HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-08-03, Page 6:August 3rd, 1916 Clinton News-Recnrd Muc n in J. 10 E( Slr, of you ficers thank lift o .as a •es as is an. where -rain tl :at the en's I 200 by •enable ing so time g other this a 'can re tars. The 1 bot tit have s imagin -awful i gazines notim magazi tions. s •vamp, after ' -because thanker rens ar have d Camp . Let n dont to Borden taint), nor do Much h as to lose no 'Oyer a ' "splendf zing lea for ins men ke the ofii grumbl Ican s to witi boys h of gross playgro o'clock owimmi But I space a me Cha tea.. Mr. anosh d to frie mains a ment, Sunday His WLE anii thr Much (F. A to thousan here on work o 'mowed presen Mayor The t More o" the cas tion of lie for the ear -chance but sh. -ill-effect Corp 'from learned profit ,of the spring dry sun the gen editions as well -tions a 'with g Seizes oil and caption est pos weeks the sea Resid use of 'wishes sible, s tion to There s ,should the rat pay fo ,tax ra •as the ing the town's 'the cos ing for -house i as pay' emu fr (down t 'screens Bust as .conifor Now on, ma were o streets fence of made t one to area tl The c oil. '1 their and no we war 5 h has been said that, is t true about conditions ''vested Camp Borden;Chaplain Fairfull. iter News -Record. -Allowthroughseverelyhurt me the medium: it paper on behalf of the of- and men of the ]foist Batt; to the county council for this F a marquee 40x50 to be used recreation tent, This gift coin- agreat croon to the boys and, absolute necessity in a camp 1 everyone has to help enter -hurt to ocher Escrow, Lot mo . also same- time . g the 11 nstitute for their gift of over inn books. The tent and books us to' have our Sunday even- n service;and so fora shortH gto et together and know each one gain. dly Lead e ch ave Robert rads the Street roar foiling Park ala art t, orations experience Itidgetown pial arms,and in r see ing am t nr nk taer y ; MeKillopTownship. - p The fall wheat which has been bar- wild• give about. an average +, bo fall beill • so ield Owin to g S as ItinCl wet there was noti sown as formerly. 1 James, Martin got one of his legs by getting 'tiowri be- tween the covering of a hay rack, The intense beat of Sueicla s wase yMrs. followed by 'a nice; cool wave. Mr. and Mrs..I-Ierbert Irvine of De troll; are visiting relatives • in thisan section, Wm. S Smiths got his arm severely' while' engaged with a hay load -fist, Cr and has been off work for several days. 6 Me and ]firs. Thomas Leming, Sr, away have been two' for a week visiting relatives in Michigan and other points the south of here, Bl `th Mrs. 11. M. Robinson and children returned last weal[ iteral a visit at retur ed Miss Verne Bennett has returned to Toronto after spending, a .vacation at her home in Blyth. lr and N ., an Mrs. W. W . Sloan and son of Toronto were guestsrecentlyreceived of Miles Young, BRICK IIOUSP FOR SAL .-GOOD location oil William street, near the Model, school. Ten rooms, electric l h g t, waterwork;; bathroom; ate,- T, T Murphy.44 i r Q� SAI E._il SECOND' LAND Ta We are now facilities than Public: prepared withbetter" ever tol Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, 'tires practicallynew, Very eheap,Seeley & West. `-31 8K. Olives' Re -Cut Crusher Rolls. Crum Circular and Cross -having CREAM ,WANTED. , - DAIRYMEN cream to sell write to ' THE SESSIONAL STATUTES OF Ontario for. the 'ear 101fr . v year have been bythe undersigned tics- g tribution to the persons entitled to the same. Magistrates and Justis- es of the Peace may.obtain them on application at the office of the undersigned ue<i ; or co res will be for- g p warded by express on request. Of- of tlie.CIerk of the Peace, Cod- ;. , - . mach,rk 2Znd July 1'Jltb. C. Seager, ': ClClerlr of the Peace. �7-�, Cut Saws. Do all kinds of Lathe and ' Machine Work, Do Rubber Tiring for. Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles, Do Blacksmithing. g' Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen hand Clippers. ----- --- SELL Automobile Tires. Flard and Cushion TiresManzanilla Bit Ruggles. Gasoline and 0i1. for cans t We supply two cans Ireo: Pa all.express chares.and issue yig es cheques twice' each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- g est market prices consistent with honest test. ''Testing done gby a' competent man. Each can careful-+ careful - ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of T{inburn may leave their cream with Mr. Haul who: will deliver : it here, Write for cans and giveg us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care 'of them -Tito Seaforth Cream- cry., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. a. mY IlUt they are good, ' cool, tempting tin and I p g healthful ealthfpl. if you are fond of Olives see our list Large picnic size 30c g a bottle Lar eQueen Olives 2jC R Pimento 6tCl eel Oli eS Y5C ajiCl 25c Olives 7L7C and 20C Marriages ' g CAMPBELL -LEVY -In Clinton, on August let, by Rev. bather Ho- am MarMr. and Mrs. James daughterLey, to oG• Greg- ory a. Campbell of Galt, WILLIAIVIS-WATSON-In Morris on July 22nd, Melville Williams, of Wingliam, to Florence Ethel Wat- on. Births ,^ FIODGI tS In Seafoxth, July 51st to Captain and Mrs' 1I. J. 14dd : a daughter. gins, g SMITH -In Morris township, on July 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, a son. Deaths BRUCE In kIullett towns -hip, July 29th, Robert Bruce, in his 01st year, EDWARDS-In Goderich on JulyWilson 24th, Mary Mc);t;+an, widow of the late' Peter Edwards, in her ^ 78th year: DEACON -In East on July 23rd, Margaret Wawanosh,Deacon, aged 36 years.barn FORWE O U S E SALE -ROOMYV house, comer of. Ontario and Will- taut streets. All modern eonvencen- Gardens and young fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacom on prem- lees tees or to W. Brpdone, Clinton-42.Our better. We' also intend using s a tent In wliielt the boysccs. y ad or write their home let - 'cense Ladies Patriotic Society s gift of two refrigerators upplied •a long felt need. Just e • how useful these are in this Summerhillfor John RoITnian is visiting hot•T n other,. Mrsf John Johnston. ,, Mr, Alfred I levet of whet Iiuron, is visiting with his uncle, Mr. Louis Johnston, - Ignition Batteries. Have Just Received a Carload of Telephone Batteries, CEMENT E M N Tr AUTONIOBILE',GARAGE IN 'V 1•fa E 1V 1 assortment is CONI - isle price and ' p 'quality the very best, McCO1iMIC'i{ . AGENCY -I IIAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it myto place of business, the Cat -all riage and repair, shop, • street, where I will keep on IThand fun line of imulemertts, repairs, twice, etc. An older from you will receive prompt attention, -he Elliott. -43 CONNECTION. And will keep a supply summer, �F.F.LEY WEST Come Here For pour cement needs.}'gFair, - --`l-- - ■ O'Ne!l sot weather, and also the ma- they have sent' us. One can- agiue how valuable an old ire is :until pissed m a pea- imilar to our boys here iu lYIait an hour is' made Uri ht ofdtithisst ttd hea1 of Ladies day gift. you, you have one and all that you realize that -the Hu- B your own boys in that you so much to snake life in Bozilen more camfoxnalile, se ,say when I am writing ke all' the stories about Camp as being facts. We are 'ser not living, in a drawing room, we expect to as soldiers, as' been said that is not true :ouditions here and these stor-EMPLOYMENT thing by telling told over and Our Batt. has behaved throughout anti were notfor lets in any of the disturbances, of being ring leaders our it, their Imes, It is not truechickens cers encourage the men to because of camp conditions. ay this Honestly for the Batt.g' I an attached, Today our been out cleaninga piece rad to be used entirely for a$7,00 and leaving oil work at' three and going doom to the ug pool to bathe, must not tresspass on your ny more, Mr. Editor, but let Me yen in anticipation. I, K. FAIRRULI, 161st Battalion. Very Comfortable in Their Billets in France,a The following letter from Frank a native of Clinton, addressed to lits sister -i -n -law, Mrs. James Fair will be of interest to News -Record readers : France, April 0th, 19h6 Dear Jessie ;-Your lovely box of candy received a few days ago -while I was up in the trenches and you.may fie sure that we lost no time iii cat- ing them up as we did not want to take any chance of the Germans getting them. We were in for sib days and at present we are back in billets for a. rest, We had a rather livelytime of it this' last tripbut namout alright. Dr. 