HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-06-29, Page 4lailatiollimmittaisemmournommigamols Clinton News -Record June 29th, 1916 Goderich Township Tim Young Ladies' Patriotic So, ciety meets on, Wednesday- next at the home of Miss Polly Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. C: Alexander of the 5th eon..ntoved this weekto their farm at 'Newbury east of Lon- don where they will live In future. Their many friends in the township. were sorry to see 'there go, but as the distance to their new abode„ is not great they hope to have. them up on a visit occasionally. Their farm on the 5th eon., located, at the point. where the Bayfield Road bends to the south, has been bought by Mr. C. Ernest Groves, who came out a few months ago front Sufl' k of England, intending: to make his home in 'Cana- da. Mr. Groves looked over the pros- pects in British Columbia before lo- cating here, He expects 'his wife and family out from the Old Land very shortly. The News -Record will be expressing the sentiments of the community in wishing the newcomers success and happiness here. Porter's Hill Mr. R. I'f Cox spent a few days recently at Amberley as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Bradley, and with other relatives. Mrs. Win, Mair of Byron and son are guests with the lady's parents, Mr.r, and Mrs.John. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Harntor of Goderich spent Sundayat the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. James Elliott. Miss Nell McDougallhas returned to Seaforth on account of the illness. of her mother. Mr. Joho Blair and daughter, Miss Gertie, spent a few bays recently at Wingharn. Miss Sarah Start of C'urrie's Cor- ners returned home last week after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. 0. W. Potter, who has not been., well. Mrs. Potter returned with her and it is hoped the charge 'will ben- efit her. Mr. Endo Newton and son of , De - 'trait are spending a couple of weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Newton. Sorry to hear that Mr. John Cox' 'does not seem to be improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young of the 1st concession spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macdonald. Mist; Ada Macdonald of Detroit is spending a month's vacation at the parental home, that of Mrs. James Macdonald. , Mrs. Ogle Russell and Mrs. Robin- son of Glammis spent a couple of days visiting in this vicinity recent- ly. Miss Emily Rutledge of Goderich has been calling on old friends' in the vicinity. She is always a ' welcome visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp and child of Mitchell were guests recently for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Porters Hell Mrs, Marshall- and her 'three sons are here Irom 'the west spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. John Blair. Mrs. Robert. McLean and Mt,. and Mrs. Wee. McLean of fidelerioh visit- ed at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Johan C'ax ha, Sunday: Bluth Mrs. C. G. Enligh, who has been very ill for some time, 'lied Monday nlr t lung, Mrs. Wettlaufier of Berlin ivas the gnest last week of Mts. Geo. King. Mrs. Wm, Robinson of Wingiaam has beenhere visiting her mother; Mrs. James Dodds, Miss May Rogerson of. Toronto and Miss Davidson of Caderich have teen guests .at the home of Mr. T. O. McElroy. It has been decided to cancel the celebration which was to have teen held here on July 15th as South Huron L.O.L. intends celebrating in Clinton. Misses Nora McCaughey and Alber- ta Stothers left last week for Regi- na, Sask., having secured positions on the teaching staff of the Public schools there. ' Mrs, D. C. Scott and children of Trinity, Basic.,, ace here on a visit to relatives. Miss Mabel C'olelougli of Ethel has been visiting- her home here, On Wednesday of last week the mai viagtook place at the home of Mr. T. C. Rogerson of Morris of his daughter, Amy, to Mr. R. Buchanan of Sarnia, ' Mrs. D. Somers and son of Wing - ham have been visiting the lady's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, I;I, Oidlet Mr. Miller of Milverton visited with his daughter, Mrs, C. H. Reese, recently. Mrs. Peter Uttley and cltldren ba'e been visiting Berlin relatives. St. Helens bliss Ina Switzer of Holyrood spent the week -end with friends at St. Hel- ens. Mrs. Geo. Irwin and son Will spent Sunday at the home of Mr, R. J. Woods. Mr. Isaac Miller and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Gordon event to Goderich to see the mother of the latter, who has been indisposed. Mrs. Weliwoad of Wingham is vis- iting at the house of her daughter, Mrs. George Webb. Quite a number