HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-07-06, Page 5} July 6th, 1916 Clinton News -Record Auburn !(Intended for last issue.) Mrs, Prom is spending ,a week with her sons at Moncton,. • Mr. C. Clark dts received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Robt. Sprung of Manitou, Man. Mrs. Sprung had been a • patient sufferer from eczema for years. Mr, Harold Sprung of Ilullett bad the misfortune to have his barn de- stroyed by fire last week. The rause,. .of the fire is unknown. Mr. Martin Dyer has moved to the village, occupying the house which lie purchased from Mr. Helwig. Mrs, Sholes of Detroit is spending * few weeks at the home of her lather, Mr. A. Robertson of Mullett.. Mr. Finley Walsh of Guelph re- -turned home after spending a few .days at the home of Mrs. William Dobie. London Road 'Dirs. Wm. Hardy visited friends at Mitchell this week, The London Road and Turners' pee'- ple picnicked .in Mr. Henry Peacock's bush on Wednesday and had a real jolly time, (Intended for last issue.) Mr. and Mrs: Hobbs and. Mrs. Ken- 'ttington of Toronto have been visit- ing the latter's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Stanbury, Mrs. Kennington is re. 'retaining for a longer visit. Mr. A. Gray of the 2nd concession rte "'rA!ia a very successfulbail raising re- •cently. • Mr.ant 7 Mrs. Frank Layton and Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Pepper visited Mullett friendst Sunday. o t nda . The League will meet on Monday evening of next week instead of Tuesday, the meeting to be at the home of Mr. W. Stanbury. The un- ion picnic ;with the people of Turn- er's church will be held in Peacock's -grove on Wednesday. This is always a pleasant social event and the usu- :elgood time is anticipated. Important Court Decision. Municipality Held Responsible for Condition of Roads, The Municipal World has the 'following comment upon a legal case which originated in this county : The case>of Davis vs. the Township -of Usborne, recently passed by. ' the Court of Appeal, is of great interest and instructive as to the trend of ju- dicial opinion with reference to the responsibility of municipalities with' ,reference to maintenance of public 'highways. • The advent of the motor vehicles 'has been looked upon with unfavor able eyes by many municipal officers uld the feeling seemed to prevail in many municipalities that so long as they provide a road suitable for trav- el by the means in> use prior to the the advent of motor vehicles' they Miert doing all that their duty cal- led upon them to do, and in fact in 'some localities they went further and by the construction of watersheds across and at right angles to the road and dumping gravel in hillocks and lumps without spreading made it impossible to travel on some of their highways ata speed of more than .one-half the statutory limit. In the case mentioned ,above the 'County Court Judge of the county of Huron held that the road upon which the accident happened was reasonab- ly safe for public travel by the means in use before the advent of motor ye- 'hicles and that the township, hav- ing provided such a road were under no obligation to improve it to make it reasonably safe against the added dangers occasioned by the use of mo- tor vehicles. The Court of Appeal; 'however, dissented from this view and held that the statutory duty lin-- posed upon the township r eyuired it to Make the road' reasonably safe for the purpose of travel and so safe 'from any additional danger incident oto the use of it by •motor •vehicles which have been in use for .several years and are now a common means of transportation, The matter under consideration in that case was of a horse taking 'fright at a motor vehicle, and over- turning the buggy of the plaintiff in a ditch alongside of the road and the Court of Appeal directed ludg- meat to .be entered against the town- ship on the grounds above set out, holding that if the ditch was neces- sary it should not have been in the shape of an open ditch but should 'have been tiled. It does not seem very the to go from this decision to `one holding he township liable for any damage sus- tained by the motorist or to the mo- tor itself while travelling on the road within the legal ' speed limit, by reason of holes or defects in the 'highway. C,' ERROW-ELLIOTT. South Parkdale Methodist churc'a, was the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding when Leona, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott, for- mer residents of Clinton, was united in marriage to Wilfrid, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gerrow, Port 'Perry, Ont., the Rev, Vernon Emory 'officiating. The