The Clinton News Record, 1916-06-08, Page 5sae 8th, I916 Auburn A.: very pretty wedding took place :at the home of lllr. and ,errs. J. 3ohnaton of East Wawanosh at elev- en o'clock nu Saturday, last 'when their daughter, Beelona, was united in marriage to Mr. Colin I+eiugland, ,a prosperous young farmer ol•Hullett township. -. Rev. Wim Conway per -- formed the ceremony. Mr, and :Mem 1+'iugland left the sameafternoon far aeo:honeymoon trip to Toronto, Salle - lo and other Points. Mr. and Mrs. John Meths of Fergus 'have returned home after speeding a dew days with friends about Auburn. Me. and Mrs..Eastman have got , nicely settled in: their new home. Mr. Eastman is the C.P.R, agent here. Mr, .3. W. Talnblyn returned' Mon .day after spending a few days at ..Kingsville attending Conference: Tuckersmith Township Mr. d. W. Nott hail the misfortune •on Saturday east to lose after a few hours sickness "Guiniea'. Gold" his 'best Clydesdale stallion, !'Guinea Gold" was a valuable animal and as Mr. Nott did' not have him insured he. will be a heavy loser. Huillett Township Mc, James Holland of the Huron Road, 'Hallett, met with a rather painful accld ntthe other +tah, He was -returning from Clinton and had g'> tat: out of the buggy to open the gate ,and on picking up the renis the horse started quickly giving his arm :a sudden jerk. He fell and the buggy ran over him and on being pinked up it was found that his sight shoulder had been dislocated. A doctor was immediately summoned and a couple of the neighbors were also called in, Messrs. L. C'rich and Sheppard, who left their teams in the field and re- mained until the patient was again comfortable. A second doctor had to be called before the joint could be properly got into shape and Mr. Dol- alntl has to be eery careful of the injured member even yet; 's` But I Guess That's All in the Game." Somewhere in Belgium. May 13th, 1910, Ivies. Walter Bing, Clinton, Ont. .Dear Friend, -1 now take pleas - 'ore in writing you a few lines in .answer to the letter I received from you a few clays ago. And I also ~thank you very much for the parcel you sent. I got it last night in good *Condition, Homer also was glad to ;get the sox as they are always use, lel out here, We are both thankful to C' a for them. Norman Levy is in -the hospital as you know, and he is getting along fine, We•have been get - 'tag lovely weather here for a couple of weeks and we sure enjoy it too :tor we bad, our little trouble during the winter months,' We had had very little snow but I think the tarn was worse, I suppose you have a lot of 'soldiers in town now but they will likely be needed out here before the war is over, Things are going pretty good out here. so far. The Huns try 'hard to drive us back but haven't gained anything so far. There are lots of shells flying around all the time, day and night, but I guess that is all in the game, isn't it. Well, I uiust close for this time, Please re- member us to all. Hoping to hear arm you again. I remain I'te. E. Huller, ' Co. No. 1, Platoon No. 4, 1st Batt. Canadian C.E.P. Bigth Dr. E. Wilford of China with his wife and little child are here visiting the former's mother and friends. Dr. Wilford conducted the service in the "-'1'iethodist church on Sunday: evening. Rev, W. 0. Turner left Monday for Winnipeg to attend the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Roy Sims of Toronto was a visitor In town during the past week, Rev, Geo. Jewitt was at Kingsvil- le attending conference last week. Mr, Jewitt will move to Springfield at the end, of the Month. A. Youeg Ladies' Recruiting'`Lea- gue has been organized with the fol- lowing officers President, :Miss Ella Metcalf. Vice Miss Nora Afecaughey. Sec. Treasurer, Miss Dorothy Tierney, Executive, Misses Annie Mailies, Rhoda Phillips, Kathleen Mae - Pearl -Ashton, STRAYED.—THERE STRAYED TO the promises of the undersigned at, • lot 25, con. 5, Mullett, about May 1st, one brood sow. Will owner please prove property, pay expens- es and take ,the animal away,— S. Glidden, phone 5 on 208, Clinton, —40. imritttoeleT 'IID TO PURCHASE—IF YOU have any western town lots or farm lands that you, wish to dis- pose of, it will pay yow to write to Charles Beck, Berlin, Ont. -740-3. DIVIDEND NO'. 30'.