HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-06-15, Page 4lismumemsessidoommi
The 'directors of the Bayfield 'ceme-
'tery are desirous of having- the eeme-
ire' present as ter ctitt an a teat-'
:'bets 1 cse . a. a ,e. .i?i
anteas possible and are constantly:
urging plot owners to cut grass; tidy'
up, etc. In many cases where this is
not done it is because the owners live
at a distance, but if they so chose t11e
'tvork can be done foe therm by the
caretaker, The expense would be
small but for particulars '.they ,should
write to the secretary, Mr, A. E.
Ert5 nt. •
• ate 10 is the
Mrs, Milken 'of \1 r o
guest of her sister, Mrs. Daniel Mac
donald, '
Miss Annie Elliott, daughter of
Mr. Thomas Elliott, who has been
attending the Normal at Stratford,
re -tinned home last week,
Mr. and Mrs; William Osmond at-
tended tine circus at Goderich on Sat-
Mrs, Schroeder and Mrs. Weber of
Elmira are visiting ,Mrs. J. Wesley
Dr. A. McLeod and Wife of Wroxet-
er' were the guests of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John McLeod Saturday and
Clinton News -Record'
June ISth,19I6
Sunday last.
Messrs. George Weston and son,
Master Harold Weston, George, Thos,
and John Castle, Bruce Moore, John
Stanbury, Herb. McGregor, William
McDool, Willard Sturgeon and Fred
Eowlie took in the excursion to De-
troit on Tuesday.
Mrs. William Ferguson anti family,
who are • spending the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gov-
enlock, at Seaforth, are spending two
weeks in the village.
Rev. F.( attending
Rickard is the
meeting of the Synod in London this!
Mr, and Mrs. Rowntree and daugh-
ters, Gertrude. and Myrtle, of London
and Miss Ethel Parr of Winnipeg
spent a few clays in the village this
Dr. Woods and Clerk it. W. Erwin
were called to Croderich this week -as
witnesses in the suit of Duncan vs,
Decker which arose out of a collision
in the horse race at Bay field Fair
last fall.
Mrs. Young of London anti Mrs.
Mortimore and daughter, Miss Mart -
cu ore, returned missionaries from
China, arrives this week and have
taken a cottage in Deer Lodge park.
Messrs. C.• Pollock, D. Shearer, M.
McLaughlin 'and D. Gairdner took in
the moonlight excursion Monday er-
Dlr. and. Mrs. W.' L. Hairs visited
Goderich friends cm Sunday.
Mr. C. L. Tyner was in Blyth last
Sunday attending a Black meeting,
The garden party, -that was to
have been held on Mr. Henry Snid-
er's lawn on Wednesday has been
postponed owing to the rain storm
until Friday evening of this week,
Rev; 11::j. McCormick• has invested
in an auto and is quickly learning
the art of running it. He took a ,
run With his family to visit his home
hi, Trowbridge one clay last week. Mr,
Will. Jenkins accompanied bill.
The cheese factory is doing nicely.
We ate informed an excellent quality
of cheese is being made and the high
price should be a great factor. 'in
bringing lots of patronage. Mr. Smith
is a worker and is putting op a fine
ing in • the to
'1 which is bll 1
article g g P
Pte. ,T. B. driller, who has been in
camp at Loudon, returned to, spend
the week -end with his family here.
The moonlight excursion on the
lake on Monday evening was not pat-
ronized by many from here.
Goderich Township
Mr. and Sirs, Ed. U. Williams of
Fordwich motored down to the home-
stead for' the week -end, They, were
accompanied by their brother, Mr.
Will. Williams of Donnybrook, The
Messrs. Williams run the cheese fac-
tories at Fordwich and Donnyhroolc,
Thr, Patriotic garden party to be
given by the Young Ladies' Society,
will be held on the lawn of Mr.. J.
G. Steep, 9th con., on June 20th.
The Edey band and pipers of Clinton
and 'Messrs. Parsons and Sturdy,
comic singers of. Goderich will pre-
sent a splendid program. Tea will be
served from six o'clock till nine,
Mr. Thos. J. C'oaper of Killarney,
Man., had been visiting at the old
home for the past couple of weeks
but is unable to make an extended
visit. Mr. Cooper's trip east just
now was on account of the fact that
his father, Mr. Cleo. A. Cooper, has
not been enjoying' goon health - for
some time and he wished to come
and see for himself just bow the was.
Needless to say the visit from his
sou has been much appreciated Ly the
father, whose many old friends are
sorry to know is not improving much
in health. Mr. Cooper says weather
conditions in Manitoba hare hent
much the same as in Ontario and
that the farmers were much hindered
in their seedling operations by the
continued rainfall.
