HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-05-25, Page 4pumenasiesominsaimmetemvieirmiumm
Clinton News Record
May 25th, I91
Mrs, Whitehall 'of London has been
visiting her daughter, 1rrs. W. H.
Airs. John Graham left last week on
a visit to her daughters in Regina.
Mrs, II, Bellainy of Dungannon has
been visiting -in taw,
Mrs, R DI. Cassels , of Hamilton
has been a guest at the home of her
brothel Mt C H. Humber,
Mr. D, Shearer, manages: of the
Bayfield branch of the Sterling Bank,
*as holidaying last week aid 'spent
a few days in town.
Mrs. Warren L. Rutledge of De-
troit has been Visiting: Airs, Green
of Trafalger street,
Dir, John T. Dickson of Toronto
was in town last week visiting rela-
Miss Annie Freeman has returned
front a pleasant visit with Stratford
Misses Alma and Olive Goh hoc e
are visiting friends in Toronto.
Dr. H. G 1lacDonnell has purchased
the practise of the the late Major
Sale and is already in possession.
Miss Louise 'Trainor of Chicago is
a guest at the home of Mrs. W. T.
Miss Margaret Kelly has returned
from a pleasant visit in Seaforth.
Mrs. Thomas Griffin and Mr, P. J.
Ryan were united in marriage at St.
Peter's church by Rev. Father Mac-
Rae on Monday morning of last week.
Mr. Theo. Sunbury of Guelph has
been engaged to 013 the positi m of
organist of Knox church made V .u:nt
by the enlistment of Mr. Sharpe,
On Wednesday last DIrs. J. F. An-
drews was wedded to Mr: John Jioti
garth by Rev. Cleo: E. Ross. Aker a
short honeymoon trip they have Rik. -
en np their residence in town.
At a social gathering at the 1Lime
of Mrs. James Watson one .ev sing
last week Mrs, George 1:. Ross v as
presented by the ladies of I.nox
church with a. dinner sett and set of
table 'linen. Mrs. Gibson,' who is nine-
ty-three years of. age, made the pre-
A Good Resolution : I' will pay my
subscription to The News -Record in
The members of. the Maple Leaf
Club have presented .Pte, Ci. McBride,
who has joined•the ranks of the
101st Battalion, with a handsome
net ring. Pte, 1VIcBride disposed" of
Ms business to etrlst.
Mr. Daniel C?ascho has picrchased
from Mr, Ilhnore Thiel h
u 1 t e house to
he resides fo' the 'whichr a la arm of hlh
Mr, and Mrs. C. 0. Smith 90 the
Saible Line spent a. few days with
friends at Baden..
Mr, James Tapp lost a valuable
driver the other day, the animal
dropping dead upon the road.
The Hensall detachment of the 161st
left on Monday for Clinton where they
are now assembled for ten days be,
fore going to London. Mensall will
miss the boys, who have enlivened
the town wonderfully daring their
stay here, and they left with the
hearty good will and respect of the
The local company of the 1.61st,
the largest number from any village
in the county, were . jointed by the
Exeter squad this morning and they
' marched to Clinton. The citizens
turned out in hundreds to see the
boys off, and they were treated to
cigars and oranges by Air. T. W.
Palnter, The school children were
given a half holiday in order to let
them see the boys off. They stopped
at Brucedeld a couple of hours at noon
and then .went on to Clinton, where
the whole battalion is mobilizing,
Mr. 1T. Drake is home from the
crest on a visit to his mother.
Mr. Wnt. Ruhr has purchased a lot
from the ,Johnston Estate and in-
tends erecting a house on it during
the coaling summer,
Mr. A. Hemphill has.- purchased a
building lot on the London Road car-
eer and will erect a residence upon
it the coating summer.
Mr. Robert Drysdale is now able to
be about after a tedious and severe
Capt. Dancey, who was in "Blyth
addressing a recruiting meeting on
Friday night week, that ilen-
sell was havinga
dance and motor-
1 1 0 L
ed down about midnight ,and made a
recruiting speech to the (lancers,
Capt, Dancey believes in being instant
in season and out of season.
The death took place last week of
cue of the pioneers of this section
in the person of Mr. John McGregor,
whose death occurred at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. James Ross of
Clay. Air. McGregor formerly farmed
just east of Iiippea and on retiring
Mom the farm he cause to reside in
Hensall. About six years ago his
wife passed away and since that
time he made his home with his
daughter. He was eights' -seven years
of age. The remains were interred
in the Union cemetery, Iicnsall, ou
Friday week.
