HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-06-01, Page 4Clinton News -Record • Bonfield The hayfield boys of the lulst Battalion spent Sunday at their homes in the village before- t,heit departure For: camp at London on Tuesday.. • Mrs. Fisher and daughter, bliss. Rubie Fisher, of Berlin, and Miss Ruth Fisher of Waterloo Were the guests of the former's sister, ,'Mrs. F, A, Edwards, over the holiday. Mr. C. Chapman and wife and Masters Brightman and' Eric and Miss Dora Chapman of London spent the wee ie' a few days past k at their summer cottage in Lakeside park, Holrnesville The people in this locality were much shocked on Tuesday to hear of the. accidental -death of Mr. Bert Holmes of the Huron Road, While in Goderich he stopped his team, one of which was a' colt, in front of a harness shop and while he stepped to the 'door the horses took fright -and started and as he sprang to catch them the colt kicked him • the chest. A doctor was quickly summoned and. Mr. Holmes was re- moved to the hospital where lie passed away in a few minutes with- out regaining consciousness, Bert was a young man of sterling qual- ities, a most exemplary Christian and a member of the Anglican church and his sudden demise has cast a gloom over the community. His bereaved parents and family have the sympathy of all in their sudden and severe affliction.'. Rev. 13 J McCormick, who is a member of the stationing committee of the London Methodist conference, left Saturday for Kingsville to be ready for the meeting of the com- mittee the beginning of the week. Mr. W. Jenkins, who is one of the delegates to conference, intends go- ing down this week. Several of the farmers hereabouts are about through seeding and ate now preparing for roots and corn. A wonderful show of blossom would indicate an abundant fruit crop this season, ' war h u • • town- ship N. W. `1 re t o our oar klearning 'ui sit Cls n is to run his i p new auto and will find 'it not only a source of pleasure but a great convenience in getting over the ground quickly, an important con- sideration with such a busy man. We are sorry to learn that Frank Jenkins has been very ill. with simp- toms of mumps and other complica- tions of throat trouble but it is hoped he will soon be quite himself again. Miss D. A, Holmes and Miss Ver- na Jervis are delegates to the W. M. S. convention at St. Thomas, the latter re -presenting the Mission Cir- cle branch, Mrs. F. W. Draper of Detroit spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and M.S. W. Mulholland. Benfield Dr,. Woods is attending the annual conference of the medical health of- ficers at Toronto thin week, Mi'. H. Sander and wife of Berlin were the guests of the latter's Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. I4: .W. Erwin ov- er the holiday. Miss Hilda Kit>g, who spent the past month at Detroit returned home last week, Mrs. Elmer Sheardown of Goiter - telt was the guest of Mrs. H. W. Erwin afew days3s this week. Mrs. Brandon was :salted to Bel -grave on Tuesday on .account of the illness of her .mother, Mrs. Brydges, Mr: and IMrs. William ,Mustard and daughter, who spent the past rem, months at Detroit, returned to the village last week. Rev. J. E. .tones is attending Con- ference at Kingsville this week and on account of his absence there wilt be no service in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. F. Rickard was in Clinton this week attending a meeting of the Deanery of Huron. Mrs. E. Mercer will continue the sale of millinery during next week alter which time the millinery bus- iness will be discontinued, During the months of June and July, St. Andrew's church will, hold their evening service at 7.30 instead of 7 p.m. • Mrs. Frank Glass of London ar- rived on Saturday and has taken possession of her summer cottage on the Terrace. Mfrs, Stianbury has returned to Bayfield for the season. News -Record means News -Reader. Goderich Township Oh Tuesday evening of last week a number: of the friends and neigh- bors met at the home of Mir. and Mrs. William Munnings to spend a social hour • with $heir son, Pte. Percy lMunnings of the .161st before the battalion went into camp at London. Reeve W. H. Lobb tools the chair and calling the meeting to or- der made a few appropriate re- marks mariss and called of I Ir N W. p tread Trewartha, whoan address to the young soldier and Mr. Harvey Tebbutt, on behalf of the company, presented bins with a 161st signet ring and a fountain pen. Pte, 1 Man- nings thanked ins friends in a neat and appropriate speech and. Mr. Lobb and others present made short speeches expressing their apprecia- tion of the patriotism of the young man and wishing him good