The Clinton News Record, 1916-05-25, Page 6I I I I ------ I - 1, I - lav`Pury a eas - .�i­,­­ I I - — 1:r11 , I ,-wrom- --- . . ; . I-10MULY A DIC -1 A : .4 1 .1 I .. ... . I 11 40.7- �'&,-wf­�p � I � . , , I I I . � ,-" LUKV -WIN URNE. I P I I . I I I � . : VF� . I (, I 1 91 4,- � — e us � -",:;�:- - 1, . I I � . I .. I I �� - �- , .� I .�;; I - Q7- - ---.� ­!� `,� , :;::tq� , - ` -- MAN ed, to produce the fammis, R � : --f000'e- - - � � -%! W - - 1- ", ar , %,Z'--- U.�,- -- -In - � � � I . i C :, w . I #1 ,,�� ,WNY � HNE SPORTS , . . : �S,Lt .� . . A Mid Mot S W0.0i I - _� a,, � I I . . � . , & -- _ _ .� . I I I 11 I I I � � . w� By 'CLIVE PHILLIPPS WOLL " I I I -­---­� — . , . I I � EY 6 . ..... I- - I I � , I . . I I N. 4, : , I � 11 I I 11 I (Author, of "Gold, Gold ,I ' Ca'rlboo," Ftc,) I - § HE IS QUIT13 POPULAR AMONG I � , I It", I 11 I �4 I I. I � � I The Secret'of . - THE lRisii I � F5 . I It i ..... . 1-o", 11 --- ---- . ­ - Flaky -Pie. Crust- I , " , � -11 - - . III - , �,11 , , I ( , , 1 4 1 I , , rl 'i 1�11 'I I 1: I I q I I. 11 , I I ��� - " I I — i I - Z- - —� - =� qM31 I I I I 0 It's In our Reclne sook--wIth a lot I - , . I I .... w� I . .4 of other recIPo3\Vr making good PIDs. 4 , I , I - I � R , - -- - I � f,HAPTER XV.-(Ccint1d'.) I Tile voice came from the bed, .ild I Lord Lieutenant of Ireland He. B.L. I .1, , I- ­­ -In. - - 11 . I I - I . I h-% I,. "'.."'to h�,��.­,%vyto�,,. S I � lip coull) * hold on to it, he would go Kitty Rushed guiltily as she turned to- I �- ,,,,l11,n,,n11,1a . "and I OW 1. I- - : I Lacking in political ' I ,.,.,", F� 1 r�- the u, 'rer", Ir bleind.s. Every leaf is fresh, fV'Agr13-6nt ' with it ,atli,& than let go, but he could waids the speaker. He did than read , 'h"'Ofert wheat , ptizat � � I %Wgal Ai'. 9,i9TRE I no, , her very thouglit,5, , usinz fresh lhilt. I . F orosight. I , "" 1. � I - , " - Ma t find the strength needed to draw ,,Why do you , ON , say that? I I tA ." Im i I I full o2 its natural deliciousness. Sold " � Just use part - -INat4C ""It � 9 , w I it, to hip own place of safety. . . . I[ Lord'Winibor ' -11111 - I "It Must have been such a grand . 9 .fr.bl. .all. no I. all RZYGeable arid III R 11 ......, ,�� I in Sealed packetsonly. B 107 Jim felt his body slipping away , lie wears an eternal . "I - .11 I � , � , from the rock which sheltered him. oll"N-044-IT I . . ­ ­ .1 -1 I match between Jim and the stallion. 0""", . I --­�----- � . , , lrjj� Smile on his' face and an ever IS ing % !..� � .. -, ... �r, I . � 7--- ­.­-­.-­ ­­ - C,�Iltly, Insistently, like an angler who I don't think Jiln has his equal as a '8045 flower in his buttonhole, lie llu", 413 ...., , � D " I I horseman," I . I — I puts Lill the, strain he dare upoll w ,,That is what'they say about'he�t, CORN I years old, and, tell Years or so a 101 .� ­ -­ . I — I . ,�' I I - . ligbtly-hpokod fish, the Waters tlrew4' was oil average representative of the . I - . 11 I � , isrh�l I a .Jeb 0, � him :from his hold, and, then there . but I don't suppose that he would be Instead of all wheat flour. Try It, "Young man , . about towilo.-Of tile . I I � . 7 . I I ally good in your, country,),. . An&prove Ito. - - " I � - - . there time one of thdse strange, ,,Why my country and not yours?,, . r1Jlt a �ackago of IMNSON'S att your glided Youth" of U, ngland If not �, � Cl1I.)CkliPg-,§OUnds yflaich water makes . I write to our Montroal overburdened, with brains, h, ­­ . I I . " .. .. I , I 11 anIqlagst the boulders. ' �, I I' and than with a generous . impublv N-(I­a­e,-Jpr- carry of our now recipe, loads'of money and owns pretty close only a I . I I boolt Desserts and,Candtas" that Couple of months before the, I Ili his light-headed c6nclitio� it was "Jim wotld'be good anywhere; Th' tells 110VA on a hundred thousand acres, chiefly outbreak of war-tbat the name : of a I - L -Combe the laugh -of .a,. devil. -wh better the class the more he would I in th .0 a THE CNIADA STARCH GO, LIMITED 0 County of Dorset ai)d in South Lord Wimborne, as "the cup -lifter," I . �, � wins, and it touched some spring in hine in it. Sitting 4 fence Isn't as MONTREAL, sTARDINAL, I WX', Whero some of his acreage was in evlrybodyys mouth. For it was' am . his� nature, of ,"rhieh for the moment ,hard as sitting a back jumper. Seem- ONANTFRRO, 