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Clinton News -Record
Our Mid=Sur',mer Clean -Up,
Modern afiethods demand that a Shoe Stock be
closed out during the season for which it was intend-
ed and that there be no carry overs to mar the appear-
ance of the new footwear of another season,
On Saturday the 15th we place on Sale our en-
tire'stock jof summer footwear at factory prices and will
continue until the entire stock is disposed of.
You, have read about our good shoes—you have
seen them, perhaps you have worn them !
Call soon as the shoes will move out rapidly at
the very low prices. '
Our Assortifiefit of ilardware
is complete and large, equal to most of city stores. We
keep everything in hardit are. What we run out of
we get by express or parcel post. Our hardware oath-
logues are open for our customers to select:from.
Coil spring wire, Barbed wire, Black wire, Brace
wire, Dr Hess' Stock Food and Panacea, Perfection oil
stoves, S.W. Paint, Japalac and Floorlac, Scythes and
5 lawn mowers at cost, Job lot clothes baskets at
25c, Wheel barrow regular $3,50 for $3.00, Job lot of
nails, Ice cream freezers, Marvel floor mops at 50c,
Paris Green 65c per lb., Bug finish 5c per lb, or 8 lbs.
for 35c, a good fertilizer as well as a bug killer.
garland Bros.
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary for us :to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation .for
themselves. They' are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is i$15.•
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
.Every hoose should own a Domestic vacuum Cleaner, They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting, Free trial jgiven.
Price $12.50,
Columbia Grafonolas,
We invite you to come in and hear our Colombia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the,best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you,
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110, J, 1). ATKINSON, Phone 180
Do you bowl, play tennis, la-
crosse or any of the numerous
sports that demand a light, el-
astic shoe ? If you do it will
you tosee our range of.
New Fleet Foot Goods
We have all the newest lines in men's, wome 1's
and children's, in both high and logy cut,
Our prices are the lowest possible.
See Them in the North Window.
Plumsteel Bios.
Small Profits — Phone 25. -- More Business
You can make it into the pleasant-
est room of the home, a cosy, com-
fortable, homelike "gathering place for
all the family, a cool, shady, out-
door playroom for the children and
an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a-
partment—by equipping sit with wood
slat shades. We have them is stock,
4, 5, 0, 7, a and 10 feet wide, they
have a no -whip attachment that pre -
yenta them swinging in the wind, will
beautify the home, 'shut:' out the
strong sun but let in the air. They
will make your rooms•seven degrees
Often the Cheapesb--Always the Best.
Mrs. J. IV. Moore and Miss Merle
are visiting London friends.
Miss Mabel Paitridge of Woodstock
is the guest of Mrs. P. B. Kerr,
Miss Gertrude Chant left last week
on a visit to friends • at St. C.'ath-
erines, Unionville and elsewhere.
Mr. J. Mulholland is appointed del-
egate to attend the Grand Lodge of
Odd fellows in Chatham next month.
Miss Hattie Holloway is supplying in
Barrister I3ryclone's office while
Miss Melvor is having a few weeks'
Master Bertram Gibson' of Toronto is
spending a few -weeks in town as
the guest of his grand -parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Cook.
Hr. 13orace 7,. Wilcocks, Toronto,
:financially interested in the Chem-
ieal Salt Company, was in Clinton
Thursday and Friday last,
Mr, and Mrs, W. P. Shiilington and
two children of South Bence, Ind,,
are guests of the lady's parents,
Rev, Dr. and Mrs, Rutledge.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cr, Bartlett motored
up from New Hamburg and spent
the week -end as the guests of the
former's uncle, Mr. W. H. Hellyar.
Miss Minnie Cooper and bliss Bessie
Morrish left this morning to spend
a week at the home of the former's
brother, Mr. Ogle Cooper, Coiling -
Miss Alta. Stevens of Toronto is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Math-
eson, 7'uckersmitlt. Miss Stevens
won a gold medal at the recent
examination of the Toronto Bus-
iness" College.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell and daughters,
whe have been visiting the lady's
father, Mr. John Mmmerton, went
up to l3ervie last week to visit
other relatives before returning to
their home in Ohio, Mr. Emmet -
ton accompanied them to Bervie,
Mrs. D. B. Kennedy is in Caledonia
this week attending the funeral • of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Chaisgr,een.
this week attending the funeral of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. C'haisgreea.