Holy communion will be administ-
ered in all Rev. dir. Moulton's ap-
pointment next Sunday. Mr. Moult-
on will preach.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 11, Goderich for May
Sr. 1th — Elsie Ferguson, Pearl
Churchill, Verna Elliott, Ruby Chur-
Jr. 4th—Clifford Castle, Bruce Hol-
land, Glen Ferguson, 'Francis Powell,
Howard Currie.
,Jr. 2nd—Elmer 'Prick, Laura Cur-
rie, Oliver Ferguson.
Pb. 2nd -Ernest Karges.
Primer—Melvin Elliott, Verna Col-
, (dough, diervyn 13adkin, Viola Ilot-
land.—Erma Diehl, Teacher.
Ready.to- Couch & Co.
c PHONE 78,
Dry Goods
Big Display of Pretty
Summer Dresses.
Miss McClure of Michigan is ' the,
guest of Mrs. D. llltntroe.
Mr. Andrew Beattie of Pond Mills
was the guest of Mn.sWtn, Scott
last Week.
The many friends of Mrs. "Rev.)
Woods w01 be sorry to hear she is
Confined to her room with a t severe.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rattenbury and
little daughter Eleanor of Hamilton
Were guests over the week-ezid of Mr.
MM. Mrs. W. H. Rattenburp.
Mrs. J. Day!nond of Seaforth vlsi-
toil her sister, Mrs. D, Ross, last
A pretty little affair in the forth of
a miscellaneous shower was given it,
honor of bliss Lily McCowan at the
Thome of Miss Edith Tlowey on the
afternoon of June. the first, when the
prospective bride was showered with
many handsome and useful gifts from
her many young lady friends in and
around Brucefielrl, The decorations ol
white lilacs, lily of thy valley anti
narcissus were very effective. At the
close of a very pleasant social hour
the hostess served refreshments in
her usual llapps• style.
McKillop Township
(Intended for last issue.)
The wet weather still continues.
James Wail, who has been at
Weston Sanitarium for nearly a year,
died there on Saturday, the funeral
taking place at St. Colotiban ceme-
tery on Monday. Service was first
held at the St.church.
C olumb n c a oath.
A violent cyclone passed over a por-
tion of Logan township, a short dis-
tance east from here, on Saturday,
resulting in much loss of property
and the death of a young man.
Mr. Sidney Hewitt preached in the
churches on Walton circuit last Sab-
bath in the absence of Rev. Mr.
Craik, who was attending conference.
Sirs. George Munn, who has been ill
since Christmas, is not improving in
Mt. W. S. Ruby has commenced op-
erations on his new residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnston of
Goderich visited the former's broth-
er, Mr. Thomas Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Southcott, who
hare been in California all winter,
have been visiting at the home of
the latter's mother, firs. S. Ren-
Measles are spreading in this vic-
Mr. F. C, Kalbfleisch is getting
ready to erect a new residence.
Locals and Personals on page 8.
Miss Eva Patterson has been visit-
ing Seaforth friends.
The marriage took place at the
home of the bridle's parents on June
3rd of Miss Ethel Mae Tipling, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos 'Tipling,
to Corp. Win. P. Buchanan of Tor-
Mr. W. Rolle was a visitor in i•il-
sotburg recently.
Dir. B. H. Cochrane of Toronto
spent a few clays last week with fri-
ends in town,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott of Ad -
ants, Pie., stave been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol.
Mr. A. J. Armstrong was in Luck-
now last week attending the funeral
of a friend,
Mr. W. G. Patterson was the guest
of his brother in Kincardine recently.
Dir. Walter Doubledee left last
week for Mellott, Sask., where he has
taken a position.
Mfrs. (Dr.) Redmond visited her
mother recently at 1\•lerrickville.
Rev. D. Petrie is attending the
General Assembly, at Winnipeg.
Mr. Samuel Elliott and family have
moved into town from the Bluevale
A Good Resolution : I will pay my
subscription to The News -Record in
Route o the Clydesdale
Stalllotts `
Dunure u u Garde
MONDAY.— will leave his own
stable, West -End Tuckersmiti, and
go north by Huron Road to Graham
House, Clinton, for noon, then by
16 con., Goderich 'township. to Mr.
Bert Lobb's for night. TUESDAY—
By Maitland con. to Wm. Durst , and
Son's for noon, then via Bethel and
Benmilier to Wm. Long's ' for night.