2,18 ro 'WILLIAM. consists of coal fields. Ili short in he who orga, I I � wer 11 I .he had lost control,the strength came Ing is not worth Anything compared to I I ' nized;the sporting inva., . j= normal times, he, would have Lde Stan of the United States by his clever,, . SlIllple Hints 0 .back to his muscles, and with a last doing," and -hG Pushed irritably -,It MEPATIMWAMM"M an ideal figurehead at Dublin Castle polo team Whi h "Iffted" -1 Upholstering. ,our milk,tbon add other ingredients. the ---- 0 the Inter.' I � 'Upholstering is a task from wh . ich Beat all thol, ughly, Pour into Well- desperate effort he drew Protheioe,to him. bedclothes -which encom I passed -- -:2 .-lavish with dinners and dances, gational challenge cup. Ad regards, � , , o - ' b�m;,q agged him somehow to the I � thought that I did, but perhaps iii strong at races and horse shows, and polo, he to an enthusiast of the enthu.' , most of us Shrink. We imagine that buttemA' mold and steam about fihy rivers rbrlrn,, and dropped .him ,there,! . "Suffering is harder than either," was only , sick man's fancy.11 � the rest of it. But when Plots are alasts. But he Is almost as keen on I it is imPossible to the amatlur or that minates. Serve with orange sauce. I aid a quiet voice at his elbow. I'Kitty,. on foot to . establish a Republic ii h Uri ', : a � where the waters lapped over the,first "He Is a fraud, Kitty," decided Rolt, in' ins Y at er forms of sport --on h t. . I it is of such onor"11 ous difficulty that, Cream of Vegetable S..I,-Dlc boulders of the dry land. ,� I make Mr. Anstrutber take this, and with a good-humoved laugh," he want. Ireland, times can scarcely be said to Ing, racing, Shooting and so forth. 11 I we should be Afraid to run the risk, three medium-aized..carrots and five For a long pause there was silence, don't let him worry about Jim. Jim is ad you back, And invented this bogie be normal. And if neither - the Lord . I I As a Matter of fact, it is not such a crisp stalks of celery and simmer in but for the ravings of the river, quite able to take care of himself." as an exeuve to bring you back. Bet- Liouteiianb could sense these plots, His I Brainy Mother. I stupendous task. If the springs axe a little water until tender., With one baulked of its prey, and the little Jim's best friend was1ris worst ad- ter not leave Your post again," n)id so nor was forewarned of them by his H inherited his money from his in good shape and the hair does notIlArge.tablespoon. of butter, two tabl - ind, Which wined1lke a Wolf amongst vacate. It Was just that ability to saying he dismissed the subje't but officials, then either he must have fath'e'r. What brains he has. must I require to be reteased, the actual re -1 Spoons flour said one and one -h elf w take care of himself which told against nevertheless be went into the 'littl b an ng ar 0 the sage brush along the cliff's edge' I a a at gul ly obtuse or soine of the have come from his mother, who is an; I covering is simple; but often the cus- pints milk Make Cream sauce, Sea- Utterly spent, .the. tw6 men' I and looked round eit very Officials ought to be shot. aunt of Winston Churchill's -Lord) oughly. , Add where they Mild fall�n, d the lay him with the woman he loved; just he bathroom I hions have sap son and let cook thor as'di pin- helplessness and dependence of An- carefully. On the table beneath his gged either from .the , WilubOrne's family are said to have cru-shing too�,atiw'r of tbe hair, from [vegetables* -when tender dind the small StrutheT which appealed to Kitty, looking -glass lay a handful of small - be- --I a . to. Only the rcian stood unright ,and I I I the ]limpness a tile springs or tile amount of liquid in, wbich they wero even his stronj knees were bent, ' with his Studs � . lrts� It almost seemed as if the quiet of silver, and some old Stretching of the Webbing on . which cooked; also one-half cup cooked rice, head hung. and his whole body was I the sich room had leaked through the gold seals Ill a china tray, and his they riest; and all of these conditions chopped white of one hard-boilud egg, shaken with fibivering fits.. 109 walls, and Pervaded not only the-watell was ]lung- on a nail in the win I 'L of lemor. rind, : Cqmbe was the first to recover. I These were the only