from about here at- tended the postponed garden party at John Miller's and report au excellent time Mrs. Robert Woods has returned front Luck -now where she has been nursing her daughter Clara who has been ill with pneumonia, We are glad to report that she is now near- ly recovered, Varna nes. J, W. Johnston has treated. himself and family to a new automo- bile which lie purchased from Mr. Langford of Clinton. Mr. George Foster has installed a telephone in his home. The' many friends of Mrs. John' Dennison 'are glad to hear that she Will be soon around again. Ni: tind Mrs. Alfred Ings spent Saturday visiting friends at Beigrave. i. Messrs. Roy Dunkin and Fred Aus- tin spent the week -end in Clinton.. Holitllesville Rev. R. J. McCormick preached the last sermons of his pastorate in the' Methodist church on Sunday. The morning was celebrated as Children's Day Day and the service was suitable• to children and young people, while the evening service was a general one. Mr. McCormick and family left Wed- nesday for their new, home at Blyth, They are followed from here by the best' wishes of all as they had won the esteem and liking of the whole community during their residence here Goderich Mrs, Gauld has returned home to Hamilton after a visit in town, tie- ing accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. H. MCIlattie find three children. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Nair Were in Detroit last week as guests 6 t at the Marriage of 9 Miss Agnes I-Iavfll, els former's niece, who has visited in Goderich on' various occasions and who is well known by many here. Mrs. (Dr.) Freeman and her father, Mr. T. Pennington, have gone on a visit to the former's daughter in Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Dr. Dickie and 'family have arrived from Montreal and have tak- en up their residence in their sum - 'tune home in Menestung Park. Misses Mabel and Grace Strang are holidaying in Muskoka. Miss Olive Goldthorpe has return- ed from 'Toronto. Mr.' and Mrs. C. Girvin, who are conning to reside in Goderich, were presented by their friends and neigh- bors and fellow-cnurcla nriembers tet Nile with handsome farewell gifts. Mrs. Trout of Detroit is visiting Mrs. Frank Elliott, Mr. Walter Knight of Toronto has been here on a visit to his father. Mrs. McArthur of New York is a guest at the home of" Mr. and Mrs. • W. A. Coulthurst. Mrs. D. Melvor of Winnipeg is spending a fete weeks with; friends and relatives in town and vicinity. Miss Grace Thomas has returned from a stay in London and St, Thant - as. Mr. John Elliott of I.avel Univer- sity, Montreal, is spending the vaca- tion with his mother, Mrs, (Rev.) Joseph Elliott. Mr, George Mooney of Quetec has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Johnson. lifr, and Mrs, Walter Taylor motor- ed up from Detroit last week to'visa it Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Cooper. Mr. Sid. Belcher has taken a Pos- ition in Detroit. Rev. IC. A. Seager, .principal of St. Mark's College, Vancouver, hat come east on business, spent the week -end as the guest of his parents, Crown Attorney and airs. Seeger of town. Miss Crew's of Toronto is srend- ing the summer with her cousin, Miss Edna Pridbanh. Mrs. E, Downing of Leamington, formerly of Goderich, passed away on Thursday last after a somewhat lengthy illness. Mr. Harry J. Morris, a highly es- teemed citizen of town, passed away on Wednesday of last week, Ile was widely known throughout all this' sec- tion. The funeral took place to Col- borne cemetery on Friday afternoon. The patriotic committee whieh has charge of collecting the money sub- scribed to the Patriotic Fund last fall, is having some trouble collect- ing the second installment and there is some talk of suing the de- linquents._ Zurich hl:r. Win. McKay, principal of the Ifensel Public moot, was here for a couple of weeps presiding at the departmental examinations, Dir, H. Yungblut visited relatives' in London for a few days recently. Mrs. Annie Zeller of Detroit was here for a few days visiting friends recently. 111r. Win. Seibert, Jr., has gone to London, Saving been appointed mall. cleric on a train ruluxing o:t of that city. Mc, Joseph Rau has purchased from Mt,. Frank Tiadout the bouse and lot adjoining Drysdale separate school. Rev. H. flambe, pastor of the .Lit- therm Church, is hieing married to Hamilton today to Miss Liest of that city, 'After a honeymoon spent in Buffalo and points east they will take up residence in the parsonage. NIr. Norman Deichert of New ilgp- en, Mich., has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. J. Reichert, and other friends and relatives herea- bouts. Mr. Fred 15. Hess of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, Sr., of' this village, was married recently to, Miss Alum Watson of Owen Sound. Wingham Mr. George C. Young of Toronto has been home visiting his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Young. Miss C. Densmore is visiting with her 'sister, .Mrs. R. A. Roberton of Clinton. Mrs., Campbell has gone to London to spend some 'time with her hue - band, Capt. Campbell pf the- Mat, st, Seaforth. Miss May.