She was accompanied by her little
grandson, Master Douglas.
Mrs. Carter of Hamilton has been
in town during the past week look-
ing after her property here and
calling on, old friends. T--Ier grand-
son, Duel Iliggins an old Clinton
boy, is with the overseas 4orces
now in England and expects short-
ly to go to the front,
Rev. R. B. Stevenson of Shelburne,
who is on an extended holiday for
the benefit of his health, motored
to Clinton on Friday acid is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs, W. S. Downs.
Ile is also accompanied by Mrs.
Stevenson and blaster. Harold. lie
expects to be able to take up his
work again in Shelburne in Sep-
Mr• Joint Stephenson ]eft on Monday
for. Fort William to visit hiss son,
who is in that city for the sum-
mer, and from there he will go
further west.He will visit his
brother David in. Duluth and two
brothers in the Canadian west,
Thomas at Arcola, Sask., and
Joseph at Souris, Man. Mr.
Stephenson's many friends hope
that he will thoroughly enjoy his
well-earned holiday.
Postmaster Dunmore and Mrs. Duna -
more of St. Thomas, were in town
for a few days as the guests of
the latter's lather, Councillor: W.
Paisley, returning home on Mon -
clay. Both Mr. Dunsmore's sons
arc overseas in the service of
the Empire. One, of them, Lieut.
Lionel Dxnsnlore, who ems given a
commission for gallantry in the
field, was slightly wounded a few
clays ago but is remaining on duty..
Rev. Frans C. and Mrs. Harper left
Monday morning in their car •on a .
jaunt north. The former will re-
port at Camp Borden as •chaplain
of the 177th battalion and they
will then take a shoat vacation
before he enters upon his duties at
the camp. As Simeoe is his old
home' county and Camp Borden ad-
jacent to Barrie, his native town,
and Mrs..Harper's home is just a
little farther north they will prob-
ably find the time pass quickly awl
pleasantly while Mr. Harper's cint-
ied keep him at Camp Borden.
July 20th, 191€
Our Spedal
A new shipment of these goods has just been received. We can honestly recommend every
item as one' which will give you long, satisfactory wear and full value for your money. In fact,
as the cost of materials has advanced three times since the war commenced, the values are really
better than usual as we have not yet increased our prices. But these are only a few of the at-
tractive lines and honest values we have to offer you. Come in!and see our complete stock; you
make your dollars go further here.
Bungalow Apron
New style apron, similar to Coverall
Apron without sleeves, Covers dress
completely. Made of good quality,
serviceable prints that will wash well,
Belt at back, pocket; trimmed with
white bias binding all around. Sizes
36 to 42.
Each 45c.
Child's Middy Dress
A stylish little dress in much favor,
made of fine white pique, low neck,
sailor collar, with middy lace ; Plat-
ed skirt, tuck at top of skirt. Sizes
4 and 6.
Each $1,00
The same dress as above, sizes 8, 10
and 12,
Each $1.15
Made of good quality stripped prints,
collar, cuffs, short sleeves, plaited
skirt with tuck at top. Sizes 4 and 6,
Each 69c -
As above, sizes 8, 10 and 12,
Each 85c.
You will always find a full
assortment of up=to=the=ruin=•
ute styles here,
Coverall Apron
Kimona style, made of good quality
washable print, Neck, sleeve, pock-
et 'and belt piped with white bias
binding. Cuff on sleeves gives extra
length, Sizes 36 to 42,,.
While the price of prints has advanc-
ed several times we are still supply-
ing this old .favorite in the same
quality prints at
Each 50c,
Combination Set
HOUSE TRESS—As illustrated,
blue print, good washable quality,
trimmed with white piping, snug fit-
ting, sizes'°36 to 42.