fortune and a safe return after the year. Afterwards refreshments were served by the ladies and a pleasant social. hour was spent. The company broke up with the hearty singing of .Tod Save the King. The Y.L.P. Society will meet next Wednesday* afternoon at the home of ,Mrs, A. Welsh., 21•••••••=p aMemilimimparanliMmnigimeit.oradem 'Goderich Township There was a somewhatfestive gathering in the basement of St, James' church,. Middleton; on Mon- day evening when the residents of the south end of the township came together to say farewell to the seven young •men Of the' community -who are members of the "'161.st- overseas` battalion and who left,Clintou Tues day morning for the summer camp at :London. Mr. James . Sterling, president of the local 'branch of the War It Inclinic axil' r took e cid A is t t a y, cardia' 6 the meeting,to order explain- ed the reason of the gathering and expressed the pride and allection all felt forthe young men who' have thus- offered themselves in the service of the Empire and in the name of the coomutrity, many of whom were present, lie presented the following seven yoruig men : Corp. Macdougall, Pte. McGregor, .Pte. J. Smith, Pte, 0. Hammett, Pte. T, Hammett, Pte.. Miller and Pte, Harold Whitmore each with a safety razor and a pocket mirror. The Y. W. P. Society also' presented each of the soldiers with a pair of socks. When the gifts had been . bestowed and suitably acknowledged, Rev. W. 13. Moulton and others spoke briefly and later the ladies served light re- freshments and a pleasant half hour was spent in the enjoyment of the same. 'l'ltere are several members of the community besides these- seven who are connected With the 101st battalion whmo are now in the ser- vice of the, Empire and it is the in- tention to supply each one with a safety razor and mirror, sending them with the good wishes of ' the old home community. Some such kindly attention on the part of the com- munities from which the soldier boys go must serve in times of stress and discouragement to sus- tain their courage and nerve them to fresh endeavor, ]snowing the "home folk” are not forgetting them. Mrs. George J. Connell has been quite ill of late. A social under the auspices of Eb- enezer church and S. S. will lie held on the lawn of Mfr. henry Snider on the evening of June 14th, Pipers bandin attendance. a a i na c n e. i<nu 1 n ell son of Mr, anti Mrs. it Roy'Connell, George ) Connell, who underwent a serious operation a couple of mouths ago, was able to be out last week and spend a couple of days in Clin- ton. He also visited his maternal grand -parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Sturdy at CIoderich, Advertise your Garden Part- ies, The News -Record makes hut a small charge. yhe Standard Bred Trotting Stallion "Jerry J" will stand at the Hotel Normandie barn, Clinton, every' Saturday during the season. He is an exceptionally well bred colt and while not yet three clears old is a big horse now. No. 015821—American 'trotting Reg- ister, No. 01,01—Canadian Standard Bred Society. No, 4410—Enrolment. Terms $12 to insure with foal. ED. JOHNSTON, Prop. Phone 8 of 1.02 Clinton. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Includin Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mech- anical and $lectrical Sugineermg. MEDICINE During the War there will he centinuow menden' in Medicine. HOME STUDY The Arts Course may be taken by corre- spondence, but students desiring to gradu- ate must attend one session, SUMMER SCHOOL 040. Y, CROWN JULY AND AU GUST REGISTRAR. Route of the Clydesdale ' Stallions Manure Gay tie Y. MONDAY— will leave, ' his own stable, West -End Tuclrersmuiih, and go north by Ruron Road to Graham I'Iouse, Clinton, for noon, then by 10 con Goderich ;township. to Mr. Bert Lobb's 'for night, TUESDAY By Maitland con. to Wtn.. Durst and Son's for noon, Then via Bethel and Bennrilletr to Wins Long's for night. WEDNESDAY—By 6th and 8th con.; to Wm. Cunningham's for noon, by , way of the '8th couf to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop; for night. THURSDAY— To Union Hotel, Croderich, for noon, by Int con. to Saikeld's corner 'and 4th con, to Huron Road to Wilmot Ilaac- lrie's' for night. FRIDAY -By 0th con, and Porter's hill to Fred Piclsard's for noon, by eon. to John Stew- art's for night. SATURDAY - By. Bayfield Line to Jas, Jackson's, 2ncl of Stanley for, noon, then to his. own stable. G. W. NOTT, J. P. FISHER, w. Owner. ' Manager. Guinea Gold MONDAY—Will leave his own stable. West -End, Tuckersmith, go south to the Mill Roach to Pfftle & Sons for noon, then to I-Itlron Road and west to Win. Dales' for night. TUESDAY —To Graham House, Clinton, for noon