HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-07-27, Page 8Popn!ar Lincs Sherwin-Williams' paints, Japalac, Floorlac, Campbell's Varnish stain, Alluminum paint, Gold paint, White enamel, Buggy and wagon paint, New Home washing machines, Garden Garden hose and sprays, Perfection and Puritan oil stoves are all carried by Harland Bros. and everything else in hardware, 3 lath n mowers at cost, Oils Polarine, Cylinder, Separator, Harness, Black, Linseed, Castor, Neatsfoot and the celebrated xxxx heavy machine oil. Try it, ilarland Bros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. tGreat Shoe Sale Our Mid -Summer Clean -1,p, Modern methods demand that a Shoe Stock be closed out during.the season for 'which it was intend- ed and that there be no carry overs to mar the appear- ance of the new footwear of another season, On Saturday the 15th we place on Sale our en- tire'stock;of summer footwear at factory prices and will continue until the entire stock is disposed of, You have read about our good shoes—you have seen them, perhaps you have worn them I Call soon as the shoes will move out rapidly at the very low prices. FRED. JACKSON OURSPECIALTIES. E L,TIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It isnot necessary for us fro say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come cud talk it over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses Are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return tows and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. r' Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting. Free trial:given. Price $13,50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the;best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you, Ball & Atkinson i Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110. J, 1). ATKINSON, Phone ISO Sportin Shoes Do you bowl, play tennis, la- crosse or any of the numerous sports that demand a light, el- astic shoe ? If you do it will pay you to see our range of New Fleet ,Foot Goods We have all the newest lines in men's, women's and children's, in bothd,high and low cut, Our prices are the lowest possible. See Them in the North Window, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits— Phone 25, -- More Business L1...........,=."".... ENJOY Your VERANDAH. You can make it into the pleasant- est room of the home, a cosy, com- fortable, homelike gathering place for all the family, a cool, shady, 'out- door play.rooln for the children and an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a- partment—by equipping, it with wood slat shades. We have them In stock, 4, 5, 0, 7, 5 and 10 feet wide, they. have ano-whip attachment that pre- vents them swinging in the wind, will beautify the home, shut out the strong sun but let in the air. They will make your rooms seven degrees cooler, W. D. FAIR Co. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best. A' iss GIadys Cantelon was in Goder- ichgtover the week -end. Miss Eulala Flynn spent the week- end with Goderich friends, Mrs. Warren of Albert street is vis- iting friends in Rochester, N.Y. Miss Helen Gunn of London is spen- ding a week in town with friends. Miss E. ,Higgins of Brumfield is the guest this week of Miss Marion Gib - binge. Airs. Linklatet of Souris, Man., is visiting her nieces, the Misses Smith. Mrs, R..7. (Tuff is spending a few days with Ripley and Kincardine friends. Misses Rose and Jennie Tebbutt were with Goderich friends over the week -end. Mrs. Kilt' and Mrs.MeV hue, were with Goderich friends over the week -end, Mr. and ;Mrs. Ray Rumball of God- erich have been holitlay:ng in than during the past week, Mrs. Cr, D. Roberton and Miss Helen and Master Kenneth have returned from a visit in Detroit. Rev. IV. Moulton spent a few day> last week as the guest of firs. Geo. Chesney of Seaforth, Miss Irene Hopper of Toronto spent a few days last week as 'the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Paisley. Miss Beatrice Greene left Monday morning for a few weeks' visit with friends at Berlin, New Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. Smallaeombe of St. Marys have been visiting the lady's relatives, the Shipley families, dur- ing the past week. - Mrs. Cranston left for Toronto last week where she joined her husband and together they are enjoying a vacation in Muskoka, Rev. J. A, Robinson was called to his home at Mona Mills last week, leaving Friday morning, owing to the illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clatsworthir of Allan Craig motored up to attend the funeral of the late Edwin W. Jer- vis, which took place Tuesday. Ptes. Lloyd Wilken and Earl Parlmer of the 1,61st have received permis- sian to assist at farm work for a month and. are engaged near Men - sail. x.. Mr. Stewart Paisley, who has been holidaying at his home in town, left Saturday to spend a few days in Toronto, before returnfncg to North Bay. Miss Cleta Dunford has .been visiting with Mr, and Mrs. John Rathwell of the and of. Stanley, Mr. and Airs. Korner of Varna and the fri- ends in that vicinity,. Mrs. ,K. E. Naftel and three children of the Lake Shore Road, Goderich township, were the guests for a few days last weer: of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Cuningltame. Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto is holidaying at her home intown. She was accompanied by her' little niece, Miss Norma Treleaven, who had been visiting in 'Toronto for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame leave the end of the week for the old camp ground at Burk's and will probably be joined later by several of the other families who have been in the habit of spending the heated term there by the lakeside; Mr, Harryi Fair of Toronto was hr town over the week -end. He re- turned to the city Monday, but Airs. Fair and little daughter, who leave been visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. W. H. Mellyer, for some weeks, did not go until this morn- ing. ' Mrs. John Forbes and little , daugh- ters, Mary M. and Nancy, are spen- ding some time with friends at Stratford, Dunnville, Waterford, Georgetown and. Hamilton and will return to town for a week or so -before leaving for their home at Hueston, Texas. Misses Jean Morris and. Irene Wilkes left Monday afternoon for Detroit where they will take positions'. Miss Morris has been with the Jackson Mfg. Company for some time and Miss Wilkin has been in the Division Court office with Major Rance for the past year or so, Clinton News -Record July 27th, me our Special READY- TOeir WEAR- 81/LI A new shipment of these goods has just been received. We can honestly recommend every item as one which will give you long, satisfactory wear and full value for your money. In fact, as the cost of materials has advanced three times since the war commenced, the values are really better than usual as we have not yet increased our prices. But these are only a few of the at- tractive lines and honest values we have to offer you. Come inand see our complete stock; you make your dollars go further here. Bungalow Apron New style: apron, similar to Coverall Apron without sleeves, Covers dress completely, Made of good quality, serviceable prints that will wash well, Belt at back, pocket, trimmed with white bias binding all around, Sizes 36 to 42. Each 45c. Child's Middy Dress WHITE PIQUE MIDDY DRESS A. stylish little dress in much favor, made of fine white pique, low neck, sailor collar, with middy lace : Plat- ed skirt, tuck at top of skirt. Sizes 4 and 6. Each $1,00 The same dress as above, sizes 8, 10 and 12. Each $1.15 PRINT MIDDY DRESS Made of good quality stripped prints, collar, cuffs, short sleeves, plaited skirt with tuck at top. Sizes 4 and 6. Each 69c. Asabove, sizes 8, 10 and 12, Each 85c. You will always find a full assortment of up=to=the-min- ute styles here, Coverall Apron ]:Kimono style, made of good quality washable print. Neck, sleeve, pock- et and belt piped with white bias binding. Cuff on sleeves gives extra length, Sizes 36 to 42. While the price of prints has advanc- ed several times we are still supply- ing this old favorite in the same quality prints at Each 50c, Combination Set HOUSE DRESS, APRON AND DUST CAP HOUSE DRESS—As illustrated, blue print, good washable quality, trimmed with white piping, snug fit- ting, sizes 36 to 42. APRON—Bib over head, black and white striped print, trimmed all round with white bias binding, length 46 inches. Button at back. CAP—Plain blue print to match dress, trimmed with white, attractive style, Be Sure To'See This Set Each Set, $1.25 House Dresses A serviceable well made and neatly fitting house dress, Made of good quality prints, attractive patterns. Long sleeves, collar and front of waist trimmed with white. Skirt is four gored and has a wide pleat down centre. Piped with white at waist line, Sizes 36 to 42. Each $1.00 Child's Coverall Apron Attractive patterns in good washable prints, trimmed with white binding, pocket, belt at back. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14, Each 39c, It's a pleasure to show our goods—give us a chance. Come and see us, Women's Store 1BRDry Goods and House Furnishings OWN'S Phone 67, Next Royal Bank. Men's Store Custom Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library, About People You Know Miss Margaret Mahafly is spending a vacation with Statia friends, Misses Zetta and Ila llawden are vis- iting with Blyth friends this week. Airs. D. S, Cook left Tuesday to spend a week or so with friends at Dungannon and Nile. Mr, and Mrs. Welsh of Seaforth have been the guests this week of - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conner, Sergt. F. W. Andrews of the l67.st is home on a months' leave to assist with work on his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Ancaster have been the guests during the past week of Dr. arta Airs. Axon. Mrs. James Young arrived in town this week from Dungannon and will make leer hone here in future, Miss Margaret Torrance is expected from Port Arthur on Friday and will spend her vacation at her home in town, Mr, Alfred Scotehmere left on Tues- day to visit the members of this family who live On the western provinces. Pte. W. P. Munnings of the 161st is remaining on the farm inn Goderich township for a month, to assist in the harvest, ML•s. Manning or Brussels and Airs. McNay of the west were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Conner one day this week, Mrs, W. F. Cantelon, Master Wilfrid and Miss Kathleen of Tor- onto have' been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Clantelon. Sergt, Seigner of the 110th and 1\Irs. Seigner were in town over the week- end as guests of the latter's par- iits Mr, anti Mrs. Geo, Huller, Airs. G. D. McTaggart and family are at their summer cottage in Jow- ett's grove, Bayfield. 