' APRON—Bib over head, black
and white striped print, trimmed all
round with white bias binding,
length 46 inches. Button at back:
CAP—PIain blue print to match
dress, trimmed with white, attractive
Be Sure To See This Set
Each Set, $1.25
House Dresses
A serviceable well made and neatly
fitting house dress. Made of good
quality prints, attractive patterns.
Long sleeves, collar and front of
waist trimmedwith white. Skirt is
four gored and has a wide pleat
down centre. Piped with white at
waist line. Sizes 36 to 42.
Each $ i.00
Child's Coverall
Attractive patterns in good washable
prints, trimmed with white binding,
pocket, belt at back, Sizes 8, 10, 12
and 14,
Each 39c.
It's a pleasure to show our
goods—give us a chance. Come
and see us,
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
About People You Know
Sirs. J. Emmerton spent from Sat-
urday until Monday with Cloderi,ch
Mrs. T. Holloway is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, R. N. Rowe of
Miss May is on duty in , the hydro
office while Miss Chant is on hes
Mrs. Luker of 'Peronto is a guest
at the home of tier .brother, Mr.
Arthur Cools,
Rev. John. Hogan was in Retreat at
Sandwich last week with the priests
of the diocese.
Mr. Stewart Paisley of the Royal
Bank stall, North Bay, is holiday-
ing at the parental home in town.
Miss Sadie Boluses returned home to
Toronto yesterday after a ten
days' visit with her aunt, Mrs. H.
B. Chant.
14Irs. Edmeston was in Dungannon
over the sweels-end on account of
the death of her brother, the late
James Young.
Rev. Dr, Stewart of 'Toronto is in
town this week and will preach in
Willis church next Sunday and the
one following,
Mr. P. B. Kerr is in London this week
attending the Masonic Grand Lodge
aa a delegate from the Woodstock
lodge, of which he is -a member,
Mr. John R. Stephenson and family
of London were in town over the
week -end visiting the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Stephen-
Mrs. L. Doherty and family of
• Stratford are in town visiting the
lady's mother, Mrs. Smyth, Mr.
Doherty was here. over the week-
Miss M. H. Chidley has accepted a
position on the teaching staff of
the Annette street school, Toronto,
i eduties will commence her in.
Mrs. D. 'Dickenson, alter being the
guest for ten days of .Seaforth
friends and' for a shorter period
in Clinton, the old home town., re
turned to her hone at Brantford
this nlorilinig,
Mr. Arthur Clarkson was appointed
to represent the local Masonic
Lodge at the annual communication
of the Grand Lodge A.P. and A.M.
at London this week and if able
to get away for a. few days will
Mr. George Fulton of Mt. Clemens is
speeding a few days in town call-
ing •on old friends, Mr. Fulton is
a member of the family of that
name who at one time owned the
farm now occupied by - Mr. George
l3olland just south of town and
while it is many years since they
left here to make their home across
'the border, Mr. Geo. Fulton. takes
a little. run. back occasionally to
visit the old home. This time he
is accompanied by his daughter,
Miss Bessie, and they arc register-
ed at the Rattenbury house,,
Mr. Ed. Mole of Seaforth was in
town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ranney, Pt. Elgin, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Cooper Sunday,
Miss Dora Sclnoenhals has been vis-
iting friends at Port Albert dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs, J, Stewart of Stanley
and their daughter, bliss lflea of
town, motored to Belgrave on Sun-
Miss Bessie Ramsey, Pt. Elgin, and
Miss Lottie Acheson, Mensal!, sue
visiting with their aunt, Mrs. S.
S. Cooper.
Mr. Alex. Mitchell, Guelph, is speisd-
ing his holidays at his home in
town and in visiting his sisters at
Kippers and Wingham.
