The Clinton News Record, 1916-06-08, Page 4'Cocderioh Townshp
The garden party under the aus-
pices of Ebenezer church on the Mait-
land con. takes place on 'the evening
of the 11th inst. on the lawn of Mr.
Henry Snider. Instrumental music
will be supplied by the Fitly band
and pipers from C.Jlinto . i\dinissian
twenty-five cents.
Reeve Lobb is attending theen3
session .1 of the county council.
MISS Sadie Cook, daughter of
and Mrs. George Cook of the 1
con. lues almost completely recovered
from an attack of appendicitis
,from which she has been suf-
fering for the past so'en weeks.
• The fancily are deeply grate-
ful for the kindness shown, due-
ing'Miss Sadie's illness and wish to
give expression to it in the columns
of The News -Record.
The funeral of the late Bert Ilolmes,
whirl took place oe Saturday after-
noon last to Maitland cemetery, was
one of the largest ever seen in this
township, the cortige • being over a
mile long, Friends from all Over the
township and from Clinton and God-
erich showed by their presence on
this mournful occasion the high es-
teem which they entertained for the
'deceased. 'l9ie Masonic rites, the de-
parted having been a member of the
order, wore performed at the grave-
side, Rev, J. D. Fotheringham of
Goderich, assisted by Rev. W. B.
Moulton, incumbent of the Holmes-
ville-Middleton parish, oflioiated a't
the house and graveside.
"The township council in a body
made an inspection of the c bud ges
throughout the township on Monday.
They made the trip in an auto with
Billy Cole as chauffeur and it is mc-
ilerstood found that while two or
three small bridges will have to be
rebuilt the expenditure on this ac-
count will not be large.
Mr. '1'. H. Cole's two soldier boys,
Frank and Oliver, both members of
the 18Ist Battalion, are upon the sick
List. Oliver is recovering but Frank
who contracted it later is in for a
ten days or so internment which he
takes all the harder from the
fact that he was home on leave
to assist his, father in the seeding
' During the thunder storm of Sunday
evening last Mr. Percy Cole had two
cows and a yearling killed by light-
ning. Fortunately they were insured
so the Company will bear the great-
er portion of the loss.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhos. H. Cole spent
fraln Saturday - until Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Macdonald of
There will be no service in St.
Unmet' church on Sunday next owing
to an ordination service to be held
in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, at
which Rea W. Moulton will be rais-
ed to the priesthood. At a meeting
held in St. James' church last week
it was decided to retain Rev, Mr.
Moulton as incumbent,
Coderieh Township"`
The death occurred on ,Sunday of
Clarence Albert, the youngest son of
Mr., and Mrs.• E. IT. Wise, in' his 12th
year. The deceased had been an in-
valid since birth andhad eonse:luen't-
ly been a great care, esilecially to
his mother, but this but served to
bind him the more closely to her and
thus his place, in the home will seem
sadly empty. The funeral took: Place
on Tuesday from' the family, residence,
interment being
Madee in Clinton
Mrs. fifarry Weston of the Bayfield
Road happened with a bad accident
the other day. She was reaching' lu-
te the oat bin in the grainery to get
some oats when her feet slipped and,.
she fell across the board on her right
side breaking two ribs and injuring
others. A doctor 'froiti Clinton, at-
tending leer, it is hoped she will soon
be better.
The Toting Ladies' Patriotic Socie-
ty, South Find of Goderich township,
intend holding a garden party on 'lir
J, 0. Steep's lawn this month. Good
talent is being secured and every ef-
fort put forth to make this the sue-
eels of the season. Watch next week's
issue for date,
The. Royal Scarlet Chapter will
met on the evening of. Wednesday
neat in the hall of L.O.L. No. 189.
No service will be held in St.
Peter's church, Sammerliill, 'on Sun-
day next but ml the following Sun.
day Rev. W. Moulton Will preach.
Mr, 1), Cairclner of Winnipeg is the
guest of Mrs and Mrs. lv. A.- .h:d-
Nr.anti Mrs. • E. Saucier, Mr. II.'
Lippert, Mrs. (Rev.) Mcirvine and
Mrs. Eby of Berlin and IA:3. ltril,;ei:
hlravia of the ,lli8th' battalion were the
guests of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Erwin on Sunday
ilt. Sauvage of Seaforth oce'.ipied
Church on
tie ul lit of St. Andrew's c
Sunday last in the absence of Rev.
A. Macfarlane, who was at Kippers,-
Reeve A. E. Erwin is attending
county council in Goderich this week,
Mrs. Marshall and the Misses Mc -
Milian of London arrived • last week
and have taken the cottage of • Mr.