and until the following morning. WEDNESDAY—By Huron Road to N. '1'rewartha's, Holmesville, for , noon, by 0 con, to 'Phomas Cole's for night. THURSDAY—By Miiddleton's corner to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable. G. W. NOTP, Owner and Manager. Mac Thistle 2.047' 48971 A.T,R 'J.'he Grand Circuit Race Stallion Mac Thistle is the fastest horse that was ever offered for service in this part of the country, He raced through the largest racing circuit in the world and defeated e[eatet the Grand Cir- cuit i r cuit Starss a often as they defeated eat eta hint. lilac Thistle 2.01; is also a fall brother to Independence Boy 2014 the only two full brothers out of one dam both with marks of 205 or let- ter. Mac Thistle 2041 has himself been miles in 2.01, . in 57 seconds. Mac Thistle is a grand big brown stallion. He is a made to circler horse, having size, quality, individ- uality, brain and breeding. Will stand at his own barn, Blyth, this season for a limited number of mares at $20.00 to insure. Accom- modation made for stares from a dis- tance. Write for folder of breeding and full particulars to L. 0. C'I-IARII.ESIVORTPI or THOS. COULTER, BLYTI-I, ONT. Route of the Int ported French Percheron Stallion INDEX MONDAY—Leave his own stable at 13rucefield, west to hotel stable, Var- na, for noon, north to i3en, Rath - well's, 13ayfield Linc, for night. TUESDAY—West to Switzer's corn- er and north to James Sterling's for noon, north to James McMillan's for night. WEDNESDAY—To Hur- on Roach, east to Jewell's corner, via Bemnillcr to J. G. burst's, . for noon, east to I-Iarry Sweet's, Mait- land cot., for night. THURSDAY— Via i -Joh nesville to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, north by Base Line to Albert Townshend's for night. FRIDAY—East to W. J. McBrien's, 4th corn. Hallett, for noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATUR- DAY—South via Red School, 'vest to Robt. Elgie's for noon, via London Road to his own stable. Index En- rolment No. 383, Form 1, Approved, WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager. News -Record means News -Leader. manimaimimana And a service yen are proud to tell your friends about, Notice the number of Traction "sperm" that are not in envelopes on the car, but out. in the open wearing the "V" smile ' that won't come off, Pride in possession accounts for this—the desire to have the car boon its. best Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., HEAD OEFICE TORONTO Lhalted S d,e.l beadles dIW OT.ID, tia'''''T l .11n Lt 11 T WiNtrtyelag' "r CuMivu,,0e� Ceti, 1{tb 'pal l4, n4q tb: A Beautiful Art Square -- lends a charm to the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We have a t present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels Axminsters Wil - tons, etc that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you, JAS. DUNFOID Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 5,y Blyth Mi:, anti P-Irs, M. McKay of Staun- toi, Sash., were visitors In town recentljy. 'rimy were on their; way to 'visit their son who is with the Can- adian forces is England. gammo�ks A Full Assortment 1. ' to $13.50 Every Home Should Have One Cooper & Co. Stanley Township, Sorry to hear of the death of Musa I -Tonnes, which took place at the home of her son on the Bronson Line on Thursday, The remains were laid to rest' in the Bayfield cemetery on Saturday. Mr, \Vni.:H. McCliichey of the Goshen Line, who is noted as a good stock feeder, sold amid; delivered to Mr. Chas. Reid of Brucefield a few trays ago a bunch of six fat steers which netted him the hand- some sumof i 7aO, Thisis th $ e best hunch, of cattle fed by any one man in the township of Stanley for a number of years and Mr. MIcClinchey is to lie congratulated on his success as a feeder. The' buyer is also to be congratulated upon his purchase• but Charlie says he'll pay the price every time for the good stuff, This. bunch of cattle was a credit to both buyer and seller. Blyth Dr. Roy Stackhouse has been vis iting his parents. June Ist, 1916 Varna The members of St. John's church,. Varna, met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. MoNaughton on Friday evening last, to express to Mrs, Me- Naughton their appreciation' of her, gracious and faithful services as or, ganist of the church. An address was given by Rev. F. G. Rickard and: a' fitting honorarium presented ' by Mr. M. Elliott, church -warden, Mrs. McNaughton happily ` expressed her thanks for the manifested kindndfi Dainty refreshments and social good cheer made the evening a very pleas- ant one for all, Court Varna' C.O.F. will attend divine service in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Stanley Township The many friends are sorry 'Up knots' of the serious illness of Mrs. John Reid, Sr. Slope she will soon be able to be about again. Mr. John W. Reid had the nnisfor- tune to lose a valuable horse' on Monday. For Sale ! A few good Barred Rock Cockerels. Will sacrifice if called for bg June 7th. H. Keith Revell, Goderich Lot I2, Con. 4, Goderich Tp. • MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor. 