HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-08-17, Page 44 paessairi- ailuessaie 11011111eSVine Kr.. and Mrs. F. C, • Elford, who spent a month in the west, CM their return to Toronto took a run up to 'Holmes:611c to spend a few days at the old home. Holmesville end vicinity were greatly shocked to bear of the cud - den death of Mr. Mitchell, the much esteemed editor of the News - Record nub sympathy is ex press- ed to the sorrowing friends of the &ceased and trust the all sufficient grace of God. may be -their comfort' in this sad hour, and through tears they may realize Ile (Meth all things well. Rev. j F. Piekard, Mr. r tear Pickard and wife front Lakelant, Florida, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm, :Jenkins and other friends here. about. Miss timid Pickard of Detroit is visiting a number Of old friends in this vicinity,. Mrs, R. Acheson returned from Winona accompanied 'by Mrs. 0. B. Calblek, They • met Mrs. (Dr.) Howell and daughter from Michigan 'visiting at their home on their ar- rival. ' • Should the weather continue fine this week will see most of the grain harvested. Owing to the long Oa - tinned beat 'and drought, the. (Frailty is not up to the standard. The farmers are saying that the. potato crop is likely to he very. poor, although sonic are fair in ap- pearanee; as to top. They have never blossomed yet and when the stalks are pulled up no tubers or but a very few inferior ones are found. The Mission Circle picnic at the river was a decided success on Thurs. day afternoon last. Rev. Mr, Maul - ton of Clinton was a Welcome Wiest, News.:Record Means News -Leader. • Wingham Mr. lean Johnston was in Detroit for a few days last week, Mrs. Chas. Barber and Miss Eliza- beth Barber left last week to visit the former's son at Chillawaek, 13.0. They will also visit in Seattle, Vancouver and Winnipeg Weep re- turning, Dr. II. E. W. Tambi)ut has erected a meaner cottage at Kiucardine and is now occupying it, Miss Irene VanNorman has gone to Braedon, Man, to spend some months with an uncle, Mr. Seymour 'Monism left last week to visit for some months at Cabri, Sask. Mrs. 4Eldridge of Youngstown, Ohio, has been a guest at the home oE her awn, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs, A. S. Irwin and three liil- dren of Chicago and Mrs. W. Rowe and two children of Dallas, Texas, visited recently with their sister, Mrs. Win, .Dore. pow011.11M2allpil SOMMOIIIMI*0001.....O0.10.01•10•101 Clinton News -Record kugust 17th, 1916 Stalling Township' 1‘,11, and Mrs. It S. Hinds and Miss Mary Stogdill motored up (rom Wallaceburg and spent the week -end at the latter's .home on the Goshen Line, The farmers of the dad of Stanley held their annual picnic on Tuesday: afternoon, in Mr. N. McGregor's Na - pie Grove. The weather turning .cool- er added greatly to the comfort of the people. There were a number of" sviings,. and all binds of games, laWo tennis and -toot ball. A very interesting game .of baseball was l'dayed between the Married 'and the single men, The score steed sev- en to three in favour M the marri- ed men. One. hundred and seventy sat down to 'a well laden table at the tea hour, • In memory of FrankLn Clarroi Helmer Sweet babe, for but a few short Menthe, We happily called thee ours, Then God their thee to himself A.S one who gathereth flowers, We loved thee so, and sore ,our hearts, But yet we kiss the rod _t For in the life beyond we'll inept Our darling—safe with. God, —Pram the parcels, Mr. and Mrs. William Hohner, Stanley, Varna On Tuesday, next the Women's Pa- triotic Sarlety intend holding a gar- den party in Mr. MeAsh's lawn. The Clinton Kitty brass mat pipers' band will furnish music. Graderich Township Misses Mabel and Eva Cf tiff visited at the, home of Mrs. .lehnnull on Sunday and Civic holiday. Miss Mabel is remaining for several days. The live patriotic societies of God- erich township have decided to pic- nic at Bayfield on Wednesday next. The many friends who have assisted them in their work, even though not members of any of the • socie- ties, are cordially invited to come also and bring along their baskets. Londesboro. Misses Mabel and Gladys Grainger returned home last week after visit.. • ing with their uncle and want, Mr. and Mrs, J. II, Pia& of Sea- forth. Myth Mrs. James MeMurchie is in - Tor., onto undergoing medical treatment, arnearWorin•I Read y -to- !Wear Garments Couch PHONE 78. 