—NOTICE IS hereby given that the usual half yearly dividend at the rate of 8 p, •c. per annum has been declared for the fix months ending June 30th, 1.910, upon the paid up Capital Stock of the Company and the same will be payable at the offices of the Company on and after July. ..ist, 1916..The 'Transfer books will be closed from June 119th to Juni .30th, .both days inclusive, • Marriages HOLLAND—SWITZER—At the resi- ` dence of the bride's parents, on • June 7th, by Rev. J. A, Robin- son of Clinton, Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Switzer of 'l'uckersmitli, to W. N. Holland, son of Mr. an James Holland of Mullett. 'l'Wl l'CI:IELL—ROSS-1n Clinton, on Jarm 7th, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Elsie, A. Ross, to J. Harry Twitchell, both of Clinton. r HORNIIR—RA'l'lgWELL-Tn Stanley township, on June 0th, Violet May, only' daughter of Mr, and. Mrs, John•reathwell, • to Albert Horner of Vacua, JAM1ESON LEITC'H-In Hallett township, on ,June 0th, Lily, sec- ond daughter of per, and ears. Alex. Leitch, to Robert L. Janie - soil: FINGLANDD—JOHNTSTON Iit East Warvanoslt, on June 3rd, Berlena, daughter of Mr. J. Johnston, to Colic Fingland of Mullett town- ship. FAIRSLR\'ICL—SCOTT- At Wing - ham on May 30th, Jolla,'1 airser- vice of •ilullett, to Ella Scott of Winghan, Births M:li'ER-Iii Bayfield, on June 5th, to Mr. and, Mrs, J. Wesley 'Wer- ner, a son. STi:LCK—t+t Edmbnton, Alta., on e 1 x andMrs. May .,flt 1, to M . Robt. 1+ Stelck (nee' Flossie Stalebury, formerly•of Bayfield, Oat.) a dau- ghter. BROWN—At l'etrolea, on May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, a son, (Charles Clinton.) DEVERESAUX—In Seeforth on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Franc De- vereaux, a daughter. Deaths CLARK—At Hespeler, on May 1st, Marguerite S.,' daughter of Mr. Launcelot Clark, Stanley, aged 27 years. GINN—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joins Henry, Malby, Sask., en May 19th, Mrs. Andrew Ginn, forinesly of Clinton, aged 811 years, 11'ISE—lit Goderich township, June 4th, Clarence Albert, youngest sonf Mr.and Mrsi at I I II. Wise, iu his lath year. CIALBRlITII--In Stanley township, on May 2nd, Archibald Galbraith. aged 79 years, JACKSON -In lignlondville, on May 28th, Susan Mary Vanhlgmoud, widow of the late IL R. Jackson, aged 711 years. FOR SALE.—TWO COLLIE PUPS. - Real good ones,—N. .3, Labeau, Phone 9 on l'l, Clinton. —10. FOR SALE—SEVERAL Bi'SIIIILS of Buckwheat. This is a good yiel- der—Norman Ball, phone 13 on 108, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, —10-2, OR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gandier, including, house, ofice, barn and 'two lots, Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting 'throughout. Water in stable. hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer hi i- chew —Apply to Dr. Gandier. —10. WANTED. — A BOY OVER 16 years who wants to earn his own living, can find a good position right now with us', with a promise of steady employment, good wages, and prtmotion.-See- our Superin- tendent, Mr. Reid, about it at once,—The.Jackson Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Clinton. —40, FOR ,SALE --A TIDY TI1REE YEAR old colt well broken. 1las • four white feet and star on fate, Per- fectly sound,—J..P. Cole, phone 14 on 157,, C'hnton. —40. STRAYED FROM Tier' PREMISES of the undersigned on the Goshen Line, Stanley; on the 30th day of May, a one year old heifer, color, red, with a small white spot on forehead, white spot on right flank, part of 'tail white. Deliorned' with caustic. Of good quality. Any in formation given of her whereabouts will be thankfullyr received, Wm. Rathwell, R, R. No. 1, Varna, -40. PAR11T FOR SALT' —Let 25, Con. 5, Mullett, containing . 100 acres of choice land. This farm is colleen.' iently situated being only 2 miles north of Clinton on the mann gravel road. There is on the premises a good 8 -roomed It storey frame house with telephone connection, a bank barn 5000 with stone stab- ling underneath' •:'Here is about 5 acres of hard wood bush. The farm is convenient to church and schools and will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply • to John Reynolds, 50 Stratford St,, Stratford, Ont. —40. TEACHER WANTED. li1YPER- ienced teacher Wanted for S.S. No. 3Goderieb Township, Holm -vibe School). Duties to commence September 1st. Applications to be in by June 20th.