complicate the undertaking. But even and a few thin shavings whole ranch,hut nature,ftself. Even claw frame. - at the -worst, ul"holstering is anything if latter flavor is liked. Vegetables Dragging himself to his feet, he I the'storm. had quieted down after that small moveables of ally value ih the . but impossible to a careful, handy'my be Put through colander, if pro- went over to the doctor's -horse: I one wild night. I room and neither they nor anything . worker, . I ferred, and the soup strained after ,lyou,ve got to get up, I old, fell . ow," 1 As the house lay somewhat lower else In the room appeared to have Tile first; step is to removZ carefully adding them. he said, "or you'll die oil our hands,: than the surrounding country., it -was been touched. As he went out of the the old Covering so 88 not to tear or . Boiled Fish -Clean trout or white- and we can't spare you yet," but the Wrapped .in a VGil of mist, through roorwhe noticed a damp patch upon 'I ' and above which the rising falls show,- th4 Polished -wood of the stairs, which Pull Out of shape, as it will be needed fish thoroughly and remove scales,, I poor b6ast'lay with boned . stretched. , for I% pattern for, the new. Then, if head. and fins. Wash well in' cold i along the ground and took no notice of ad, patched with thin snow, which am- a vivid imagination might have made �he hall, is to be ieteased,'take off the "vater, sprinkle lightly with stilt. let I pbasized the' great distances, and the into the outline of a wet mocassin, but I inver cover and take out all the hair, stand one�half hour, then wipe and lay i him. It had made up its mind to die., beggarliness of the November � Can you help, Doc?" Jim asked,- foot- the Boss disregarded it, Putting it out oil a big Place of cloth on Plate or platter. Slip white pieee but the doctor shook his head, and lay hills. . (To be continued. OT PaPer. The springs will then be of cloth under plate, and place ini " I .It was the time of theyear Ili whi . istill, nor was it until nearly an hour. Ch. ry often simply revers con'r a 'to a girl like Kitty, the . .—%--- I exposed, slid vL large kettle of boiling water, in which f later that Combe t ived to g t h contrast be-' � , - � is� Ing them -will make them. yfiry much nah and one or two tablespoons of � companion and the two horses up 1,� tween the sheltered life of the Old WHY WOMEN OUTLIVE MEN. IUOILF-� Officient; if'they ttrelroken, it vinegar have been put. Knot clothithe top of the cliffs, upon which hel Country and the homelesaness of the — is better to have none at all, if you and pass stick through to prevent' built a rouring first, not only for the'new would be most apparent, and asi cannot get new ones. - plate fr in setting in bott . -,Ile dwelt upon this, looking hour aft I As Their Years Advance They Lead a I .0 am of keb-; sake of comfort, but as a sign to any -ar - � TIU, materiaL, that you will requIte tle� Count tell minutes for every; Whom it might concem that, they had hour into the gloom outside, the only I Quieter Life. for upholstering are covering musli, Pound of fish in cooking. Flesh will � survived the river crossing. relief to her thoughts -was the neces. Women live longer than men, espe- I , I stout webbing, tacks, twine, upholster- flake when touched with fork when fish,', "Alid now, Doe, I guess you might sity for 'waiting upon the man whe bad ' ClallY if they have insured their lives Or's needles, brade, a long, sharp is done. When taking. tip, slide on I as well get along towards the ferry. become to her typical of England. To with an endowment policy, which puts Shears and a small hammer. Press towel to drip, then transfer to platter- There'll maybe be.sorneone there still, her in the midst of her reverie, came more of a premium on life than on ,,at the � Old Gariii h ... i4l, .1 - ;, lau P a good deal of assistance to­ql- the deserving cause of the Ciurchillf finances ere now -and who is certain,i 1Y a woman of consummate Ability.! Indeed, it is said to have been large-- lY due to his mother's influence that Lord Wfinborne.and Winston Church- ill, too .. definitely broke with the' - Unionist party over the question of! Tariff Reform. Par, like his cousin,i i Lord Wimborne was, for some years! a Unionist M,P. Lord Wimborne has a regular host