HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-07-13, Page 5July 13th, 1916 4r Clinton News -Record 'The Orange Demonstration (Continued from page 1.) The street decorations were not elaborate but no doubt sufficed. '1?,y- ergreens are giving away to across the -street streamers. Clinton has put out its latch string, for the Kincardine Kilty band for 'though Only ten strong it looks Well, ca todays well and is sure some- band: 'Mr, Art Rogers, mechanical- superin- tendent of the Review and who fav- ors .the McLeod tartan, is,: drum major. Several familiar forms were miss- 'ing from_ the Londestoro line-up, in, eluding that of Matt. Mains and Win. Riley, who have crossed the great divide, and others, such as George .Redden and Harry Freeman, were physically unable to stand the strain. Nor Was Mr,. John Latham in his accustomed place, the great heat of the day no. -doubt being' too mu-elr for him. Meals were served at other places in, addition to the hotels. At the two Methodist -churches for instance, one, thousand people sat ribwnY for d fuser. Bayfield. (More l3ay:0eld news page 4.) The' Orangemen held church parade to Trinity church on Sunday morn- ing last when Rev. F. Rickard 'preached an excellent sermon to. ern. Mr. Michel, who is a guest ,at +the rectory, assisted in the mus- ical part of the service with his violin. A number of visiting bre- thren from surrounding lodges were present hit the service. Miss Mice McCann, formerly of B.hyfeld, was married on July 6th at the home of her sister, Mrs,A. Stalker of Midland, Mich., to Mr. Edmund E. Rice of that town. Hearty congratulations and , good 'wishes are extended the bride by her •old friondsiat Bayfield. Mr. Reg. Menke of Edmonton, +youngest son of Mr. T. J. Marks, arrived on Wednesday and will visit here for a month. Miss Emnia Higgins of Brucefield was the guest of Miss Dorothy Few - lie the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keyes and family of Nashville, Tennessee, are guests at 114rs. Parsons. Private Hugh McKay of the 161st Batt. spent the week -end at his home here before leaving for Camp Borden. Mrs.. Baker and family of Toronto, are the guests of.:her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Biggart. —Mr. D. McLeish and sister, bliss McLeish, of Parkhill spent Monday in the village. Mrs, ITookaway, sons pd daughter, aster Harry and Miss Margrey ioolcaway, and •'Mrs. Manoes and family of London are guests at the Albion. - Mrs. Dymont of Detroit is visiting her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn slip- pet. During the summer months ser- vice will also be held in the evenings in Trinity church. Rev. E. C. Jen- nings of Blenheim will - occupy the pulpit on Sunday evening next. Mr. Johnston of Kincardine is the guest of Mrs. John Pollock. Mrs. William Stirling and daugh- ter; Miss Josie Stirling, left this week for a few, months' trip to Port Elgin and Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and family .of Detroit are occupying bliss Rankin's cottage on the Terrace. Airs..-Stanbury and grandchildren, Douglas of Toronto and Stewart of Exeter, are spending the summer Isere. guest Miss Gower of Toronto is a at the Commercial Mr. D. Gairdner of Winnipeg was the guest of Mr. and bins, F. A. Edwards The past week.. Mr. and Mrs. Coleridge and fancily of London are occupying Mr. Prank Glass' cottage on the Terrace. Mrs. Shannon of London is the guest of Mrs. Chapman at het sum- mer residence. Mr; and Mrs. Northcott, London, are, visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Chapman in Lakeside Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and fans- - ily of :London are in Deer Lodge Park, Mrs. (Rev.) C. Mustard and tens- ity of Toronto are occupying Mr. Thornton Mustard's cottage on the hill for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Monkhouse and fam- ily of Toronto and Mrs. King," and family of„Stratford are occupying cottages -in the ;White City for the summer. Mist Annie Elliott is visiting her unclef Dr. Elliott of Lucknew. Mrs. Jamieson and daughter, Miss Wilma Jamieson, of Brooklyn, N.Y., arrived on Tuesday and have taken a cottage in the White City for the season. Mrs. Stothers and family of Lon- don are now enjoying the breezes of Lake Huron in their summer cot- tage in Lakeside Park; Mrs, Southgate and Mrs. Stewart -and families of -Seaforth are occupy- ing .a cottage in the White City for t-the hot period. Mr. E. A. Sauder of Berlin ar- rived' on Monday and will spend a few- days this week with his wife 'and child who are visiting her par - 'eats, Mr. and Mss. H. \} . Erwin. Mrs. Weir and daughter; Miss 'Grace Weir of • Seaforth arc the :guests of itirs. Weir's sister, Mrs. F. Keegan. Mr. W. Robinson, wile and family of London are spending the summer en Mr. Kenneth Moorhovee's cottage ,on 'Cohen St. 'Rev, E. C. Jennings and daughters, Misses Kathleen and :Bessie Jennings . of Blenheim are at Mes. Brandon's'.. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Sanderson and family of Toronto came up on the Old Boys' excursion and spent Sun-. day u n - day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas Sanderson. Holmesville Ideal weather prevailed for the a,nt:uai garden party in connection with the Methodist church, "which was held on airs. Acheson -'s lawn on Friday evening last. 'There .was a great crowd in attendance, l:eople coming from far and near to spend the evening in the open alter the, ex- treme heat of the slay.. The supper was all that could be desired, as, is always the 'case at Holmesville, and the music furnished by the Clinton Kilts+ band was ninth enjoyed by all. The gate receipts amounted to about $1+16 besides the proceeds of the booth which did a good business all the evening, or over $150 in all. Al together the affair was considered very successful, Miss, Jennie Phipi's of' Toronto-, who came up err the T-LO,13. excursion spent the few' days in calling on. many of her old friends who were glad to meet her again. Rev. A. Sinclair and wife are al- ready winning their way to the hearts of the people of Holmesville circuit and it is hoped their minis- try will to most pleasant and>:rrofit- able and that pastor and people may rejoice, together in the 'Master's ser- vice. Rev. T. R. Coertlee, who with his' wife and family are visiting at his parental home, attended the lawn social on Friday evening last and met a large number oI, Ills old friends. He will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday. even- ing. The telephone connection between Clinton and Colborne township is nearing completion and will no doubt be a groat convenience to some of the patrons. Tom Fulford, the Younger. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening._ of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, July lith, 1901,' A lacrosse match will take place on Tuesday evening between the Mitchell and Clinton teams on local grounds. Mr. Prank Powell went to Chelms- ford, Algoma, last week on account of the illness and suksequcnt death of his father, A splendid reception was' given the Huron Old Boys when they came u -p on Saturday. They Were hanquett ed in the town hall, where speeches were made by many 'of the 'visitors, 1). A. Forrester, Mayor Jackson and others, then, the afternocn and ev- ening were given up to games, sports, etc. The Local Market. Wheat 640 to 65c. Barley 37e to 40c. Oats lie to 32c. Butter 14e to 15c. Eggs 0c to- .Sic. Live hogs $6.50. Suffering from German Poisoned Gas Pte. Thos, Fulford of the Stir Roy- al Warwick Regiment who, while in action "Somewhere in France” was both wounded and gassed, is now in a convalescent home still suffering from the effects of the German' gas. He is a son'of Mr, 'rhos, Jiulford of Clinton. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned at lot 22, Base Line, Goderich township, on Mon- day, July 10th, a baydriving mare nine. years old, has slight 'spring halt. Any information leading to its recovery will l thanlrfutly re- eeived.—John Macdonald, phone 5 15 on h06, Clinton WILL THE ,PARTY WHO TOOK the ladders from the barn of Mrs. Robt. Mason, Albert street, please return same at once and thus avoid further trouble. 45—ft Bayfield Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson of Sault Ste. Marie are guests of. the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson. of Bayfield. Marriages PARICLR—CRIBBS—At \Wimbleton, North Dakota, on June 28th, Emma Delilah Cribbs to Charles Percival Parker of Nekoma, N. Dak., son of Mr. Chas. Parker of Bayfield. RICE—McCANN—At Midland, Winch., on 'July 6th, Alice McCann, form- er* of Bayfield, to Edmund E. Rice. EIARNOOD—OLI\'ER—At Hamilton, on June 30th, by Rev.. G. B. Russell, Florence M. Oliver, youngest daughter of Mrs, Fannie Oliver, Clinton, to Pte. George Ilarnood of Hamilton. FI'f'2,GERALD—BLAIR—At Goderieh on July 1st, M. A. Fitzgerald of Peterboro, to Cora M. Blair, of. Goderich, MILLIAN—RYAN—At Goderich, July Otic, Evelyn Ryan, ' to Wilbert. Mallen, of Detroit, formerly of Colborne- township. Births Wil, THE MERCHANTS OF HOLM- esvihe, folloWi'ng a growing custom, have decided to close our places of business at five o'clock each Wed- nesday afternoon during the summer months.—A. J. Courtice, S. W. Millar: -•1:3-3. COTTAGE TO RENT ON WILLiAM street, at present occupied by Mr. Albert Palmer. Possession given the 1st of August. -Apply to E. H. Powell or Wm. Glen, executors of the R. Marshall Estate. —15. FOR SALE.—ONE PURE BREI) registered Shorthorn Bull 15 mon- ths old: A beautiful roan and ex- tra good quality all user. Price tight.—Plumsteel Bros• =11. McCORMIC'K ACgENCY.—I HAVE taken over. the agency for the Mc- Cormick implements and moved it to soy place of business, the car- riage and repair, slap, Huron street, where -I will keep on hand a full line of innulements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you Will receive prompt attention.— Wilson Elliott': —13 WANT 'E D--MACIHINISTS AND Lathe Hands.