HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-08-31, Page 5August 31st, 1916 Clinton News -Record Goderich Mrs, 'Reg. Shartnan has been • viS stung at Guelph. • Mr. and Mrs, Theis. Steels and daughter {lave returned to • their :home in Brandon, Mail„ after a vis- it of some weeks with the former's .brothel', Mx. Philip Steels.' Mrs, S. E. Hick and Miss' Celia ,Robinson have gene on a trip to leveland, Ohio. Mrs. Grummett has gone to Cabri, Sask,, to -visit her Son and daugh- ter. Mr. Brune Anderson of Ottawa lies been visiting in town. lift. Garfton Burdett/0 of Detroit' has been visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George H. King. are spending a fortnight in Detroit, Mr. C, W. Feick of iitchner spent a few days in town recently, ' Misses Sarah and Tena McKinnon are visiting in Toronto and 'Grims- by.' Grims- by.'' • Ella Nlap, the twelve-year old dau- , Miter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown.- - lee of Cainpria. 'Road, died on Toes- -dap of last week following an oper- ation. Mr, Scott McNally was at London and Port Stanley last week holiday- ing. Miss Macpherson of the Ilegistery Iiiiioffice is spending a vacation at St, ii `Thomas. Mrs. C, C, Williams of Lansing, Mich„ anti Mrs. R. J. Watson of De- -trotharo visiting their sister, 'Mrs. eorge Bates. 4 .:. Thos. Tabb has gone to Maple Creek, Sask,, to assist with the harvest and tovisit relatives.s. to 12rs.. N ft � Marjorie Andres last le week to visit friends at Seaforth and Toronto before going on to her school at Sturgeon Falls. Mrs: Sidney Nlalcolmson left last week to visit with Burlington friends before leaving for her home at New 'Westminster, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Brown of Kalamazoo Mich„ have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Black- of town. Mrs,. Brown was formerly Miss Jean Vivian:. ' Major Leeds was 'bottle on his last leave before going overseas With his battery. Miss Pearl Clark has gone on a visit to Winnipeg and Dakota. The call from Knox congregation to Rev. Mr. McDiarmid of Stayner Was sustained at a special Meeting of the Presbytery of Huron last week. Miss Lillian Kuntz was married in St. Peter's church on Tuesday of 'last week to Mr. John Tanke of Stratford, Rev, Father Mc('rae being the ollleiating clergyman. Seaforth. \ir. 'Roy Everitt of Smith's Falls vas a visitor with his parents re- cently. Mr's, W. D. Bright was the guest of Col, and. Mrs. Wilson at Bayfield i• last week. Mrs. IV. 0. \'ani'igmond has return- ed from a visit with Aylmer friends, Mrs. Reginald Wilson of New York -has been visiting ]ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV. E. Southgate. Mrs. Itackland has returned it. vhsttwith b after a to'Tor- i •nMr. and t Mrs. W. Sclater, 1'Ir. and Mrs. R. 11. Archibald have returned to their home at Dunnville after a few weeks' stay. with Mr, and Mxs. James Archibald, Miss Mary Tweedle, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Dorothy Wilson, has returned to her home in Fergus, Messrs. J. V. Daly and W. J. Beat- ty took the truck, donated by the committee of the Allied Fair, to Camp Borden last week and present- ed it to the 161st battalion, Miss Lillian Isabel Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wil- son of town, was united in marriage on Wednesday of last week with, Mr. Irving Sutherland, assistant postmas• -ter of Owen Sound. Only immediate Ilasii.,w,...:„.relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev, D. Carswell of 'Madam A branch of the Boy Scouts has been formed in Seaforth with Rev, 'T, H. Brown as president and Revs. F. H. Larkin and Cleo, McKinley as vice presidents. Mr. Geo McKay and family motor- ed up from 'Lavistoek and spent a 'few daps as the guests of Mrs, Geo. 'McTavish. Miss Belle McNah is spending a vacation with friends at Windsor and Detroit. Mr A. Morrison returned last week to Cleveland alter a visit with fri- ends here andin McKillop, • Miss Eva. Holmes, who is 'a nurse - in -training in a Boston hospital, is holidaying at the home of here par- •ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Holmes. Mr. John Robb has gone to Cluny, Alberta, to look after: his harvesting .operations.. Miss Grace Weir was the guest last week of bliss Bess Hays at their, summer camp at Camp Borden. Mrs. TVl:eNaUg-htoll has returned to her home at Calgary after having 'settled the affairs . of her mother, the late Mrs. (Rev.) Barr. ' ..lir. M. Broderick left Saturday for LeQuebec City to ' attend the Grand dge of the C.iti.B,A:, as represent- ative from the Seaforth brink, Miss Mabel Thompson has return- ed from a holiday visit to Burling- ton. Mr. Arnold Habkirk has gone to Dunnville to take a position on the pasto(iice staff. Mrs. Joseph Dormice has been via - thing friends in Sarnia and Detroit. 