HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-06-29, Page 5June 29th, 1916 Stan.e11:11e nship It is with feelings of deep regret that we record this week the death 'of one of our most respected and be - ;loved pioneers. We refer to tile de- ' - nnuisof Nu* MrsJo t In cid Sr,,Rwho i'1 o passed 'Peacefully 11 ) awaY o June 20th .:after a brief illness. The subject of thissketch was born April 20th, 1837 in 'Toronto, then known as „_, "14uddy 'York," and came 'to this township with her parents; the late Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, settling on the 'farm on the Goshen Line still owned by . her brother, Mr, Launcelot Clark, The deceased was a member :or a large family of whom five sisters and one brother survive, Early in life she was United in the bonds of holy matrimony with the late John Reid, who predeceased her ;about seventeen years ago. Of this union eleven children were torn, sev- en. daughters and four sons, Two. of -these have already •"crossed that bourne whence no traveller returns," the youngest, Launcelot Edward, some five years since. ' The late Mrs. Reid resided Contin- uously for over fifty years on the .farm on the Bayfield .Road where she and her husband first took up house- keeping and where she underwent With bins all the hardships and dlifi- euities of the pioneer life; A few years .ago she retired tired to the village of Bay - Feld where she lived until the time of her last illness. ' i ,17e Mrs. Reid was in many, respects' a model woman and her memory will - ng be cherished as a loving .Christ- ian mother t` her and a loud neighbor, A life-long member of the Presbyterian Church, her talent was exercised chiefly in the' home and social ai ser- vice of the church. No truer friend or kinder helper in time of trouble •ever soothed the suffering heart. The funeral took place on Thursday, ' June 22nd, to the Bayfield cemetery. Irore the old family residence on the itayfleld Road. The pallbearers were : Messrs. John McKinley, Geo. Clark, John Stephenson, John Beatty, John 'ST. Reid and Edward Merrier. Ser- vices were conducted by. the Rev. A. Macfarlane, who gave an eloquent address and fitting appreciation of the departed. Numerous and beauti- ful floral tributes testified to the -esteem in which the deceased was held. A long cortege of sorrowing friends and relatives followed • the 'remains to their last resting. place. The family of the late Mrs. Reid wish 'through the medium of The News -Record to express their thanks to sympathetic friends for much kindly service and assistance during their recent bereavement. Miss Mary Forgie and her sister, Mrs. E. Peterntan are making a short visit amongst relatives in this township, ---+-- 'Miss E. Reid returned to her dut- ies in Londor his week, after hav- ing been called' orae a couple of weeks ago on account of the • serious ill- ness of her mother. ' At the last meeting of the town- ship council held on June 19th the following motions were passed : "That hereafter no dog tax will be refunded unless the council have so, tine of the decease before the Court of Revision :" "That all residentg of Stanley township liable for statute la- bor be ,requested to assist in keeping the roads free from snow blockade during the winter season both by the use of the shovel and the removal of fences in order that Rural Mail De- livery can be made without hinder- ante." Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of. The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, June 217th, 1901, Rev. Dr, McKillop and Rev. J. H. Rector, the Black Knight, addressed 1 meeting in the Rattenbury street church in the interests of temper- ance on Friday evening last. Messrs, Wallis sa C'antelon shipped 170 hogs to Toronto on Monday for which they paid seven cents ,per pound, On Monday, St. John's Day, a clay dearla o t the Masonic world, 'the fol- lowing officers were installed to pre- side over the destinies of Lodge No, 34 for the year to comes W. Master, J, B. Hoover, P. Master, L M. :McLean. Sr. Warden, 1. W. Chidley. Jr. Warden R. Ii, Rand. Treasurer, 0. S. Doab, Secretary, A. Porter, Sr. Deacon, W. S. Lawrence. Jr. Deacon, W, P. Spalding. Chaplain, J. Taylor. 1, Guard, J. Ford. Tyler, J. Ryder. Stewards., N. Kennedy, J. H. Kerr D. of C., Dr. J. W. Shaw. Trustees, Il, J, Paisley, 0. 