-C'arnciehael has returned from a visit with Cromarty friends, Mrs. John Mote of Auburn was the guess last Weelc of her son, Mr. Ed, Mole. bedding Presents Can easily be selected from our stock of Fan- cy Goods and Chinaware, A. 'T.c oo8 r CLINTON. Route of the Clydesdale Stallions • Dunure Gartley MONDAY— will leave his own stable, West -End Tuekersmith, and go north by Huron Road to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, then by 10 eon., Goderich township. to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night. TUESDAY— By Maitland con. to Wm. Durst and Son's for noon, then via Bethel and Benmilier to Win. Long's for night WEDNESDAY—By 6th and 8th con. to Wm. Cunningham's for noon, by way of the 8th coni to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop, for night. THURSDAY— To Union hotel, Goderich, for noon, by 1st eon. to ifalkeid's corner and 4th' con. to Huron Road to Wilmot Haac- kie's for night. FRIDAY—By 0111 con. and Porter's Hili to Fred Pickard's for noon, by 7th eon. to John Stew- art's for night. SATURDAY — By Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's, 2nd of Stanley for noon, then to his own stable. G. W. NOT'r,' ' J. P. FISHER, Owner. Manager. The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion "Jerry J" will stand at the Hutch Normandie barn, Clinton, every Saturday during the season. He is an exceptionally well bred colt and while not yet three years old is a big horse now, No. 01885—American Trotting Reg- ister. No, 0101—Canadian Standard Bred Society. No. 4410—Enrolment. Terms $12 to insure with foal. ED. JOHNSTON, Prop, Phone 8 on 182 Clinton. Mac Thistle 2.041 48971 A,T,R. 'rhe Grand Circuit Race Stallion Mac Thistle is the fastest horse that was ever offered for service in this. part of the country, He raced through the largest racing circuit hi the world and defeated the Grand Cir- cuit Stars as often as they defeated him. Mac Thistle 2,04:1 is also a full brother, to Iu.dependenee Bey 201'h the only two full brothers out of one dam both with marks of 205 or bet- ter. Mao Thistle 2041 has himself been miles in 2,O14, in 57 seconds. Mae Thistle is a grand big brown stallion, He is a made to order horse, having size, quality, individ- uality, brain and breeding. Will stand at his own barn, Blyth, this season for a limited number of mares at $20,00 to insure. .Aceoni- modation made for mares from a dis- tance. Write for folder of breeding and full particulars to L, 0, CIJARLESWORTI-I or THOS, COULTER, • BLYTI-I, ONT. Route of the. Imported French Perciteron Stallion INDEX MONDAY—Leave his own stable at Brucefield, west to hotel stable, Var- na, forn noo ,north to Ben., Rntlt- well's, Baydield Lino, for night, TUESDAY-1'Vdst to Switzer's corn- er'and north to James Sterling's for noon, north to Janice McMilfan's for night. WEDNESDAY' --'lo Hur- on Road, east to Jewell's corner, via Bemtiller to J. C. Durst's, for noon, east to Harry Sweet's, Mait- land con., for night. l'IIURSDAY— Via Idols ssville to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, north by Base Line to Albert Townshend's for night. FRIDAY --East to W. .J . McBrien's, 4th con. Mullett, for noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATTJR-' DAY --South via Red School, west to Robe. Elgie's for noon, via London Road to his own stable, Index En- rolment No'g363, Form 1, Approved, WIIILIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager. Seaforth. Mr. J. A. Wilson has been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. R.: Somerville of London, Mrs. M. Y. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean, Mrs. Ethel McLean, Miss McLean, Miss Rita Young and Mr. F, Homestead were guests at the McLean -Macdonald wedding in Goderich last week. 1,Ir. D. Case is removing to Milton, having nS taken a Position th t e. Miss McGre gof has zet r nei after spending the past six months as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Aches. on of Ortonville, Minh, Mrs. S. Boyd d daughter, and her 5 Mrs. I Gibson, bson, left last heck for Saskatoon, Sask., where they intend' spending some time. 11Irs: A. T. Park returned last week. to her home at Nelson, B.C., gftci" a visit here with her parents', Mr. anti. Mrs. W. Bullard. Mrs. Henry Beattie and two sons di Winnipeg arc summering in the old Beattie home, the former ]tome of "tete lady, Miss Elizabeth Eckert has taken a position in Detroit and left last week for that city, • Mrs. Plett"and son Billy nave re- turned to their home at Welland af- ter visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. l-Iabkirlr. Miss Gladys Cousins left last :week on a trip to the west and to points across the herder, Mrs. James McGee is visiting her daughter in Detroit. Mrs. Wm. Golding and children have' been with friends in Oweo Sound. Mrs. Webb has returned to town after spending some time with her daughter in Michigan. Dr. Ross, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A. D. Scott, return- ed last week. to Itis home in Michi- gan accompanied by Mrs. Scott, :who will spend seine weeks there, Mrs. W. Glenney, accountant in the local branch of the Dominion Bank for 'some years, has heels appointed manager of the branch at Hespeler and has already assumed his new duties. DIrs. J. 77. Mullen of Greenwood, B.C. is visiting her father, VIr. L. L. McFaul. Mr. A. G. Smillie has returned from a business trip to the west. lie Art".6'''s N.. ANARAS FAVORITE DRdJ.••STORES 111/ ffN !4.� M+ 11 ri a M! Y HERE TO SERVE YOU d• For sale by W. S. R. Holmes News -Record One Year $1.00. MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor, 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger.' Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin t Valy -i -Ieadn Motor isuaranteed to develop and deliver more power and g with less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make, Price $1,110, f.o,b.,_,Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies from coast to coast. One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment. gg_; Large stocks of parts carried for all models at Oshawa and at the branches, Forty-seven years of manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Oan- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs. Consider carefully the sstvres you buy—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people who drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa SEELEY & BA'RTLIFF, Agents. Seaforth Miss Muriel Willis has returned from a visit in Detroit. hiss Rena Twiss has been visiting her brother in Brantford. Mrs, II. Ballard of Goderich, for- merly of town, was in Seaforth last week calling on old friends. a. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY ifinJ ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Indudingg mioiiig, Chemical, Civil Mech- anical and gleet. ienl lingincering. MEDICINE burins the War there will becontinuous seuiono itiMedicine, NOME STUDY The Arts Course luny be taken by corre- spondence, but students desiring to gradn- ntc must attend one session. c SUMMER SCHOOL, Geo. v.CHOWN. JULY AND AUGUST REOIJTRAR KINGSTON ONTARIO GRAN TRUIInS'S DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE .- Good going July 1st. Valid to re- turn same date. FARE AND ONE J1IIIRD Good going June 30t11, 'July 1st. Valid to return July 3rd, Between all stations in Canada oast of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and: Port Huron, ditch., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N,Y. Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk ticket offices. And a service you are proud to tell your friends about. Notice the number of Traction "spares" that are not in envelopes on the car, but out n the open wearing the "V" smile that won't come oft: Pride la possession accounts for thus --the desire to have the car leek its best Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., HEAD OFFICE—TORONTO Limited a h At i dl da ST,1119 I. ce ecu eeO1nn „i TIIWg, dG 9,n1 n I.clnlYe.,. anneantnen iniaselltleteMeleatialteet Beautiful Art Square A Beall -` m maw , , .. lends e, charm to the room. It has o,,ber advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remoye, We have at present an excehelle nt show- ing of fine rubs ineluding Brussels, Axmmsters Wi - tons, etc„ that w e ha v e olWepriced at he most prices. to Show them to yoti, JAS. DUN.OR0 Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 e i 1leady•to- Garmentsn Conch & Co. - PHONE 78. Dry Goode Mand illinery ThisSt.t ore dor � u .Li Class Summer Waists. Warm days awaken interest in the large ied assortment of cool white waists we have Our waist department will be found well equipped supply every need. A new shipment to hand newest styles made of pretty voiles, Prices from $1.,:50 to $4.50, h and var- in stock. to of the range Completely 1 I rl, 1 es i1/4. p Hosier (..