James Campbell of (Miniquy street.
Mrs. Edward Reid and family left
on Saturday last for Owen'Sound
where they will spend the summer.
Dr. Atkinson, Mrs. Atkinson and
their sons, Messrs. Ginn and Jack
Atkinson, of Detroit arrived last
Week anti have taken up their resi-
dence in their summer cottage on
the terrace,
There passed away on Friday ev-
ening last an old and highly esteem-
ed resident of the community in. tins
person of Archibald Galbraith, who
had reached the age of seventy-nine.
The deceased was born at Campbell-
town, Scotland, in 1837 and came to
Canada with his Parents when quite
young. The• family settled on a farm
in Darlington and a few years later
the subject of this sketch came with
his brother, J oho Galbraith, to
ley tan -
lel tonnshil and settled upon the
concession. Shortly afterwards Ar-
chibald came to Bayfield and learned
the wagon quaking with 'Messrs. Shaw
and McGregor. He worked at this
'trade for some years then in 1879
he purchased a farm on the Bayfield
Road and moved to it where he re-
mained until about two years ago,
when his disposed of his farm, pur-
chased the residence of the late Dr.
Stanbury and took up residence in
Bayfield. A few months ago becom-
ing ill lie was removed to the home
of his nephew, Mr, Wm. .J, Stinson,
where he died. The deceased was un-
married. The funeral took place on
Monday afternoon to Hayfield ceme-
tery and was largely attended, Rev,
A. Macfarlane assisted by Rev, E.
Rickard conducted the services. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Thomas
C'anneron, .James Campbell, James
Donaldson„ .hayfield Geo, Dewar
and Thos. l3rownett, Stanley, and
Matthew Bates, Goderich. The de-
ceased was the last member of a
family of seven.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and
Mr. and Mrs. Black and child of
Port Elgin were the guebts of Mrs.
*Laren's mother, Mrs. Sterling, on
The following people came up from
Berlin and were present at the fun-
eral on Sunday afternoon of the late
Marguerite Clark, who met so tragic
a death in tine river at Hespeler on
Thursday last : Mr. R. D. Lang, Mr.
Tracey, Mr. R. German, 'Tr.. Moser,
Mr; F. Filsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Reis -
borough, Miss Amy, Mrs. Eby, Mrs.
(Rev.) McIrvinc Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Sander, Mr. H. Lippert, Sr., Miss
Lily Klein, )Muss Orpha Hallman, Mr.
H. T,ippert, Jr., and Pie, Wilber Er-
Mr. J. B. Miller has gone into
training at London, having enlisted
on the eve of the departure of the
101st from Clinton. He leaves his
wife and two little; ones stn the care
of hen father, Mr. Little of Clinton,
during the absence.
Our village was shocked by the
news that Mourner C'antelon had boon
killed in action in France. He was a
former: Holmesville boy, afterwards
removing to Clinton where he enlist-
ed for overseas service, thus making
the supreme sacrifice for King and
11Irs. 0. Ladd) of Clinton has been
visiting at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. R. J. llcCormiclr, staying with
the latter while the former attended
Mr. J. A. Irwin of Clinton 'preach-
ed with great acceptance in the
tltttnodist church on Sunday. Mr. Ir-
win is always welcome in IIohnesvii-
Shortly before his leaving for the
summer camp the members of the
IIoimesville Epworth League fore-
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. Gliddon and presented their son,
Pte. Percy Gliddon of the 191st, Bat-
talion, with a military wrist waich
as a token of friendship and good will,
, wishing him a victorious career and
i a safe return.
Couch. Co.
PHONE: '78.
Dry Goods
The First Discount in Ladies'
Spring. Suits and Coats.
After a very successful
season in our ready-to-wear
department we want to clear
our racks of every suit and
coat. We have made t h e
price so low to make sure that
we will accomplish our aim.
Just 8 ladies' suits left in
black and green only, made
of good quality serge, sizes 16,
18, 36 and 38 only. Suits
sold as high as $25 for $20,
$20 suits for $16, $18 suits for
$14, $16 suits for $11, Come
early Saturday for best choice.
Reduction in
Spring Coats.
Just 12 spring coats
left in' black, navy -a n d
mixed cloths, sizes 16, 18,
36, 38, 40 and 42. We are
anxious to clear out all
coats left so will give a dis-
count of 25 percent,
The First %Dis-
count in Mil-
linery $3.98.
We put on sale Satur-
day 2 doz. ladies' trimmed
hats, values up to $5 and
$6, all new this season,
your choice $3.98.