'Mr. Wm. Wilson has returned front an extended visit in the western. provinces. He went west it June as a delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Cliurch. at Winni- peg. Mrs. James Beattie of Welland is Visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B; Mc- Lean, and with other friends in town and surrounding -'Vicinity, Clinton ' Boys in' France. The following letter reached The News -Record office from the trenches in France a short time ago t ''Drily 21st,' 11918." "Dear: Mr. Mitchell After . read- ing your issue of June 1st with its account of the departure of the 161st. Battalion for the summer training imam, the Clinton boys of the nth' C•.M:R. Batt., wish to express our Pleasure' at being able to have so • much news of the old home town through the columns of your valuable' paper, It is almost two, months now since our draft reached Trance and the scene of the fight; for liberty 'against the 'now despised`Iluts, If there are any more Clinton boys medically fit still in civilialr clothes it is up to them to change at once and to show what they are made of, for it is men, men, and 'still More men;' which are at present needed. If they could see 13elgiurn as it is to- day there is not one Canadian who would want to say, nay, • to honor's call, Canada has macre a naive for herself in this war which cannever be forgotten and has . broken Von Bernhardi's :boast, 'contained in 'Germany's Next Great AVnr,' that 'Britain's colonies would turn against her and fight for their in- dependence.' Independence as the flue would like its .to have it is but a lingering torture:, such as the slave used to undergo and it is up to every Canadian man and woman to: do whatever 'is possible to show that lot ages to come the dear old Union Jack will still (Mat over ev- eryone of us. It is with pride for welearn n that of our home to'a* Clinton's noble part he forma- tion of the Huron Battalion, which will certainly bring nothing but hon- or to the old county, and at least the Clinton boys at the front can- not bear too much concerning .it. We all hope that before their turn conies to reach these battle scared. fields that Kaiser Bill will have met. his Waterloo and peace will once more reign. But it will be an honor to have helped to put militarism out of sway. The old . saying, "I'd rattler be a living coward than • a dead hero," might be changed now to read, and we'd all agree, `I'd rather be a living hero'lian a dead One,' for, alas, dead ones are very common about here. Wishing the '161st Hurons and your valuable pap- er the very best of good luck. 'Yours sincerely, Signed -Privates W. H. Walker, J. 0. Carter, R. D. Walton, J. E. McDonald." Blyth Mr. and Mrs. Haines of Wingham were guests at the home of the lat- ter's mother, Mr. James Gillispie, recently. Pte. Bert McElroy returned last week to London after spending a Fur- lough at his home here. He expects to go overseas soon, Mrs, (Judge) .1adcson and two children have rete ened to' their home in Lethbridge, Alta., after a visit with her father here, 'Mr. J. G. i:migh, and with her husband's peo- ple at '.l:gnondville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coombs have. r. returned to their home . in Saskatoon, n , Sask., after a visit •here for some weeks. bliss Money of Stratford has been engaged as principal of the Blyth continuation school, Miss 'Phomas of Berlin has been the guest of her 1h:other, Agent A. H. Thomas of the C.P.R. Miss May Spafford of London has been spending a vacation With her mother in town. Messrs. Ed. 1 ungblut, Wm. Marsh and ,Fred Chamntey were among the harvest excursionists to the w,,;.t. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moore„/ Pte, Frank Moore and Miss Alma, Were at Barrie last week visiting Mrs. Roy Stone. Mr. Samuel Gibson of Norquay, Man,, caule home on account of the death of his brother, the late Jas. Gibson, and is spending a short time with friends in town and vicinity. 