The Clinton News Record, 1916-08-17, Page 8SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. We of many grandpa We where Shoes style shoes growing We ily. You'll call meet the family,! families shoe to PERFECT of and for stand It this every down every come comfort strenuous feet ready will be quick `Their tore • requirement of every member Among our patrons there are where we shoe every foot from to baby ! member because they all know for— SHOE SATISFACTION for elderly people ; shoes of durability for the middle aged ; wear and adapted'tto the of boy and girl, to prove a benefit to any fam- be worth your while to test us 1. to discover why so many Shoe Store," FRED. JACKSON* August During the some woaderfully lines, Women's and children's underskirts, Wash goods—muslins, Shoes—All white on patent and Also extra special pants and Give us a call, Ready Tailoring 111101.101.10111. Specials! balance of August we are offering , low prices on the ',following wash dresses, gowns, drawers, etc. voiles, ginghams, etc. canvas shoes at cost. Special prices dong'pumps. prices on boys' school suits and odd boys' and girls' school shoes. we can save you money. Agents Semi - and New Idea Patterns. ...1:11••=aesam Plumsteel Bros. 1 Small Profits -- Phone 25, — More Business Popnlar Lines Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlae, Campbell's Varnish stain, Alluminum paint, Gold paint, White enamel, Buggy and wagon paint, New Home washing machines, Garden hose and sprays, Perfection and Puritan oil stoves are all carried by Harland Bros. and everything else in hardware. 3 lave n mowers at cost. • Oils Polarine, Cylinder, Separator, Harness, Black, Linseed, Castor, Neatsfoot and the celebrated xxxx heavy machine oil. Try it, Harland HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. OUR. Singer It is not necessary Singer sewing machines, themselves. They made. It you contemplate with tie. Ostermoor aregood mattresses. not satisfied return Domestic ''Every house shou:d clean your rugs and week you will save Price $12.50. We invite you you will say they are chine you have heard. play it ' for you. SPECIALTIES. Sewing Machines. for us 'to say anything about the good quality of they, have made an enviable reputation for are without a doubt the best household machine buying a machine come and talk it over Mattresses We will give you thirty nights free trial ecu if to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Vacuum Cleaners. own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner; They will carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial [given.. Columbia Grafonolas. to come in mad hear our Columbia Grafonolas and the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- Come in and ask for any record and we will Bahl & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104, N. BALL Phone 110, J, 1). ATKINSON, Phone 188 ENJOY Your VERANDAH. You can make it into the pleasant- est room of the home, a cosy, com- fortable, homelike gathering place for all the family, a cool, shady, out- door playroom for the children and an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a- partment—by equipping. it with wood slat shades. We have them in stock, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 feet wide, they have a no -whip attachment that pre- vents them swinging in the wind; will beautify the home, shut out the strong sun but let in the air. They will make your rooms seven degrees cooler. W. D. FAIR CO. Often 'the Cheapest --Always the Best: pyPM 0 t ; ,o q' f I,I,umt Illiiiuununnnu raison K Flip Ilia. Mrs. Livermore visited last week with Blyth friends. Miss' Mildred Cook is Holidaying at Dungannon and Nile: Mrs. (Dr.) Fdwior last week visited her brother in Seaforth. Rev. A. Macfarlane of Bayfield was a Clinton caller last week. Miss Viola Cook has been speaaing part of her summer vacation in Toronto. Miss Parke of the. Bayfield ' Line is spending the week as the ,guest of Miss Eva Club. Miss Harriet Mason of Seaforth was the guest of Miss Franses White over the week -end. Miss Minnie Rudd: and Miss Emma Southcombe are spending the week by the lakeside at Kiticardine. Miss Olive Brooks of Mitchell is a guest at the home of her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. ('an• tclon, i1Irs. Lampkin and Miss Edith Lee of Regina, Sask., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Searle. The form- er lady is accompanied • by her daughter, bliss Frances. Mrs. Goo. Howson of Medicine Hat, Alberta, has been the guest during the past week of her sister-in-law, Miss Amy Howson.' She has been east for several weeks visiting re- latives. ives. Misses Erecta and Maude Con:flee motored up from -Toronto last week to see their grandmother, Mrs, Cook, who is suffering frem a fractured limb at the haute of her son, Mr. A. Coolc, Mrs. T. J. Poulton left Saturday for her home at Cleveland, Ohio, after a fortnight's visit with her sis- ter, Mrs. W. King, and brothers, Messrs. Mulch, and also with friends at Blyth and Auburn. Mr. and Mrs• J. Hales Evans of Fort William visited for a few days with the former's brother, Dr. J. S. J5vans of town. They left