'John- son. Auditors, W. D, Fair, N. Fair, The Local Market, Wheat Ste to 65c. Barley 370 to 10e. Oats 31cytei 32e, Butter.. 14c to 1be, Eggs 9c to lie- - Live Hogs 86.50, Births SCOTCHMER-Ab Tugaslse, Sasic, on June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Scotchmer, a son, ELDER -In I-Iensall, on June 21st,. to Mr, and Mrs. John Elder, a son. FAIRD/AdR,N-In Stanley, ' on June 10th, to Mr, and Mrs, Walter Fairbairn, a son, Marriages LANSKAIL-ROSS-At Winnipeg; on Juno 22nd, Catherine, daughter of the late Donald Ross of Stanley township, to 0. J, A. Lanskeil of Regina, Sack, LIQ lam. tR1z01R A I L; -B `G: NiAN In Clin- ton, on June 22nd, Mrs. Lillian Bateman of Clinton,: to Henry Livermore of the Heron Road. FITEPATRICK-McCOR'MICK - lit Wingham, on June 21st, Leah Mc- Cormicls of 'irurnberry to Morris Fitzpatrick, al East Wawanosit, AIASOII-HOWARD At Goderich, on June 15th, Mabel Elva Howard, of Goderich, to John Earl Mason of Detroit, Mich, Deaths HUNTER -In Clinton, on June 518th, John Hunter, - aged 09 years and 8 months, EMIGH' - At myth, on June 25th, Ann McNames, wife of Mr. John G. Enlist', aged 89 years, MORRIS -In Goderich; on June 21st, harry J. Morris, aged 03 years. NICHOL-In Wingham, on June 20th Agnes Mitchell, wife of A, J. Ni- chol. HOWES-In MoKIllop on June 20th, Annie Maud Hart, wife of Mr. John A, Howes', aged 26 years, 2 months, DOWNING -At Leamington, Ont., on June 22nd, Joanna Burrows, wife of Ephraim Downing. formerly of Goderich. FOR SALE, -1015 STUDEBAKER touring car fully equipped and in the very best condition,.:, Will be sold at a bargain. -Harry, Twit- chell. -13 CLAY TILE FOR SALE, FROM 3 to 10 in. 'A first class article.- William Wheatley, phone No. 74, Huron Street, Clinton. -43 RAFFLE TICKETS —WILL THOSE who purchased raffle tickets at the Girls' Club Bazaar kindly hand same to Miss Sadie llfahgffy as the right number has not yet been re. ceived, -qg FEES FOR BOOTHS The following Iicense fees will be charged by the Corporation of the Town of Clinton for Booths, etc. on July 12th r For 1, Booth, 12 foot counter fron- tage, on streets or tow property 010.00. The salve on private- property $8.00 I•Iawkers or pedlers on foot 2.50 Shooting galleries, eta. 5.00 Applications, with fees, will be re- ceived commencing on Friday, June 30th, at 1 o+clock p.m. and locations will be made according to number on receipt for fee. If the Public Park is used the same scale of fees will he charged for Booths, etc. on Park grounds, D. L. MAC P13ERSON, Treasurer, •- 43-2 WIT THE MERCHANTS OF HOLM- scru fe, following a growing Customns, have decided to close our places of business at ilve o'clock each' Wed- nesday'' afternoon during the summer mouths. -A. J, Cour hoe, S. IV. Millar, II C' U L;S FOR SALE BRICK house one and a half •,storey, ori Victoria street, six 'roosts', WA'',6 and electric light. A1'so frame house - on Victoria street, seven rooms. • Both central. Apply to Mrs. )lar- tigan on premises or to -1V:' Bry- done. HOUSE FOR SALE - ROOMY house, corner Of' Ontario and Will- iam streets. All modern convenien- ces, Garden and young fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. A. Beacom on prem- ises or to W. Brydone, Clinton -42, TEACHER WANTED -FOR, S. S. No. 5, Hullett. Duties to commen- ce Sept. 1st, 1010, State salary and qualifications, Apply to -Geo. C, Thompson, Londesboro P. 0. -42-3. TEACHER WANTED - FOR S. S. No. 3, Stanley township. Duties to commence September list. '2nd class Normal -certificate. Salary $550 to. $600 according to qualifca- ton. Applyto-J. W. Reid, Secre- tary, Varna P.O. 42-4, McCORMIO'K , AGENCY, -I HAVE taken over the agency for tile Me - Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair i shag, Huron street, where I will keep an hand a full line of imuiefnents, 'repairs; twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention. - Wilson :Elliott, -43 FOR SERVICE AT MY FARM. -A thorobred Polled Angus Ball. -Wil him Wheatley. -43-2 FOR SALE, -GASOLINE ENGINE almost new, a bargain. Write Draw- er B., Clinton. -42. FOR SALE. -FORD AUTOMOBILE, second hand, at a reasonable price. Will exchange for. horses or cattle. -C, J, Wallis. -41. FOR SALE. -TWO COLLIE PUPS. - Real good ones N. .7. "Labeau, Phone 9 on 140, Clinton. -40. FOR SALE.A NUMBER OR GOOD Calves, -ll'. Marquis, R. It No. 1, Clinton. -25. FOR SALE. -ONE PURE, BRED registered Shorthorn Bull 15 mon- ths onthe old. A beautiful roan and ex- tra good quality all over. Prior right.