HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-05-18, Page 10Clinton News -Record
x44 4444$4444•6444 4444444* 444+.444.444.6444444.4444* " 4444' 644444
To the Men,---
sy . I8th, 1'911
The 151st Huron Battalion has been ordered, to mobilize about the 15th of May ` AND A
UNDERill your County be humiliated by having t :e first Battalion she was authorized to form go into Cam
Will the word • "Huron" ever stand as a : word of , reproach throughout the Empireire ?
of this County rally to their pride and to- THEIR HONOUR ? p
Or will the people
The Last- Lail torr. Voiunteers. .
To the Mothers, Wives and Sisters,---
Do you know what is happening to women in Europe today ?
Do.you know what the women of Belgium, of Servia, of Flanders and even of your own
race in the old land have suffered by the invading lluns ?
Do you know that thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones, are driven I
starving from their homes to die in misery that they are being violated and'. slaughtered ? w
Do you realize that if this War is not fought out in Europe, you and your children may
be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe ?
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her liberty, her
men must be given without stint to take part in the struggle ?
Thousands of glorious mothers, wives and sisters have given their dearest to this cause
to enable you of Humanity and of Empire. Gan you meet this type of womanhood in social intercourse ? Are
you content to see other mothers, wives and sisters proudly sending off their manhood, to protect
you and your men -folk ?
ENLIST TODAY, with the knowledge that, at last, you are playing Or will you meet the burden of, this generation with COURAGE '°
Divine Virtues ?" the highest of 10
The business of the young man of the County ooday is the completion of the Battalion
she was asked to form.
Kitchener urges "men and more men." Canada has premised him 500,009.
be one ?
4 2
Will you
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while other
men take„your place in the firing line ?
Does the sight of your chum in khaki have you untroubled and undisturbed ? .
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them)
to take your place in,your County Battalion.
the part of a MAN.
' "i tiwkqui5°t'i P ' ' eiR' 'teed°"Pt ` r?.* Vale `''° Pietg°°lPV19 4"4: 1"11 a1' ViPlci°45 1"1214 ct
on Ia L
Mr, and Mrs. Nesbitt have return-
ed From Toronto and are again set-
tled in their own home. !Liss Blanche
of New York in now on a visit to
her parents.
p . 'Lieut. kiall has returned: from Lon-
. y'don where he has been taking a special
course in musketry,
Mrs. Eve of illontreal has been vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and 8Irs.
, Dr. and Mrs. Murdock of Rainy
River are here on a visit to elle fur-
- mer's parents.
Eleven members of the local Odd-
, fellows lodge were presented -at a
recent meeting with three -link rings
anti appropriate addresses of appre-
ciation on their enlisting for the set-
s, ice of King and Country,
Seaforth. ,
Mr. John McElroy, i the y , one o f ery
surviving pioneer settlers in this dis-
trict passed away on Friday night
at the age of 88. For some years
he made his hone with his daughter-
in-law, on the homestead, in the
Roxboro district, near Seadortb,
where he lived continuously since
settling on the farm, Ile caste out
from Ireland as a young man.
Mrs. Geo. Snithers has returned to
her home in 'Toronto after spending
a few weeks with relatives in town.
Miss Tovell of Guelph has been in
town, the guest of Ma;or anti- firs,
R. S Hays.
11t. J. E.11icl.son and his daughter,
Miss Irene, of Toronto, were guests
at the home of Mrs, W, D. VanEg-
mond for a felt days recently.
and music by the world's great
bands are reproduced for you
with a brilliant -vividness and
richness of tone that you will
fled noWhere but in Columbia
Records. You are cordially in-
vited to hear the following re
cords, free, at any dealer in
Double -Disc
E C R tom✓
3 \ Herbert Stuart—R2300-85c.
0I. - 'We'll Neter Let the Old Flag Pall”
Good Luck to the Boys of the Allies"
ucets Guards—P. 31 --SS,.
The Entente Cardial Mardi (Douglas)
Namur March (Richards)
Latimer and Howe --P. 19—Baritone--85c.
The Veteran's Song
The Old Brigade
Scots Guards—P. 14—S5c,
British Grenadiers; Cock or the North;
\lrearin' o' the Green , God Bless the Prince
of Wales; Rule Britannia; Garry Owen;
Men of Flarl eclt ; Dear Little Shamrock;
Blue hells of Scotland ; Red, White and
Blue', God Save the King. .•
Mune pal B Zi of M Inn lata, nd St .,nda ofo1op and Banc:
teed no. Hoar them at anp. Columbia dealer's, Get complete
record list from him or writo us for it,
Graphophone Company
Canadian Factory' & Headquarters
`_. Toronto.; Out.'
