The Clinton News Record, 1916-06-08, Page 1No. 1940 —37th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 1916 THE HOME PAPER Business men advertise in The News -Record because. they want to do Business with fou. rsmi ii', S. Ci.; oon at s Ruth,. AN OUTDOOR MEETING, THE NEW OFFICERS. �� , L ¢then' •in �Glcbt �Gh a r/i'ee�e%Zt k tfie ��// a�7 �p ,� J'a(te=fG=/Je 'alto' cli vel 1 There is no other gift for the bride that isso un- iversally certain to be -greeted with jOy, .used with pride, and treasured for yearn. Vie carry a large and well assorted stockof 1847 ROGJ Its BROS. knives, rS tea forks, berry spoons, cold meat forks, pie servers, coffee, desert and table spoors and numerous otheron useful pieces; hollow Also a good assortment of silver platedb ware, cut glass, china and 3lo(alLs. 'Ilene Women's Patriotic Society will meet tomorrow afternoon on Mrs, Gunivs lawn and will combine their work with a couple of hours' outdoor recreation, A ten cent tea will be served during the afternoon, Meru- bars and everyboody welcome, t O4 D AN LYTRA SII \ R." A number of the young lady friends of Miss Elsie Ross gathered at the home of her sister,Mrs:' M. Mcfwan on Thursday evening last and in an- ticipation of her marriage, 'which took place yesterday,. presented her with a miscellaneous shower of met- ty and `useful articles suitable for anyone just starting housekeeping. It Captain Froud and Lieut. Saunders the .former from Goderich and the latter just recently come from the training school at Toronto, have been sent to take charge of the Salvation Army corps here., Special welcoming services were held in the S. A. hall on Sunday, Clinton welcomes the new officers also and wishes._ tlmein success: ' IT HAS SIS PRIIAC1Il:RS, Among the privates in the ranks of Huron's- own battalion, the 161st, . there' are three ministers., a Presbyter- fate, an Anglican and a Baptist, Rev,y, J. I£, Fairfuli who' enlisted here,and three Salvation Army, Officers, apt. 1 THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 95e. Baxley 5bc. Oats- 45e, Rutter fir to 221. Eggs 21e to Ho Live Hogs $10, WII,LIS •C'IIURCII. "L'he Sacrament of the herd's Sup- per will be' dispensed on Sunday'very, morning next. ni e g to The prepatory, service Friday evening at eight o'clock . will be conducted by Rev,. Jas, Abrey, the recently.inducted minister of the Londes oroPresbyterian church. EARLY CHICKENS.. , RTi. Jabez Rands made a shipment The Ladies' Aid Present Cut Glass Pitcher and Tumblers. At kit the regular meeting of the Aid Society of the Ontario street church yesterday afternoon a large number of the ladies gathered for the purpose of sa in farewell to Y g 'Mrs. A.11dm since coming to C'liii:tou four years ago, Mrs, Aliinhes been active in advancing, all the in- wrests of the church and especially . . in the work of the Ladies Aid, As a mark of appreciation of the value of her services and as a token of the high esteem in which she is held by the members of the soviet the lad- les' took advantage of the last meet- ing at which Mrs. Allin could be pre- A Pretty Wedding in Tuckersmith Yest erday. At, Pinehurst Farm, a'uchc the home of Mr. and Mrs. Switzer, on Wednesday aftern �t o'clock, their daughter, Mis Hol 'tuns married to MI, W. N. TIo I-Iulleti;. The ceremony was performed 11ev, J, Robinson; lector of St, Anglican church, Clinton, in tl mien of only nearest relativi closest friends. The bridal party stood bef bank of beautiful roses, ferns rage, lime bride, who was given byi Iter father, was charmingly ■�'sr iretai tog lji�sl f 'wetet and Optician - - Clinton3-"LEAF eer__ �. L was a jolly company, of i girls who , spent a happy hour together and de- parted after Hearty good '.wishes for the• -future well-being of the bride-to-be. THE COST OP PAPER. "IC we continued to use in the cool Russel and Bandsman Newall of Sea- forth,and Lieut. Stockall, who until his enlistment was iii charge of the local corps., CLOVER FROM FRANCE. Just the other clay Mr. John Sere- ton received a; letter from Walter this week to the Gunn, Langlois neo- plc of twenty-one broilers which at/- erased atoolpounds apiece. - This is. pretty Y g or for so early in Juno but Mr, Rands keeps the right kind of chicks and manages them in a way that brings them on in the shortest sent to present her with a cut glass 'pitcher and tumblers. The presenter .