-Plumsteei Bros, -41. MacLean's --- THE MAGAZINE FOR REAL CANADIANS. -- Every Every phase of present-day Canadian life is reflected in the July issue of MacLean's Magazine. It Is 'vibrant with the spirit of Canada to -day, in- terpreted by the Canadian writers of first rank best fitted to treat of the topics assigned them. It is. a magazine with a' universal appeal, a live interest fon: every member of the family. ,It is the Magazine. you have been looking for. Consider the following list of writers and articles in the July Issue, and ask your news dealer for the .July MacLean's. ROBERT -W. SERVICE whose virile verse places his boo'. a at the Bead of the best sellers, is driving an ambulance car at the front in Flanders, awl his war poems,'ap- pearing exelusively in MacLean's Magazine, are saturated with the spirit and color of the trenches. "The Haggis of Private McPhee" in the July Number is a humorous and yet pathetic treatment of a subject dear to the heart of every Scotchman. C. W. Jeffrey's illustrations make it more realistic. Agnes C. Laut Well 'known to MacLean's readers for her amazing revelations ,of German machinations in the United States, and whose intimate connection with those high up in financial, business and diplomatic circles in the neigh- boring Republic, has given her series , of articles in MacLean's prescience, Posit.iVely startling, contributes t o tile July MacLean's yet another of outstanding import under the reading of "Canada's Gccatest Service to the Empire." Brigadier -General Logie A fascinating character sketch of the Hamiltmt lawyer, who, casting aside bis gown and his briefs, is organizers and training as bead of Number Two Division, a Canadian army larger than that illifain sent to Water- loo under Wellington. By. Hugh S. Eayrs, Immigration After the War Some plain facts are given and deductions drawn by Fisher King. No more vital question is occupying the minds of Cianadian statesmen. Every business' man snotld read this article, Nellie McCiung raises the startling cptestion, "Now that women have tate vote in Wes- tern 'Canada, will they want to sit in Parliament ?" Mrs, McClung, herself a leader in the Western feminist movement, answers this question in e characteristic article in the JulyMacLean's, Stringer and McFarlane continue in the July MaeLean's their captivating stories, "The Anatomy of Love" and "'Behind the -Bolted Door ?" Both these men are first flight fiction writers, and both Canadian :horn anis bred, and both with contin- ental reputations, Then there is that ever -popular department, The Review of Reviews, which gives the busy reader the cream of the world's best periodical lit- - erature. Buy the July MacLean's, Learn at first band how good and how interes- ting this thoroughly Canadian Magazine is. The MacLean. Publishing Co., Limited, 113 University Ave., Toronto Subscription Price $1,50 per year, J lJ 1 ON NEWS DEALERS 1 L Clinton News -Record WANTED -A COOK AND A HOUSE - maid for ivy. Summer home at God- erich. ' Will pay, five" dollars per week to each person. -Mrs. 0. C. Fleming, 214 Sandwich St., Wind- sor. .-41_3 t'OR SAf,E Oil '1`0 RENT - GOOD frame house on Ontario street, next door to Manse. Nine rooms, good cellar, k, acre of land with fruit trees. Apply on premises or to - W. Brydone, Clinton. -41-3 WssiNTED TO PURCHASE -IF YOU have any western town ' lots or farm lands that }'ou wish to dis- pose of, it Will pay you' to write to Charles Beck, Berlin, Ont. -40-3 FOR SALE. -HOUSE ON RATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. -32' WANTED. - A BOY OVER ,18 years who wants to earn his own living, can find a 'good position right now with' us, with a promise of steady employment, good wages, and promotion. -See our Superin- tendent, Mr. Reid, about it at once. -'['he Jackson Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Clinton, . -40, FORALE-TE PROPERTY s H R Pzr ' 0 Y ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including house, office, barn and Iwo lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting' 'throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water- in bathroom, kitchen and summer MI - chefs -Apply to Dr. Handier. -40. FOR SALE. - THE 1k STORY house with -.