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger. Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver niece power and wills less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make, Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located, Hundreds of agencies irons coast to coast. One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment, Large stocks of parts carried foe all models at Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of--. manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs. Comities, carefully the szavrea you bury—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people w -ho drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa SEELEY & BARTLIFF, Agents. Your Floors Need Paint Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery: Painted floors are easily cleaned --a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germs. Paint your floors and thus have them always Spic and Span. is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard, 'durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, and wears, and wears, and wears. It costs less to use than other floor paint, because it covers more surface and wears longer. We hive Seno ir's Floor Paint in 14 beautiful colors; suitable for every floor in, the house from kitchen to garret: Come in for a color card, and acoley of our entertaining book, "The House That Jack Built". Written for children, but "grown ups" get a lot of fun out of it. Free to our friends. """\ R. ROWLAND, CLINTON, Opt Ready ro-ear W Garments Conch cos PH ONE 78. Dry Goods and Millinery The Q First Discount in Ladies' Spring Suits and Coats. 1 A',.. r� s After a very successful season in our ready-to-wear ''► department we want to clear (i7 { f,'` ' ,, our racks of every suit and t1� r.�.-0-r coat, We have,! made t h e �'. ►� price so low to make sure that we will accomplish our aim. Just S ladies' suits left in black and green only, made ` of good quality serge, sizes 16, 18, 36 and 38 only. Suits sold as high as g $25 for $20, $20 suits for $16, $18 suits for $14, $16 suits for $11. Come t ,` early Saturday for best choice, • Reduction in �'++,\ J Spring Coats. %r' Just 12 spring coats �� left in black, navy a n d mixed cloths, sizes 16, 18,x' 36, 38, 40 and 42. We are anxious to clear out all 1 coatsdis- ✓ id left so will w 1 give a count of 25 percent, ,ssi q. . ' �. ► 1 . The First Dis i t count in Mil- - _ linery$ 3-.98. i:� 1 \ We put on sale Satur- � � G..�„- day 2 doz. ladies' trimmed l hats, values up to $5 and $6, all new this season, — your choice'$3.98. , , 'Goderich Township There was a somewhatfestive gathering in the basement of St, James' church,. Middleton; on Mon- day evening when the residents of the south end of the township came together to say farewell to the seven young •men Of the' community -who are members of the "'161.st- overseas` battalion and who left,Clintou Tues day morning for the summer camp at :London. Mr. James . Sterling, president of the local 'branch of the War It Inclinic axil' r took e cid A is t t a y, cardia' 6 the meeting,to order explain- ed the reason of the gathering and expressed the pride and allection all felt forthe young men who' have thus- offered themselves in the service of the Empire and in the name of the coomutrity, many of whom were present, lie presented the following seven yoruig men : Corp. Macdougall, Pte. McGregor, .Pte. J. Smith, Pte, 0. Hammett, Pte. T, Hammett, Pte.. Miller and Pte, Harold Whitmore each with a safety razor and a pocket mirror. The Y. W. P. Society also' presented each of the soldiers with a pair of socks. When the gifts had been . bestowed and suitably acknowledged, Rev. W. 13. Moulton and others spoke briefly and later the ladies served light re- freshments and a pleasant half hour was spent in the enjoyment of the same. 