .Tuesday for Blyth, where he will ?relieve for a week. Mr, Wm. Brigham expects to leave shortly to visit his son, Dr. Brigham, of Star City, Sask. Mrs. John Nott spent a few days last week with Goderich friends, Mt, W. Geddes of 13oigrave spent fuesday at the llonle of his broth- er, Mr. 1). Geddes, Mrs. W. Gibbs had the misfortune to fall recently and fracture her shoulder bone. Mr. John Batton received a ear of cement this week, Misses Edith Ind Susie Sampsom are visiting friends at Canfield, Harold Richards .is improving aftet suffering for several days from blocl' poisoning. Consta nee Alts ;J. 1!1. McGregor and daughter of Walkerton are visiting the lady's - sister, Mrs, Wm, Rinn. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Tebbutt of God- erich township spent Sunday as the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Rog- erson. Miss Dickson of Detroit is a guest at the home of her cousins, the Messrs. Snell. Mrs, Farnham and son have return- ed home after, spending a' couple of weeks with the lady's sister in De- troit, Mr. 'Wm. Hall of London and Lieut. 0. Hall of Camp Borden, spent a few days at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Hall. Miss Florence McIntosh and Miss Vera and Arnold ('olclougir spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Williams: Pear and with other friends, Mr. Geo. Wheatley was called to Clinton on Sunday evening owing to the sudden death ot his brother, 1V. 0. Wheatley. ' Mr, Adam Glazier and sons of Clinton were the guests en atmlay of Mrs. Thos. Pollard, Miss Della Button is visiting w1t111 Miss Been Clarke.