HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-07-06, Page 8Clinton Nem -Record
July 6th, 1910
is complete and large, equal to most of city "stores, We
keep everything in hardvs are. What we run out of
we get by express or parcel post. Our hardware`cata
ues are opencustomers
to for our cu Akers to select from,
Coil spring wire, Barbed wire, Black wire, Brace
wire, Dr Hess' Stock Food and Panacea, Perfection oil
stoves, S.W: Paint, Japalae and Floorlac, Scythes and
5 lawn mowers atTost, Job lot clothes baskets at
25c, Wheel barrow regular $3,50 for $3.00, Job lot of
nails, Ice :;ream freezers, Marvel floor mops at 50c,
Paris Green 65c per lb;, Bug finish Sc per lb, or 8 lbs.
for 35c, a good fertilizer as well as a bug killer.
Harland Bros.
PlltYollrThllmb on This.
Just put your thumb on the fact that this is a
Shoe Store with never a shoe disappointment !
It there is anything the matter with our $4.50.
$5.00 or $6,00 Men's Shea we'll make it right, for we
back them for all we are Worth !
If there is anything wanting -in style or dura-
urability in our Women's Shoes at $3.50, $4.00 or $4.50,
we are not aware of the fact and the purchase money
goes back I
If there are any better $1.50, $1.75 or $2,00 School
Shoes than ours, we have yet to see them I
If there's anything wrong with our Shoes or
our Shoe Service, we'll make good.
Bank on what we say and buy your Shoes here !
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary for us 'to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputationi:for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us,
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping. and dusting, Free trial [given.
Price $12.50.
Columbia Grafonolas,.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas
you will say they are thelbest toned and the most distinct talking
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we
play it for you.
Ball & Atkinson.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N, BALL Phone 110.
J, D. ATKINSON, Phone 1S6
Do you bowl, play tennis, la-
crosse or any of the numerous
sports that demand a light, el-
astic shoe ? If you do it will
pay you- to see our range of
New Fleet Foot Goods
We have all the newest lines in men's, womea's
and children's, in both high and low cut,
Our prices are the lowest possible.
See Thein in the North Window,
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — Phone 25. -- More Business
You can make it into the pleasant-'
est room of the hotne, a cosy, conn
fortable, homelike gathering place for
all the family, a cool, shady, out-
door playroom for the children CO
an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a-
partment -by equipping. it with wood
slat shades. We have them in stock,
k, 5, G, 7, 5 and 1'0 feet wide, they
have a no -whip attachment that Pre-
vents them swinging in the wind, will
beautify the home, shut out the
strong sun but let in the air. They
will make your rooms seven degrees
W. D. FAR Co.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Willi ii'•IINIIIII Ili
Mise Maida Cooper spent the week-
end with Brantford friends.
Miss Jennie Holmes was' a holiday
visitor with Windsor friends.
Miss Villa Stevens is home from
Toronto for a fortnight's. holiday,
SIrs. Jas. A. Miller spent from Fri-
day until Monday with her son at
lir. Clarence Paisley of the Royal
Bank star, St. Mary's, came home
for the holiday,
Pte. Fres( Rumba(] of London spent
the week -end and holiday with his
mother in town,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bartlill and family
motored to Brussels on Dominion
Day to visit the lady's home.
Mr, S. T, Walter has for twenty-four
years been envelope steward of the
Methodist church, Holmestille.
Mr. Thos. Watts of 'Stratford spent
the holiday and week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Watts,
Mrs. L. Crce and Misses Phamie and
Margaret spent the holiday and
week -end with Sergt. Crce in Lou-
Miss Delle O'Neil of the Toronto
Public school star is home for the
vacation. She left 'Tuesday on a
trip to the west,
Mr. Switzer, the Toronto rep.resenta-
tire of the Clinton Knitting Com-
pany, was in town on business the
beginning of the' week.
Miss Ruby Irwin of Toronto and
Miss M. Sipes of Plattsville spent
the week -end and holiday at the
former's house in town.
Misses Eva Mil and Norma Bentley
spent from Saturday until Monday
in London as the guests of Rev.
Canon and Mrs, Gunne,
Mrs. Mahaffy is spending the week
with her sister, Miss Miller of
Staffa, who is very ill. Mr. Ma-
hafly was down over the week -end.
Miss Emma Levis, who has spent
the past sit months with friends
in Los Angeles, California, is ex -
pasted home early next week. She
is returning by the Pacific Coast
and stopped oft at Vancouver, 0,C.,
for a few weeks' stay with friends..