Messrs. Ed, and lues. Merner of
Bayfield visited here recently.
Mr. wit. Todd and sister, Miss
Mayme, of Stratford were visitors at
the home of Mr. S. McBride, Sr.,
over tine week -end.
Miss :Nona Sherritt is hone alter a
visit of some months in the west.
Rev. Father Strooder was at Mild-
may last week attending the funeral
of his sister, the late Mrs. Snider.
Mrs, L. G. Beeman and son Vernon
of Detroit have been visiting at the
hone of lir. Rudolph i-Ieidentan.
Miss Gertrude Weseloh recently vis-
ited for a few days with iter sisters ,
in London,
Ready to -
Couch & Co.
Dry Goods
The First Discount in Ladies'
Spring Suits and Coats.
After a very successful
season in our ready-to-wear
department we want to char
our racks of every suit and
coat, We have made t h e
price so low to make sure that
we will accomplish our aim,
Just 8 ladies' suits left in,
black and green only, made
of good quality serge, sizes 16,
18, 36 and 38 only, Suits
sold as high as $25 for $20,
$20 suits for $16, $18 suits for
$14, $16 suits for $11, Come
early Saturday for best choice.
Reduction in
Spring Coats.
Just 12 spring coats
left in black, navy a n d
mixed cloths, sizes 16, 18,
36, 38, 40 and 42. We are
anxious to clear out all
coats left so will give a dis-
count of 25 percent,
The First Dis-
count in Mil-
linery $3.98.
We put on sale Satur-
day 2 doz. ladies' trimmed
hats, values up to $5 and
$6, all new this season,
your choice $3.98,
Sunday, last was observed as "Mo-
D'Iothers Day." The pastor took Hinge
of both services and .preached earnest
and inspiring sernilons on'IMot'nnrs'
Influence, 'Sacrifice and Devntl'trt.''
He showed young people that 11 was
their duty and privilege to loots at -
ter their mothers while they hat ,
Client 'with them and that their uo-
thers' heaven ala} be theirs The
evening sermon was. on "The - Rela
tionshi,p of Parentsto Children," a
very jitacticai. and interesting dis-
course, -
The many friends of Air', and Mrs.
Carlisle Huston will he sorry to
learn of the death of their infant
son which took place on lithe 13th in-
st. The wee one lived but .a few
short hours. The interment took
lace in Ba'fie1
p t ld nen etery.
Every citizen should join in the en-
deavor to make Bayfield beyond all
question the most popular resort for
the out-of-door life on the eastern
shore of Lake Huron,
Miss Ellen Richards, who spent the
winter with her brother at Brussels,
returned to the village last week.
Mr. Fraser and wife and Mr, J.
Barton and wife of Goderieh were
guests of the latter's parents, Air.
and Mrs. John Falconer, on Sunday
. Dr. Metcalf and wife of Detroit
spent a few days the past week at
their summer residence.
Messrs. Robert McMurray and Geo.
Copeland attended a meeting of the
Black Order at Clinton on Friday
evening last.
Mr. Isaac Richards and wife of
Brussels spent Sunday last with his
sister, Miss Richards, at their sum-
mer house on the still.
DIrs. Herbert Johnston was called
to Berlin last week on ac -
'count of the serious illness' of
her niece, Pearl Forler., daughter of
NIr. John Fader.
Clifford Epps of Varna has been en-
gaged by Mr. George Copeland for
the sunnier.
Airs, 1.
I Darrow with metV th a seri-
ous n accid t
Clot Sunday - f tot •u
a con.
She, accompanied by Mrs, Brownlee,
was out driving and of their return
the horse became unmanageable and
ran away upsetting the rig, throwing
Airs. Darrow out on the roadside.
It was at once seen that Mrs. Dar-
row bad suffered serious injuries and
she was carried into the home of
her sister, who lived just opposite
where the accident occurred, and Drs.
Woods and Metcalf summoned, Though
Mrs, Darrow had not fully recovered
from her severe illness of last sum-
mer which causes the accident to be
all the more serious site is now do-
ing as well as could be expected.
Airs. Brownlee escaped 111j11r}' by jum-
ping before the buggy upset.
:hiss Iva Jean Blackall, daughter
of Mr. and Airs, Chas. Blackall, was
married on Wednesday of last week
to Rev. A. C. Riley-, of ;! airbank,
formerly pastor of the Baptist
church in Wingham, Rev. Mr, Mc-
Pherson of Wroxeter perforated the
Mr. Bert Elliott of Toronto, who
has enlisted with the 1.00t11 Battalion
spent a Mw days last week at his
hone in town.