—Wood Motor Corn-. party, Minton. —14.. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, -GOOD location on William.street, near the Model school. Tea rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy. —14. WANTED. — A BOY OVER 16 years who wants to earn his own living, can find a good position right now with us', with a promise of steady employment, good wages, and Promotion.—See our Superin- tendent, Mr. Reid, about it at once,—The Jackson Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Clinton. --10. +011 SALE. -1015 • STUDEBAKE:R touring car fully equipped and in the very best'' condition.,.. Will be sold at a bargain —Harry Twit- chell, —43 FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including, house, office, barn and two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer kit- chen.—Apply to Dr. Gaudier. —40. CLAY lIIE FOR SALE, FROM 3 to 121 in. 'A first class article.— William Wheatley; phone No, 7,43 Maori Street, Clinton. FOR ;SALE,—HOUSE ON RATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs, Wm, Murray. Ap- ply to Ci. D. McTaggart. —32 FOR SALE. — THE 1; STORY house withacres of land on On- tario street 'lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is I acre of raspberries and small fruits, The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks, I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop.—Jacob Taylor. -35 To the Public: We are now • prepared with better facilities, than ever to • Re -Cut Crusher Rolls. Gum Circular and Cross Cut Saws, Do all Kinds of. Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. Do Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen hand Clippers. " FOR SALE.—A FORD RUNABOUT Automobile equipped with the Gray & Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem. Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy rid- ing qualities of the car.—Seeley & West. —36. HOUSE FOR SALE — ROOMY house, corner of Ontario and Will- iam streets. All modern convenien- ces. Garden and young fruit trees.. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacons on prem- ises or to W. Brydote, Clinton -42. VODDEN—In Goderich township, on July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. ,T. Vodden, a daughter. SOMERV1LLE—At St. Marys, on July 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Somerville, (formerly Miss Mary 'Pallor of Stanley), a sour. BEAN—In Goderich, on July. 7th, to Dr. and Mrs. Bean of Ilderton,'.. (formerly Miss Kate Ford), a daughter. WRLLWOOD—At Wingham, on July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Willi :it W Il•. wood, a son. CLARK=In Bayfield,' July 2nd, to Pte. and Mrs. Clark, a son. HOLLOWAY—In Wingham, on June 2nd, to Mr, -and Mrs, 'Edward . Holloway, a son. Deaths' BROWN—In ('Ens -ton,• on July 0th, Elizabeth J. France, wife of Mr, Wns. C. Brown, aged 00 years and r 10 months. McCORVIE—In Clinton, on July 8th, ' Donald McCo:vie, aged 76 years. SidlTII—Tni Toronto, on July 0th, Janes Smith of Clinton-, aged 70 years. MILLER—At Stella, on July 6th, Margaret Miller, sister of Mrs. Jae, Mahalfy of Clinton. r SCOTT—In Egmnndvflte Jrnc 30th, Matthew Scott in, his 76th year. DAVIDSON—In Goderich, on July Otih, Alexander Davidson, aged 00 pears, TEACHER WANTED -FOR. S. S. No. 5, Hullett. Duties to commen- ce Sept. 1st, 1016. State salary and qualifications. Apply to—Geo. C. Thompson, Londestoro P. 0. —42-3. FARM' FOR SALE.—Lot 25, Con. 5, Hullett, containing 100 acres of choice land. This farm is convert iently situated being only 2 miles north of Clinton on the main gravel road. There is on the premises a good 8 -roomed 11, storey frame house with telephone connection, a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- ling underneath. There is about 5 acres of hard wood bush. The farm is convenient to church and schools and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply to John Reynolds, 50 Stratford St., Stratford, Ont. —40'. TEACHER WANTED — FOR S. S. No. 3, Stanley township. Duties to commence September let. 2nd class Normal certificate. Salary $550 to $600 according to qualifica- tion. ."pi -y W. Reid, Seere- tar', Varna P.U. 42-1. FOR SALE.—FORD AUTOMOBILE, second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exchange for horses or cattle. —C, J, Wallis, —41. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. FOR SALE.—A SECOND FIAND, Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, tires practically new. Very cheap.—Seeley & West. —31, SEELEY & WEST SILS Y4ANTED WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW . MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —55 FOR SALE,—A NUMBER OR GOOD Calves.