Clinton News -Record
Route of the Clydesdale'
MONDAY will leave his own
stable, West -End Tueke'rsmiti, anti
go 'north by'h-luroni Road to Graham
House;.'Clinton, for noon, , then by
10 cos., Goderich township, to , Fir.
Bert Lobb's for night. TUESDAY—
By Maitland con, to Win. Burst and
Son's for noon, then via Bethel and
Bcimn)ler tel
Win. Long's for r ni
WEDNESDAY—By Gth and 8thcon.
to Wire. Cunningham's for noon, by
way of the 8th conf to Fred Quaid's,
Dunlop, for, night. THURSDAY— 'i'o
Union hotel, CTotlerieh, for noon, by
let con. to Salkeld's' corner and 4th
Con; to Huron Road to Wilmot HIaae-
kie's for night. FRIDAY -By 0th con,
and Porter's 11111 to Fred Pickard's
for noon, by -7th col, to John Stew-
art's for night. SATURDAY — -By
Bayfield Lime to Jas, Jackson's, 2nd
of Stanley Inc noon, then to -'bis
own stable, •
Owner, Manager.
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
"Jerry J"
will stand at tine Hutel. Normandie
barn, Clinton, every Saturday during
the season, He is an exceptionally
well bred colt and while not yet
three wars old is a big horse now.
No. 018821—American 'trotting Reg..
No, 0101—Canadian Standard Bred
No. 4419 -Enrolment.
Terms $12
to insure with foal.
Phone 8 on 102 Clinton.
There will be no service in the An-
glican church on Sunday next but
the following Sunday Rev. Mr, Afoul -
ton will preach.
;lir. and Mrs. John Agnew and Miss
Mary Agnew left last week with Dr.
T. H. Agnew for his home in Van
couver, B.C., and intend to make.
their home in future in the Coast
Miss P, Powell was in St. Thomas
last week attending the N.M.S. con-
Mrs. Chas. Barber spent a few days
in Toronto last week,
W ing110111
'rho board and managers of St. Alt-,
drrw's church presented one of their
number, Mr. David Currie, who en-
listed in the 1GLst as private, with
a safety razor and a steel mirror
Tprior to his leaving for the camp at
Lound oi.
1\Irs: E, Aitcheson has received
from England a photograph of the
tomb of her son, Pie. D. Lochie'Ait-
chesoin, who died of wounds received
in Flanders in 'July- last. The body
was interred at Itamsoate, England,
and a stone erected by. the Mayor
and Mayoress anti other patriotic cit -
Mrs. John Colter has gone. to
Toronto to join her husband who
has accepted a position there.
Miss Agnes Walker of Toronto has
been visiting at the home of her Par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Walker.
Miss 1,ina Barber has returned to
London after spending a few days at
her home in town. •
Mrs. Robt. Johnston of Toronto
spent a few flays last week gisiting
relatives and old friends here.
Mr. Thos. Bell of Southampton,
who has just recovered from a' some-
what serious illness, spent a few
days. last Week at the home of Mr.
R. 'Vanstone:
Mr, L. F. Binkley was with his
mother in Dundas for a few days
Mrs. David Grigg of Provost, Al-
ta., is here visiting old friends.
Miss Ebbe Cadionw of Galt spent
a few days last week as the guest
of Mrs. IL kTinsclilie.
was at
' C.C. Brock of
his home here for a few clays.
Miss Elizabeth. Barber has return-
ed from Ottawa, where she was em-
ployed as stenographer during tine
purliamentry session.
Mac Thistle
2.041 48971 A.T. R
The Grand Circuit Race Stallion
Mae Thistle is the fastest horse that
was ever offered for service in this
part of the country. He raced through
the 'largest racing circuit in the
world and defeated the Grand Cir-
cuit Stars as often as they defeated
him, Mac Thistle 2.041- is also a full
brother to Independence Boy 2011 the
only two full brothers out of one
darn both with marks of 205 or bet-
ter. Mac Thistle 2014 has himself
been miles in 2.0h, 1 in 57 seconds,
Mac Thistle is a grand big brown
stallion. IIe is a made to order
horse, having size, quality, individ-
uality, brain and breeding.
Will stand at his own barn, Blyth,
this season for a limited number of
mares at $20.00 to .insure. Accom-
modation made for mares from a dis-
Write for folder of breeding and full
particulars to
Route of the Imported French
Percheron Stallion
MONDAY—Leave his ,own stable at
Brimfield, west to hotel stable, Var-
na, for noon, north to Ben. Rath -
well's, Bayieid Line, for night.