'lir, W. J. Sims and Miss Carrie re- turned last week from a visit in 'I'ononto and Niagara. N'L:, Frank Carr of Kitchener: was in town last week. Miss Mary Challenger of Detroit visited in • town r:ecentl3i, Mrs. Win. Smith and two sons of Toronto have been visiting Mrs, C. Burling. Mr. H. Bruce left last week for Lashbutn, Sask. He will he absent for a couple of months. bliss Louise Parrott: has. gone to' Janson, Sash,, to take a position as. teacher, tits, Cleo, cote of Frobisher, who came east on account of the death. of her father, the late James . Gib- son, is spouting ' a few weeks among ,friend8. Miss Edna Can left last weltc for her home at Los Angeles, Cal., af- ter a stay of three . months or so with friends hereabouts. Mr. H, C. Hyde et M'mntieth, New Ontario, lies -been visiting Mr. TI, C. 0-idley. Mies Lily Carr hes returned to Toronto after a visit at her home here. Mr, James Moon and family are removing to Toronto, • ' Mr. Jos. Stalker of '.hrgetsoll, for- merly principal of the Blyth Public school, was a resent visitor in town. Wingham Mrs. .;Forster and little son have, returned to their Ironic at Columbia Penn., after visiting tore sonic weeks at the home of the lady's father, •Mr, W. F. 'Ironstone. ' Miss LAD/abet Isbister left last tueek. for Saskatoon, Sask., where she ban accepted a positimi on the staff of the Collegiate. Her sister, Miss 'Dena, accompanied her as far. as the Boo. Stanley Township NIL and Mrs, John Innis are , iu Toronto this week •tarring in the Canadian National. 'Misses Erma and• Fanny Deihl spent the week -end as the guests of Stratford friends. Marriages RA'r'i'ENBURY — HOLLOWAY — in Clinton, on Aug. 30th, by Rev. J. A,. Robinson, Hattie Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 3, Holloway, to Isaac Rance Rat- tenbu:ry, 1'iABKIRK—CASEY—At St. James' church, Seaforth, on- • August 22nd, by the Rev Father 'got/col:- an, Margaret Casey, to Jone I-Iab kirk. SUTHERLAND—RU.,SON - At Sea- forth..on August 23rd, by Rev, D. Carswell, Mcl(illop, Lillian Isabel,• , eldest daughter. of Mr, and Mrs. .1. M. Wilson, to Irving Sattler-. thrid, Owen Sound. Births DUNBAR—At Sarnia, on Aug. 28th, to Mr. and 1 ts.. Thos, Dunbar;,. formerly of Clinton, a daughter. BOND—In Goderich,' on August 19th, : to Mr. and Mrs. 'A. 'Ti Bond, a son. PENNINGTON—In Codrricli on Aug- ust 21st, to Pte. anti Mrs. Chas. Pennington, a son. Deaths LANNON-1n Clinton,or Aug. 28th, , • John ian.or, aged 79 years. WI -1 A l`LEY—In Clinton, on August 27th, William George Wheatley, aged, 56 years. RENDER—At Holnresville, on Aug. 28th, George Render, aged 73 years. BELL—In Goderich township, on August 22nd, Lawrence Stirling Bell, aged 22 years. BROItiNLEE—In Goderich, on August 22nd, Ella Nan Brownlee, aged 12 years. NOTICE—I WILL PAY 10 DOLLARS to, any one givinginformation that will .lead to the conviction of per- sons shooting my Homing Pigeons. —John Walton. —52 WANTED -A POSITION AS HOUSE. keeper, by young married woman. i.sxperienced in farm work. Apple at News -Record office. —02 TIdE CELEBRATED FOREST CITY Quartette of London, who are so well and favorably known, will give one of their Unique entertainments under the auspices of the ladies of Ontario St. Methodist church on Tuesday, Sept. 19111- —52 FARM - FOR SALE. -FART( (:ON'. tailing Sri acres of good clay loam, suitable for agriculture or grass, bels north fartof lot77,14 r t• 1Matt- land land eon., Goderich township, hive acres of choice hardwood bush, never failing spring creek running through. All under grass at pres- ent. Possession may be had at. Duce -Apply' to Wm, 13edour, R. R. No, 2, Clinton. Phone 12 on 143. —50-2 FOR SALE OR R1 NT. STORE formerly occupied by H. S. Chap- man.—Twitchell Bros. —61. LOST.—ON S,I TURBAN EVENING, a small gold cross set with rhine- stones. hinostones. Will finder please leave, with name, at News Record office. -51 COTTAGE TO RENT ON WiLLIAM street.—At present occupied by hir. Albert Palmer.—Apply to F. B. Powell or Wm. Glen, executors of the R. Marshall estate. —51 LOST.—A WHITS FOX TER,RIER, brown markings over eathh cwt. Any person returning her will he suit- ably rewarded.—W. M1d41.ei,cm, R. R. No. 6. —ii) FARM FOR SALE—LOT 30 IN THE 7th eon., Goderich township, colt- tainitsg 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone form- -dation ; small house ; ' good well, For particulars apply to—Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. . —48. WAN T E D — MACffiNIST'S AND Lathe Bands.—Woori Motor Com- pany, Clinton, —14. FOWI, AND SPRING CHICKENS Wanted. Highest market price paid. W. Marquis, Phone lel on H6, R. R. No, 1. 25, FOR SALE.—HOUSE ON RATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mite. Wei. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. —32 HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO RENT -Nine roomed house on Frederico street ; furnace and good cellar hard and soft water ; choice gar- den and small fruits ; good stable on premises. Also the brick house on Isaac street next bowling green. For particulars' apply; to -Robert Thompson, Clinton. 'FOR SALE. --FORD AUTOMOBILE, • A second hand, at a reasonable price. TO the Public Will • exchange for horses or cattle. —C, J. —4 J llfs, 1 Wa We are now .wi ;h l bene • l l 'I facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher Rolls CLAY TILE FOR SALE, FROM 3 to 13 in. 