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Clinton News -Record
August IOth, I9T6
did -Summer Shoe Sala
Saturday Special
Children's Day
On Saturday morning at eight o'clock we will
place on our sale tables
Two Hundred Pairs
of Children's Shoes
Sizes 5 to 73-, $ .75
Sizes 8 to 103, 1.00
All high-grade shoes. No shoe bait but quality.
Get your pick early as there are only sufficient
for one day's selling.
t'opnlar Lines
Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlac,
Campbell's Varnish stain, Alluminum paint,
Gold paint, White enamel,
Buggy and wagon paint,
New Home washing machines,
Garden hose and sprays,
Perfection and Puritan oil stoves
are all carried by Harland Bros, and- everything else
in hardware.
3 lay n mowers at cost.
and the celebrated xxxx
heavy machine oil. Try it,
garland Bros.
Singer Sewing Machines.
it ;s not necessary for us rto say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputationhfor
themselves. They are without a doubt the beat household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price ie $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
' Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting. Free trial ,given.
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma.
chine you have beard. Colne in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110: J, D. ATKINSON, Phone 180
Do you bowl, play tennis, la-
crosse or any of the numerous
sports that demand a light, el-
astic shoe ? If you do it will
pay you to see our range of
New Fleet Foot . Goods
We have all the newest lines in men's, women's
and children's, in both high and low cut.
Our prices are the lowest possible.
See Them in the North Window.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — Phone 25.-.- More Business
You can make it into the pleasant-.
est room of the home, a cosy, com-
fortable, homelike gathering, place for
all the family, a cool, shady, out-
door playroom for the children and
an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a-
partment—by equipping it with wood
slat shades. We have them tin stock,
4, 5, 6, 7, >I and 10 feet wide, they
have a no -whip attachment that pre-
vents them swinging in the wind, will
beautify the home, shut out the
strong sun but let in the air:' -They
will make your rooms seven degrees
Often the Cheapeet—A1waxs the Best.
Miss Olive Cooper has returned from
Mr. ,I, r. Bovey spent the holiday
at Naftels.
Miss Logan of Toro,.to is visiting at
the Rattenbury House.
Ilir, Jas. Doherty and family visited
in London over the holiday.
Pte, Wilmer Wallis Sundayed at
Camp Burk with his parents.
Miss Mae Rutledge spent a few
days this week the guest of God-
erieb friends.
Mrs. Edgar East and baby Jack re-
turned from Winnipeg' an Friday
Mr. Wilcox of the North American
Chemical Company -was in town
last week.
Misses Sadie and Margaret Mahally
were the guests of Miss May Cald-
well on Sunday',
Mr. Percy Couch and family spent
their holidays visiting friends in
Stanley township.
Miss Irene Wilkin has taken • a posi-
tion with the Michigan Central in
their Detroit office,
Miss Amy and Master John Ileliyar
are visiting !hiss Dora and Master
Lien Rorke at Burks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vickers of Fs -
sex are visiting Mrs. L. Cree and
other relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Kemp and son,
George, visited Mr. and Mrs. S.
Kemp over the week -end.
&Ir. and Mrs. C. J, Wallis attended
the funeral of .Mrs. Salkeld at
Goderich on Monday last.
Miss Ethel l3radshaw and the Misses
Harlands of 'Toronto• are spending
their holidays camping at Bayfield.
Mr. and AIrs. Chas, Weaver of Zur-
ich were visitors at the home of
Mr. Wm. Rutledge of Mary street
on Sunday last.
Miss Nellie Kemp returned home
Saturday after visiting London,
Stratford, Dorchester and Port
Stanley friends.
Capt. J. K. and Airs, Fairfull and
Miss Lillian are spending this week
with the fornter's mother and bro-
ther in Leamington.
Mr. A. M. Robertson, M.A., of God-
erich Collegiate spent Tuesday - in
town attending a meeting of. the
Countp Temperance Alliance,
Mrs. Ingles of Kincardine (nee Miss
Trowhill) is visiting at the Mune
of Mr, and Airs. Lorne Murch. Her
little son and daughter are with
Miss Tilly Tebbutt of 'Toronto spent
the week -end with her sisters, the
Misses 'rabbutt of • 1.iwu and also
with her brothers in Goderiah„
Mayor Thompson visited at Toronto
and Ilamilton on Monday and Tues-
day, also attended the convention
of the Metropolitan Lite Insurance
Mr. Carl East, Miss Kathleen. East
and Mn V. Kesler, all of Toron-
to, spent the week -end at I3urk's
camp, the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon W. Cuninghamc.
Miss G. Rumball and her brother,
Mr. Albert, have taken up their
residence in town and are now
comfortably, settled in the house
formerly occupied ftp Mr, and M,s.
Jas, Southcombe on the London
Capt. Dowding has removed his
mother to their old home on sta-
tion street and Mrs. Dowding's
many friends will be glad to know
that her health is improving. Her
son John from Chicago visited her
last week,
1VIr, J A. Irwin supplied_ on Sunday
last for the Rev, J. \V. Baird of
'James' street Methodist church,
Exeter. Mr., Irwin says this
church has one - of the largest con-
gregations in Western Ontario,
with the exception of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Holland and laugh.
ters, Mary' and Gladys, left on
Tuesday for an extended auto trip
east, taking in the principal places
as far east as Belleville. Mr. il.oi-
lancl was born near that city and
has been hack only once in about.
forty years so will be glad to re-
new old friendships. Ile has
Many relatives in Hastings Coun-
Orrr Special•
A new shipment of these goods has just been received. We can honestly recommend every
item as one which will give you long, satisfactory wear and full value for your money. In fact,'
as the cost of materials has advanced three times since the war commenced, the values are really
better than usual .as we have not yet increased our prices. But these are only a few of the at-
tractive lines and honest values we have to offer you. Come in and see our complete stock; you
make your dollars go further here.
Bungalow Apron.
New style apron, similar to Coverall
Apron without sleeves, Covers dress
completely.Made of good quality,
serviceable prints that will wash well.
Belt at back, pocket, trimmed with
white bias binding all around. Sizes
36 to 42.
Each 45c.
Child's Middy Dress
A stylish little dress in much favor,
made of fine white pique, low neck,
sailor collar, with middy lace : Plat-
ed skirt, tuck at top of skirt. Sizes
4 and 6,
Each $1.00
The same chess as above, sizes 8, 10
and 12,
Each $1.15
Made of good quality stripped pri,lts,
collar, cuffs, short sleeves, plaited
skirt with tuck at top. Sizes 4 and 6.
Each 69c,
As above, sizes 8, 10 and 12.
Each 85c.
You will always find a full
assortment of up-to-the-min-
ute styles here,
Coverall Apron
Kimono style, made of good quality
washable print. Neck, sleeve, pock-
et and belt piped with white biers
binding. Cuff on sleeves gives extra
length, Sizes 36 to 42.
While the price of prints has advanc-
ed several times we are still supply-
ing this old favorite in the same
quality prints at
Each 50c,
Combination Set
Blue print, good washable quality,
trimmed with white piping, snug fit-
ting, sizes 36 to 42.
APRON—Bib over head, black
and white striped print, trimmed all
round with white bias binding,
length 46 inches. Button at back.
CAP—Plain blue print to match
dress, trimmed with white, attractive
Be Sure To See This Set
Each Set, $1.25
House Dresses
A serviceable well made and neatly
fitting house dress. Made of good
quality- prints, attractive patterns,
Long sleeves, collar and front of
waist trimmed with white. Skirt is
four gored and has a wide pleat
down centre. Piped with white at
waist line. Sizes 36 to 42.
Each $1.00
Child's Coverall
Attractive patterns in good washable
prints, trimmed with white binding,
pocket, belt at back. Sizes 8, 10, 12
and 14,
Each 39c.
It's a pleasure to show our
goods—give us a chance. Come
and see us.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
0 78 Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Piaster Elliott Andrews of Garvie
is visiting his sister, Mrs. 13, B.
Mr. 5, 13. Mindy of Toronto motor-
ed up on Saturday to see his wife
and sun who have been visiting
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Dan. Sutherland, They alt returned
on Monday to 'Toronto,
Miss Florence McIntosh of Toronto
is visiting her cousin, ,Miss Vera
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Britton spent
Sunday the guest of her parents at
Miss !.dna Love of Walton and
Miss Margaret Love left on Tues-
day for a trip to the west to visit
friends there.
Mrs. Peter Papineau and daughter
of Strathrop Visited her brothers,
Robert and William Clark and oth-
er relatives.
News -Record means News -Leader,
Bonnyeastle Dalo gives some advice
on how not to paddle in his article,
"1 a Light Canoe will Build Me" in
the August issue of Rod and Gun
and also some pointers on how to
paddle with the least danger of no
upset. "Temagami Men" by R. I.
Fraser is a tribute to the guides of
Teenagaini, than whom there are "no
finer band of hien." Rex Snow con-
tributes "Little .incidents among Big
Mountains ; 1'. V. Williams "lair -r-
; the well known New
Brunswick Guide, Avery Morehouse,
writes of a moose with a 52 inch
spread secured before breakfast ; 13.