•"v acres of land on On- tario street latelyi occupied by Mr. Bailees. The garden is in excellent condition and there is a acre of raspberries and small fruits, The house Contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop —Jacob Taylor. -35 FOR SALE -A FORD -RUNABOUT Automobile equipped with the Gray as Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem, Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy rid- ing qualities of the car. -Seeley &; West, -30. FARM FOR SALE: -Lot 25, Con, 5, Mullett, containing 100 acres of choice land. This farm is conrven. featly situated being only 2 miles north of Clinton on the main gravel road. There is on the premises a good 8 -roomed 4 storey frame house with telephone connection, a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath. There is about 5 acres of hard wood bush. The farm is convenient to church and schools and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply to John Reynolds, 50 Stratford St., Stratford, Ont. -40. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED,, RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelers, Stora. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every Monday and Thursday morning and: weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted, Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T, E. MASON, General Merchant, - DE LAVELLE CREAM SEP- ARATOR WORLD S TANOA D R Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanzer. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three doors west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Satur- day afternoons. Also Agent for New- combe Pianos. Phone 207. D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent. T • FOR SALE; -A SECOND'HAND Furl 0 h n. n i b.li,C,,: Ato i obile, thoroughly over- hauled, Y eve r hauled, tirespractically new. We are now prepared with better Very cheap. -Seeley & West. -31' facilities than ever to Re -Cut ut Grushe•r Rolls. ifs Gum Circular and Cross - Cut Saws, Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work, Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. Do Blacksinithing, Do Wood Repair Work, Sharpen Power Clippers, Sharpen hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires, Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION. ,SE EL E Y i WEST GIRLS WANTED! WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KINIT- T.ERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. A Question of Glasses Do your eyes tire easily, ? Do - they burn ? Does the print be - conte blurred in reading ? Do you .suffer from headaches 7 Do you know if you have perfect vision ? If not, we can inform you at John- son's Optical Parlor. It will cost you nothing. SHADOW TEST System, Bring your next jewelry repairs to Johnson and be better suited than ev- er before with prompt and careful service. Our ten days sale commences next Monday June 19th. Everything on sale. Come early. and get first choice. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread, This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full ' stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of prdduce taken in ex- change for goods. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital. Camping or Pick nlekin g Days. Summer is here again with its at- tendant hot weather and folks are talking of going camping or of a family picnic and always bring an ser' creased demand for FRUITS AND READY -TO -EAT FOODS Hot weather suggestions - Meats . Canned Goods .'Elam Loaf Peas Cooked Ham Coric 'tomatoes Jellied Hoek Selmot Bologna Pork and Beans Canned Beef Tuna Fish Cool Drinks Orangeade Lemonade Lime Juice 1-loine Grown Berries for Cie:ming Highest Market Price for Produce ,.s s Phone orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges aced issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We, pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested, on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hail who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -Tire Seaforth'Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont, Have