-.. ,;, 1 ;�`'•�` -i 1 I �y. ( � ' - –, 1 - . Equipped - � l y . j j � � -! r4 �I d �/ y`and � Department. �3 p In which , a splendid stock of merchandise is of- fered. Just at this particular t i m e You should take the opportunity to � pp y t how large seed s ow I a range of hosier I g .y % we are showing. / Many novelties in ladies' and chit- , r, cottonlisle dens silk hose, ric- p es range from 25c g to $2,0'0 a pair. 1 ,-- '�<>w ��1, i�..: <,^ \ �;�� 1 1011k� /I 1 ,•.u (.`�I "1_. I gym R _ suitable fashionable _and New Awning Stripes. Just to hand another shipment of awning stripes for middies, coats and skirts in all the new shades, black and white,rise and black, green and white, Be sure and sethese. Varna nes. J, W. Johnston has treated. himself and family to a new automo- bile which lie purchased from Mr. Langford of Clinton. Mr. George Foster has installed a telephone in his home. The' many friends of Mrs. John' Dennison 'are glad to hear that she Will be soon around again. Ni: tind Mrs. Alfred Ings spent Saturday visiting friends at Beigrave. i. Messrs. Roy Dunkin and Fred Aus- tin spent the week -end in Clinton.. Holitllesville Rev. R. J. McCormick preached the last sermons of his pastorate in the' Methodist church on Sunday. The morning was celebrated as Children's Day Day and the service was suitable• to children and young people, while the evening service was a general one. Mr. McCormick and family left Wed- nesday for their new, home at Blyth, They are followed from here by the best' wishes of all as they had won the esteem and liking of the whole community during their residence here Goderich Mrs, Gauld has returned home to Hamilton after a visit in town, tie- ing accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. H. MCIlattie find three children. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Nair Were in Detroit last week as guests 6 t at the Marriage of 9 Miss Agnes I-Iavfll, els former's niece, who has visited in Goderich on' various occasions and who is well known by many here. Mrs. (Dr.) Freeman and her father, Mr. T. Pennington, have gone on a visit to the former's daughter in Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Dr. Dickie and 'family have arrived from Montreal and have tak- en up their residence in their sum - 'tune home in Menestung Park. Misses Mabel and Grace Strang are holidaying in Muskoka. Miss Olive Goldthorpe has return- ed from 'Toronto. Mr.' and Mrs. C. Girvin, who are conning to reside in Goderich, were presented by their friends and neigh- bors and fellow-cnurcla nriembers tet Nile with handsome farewell gifts. Mrs. Trout of Detroit is visiting Mrs. Frank Elliott, Mr. Walter Knight of Toronto has been here on a visit to his father. Mrs. McArthur of New York is a guest at the home of" Mr. and Mrs. • W. A. Coulthurst. Mrs. D. Melvor of Winnipeg is spending a fete weeks with; friends and relatives in town and vicinity. Miss Grace Thomas has returned from a stay in London and St, Thant - as. Mr. John Elliott of I.avel Univer- sity, Montreal, is spending the vaca- tion with his mother, Mrs, (Rev.) Joseph Elliott. Mr, George Mooney of Quetec has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Johnson. lifr, and Mrs, Walter Taylor motor- ed up from Detroit last week to'visa it Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Cooper. Mr. Sid. Belcher has taken a Pos- ition in Detroit. Rev. IC. A. Seager, .principal of St. Mark's College, Vancouver, hat come east on business, spent the week -end as the guest of his parents, Crown Attorney and airs. Seeger of town. Miss Crew's of Toronto is srend- ing the summer with her cousin, Miss Edna Pridbanh. Mrs. E, Downing of Leamington, formerly of Goderich, passed away on Thursday last after a somewhat lengthy illness. Mr. Harry J. Morris, a highly es- teemed citizen of town, passed away on Wednesday of last week, Ile was widely known throughout all this' sec- tion. The funeral took place to Col- borne cemetery on Friday afternoon. The patriotic committee whieh has charge of collecting the money sub- scribed to the Patriotic Fund last fall, is having some trouble collect- ing the second installment and there is some talk of suing the de- linquents._ Zurich hl:r. Win. McKay, principal of the Ifensel Public moot, was here for a couple of weeps presiding at the departmental examinations, Dir, H. Yungblut visited relatives' in London for a few days recently. Mrs. Annie Zeller of Detroit was here for a few days visiting friends recently. 