She will also visit at Swift Cur-
rent, Regina, Oxbow and Winnipeg
tin route.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jac::son left
yesterday for their home at Rainy
River after a week's visit with the
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Isaac Jackson. Mr. Jackson had a
double object this time in coming
east one being to attend the I. 0.
P. High Court for New Ontario
held at Sudbury at which he was
elected High Chief Ranger showing
the regard in which he 'is held by
Forestric brethrea. Mr, Jack-
son was at one time interested in
newspaper publishing in Sas`•-atche•-
wan but for the past thirteen years
he has been collector of customs at
Rainy River, a rather more lucra-
tive and m ch easier occupation,
Ca tarn Win.Sheppard of Pottn
ee la
Prairie, Man., Governor of the Man-
itoba Reformatory located in that
town, is expected to arrive in
Clinton this week on a visit to his
i' brother, Mr. Thomas, Sheppard, a
large circle of relatives and a host
of old time friends. Captain Shep-
pard was horn on the pioneer home-
stead on the Llth-eon, of Groderieh
township and was one of a large
family of. whom the only survivors
now are himself and I his brother,
Thomas. IIe resided in Clinton for
years being engaged in the grocery
business and associated with the
late Thomas Cooper, They wire a
strong aggregation and did a great
business. He took part in •militia
matters and was Captain of the
Clinton Company of the Huron
Battalion, About 1,880 Captain
Sheppard went west and located
at Portage Ia Prairie of which he
has ever sines continued to he a
resident. He has for years been
Governor of the Reformatory at the
Portage which has the :reputation
of being an exceedingly well nsana
ged public institution. A' cordial
welcome awaits the genial Captain
who has timed his visit so that he
may he present'tt the great Orange
demonstration in Clinton. He has
been almost -a lifelong member of
the. Order,
Dress Goods Stock.
T Wool is the �001� clothing of the soldier and it is estimated
that the fleece of one billion sheep will not supply the
army now in the field for one year, while the total number of sheep
in the world falls short of this number by two hundred and fifty mil-
lion. When ordinary commercial requirements are also considered,
one wonders where the surplus wool is coming from and how long
it will last. During the past year wool has more than doubled in
In the face of the above mentioned facts we are offering
in our Dress Goods Department two Indigo specials, the one a serge,
the other a cheviot at $3.76 per yard. No extra charge for sponging
and shrinking whether we make up goods or not. This offer expir-
es when goods now in stock are sold.
Balance of ladies' and children's coats half price.
Ladies' and children's summer parasols at less than wholesale 'price.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
About People You Know -
Mr, James Smyth left Friday for
a visit in Toronto.
Sirs, Rent. Fitzsimons was in Lon-
don over the week -end and holiday,
Miss Si. Reynolds, who has been
teaching at Markdale, has returned
Corp, L. J. Wausau nf'l the 7191st
Battalion spent over the week -dad
at his home here.
Mrs. Hawkins of Hamilton is visit-
ing with her sons, Messrs. T. IV,
anti John Hawkins,
Mrs. Chas. Hillyer is. enjoying a
trip down the St. Lawrence with
her son, Mr, Porter.
Miss Anise Bartliff, nurse -in -training
at London, is spending a vacation
at her home in town.
Miss Hearn, who has been engaged in
teaching at Campbellford has- re-
turned house for, the holiday period.
llirs, J. R. Little and Baby Ilene of
Essex spent over the week -end at
the, parental home, that of Mr. and
Sirs, .J. F. Wasman,
Miss Louise Beaton, who has been
teaching at Grand Valley, returned
to her home in town and on Tues -
clay left for Calgary, Alberta, and
will spend the holiday period in the
Mrs. Kennedy of Stan and Mrs. M.
T. Corless and two children-, Ben-
son and Dorothy, of Levack, Oat.,
arrived this week td spend a fort-
night with their sisters, Mrs. A. J.
McMurray and. Mrs. I'I. Fitzsimons.
Mr. Corless is expected on Sit -btu: -
Mr. and Mrs. John Moth and the
latter's sister, Miss Roffman, Tor-
onto, .were in town Monday on
their way to Sebringville from Lot-
desboro where they had an enjoy-
able visit of a few days. Mr, Moon
makes it a point to get to his old
home on" the 1st for -the big Pres-
byterian garden party held_ in the
village that -evening enables bins to
meet almost the whole countryside.
Mr. anti Mrs. Moon do not return
to Toronto until Friday.
Mr, and Mrs, J. Mc0lymont were in
Toronto for the holiday.
Mr. IV. J. Paisley visited Teeswater
friends Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. T. J. Snowden on Sunday began
his nev pastorate at Ailsa Craig.
:Mr. and Mrs. W. 5, Downs spent the
week -end with friends at Clifford.
Miss Dottie Memnell of Toronto is ex-
peeted home next week for a fort-
night's vacation.
SIrs, Harry Fair and little daughter,
Trixie, are spending a few weeks
with the lady's sister, Mrs. W. H.
Mr. D. '1Ic('orvie has been conhined
to the house- for the past week ow-
ing to illness but at time of writ-
ing is somewhat improved.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kindree of St. Thom-
as visited with their daughters,
Mrs. J. W. Kilbride, town, and
Mrs. J. F. Shanahan, liullett.
Miss Edna Jackson carne over from
Buffalo on Monday for a fortnight's
holiday at the parental home, that
of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson,
Mr. Harry A. Sellery of Chicago has
been spending a few days during the
past week as the guest of his sis-
ter, Mrs. A. '1', Cooper of town.
P17nefpal Treleaven of the C, C. I.
let on Saturday for Toronto to
take a special course in physical
culture at the University, Miss
Norma arm mpalsied hint and will
visit friends in the city,
Mrs. Lou Trowse and .Mrs, B. Tons.
linsoi of Woodstock visited Mrs.
Trowse and other friends in town
during the past week and ' will
v 2 and.
spend several weeks s
Goderieh before re -turning home.
Dr. Fred F. Tisdall sailed from New
York on July 1st for England and
goes at once to the Canadian. Hos-
pital -at Shorncliil'e, and his broth-
er, 1Vlajor Chas. P. Tisdall goes im-
mediately to Camp Borden with
his battalion, the 1,52nd, for the
summer's training. These are' the
sons of Mr. J. P. 'Tisdall, formerly
of Clin.ton.• ,
You can feed the fire with utmost ease owing to the
generous double feed doors—no scattering of fuel and
room to insert big chunks of wood.
If you have five or ten minutes to spare come in and I'll
show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by BYAM & SUTTER.
The News From Londesboro,,
Mr. and Mrs. John Moon of Tor-
onto spent the holiday with friends
There was a goon turnout to the
i'resbyterlan garden party on Satur-
day evening.
D. D. Roberton of 'Thorold is spen-
ding the week at itis home here,
Miss E. Jamieson returned to
spent( the holidays at her home here,
Mr. Wm. Stevens of. Clinton spent
Tuesday and Wednesday with friends
in this vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Waiters and son of
London spent a few days at the
Inoue of Mrs. W. Riley. The former
returned Monday but Mrs. • Watters
and son will visit friends ]Here for a
few weeks.
Ptes. Harvey and Norman Bunking
and Clarence Crawford and F. Fing-
land spent Dominion Day with friends
Capt. W. Allan of the 1 Gist Batt.,
London, and his father, Mr, John
Allan and Miss Kathleen Best of Lon-
don, spent a 'few days with relatives
Miss L. Young of Regina, Sank,,
is spending her holidays with her
mother Mrs. (Dr.) Young.
Miss Mina. Kirk of 'Kingston is vis-
iting at the home of 1km. Lyon.
Mr. W. W. 'famblyn and sen of
Toronto are visiting at the home of
his brother, Mr. ,Jodi Tamblyn.
Miss K. E. Brown left on Monday
for Toronto to take a course at
Mrs. (Rev.) J. G. Reid and Misses
Roseland and Florence of Li:anow
spent few 'days a eat �I l
the Home of
Mr. James ('anuniell,
Miss dean Moines is spending a:
few days at her home here.
Mrs. A. S. Kunkle and her little
daughter, Marion, and Miss Urquhart;
of Niagara falls, Ont,, are guests
at the hone of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Craw—
Mrs. Percy McMichael and baby;
spent a week with her mother, Mrs.
Pickett in Clinton,
The garden party held on Friday
evening last was a lie:ided srccess.,
fi125 was realized,
Slrs. Coiclough and daughter, Vera,
spent Saturday in Brussels with her -
Mrs. James Dale is visiting her
sister. at Fullerton,
Bernard hall spent a couple of days
with his brother, Lieut, Charles Hall
of London.
On Monday while William Moon. r •1►
was loading gravel at the pit it'cav-
cd in on him. He was quickly res-
cued though and not very seriously
injured and we hope will soon be all,'
right again.
Miss Maynte Hall and Miss Dolly
Spooner are visiting friends in
Sirs. Jones and Mrs. Slutzig of -
Sask., are spending a month at the
home of' h n Mrs, mother, S i
Irs, .31st
, er
of the village.
11111111111111111111 111111111111111 1111
Of the
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tI Orderb
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your name will be in the new issue!
q Report changes required to our Local
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.