• tion was made by Mrs, 13• J. Gib- binge, president of the society, and was aeeompaoied by an informal ad- dregs dress ity the president of the \i'.M,c L. G. presidee, in which she referred, felicitously to the kindly re- ed! in silk embroidered net eve taffeta with veil to match and ed a bouquet of white roses. Miss lriolet halthwarte of c wee ijo tuns bridesma}d, were a bltne silk crepe de chine dress Iter. Robert Gemmell of S was groobert n. ing year the same quality' of . paper Morris, formerly of Clinton, • who possible time, lations existing between Mrs, Allin the the Mrs, George Woods of honor, we have been doing in the past for the Christian Guardian, to the went overseas with. the 33rd Batt. HE ATTENDED CONFERENCE, and society and expressed good wishes of all for her continued who was matron of very becoming rose pink silk The o • al dank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1989. Capital Authorized $25,000;000 Capital Paid-up 11;580,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,600,000• Total Assets 185 000,000 • 390 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits, General Banking business trausaeted, Manager Branch owing advance in price per pound, it would cost' us 220,000 more for the Paper alone," was an illum}natin remark gwrote made by W, C, T{ettlewell, once man- ager of the Methodist Book and Pub- lishin House in his report tvcn he fore, file London conference, g Notwithstanding the advance en the g cost 'of paper the subscription to The News -Record continues as heretofore, one dollar per year, IT WENT, TO OLD CLINTON B07'. ivies. Jolie Wiseman on finishing a soldiers shirt for the 11 omen's Pat- erotic Society a short time ago en- closed a note in the garment giving and was sent across to Prance with the first draft, a month after the landing in )Jn lan8. When Walter. 6 g the Battalion to whichlte was attached was being moved up close to "the ver thiel: of it" .and the YY might be in the trenches before his letter reached Clinton. He enclosed a three -feat clover from Somewhere Iii France." 60 ACRES SOLD FOR $5,000, Mr, Clifford Lobb, second son of Mr. W. 1I. Lobb, reeve of Godeiieh township, has bought Rir, Percy Coles farm on the 10th con., tie possession first of g Novetnbex next, The consists sial To attend Methodist Conference ms' a forty year and more habit Ion,; peeled he hast missed scarcely. ee, Mr. lames Stevens and in that cite, of the annual gatherings. IIe is Chits, naturally, heal, -ed upon as one of the veterans and honored accor- din I* lIe was at K* ill the past \week attending the 1910 session of the. London Conference: PASSED ANOTHER MILESTONE. A4r: Thos. Sheppard, one of 011n- tows most veuerabla citizens, on Moeda y last passed another milestone on life's journey, his eighty-fifth, Though not so spry as formerly Mr, success in the many useful activities with which she has alttrays been idea- tified, After Cha presentation aline la- dies sat down to a well laden table and while references were made to •Mrs, AIIm s excellent qualities and valuable services •lit church •and cant- "munity and many regrets expressed that •the impendin removal of Mr. g ABM and family from Clinton would deprive the ladies of the benefit of her assistance: Mr. and Mrs, All take with them to their new field of labor the heartiest, good wishes for continued success. in their helpful ministry. _ Lobengrin's.bridal chorus w ed by Miss Isad elle. Woods of forth, Awlthe register was being ed, Miss V, Laithcvaite n "Because," in excellent voice, •D. Williams, •pianist. The groom's gift to the bri. a gold pendant and to the 1 and rills Lalthtvafte gold jewe es'.' Following the ceremony a lunedieon was served. Mr, and Mrs. Holland were c}Pients of many handsome at Y ful gifts. The bride's going away dee, It, E, MANNING, - Clinton her name and asking the recipient to communicate with her. The other place or acres and the price was 'five thousand dollars, This may seem a very good figure ;SlTeppard has been able since the set/- rarity of the winter passed to come Horner-Rathwell Nuptials. Belgian blue silk poplin with match. } day a letter carne from Ben ll ebb, a former Clinton, but the farm is very.. well adapted tip