'l'ltere are several members of the community besides these- seven who are connected With the 101st battalion whmo are now in the ser- vice of the, Empire and it is the in- tention to supply each one with a safety razor and mirror, sending them with the good wishes of ' the old home community. Some such kindly attention on the part of the com- munities from which the soldier boys go must serve in times of stress and discouragement to sus- tain their courage and nerve them to fresh endeavor, ]snowing the "home folk” are not forgetting them. Mrs. George J. Connell has been quite ill of late. A social under the auspices of Eb- enezer church and S. S. will lie held on the lawn of Mfr. henry Snider on the evening of June 14th, Pipers bandin attendance. a a i na c n e. i<nu 1 n ell son of Mr, anti Mrs. it Roy'Connell, George ) Connell, who underwent a serious operation a couple of mouths ago, was able to be out last week and spend a couple of days in Clin- ton. He also visited his maternal grand -parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Sturdy at CIoderich, Advertise your Garden Part- ies, The News -Record makes hut a small charge. yhe Standard Bred Trotting Stallion "Jerry J" will stand at the Hotel Normandie barn, Clinton, every' Saturday during the season. He is an exceptionally well bred colt and while not yet three clears old is a big horse now. No. 015821—American 'trotting Reg- ister, No. 01,01—Canadian Standard Bred Society. No, 4410—Enrolment. Terms $12 to insure with foal. ED. JOHNSTON, Prop. Phone 8 of 1.02 Clinton. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Includin Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mech- anical and $lectrical Sugineermg. MEDICINE During the War there will he centinuow menden' in Medicine. HOME STUDY The Arts Course may be taken by corre- spondence, but students desiring to gradu- ate must attend one session, SUMMER SCHOOL 040. Y, CROWN JULY AND AU GUST REGISTRAR. Route of the Clydesdale ' Stallions Manure Gay tie Y. MONDAY— will leave, ' his own stable, West -End Tuclrersmuiih, and go north by Ruron Road to Graham I'Iouse, Clinton, for noon, then by 10 con Goderich ;township. to Mr. Bert Lobb's 'for night, TUESDAY By Maitland con. to Wtn.. Durst and Son's for noon, Then via Bethel and Bennrilletr to Wins Long's for night. WEDNESDAY—By 6th and 8th con.; to Wm. Cunningham's for noon, by , way of the '8th couf to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop; for night. THURSDAY— To Union Hotel, Croderich, for noon, by Int con. to Saikeld's corner 'and 4th con, to Huron Road to Wilmot Ilaac- lrie's' for night. FRIDAY -By 0th con, and Porter's hill to Fred Piclsard's for noon, by eon. to John Stew- art's for night. SATURDAY - By. Bayfield Line to Jas, Jackson's, 2ncl of Stanley for, noon, then to his. own stable. G. W. NOTT, J. P. FISHER, w. Owner. ' Manager. Guinea Gold MONDAY—Will leave his own stable. West -End, Tuckersmith, go south to the Mill Roach to Pfftle & Sons for noon, then to I-Itlron Road and west to Win. Dales' for night. TUESDAY —To Graham House, Clinton, for noon and until the following morning. WEDNESDAY—By Huron Road to N. '1'rewartha's, Holmesville, for , noon, by 0 con, to 'Phomas Cole's for night. THURSDAY—By Miiddleton's corner to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable. G. W. NOTP, Owner and Manager. Mac Thistle 2.047' 48971 A.T,R 'J.'he Grand Circuit Race Stallion Mac Thistle is the fastest horse that was ever offered for service in this part of the country, He raced through the largest racing circuit in the world and defeated e[eatet the Grand Cir- cuit i r cuit Starss a often as they defeated eat eta hint. lilac Thistle 2.01; is also a fall brother to Independence Boy 2014 the only two full brothers out of one dam both with marks of 205 or let- ter. Mac Thistle 2041 has himself been miles in 2.01, . in 57 seconds. Mac Thistle is a grand big brown stallion. He is a made to circler horse, having size, quality, individ- uality, brain and breeding. Will stand at his own barn, Blyth, this season for a limited number of mares at $20.00 to insure. Accom- modation made for stares from a dis- tance. Write for folder of breeding and full particulars to L. 0. C'I-IARII.ESIVORTPI or THOS. COULTER, BLYTI-I, ONT. Route of the Int ported French Percheron Stallion INDEX MONDAY—Leave his own stable at 13rucefield, west to hotel stable, Var- na, for noon, north to i3en, Rath - well's, 13ayfield Linc, for night. TUESDAY—West to Switzer's corn- er and north to James Sterling's for noon, north to James McMillan's for night. WEDNESDAY—To Hur- on Roach, east to Jewell's corner, via Bemnillcr to J. G. burst's, . for noon, east to I-Iarry Sweet's, Mait- land cot., for night. THURSDAY— Via i -Joh nesville to Graham House, Clinton, for noon, north by Base Line to Albert Townshend's for night. FRIDAY—East to W. J. McBrien's, 4th corn. Hallett, for noon, east via Roxboro to Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATUR- DAY—South via Red School, 'vest to Robt. Elgie's for noon, via London Road