bride, coming. in on her father's arm, looked charming in A French blue taffeta suit with trim- mings of black velvet and wore a • white fox and g picture hat of unrn- Ished leghorn trimmed with pond lit; tee and lovers' knots of velvet. She -carried a shower bouquet of sweet- heart roses and lily -at -the -valley. Af- ter partaking of a dainty luncheon 'at the bride's homethe happy cou- ple left on the 2 o'clock heat for Ni- agara Falls, Buffalo, and Detroit, Oil their return Mi. and Mrs. Gerrow will reside at' 88 Cowan Ave. Mrs. Ger- -row will be at home to friends after July 17th. -Toronto Star, Written While the Big Guns Were Playing. The following letter er was received bY :• Mss 'JeanieCowan rt of town from I her cousin, Sapper h C. Cowan, who went forward from Ottawa early an January with reinforcements with 'the 88th Engineering corps r, "Somewhere in Belgium, June 0th, 1916. Dear Jeanie -I am going to write you a leiter and let you distribute it among all my friends at Blyth. Things. may cool off here in 'a few days and then 1 can write them my - sell Y.oe ask me if 'I am net proud I am a Canadian ?' Well, I sere am and if you only saw what our fel lows are doing but here you would be .all the More proud that you are one also. I guess you will have the casuality list before this reaches you. My friends in Ontario have not for- gotten me. I have received the' Wells' .girls' parcel, Lucy's and yours with- itr the past few days and I must thank you all, also Mrs. Ball and' Mrs. Johnston. It is wonderful the way those parcels have cheered us up. .There are eight of us in an old cellar very close'. to the German lin- es keeping our bridges -in repair, As soon as a shell hits' one we have to get out and fix it. The fellows' all seem to thirds I have some friends and what belongs to one belongs to all out here. We will probably he relieved soon and will then have a night's rest. I have not had my cloth- es off for a week, ' I don't know whether I told you that I got an Ad- vance in pay of five cents per day about three weeks age. You may g;o grin at this but it helps a good, deal.I gettwentv francs every erY two weeks now instead of fifteen. The rest goes down in my little' book, A fellow does not need much money here, but occasionally when you get near a canteen you can buy a little canned fruit, etc. Old Fritz is not letting up much. He is trying hard for one of our bridges. I feel so well filled since those parcels came that he can starif away all he likes. I do not smoke much. Smoking and I never did seem to agree though I have often tried since coming out here. I occasionally smoke a' cigar- ette. .I gave the T tYe B to: another fellow and I see him lying on his bunk everlastingly making the smoke fly. Don't believe he'd care a'bit if a German shell should come through the roof. You asked about the cli- thate. Well we had a couple of weeks of fine, dry weather but now it is cold and damp. I have my big ov- ercoat on now and we cannot have a fire until dark or the . Germans 'would see the smoke. '.Chen men shall likely have a little fire in an old pail and make some tea. If it weren't for the tea I would rather put up with the cold than. the smoke of the fire, Now this letter is written un- do: shell fire, an experience quite common with us, Yours -I.. C. COW - an. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date ' indicated. Clinton, July 4th, 1301. The first cricket thatch of the sea- son took place on Monday between the Forest " and Clinton teams, the former winning, The first Dominion Day or the new century was celebrated by the ucople of old Rattenbury street church by laying the corner stone of their i'ew place of worship, which will be our ed Wesley church. The jar pla'iit.l in the t cavity in the corners one contained ontained copies of the two- town papers, Mail & Empire and Glebe and the names of the members of the quarterly hoard, Epworth Lebgue and Sunday school officers, the mayor and coun- cil of tire present year and the 'pas- tor of the church. The Local Market, Wheat 64e to 65e. Barley 37e to 40e. Oats 31c to 32c, Butter 14c to 15c. Eggs 9,¢c to ila, Live Flogs $6.50, Marriages POLL ARD -SP ACKMAN-At Bayfield on July 5th, by Rev. A. Macfar- lane, Claire, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ,.fames Spackman, of Bayfield to William Pollard of London, LAWRENCE -FRANCIS -At Exeter, on ,Jane 28th, Flossie Francis, of Thames Road to Ilaroid T. Law- rence of McKillop. WILLITS-McLEAN-At Wutghatu on June 27th, Webster Willits., of "° Turnberry to Ethel May, McLean of Ilowielk, 13UCKMAN-NICIIOLSON = At God erich, June 