town almost ascii day and he en- joys a bit of a chat with old friends "Fairview Farm" second concession i\Fiera short honesmo°n tri will reside on the groom's fat residemtt of but who cane from the United States to en- for small fruits and garden truck in whom he meets on such occasions, of Statile the home of Mr, and }+' ISullet't. INCORPORATED I$�JJr ,.,_•••• ,. , v„-. which Rig. Lobb , purposes s e.isliz- ALTs. ,John Rathwel.l, was en fete on r••••••,•••• list with the First Canadian Contin- ing and in which lie has been engag- CORP, JACKSON WOUNDED, Tuesday to the ti • T E L.fes p ��� g .. •,t gent, saying that the shirt had Pal- ed in the London district for some Iomi Pirate his hands anci ttianitdng riCrs. trine. The Lobb boys this will be• Wiseman for it and the Clinton lad- the second of thein to settle down for their • patriotic endeavors on the 110th, take after their father in Rig: •Isaac Jacdcson received word front Ottawa yestexda that his sin 1 Corp, 11 nm, Jackson, of the machine celebrate marriage of their only daughtee Violet May, to R'Ir.:Clberb Ilorner, merchant of \-ar•Waters na, son OF 14x. and Mrs,. J. W. ITor• iter of Hay township, Lost Her Life is the S of fhe River S - . Capital and Reserve$8,800,000 p 96 Branches in Canada. }Y A General Banking Business Transacted„ � Circular Letters of Credit t. Bank IV10n23! Orders. r Savings' Bank Department. F Interest allowed a highest current rate. •Clinton C. E. Dowding, Manager. Clinton Branch. - R -•�_� which add so much to the comfort of being thoroughly up-to-date and cite- the boys at the front, getfa farmers. CLINTON reached' BOY FALLS. OPER POURSCORE. Word here on Friday from ymthe Mr. \V m. H. Weymouth of the 8th Ottawa that Pte, Homer A. Cantel_ concession of Mullett township yester- on had been killed in action on May day attained his • eighty-first 22nd in Belgium, Homer Cantelon, day and is still enjoriiag good health, Hall - was the only son of rile: John Gant- Mr, \Va}hnouth was born in York- aloe formerlyof E,oderich townshipquiet shirr., England, hut came to„Ganacla w of Alberta. He was born in in 18b1 and assisted in clearing up Goderich township but had'resided in much of the farming lana in Mullett, previous to enlisting and Itis He has resided upon the homestead, mother died here a couple of years nl,ich lie still occupies for over fifty ago: For a time lie was employed sears In January last he sustained gun section of the 9th battalion was in b o, 2 Canadian Stationery Ilospi-, tat suffering from a gunshot wound in thigh, Pte. ,Jackson, who Is a South African veteran, left li's farm in the west and enlisted at Winnipeg durin the first few months , of the wet and has been at the front ever since: s'CIIURI” .\vS11'L',RS 7"T]D C•:\LI,. BIe, T. R. Shepherd, (Cham), young_ est son of airs, James Shepherd of town, has resigned his position as manager: of the Delisle, Sisk,, branch At six o'clock, the hour set for the ceremony, the bride entered the draw- legroom supported by her father and took her place beside the groom tni • der an arch of evergreens and white lilacs. She was daintily gowned in white silk crepe with shadoty'lace rod pear} triutmhtgs and carried a bon- of white carnations and lily -of- the -valley. The marriage ceremony of: the Pres- by Arian church was impressively per- formed by Rev. D. Johnston of Vat- ne, •cling A very terrible accident he on the Speed River Hoax Resp Thursday evening last when line launch in which a num girls were enjoying a cruise caught in the overhanging bon a tree and was overturned, q+ire ten people in the boat, el er, Mr. Baler, his two clauglit seven of their girl friends. Th been up the river and were re when the accident ,happened. hurled into the water all but the unfortunate ones manage to branches of the tree by, the Gunn, Langlois (M. He enlis- a severe loss in the death of his of the Royal Bank and has enlisted Miss Myrtle Horner, sister of the other object until a number ball nearby arrived to ted with the 93rd Battalion in Marchwith partner m life who had walked by the Fifth Field Medical Corps l room laved the weddingmusic and g p playing rescue. That one was Miss of 11015 and was drafted from ft arid a ri hit side for fifty-five years: Time England June acid is now in training at Camp