111r. Win. Seibert, Jr., has gone to London, Saving been appointed mall. cleric on a train ruluxing o:t of that city. Mc, Joseph Rau has purchased from Mt,. Frank Tiadout the bouse and lot adjoining Drysdale separate school. Rev. H. flambe, pastor of the .Lit- therm Church, is hieing married to Hamilton today to Miss Liest of that city, 'After a honeymoon spent in Buffalo and points east they will take up residence in the parsonage. NIr. Norman Deichert of New ilgp- en, Mich., has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. J. Reichert, and other friends and relatives herea- bouts. Mr. Fred 15. Hess of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, Sr., of' this village, was married recently to, Miss Alum Watson of Owen Sound. Wingham Mr. George C. Young of Toronto has been home visiting his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Young. Miss C. Densmore is visiting with her 'sister, .Mrs. R. A. Roberton of Clinton. Mrs., Campbell has gone to London to spend some 'time with her hue - band, Capt. Campbell pf the- Mat, st, Seaforth. Miss May.-C'arnciehael has returned from a visit with Cromarty friends, Mrs. John Mote of Auburn was the guess last Weelc of her son, Mr. Ed, Mole. bedding Presents Can easily be selected from our stock of Fan- cy Goods and Chinaware, A. 'T.c oo8 r CLINTON. Route of the Clydesdale Stallions • Dunure Gartley MONDAY— will leave his own stable, West -End Tuekersmith, and go north by Huron Road to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, then by 10 eon., Goderich township. to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night. TUESDAY— By Maitland con. to Wm. Durst and Son's for noon, then via Bethel and Benmilier to Win. Long's for night WEDNESDAY—By 6th and 8th con. to Wm. Cunningham's for noon, by way of the 8th coni to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop, for night. THURSDAY— To Union hotel, Goderich, for noon, by 1st eon. to ifalkeid's corner and 4th' con. to Huron Road to Wilmot Haac- kie's for night. FRIDAY—By 0111 con. and Porter's Hili to Fred Pickard's for noon, by 7th eon. to John Stew- art's for night. SATURDAY — By Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's, 2nd of Stanley for noon, then to his own stable. G. W. NOT'r,' ' J. P. FISHER, Owner. Manager. The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion "Jerry J" will stand at the Hutch Normandie barn, Clinton, every Saturday during the season. He is an exceptionally well bred colt and while not yet three years old is a big horse now, No. 01885—American Trotting Reg- ister. No, 0101—Canadian Standard Bred Society. No. 4410—Enrolment. Terms $12 to insure with foal. ED. JOHNSTON, Prop, Phone 8 on 182 Clinton. Mac Thistle 2.041 48971 A,T,R. 'rhe Grand Circuit Race Stallion Mac Thistle is the fastest horse that was ever offered for service in this. part of the country, He raced through the largest racing circuit hi the world and defeated the Grand Cir- cuit Stars as often as they defeated him. Mac Thistle 2,04:1 is also a full brother, to Iu.dependenee Bey 201'h the only two full brothers out of one dam both with marks of 205 or bet- ter. Mao Thistle 2041 has himself been miles in 2,O14, in 57 seconds. Mae Thistle is a grand big brown stallion, He is a made to order horse, having size, quality, individ- uality, brain and breeding. Will stand at his own barn, Blyth, this season for a limited number of mares at $20,00 to insure. .Aceoni- modation made for mares from a dis- tance. Write for folder of breeding and full particulars to L, 0, CIJARLESWORTI-I or THOS, COULTER, • BLYTI-I, ONT. Route of the. Imported French Perciteron Stallion INDEX MONDAY—Leave his own stable at Brucefield, west to hotel stable, Var- na, forn noo ,north to Ben., Rntlt- well's, Baydield Lino, for night, TUESDAY-1'Vdst to Switzer's corn- er'and north to James Sterling's for noon, north to Janice McMilfan's for night. WEDNESDAY' --'lo Hur- on Road, east to Jewell's corner, via Bemtiller to J. C. Durst's, for noon, east to Harry Sweet's, Mait- land con., for night. l'IIURSDAY— Via Idols ssville to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, north by Base Line to Albert Townshend's for night. FRIDAY --East to W. .J . McBrien's, 4th con. Mullett, for noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATTJR-' DAY --South via Red School, west to Robe. Elgie's for noon, via London Road to his own stable, Index En- rolment No'g363, Form 1, Approved, WIIILIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager. Seaforth. Mr. J. A. Wilson has been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. R.: Somerville of London, Mrs. M. Y. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean, Mrs. Ethel McLean, Miss McLean, Miss Rita Young and Mr. F, Homestead were guests at the McLean -Macdonald wedding in Goderich last week. 1,Ir. D. Case is removing to Milton, having nS taken a Position th t e. Miss McGre gof has zet r nei after spending the past six months as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Aches. on of Ortonville, Minh, Mrs. S. Boyd d daughter, and her 5 Mrs. I Gibson, bson, left last heck for Saskatoon, Sask., where they intend' spending some time. 11Irs: A. T. Park returned last week. to her home at Nelson, B.C., gftci" a visit here with her parents', Mr. anti. Mrs. W. Bullard. Mrs. Henry Beattie and two sons di Winnipeg arc summering in the old Beattie home, the former ]tome of "tete lady, Miss Elizabeth Eckert has taken a position in Detroit and left last week for that city, • Mrs. Plett"and son Billy nave re- turned to their home at Welland af- ter visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. l-Iabkirlr. Miss Gladys Cousins left last :week on a trip to the west and to points across the herder, Mrs. James McGee is visiting her daughter in Detroit. Mrs. Wm. Golding and children have' been with friends in Oweo Sound. Mrs. Webb has returned to town after spending some time with her daughter in Michigan. Dr. Ross, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A. D. Scott, return- ed last week. to Itis home in Michi- gan accompanied by Mrs. Scott, :who will spend seine weeks there, Mrs. W. Glenney, accountant in the local branch of the Dominion Bank for 'some years, has heels appointed manager of the branch at Hespeler and has already assumed his new duties. DIrs. J. 77. Mullen of Greenwood, B.C. is visiting her father, VIr. L. L. McFaul. Mr. A. G. Smillie has returned from a business trip to the west. lie Art".6'''s N.. ANARAS FAVORITE DRdJ.••STORES 111/ ffN !4.� M+ 11 ri a M! Y HERE TO SERVE YOU d• For sale by W. S. R. Holmes News -Record One Year $1.00. MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor, 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger.' Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin t Valy -i -Ieadn Motor isuaranteed to develop and deliver more power and g with less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make, Price $1,110, f.o,b.,_,Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies from coast to coast. One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment. gg_; Large stocks of parts carried for all models at Oshawa and at the branches, Forty-seven years of manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Oan- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs. Consider carefully the sstvres you buy—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people who drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa SEELEY & BA'RTLIFF, Agents. Seaforth Miss Muriel Willis has returned from a visit in Detroit. hiss Rena Twiss has been visiting her brother in Brantford. Mrs, II. Ballard of Goderich, for- merly of town, was in Seaforth last week calling on old friends. a. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY ifinJ ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Indudingg mioiiig, Chemical, Civil Mech- anical and gleet. ienl lingincering. MEDICINE burins the War there will becontinuous seuiono itiMedicine, NOME STUDY The Arts Course luny be taken by corre- spondence, but students desiring to gradn- ntc must attend one session. c SUMMER SCHOOL, Geo. v.CHOWN. JULY AND AUGUST REOIJTRAR KINGSTON ONTARIO GRAN TRUIInS'S DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE .- Good going July 1st. Valid to re- turn same date. FARE AND ONE J1IIIRD Good going June 30t11, 'July 1st. Valid to return July 3rd, Between all stations in Canada oast of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and: Port Huron, ditch., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N,Y. Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk ticket offices. And a service you are proud to tell your friends about. Notice the number of Traction "spares" that are not in envelopes on the car, but out n the open wearing the "V" smile that won't come oft: Pride la possession accounts for thus --the desire to have the car leek its best Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., HEAD OFFICE—TORONTO Limited a h At i dl da ST,1119 I. ce ecu eeO1nn „i TIIWg, dG 9,n1 n I.clnlYe.,. anneantnen iniaselltleteMeleatialteet Beautiful Art Square A Beall -` m maw , , .. lends e, charm to the room. It has o,,ber advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remoye, We have at present an excehelle nt show- ing of fine rubs ineluding Brussels, Axmmsters Wi - tons, etc„ that w e ha v e olWepriced at he most prices. to Show them to yoti, JAS. DUN.OR0 Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 e i