0* 'Dry Goods and Ill illinery HOUSE DRESSES 89o. Eighteen ladie3' home dresses, good washing colors, sizes 34 and 36 only„. values up to $1.50, Auguet special 89c. Ladies' and Misses' Middies 89c. Two dozen ladies' and misses' middies, white and white with colored trimming, siz ' 6,18, 34. 36, 38 and 40, values up to $1 25, August special r 89C. Ladies' Voile Waists $1.19. Fifteen ladies' voile waists, slightly soiled, sizes 34, 36, and 38, values up to $3.00, August special $1.19. Silk Crepes and Silk Foulards 39c. Fifty yards only of silk crepes and foulards, shades tan, gray, white and black, 27 and 42" wide, values up to $2,00, August special 39c. a yard. Cotton Crepes lic, a yard. Seventy-five yards of cotton crepe, white and blue, and white and navy, 27" wide, regular 18c a yard, August special 11c a yard, New Fall Mantles and Suits The first shipment of our new fall suits and coats to hand. We will have this season one of the largest and best stocks in the county to choose from. Be sure and visit this department. Bagfleld Miss Daisp Middleton spent a few dIalS with her aunt, Mrs. ho.nas Jowett, recently, and Mits Mina Middleton is now visiting with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Footlit, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Rev, Dean Davis and Miss Davis; Archdeacon Richardson, Colonel Mcerimman, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and sons, Masters Riley and Torn Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Jewell, Miss Beryl Ji3well, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brown, Wilts Mar- garet Brown, and Master Willie Lunsilon of _London ;tic. and Mrs. Shotwell, Windsor ; Rev. Mr. Saund-: ers and wife andson, Alonzo, Saun- ders, Wallenberg ; -Mr, and tire. C. iminsden and SODS, Jim and Ross, and Mrs. Peon:Mae, Hamilton ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peek of Akron, Ohio, are spenhing the week in the Tboinas Bailey and Willard Stur- geon left on Tuesday for Port -Stan- ley to attend the Irish picnic. ' The anniversary services of St. Andrew's church were held on Sunday last when the Rev. Mr. Tait :of Wallaceburg delivered two very elo- quent sermons; the choir being. fill- ed. The choir was ably. assisted by. Mrs. H. Duncaa of Saskatoon and the Misses Reynolds of Stratford, all of whom rendered solos, which were very much appreciated. The collections amounted to Mil.2.0U. Mrs. 0. Middleton was the gueTt of her sister, Mrs. Thos, JoweMs. Miss ilium Shea of Stratford is visiting Mrs. illonkhozse at her sum- mer cottage in the white city. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement and dau- ghter of Berlin are spending their vacation as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr at their summer cottage in Deer Lodge Park. Mr. and MN. Than= Harrison and fancily spent Sunday last with friends at Ben:miller. Mr. Jamieson of Brooklyn, N. Y., joined his family this week who are summering in the White City. Mrs. Parkison and children of Ds- troit are visiting her brother, Mr, William Osmond. Rev. A. Macfarlane left this week for Banks, Out, for a month's vaca- tion. Mrs. Reg. Matheson and son of Port Colborne and nephew, Master Gordon Yanstone of Benmiller, are the guests' of Mrs. Matheson's sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas Harrison. Messrs, Carl Welsh and Donald Heffron of Stratford are the guests Of Jack and Bud Richards at their summer cottage in the White City. Rev, Mr. Ti rrauee of Detroit will occupy the pulpit of Trinity church on Sunday morning next at eleven a. and Rev. Cannon Tucker of Lon- don will preach in the eveniog. Rev. F. Rickard left on Tuesday for Dorchester to- spend a short ca - cation at his home. Rev. Charles Tough of Shakespeare will occupy the pulpit of St. An- Arew's church on Sunday next. Messrs. Charles Lambert and Har- ry Martin of Londan spent the week -end as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Iialkwell. Miss Marjory Tolmie left last week to visit friends at. Southampton. Rev, Mr. 'Made is spending a few Weeks with friends at Thamesville and Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. George MeLagan, Miss WinnIfred McLagan, Stratford, and Miss Campbell, Winnipeg, arc guests at Miss Ferguson's, Pte, Ford King of the 50th Bat- tery, and Pte. Win, Brandon of the HO Battery, Petawawa, are spend- ing the week at their - homes in the village previous to their leaving for ovCIar:seta.s Capt. Dr. Sutherland of the Field Hospital, London, spent the week -end in the village. Miss Grace Cameron of Chicago and Miss Millie Cameron af Detroit are visiting under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. *Philips of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. jamie- sell at their summer cottage in the White City. Sir Adam Beck of Leaden was the guest of Mr. 