Se- "Chum" the little Miss Muriel Rathwell, the guertte Clark, eldest daughter READY-TOWHAROlSD'aRED CLOTHING 2 he c`hlorrish CLOTHING Clothing Co, g sent across to in of many friends of this aged pioneer of- last year, going almost immediately Per congratulations to him on the to the front, At the time Of his anniversaryof his natal da', and ex-. Y death he was with' let Canadianparty press the bane that his good health' well, offered himself at beginning of time war but was unable t°'fill all the requirements physically hitt tried again tater and would have bride's cousin, acted as flower girl, After hearty congratulations had Latnteelot Clark of Stanley to been extended to the happy couple who was quickly carried g stream and was soon lost the bridal art and nests number - view of bar terrified and Battalion. This is the first fatality may continue, reported reported among those going directly bean at time front now but lot the fact that the Bank could not •foe a ed ing about fifty, sat down to the wed- ding feast, the tables being beatttfful- companions. When. the survive %ry% II�%[�tvacancy, ghe from Clinton, A PRESENTATION: THE TOa4N COUNCIL. The from the Torontot News followingof Saturday last to time make arrangements to Sll time caused by lila rosignatielm ly decorated with June flowers, been got to a place of sat A beautiful selection of wedd}ngsearch tuns commenced for th gifts were a tangible proof of the of the drowned girl but it tv K�/+rCG1is+ "' "24 t� .y p �� /�� , �Kgdorn kr a gatneoaty _ Many a man has felt that Ray Ona rainy,windyda The modern Rain` Y coat however does not confine its useful- ness to rainydays. y OUr raincoats, while being water- p root, have a style and dash to them •refers a Quite a grist of business was put former resident of Clinton:discovered. through at the June nieeting'01 conn- "Capt, (Dr.) Harry I3essian was cif on Monday eveimfnioont's g• the recipient of a large case of 'diem:- :ti communication was read from mos bottles and au address last et/-handson-ie Dr, J. W. Shaw, who has enlisted for ening at the home of Mrs. Charlesket g ovemseas with ..the Hurons, askingJollille, Gladstone avenue, a num- by that he be granted leave' of absence ter of his friends, who compose the until after the war from his duties Sunburst Club, of which time Captain as medical health officer and corn- is a member. The presentation wasFir, mending as a substitute Dr, Milton made byone of the nmembets Cap -home blate Shaw, who is taking of his practise, tate Hessian makinga most fitting15th• After due consideration it was decicl- reply, The Captain is one.of a draft A June Wedding in Clinton. A pretty wedding took place at one o'clock yesterday at the home of Ric, and Airs. Murrayi4Lurrmty RIc> wan, Mary St., when their sister;. Els}e. Ann Ross, daughter .of the late George bf, Ross of Mt. Forest, became the bride of Mr. J, Harry Twitchell, son of the James Twitchell, and of Mrs. Twitchell of town. The hand- popularity of the bride and groom until Friday forenoon that among their circle of friends, The Mr. Clarlr and h •gift to •the bride was a Want down to Iiespe}er to ai piano, to the Sower girl a search and oh Saturday, the and ehadn end to the 1?iauist were brought home the fullers a pearl ring. Mg place on Sunday from the ihr evening was veryt pleasantly home on the Goshen •Line, spent in games and music. The funeral was very, large! tended not only by friends her and Mrs, Horner will be at to their friends after June but by many from Berlin and distant places, the services a and graveside were conducted family Rev, el, E. Jou that make them as serviceable t ercoat as for a raincoat. fabrics are neat colorings in O 1 i ti eS, brDmllJnSf grays, etc. ?,lie shortest or medium: lengths as ,, you prefer, $3.90, %.J�f7,l �, $12,`' 15 00 20.00 Asa hint well "Don't, say Don t buy� ' a chea, raincoat— p it wont a but pay, come here to buy a good raincoat at a fair price; for an ov- , • !gain() 'fes ; " #: tp ' ,. ta irk A 3�" ' � ,�.