—Edgar J. Tre- wartha, Sea -Treasurer, Holmes- ville P. 0. 3-39 COWS FOR SALE.—TWO HAVE just freshened anti one is due to freshen, All young cows.—W. Mar- quis, R. R. No. Ii, Clinton. -25 FOR ,SALE—Till LARGE MOUSE on Isaac. street just south of the bowling green, Good orchard and barn, Also the double house on King street south of Wesley church. —Apply to Miss M. E. C'hidley, Clinton. —85-3. RUPTE} - d SPECIALIST HERE ,T. v Egan, the Canadian rupture appli- ance specialist, will visit towns mentioned be- low. Stn Egan'slatest inventions, the "Ctu•n- nus" and t e "Curative. forms, retain rup- tureperfectiy and ,are intentled to aid nature to close the opening In the shortest time known without an operation. These new eppliances (entirely different from anything lse in the world) have received the highest awards wherever exhilited. Testimonlals from men women and parents. Realms aro aecoupiisiled without inconvenience or less of time. Why continue to experiment with se - called mall order cures when You can obtain better service right here at small cost? Never mind past failures—as there is a reason for such, - There aro many wrong ways—but only one tight way. It costs you nothing to investoke my way, Delays may he dangserous. Now Es the time to make yourself physically It for your season's work. Tear on coupon now, THIS FREE RUPTURE COUPON Upon ppresentation to T. Y. Egan, specialist 445A. Tango street Toronto, who will visit towns belew,eutitles bearer to free demon- stration anti examination of snn__ippies. Ask at hotel oince for room number. Stole dates. 'Wjngltam, Queen's Hotel, June 121th. Clinton, Rattenbury blouse, Tuesday, (all day and night) 1 day only, June 13th. Goderieh, Bedford Hotel, June alth. , Made in Canada, Arthur Stringer Most versatile of Canadian authors, has just finished, in "The Anatomy of hove," a hovel of Canadian life which combines rare drollery anti whimsical humor with wholesome and satisfying romance. Mr, Stringer's brilliancy has never been more strikingly displayed than in this story, the first instalment of which appears is the June 11'IACLEA.N'S, To have secured the first rights to so important a novel is a notable achieve - men t, Agnes C. Laut contributes another of her prophctie war articles—"Give America the Whole Truth." This is an examfca- tioet of Germany's intrigues in the United States—a remarkable expose of Germany's aims and plottings in the Western hemisphere, written with an astounding knowledge of "inside" facts. ARTHUR E. McFARLANE. contributes a mystifying detective story, "Behind the Bolted Door ?" —the best detective story ' cities Sherlock Holmes: ROM*. W. SERVICE provides two poems written at the [rent—"Tile Odyssey of ` 'Erbert 'Iggins" and "The Convalescent," ALAN SULLIVAN supplies a timely sketch, "The Ro- mance of Cobalt"—a sketch of the camp, past, present and future. MacLean's- Magazine is getting the best Canadian writers to put their best wore in- to articles and stories of particular C'anadian'interes't. This is a delib- erate policy on the part of Macl',ean's publishers. Other Canadian 'Writers of note whose work appears in MacLean s are : Stephen Leacock L. M. Montgomery, Nellie McClung H. F. Gadsby Arnot Craick ' Robert E. Pinkerton Not the least appreciated feature of, MacLean's is its popular Review of Reviews Department, which condenses for busy readers the cream of the -world's best periodical literature, MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE maintains a clean anti wholesome tone. Its advertising pages are censored to exclude all objectionable ad- vertising. MACLEAN'S can be taken into your home without any hesitancy, to he read by any member of your family. MACLEAN'S IS $1.50 A YEAR, REMITTANCE FOR Yll.triLY SUB- SC1ITPTIONS NEED NOT ACCOMPANY ORDER. JUNEnumber at ail news 1 stands Clinton News -Record S FOR SALE. — THE 1ee STORY house with a acres of land on On- tario street lately, occupied by Mr, Baines, The garden is in excellent condition and there is , acre of raspberries and small fruits, The house contains seven rooms with cellar fufl size, of house, Furnace, electric lights, and Waterworks. I Bove also for rental the office' late- ly occupied by John Medd as a barber shop. -Jacob Taylor, —35 FOR SALE—A FORD RUNABOUT Automobile equipped with the Gray A Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem. Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy titl- ing qualities of the ear.—Seeley �C West. --30. FOR SALE—HOUSE ON RATTER - bury Street formerly occupied by the late Mrs, Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. MoTaggart. —32 ¶RS. Jt JOHNSTON, WHO HAS taken over the agency for the Spry- ella corset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. Tho Spirella is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Call and ask Mrs, John- ston•about corsets and accessories. —02 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Stilts, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms oven Grigg's jewelery Store,—Wm. J. Jago. —55 Cream Testing 'Having had a cream -testing apparatus installed I will pay the highest market price for cream, which will be weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Cream taken in every Monday and 'Thursday morning at my place of business. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMM.ERIIILL. DE LRUELLE 'ORERILI SEP- RRRTOR Iftfu1D STRNDRRO Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha, Gasoline Engines, . De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house, three doors west of Commercial Hotel, and repairing done Saimaa day afternoons. Also 'Agent for . New- combe Pianos. Phone 207, D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent. Excursion GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN Going, leave C*oderich 'lues - day, JUNE 13th, 1910, at 9.80 a,m. Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday,. June 15th, at 1.00 p.ni. This trip provides a magni- ficent opportunity to enjoy au all -day water voyage on the BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND and time to visit yourfriends in Detroit. 'arc $1.50 Round 'Trip. $1.00 one way with baggage. Children half -rate, Don't forget the Gocierich Band 'Moonlight, June 12th, at 8 p.m. Fare only Mc. White Star Line. DETROIT, MICH. i' To the We are now prepared with better facilities than ever to • Re -Cut Crusher Rolls. GUM Circular and Cross- Cut Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and dliachine Work. Do Rubber Tiring 'for Bug- gles. Repair Automobiles. Do Biacksmithug. Do Wood Repair Work, Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen IIaitd Clippers. " WE SELL Automobile Tires. Ilard' and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries, AUTOMOBILE GARAGE I'N CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST GIRLS VIANTED ! sus WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A PEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Satisfaction Breeds Success The satisfaction given by me to Eyesight sufferers in this Section, by the wonderful Shadow Test'. is proving successful, one satisfied customer tells another and hence the success grows. Try me for your next glasses. No matter how complicated or how long stand- ing your defect will readily yield to the SHADOW TEST System. R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be foiled in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods. .D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital. Cut the Cost of Cooking ! During these times when eve are all cutting clown expenses within a reasonable limit you will appreciate the advantages of our Easy First or O'riscoe Shortenings offer. It is ex- cellent for all kinds of pastry, is odorless and the price is another feature that will appeal to you. Try either of these shortenings and we are convinced that you . will make them all say this is delicious. Don't forget this is the big weak in Pineapples and we have just cc- ceived some nice fresh stook in all sizes and prices are'. the lowest they will be this season. • ♦tem., HIGHEST PRICES' FOR PRODUCE. Plione orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co, The Store of Quality. FOR SALE. ---A -SECOND 7IAND Feed Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, tires practically new. Very cheap:- Seeley & West. —31 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans, We' supply two Cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, 'cheques', payable at par.' We pay the high- est market prices consistent with Eta honest test. Testing done by a competent man, ' Each era careful ly weighed, sampled and' tested .on' arrival and 'statement: returned, Those, in the vicinity of 'ICinburn may leave their cream • with Mr. Hall who . will deliver ii, hero. Write for cans and give us:a trial. Patrons in the vicinitp of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 485, Seaforeh, Ont. Have Just Received a Carload of CEMENT And will ]seep a supplp all summer. Come Here For your cement needs. 