24th, Christine, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nic- holson, to George Stanley Buck- man of Brockville, Ont. Births McKINNOuN-At Edmonton, Alberta, on July 1st, to Mr, and Mrs, ,T. G. McKinnon, (nee May Rance,) a son -(Billy Neil McKinnon.) JONES -In Clinton, ori June 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Guy Jones, a son. HORTON-At Dunlop on June 4th, to Mr, and Mrs: Horace Morton, a daughter, (Edith). Deaths REED -In North Bay an June 216th, James Reid, aged 00 years, father of J. F. Reid -of Seaforth.: Blgth Mrs. Wetilauiter., who has Lam vis- iting at the -home of Mrs. CI, King, is s ' ndit • a i e Fortn ht at i i 'f r:l p g g titian before-s1eturnin herMete to 1 � uo t.t g Berlin. AA' A ;Si' Y.' I: ll _ MACHINISTS AND Lathe Hands, -Wood 1910lor (fonni pany, Clinton. -11. BRICK HOUSE, FOR SALE. -0001) • location on William street, near the Model school; 'Pen rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy. -44. FOR SALE. -1915 STUDEBAKER touring car fully equipped and in the very best condition..,. Will be sold at .a bargain. -Harry Twit- chell. -'-43 CLAY TILE •FO:it SALE, FROM 3 to 1.2i in. 'A first class article. - William Wheatley, phone No. 74, Huron Street, Clinton. -43 YE, THE MERCHANTS ,OF- HOLM- esviile, following a growing custom, have decided to close our places of business at five o'clock each Wed- nesday afternoon during the summer months. -A. J. Cottrtice, - S. W. hillier; -43-3. PT C U S. E S FOR' SALE - BRICK house one and a half storey, on Victoria street, six rooms', water and electric light. Also frame house on Victoria street, seven rooms. Both central: Apply to Mrs. aIar- tigan on premises or to—W. Bry- done. -43-2. HOUSE FOR SALE - ROOMY house, corner of Ontario and Will- iam streets. All modern convenien- ces. Garden and young fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacom on prem- ises 'or to W. Brydone, Clinton -42. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 5, Mullett. Ditties to commen- ce Sept. Lst, 1ih18. State salary and qualifications. Apply to -Geo. C. Thompson, Londesboro P. 0. -42-3. TEACHER WANTED - FOR S. S. No. 3, Stanley township, Duties to commence September Est, 2nd class Normal certificate. Salary $550 to $000 according to qualifica- tion. Apply to -J, W. Reid, Secre- tary, Varna P.O. , 42-1. FOR SERVICE AT MY F 12R.M.-A thorobretl Polled Angus Bu11.-Wil- lieu Wheatley. -43-2 • FOR SALE, --FORD AUTOMOBILE, second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exchange for horses or cattle. -C, J, AA!allis, -4.1. FOR SALE, -A NUMBER OF GOOD Cafes, -W. Marquis, R. II. No, 1, Clinton: -25. FOR SALE. -ONE PLIED 131111113 registered Shorthorn Bull 15 mon- ths old. A beautiful roan and ex- tra good quality all over. Price right.-Plumsteel Bros. -1S. FEES FOR.BOOTHS The following license fees will be charged by the Corporation of the Town of Clinton for Booths, etc. on July 12th : For 1, Booth, 12 foot counter fron- tage, rontage, on streets or 'town property $10.00, The same oil private property ,$8,011 Hawkers or pedlers on foot 2.50 Shooting galleries, etc, 5.00 Applications, with tees, will' be re - aired commencing on Friday, June 30th, at 1 o'clock p.m. anti locations- will ocationswill be Made according to' number on receipt for fee. If the Public Park is used the swine scale of fees will be charged for Booths, etc. on Park grounds. D. L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer: -43-2 First -Class Hand Laundry Text the Commercial Hotel Solicits a trial on work which will be executed by ltantl without the use of acids, lime, cr any other cliem•f- cals to destroy the clothes. Shirts ironed so- that they will not hurt your nock, Stand-up collars ironed without be- ing broken in the wing. No error will be investigated with- out the original list, or after 2t1 hours from the time goods are deliv- ered_ Patrons should list' their cloth- es otherwise our count must be ac- cepted as correct. Sample „prices : Shirts, open fronts 8c, Collars ho, Ladies' Skirts, plain, 15c to 25e., Blouses 10c. Parcels called for and 'delivered. If work suits tell your friends WASH DAYS : Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings of each week, McCORMIC''K , AGENCY. -I ISAVE taken over the agency for tee Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to ;my place of business, the car- riage anil repair , shay Iluron street, where I will keep on hand a full lislemu f o t lememts repairs, twine, etc, An order from you will receive prompt attention - Wilson Elliott. -13 WANTED -A COOK AND A TfOUSE- maid for my summer home at God - ©rich. Will pay, five dollars per week to each person: -Mrs. 0. C. Fleming, 