� i, F , � s��r : •• * ¢ , • p;n� 3 ;square, , a 'X r `gym �� :_, „ : .. < :as ��• � r V\ ,, ' s txumber i ' ' •.ots ee i . DV V'°" ( 4 ` 0: f f ` ed to comply, with his request, prov- of ten doctors who are leaving im- icled the approval of the Provincial mediately for the front, The good authorities can be obtained, wishes of all present was- extended The I{ilty band was given a grant to the Captain and the hope evpres- of one hundred dollars and are to pro- sed that he may return safely home vine a' weekly open "air concert, at the close of the war•" Wednesday being the evening chosen. MRS,' ANDREW GINN PASSES, The band asked for more than this but will accept the smaller grant and Ort ,the twenty-seventh day of last strive to make the most of it, month Mrs, Andrew Ginn died at the In order that the Public • Utilities tome Of her daughter, elrs, John f Malb .:ask., at the ad- Commission may be able to .plata HenryY Y, ` their department on a thoroughly valteed age of eighty-two years. Mrs, business basis they asked that time Ginn was born in the town of Mains, council assume the payment for the Queen's County, Ireland, and came street drinking fountains, asking for- to this couutry with her parents ty dollars per annum for each ser-. when but a child and settled in God- • each township, She .was twice mar- vice This the council refusedto pay so that if an agreement is not arriv- vied, her second husband being And- cd at the, fountains ma o dr rete Ginn with whom she settled on Y -g Y• the 2nd con: of l•Iuilett township A motion to have a horse troughY erected between the roadway and about forty-five years ago. A decade Y kerb at the market square to be sup- or so age they left the • farm and P- leby too lip their abode in Clinton where plfetl from the 'Smith fountain, wasThe Mi:. Onm departed this life a few lost, ears later. The council is to 'furnish itself with Y well on to foul score curs a supply of clog tags and all dog Y • ' owners are to purchase one of these of age Mrs. Ginn made, several trips dogin hisossession. Chief to Saskatchewan to visit her daugh- for each p Wheatleywas appointed dog tax col- ter, brut when she telt last she re- e d is to see that ever dogis gat'ded it as her final long. railway lector anY property decorated, otherwise he journey and bade ClintonCand friends tourist be dispatched to the happy hue- lmere farewell, tin rounds without delay,friend She, was bedfast for several ivee]cs For sonic months past the Clintonwishes t before the final summons' came to te- g `, tin Company has been ne otlat nit g 1 y g Neve hex "front the suffering incident ing for the purchase from the conn- to advanced age. She }s survived'by cif of a plot of land adjoining their her three daughters by lies second property for the purpose of malting a marriage, Mrs, •David Steep of Step -g septic tank for the disposal of wast- let -on, Mrs. Harry Rutledge of pew bride was married in a sonic stilt of castor shade with Lod- lee of white georgetta crepe and pink satin amid pretty. leghorn hat with facings of • pint: and trimmed with roses and sweet •peas. Her , boots were of patent lea- ther with high tops of castor cloth; She carried a shower bouquet of ros• es,orchids and lily -of -the -valley, The bridal party stood 'before a bank of ferns and under,a bell of ev- green amid. flowers. They were neat•• er tended, The bride stat given away by her brother-in-law, Mn, FIc) wan, Rev. Or, Rutledge performed the ceremony which was only witnessed by immediate relatives of time coil- trotting and . number of the_ tr ng parties ti girl friends of the bride. \t the conclusion of the ceremony Y and when the newly -wedded pair had received the congratulations of those present, the wedding luncheon was ser?cid and Mr: and rifts. Twitchell left on the afternoon train for Toren- to and Detroit foe a short honey - mnomt trim The bride on goingawayacrd trip: wore a lovely corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses and ' lily,•of-the-vat- ley, , Both bride and groom are vary po_ pular and well -liked young people and enjoy the estnenm of a large circle of and have the sincere good of all for a happy married life, the otvly regret being that they do not intend, making their permmnent home in Clinton, The bridle was the recipient of very many beautiful gifts from friends. ' Among the from out: of pastor, the pallbearers. were : Messrs This Hullett Wedding Peck, Charles Rat-hisall, Fred Took Place on Tuesday. son, G. E. Johnston, George y and F. l'rlsutger, the latter o A eery pretty and interesting event