of relatives living inj or balling from the United States. His aunt by mar - I ph Churchill, .was Ian American millionaire. The wife of the Duke of Marlborough, his cousin, !is the daughter of another. One of his brothers, Capt. F. E. Guest, M.P.p is married to a daughter of 1 -Ili. Henry, . Phipps, of New York. Another of his' brothers, Mr. Lionel Guest, married Miss Flora Bigelow, daughter of the late Mr. John. Bigelow, of New York. His brother-in-law's wife, Mrs. Robert, covers so as to take out . par ey sery , less they've all given us up for Oil, Wle mesa cook, death. Grosvenor, was formerly Miss Flor-. I all wfinkl6s �' that they will be Used Pot Roast of Beef-lVipe beef with; un "Miss Rolt'here?') This is the remarkable statement tord Wimbomie, Lord Licidenant a) ence Padelford, of Washington, as patterns,"' If you are using Ina- damp cloth and sear in hot suet Ili dead. You Will have had about an, :'No; isn't she with the Boss?" made by an insurance company which Ireland. gli for one Nybila, I expect" I —e4l— I I terial that has a decided -pattern, see frying pan until well browned, ,turning on"Whattl Wive lip the run when I've No call find her, Ole Mary come, has been malting a study of the rela- . I . 11'At YO4 jet a complete unit of the often. Roupd'of beef is best for this jumped the big brook? Not much, want some Clothes. Heap cold" and'tive longevity of tile sexes. The — ME, ASURING 151STANCES. � . I . 10OS19"i in the ceiatre� as otherwise the dish, though brisket may be Used. To jim;,' the Chinaman gave a sympatiietie� company has come to the conclusiocil The post of Lord Lieutenant of Ire- — , . -be lopsided. , - I Shiver. "You go find Mis I eff6ct k0ill ' every pound of Meat have one table- "Then you mearl coming on?" sy Rolt; me that men die younger because they land is, at the best, a difficult and The Scout Makes Use of His Rifle I I I' is best to bilgin'-,Nlith a chair that spoon cut onion, one-half teaspoon rRit "I started to get there, and I'm go- Plenty busy cook him gxub.,) live harder after the Age of 50 or thankless one in many ways. In for This Purpose. has only R Seat to ])a -covered; I but if one one-eightla teaspoon white pepper,ing to get there Nvith both feet, ray Kitty looked at Anstrutber. Appar- thereabouts. these days, it is a post of positive dan- The reader must have noticed ]low the bricl; trilet arms are to be done, ready for seasoning� ' Put these in 11 as you would say in your picture- ently he WAS asleep., so burnoring the Women notoriously take all sorts oI I ger. Had the rebels been able to carry different things look on a return I I � finish thzm� bafore, attacking the seat, pot with beef and as little water as I:C I. fashion"' - cook, she -went down to the library,1, liberties with their health. They wear out their object, no doubt it would journey from what they did on setting ' a,, they Are casi:.r to manage in that will keep iient'from, burning And cookl qu for wbere Rolt and i I Jim pulled at his pipe Ili siletice his wife were sitting. I thin clothes and expose their necks have included the capture of the Lord out. The scout mu,J make himself -1-- 111711T. When You get to the bottom meat until tender, Tniarn ,often. ome time, then in a .shamefaced way "Poor old roul� what a day for herl-arld shoulders and ank1cls to the win- Lieutenant And his family, and the !farnfliar with both points of view, ­ I . to Caine," ,,Yes Mary Rolt's greeting of � try winds With out a shiver. them as hostages. Lord I and keep looking back as he ad- -he webbing in abas- he said: Whou I holding of I begin by fixinT t lWhile meat is cooking parboil peeled F I 11 ket 'u"llave, Pulling it as tight, As you potatoes and add them sufficiantly'1;6- "I owe you an apology, Doctor." the message. they are young they take chances with i Wimborne's courage is undoubted. He v nces, so that oil the return journey . . Y, leaving War ; a . Lan and nailing it'down firml d end of cooking pot roast to pot "For abduction? Yes, I believe "Just the sort of day -'to make'ene their digestions that no man ever I has given Plenty of proofs of it in the he will in no sense feel lo,at. Est!