'Smith istillbaydrivingLEH[GH in England lith the 46th Batt. Per- ey Hoxton is here somewhere but as I don't know which unit he belongs to I can't locate him. Do- you know hi , address, if 'so let me have it as it is just possible I might run across g bins. As' I wrote Agnes and Dixie, I was drafted out of the 46th Batt. and ant with the Borden Battery. In y writing address No. 427161 Pte, Frank Fair, Borden Armoured Batt- cry, 2nd Canadians France. We seem to have got in with a good bunch think we will come through the war alright unless of course I should get hit. It took the drill sergeants about eight months to learn pie to hold up my head but it just took me about one minute to learn to keep it down when I first hit the' trenches, We are very comfortable in billets, Have lots to • News -Record means News -Reader. JOHN HUTTON I ONDLSBORO. FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street.occupied by Dr. Gandier, including house, office, and 'two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water In bathroom, kitchen and summer ]silt -A 1 to Dr. candler. -00. pp yJLJ;[1LIa1 GIRLS WANTEDIBROILERS •�. AND r WE CLAN GIVE DUCKLINGS I C u N TO A G S FEW MORE KNIT- Wanted, TENS, ETC. APPLY •s uvlllAAA• 'AT ONCE. We are in the market for 2000youngprices and 1,000 young ducks per week, the chickens to weigh 2 pounds Clinton Knitting Co.Julyorders, and the ducklings 4' pounds, each. LIMITED. Now is the time to take adaid for of thepoultry. extraordinary prices paid for Your Take advantage chance to have filled up ANTHRACITE coal Before the on the For June and lowing are our CHESTNUT STOVE those with our that advance 1st of prices , of ATT VALLEY satisfies) August. your coal celebrates of $7.50 last bins the fol - S T R A Y E D -THERE STRAYED from the premises of the undersign -chess ed at lot 22, Base Line, Goderich township, on Mondavi, July 10th, a mate, .9 years old. Has slight spring halt, Reward given information leading to its re covery.-John Macdonald, R. R. No. 1, Phone 15 on 106, Clinton. -48• FOR SALE. - THE 1.1 STORY house with k acres of land on On- ratio street 'lately occupied by Mr.(the Bames. The garden is in excellent condition and there is acre of raspberries and small fruits. Tho house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop. -Jacob Taylor. -35 FARM -FOR SALE -LOT 30 IN THE 7th con., Goderich township, cont tafnin so acres all under cultiva- g Van : barn 60 x 50 with stone fours- dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet Pet - cx Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. -48, , eS live oultr p y' Non -Fertile, New -Laid EGGS Now that the hot summer weather EGG $7.00 SOFT COAL $6.00 Delivery to Bayfield $1.00 per ton, to Varna 50e, to Kippers 50e, Bruce -anti field 25o. --- FOR SALE A FORD RUNABOUT Automobile equipped with the Gray & Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem. 'Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy rid- ing of the car.-Seeley38 is approaching we are in a position We also handle all kinds of Logs, COTTAGE FOR SALE AT CORNER of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Nine rooms, o good back kit- cellar,tees then, stone foundation, waterworks anti cisterns.SHADOW Place in good state of repair. Quarter acre of land with small fruit: E, F. Jackson, -47. t to pay a premium for non -fertile EYES EXAMINED FREE eggs nob over four days old, Is will BY THE NEW pap you to sell or kill all the coos- after the breeding season is TESTSy stem) over' • "These Spex. have overcome rho and Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and V Matched Si..C}ltapla:En,good drug, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Material, Tile, Cedar Posts,; Etc• YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest potsible 'notice, Both Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes, We guarantee to dogood work. Also having bought a machine I am.pre-ing. pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- etc. All orders promptlyatNew tended to Rooms oven Griggs jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. '-55 Blyth Marshall of