2117 Sandwich St., ,Wind- sor. -41-3 FOR SALE ''OR TO RENT GOOD frame house on Ontario, street, next- door to Manse. Nine rooms, good cellar, acre of land with fruit trees. Apply on premises or to- W. Brydone, Clinton, -11-3 WANTED. - A BOY. ' OVER 16 years who wants to earn .his own living, can , find a good position right now ivitb us, with a promise of steady employment, good wages, and promotion, -See.. our Superin- tendent, Mr. Reid, about it at once. -The Jackson Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Clinton. -40. FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY- ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including house, office, barn and two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable, IIard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer 'let I- chen.-APPly to Dr. Bendier. -40. FOR SALE. THE 14 STORY house with -ar acres of land on On- tario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in -excellent condition and there is 4' acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for recital the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop. -Jacob Taylor. -35 FOR SALE -A FORD RUNABOUT Automobile equipped with the Gray Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem. Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy rid- ing qualities of the car. -Seeley 8& West. -36. FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 25, Con. 5, Mullett, containing 100 acres of choice land. This farm is conven• featly situated being only 2 miles north of Clinton on the' main gravel road. There is On the premises a good 8 -roomed 15,- storey frame house with telephone connection, a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath. There is about 5 acres of hard wood bush. The farm is convenient to church and schools and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply to John Reynolds, 50 Stratford St., Stratford, Ont. -40. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the sltbrtest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suite, Gent''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to, Rooms oven Grigg's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in- every Monday and Thursday morning. and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live foWl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday morning each week, ' T. E. MASON, Goleta). Merchant, DE LAVELLE CREAM SEP - DR WDRLD STAND �D BRAT � AR Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and. Wentiott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three dooms west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing alone Satur- day afternoons. • 'Also 'Agent for combo Pianos. Phone 207. New - D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent. FOR. SALE. -HOUSE ON BATTEN- FOR SALE. -A' SECOND HAND bury street formerly occupied by Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- tire late Mrs, Wm. Murray. Ap-. hauled, tires practically new, ply to G. D. McTaggart. 1-32 Very cheapt-Seeley & West, -31 To the Public: We are now prepared with better. facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher Rolls. Gum Circular and Cross Crit Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair 'Automobiles, Do Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work, Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen Hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. Tires AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST GIRL'S iNTEO'! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. A Question of Glasses Do your eyes tire easily, ? Do they burn ? Does the print be- come blurred in reading ? Do you, suffer from headaches 7 Do you know if you have perfect vision 7 • TI not, we can inform you at John- son's ohn- sons Optical Parlor. It will cost you nothing, SHADOW TEST System. Bring your next jewelry repairs to Johnson and be better suited than ev- er before with prompt ' and careful service. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other ga , erlines to be found -in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a fall stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in; ex- change for goods.' D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital. Camping in .. - or g P ekniekin g Days Summer is here again with its at- tendant hot weather and' folks are talking of going camping or of a family picnic and always bring an in- creased demand for FRUITS AND READY -TO -EAT FOODS Ho -t weather suggestions- Meats Canned Goods Ham Loaf Peas Cooked Ham ' Corn • Tomatoes Jellied flock Salmon . Bologna Pork and Beans Canned Beef TUna Fish Cool Drinks Orangeade Lemonade Lime Juice ,,, Horne Grown Berries for I-ligitest Market Price for Produce tisst Canning Phone orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. CREAM . WANTED, - DAIRYMEN having creams to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. 