The Standard Brect 'trotting Stallion
'Jerry J
will stand at the Iiutel Normandie
barn, Clinton, every Saturday during
the season. Ile is an exceptionally
well bred colt and while not yet
three }tsars old is a big horse now.
No, 018'8a—American Trotting Reg-
No. 0.1101—Canadian Standard Brod
NO, 4410—Enrolment.
Terns $12 to insure with foal,
Phone 8 on 102 Clinton.
Route of the Clydesdale
D r
u�1u a Gar,/.L1
MONDAY.— will leave his o-+rn
stable, West -End Tuokersntith, asst
go north by Huron Road to Grahams
House, ` Clinton, for noon, then by
10 con,, 0
Goderich � o hi
t was to Ntr
r p,
Bert L s f
ob oL h •. .' s
b nl t TU1,S1 AY—
By Maitland cots. to Wm,' Dust and
Son's for noon, then via Bethel and
Benmiller to Wn1. Loltg's for night.'
WEDNESDAY—By 6th and 8th con,.,
to Wm, Ounningham's for noon, by
way of the 8th conf to Fred Quaid's,
Dunlop, . for night. THURSDAY— To
-Union Hotel, Goderich, for noon, by
lst con, to Salkeld's corner and 4th
con: to Huron Road to Wilmot Haac-
kie's for night. FRIDAY -13y 6th con..
and Porter's Hill to Fred. Piekard's
for noon, by 9th don. to John Stew-
art's for. night, SA'rURDAY' - By
Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's, 2nd
of Stanley o•
lc '
for noon, his
own stable.
Owner, Manager.
Guinea Gold
MONDAY—Will leave his own stable
West -End, Tuckersrnitli, go south to
the Mill Road to Pffile & Sons for
noon, then to Huron Road and west
to Win, Dales' for night, TUESDAY
—To Graham House, Clinton, for
noon and until tlto following morning.
WEDNESDAY—By Muron Road to N.
Trewartha's, Hohnesville, for noon,
by 0 con, to 'rhontas Cole's for night.
THURSDAY—By Middleton's corner
to George Holland's For noon, then
to Itis own stable,
Owner and Manager.
Mac Thistle
2.041 48971 A.T,.R
The Grand Circuit Race Stallion
Mac Thistle is the fastest horse that
was ever offered for service in this
part of the country. He raced through
the largest racing circuit in the
world o Id and defeated the Grand Cir-
cuit Stars asft
o en asrt1
e Y defeated
111171. Mac
Thistle 1-
BC ' e
Ist 2. 1
0 is also at
brother to Independence Boy 201E the
only two full brothers out of one
dam both with marks of 205 or let-
ter, Mac Thistle 2041 has himself
been miles in 2.011, :'.- in 57 seconds.
Mac Thistle is a grand big brown
stallion. He is a made to order
horse, having size, quality, individ-
uality, brain and breeding.
Will stand at his own barn, Blyth,
this season for a limited number of
mares at $20,00 to insure. Accom-
modation made for stares from a dis-
Write for folder of breeding and hill
particulars to
Route of the 'Imported French
Perclteron Stallion
MONDAY—Leave Itis ewn stable at
Brucefceld, west to hotel stable, Var-
na, for moon, north to Ben. Rath -
well's, Bayfield Line, for night.
TUESDAY—West to Switzer's corn-
er anti north to James Sterling's for
noon, north to James McMillan's
for night. WEDNESDAY—To Hur-
on Road, east to Jewell's corner,
via Benmiller to J. C, Durst's, for
noon, east to Harry Sweet's, Mait-
land cot., for night, THURSDAY—
Via llohnesville to Graham Rouse,
Clinton, for moon, north by Base
Line to Albert Townshend's for
night. FRIDAY—East to W, J.
AlcBrien's, 4th con, Hullett, for
noon east via Roxboro to Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, for night. SATUR-
DAY—South via Red School, west to
Robt. Elgie's for noon, via London
Road to his own stable, Index En-
rolment No, 363, Foram I, Approved.
Proprietor and Manager.
News -Record means News -Leader.
And a
service you
Q�l are proud
t -• itl.r��V �'_' to tell year
friends about.