- little.sPace between the brads,* On roast in ]cattle, that they may take on thattherefssome trivial penalty at. want more clothes, dear.' Have you -would take. l hunting field and on the polo ground, mating the distance objects ,- are . I th� Wo . Y in which this foundation web_ a good brown. Serve ro,a,,t surround- tached. to that form of amusement." Anything to give her?" arked rolit, However, they do these things whert I an well as on the battlefield in South away from him is another important I bin,-- is *done tile. success of the, whole ad by browned potatoes and with "Noo not a blanked bit for that. "I can find something, I expect. I they are young, As their years ad- I Africa. But he has a very beautiful . 11'0`4 hqr�'GIY depends. Then but the brown gravy made from contents of I Yort�d I have done the same only 1: am rather glad that she has come, vance they lead a quieter life, .with, �irife, as well as a young family. And duty of the scout, and prepared . springs in Place,- stitching them stead- pot roast and aXter potatoa� have didn't know, it, , aren'tyou, Dick? It looks as if the less And less social gayety. cards marked to a scale arrived at by ily w3h the twine, and ove been removed. � � It's jusil for not the last Week or so must have been experiments are used, says London " r . knowing you, I'm sorry, I ought to trouble with her people is blowing Mail, on the other hand, Says this days of grosft anxieW for him on Tit -Bits. . a Diece of the muslin And nail down . . -- I have known you were a man." ar") actuary, always act as if they we're their accoutit. I ' ' The rifle, too, is used for this 'pur- . to th,! frame. Get the thick layer of Useful Hints. ,,I was drunk. Anything is good "Perhaps; but the fact that ail In- young, When inother's life work 'a pose. The scout $lips out the bolt st'1-fing ,in ,Place now, u, Ing either hair - diali begs of Y033 means nothing. You practically done father still is hustl A Fine Sportsman. enough for a drunk." I- . 0 Raisins added to the nut salad will 11 � ov and gaze down the bore, Ile hlu�, ' r ths MOq8 which comes for the pur- There ain't another man in Carl-, know what cultua Potlatch means." I Ing for a living and he is being press- The Lord Lieutenant has now hold learned beforehand that a mail at-, I Pose, and then fit the muslin snu Make it taste better. hou w I ould have risked his life AS youl "A free gift, that is a fool's bar- ad more closely everywhere by the his office for over a year. During horseback is just confined wi�hin ,the , Into Place, tatting great care to gly To roll a Jolly cake successfuliythe gain. I know, but I think poo 'boys, I et a I did, drunk or sober." ,r oil] that time he has made himself reason. I circle of the barrel when $50 yards it quite smooth a -ad tight, to preveliti dges should be pared oil'. The doctor .laughed, Mary it, grateful and really likes me."I The renult is that man's bodies age ably popular with the Irish people, all I distant. Again, be knows that V,. ! future wrinkling. The chair is then Muffins, biscuits and griddle cakes "You did for one, and that is lifel Her husband smiled. He was not'much faster than their brains, and no the more so in contrast with his im- 'roughly 600 yard u d in ready for the Olitside cover, but be- are appropriate supper dishes. a a mo nte an quite certain which would be the�'matter how good they may feel they mediate predecessor, Lord Aberdeen.'takes up halt the diameter, and s,. �. anyway. Do you think that the loss I greater miracle. fare Putting it on mark,where the Sauces And salad dressings can at- of it would be such a terrible ealam-, , that anyone should'PaY 1-17 their good time with Shortened The latter and Ills wile were both � on; the smaller the man and horse � cPntr- eames And Iways be made in the morning. ity ? Think of it! No more whiskey , not like Mary Rolt, a, that .I, Indian � life. amiable and well-meaning people, but'the greater the distance ,way, that get it squarely in I Rose bushes will theirve it so ' � Ilace fi'amoothly,firaw tightly down, IP- -bad whiskey at that; no more grace- should begrateful. He had known Then, too, as their years advance they bad not the happy knack of'distance being easily calculated by I 1, oil th ', sides rand tack.firmly* in plice: suds and dhilwater are put on the Indiana for a lifetime. there Is no let-up in the chances they adapting themselves to Irish sent!