Monday afternoon for Port Huron and will visit iilifferent points before returning home; Principal Bouck of the Clinton Model school returned Saturday from Bracebridge, where he , had been instructing Modelites during the month of July. Though not exact- ly holidaying, still Mr. Boeck came back feeling fine and fit for the fall term, which opened yes- terday. Capt. (Rev.) Frank C. Harper, chap- lain of the 1177th battalion, Camp Borden, is supplying for a few weeks at the Presbyterian church, Collingwood, the pastor of that church being quite ill, Captain Har- per conducts service for the hatia- lion in his' charge on Sunday morning before I motoring up to Coiiingwood. Mt. Neelands, Who has just disposed of The Hensall Observer, was in town on Monday. • He is not jiist decided as yet what he will do but will rest for a while. The Oh- server under Mr. Neelands' manage- ment was always a clean and well edited paper and it is understood that it was chiefly lair account of failing eyesight and the fact that his son had enlisted which trade it necessary for him to retire from the editorial chair. Mr. Gordon Waldron of Toronto, who is running as an independent Liber: - al in the south Toronto Ideal colt - test, is a well-known lawyer in the city, and is also a former Huron - fan, having spent his younger days on his father's farm, a mile north of Brucefield:, anis is a cousin of Miss F. Waldron of town. In ad- dition to his law practice he is one of the owners as well as one of the editors of the Weekly Sun— - an agricultural paper. He is a radical, and some would say his views are Socialistic. At any rate he is not a "trimmer," and is not afraid to stand by his convictions, 'be they popular or otherwise. He has always been trenchant with the pen for in his younger days he stirred up a hornets' nest by a contribution'to a local paper. The riding is sup- posedly Conservative by 'a large majority; but with four candidates in the field it may be ;anybody's victory. Clinton News -Record August I7th, 19 maw Our Special - REA ESIR BULLET/ A new shipfrlent of these goods has just been received': We can honestly recommend -every. item as onewhich will give you long, satisfactory wear and full value for your money. In fact, assbetter the cost of materials than usual l has advanced three times since the war commenced, the'values are really we have not, yet increased our,prices. But these are only a few of the at- tractive lines and honest values we have to offer you. Come in and see our complete stock; you make youi dollars go further here. Bungalow Apron New s+yle apron, similar to Coverall Apron without sleeves, Covers dress completely. Made of good quality, serviceable prints that will wash well. Belt at back, pocket, trimmed with white bias binding all around. Sizes 36 to 42. Each 45c. Child's Middy Dress WHITE PIQUE MIDDY DRESS. A stylish little. dress in much favor, made of fine white pique, low neck, sailor collar, with middy lace : -Plat- ed skirt, tuck at top of skirt Sizes 4'and 6. Each $1,00 The same chess as above, sizes 8, 10' and 12, Each $1.15 PRINT MIDDY. DRESS Made of good quality, stripped prints, collar, cuffs, short sleeves, plaited skirt with tuck at top. Sizes 4 and 6. Each 69c. As above, sizes 8, 10 and 12, Each 85c. You will always find a full assortment of up=to=the=minx ute styles here, Coverall Apron House Dresses Kimono, style, made of good quality washable print. Neck, sleeve, pock- et and belt piped with white bias. binding,' Cuff on sleeves gives extra length. 'Sizes 36 to 42. While the°price of prints has advanc- ed seve'tzal times we are still. supply- ing :tkiis old favorite in the same quality prints at Each 50c, Combination Set HOUSE DRESS, APRON AND 'DUST CAP ROUSE DRE8s Blue print, good washable quality, trimmed °with white piping, snug fit- ting, sizes 36 to 42. ' ARON—Bib over head, black and white striped print, trimmed all round with white bias binding, length 46 inches. Button at back. CAP—Plain blue print to match dress, trimmed with white, attractive style. Be Sure To See This Set Each Set, 51.25 A serviceable well made and neatly fitting house dress. Made of good quality prints, attractive patterns. Long sleeves, collar and front of waist trimmedwith white. Skirt is four gored and has a wide pleat down 'centre.. :Piped with white at waist line.,- Sizes 36 to 42. Each $1.00 Child's Coverall Apron Attractive patterns in good washable prints, trimmed with white binding, pocket, belt at back. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14, Each 39c. It's a pleasure to show our goods—give us a chance. Come . and see us, Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Next Royal Bank. Men's Store Custom Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library, About People You Know visitedCItO Lieut. O'Neilri in Clinton over the week -end, ' Miss Baker of Mitchell visited her friend, Miss Sybil Courtice, last week, Mrs. R. J. Cleft is visiting with friends at I{incardine, Ripley and Bervie. Major Slaw and his orderly, Wilson McSherrin, spent the week -end in tire home town. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. PingIe of Sea - forth spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Saville of town. bliss Stewart, G.N.W. operator at Cooper's, is spending her holidays with friends in Hullett and Wawa= nosh. Miss Bernice Glazier of the Bell tel- ephone Co's staff is holidaying and spent 'the week -end with frinus iii Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley motored up from St. Thomas and spent a couple of (lays with Mr. and Mrs. Small recently. Mrs. Mackenzie and her daughter bliss Muriel were the guests of the lady's cousin, Mrs. J. Snyder, during the past week. Mrs. Lester J. Davis and daughter Vera and blaster Orland of Toronto are visiting with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Samuel Kemp. Mrs, H. Steepe of Toronto is mak- ing an extended visit at the home of her father and brother, Messrs. John and F. T. Jackson. Mrs. Thompson and Miss Jessie Thompson of Albert street have been. the guests of Mrs. Tierney at her summer cottage at 'Grand Bend. Pte. Clarence Kilby of Petawawa was home over Sunday and accompan- ied his mother to Sandwich where they will visit Mrs. Westgate at the rectory. Mrs. R. .ti:,mwerson of Winnipeg has. been the guest of her sister, Mrs, IS. B. Chaitt of town, and was a guest at the Floody—Chant wed- ding on Friday. • .firs. '1'.'1'. Murphy and family are camping at :iron Springs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland are enjoy- ing a trip down tire St. Lawrence. Miss Rena Pickett of the postol(ice staff is enjoying her annual holiday. Miss Norma Bentley spent a day or so with friends in Sarnia last week. Miss Ida Wilken leaves the end of the week for Detroit, where she in tends taking a position. Miss Grace C'luff of Toronto is spending a vacation at her home in town. Rev. J. A. Robinson was appointed chaplain of the R0'.O.F. at the meeting •of the High Court held at Chatham last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Watts motored up from Bolton and are spending a few days with the former's - bro- ther, Mr. T. H. Watts, Mrs. Harry Marsh of Detroit arrived Thursday on a visit tle her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Tier son, Master Norman, has been here for several weeks. Mr. All. Torrance of Detroit has joined his wife and little daughter, who have been spending a holiday at the home of his patents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of town. Miss E. Richardson, who has been spending 'the past week with her cousin, the Messrs. Pearson of Grey township, has returned home accompanied by Mrs. James Pear- son. Rev. J. F. Pickard, D.D., of Jaelc- s'onville, l lorida, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pickard of Lakeland, same. -State, have been visiting friends in Clinton anti vicinity during the past week. Dr. Mills Shipley, son of Mr. Win. Shipley, who has been practising' medicine at Inver -map, Sask., for some few ]mars, has just 'qualified as a captain at Fort Osborne Bar- racks, Winnipeg, and is now with the C.A.M.C. Settee Camp, Cal- gary, preparing for overseeas ser- vice. _. aenewee. No warping, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat— the strain is, taken up by the two-piece fire -pot which permits no ashes to cling or clog. McClaryb itie ice Let me show you the special features of the Sunshine. that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted. are Sold by BYAM & SUTTER. Constance Miss Della Button of Seafortii is visiting her cousins, Misses Margaret t and Lilly Adams. Mr. Percy Tyerruau spent Sundaq at the home of Mr. James Fairser- vice. Miss Irene Carter returned home on Tuesday from a visit with friends in Seaforth. Miss Myrtle Lawson spent -a few days' recently with Clinton friends. bliss Lillian Cartwright of Lon- desboro is spending her holidays with Mrs. R. B. Rogerson. Miss Edith Campbell • is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Benson Tl,reman is spending a few days with his sister,- Mrs, Jas. Fairservice. Miss Lilly Rogerson of Morris is visiting her cousin, Miss Vine Rog- erson. W Mr. and Mrs. Brock Brandon of Hanover and Mr. Norman Brandon of St'Jtlarys have been visiting, at the home of Mr. T, 5, Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hilliard of Milwaukee, Wis,, have been the guests of the, for:mer's sister, Mrs. Chas. Lepard. Hullett Township Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Pollard, Mrs_ Adam Glazier and her soli Herbert and J. Ferguson motored to Ethel on Sunday to spend the day with friends. Quite a number from this locality, picnicked at Grand Bend ono day last week. Misses Elizabeth and Louie Mille of Harlock ,spent a week as the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. M. Venus and sons of Hensall spent Sunday as the guests of the lady's grandmother,, hits. Cooper.' lIfe. and Mrs, Chas, Riley and son leave for the west on Thursday of this week. The Adult Bible Class field their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Rogerson on Tuesday. evening. Miss jean Govier of London is' visiting her cousin, Miss Vera Col- elough. Wingham. Dr. and Mrs. Aril of Philadelphian have been visiting at the : horn of the latter's mother, Mrs. A. Hugh- es of the Junction.