to his own stable. Index En- rolment No. 383, Form 1, Approved, WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager. News -Record means News -Leader. manimaimimana And a service yen are proud to tell your friends about, Notice the number of Traction "sperm" that are not in envelopes on the car, but out. in the open wearing the "V" smile ' that won't come off, Pride in possession accounts for this—the desire to have the car boon its. best Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., HEAD OEFICE TORONTO Lhalted S d,e.l beadles dIW OT.ID, tia'''''T l .11n Lt 11 T WiNtrtyelag' "r CuMivu,,0e� Ceti, 1{tb 'pal l4, n4q tb: A Beautiful Art Square -- lends a charm to the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We have a t present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels Axminsters Wil - tons, etc that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you, JAS. DUNFOID Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 5,y Blyth Mi:, anti P-Irs, M. McKay of Staun- toi, Sash., were visitors In town recentljy. 'rimy were on their; way to 'visit their son who is with the Can- adian forces is England. gammo�ks A Full Assortment 1. ' to $13.50 Every Home Should Have One Cooper & Co. Stanley Township, Sorry to hear of the death of Musa I -Tonnes, which took place at the home of her son on the Bronson Line on Thursday, The remains were laid to rest' in the Bayfield cemetery on Saturday. Mr, \Vni.:H. McCliichey of the Goshen Line, who is noted as a good stock feeder, sold amid; delivered to Mr. Chas. Reid of Brucefield a few trays ago a bunch of six fat steers which netted him the hand- some sumof i 7aO, Thisis th $ e best hunch, of cattle fed by any one man in the township of Stanley for a number of years and Mr. MIcClinchey is to lie congratulated on his success as a feeder. The' buyer is also to be congratulated upon his purchase• but Charlie says he'll pay the price every time for the good stuff, This. bunch of cattle was a credit to both buyer and seller. Blyth Dr. Roy Stackhouse has been vis iting his parents. June Ist, 1916 Varna The members of St. John's church,. Varna, met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. MoNaughton on Friday evening last, to express to Mrs, Me- Naughton their appreciation' of her, gracious and faithful services as or, ganist of the church. An address was given by Rev. F. G. Rickard and: a' fitting honorarium presented ' by Mr. M. Elliott, church -warden, Mrs. McNaughton happily ` expressed her thanks for the manifested kindndfi Dainty refreshments and social good cheer made the evening a very pleas- ant one for all, Court Varna' C.O.F. will attend divine service in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Stanley Township The many friends are sorry 'Up knots' of the serious illness of Mrs. John Reid, Sr. Slope she will soon be able to be about again. Mr. John W. Reid had the nnisfor- tune to lose a valuable horse' on Monday. For Sale ! A few good Barred Rock Cockerels. Will sacrifice if called for bg June 7th. H. Keith Revell, Goderich Lot I2, Con. 4, Goderich Tp. • MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor. 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger. Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver niece power and wills less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make, Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located, Hundreds of agencies irons coast to coast. One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment, Large stocks of parts carried foe all models at Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of--. manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs. Comities, carefully the szavrea you bury—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people w -ho drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa SEELEY & BARTLIFF, Agents. Your Floors Need Paint Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery: Painted floors are easily cleaned --a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germs. Paint your floors and thus have them always Spic and Span. is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard, 'durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, and wears, and wears, and wears. It costs less to use than other floor paint, because it covers more surface and wears longer. We hive Seno ir's Floor Paint in 14 beautiful colors; suitable for every floor in, the house from kitchen to garret: Come in for a color card, and acoley of our entertaining book, "The House That Jack Built". Written for children, but "grown ups" get a lot of fun out of it. Free to our friends. """\ R. ROWLAND, CLINTON, Opt