Mrs. Hawkins, who has been visiting
with her sons, Messrs. T. W.
and J oho Hawkins, returned t
Ilamilton this morning accompan-
ied by her grand -daughter, Mad•-
Mm. i • Ruddell has been spending
the past couple of weeks as rice
guest of her sister, AL :e. Arthur
Mann. Mrs. Ruddell is a trained
nurse and has been working hard
as her profession so is en,joyi ig the
relaxation of her visit in Charon.
She leaves on Saturday for Akron,
Ohio, where she will visit a bro-
ther before returning to take up
hos: work again in Cleveland,
Hullett Township
Mr, oe Brown town Its
i s purchased tr.'1 a
t sed a
Miss Mune Melville of - Seaforth
spent a few days recently visiting
,friends in this vicinity. •
Miss Alma Connell of Owen. Sound
she guest t For a day last week
of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Carter,
bliss Louise Haley of Windsor
visited at Mr, and Mrs. Win. Morri-
son's a few days recently.
Bey ter
Mr. Jas, Gibson on Wednesday of
last week attended his fifty-eighth
consecutive Orange "walls."
July 20th will he Blyth'e civic
Mr, James Bar:r, Sr.,is expected
shortly to return from a • western
Mr. and Mrs, John Morrett and
daughter, Miss Marjorie, of Bervie
are visiting with the former's par-
ents, Sir. and Mrs. Ben Monett.
Messrs, Wm. H. McElroy, Toronto
and George -McElroy, Hamilton vis-
ited friends here for a few days re-
cently. It is seventeen years since
the latter: last visited myth.
M.r. W. Moon di Toronto was a n it -
iter at his home, that of Mr. and
Mrs. Moon, recently.
News -Record means News -Leader.
Miss E, Miller and Miss L. Lee are
spending a couple of weeks at
Grand Bend,
Mrs. Westbrook oI Goderieh spent
Tuesday as the guest of her sister,
Mrs. J • • Nott.
Mr. Bert Brunsdon of the Pioneer
Signal Corps, Ottawa, spent a few
days at his home here last week,
Mrs. Hickson of Cleveland is visit-
ing her brother, Mr, John Hutton.
Mrs, MacDonald of Loudon spent
a few days at the home of Mr. John
Lanham, ,.
Rev. .l. Abrey and Messrs. Thos.
Sampson and Wesley Beacons are in
London attending the Masonic Grand
Lodge this week.
Mrs. P. Gardner and Master Cecil
leave gone to Winnipeg to visit rela-
Miss Mayme. Mall passed with hon-
ors her Conservatory of Music exam
in history.
Mr. and Mrs. McRorie of Warwick
spent Sunday with their, daughter,
Mrs. W. Britton,
Miss Addie Love of Walton was the
guest for a couple of weeks of her
sisters, Mrs, Ed. Britton and Miss
Margaret Love,
bliss bfayme I•Iail was a guest at
the wedding of her cousin, bliss Keys
of ,Seaforth, sin -Tuesday.
Quite number from about here at -
ti a i, tl
tended funeralof the late M' •.
tent ec the e r.s.
Percy Taylor of Walton which took
place in Seaforth on Wednesday of
last weer.. •
Mrs. Chas. McGregor is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Pickett ofWindsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley and fam-
ily of Brimfield spent Sunday as the
guests of their parents, Mr. and Sirs.
Ben Riley.
Empire Federation
1,200 Performers; 10 Biassed
Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices
Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im-
perial Solidarity and Power
Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of
the British Houses of Parlia-
ment, Westminster Abbey
and the war Office.
Scenes that, have thrilled the Em-
pire Re-enacted by Overseas , .--
Shells in Process of' Manufacture
Immense Munitions Exhibit
Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand
Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De••
struction of Warships by Hidden
Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation
Year Fireworks, Complete New
rilThe Sting's
Government Exhibits, Superb Showing.
of Live Stock and Agricultural
Products, Acres of Manu-
Toronto, Aug. 26 to S
eN t. 11'
News -Record means News -Reader.
No warping, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat—
the strain is taken up by the two-piece fire pot which
permits no ashes to cling or clog.
rat ? CO
Let ore show you the special features of the Sunshine'
that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted.