HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-05-25, Page 5May 15th, 1916 Clinton News -Record Goderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socfe- 1y will meet ou Wednesday afternoon 'next -at the booe"cF Miss Mary {ut . MT ' T, II; Cole's two sons, Piaui( -and Oliver, have both enlisted in the 101st Battalion: The latter, the youngest' son, signed up at Clinton the past week but has not yet -been ..able to go into training owing g to n attack of mumps, New Job for Municipal Clerks. A new •rogylation now in force makes municipal clerks officiate as assistant fire marshals, They must investigate and report on all fires in . their municipalities. The fee for each report is fifty cents. Ignorant or Sinister ? (Prom Kincardine Review.) • Writing of the bi-lingual question, --one ,month ago, April 17th, the Tor- onto Globe said editorially: The men who interfere irons n it - side the Government : and the Legis- lature of Ontario may be ignorant or may be sinister, but, whether Ncd'on :alist or Orangeist, whether ° French - blooded or British -blooded, they ere the - enemies of both sides, and the. deadliest enemies of both the nation and the :Empire." `Ellis statement did 'not have the effect of preventing Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier from lining up as one of the •deadliest enemies of both the enation and the Empire." • Seaforth. As the town clock lovas striking the hour 9 on Monday the local company eel the 161ist Battalion started on their nine mile march to Clinton, where the battalion will mobilize preparatory to departing, for their training camp at London. Prior to their departure Mayor Stewart ad- dressed the boys 'arid rousing cheers were exchanged between the troops •and the citizens who had gathered in large numbers to wish them Godspeed. The ladies of the War Auxiliary,al- ways mindful of the inner man, pro- vided a liberal supply of sandwiches for thecc siot o a t, Mrs. Alex. Wilson and Miss Mar- i ggaret sailed Iast week for 1n land to be near Col. Wilson. Mr. J. 'Armstrong 'of Chesley has been visiting Mr. B. Case, Mts. Janes Scott of Harrison has 'been the guest of Mrs, John McNab. Mrs• 'i'omilson and Miss Whiteman -are visiting Windsor friends. Mr. Percy Hoag is home from p'ac- 41ey for the long vacation. Miss Edith Scott of Toronto Uni- versity has returned for time holi- days. -' Mr. Win, Sloan of Nanaimo, B.C., a former Sneafortlt boy, is renewing old friendships in town. Mrs. John McNab and Mies flelle, accompanied by the foriner's son, -of Dungannon, attended the funeral of another son, Janes McNab of Ow. en Sound, last week. Rev. Arthur Trott of Colin, Mich. Mr. H Trott of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. 1L Wyard of Dungannon at tended the funeral of -the late Same uel Trott. Miss Mary E. Friehi of Toronto, formerly of town, died in Toronto •on Monday. of last weelc after an ill•, mess of some weeks. The remains were laid to rest in St. James' cemetery, Seaforth, on Thursday. Mr. Walter Haines, formerly of the local stag of the Dominion Bank, 'has enlisted with the Mist. Mrs. JAL Broa.dfoot and Miss May have returned from Hamilton, where they had been spending some time. Miss Hazel Campbell has returned to Wingham after spending some xiiontlis with Mrs. Jas. Archibald. Miss Jennie Govenloek is home S--"s-from the University for the long va- 'cation. Mr. W. R. Smillie was in Toronto last week seeing his son, who is a member of the Mechanical Transport Corps and who, has gone overseas. Miss Leila Hammett was marrierl 'at the home of her mother, Mrs, Richard Hannett, on Wednesday of last week to Mr. J. T. Fell, p hoto gra her Rev. It McKinley perfol rued the ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives After a honey• moon trip the young couple will re - nide in Seaforth: lair. 'Thomas Lane has gone to Ire laird to look after some property to which hp has fallen heir. Mrs. Murray of Preston was :here last week attending the wedding of her sister, Miss Hammett. Mr; Everett, son of Mr.' and Mrs. S. Everett oftown, was married recently to Miss Mary Stephenson of Port Elgin. The marriage took place at Regina, Sask. Mrs. Jaynes Cowan was in Toron- to last week attending the 'gradua- tion exercises in connection with the University, her 'daughter taking her degree. • ''I.i`. _ PURITY GIVES POWER, 'There'are still many persons in tire. world that need to be impressed with the fact that the purer the blood is the greater is the power of the sys- tem to remove disease and the less athe liability to contract it. Persons whose blood is in good condition are .much less likely to take cold or to Cbe,long troubled with it, or to catch" .any contagious or infectious disease, than are those whose blood is impure :andtherefore impoverished and lack- ing in vitality. 'The best medicine for eie purifying the blood is .Hood's: Sarsa- parilla, and persons suffering from any blood disease or any want of urged tone in the system are ig d to give this medicine a trial. It is es- pecially utettl at thistime of year, B1jth • Mrs. Carson has gone on a visit to friends at Brantford and ,Watford. i dale and little' Rev. and Mrs, 1 s al title h Y daughter of Salem have been here visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. J. Milts. Mr, afol Mrs, Roy McDonale of cin arevisitingl I • ' Bri dY 1. and Mrs. W. 6 K a an A.Logan. Dr. MoTagga tt visited Toronto re- cently, The citizens of Myth were treated to a rare treat on Friday night, when the Blyth band engaged the band of the 101st' Huron Battalion to furnish the music at a promenade concert held in the agricultural hall. Although the night was cold there was a good attendance and the music was a rare treat seldom put in tits way of a Blyth audience. Sergeant Grant, who is the leader of the band, deserves great credit for the lvay he has brought this band along, as the material he has are all from g4uron county,. ,and they will certainly com- pare well with any of the battalion bands that will be at London this week. Another feature of the concert was the recruiting speech delivered by Sergt: Martin, a returned soldier from the front, wlio in a well -deliver- ed speech, told of the atroeites of the Huns, and tried t0 convince e nv'n 1 the eligible young men that Itheir pre- sence was heeded in the battle "line and not at home here. Goderich Mr. Thomas Harris, who spent sev- eral weeks in town looking after some real estate he has here, lett' last week to visit friends at Ancaster before returning to his home atDen- ver, Col: Mr. J. A. Sutherland of Toronto spent a few days in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. James MacVicar have returned from a visit with Brantford relatives. Messrs. James Mitchell and C. A. Nairn were in Toronto last week at - bending a meeting- of the Patriotic Association as delegates from thele- cal society. Rev. Geo, E. Ross preached his fare- well sermons he Knox church on Sun- day week,' large congregations being present on each occasion. Mr, Ross, who has been for Sive years pastor of Knox church, resigned to accept a call to St. Matthew's church, Point St, Charles, a es, Montreal.. Miss King of Walkerton, has been chosen to succeed bliss Chandler as matron of the Alexandra hospital here. She is a graduate' of Guelph hospital and later was in Coboerg Hospital. She is a former resident of the town. Goderich said farewell on Sunday to the men of the local company of the 101,st Battalion, who went to Clinton Monday to mobilize there with the rest of the battalion. It is expected 'they will go directly from there to summer training camp and then overseas, so that Sunday's dem- onstration was in the nature of a farewell. The men gathered in the square and addresses were given by Rev, J. 13. Fotheringhan,Mayor Ole - Lean, Wm. Proudfoot, K,C., and Sheriff Reynolds. They were each presented with a useful package from the 1.0.1).E, Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. C'liaton, May 23rd, 1900. The Citizens Band elected their of- ficers on Friday evening as follows President, James McRae. Vice, Bert Kerr. Sec. -Treasurer, R, A. Downs, Leader, S. Borland, Committee, J. '1'. Emmerton, S. Borland, T. Wheatley. 'At the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Doherty yesterday their second dau- ghter, Miss Lena, was united in marriage with Dr. H. E. Holmes. On their return from their honeymoon Dr.n 1 a c Mrs. Holmes i m will take u res- idence p r e idence on Rattenbury street east.' I.t has been decided to add a cold storage plant to the pork packing es- tablishment. e- • The last Sunday school anniversary .to be held in the old Rattenbury street church was held on Sunday and proved a great success, Major Young of Carlow, one 'of the strongest supporters of al poria factory for Clinton, was in town .on Saturday. Y Captain II. T. and Mrs. Rance and Miss Archibald sail from Montreal next week by the Ms. Lusitania for the Old Country. They 'will be ab- sent several,weeks. The. Local Market. Wheat 040 to 15c. Barley 37c to 40e. Oats 3.1c to 32e. Peas 80c. Butter 14c to 15e. Eggs Dc to 100, Live Hogs $650. eeee ret 25 CIJNNERS Wanted. The Machine Gun Section of ,the Huron Battalion of- fers fascinating induce- ments for ambitions young men. Excellent chances tor promotion, No Guard Duty and No Fatigues. asimir Holmesville lA t an t he annual 1 meeting of the eine- eras' of the Methodist Sunday. sohool „ 1 •.Lewis 1V 1 L s 1 ebbt t was e - t fatted Sup- erintendent, P erintend nt Mr. t e , S 'L, Walter: resign- ing, The other oMoers will be elect- ed later. Marriages a 8 MANNING—HUNT—Ip Toronto, May 20th, Anna Georgina hunt to Captain. Kent Manning, son of Rev, TI, M., and "Mrs. Manning, formerly of Clinton, HOGG AR'iII—ANDREWS),In Gocler- ich, on May 117th, Mrs. J. W..An- drews to John Iloggarth, both of Goclerioh. LOCKRIDGI -KENT—At Blyth, 00 May Lith, James W. Lockridge to Bertha L. Kent, both -of Wing - ham. RYAN—GRIFFIN—At Goderich, May 15th, Mrs. Griffin of Kingsbridge, to 13, J, Ryan, of Goderich. Births' FOTH RINGIiAhl-In Goderich, on May 14th, to Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Fotheringham, a daughter, ABRAM—In 11/Ingham on May 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, Win. Abram of Morris township,daughter. a SMITH—At Seaforth, May 798th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Smith, a daughter. DOTY—In Goderich on May 1011, to Mr. and Mrs, •('has. W. Doty, a son. FIELD—In Wingitam on May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Field, a dau- ghter, CHARi,.iOSWORTH—Tit Eginondvilie, May lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Charlesworth, a daughter. ORR—In Goderich on May .itMtb, -to• Mr. and Mrs. J: R. Orr, a son. Deaths PRIEI4f,—In Toronto, on May 15th, Mary E. Friehi of Seaforth. JOHNSTON, — In Morris township, oil May 13th), Charlotte Mabel Johnston, aged 25 years and 4 months. hle:C'AB—Is Owen Sound, on May 14th, Jatnes MeNab, formerly of Seaforth, aged 52 tears, F R SALE—THE U Hal. LARGE ;SF R on Isaac e justu ac stx et south of the bowling green. Good orchard and ) barn. Also the double house on King street south of Wesley church. —Apply to Miss 31'. E. Chidley, Clinton. —38-3, HOUSE FOR RENT—A NEAT COT - Cage on Isaac street to rent,—Ap- ply to W. Brydone, Clinton. —37 Cream Testing Having hhd a cream -testing apparatus installed I will pay the highest market price for cream, which will be weighed, tested and paid for while you wait, Crean taken in every Monday and 'Thursday morning at my place of business, T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUBIMERIIILL. 25 HANDYMEN Wanted. The Huron Battalion needs men Bandy with tools for the Pioneer Section. Qood Wages and Short Hours, Excursion GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN Going, leave Goderich Tues- day, JUNE 13th, 1010, at 9.30 a.m. Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday, June 15th, at 1.00 pm. This trip provides a magni- ficent opportunity to enjoy, an all -day water voyage on tete Blcr"r�r ';✓� S ,L STEAMER GREYHOUND and time to visit your friends in Detroit. b'a're $1.50 Round Trip. $1.00 one way h g,. Chilwitdren bagbuffage-rate,' bon't forget the Goderich Sand Moonlight, June 12th, ab 8 .p.m,. Farc only 25e. White Star Line ( DETROIT, MICA, FOR SALE.—A FORD "RUNABOUT Automobile equipped bi ! Ppea with the Gray .k Davis StarterandLighting Sys- tem. Also' with .Shock Absorbers which add greatly to rho easy tid- ing' qualities of the car.—Seely & West, -30. FOR L A SECOND D HAND Ford Automobile, thoroughly Iy ovo T htiuled, tires practically new. Very cheap. --Seeley .36 West. —31. EGGS FOR HATCHING — FROM Bred -to -Lay Single Comb White Leghorns, Cockerels bred from 're- cord laying strain imported from Pennsylvania Poultry Farm, Lan- cashire, Pa. Settings 50e per 13.— P. Keegan, Bayfield, —27. PURE BRED INDIAN RUNNER Duck Eggs For : Led iluaucntity• Eggs, $1.00 Saleper 12.—itititF. Copp, Clinton, 30-3 FOR SALE. --HOUSE ON R:ATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm, Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. • —32 FOR SALE. — THE lk STORY house with * acres of land on On- tario ntario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is acre of raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar full size of house. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. 5 have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a; barber shop.—Jacob Taylor. —35 IRS. J. JOHNSTON. WFIO HAS taken over the agency for the Spire ella eoeset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. The Spirelia is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Call and ask Mrs. John- ston about corsets and accessories. —02 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' an d Gentlemen's an cl thes We o guaranteet0 dogo0d work. rk. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of wbolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —50 News -Record means 31ews-Leader, Satisfaction Breeds Success The satisfaction given by me to Eyesight sufferers in this section, by the wonderful Shadow Test' is proving successful, one satisfied customer tells another and hence the success grows. Try me for your next glasses. No matter how complicated or how long stand- ing your defect will readily yield to the SHADOW TEST System R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler 1 HAVE SOLO THREE OE 111VE11ES THIS WEEK I have soler and placed three De Lavelle Cream Separators this week showing that the "Old Reli- able is still the most popular machine oa the market. Every De' Lavelle owner thinks there is no better: separator. if you haven't one let hie show you its merits, One of the machines placed by me This week vas in the dairy of Mr. C. G. Middleton where the motive power is electricity. This I have reason to believe is the first eream separator in Huron County to be driven by Hydro. Hydro and De Lavelle are both limo aad energy savors,, D. W. Hamilton The De Lavelle Agent. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY Councih—The council of the corpe-, ration 61 the County of ''Heron wili. meet in the counbil chamber, in. the ro e'i h .Town of � d 1 C on Tuesday the Btll day of June next, at 3 o'clock p.m.—W. Lane, Clerk, Dat- ed May 22nd, .1910, . —38-2. HOUSE U FORSALE. ALL N HURON 0 street,two doors west of Dr. Thompson's. Nine rooms, water- works and soft water. In good state of repair. Will be sold on reasonable terms,—Appilt to H. H. McBrien,, Victoria street. -34. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS, FORMERLY occupied by Geo. Cordell, to rent. And for sale or rent the large barn on Victoria street. -Apply to Chas. Wiltse, manager of Major Rance's? farm. -53 To the Public: We are now prepared with better facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher Rolis. Chum Circular and Cross Cut Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work. Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. Do BIacksnithing. Do Wood Repair Work, Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen Hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN CONNECTION'. SEELEY &WEST GIRLS VIANTEDJ AYE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEW MORE KiNIT- TERS, ETC, APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. MILLINERY! Having received our first ship- ment of spring Itats we would kindly ask the ladies of Bayfield and vicinity to come and see then before buying elsewhere. Styles correct and ,prices right. E. F. Merrier, Bayfield, 1M1ehave added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned. Goods and other lines to he found in a grocery store. We also sell C'onner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- ohange for goods. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the hospital. Weii A Feu a Cali accomplish More with less ef- fort than ono improperly nourished. We would suggest that we should begin the day with tate correct food, For Morning Meal Breakfast foods suds as Corn Flakes Gusto, Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat, Hrumbles Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat, Roman •Mai Etc. e t , or ifou wish It something heavier itt foods try our iireakfast Bacon, For Mid -Day Meal Canned vegetables—that are pre- pared in sanitary factories. We re- commend our Magonilia Brand of Peas, 'Corn and Tomatoes. Have a quality all their •own. To add zest to appetite try our Loose Sweet or Mixed Pickles, Cat- sup, Olives or .Sauces. Dessert is always an important feature. Try our minute pudding, all flavors, only 10c per package. Jelly Powders. And last but not least when day's work is done 'Pry our cooked meats—it will save you cooking, Canned Jams make en excellent dessert, such as • mar- malacle, Raspberry or Strawberry Jani, Fresh Fruits, Bananas, Pine- apples, Etc. Also a full stock of fancy calces. Plione orderspromptly attended to. Johnson & Co. The Stare of Qttalty. S .sAummirnmemmeemeasmimai tow CALVES FOR, SALE. -I , HAVE made arrangements 'to beadle a limited number • of calves, -W, No. 