✓a �,. �. Notice the number
of Traction "spares" that are not
in Cave:apes on the car, but out
in the open wearing the "V" smile
1- that won't come oft. Pride in pgssession
"tea accounts for this—the desire to have the
car look its best
Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co.,
Bratutta in I aL I.. S.T, e>
WWI rlrti•A I A 'rn,r F eget gkyclm Eads
U"lu6ttlltiy ua4euprul N, 4Uergl=l,ib.' V.
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to the room,
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove, We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of line rugs including
Brussels, Axminsters Wil -
tons, etc that we have
priced at attractive prices.
We would be most pleased
to show them to you,
Undertaker- and 'Funeral Director.
28 Phone VOW.. 28
Dir, and Mrs. Clayton Phippen have
lost their little son, Edward Harold,
aged foot months;
Mr. harry McAllister of the G;T.R.
section while jumping from his hand-
car which was running 'off the track'
fell and broke his left ankle,
The Cittzc is' ' t B a
net--alectod the fol-
lowing otflccrs : recently : President,
Joseph Carruth , Vice, R. V. Dun-
lop ; Secretary, P, Nash ; Treasurer,
'A. J. Pilon ; Property committee, F.
faller, W, Rein, Lloyd I'Iingston
Business conitnittee, ; the , President
and' the Secretary= ; Janitor, J. Stone.
bit. Will Galbraith, who lla's enlist-
ed with the Mechanical Transport
Division at Toronto, spent .a few clays
last week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Galbraith. r
Mr. Harry Ainsley of Winnipeg ,is
spending some time with his mother
and sister in town.
Miss Fisher of the postolflce staff
has returned from ait isit friends v i with f tends
in Toronto,
- J
Including IviioinOrr, Chetnical, Civil Mech-
anicaland $lectrical gust:meting.
Auriue the Wer there will be cootinuoua
sessions in Medicine.
The Arts Course may be taken by corre-
spondence, but students desiring to gradu-
ate must attend one session,
Corp, 1", 0. F. Manuel has gone to
London to take a course in bayonet
ayo eh
Mrs. Isaac Davidson of SL, Thomas
has been visiting relatives and fri-
ends in town.
The best investment you can make in House Fur-
nishin s is 1
n a[
W 1 Paper.
Booms tastefully papered are half furnished,
You'll find in our stock the paper that will suit
your purse and your taste, so why go elsewhere ?
We have a very large variety of new papers.
Odd lots at special prices.
All paper trimmed free.
A. T. Cooper
Agent for O.N.W. Telegraph and Canadian
Northern R. R. Tickets.
Valve -in -Head motor,
30-35 h.p.
5 passenger.
Completely furnished to smallest detail—The
MoLattgltlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed
to develop and deliver mare power and with less
gasoline 11an any other motor of equal size or make,
Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa.
McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran-
ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies
from coast to coast. One million dollars invested in
branch houses and equipment,
Large stocks of parts carried for all models at
Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years or—" -
manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can-
adians, Thorough knowledge through experience of
Canadian needs. Consider carefully the sitavrax
you buy—it is very important and necessary. gl
Note the class of people who drive the
As a class they investigate before they invest.
To insure spring delivery you
should give your order now,
The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited, Oshawa
5 -
Tor, nee School. Guelph,
decorated with"Now Tone.
9' ih@l i,t I ti'��jllr�—
wn ' �hci l
l-='11-1-` Vs
flame in MotiWal •decorated
with "Neu -Tote', -
Church le Nov. Seot'et
decorated with "Neu•Tooe",
"Neu -Tone"
for the Wars
It easy and so economical to have a beautifully
decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish.
The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints ill delight the woman
;and man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home:'
When you "Neu -Tone" the walls; you 'save all fuss and
bother of washing "and scraping the plaster to re -decorate
Simply apply another coat of rNEU•TONE'_'• in any shade or,
tint desired:',
" NEU-TONE"is olieaper th ii wall paper: It is pcu1F
economical—absolutely sanitary; can't fade, scale or rub off—'
'AND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a "NEU='
TONE" wall and takes away dust, stains and finger printsP
c7 Marble -he Floor Finish will withstand all the wear and
abuse to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it can be used on
hard or soft wood floors ; every can carries with it a money'
back guarantee.
Write direct te the Martin•Seabut Co., Limited, Montreal,
for their 1916 Booklet, "Town and Country goatee'', showing many
new color schemes and giving valuable paint inform tion.
a'*"% R. ROWCLINTON, Opt LAND, �`a"- 6