4�4 JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. A first-class Incubator A RARE CEANCE to buy a first class Incubator at a very reasonable price and pay for it in poultry this fall. We have only a few Incubators and Brooders left this season and we are anxious to clear out the whole lot at once, We have also three Incubators that were only used by his one season for hatching day-old chicks which eve will sell at a big reduction. Phone us for pric- es. Everyone should have an Incuba- tor as poultrymen arc all predicting high prices for poultry this coming season. Highest price paid for fat hens and roosters, - GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE MINER STORE Live and Let Live Pine Apples Pineapples' are on earlier than usual this year and are now as cheap as they will be this season. This is a good time to buy for canning. Call and get Prices. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, Peaches and Apricots, Rai- sins an Currents for making pies, SPECIALS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape - Fruit, Strawberries; Rhubarb, Let- tuce -mitt Green Onions. Highest Market Price for Produce E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Seed Corn st♦o We 'flow have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can , offer you at a reasonable price, also good Seed Buckwheat. This is the hatching season, and that means lots of feed for the Baby Chicles. We have a large stock of Baby Chicle Feed and also , Chick Grit on hand. Try some of our Creameai and 011 cake for your young Calves and Pigs, there is nothing better. Since Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our • Easi- frst Shortening, as it is not so ex- pensive and goes farther. We have it in 5 and 20-11). pails. Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Brealctast Food and Flour always kept in stock, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Elevator, Pineapple Week. All this week for Canning, Large' Juicy Ones. 2 for 25c or $1,45 per dozen. 10c each or $1,15 per dozen. W. T. 0111 Cream ! Cream ! New Method. I am in the market for any, quantity of cream at highest market price, You can see it weighed, tested and take your money home with you. Cream taken in every Thursday morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Holaneswllle Farliler! Your land is valuable. Our coun- try needs every ounce of produce it can grow. It means money to you, and prosperity to Canada. Doubtless seeding will he late this year, and•the only way to rush the growth is to apply large quantities of Buffalo Brand Fertilizers A fresh car load just arrived, and our prices are right. IDEAL WHEAT AND CORN AT. $30 PER TON. BUFFALO 'GARBAGE TANKAGE AT $24 PER TON, for 1st of October settlement or 3 percent. off for cash. We also handle all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. JOHN B. MUSTARD Telephones i Bayfield Office, 8 on 174.. Brucelleld Office, 11 on 145. It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance, If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any, Plumbing done this pear you will save money, by getting prices at once. THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th. con. of Godericin Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready foe spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small cite chard. Concrete house. Good barn 58x80 with stone foundation, Content' silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartee mile from, Pprter"s Hill,—James Hamilton,, Clinton. —09 Anthing .a+ you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g,. Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate, Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given. BYAI� & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers, Phone 7, News -Record Means News -Leader,