'G. B. Patteson at his summer residence on Sunday last. Mrs. Breeden is visiting friends at Beigrave this week, Rev. Reginald Brook of Som - bra, who is • spending the ' mon- th in the parsonage,- will occupy the Methodist pulpit on Sunday morning next. It is with deep feelings of regret and sympathy that we are called upon this week to record the death of one of our most, respected •citii- ens iii the person. of Isabel Mitchell, wife of. Mr. darned Johnston, who, departed this life op Wednesday ev- ening, August ninth. The deceased was in her usual health tip till the' day before her death, when she was stricken with acute indigestion. Pied- ical aid was called in but to no a- vail. The heart failing to to its work. When she linseed suddenly ant-, ay at ten o'clock that evening. The deceased was born in the town of Beaurahois, Province at Quebec, in the year 1844 and came up to, Stan- ley township with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Mitchell, when on- ly nine years of age, In November 1,804 she was united ill marriage to Mr. James Johnston of the Bauble Line, Stanley, where they resided up till about twelve years ago when she moved into the village where she has remained up till her „death, The de- ceased was a consiStent Christian. and a member of the Methodist church. The funeral, which was large- ly -took place to the Bay- field cemetery on Friday afternoon. The remains being taken to,- the Methodist 'church \there the service was held, conducted by the Rev. .1. E. Jones, pastor, assisted by the. Rev, Mr. Brook of Sombre and the. Rev. ie. Rickard of Trinity Church. The pallbearers were Messrs. Samuel Cleave, Robert Green, Thom- as Cameron, Chas. Parker and Robert and Jo-bc Johnston. She is survived by her husband, three sons and one daughter William of Mile- stone., Bask ; Wallace of Corrine, Sask., and Herbert at home, and Mrs. Robert Howard of Smith's Falls, also one sister, Mrs. J. P. Bellow; of Toronto, surrivea. The following Irani a distance attended the funeral : Mr. and h-Irs. Robert Howard and daughter of Smith's Falls, William Johnston and daugh- ter, Mrs.. Fred Keys of Milverton. A number of beautiful wreaths covered the casket, one of which 'WAS from the Ladies' Aid of which she was a member. The sympathy of the community is extended to tire hus- band and family cif the deceased. Master Gordon Struthers passed away on Wednesday morning, August ninth at the age of twelve years and two months. He was the only son of Dr. William Struthers of Toron- to. The deceased was spending his holidays at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. ,James Thomson in the village aud while playing accidentally cut his band on a board in the barn. The out was attended to in the usual way and soon healed but two weeks after the boy suddenly took ill, blood poisoning having set 111 fol- lowed by lock jaw. All that medical aid and nursing could do was done for the boy but no avail, as Ire pas- sed away early on Wednesday morn - A short service was held at the hoese that evening and the remains were taken to Toronto, next morn- ing where interment took place on Friday afternoon. Till,: WESTERN FAIR Sept. Silt to 1,6th. The platform attractions at the Exhibition this year will be of a very high class. The very best acts obtainable Italie been secured. There will be acts of skill and comedy and plenty of them. Dilo's Dog and Pony Circus will be worth the whole price, Some . two or three' Bands each day will provide the best of music, while The International Fire- works Co. of London will put on a special programme of fireworks each and every night. if space 4s. required application should be made to the Secretary at once. Entries should be made as early as possible. Informa- tion of all kinds from the Secretary A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. he' auie/XCLQ.A. Stores ik ) CANAD'S FAVORFIT AE DRUG,STOR'ES 14) 11 A Sunny Disposition in the morning follows the use of eta,24fie4 the night before The mild but sure laxative tablet with the pleasant taste In neat tin- "ge For Sale by W. S. R. Holmes. WE ARE ER TO • (Ui 11 It Seaforth. it -tine Harveyy. ot London has ben visiting Dr. and Mrs, llerrows of town, Miss Jean Ross of Clinton has been visiting friends in town, Mr. O. W. 