-! dividing up the diameter of the rifle- - " ful badinage with the coy Kate Can- � . Ith the brads. Cover the raw edges I Worm water anda good white soap , ore dellearte jests with that After his Wife bad left the room on hav to eat, drink and be merry with ,neat that his Successor has been able'barrel. � � wi I - yon; 110 in .a with ,it harmonizing g'!nip, U-ingstnall, can be used for cleaning almost any fat -headed bar keeper; no more mem- bar mission of charity, taking Kittyl the boys and girls, while the signs of to do. He has done his utmost to en- I Other objects are treated Ili a shill. I glinp trell-S. of the same color. carpet . . I ith her to "rummage" in the old advancing age usually bar a woman courage certain enterprises which the lar way, Clouds of An l; re I It i� best to e-,7per I After an electric iron is overheatf-0 Dry perhaps. If I believed that last, wi . 8 a norcr intent first, with Jim. by heaven, I would not forgive; clothel box, the BOSS Sat for Some 1 from participation in gayety Of this majority of the Irish people happen to 'the same, though to inexooriencetl I gcmc� inexpmis; VC material, but mak-ei, it Will require. more current to make you . for But let,s I time, Smoking and .thinking, and his $art, Sure to,have it I of a firm,, close 1weav it hot. . pulling Me out, be interested in. He cares greatly far ' eyes they May seem so. The Scout . stop talking and get a niove on, or thoughts were. not cheerful ones. Statistics show that the greater horse racing and for horses, as do the'ean tell at once whether the tell-tala � thilt'Will not drag and pull. After Most any objectionable weed 'wIll those look will be over to look for A good many of his castles in the number of centenarians are women majority of the Irish. Horse breading, I cloud rises from a column of infantr � the, 111'et Qhair is d � die if it is . cut off close to the ground ,S.,, . air had fallen since Anstruther's ar- and that there are ' y � n i ­ . nearly , a third moreover, has always bee I grcati:r con-ridence, but do not let it and a little .gasoline poured a' the "We shall have to walk, at first at rival, land without Jim's hall) he did ,again as many old women as there n a consider -'en the March or from Cavalry canter- tempt''Y'n'l L') any .relaxation from roots. , . any rate,' . I . .. not feel as sanguine of ultimate sue- old men. Are able industry in Ireland, so that a Ing into action, and likewise if it lil your first �.Are. , , . . Spinach Is Very good if cooked ,until ,,It ,,,I,t be helped. 1. . Lord Lieutenant who does a good deal' artillary or just transport wagons , I � " - I Suppose ihat� Cass on the RiAy as he had done. ths of to foster it is assured of a certlain! that are passing in the far distancr. q"-4 . � ---- I tender ,and then Put through the col. we can gab some feed for the horses A sharp Lary called him back from inen exceed those of women in a I A measure of goodwill. Racing may not; -­.---- - � � nder. It shotild be, dressed . With at Braitlrwait�7s.it the future to the present. . marked degree, . be so important as many other thin ' I Selected Recipes. drawn but'er, "Yes, if we start now we should be "What is it," he called, opening his And, as the insurance company -as the crusade against tuberculosis, one-half pound of prepared Chalk mix-,* I gs I A good i-ilver polish is made wi�b � Frozcn Pear De.,sert.-Withoflt Dread should never be kept wrap- there by Sun up," And lighting their door. . pointed out, the average woman, for instance, with which the Aberdeen 1 ad with as much household Ammonia � I cTr llin:','PaXlc ca -i of flne pears ill, ice! ped in a cloth. The cloth a,bsorbi - as, the two led th 'Ry "I don't knew, denr, answered his policyholder with I as the chalk will absorb, Add about ,in unpleasant PlP wife from the lumber room. "I must policy lives longer than the one � i and suit. Ell for ice Cream. Let it re- I moisture and imparts. , . air horses au an endowment regime was associated -but tile Irish . Main ,,br-e orTour houi-z, On taking taste. towards the west. !; �, I who like the stra'nger (so far as they like four tablespoonfuls of denaturecl ,,,I- I oil', wipe Carefully And cut open I Stubborn marks on white paint call - I have been Mr. Anstruther who Called, has a straight life policy, Strangers at all) who will adapt him- 1 cohol- put the mixture ill a Jar that . - "Where it Kitty?" "The longevity of the endowment self to their little weakness. I around widdile. 