East Waw- led suddenly while on a visit in Lanark county. The re- Pere brought home for inter- funeral, taking place ou week to the Union cemetery. e and a family of two sonsera, ce daughters survive, eat and a good place to sleep and lots of tobacco to smoke. We are quite close to a little village whtere I otters go of an evening anti study the natives at first hand. They are a queer lot. The last time I was in the trenches we were quite close to some Highland Scotclsmen and had lots of fun with them. When ever it gets too muddy they take off the kilts and go around in their shirt• tails, They are a comical lot but great fighting men. The Germans nick- misty vision that creeps on with the GUNNLANGLOIS CO. advance of years, and now I am the , most pleased ratan I know." This is what our patrons are say,- TheUp-to-dateBRUCCFIELD, Firm JOHN B. MUSTA D R FOR SALE -A LAWN SWING AND a gasoline stove, two' burners, will g be sold cheap. Apply to -Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr. -17-2 CLINTON.. "` A pleased patron is the best adver- "'re satisfaction, see c sa. I give free tests and grass THE CORNER STORE __,_. We have added a stock of /� • Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, you with i Te Sugar, Canned Goods lines FOWL AND SPRING CHICKENS Wanted, Highest market price paid. W. Marquis, Phone 1,1 Ott 160, R. R. No, 1, --25, Talk but as Yet No Oiling in Clinton. Ri.eigetonn Dominion.) O gallons of road ail reached Friday• acid on Monday re the the streets was coin- under the• direction of a re- Rive of the oil company, [Temp and Councillor Leitch. • so far has been well done. il has been put on than _wasI e last year. The oiled pot- the streets was closed far teal- y or two and the hot sun of ly part of the week had a to "bake in" the oil. A sharp shower 'Tuesday had little like individuals learn names thein the "ladies from hell." I hear you have been having a rather hard winter in Canada this ear, We y'y, are having a spell of nice breathier over snorer know when it is going to start raining again, Takingit alland g g mound we were lucky •to have •been in England instead the trenches through the winter and I am sure you will loin me in hoping that before anoth- erwinter the war will be over with. r I had a letter irons Mr. limner the day but have not heard frojnp Aggic for some little time and think some of in +mail has one astray.I y g • can't say when we will take another turn in the firingline but expect itp Wrte oftet be nttsYouxse we are fn. again, ' FRANK. When our repair department is so �" close at hand there is really no ane ease for carrying anything Live and Let Live y g ythin but an —addition accurate time piece.Flour that may arise. Everything in the jewellery. line re Y g J Y' paired, rings, broaches, pins, Barretts Vegetables for your etc. and other to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Connor's Bread. This is an to and Feed will delivergoods to anypart of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex, change for First -Class Laundry 1;e t the Commercial hotel �`- Solicits a trial on work which will be executed by hand without the use of acids, lime,or an other cheati- yOptician cats to destroy the clothes, Shirts ironed sol that theywill not hurt your neck. Stand-up collars ironed without be- l crane error willbroken in the e wing, investigated with- out the original list,or after Si hours from the timegoods are deliv- axed. Patrons should list their cloth- es otherwise our count must be ac- ceptel as correct. Sample prices : Shirts, open fronts 8c Collars Be, Ladies' Skirts, lai•n 'plain, 15c to 25c, Blouses 10c. Parcels called for and delivered. If work suits tell your friends bur street occupied byblas theYlate IVCrs. Wm formerly MurrayMua^ A AD- ply to CO. D. McTaggart. --32 VOTERS' LIST, 1916, OF THE •• Municipality of Bayfield, County of 7Turon,-Notice is hereby given that have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List s Aet tete copies of the list, made ersu- ant to said Act, of all persons ap- pealing by the last revised Assess- merit Roll mf the said Municipality to be entitled to- vote in the said Municipality. at elections for mem- hers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections ; andCooked that the said list was first posted upat rn •office Bayfield, h y onthe 22nd clay of July,.191t8, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take im.