C. 'Tillett gives some experiences in
Snipe Shooting, and various other
stories and articles of equal interest
precede the regular departments
which are replete as usual with in-
formation for the lover of gun, rod
and clog W. J. Taylor, Limited,
Woodstock, Ont., are. the publishers
of this representative Canadian
sportsman's magazine.
Hullett Township
AIr, Jos. Reynolds was in Seaforth
on. Monday.
:lir. and Mrs. Matt. Cashed; and
fantili, visited relatives in Blyth on
Mr. and firs, H. F.lnts and bit,
and Mrs. M. Callaghan of St. Thomas
motored up on Monday and are
spending a few days with 1Ir, and
Mrs. John Shanahan, Jr.
Mrs. L. Purcell of Stratford has
been visiting among relatives in the
Mr. Thos, O'Connor and Hiss -Min-
nie Reynolds and .lir, Roy Graham
and Miss 11. X. Carbert of Clinton
motored back to h awanosh on Sun'
dau and spent the day with friends.
AIr. ,Jos. Shanahan of the royal
Bnnlc, who has been relieving in
Mingston, is home on a vacation.
The fine barn and driving shed of
Mr. Owen Reynolds' on the 5th con.
were destroyed by fire shortly be-
fore 1101111 on Monday. The .men were
working in a root field only a short
distance from the barn and wicen
the smoke was first noticed theyi
thought it was only a whirlwind of
dust blowing over the barn but very
soon big black clouds of smoke be-
gan to burst through the end of
the barn and in no time the whole
building was enveloped 10 (lames, A
canoe of wagons and a buggy were
removed from the buildings but some
implements and a now $75 •set of
heavy harness hanging .just inside
the stable door Could not be saved.
Although insured the loss will be
heavy as -there were about fifty toss
of hay in tine barn. The cause of
the fire is supposed to have boon
spontaneous Combustion.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Miss Morton of Ailsa Craig is vis-
iting Miss Mae Caldwell.
ll� i
Thrice the capacity of ordinary grates is given because
the Sunshine grates are three -sided, one side at a time
meeting the fire. Bulldog teeth smash clinkers easily.Aw
Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a Sun-
shine in your home? I'll gladly give you particulars
without obligation.
Sold by BYA1Vt & SUTTER.
Miss Jeanette Griffiths, who has
been visiting friends at Niagara, re-
turned home.
Miss Mary Rathwell of Lucknow is
visiting her grandfather, Mr, Thos.
Rev, lir. Johnston will occupy the
Methodist pulpit next Sunday even-
ing, anti ,lir. Wm. Robinson will take
the Presbyterian service in the mor-
Mr. and llrs. Wm. Reid returned
after spending the week with fri-
ends in Hamilton. They were ac-
companied by the former's brother,
Mr. John Reid, who is spending a
few weeks under the parental roof.
Mr. and :Mrs. Marlette of Hamil-
ton, is visiting at the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Duncan.
Mr. Scott and lir, Boxstaller of
Chicago are visiting at the home of
Mr. Thomas Dennison, They carate
over to accompany, their wives home.
We are glad to hear that Mrs.
(Rev.) Johnstoa,_.who has been ill for
sometime, is able to be around
Messrs. Axler French and Malcolm
Keys are home on a month's fur-
lough and are helping the farmers
with their harvest, -
Mrs. Buckley and son of Niagara
Falls are visiting her sister, firs.
Frank Keys.
.-lir.- and firs. Jarrott of Rrigden
spent Sunday- as the guests of .lir.
and Mrs. Ings.
Rev. ,lir. Mann and his son, Redg-
ie of Port Elgin spent a few days
with friends at Auburn.
Mr. and Jars. Slater of Seaforth
are spending a few clays at the home
of their daughter, Mrs, 1:. Lawson.
;lir. and Mrs. A. Ferguson of Wing -
ham are spending a few holidays at
his father's home.
AIr. and :firs. StraucIter of Sebring-
ville spent a week at the home of
her father, lir, G, Denstedt.
Mr, Joseph Lawson moved his ee-
mcnt outfit from Grand Bend on
Saturday to Walkerburn. IIe intends
to start the cement abutments for
Walkerburn bridge at once.
Mr. Chas. Asquith is making good,
progress with his new house, the,_�p
frame is up and all bheeted over.
Mr, Sheckleton is spending a feu'
clays with friends at Auburn,
r i
By purchasing a bond you will help
to WIN THE WAR and obtain for
yourself an investment of the highest
class yieiding a most attractive rate
of interest.