WEDNESDAY -,-By 6th and 8•th con.
to Wm. Cunningham's for noon, by
way of the ,8th conf to Fred Quaid's,
Dunlop, for night. THURSDAY— To
Union Hotel, Goderich, for noon, by
1st con: to Salkefd's corner and, 4th
eon. to Huron Road to Wilmot Iiaae-
kie's for' night. FRIDAY—By Oh con.
and Porter's Hill to Fred Pickard's
for noon, by 7th con, to John Stew-
art's for night. SATURDAY — By
Bayfield Line to Jas„ Jackson's, 2nd
of Stanley for noon, then to his'
own stable.
Owner. Manager,
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
"Jerry J"
will stand at the Hutel Normandie
barn, Clinton, every Saturday during
the season. He is an exceptionally
well bred colt and while , not yet
three wears old is a big horse now.
No. 01885 -American Trotting Reg-
No, 0101—Canadian Standard Bred
No. 4419—Enrolment.
uo meat.
Terms $12 to insure with foal. .
Phone 8 on 102 Clinton.
Mac Thistle
2.041 48971 A.T,R
The Grand Circuit Race Stallion
Hae Thistle is the fastest horse that
was ever offered for service in this
Part of the country. He raced through
the largest racing circuit in the
world and defeated the Grand Cir-
cuit Stars as often as they defeated
him. Mac Thistle 2.944 is also' a Cull
brother to Independence Boy 2014 the
only two full brothers out of one
dam both with marks of 205 or Let-
ter. Mac Thistle 2041 has himself
been miles in 2.011, . in 57 seconds.
Mac Thistle is a grand big brown
stallion. He is a made to order
horse, having size, quality, individ-
uality, brain anti breeding.
Will stand at itis own barn, Blyth,
this season for a limited number of
mares at 920,00 to insure. Accom-
modation made for mares from a dis-
Write for folder of breeding and fall
particulars to
Route of the Imported French
Percheron Stallion
MONDAY—Leave his own stable at
Bruceftcld, west to hotel stable, Var-
na, for noon, north to Ben, Rath -
well's, Bayfield Line, for night.
TUESDAY—West to Switzer's corn-
er and north to James Sterling's for
noon, 'north to James McMillan's
for night. WEDNESDAY—To Hur-
on Road, east to Jewell's corner,
via Beniniller to J. C. Burst's, for
noon, east to Harry Sweet's, Mait-
land con., for night. THURSDAY—
Via Holmesville to Graham House,
Clinton; for noon, north by - Base
Line to Albert Townshend's for
night. FRIDAY—East to W. J.
Mcfrien's, 4th cod. Hallett, for
noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATUR-
DAY—South via Red School, west to
Robt. Elgie's for noon, via London
Road to his own stable. Index En-
rolment No. 363, Form 1, Approved.
Proprietor and Manager.
I News -Record means News -Leader.
Fashion never created prettier patterns or styles
than we are showing this season they are smart, attrac-
tive and dressy and so cool and comfortable you will
be pleased when you see them, they are made of fancy
voiles, pretty embroidery, dainty muslins ginghams and
linen. Be sure and see our display of high-class dresses,
Washable Skirts.
We have just received a large shipment.. of the
very newest in wash skirts in all the newest styles and
cloths, including pique awning stripes, Bedford cord,
Indian Head and reps. Prices range from $1.50 to $3,51)
New Middies.
. Just to hand another shipment of new middies
in candystri es, awning stripes and white, all sizes,
Prices $1.25, $1,50 and $2,00,
Millinery $2.98.
As the millinery season is drawing to a close we
'want to clear the balance of our hats before our mil-
liners leave. We put on sale Saturday 15 hats regular
$5.00 for $2,98,
And a
service you
arc proud
to tell your
'friends about.
Notice the number
of Traction "spares" that are not
in envelopes an the car, but out
in the open wearing the "V" smile
that won't come oft Pride in possession
accounts for this—the desire tohave the
car look its best
Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co.,
6.u,a .il d,lr S.T,IO
tnke,Trur 6i A T k N 0:I'Ma 0.00 end
Ce»L.T U Hb vaT4t+lint auLLer 6VKICIN�.I,,y.0 N
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to the room.
It has other advantages:, al-
eo being easy to clean, easy
to remove., Vpe have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axmiusters, Wit -
tons, etc., that we have
priced at attractive prices.