lin. occurred at the home of Air. and Mrs, he deceased young lady was Alexander Leitch of Mullett .on Tues- ty-several years of age.. She wa day of this week when their second• bright and winsome dispositiol daughter Lillie Belle was united in was very popular with the cii marriage tel Robert L. ,Iamies•on,'son which she moved, Each Sunda Of Mr, and Airs, Win. Jamieson of her in her place in church and the - same towasliip. school, as' had been. custom At eleven o'clock to the strreins of early childhood; She had been the wedding march played by the Went* of Berlin for five or six bride's sister, Mrs, 1'. B. Medd, the having been head saleslady of young couple attended b . the bride's the departments at Lang Bro s g v niece, little Miss -calve Medd, who large firm of that city. Her death has cast a looms not on1. carried the ring in a basket of lily -of g the -valley, took their places under an • the circle of friends in Berli arch of white and purple lilacs from' ' over time old home convnuni P I which hung a white bell, Stanley, Miss Clark is survive Thr, ceremuony was thew performed her parents, one sister, bliss , who is a -teacher near bherkdal Rev F. C•. Ilarper of Clluton., . two brothers, Wilt and Cli:To bride wore a delay owii of Y g home, who have time sincere syn ivory duchese satin, draped with net of all in their sudden and tern and ribbons, with a bridal caught up remetnent, with pearls and carried a bouquet of )1'St, Lang of the firm of Lau white roses and ferns, •accompanied the remains to After the .newl wedded couple re - Y p on Saturday. A large numb ceased congratulations from the large floral .offerings from friends in of friends present all repair- and other places. completely c r -which dee eel to time dining oom, was the casket. c°rated with red, white and bine ,s, pathetic feature of time sad streamers, to celebrate the event i'a a was the fact that Miss Clark stronaptu tie wedding dinner• very shortlyto resign her m g l The young couple motored to Sea- to be married. Her fiance, Mn forth from where they took the '3.20 intro Lippert, was among the era for Saskatoon, ,Od�inoiiton, and 'in at party and also aewmpani other western points, - , remains and was present for t1 The travelling in sand • mOpilLsH curium cois THE I age from their dyeing department Liskeard and Mrs, Johne Henry, also which has hitherto been drained into by one brother, • Mrs. Robert Lee of the public sewer and, it is claimed, Foam Lake, aaslc., and one sister, detrimental to nearby property A Mrs. Ileury Stewart of Brantford, .. guests .town bride a nice :eral, were Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Stratford, colored suit with thecae blouse and 1Vldsa'Rots of Holstein and Miss Ntul- a Black hat trimmed to nmatoh•, Mr, and Mrs. Launcelot, CIax ley of Toronto, On their return they will reside on to convey to their friends and their heartfelt thanks fa 66 ,i Motto : A Square Deal for Every Mail, difference in price had brought about his Province.bora g t The interment took a deadlock but the council on Mon- place at Foam Lake, Sask,_=-- day instructed the clerk to accept $150 The passing of Me:s. Ginn takes to the sale of the pro- away another of the lessening num- the groom s farm north of Constance The Grand Trunk by delaying de- and will be at home to friends after kindness and sympathy shown m livery of paper has caused The News- august 1st. hour of Chair sorrow, Record to miss several mail routes '- Congratulations and conclude Petty. her of tile pioneers of this district. and good wishes this week. from a host of friends go with tlmenm. r•eeeme n.,,a n.,•Qr,,,n1 n„ mu of by the Paul's me: pres- ms' and ore. a and fel- away, p attir- r white d card.- odecicle lovely, eaforeli ScafortYi, wore a I as playa Sea-, sign ndered Miss e was }(apist cases.: dainty lie re- d use- s was hat to P they m in rs had Ly a e body, as not ft' was }s sou diiithe remains a1 talc- family) ale fanmily) Y at, here o• ther t house by the Join and , Bert. Wat- Ellio•tt Bar- twee- as of a e and role in y found unday, t since a res- • years, one of s., .a tragic y over n but ty in lklab• el e, and rd at pa thy, ble be-. Lang Bros: Clinton numb, • of Berlin overed affair.* teas isitiort i -her- search - ed the he fun k wish neigh- the n til