'Marquis, MR. 1 Clinton. —25 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having. cream' to sell write to us for cans. We supply',two cans free: Pay all ea ies s charges ges amd issue ch a9ues twice each month cheques quee payable at par: Wea-, the P y high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by •a competent man. • Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned.. Those le the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinitya of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and ft will be taken cars of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. Have Just Received a Carload of CEMENT And will keep a supfly, all summer.. Come, Here For your cement needs, �r•ti JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. A first-class Incubator A RARE CHANCE to buya .fi 1st class In cubator at a a very reasonable price and pay for it in p poultry this fall. We have 1 P Y e onyx few Incubators and Brooders left this season and we are anxious to clear out the whole lot at once. We have also three Incubators that were only used by us one season for hatching day-old chicks which we will sell at a big reduction. Phone us for pric- es. Everyone should have an Incuba- tor as poultrymen are all predicting high prices for poultry this coining season. Ilighest price paid for fat hens and roosters. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Pine Apples Pineapples' are on earlier than usual this year and are now as cheap as they will be this season, This is a good time to buy for canning., Call and get Prices. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, Peaches and Apricots, Rai- sins and Currents for making pins. SPECIALS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape - Fruit, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Let- tuce and Green Onions, Highest Market Price for Produce E. E. JJUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. $ee.41:00tal We stow have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can ober you at a reasonable price, also good Seed Buckwheat. This is the hatching season, and that means lots of feed for the Baby Chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chicle Feed and also Chick Grit on hand, Try some of our Creameal and Oil 'cake for your young Calves and Pithere is n t Pigs, nothing g bo tel. Since Lard as 1 s t risen to sucli a high price, why not try our Rani - fiat Shortening, as it is not so ex- pensive and goes farther, . We have it in 5 and 20 -ib. pails, Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Breakfast Food and Flour always kept in stock. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND F2ED: Phone 190. IIighest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Elevator{ 24th I of Mays Strawberries Pineapples i) l) Toni atoes Celery Lettuce Onions Oranges Bananas Ti, O'Neil Cream! Cream! New Method. I am in the market for - anyt quantity of cream at highest market price. You can see it weighed, tested and take your money home with you. Cream taken in every Thursday„ morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Holmesville Kr. Farmer ! Your land is valuable. Our coun- try needs every ounce of produce it can grow. It means money to mu, and prosperity) to Canada. Doubtless seeding will be late this year, and.the only way to rush the growth is to apply large quantities o Buffalo Brand Fertilizers A fresh car load just arrived, and our prices are right. IDEAL WHEAT AND CORN AM $30 PER TON.. BUFFALO 'GARBAGE TANKAGE AT $21 PER TON. for lst of October settlement or d percent. off for cash. We also handle all kinds of Logs, and Lumber, Lehigh Valley Coal( Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building 1liaterials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. JOHN B. MUST .ARD Telephones : Bayfield Office, 8 on 174. Brucefleld Office, 11 on 145, It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds 06 metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any) Plumbing done this year you will save money, bye getting prices' at once. `:3 3; THOS HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM F011 SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acresready foe spring plowing, 7 acres of busier remainder under grass. Small' ore chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation„ Cement silo. Water tank and Wind., mill at barn. One quartea mile from Porter"s Flill.—James Hamiiton,1 Clinton. —02 AII thing +411 you want done in the line of Davetroughing Plumb i n g, Tiusrnithing and Furnace ork,cid Corrugated, Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing WaSlate Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given; BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers, Phone 7. News -Recent Means, Newt -Leader„