We would he most pleased
to show them to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone ' VitW.. 28
Mrs. W, Stewart and daughters Mil-
dred and ttraee of St; Patel, Minn,,
are guests at the hence of Mr. and
Mrs. A, ;Stewart,
Dr, C. McKay and Dr. Burrows,
were in Toronto recently attending a
meeting of a Medical' Association,
Dr:' McKay read a paper at one of
the sessions.
Dr. T. Mc.JQuaid Or Sault Ste. 'SD'Gar-
ie has been visiting friends in McKil-
andrs. SiiV[ Dickson,c who have
been in Edmonton and Fort SasBat-
chewan visiting their sons and dau-
ghters, litive returned to town.
Mrs, E. C. Munroe returned the be-
ginning of the week -to her home at
Saskatoon after a visit with her par-
ents, Mn, and Mrs. T. H. Hays..
Dr. and Mrs, Atkinson and son of
Detroit visited the former's mother,
Mrs. Chesney of town, for a few
clays recently on their way to their
summer hone at Bayfield,
Miss Belle McKay was in Lucknow
last week.' attending the funeral of a
little niece.
Mn, Win, Wilson was a delegate to
the General Assembly of the Presby-
terian C'hurch at Winnipeg anti after
the meeting goes on to the Coast.
Mrs. Fred Beattie of Innisfree, Al-
berta., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton of
Syracuse, N.Y„ have been in town
visiting Mrs. .1. S. Porter.
Rev. J. Wesley Coccus was in
town over conference Sunday and
reacher in the Methodist n dis
preached tl o t church at
both services.
Mr. G. W. Holman of Iigmordville
is presiding at exams in IVinghaut
this week.
Hrs. J! rancis. and little daughter of
Toronto are visiting' friends in town.
., Mr. John McTavish was at Union
last week attending the funeral of a
Mr, A. I. Corbett and little son of
Montreal are visiting dir. and Els
A. D Sutherland.
Miss Lena Graham has returned 'af-
ter spending several months i'nTor-
Miss Sthsi (' u
e rote lock has returned
front an extended trip west,
Mrs. T. Gemmell of Egmondville
has been visiting Walton friends.
Mrs. Wln. Somerville is spending a
few weeks with Toronto friends.
Mrs. Plant of Acton has been visi-
ting her son, Mr. W. Plant of town,
Pte, 'II. Nixon, formerly organist in
the Presbyterian church was in twit
over the week -end and presided at the
organ at the. Sunday evening service.
He is now in uniform, being a mem-
ber of the 91st Battalion.
,r .1
Including Mining,Chemical, Civil, Mech-
anical and Elctrical Engineering.
Dories the War there will be continuous
sessions is Medicine.
"The Arts Course may be taken by corre-
spondence, but students desiring to gradu-
ate must attend one session.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Joins A. Geddes of
Morris have returned after spending
a cciv weeks with friends in • the
western provinces.
A Full
e t
$1.00 to
Every Home
Cooper & Co;`
Valve -in -Head motor,
30-35 h.p.
5 passenger.
Completely furnished to smallest detail—The
McLaughlin "Valve-in-Ifead" Motor is guaranteed
to develop and deliver more power and with less•
gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make,
Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa.
McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran-
ches conveniently located, Hundreds of agencies
from coast to coast, One million dollars invested in
branch houses and equipment.
Large stocks of parts carried for all models at
Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of
manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can-
adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of
Canadian needs. Consider carefully the SERVICE
you buy—it is very important and necessary.
Note the class of people who drive the McLaughlin.
As a class they investigate before they invest.
To insure spring delivery you
should give your order now.
The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa
i"t-,•t=`IItt,�,�>�1r�3ot^rr' °ala... _�
�71rr.'` I., �90a �eagbya,
,'Ry it Il� Y 4
A Sealorth,Ont., Hoene painted with Martin -Smear "100% Pure" Paint
Unpainted wood means decay. Not to paint your house, means a
Cii; Stant expense for repairs. Paint protects against wear and weather.
When you take out our "100j Pure Policy", your house is insured
against decay, svi
Such paint protection resists the destructive effects of climate and
temperature, besides adding beauty and distinction to the home and value
to your whole property.
means life insurance for your home. The genuine White Lead, Oxl e'
of Zinc, Pure Colors and Linseed Oil—ground to extreme fineness by
powerful machinery—form a combination that protects against decay.
"100q Pure" Paint makes protection sure. It spreads easily;
hovers completely and is the cheapest in the end because it covers nacre
apace per gallon. We have it in all colon for spring painting. --�
Cell and get a eopyof our amusing hook, "The House
That leek Built". It's full of pictures, rhyme. and reason,
tint you wilt enjoy a well as the children. Free to dl,