'If. f;�ozen very hard, � sometimes be removed with gasoline ' '611APTE g XV1. will Seat SufficiOntlY to k0OP out-. the wrap With tewel dipped in hot which a little plast.er "Here with MO, looking Out Bome- woman undoubtedly is a question of it visa only the year before last-- I dust, water. 1 in of Paris has After Jim Corahe's departure a thing for old Mary." � sipirit And the 'determination to- live =�!�-�-===, 7 —­­- I—- � ­T�-�-r-:------ � Content,,) will come out In .perfect been dissolved, , strange quiet fell upolithe life of the She ought not to-" until tile policy matures," is the way 1.1\\ 11� -1 11; , � � W, I � I& MPIL". wife it is suninied ill). .. 71= 0 I -1 M-111" -N1 01 I, I" , " , MOMS IMMIM WIN R MM`1-7�0�\�, " , " , I . )�Ouncis. Slice end serve wit], speon- I A good way to keep the cellar Or ranch. There were But at this point, he And his Ili, pl� ­1�1.114 I, - I , f0l of ",11 11PPed'erearn 'oil each slice. I dairy from having an .'unpleasant odor llorse� About the carra � 11 I , '­ I � . . . , ­­ was no reached the sick room together, where . --41 - - li I i ,_ - � Star Cream Scluce.--Yollts of two'is to,whitewash the'ivallr with 1i I I I I Mel Aoisy oowboW chaff about the barns. � Kitty was already bending Over Ail- 1�11 I`* , I �ags, jllicc of one lemon, one teaspoon that contains carbolic Acid, One � The one thing necessary ,Iva that� ttruther. I . . I I i " 1,, 1 I . �. � . - i Whitewash is the proper pro ortion, quiet. Any movement caused him ex- Chafing his hands helplessly, but even Women of German Capital. Have or. half Cup rich, heavy scirt cvearn, in; Ic iranlc Anstruther should be kept, "Ile had fainted Again," she said, — sugar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one -� of carbolie acid to a gallon of, r THE I . � THE WATCH ON s SPREE. , . ,,! ounce ­1� . - I 11 P � ed parsley as needed, Beat Yolks -and 1 When stitching chiffon or any Sue' 11. cruclating pain, and -was likely to dis-� as she sPoke Consciousness returned . ! 11i'mr lin1l tbick, add lemon juice material on the Machine use the finest art ganized a. Corps. sh) � wl Yange the imperfect bandages in to him. 'Under the name of tho "Watch 1.11 g V-,, ". L Y, then silt And Cream. Mix I possible thread, and put a, strip of thin which his body -,;,as swathed, And "I beg, YouD. pardon 11 lie murmured, - 1, ,-l, . weil. 'Slerve either in sauce boat, or paper under the good, and stitch them though lie took his puni,firuent with 1,ery faintly. "I give you all so much the Spreell a special Corps of womall . . . .. ­ " I -. ..�\ pour -over fish before serving, Pars� together. , The paper can bo torn ' IN 11 0, ley is r I set lips, neVe'r COMPlaining of the liain,'trotible, ))tit when I tried to call yon, police has been organized in Berl! f ". prinkled over sance all fisli, or away when the work is finished. ,11 , � n 0 -- ,Iva$ I ,". nkg,v ,,auce is A good substitute for s,tfjil� '*ads restraint, find excitable to the last (to-, I suppo-o, as usual, It Seems to, . ,a I � greatly reduced owing to drafti; among '1-2 11�1111 used to gaTnish f he was a bad patient, restless undei, T got Another nasty one, and went off, ight duty. As the p9lice fore, , Tell when .,,-rved ; eplivately. when brass ones cannot be afforded i3 gi.ce I n A�U!�'� "Al ! Gingt'r Pudding.--one-halT eup me- this: T311Y rome thin canea whiC . can't do anything without fainting," Its members for war purposes, and a - - - -- - - - - "I � . - I ,. , ,,, I I h It was Only AS long as Ki'tv was isi'and )is close'd his e�,es wearily almost men are Comparatively scarce, the wo- i . (11 Its if be were going to ilhisti,ate hi : I . lue,lted butter, one-half clip Soar milR,, Ilent Ps"', 41A Shorten them to the i fjtij�,, - 4P` ` � I )a .,,as. one and one-half tablespoons can lie IMI-chaSed cheap, cut off' th�l the room thol; they- Could Ite p hini, . .. I . a mail too -It the Matter in their oAvl3 -10 -"' � -aspoon Sells, one and fi.ve-eights .CCJk61 'A' long as rhe -was in his &light last words, hands And organized this Corps. �, , I . I 1� . . cui(�A length t -ed - they' SHOE POLISH " S1 111 I I I I Paint eAch Piece - he- wobld Tie lidur After bour Nv'ithout I ­WlI, ,, (11d you want, old fell, 9., Tile inajor'ty of these wom a �� � 01mr. I)PUd flour, one Lablespooll I Wi I u , ell rc I . h h-Arl, pailib When fastened with,,� ' Ow I Contain 'a I , stapies the$' � ,tirl.i.lIg I 1,\ :le ,Yes ill Ili.