'A first class article.— William Wheatley, phone No, 74, Huron Street, Clinton, —43 COTTAGE 101-i SALE AT CORNER of Dunlop and 'Isaac 'streets. Nine rooms, good cellar, good back kit- chen., stone foundation, , waterworks and cistern. Place' in. good state of repair. Quarter acre of land with small -fruit. ---E, F. Jackson, —47. BRICK MOUSE FOR SALE, -GOOD location 'on William street, heart/be Model school. Ten rooms, electric. light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— P. T. Murphy. -14. HOUSE FOR SALE 'ROOMY house, corner of Ontario and Will- iam streets. All modern convenien- ces. Garden and young fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacom on prem- ises or to W. Brydone, Clinton -42, McCORMICK . AGENCY,—I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved. it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, ITurol' street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. Anyou order from will receive prompt. attention.— Wilson Elliott. -43_ FOR SALE -THE PROPER=TY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gentler, including house, office, barn and 'two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hari and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer IOrt then.—Apply to Dr. Gaudier. —40.. FOR SALE. — THE 1 STORY house with ; acres of land on Co- terie street lately' occupied by Mr. Bathes. The garden is in excellent condition and there is d acre or raspberries and small fruits. Tile house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric. lights and waterworks. I have also for 'rental the office late- ly occupied, by John M•Crdd as a barber shop.—Jacob Taylor. —35 'OUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' mud Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared repared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat - era, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. ,Jago. —55 First -Class Hand Laundry Next the Commercial Hotel ' Solicits a trial on work which will be executed by hand without the use of acids, lime, or any other chem(= eels t� destroy the clothes. Shirts ironed so that they 'will not hurt your neck. Stand-up collars ironed without be- ing broken in the wing, No error will be investigated with- out the original list, or after til” hours from the time goods are deliv- ered. Patrons should list their cloth- es otherwise our count must he ae-i cepted as correct. Sample prices : Shirts, open fronts 8c, Collars 2c, .Ladies' Skirts, plain, 15e to lie., Blouses 10e. Parcels called for and delivered. If work suits tell your friends WASH DAYS : Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings of each week. DE LAVELLE CHUM SEP- ARATOR INOIRO.STANDADO Ideal Green Feed Silos,._ Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stook of repairs kept at my house, three doors west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Satur- ._. day afternoons. Also Agent for New- combe Piano's. Phone 207. D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent, Gunn Circular and Cross - Out Saws, Do all' Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for 'Bug- gies, Repair ''Automobiles. Do Blacicsmithing, Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers; Sharpen Hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST Nerve -Record Means News -Leader. GIRLS WANTED 14.1 WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO •A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Eyes eKauiiu. free EYES EXAMINED FREE BY TIIE NEW SHADOW TEST System; "These Spex, have overcome the misty vision that creeps on with tine advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man I know." This is what our patrons are sav- ing.. A pleased patron is the best adver- tisement. I give free tests and guar- antee satisfaction. department alt ' When ourrepair7. 111C r5 W1C C so 1 close at hand there is really no ex- cuse for carrying ,anything hut an accurate time piece. Consult us- about any watch trou- bles that may arise. Everything 'in the jewellery. line -re- paired, rings, broaches, pins, barretts etc. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait, Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted, Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, Good Things To Eat No matter whether you remain at home or go camping or picnicking you will want something nice and tasty for your meals and why stand over a hot stove -when you can get such delicious and wholesome 'ready- cooked foods. We take the liberty of offering a few suggestions that re- quire verylittle cooking : , Canned Goods, Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Pork and Beans, Salmon, Sardines, I-Ierriing, Iladdie, etc., and there is nothing more gir'bstautial or more easily pre- pared. Meats. Cold ham, bleat Loaf, Br:eaLfast cn Back Bacon, They are always up to the mark. Jelly powders and Minute Pudding Powders are always a friend to the housewife, They are an ornament as well as a splendid dessert. Minute pudding can he made in a jiffy, flavors tapioca, lemon, custard, rose, vanilla, clrocolate, etc,, Try soma and you will Use more, Highest Market Price for Produce Phone orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co.. The Store of Quality. FOR SALE. --A SECOND NAND Ford Automobile, thoroughly. Over -- hauled, tires practically new. Very, cheap.—Seeley & West. —31 CREAM WANTED. —' DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all. express 'charges 'and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with' an honest test, Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity. of Kinburn may leave their cream, `with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial, Patrons in tire vicinitli of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros, Store and it wilt be taken care of there --The Seaforth Cream- ery;, Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. AI for the conning poultry season is 100 'tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire at least 20,(100 chickens' 20,000 hens 5,000 :ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese, We are in the market for all your live poultry of 'good. qualrfy at top prices, Enquire for: prices before!you sell. Ittrill pay port to give Four best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach . re- cord prices this winter. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CON EH STONE Live and Let Live The I-21'9 SCSI Headquarters for the best pick- ling and table vinegar. Our spices are of . the best, either whole or ground. We have a good supply of jeans, tin, tops for jeers and also rubber: rings. Fruits : Plums, Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas. Vegetables : Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Onions,. Tomatoes anti Pumpkins. Highest market price for butter and eggs. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. BAKING BECOMES A PLEASURE. when our flour is used. Results are so sure to be successful that Orte• can- not fail to take pleasure in her bak- ing. If part knew the infinite care taken in its malting Aron selecting the grain to packing the flour,, you would know why out flour is so good. A sack for trial will improve your baking at once. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 190. I-Iigliest pricespaidfor Grain and Wool. Elevator. News -Record means. News -Leader,, To our many friends and cus— tomers who h a v e returned from their vaca- tion, Call and see us, you. are always weleon4e at The Hub, :iresuiu Coal Whether you have wood or not, you can do a day's threshing on • the same money as it costs you to get the old cross -cut saw sharpened up. Secure a load of our nice clean. 10 in. lump. Fall Wheat If you are putting in a piece,. of wheat it will pay you to get a lit - tie of our BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER to put in with it. It pays for it- self and then sonic. We also handle all kinds of Logs, and Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and 'V, Matched Siding, Canada Fibre Board, Metal. Building Material, Tile, Cedar Posts,: Etc. JOHN B, MUSTARD BRUCEPIEL.D. We have added a stook of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found' grocery a rocer store.We t also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the FlospltaI. It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance, If you are going to instal a Furnace or have amyl Plumbing done this ylear you will save money, by getting prices at once. THS. HAWKINS. S. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of ' Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, Ill acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready foe spring plowing, 7 acres a bush„ remainder under grass. Small or. chard. Concrete Souse. Good barn .53x80 with atone foundation, Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quarte, mile from, Porter's Hill—James Hamilton, Clinton. —00 AIIf��IOg you want done in the line of laavetroughing, Plumb i' n g Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate. Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given. --•--�. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone lb The sub to The News - Record is $1 per year, '