1M'r. McTag- art joins them f t week- end. r over D o n the weer - end. Messrs. Seeley and Bartlilf oh' Sat- urday sold a Regal car to Mr. W. E. Morrison of Stanley and on Monday went to If.itchner and brought up another, NIr. and Mrs. Atkins atilt little son and Mrs. Will Gibson motored up from Toronto on. Monday and are guests at the parental home of the ladies, that of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Cook. Mr. C. F. Libby Was in Buffalo for the great gathering ' of Mystic Shriners, He is a member of, the Boston- Temple which has the sec- oncl.largest membership in the Am- erican Union. Mr, and Airs, Corless and two childr ren left Friday for their home at Levak after a visit in town ,with the lady's mother, M'rs. Colquboun, and sisters, Mrs. A. J. McMurray and Mrs, H. Fitzsimons. Mrs. Andrews and her grandchildren, Miss Eloise and Master Lewis, left Tuesday for their home at Coshoc- ton, Ohio, after a fortnight's visit at the home of tile former's broth- er.inlaw, Mr, S. J. Andrews. Mr. C. H. Tl:ollaud and family motor- ed to London, St. Thomas and Ayl- mer last week. Miss Lillian Agnew, Mdntreal, spent her holiday period with her mother, Mrs. S. Agnew of town. Misses Elva Wiltse and Ida Welkin- shaw have returned Froin an ex- tended visit in Detroit. Miss Hattie Courtice is holidaying with friends in Toronto, Peterbor- ough and other points east. Misses .Etheiwyn Scott and Jessie Johnson of Clifford are visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. 11'. S. Downs. MIr. Harold Cantelon, who taught at Berkeley in Grey county the past year, has been engaged by S.S. No. 5, Mullett. Airs, R. Marshall and Bert and Mrs. W. R. Counter acid Norman are spending the week with friends int Brantford. Mrs. Herbert Hughes of Font Willi- am, ynungest daughter of Mr. Jas. Stevens arrived at tate old hone, • on Monday and purposes remaining for some time. Mr, Fl. (Manny) F ihch, Stratford, spent a few days last week with his brother, Mr. ,lames Finch. The many old frie.nds will be sorry to heat that he has not • been enjoying good health lately. Mrs. Weaver anti Miss Iia Weaver of (:'leveland, Ohio, motored up from St. Thomas on Wednesday last with a party of friends and spent the tray as the guests of the AIis- sea Tebbutt of town. Constance Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson of Both- well and Mrs. Thos. Hill visited the tor:ner's mother on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ilamilton and child- ren and Airs N. IIoiham of Staifa spent Sunday with Mrs. George, Ste- phenson. Miss Addle Love of Walton. visited her sisters here,, Miss Margaret Love and Mrs. Edwin Britton, The Adult Bible class held its monthly meeting for business anti sewing at the ]tonne of Miss Annie McMichael. Mrs. Calder and Miss Henderson of Winthrop spent Thursdays with the latter's sister, Mrs. Sutherland'. Mrs. Milson and daughter, Mrs. Peter Lindsay, left on Saturday for Bothwell and Detroit on a two -weeks visit. - Bluth Mr. Will Emigh has returned to his home at Whitewood Sash., having been called home owing to the ill- ness and subsequent death of his mo- ther. Mrs. Arthur Sims, and sot of Dewar Lake, Sask., have been visiting at the hone of Mr. Wein. ,Sims. iL.o>ndesboro, Miss Cl. C. Abrey and two nieces pf 'Toronto are visiting the fornier's parents, Rev. James and Mrs. Abrey, at the manse. Pres. Harvey and Norman Hunkiug, and Clarence and Les. Buchanan ar- rived home from Camp Borden on Sataurdauy7 and will spend a few weeks at their respective homes. Mrs. Stone and little daughter of Weston are visiting at the home of Sir, James Woodman. Mr. R. Mint is laying cement walks in the village. A number of the young folk from this vicinity picnicked at Goderich on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Aurora spent a few 'days this week with fri- ends in this vicinity, AIrs. D. W. Boyd and little daugh- ter of 'Chicago and her mother, Sirs. Adams of Blyth, visited friends here on Monday. Mn:. and Mrs, .7. 1lladelin of Melita, Man., arc visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs. A. Vodden, and also cal- lieg on many old friends hereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family spent Sunday with Wingham friends. Mrs. F. Richards was in London on Tuesday visiting her brother. Mrs. A. Kunkle and little daughter left Tuesday for their home at Ni- agara Falls after spending a few weeks with the lady's parents, Mr. awl Mrs. E. Crawford. Sirs. L. Cree of Clinton spent a tow days this week with friends here. The annual picnic of tine Women's institute will be held of Mr. AV. Brig- ham's-lawn rig-ham s --lawn on'I'inu•sday next. There will be a program of sports including baseball between Jlarloelr and Londes- hero young ladies, Hallett Township Air. ,James Snell sold a yearling ram last week to the Agricultural College, Saenlk Rapids, Minn, News -Record Means News -Leader. CANADIAN NATIONAL. a EXHIBITION S' pt, Empire Federation Spectacle 1 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER W SEA A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em - pine Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De• struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. The ltiog's AU Horse Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures, Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 News -Record means News -Reader. No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. Sunshine�� Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary's special installation service that gets out of every ton of coal all the heat there is in it. 805 Sold by BYAM & SUTTER.