—W. Marquis, It. R. No. 1, Clinton. -25. First -Class Hand Laundry Next the Commercial: hotel Solicits a trial on work which will be executed by band without the .use of acids, lime, or any ether chemi- cals to destroy tire clothes, Shirts ironed so- that they will not hurt your neck, Stand-up collars Molted without be- ing broken in the wing. - No error will be investigated with- out the original li:et, or after 21 hours from the time goods are deliv- ered Patrons should list their cloth- es otherwise our count must he ac- cepted as correct. Sample prices; Shirts, open fronts 8c, Collars etc, Ladies' Skirts, 'plain, 16e to 25c., Blouses- Um Parcels called for and delivered. If work suits tell your. friends WASII DAYS : Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings of each week. News -Record Means News -Leader. Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every Monday and 'Thursday morning and weighed, tested incl paid for while you wait. A1S3 ill .kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl ri.CeiVed Wednesday morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans,- We supply two cans free, Pay, all expresscharges -and issue cheques twicq each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the ' high- est market prices consistent with en honest test. 'Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Flail who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give ns a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and, it will .he taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. A Question of Glasses Do your eyes tire easily,? Do they burn ? Does the print be- come blurred in reading ? Do you . suffer from headaches ? Do you know if you have perfect vision ? if not .we can inform you at ,John- son's Optical Parlor. It will- cost you nothing. SHADOW TEST System. Have Just Received a Carload of CEMENT And will keep a supple all summer. Come Here For your consent needs. JOHN HUTTON I,ONDESBORO. Bring your next jewelry repairs 10 Johnson and be better suited than ev- er before with prompt and careful service. .DE LRVELLE CREAM SEP- ARRTOR WORLD .STRNDARD Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, Dc Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at - my house, three doors west of Connner,:ial Hotel, and repairing clone Satur- day afternoons. 'Also 'Agent for New- combe Pianos. Phone 207. BROILERS AND DUCKLINGS Wanted. We are in the marketfor2000 young chickens and 1,000 young ducks per week, the chickens to weigh 2 po'mds and the ducklings 8 pounds each. Now is the time to take advantgge of the extraordinary prices paid for live poultry. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler We have added a stock of New Groceries Non -Fertile New -Laid EGGS Now that the hot stormier weather is approaching we are in a position to pay a premium for non -fertile eggs not over four days old. Is avili pay you to sell or kill all the roos- ters after the breeding season is over. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods, D. A.-WATSON Victoria St., Next the 13osji naf. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live LET US SELECT THE Vegetables for your Camping Trip. Our stock of Canned Goods has been especially selected for their qual- ity and purity, in fact everything we suggest to you will have your unqual- ified approval. Check from this list, the goods you know you want, then come in and let us show you others i Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, etc., Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups,Meat Extracts, Canned Preserves and Janis, Marmalades, Bacon all kinds of Cooked Breakfast Foods, Con- densed Milk, Coffee and Cacoa, Canned Salmon, Sardines and Kippered Herring. Specials—Strawberries, Let- tuce, Radish, Tomatoes, Cu - climbers, Green Onions. Camping or Picknleking Days Summer is here again wall its at- tendant' hot weather anti folks are talking of going camping or of a family picnic and always bring an in- creased demand for FRUITS AND READY -TO -EAT FOODS Ilot weather suggestions— Meats Canned Goods Ham Loaf Peas Cooked Hain ' Corn Tomatoes Jellied hock Salmon Bologna Pork and Beans Calmed Beef Tuna Fish Cool Drinks Orangeade Lemonade Lime Juice ,.. Ifonte Grown Berries for Canning Highest Market Price for Produce e de a Phone orders promptly ttrid d to. D. W. Hamilton I Johnson & Co. The De Lavelle Agent. The Store of Quality. News Record means. News -Leader, E. E. HUNNIFUIZU LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Se -ed Coin ! We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer, you at a reasonable price, also good Seed Buckwheat. This is the hatching season, and that means lots of feed for the Baby Chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chicle Grit on hand. Try some of our Creanneal and Oil cake for your posing Calves and Pigs, there is nothing better., Since Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our Easi- first Shortening, as it is not so ex- pensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 -lb. pails. Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Breakfast Food and Flour always kept in stock. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 100. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Elevator.