- P mediate proceedings to- have any errors or omissions corrected meow -General 'ding to law. Dated at Bayfield thisTomatoes, 22nd, day of July, 19].6 -TL W. Er- win, Village Clerk, -47. nn Camping Trip.goods, Y g H. H. JOHNSON Our` stock of Canned Goods has and Jeweler especially been es eciall. selected for their qual-ottiar ity and purity, in fact everything we D.A.WATSON Victoria St., Next the HosrrtaP. suggest to you Will have your unqual- gg . hied approval. Check from this list the goods you know you want, then Cream. Wanted Corry: in and let us show ou others : Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Highest price paid for cream, etc., Concentrated Packet and which will be taken in eve* Canned Soups,, Meat Extracts, Monday and Thursday morning Canned. Presetves and Jams, and weighed, tested and paid for Marmalades, Bacon all kinds of while you wait. Breakfast Foods, Con- Also all kinds of - live fowl :tvati- lensed Milk, Coffee and Cocoa, ted Fowl received Wednesday,(fanned Salmon, Sardines and Kippered Herring. morning each week. pp g 99-9.94 VY '� '�} It Y�111 �a Ou J to Order Now. owls to the great advance g in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. Ifyou are goingto instal is Furnace or Naar any g lnea you- will save money by getting prices at once. and the lessons as regards, street oiling should in the future. One first is that a cool radia Y is no insurance against a hot, ,mer. The second is that with use of the motor car con- have changed and that health as comfort demands precast- gaiust the dust which is- laden I of these facts steps to order prepare the streets -fox its- to be taken at the earli- sible date in May or the first June as the character of son fixes itself. desiringantreets oil makeSshouldon iknown their to the cowteil s earlyasNewironic pos-. that body i o y may be in a posi- know how much to order. houid be no limit. Every street be treated with oil on which epayers ask for it. The latter it in additions to all other nes. The council merely -acts agent of the ratepayers. Oil- streets does_ not increase the indebtedness ; neither should t be regarded as a tax, - Pay- , oil to keepyou and our . Ygame from dust is just the same for an umbrella to- shield the rain. Paying to keep he dust paying to keepjoutkthe flies, andisesort; urgent from a health and viewpoint. the oil -ds here and beingput who up to a few weeks ago pposed to the oiling of the are wantingoil. The expert- p the past few awful weeks has hem change their minds- The will not begin to cover the at wants and should have oil. ouhcil will no doubt, meet se council will no doubt meet ishes, but in future let us try Ore up oar minds as to what ar t: narliei• in the season. �± Happenings, of i[ Ifteen Years Ago. a ' Happenings in Clinton at tits Opening of the Cantu?y, _ Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Cliubofi Aug.elet, .1901, • Mr, 1•I, Hill has finished the found- ations of the new addition to the Ontario- street church and also the stonework of the new Wesley church waitinggo on tarthtthewlls,for brick 'to wheat was delivered at Fair's - 'mill on Saturday by lYlr, Barney Manns of l-Iullett, It tested fifty- eight pounds to the bushel. A load `brought 'in on Tuesday from the farm - of Mr. E, Butt, Base Line, tested sixty-one.,4 The final lacrosse match for the championship of Clintonhe district was played between Cand Mitchell at Soaforth yesterdays resulting in favor of the latter, three goals to two., It was agood and about one hundred people went from Olin- ton to cheern the Strathconas. The following is the.treatai from here : point cover�point,11F. Kerr ;r1stlade- lessee, J. Crooks ; anti defence, SI. her 3rd defnce W. Biacltford Doherty ;phone- centre, A. Holmes 3rd home L.Stock �Dayment, and home,.A. Sheppard ; 1st home, L. Whitely ; outside home,Minute 1 . 