* white nslcpd Rolt, lcia4lly. ,,�N,s 11,on,.t lea,..: frcm the working classes, and .1 great :- I I'll . Drao.z! jui0c, One-half teaspoon salt'l e rods look t1dy and wear '!ell , Oil I , it a ',y Lepelsss of 1ID'Illanyof thran have been crobats and n acid and thus keep Llie leather sok protecting it . Against , . fe - alive, And LhOse so followed every N . a ciacking. They combine liquid an4 pasta In I& pasta farm and requirg . Oy":-lialf t*a�;poi)n Piliger, grated rind I cluit, ',' 101V time. thus Saving I,-,- 11 � gynillasium instyuctrosse-. They are , only hailf the effort for a brilliant lastlill; shine. Ea to use for . n q .,oil Again. It Was vel . 011 -half oran,­P. ' Dissolve soda it, IYI)sC And labor in cleaning. . turn ,OF the girl's pTetty Ilead, that io do S'6. . I . I illey.frighterled her. N a sy I ---­—.-------­.-=� . ...... !­ � ' I An trulber lifted Ills band in dOpl-e-�811 Of poverful build, slid are oat(] all the family--childien and ad -alto, &%ins your abova at hame said I . - I . � She began to feel that � those burn- cating fashion. I . i to be wall able to take vai�e of them.. keep thein neat. F. F DALLEY C I O� OF CANADA. LTD. I .. . r1i3='X-­Mz-- MVMM:z-T-�=MM=MS==r4M-A - - I I I I I - - . . . " I ing eyes Could see through, ber into "Nonsense. , I (loll,t want so milub ScIvas agit;wt any antagonist. -�� l "I L, slid for that she was .by no looking aTter, but when Kitty wL I -C 'al Ile" lie, - a The Corps of, Amazons lia., design- di, 17 " . m8an8 rearly yet, I I . a4vlay I thought that I Saw someone i'� ed Its own uniforms and each meniber I ou I lave Not a There was dpicture Ili it Upon which that little room.11 . is accompanied.. by q dog. The wo. __ . -be Was trying to Pass J�dgmallt, a "Ili my bath room?,, -men will beton Itulti in two all-' -- —==� -t�r­��'�­;Vl . . , ' ifts n't -- ­. ­ . �-�� picture of a. furious :storm to wb4oll "Yes, Kitty Bits there sometimes :night, one.shift 4roin six to ,midnight N G DI-STEMPER' Policy An the tress were crashing and roofs lifting When Mo Wants me to stop tallcing � I , a/ I nd the. other from- midnight Until six TkAlNi � .t . I I � and solid substances were being. whiri- And sleep, and I thought that che had in' he Morning. I Mver heard of thts? Yetr oT cout-4a yo�i did, hu L undtir, I ed About by sonic invisible agency, and come back." - Tile Aillwwrt corps, is held in, great H t c1gerept ja!po, You hAvo Depri It In 0 'It tI - --A I&, 0 , - 'ff IF in the middle of it all a groat red man "There is no one there n`cNy,,1. said respect in Berlin, hud it is nou e�Np 11 . I VC` l­Th­­k­?-i-"' E!,vor"a" s' J'tfab to" jt�oot, J� . KIT;- )� V ofJ111 I M r, . IL.I'1rpUp ,ya,ep fi gets the s1looli I . I , 1 $1 0-4 I --- I reayed and raged I R014 coming, back from the room. I I c I ti lAtary 111415calAr Rystem Ills been tdxod top heavi y . I ,ed that they will have any great dif- 0 ,1. CROWN'Ll .M q4 AL -4 ... Philm's baby trick ]Lie 0 . T10 troublit st,trip Iii tilq alklaous mytaco, arw the AIP ' � 91" she r , t'd "Who did you thin]( it was 7 11 ficulty in keeping ordej, amolig the - � . � . . begl as to Doug I wholl t w her breath, I crllyllllal"Clast� f ... z 90tive aPl;lar,t� Lie, t9o, irIpt,then 6 ling �4,,t1,.,aatX I "I don't-, know. I SAW in a , I ­ I . .�,� .rlatltl Oak andar gild a proud, smile - L I -41ailds nalo a. t I � , I Vou are not doing justice I spre , lid ever heil �ace a,% slie f peeping, roulid the door at M, 0. so"T ­�., , �-- �eo- , . I . (11 ­ It 99 . . the man who drove 010gl'(1 � � I i ,a5 I'eq (,IOVlrfl thought that it was an Indian when I ­, - I, 6POHN"L into the heart OF . - - . I y I I f the is;torn, to do lier, silt tip and Called, you knowt, jyhab ` 11it qrkest . Is voul, true afti'vatioln, ,q. rotor tlm nov. : to yourself or your fa'111 i I Y. . bidding. I . It , 14 been sald that the darkest I r I. Vc A I i hapneilod." . �1­�'J '�"­ �, ";j-11 1;.,I__', ,:..,. ,.,-- ­­ ..,---- ­ ­­­­'.."J2-�111 rts.notiong of. t. lykqlojp�p ell�� ,,T44,lptyp '1: - �