Just Received a Carload of C MENT And will keep a supply: all summer. Come Here For your cement needs. seer JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. BROILERS LE R S AND DUCKLINGS Wanted: We are in the market for 2000 young chickens and 1600 young ducks per week, the chickens to weigh 5 pounds and the ducklings 3 pounds each. Now is the time to take advaatgge of the extraordinary prices paid for live poultry: Non -Fertile New -Laid EGGS Now that tate bot summer weather is approaching we are in a position to pay a premium for non -fertile eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to sell or kill all the roos- ters after the breeding season is over. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNED STORE Live and Let Live LET US SELECT THE Vegetables for your Camping Trip. Our stock of Canned Goods has been especially selected for 'their qual- ity and purity, in fact everything we suggest to- you will have your unqual- ified approval. Check from this list the goods you know you want, then come in and let us show you others Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, etc., Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups, Meat Extracts, Canned Preserves and Jams, ltfarmalades, Bacon all kinds of Cooked Breakfast Foods, Con- densed Milk, Coffee and Cacoa, Canned Salmon, Sardines and Kippered Herring. Specials -Strawberries, Let- tuce, Radish, Tomatoes, Cu- cumbers, Green Onions. E. E. IUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Seed Corn! We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn, which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also good Seed Buckwheat. This is the hatching season, and that means lots of feed for the Baby Chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chick Grit on hand, Try some of ,our Creameal and Oil cake for your young Calves and Pigs, there is nothing better. Since Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our Easi- first Shortening, as it is notso ex- pensive and goes farther. We have it in 5 and 20-1b, pails. Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Breakfast Food and Flour always kept in stock, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Elevator, News -Record mane News -Leader. Slraw6erries! 'Fresh home grown strawberries all this week, quality never was better, Leave your orders early for canning ng in or- der der to secure best berries at lowest price, W. T. O'Neil Nov, isTime to have your coal bins filled up, and we can sure do it using our celebra- ted LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE ,(the coal that satisfies) For June and July orders, the fol- lowing are our prices : CHESTNUT $7.50 STOVE 97.25 EGG $7.00 SOFT COAL $0.00 Delivery to Bayfield $1.00 per ton, to Varna 50e, to Kippen 50e, Bruce - field 250. We -also handle all kinds of Logs, and Lumber, Canada Cement, Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and V Matched Si- drug, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Material, Tile, Cedar Posts; Eta JOHN B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIEID. Cream! Cream! New Method. I am in Idle market for any, quantity of cream at highest market price. You can see it weighed, tested and take your money' home with you. Cream taken in every, Thursday, morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Holmesville It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any, Plumbing done this year you will save money, by getting prices at once, r-rr-i THOS. HAWKINS. Farms, for Sale : FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 21 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship oonsistfag of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres reap foe spring plowing, 7 acres of bush,. remainder under grass. Small , or, chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo. Water tank and .Wind- mill at barn, One quartea mile from, Porter's Hill. -James Hamilton; Clinton, -09 Anthing tee+ you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, 'Plumb i n g Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing,. Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate. Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone 71,_ The sub to The News - Record is $1 per year,