'Couch ; ,inside hams, W. ; P. Whitely field captain, 'J, Kennedy, The Local Market, Wheat file to 65c. Oats 31c to 32c. Barley 37c to 40c, Potatoes 20c to Mc. Butter 14c to lt5c, Eggs 9?e to• 11c. Live Hoes $6;50 to 56,75. T. E. MASON, Specials -Raspberries, Cher- ries, Black Currants, Peaches, Merchant, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cucumbers, New r—=� Li HAWKINS• WASH DAYS : Monday, WednesdayTHOS. Friday mornings of each weak. Potatoes and Beans. Goo a Things 1►� (,� i. ii Et. E. HUNNIFORD R O �� LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Farms fog Sale F I U CRE F M SE D" "�"���� "�`�"•' SEP W'';�j�j Ap D AC',RTOR WORLD STANDAR .y r/ � HOUSES FOR. SALE OR TO RENT -Nine roomed house on Frederick street ; furnace and good cellar hard and soft, water ; choice gar- den and small fruits good stable on premises, Also the brick house one Isaac street next bowlinggreen, g For particulars apply tomRobert Thompson, Clinton, --d6 FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 No matter whetheryou remain at picnickingnsietcof or go camping or you will want somethfttg n•ies and r SeedCOFJI tasty for your meals and wiry stand ! over a hot stove when you can get` such delicious and wholesome ready- • cooked foods, We talcs the liberty of We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer offering a few suggestions that re you at a reasonable price, also quire very. little cooking : good Seed Buckwheat. • • Canned Goods. This is the hatching season, and Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Pork and that means lots of feed for the ' on the 5th con. of Goderich Town - ship co g 120 acres, 171 apses in fa11 wheat, 40 acres ready fox spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or, chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone fotmdatind- Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartee mile from ' Hill. -James Hamilton. -0 Clinton. - �J Yl it �; Ideal Green Feed. Alpha Gasoline Be Laval Oil Wendott Cleanzer. of my house, west of Commercial and repairingtern day afternoons. Also Agent combo Pianos. Phone D 'W " The iie L_avelie ., b / "�4 °~`� j �lk, s > N), (( ' I �j �i Silos,Meats• Engines, and repairs kept at 'three doors Hotel, done Satur-Call for New- 207. �� iiannilton Ascent W A N' Si' E D - MACHINISTS AND Lathe Hands. -Wood Motor Com patty, Clinton. -44. Beaus, Beaus, Salmon, Sardines, Herring, Baby Chicks. We have a large ; Haddre, etc., and there is nothing stock of Baby Chick Feed and also more substantial or more easilypre- Chick Grit on hand. pared. reatCalvesndnd cake yfor yourf young hand, Meat Loaf, Breakfast a� Pigs, there is nothing better. Back Bacon. They are always up fie Since Lard has risen to such a the mark. high price, why not try our East- Jellypowders and Minute Pudding gEavetrovgiling, Powders are always a friend to the peneivetor drag goes farther. notWWe sohave . s housewife. Theyare an ornatnssnt asin:r - well as a s lendd dessert. pails. :• we pit v and 20stb. :psi Flour, pudding can be made in a Bran, Shorts, Low Grade 1fRp, flavors to jioca lemon custard Oatmeal, Breakfast 1,t Food and Flour rose, vanilla, chocolate, etc: always kept in stock. and will ''' • Auitiiiuig �•• you want done in the line of Plumb I n g Work, thCong and Furnaceg wore. Corrugated g Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate. or phone fox prices. Estimates cheerfully gives, FOR Srlf E. -FORD AUTOMOBILE, second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exehauge for Horses or cattle. -� • S. Waldia, J1.Cold ---- - CLAY TILE FOR SALE, FROM 3 to 151 in. A first class article.- IluronttSi,reet�lClinorNo-. 7�3 WANTED. - A' BOY OVER 16 years who wants to earn his own living, can find a good position right now with us-, with a promise of steady employment, good wages, and promotion. -See our Superin- tendent, Mr, Reid, about it at once. --The Jackson Manntacterutg Co. T,trl.. Clinton- 4n Try tolatc you use more. l— & Highest Market Price for Produce W. Jenkins . Son. Wean FLOUR AND FEED: Plione orders promptly attended to. phone 199. Highest prices paid for 1�1 BYAM SLITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone tf• Gratn and Wool. Elevator: tJohnson & Co. The sub to The Nerrvs� The 'Stnre of tf9..ialifv_ 131In.a..r1 6e M1 ea r Ness-Recozd moans News -Leader. o