'We pay the high- 'ost market prices consistent with. an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of I{inburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinitp of.' Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros.. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. Have Just Received a Carload of E M E N T And will keep a supply all summer. Come Here For your cement needs. JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. BROILERS AND• - DJJCKLINC-S Wanted. We are in the market for 2000 young chickens and 1000 young ducks per week, the chickens to weigh 2 pounds and the ducklings 3 pounds each. How is the time to take advantgge of the extraordinary prices paid for live poultry. Non -Fertile New -Laid OGS Now that the hot summer weather is approaching we are in a position to pay a premium for non -fertile eggs not over four days old. Is will pay you to sell, or kill all the roos- ters after the breeding season is GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live LET US SELECT THE Vegetables for your Camping Trip. Our stock of Canned Goods has been especially selected for their qual- ity and purity, in fact everything we suggest to you will have your unqual- ified approval. Check from this list the e goods you know you want, then come hi and let us show you others Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, eta., Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups,- Meat Extracts, Canned Preserves and Janis, Marmalades, Bacon all kinds of Cooked Breakfast Foods, Con- densed Milk, Coffee and Carton, Canned Salmon, Sardines and Kippered Herring. Specials -Strawberries, Let- tuce, Radish, Tomatoes, Cu- cumbers, Green Onions. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE rt'ND LET LIVE GROCER, Seed Corn •e• We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also good Seed Buckwheat. This is the hatching season, -and that means lots of feed for the Baby Chicks. We. have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also., Chick Grit on hand. Try some of our Creameal anti Oil cake for your young Calves and Pigs, there is nothing better. Since Lard has risen to sucha high price, why not try our East - first Shortening, as it is not so ex- pensive and goes farther. We have it in 5 and 20-1b. pails: Bran, Shorts., • Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Breakfast Food and Flour always kept in stock. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED: [hone. 109. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevator: Slf(1?111rrits1.1 Fresh' home, grown strawberries all this week,ualit • never was � s better, Leave your orders early for canning in Or- der to secure best berries at lowest price, W. T. O'Neil No is Ihe Tiffie to have your coal bins filled up, and we can sure do it using our Celebra- ted LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE (the coal that satisfies) For June and July orders, the fol- lowing are our prices : CHESTNUT, $7.50 STOVE $7.25 EGG $7.00 SOFT COAL $6.00 Delivery to Bayfield -$1.00 per ton, to Varna 50c; to Kippen 50e, Bruce- field- 25 c. We also handle all kinds of Logs, add Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued anti Grooved Flooring and V Matched Si- ding, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Material, Tile, Cedar Postal Etc, JOHN B. MUSTARD B,RUCEFIELD. Cream ! Cream ! New Method. I am in the market for any, quantity of cream at highest market price. You can see it weighed, tested and take your moneys home with you. Cream taken in every 'Thursday, morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Hoimesville It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance, If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any, Plumbing done this year you will save money,- bpgetting prices at once. Eli THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall. wheat, 40 acres ready fop spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or. chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quarte% mile from, Porter's Hill, -James Hamilton, Clinton. --00. 4.i thing •e• you want done in the lime of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g , Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate, . Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers, Phone Z. The sub to The News - News -Record means. News -Leader, ` Record is $1 per year,