'Atkinson left last week for North Dakota, Miss Helen McNab was in Owen Sound last week or a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson left last week on. 4 visit to their daugh- ter in Saskatchewan. • Miss Hannah Duggan has returned to Detroit after a visit with her parents here. Mrs, S. Barton is spending a few weeks With Edends at Niagara Falls and Cleveland, Miss R. 'Worsen, a nurse-br-traia- ing in it New York hospital:, has been holidaying at her home iii town, Dr. Hartreyi of 'Marton visited for a few days last week at the house of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hartrey. Mr. Geo. Cavan of British Colum- bia and Mr. Prank Cavan of De - keit, former Seatorth boys, spent a low days last week renewing old friendships ire town, Mrs. Alex. Wilson and Miss Mar- garet have returned from England, Where they spent the past few months. Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Jr., is visiting at her home in Manitowan- ing. Major Hays has taken a cottage in the vicinity of Vamp Borden and his family will spend a month or so there, Mr. Metnannigan of Swift Cur- rent, Bask., shipped a load of horses front this vicinity last week. Cot. Wilson has taken a cottage at Bai'lleld for the remainder of the summer and his family aro now en- joying the balmy breezes, of Lake Huron. News -Record Means News -Leader. CANADIAN NATIONAL Aug. EXHIBITION Empire Federation Spectacle 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER W SEA A ON LAND A IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Ern - pt -re Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, Os. structien of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks Complete New Midway. Anmer The HoKrisneg s Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 liasmaiimmumes Goderich Mr, Spencer, Guest of Winnipeg has been in. Iowa. Zurich Miss Ida Well is spending a. holi- day at her home here: Miss' Mary Weiberg of Kay town- ship and Mr. Jacob Fischer oh Basta, wood were quietly married in town last week by Rey, Ti, Rembe. GRANITTRUNK ,sysT.rm HARVEST HELP EX OURSIO NS $12.00 ville, S:otOi WINNIPEG east, also Aug, 15th and 'Stilt From all stations in Vanada, Brook - north of Scotia Jct. 1 Aug. 17th and 31.st. From all stations Lyn, Opt., and west to and including Toronto, Wes- ton, Meaford, Palgrave and north to and including Huntsville. Aug. 1t5th and Sept. Sad From all stations Toronto, Caledon East, Owen Sound, 'Marton and west ' and smith thereof in Canada. Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent. aeaee=ese I Wedding Presents Can easily be selected from o u r stock of Fan cy Goods and Chinaware. A. T. Cooper CLINTON. A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to the room, It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We have at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels, A.xnunsters, Wi - tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you. JAS. DUNFORD Undertakpr and Funeral Director. 28 ``rigt' Phone Igit' 28 ••••=0.1•MINIMMIII.M•111••••••••••111..., '43 Far Laborers WE MUST HAVE HELP!! i 41 1, CANADIAN PACIFIC 0.11.vdat Excursions Going Trip West $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Return Trip East $18.0 At FROM WINNIPEG Going Dates August 17 and 31 From Torontu•Sudbory Line and East, but not' including Smith's Falls or Renfrew, also from Main Line East of Sud- bury to, but not includ- ing, North Bay, August 19 and September 2 From Toronto, • Is, West and South thereof Forth,, particularh tvont Canadian Pacific T ick t Arms. so W 5, How,* Chariot Penang.. Agent, Toronto. s MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor, 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger. Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver more power arid with less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make, Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa. RAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies from coast to coast. One million dollars invested in branch houses and eqaipthent. 8 7.7" Large stocks of parts carried for all models at Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can- adians.. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs.Consider carefully the szavion you buy—it iS! Very' important and necessary. Note the class of people who drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshaw4 SEELEY & BARTLIFF, Agents'