TUESDAY—West to Switzer's corn-
er anti north to James Sterling's for
noon, north to James McMillan's
for night. WEDNESDAY—To Hur-
on Road, east to Jewell's corner,
via Benmiller to J. C. Burst's, for
noon, east to Harry Sweet's, Mait-
land con., for night. THURSDAY—
Via Holmesville to Graham House,
Clinton, for noon, north by Base
Lino to Albert Townshend's for
night. FRIDAY—East to W. J.
Melirien's, 4tie con. F3ulfett, for
noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATUR-
DAY—South via Red School, west to
Robt. Eigie's for noon, via London
Road to his own stable. Index En-
rolment No, 383, Form 1, Approved.
Proprietor anti Manager,
News -Record means News -Leader.
And a
service you
are proud
to tell your
friends about '
Notice the number
of Traction "spares" that are not
lmcnvelopes on the car, but out
IR the open wearing the "V" smile
that won't come off. Pride in possession
accounts for this—the desire to have the
car look its best.
Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goads Co.,
Brainehall I.O asa S.T,119
'"`"°'chi Ib'eK A 41.giti t 'rh1Fli2 I `tre t"7
Miss IIattie Reynolds is srmifilnng
some weeks with relatives in Regina,
Misses Olive and Pearl Cartwright
have been visiting in Toronto.
Mr. Wilford IMIcLaiighlin spent a few
days of last week in Toronto.
Mrn,T. R. Bennett is visiting fri-
ends in Detroit. •
Miss Sutherland of Detroit has
been"visiting her sister, Mrs.. C.
The Wingham detachment of the
1Gist^was given a send off on Mon-
day evening week when each man was
presented with a safety razor, 'steel
mirror and a Canadiandollar bill.
Miss Grace Scott, second slaughter
of Afr. and Mrs. Alex. Scott, was
married on May 311th' to Mr. John:
l airservice. They left the same af-
ternoon for a trip to the Canadian
IDs, E. Cl. Wilford, returned mission-
ary front 'China, has been visiting his
brother, Mr. A. H. Wilford of town.
Including Mining,Chemical,. Civil Mech-
anical and Rictrieal Cngineeriog:,
During the War there will be continuous
session. in Medicine.
The Course may
he token by
but students desiring to gradu-
ate must attend one session.
A Beautiful
--- Art Square
lends a charm to the room,
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove, We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axminsters, Wil.
tons, etc., that we have
priced at attractive prices.
We would be most pleased
to show them to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28Phone *W. 28
June 8th, 1916
Mrs. A. Anderson • of Aberdeen,;
South Dakota, and Mrs. James Maize
of London have been visiting their
brother, Mr, James Baird.
A Full
$1.00 to
Every Home
Cooper & Co.
Valve -in -Head motor,
30-35 h.p.
5 passenger.
Completely furnished to smallest detail—The,
McLaughlin 'Valve-un-Ierl' Motor is guaranteed
to develop and deliver more power and With less
gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make,
Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa.
McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran-
ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies
from coast to coast. One million dollars invested in
branch houses and equipment.
Large stocks of parts carried for all models at
Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years oI "v
manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can-
adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of
Canadian needs. Consider carefully the SERVICE
you buy—it is very important and necessary.
Note the class of people vvho drive the McLaughlin.
As a class they investigate before they invest. •
To insure spring delivery you
should give your order now. -
The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa
its lip' n'
These Buildings
are Painted
es, Field Husbandry Building
Barns at the
ONTARIO A► aVELzu LC'oinnoe
Consider Purity in Paint
in Preference to Price.
You wouldn't pay the regular price for Sugar that
analyzed 10% of sand. You wouldn't pay "all wool"
prices for cotton -and -wool clothing. Why should you
pay your good money for impure Paint, when you
can get.
We guarantee Martin-Senour "100% Pure" Paint (except
a few dark shades that cannot be prepared from pure Lead and
Zinc alone) to be 100% pure White Lead, pure Oxide of
Zinc, pure Linseed Oil, pure Colors and Turpentine Dryer ;
and to be entirely free from adulteration or substitution ; and
sold subject to chemical analysis.
Every experienced Painter knows that the above formula
is right: It is the standard of the paint world.
You get absolute purity. — extreme fineness — uniform
quality—when you insist on "100% Pure" Paint.
'''111 The oldreliable. for the barn and sheds.
M1tcrwagons, tools, etc.Vis.-,,,,"r .-...,.c;.mal,. l
Write direct to the Martin-Senour Co., Limited, Md f nal, 751Rfor their 1916 Booklet, "Townand Country Homes", showing many
new color schemes and giving valuable paint information,