Mrs, Margaret S
was married
recently to Mr, Ilugh,McBurney of
East Wawanosh. They will reside
Mr. and Mrs, King have moved
hero from 1Iespeler, Mr. King hay-
ing taken a position With the West-
ern Foundry Company.
MMIessrs. James Leslie and Elmer
Cartwright have gone to Preston,
where they have accepted positions.
Illiss Margaret Forbes of Winnipeg
has been visiting her father, Mr.
Thomas Forbes 01 town, •
don shortly,
L e nsaH
Mr. Andrew Johnston and daugh-
ters intend coming into town short -
1y to take possession of their new
residence recently purchased from
Mr, II. Soldan,
111r. .James Johnston left lash week
for his bi'g farm near Edmonton,
Alta Ile took a carload of cattle
The young ladies of the town have
organized themselves into a recruit-
ing league.
Going, leave Goderieb Tues-
day, JUNE ;lath, 1910, ; at,
9,30 a.ni. Returning leaves
Detroit, Thursday, June 15th,
at 1.00 p.m,
This trip provides a magni-
ficent opportunity to- enjoy
an all -day water voyage, on
GitEYEIO(INDand time to,,
visit your friends' in Detroit.
Fere $.1.50 Round Trip.
$1.00 one way with baggage,
Children half -rate.
llon't ?forget the Goderteh
Band Moonlight, June
12th, at 8 pan.
Pare only Mc.
White Star Line
Youths of Ancient Alexandria Paid Fo
'Their Caustio Wit,
In ancient days the impudent wit of
the young Grego -Egyptian dandy was
proverbial, says Arthur I). P, Bromo
Welgall in. "The Lite anti Times of
Cleopatra." That was especially' true
in Alexandria, -'chose people were char-
aetcrized'by the Emperor Iladi'iau as
"light, wavering, seditious, vain and
spiteful, although as a body wealthy
and prosperous."
No sooner did a statesman assume
o8]ce or a king come to the throne than
the wags of the city gave him some
scurrilous Nickname that stuck to fain
throughout the remainder of his life.
Thus Ptolemy IN.. was called "The
Bloated," Ptolemy X, "The Vetch" and
Ptolemy XIII. "The Piper." Seleucus
they named "Pickled Fish Peddler,"
5110111 later times Vespasion Was named
When Ring Herod Agrippa passed
through. the city on his way to his in,
secure throne these young Alexan-1
crians dressed up an unfortunate mad-
man whom they had found in the
streets, put a paper crown upon his
head and a reed in his hand iiud- led
him through the town, hailing him as
king of the Jews two that hi spite of
the fact that, Agrippa was the close
friend of CaIlguia, their• emperor.
Against vespasien they told,' with de-
light, the story of how he had pestered
one of his friends for the payment of a
trilling loan of C oholt, and 501.11e one
matte up a song In which that fact was
tt mIo 14e .fr.i. *.i.911'
r It is a Monitor That Registers Your
Physical Condition.
One of the first things a doctor does
when he is called to a patient is to
look Otto his mouth. That is because
it Is the quickest and easiest way to
esaminean internal cavity of the body
and observe the signs of health or dis-
ease there displayed, The mouth is
lined with mucous membrane, which 15
quickly affected by many disorder's,
and the tongue, which is simply a mass
of muscle wrapped up in mucous mem-
brane, is n veritable horizontal guide
post, ,
Since it Is a muscle its general size
and shape and its susceptibility to
proper. control inform the physician of
the muscular condition of the patient,
and the state of the mucous membrane
that covers it indicates the general
systemic condition, A person who suf•
_fors from !'ever of any degree will,
generally show a "furred' tongue, The
word graphically describes the condi-
tion, and it is not necessary to be a
physician in order to recognize it,
In a long continued fever Like ty-
phoid the fur accumulates until the
tongue is covered with a thick, brown
mass that shades off to a fighter tint
at the edges. In scarlet fever the
tongue is often covered with n white
fur clotted with Iittie red points. That
is called the strawberry" tongue.
when the stomach is badly out of coin
dition the tongue shows a thick white
or brown Pur; :bred tboso who ai'e s fheoPl:'
1115 from tonsiliti'� or feels any ot1er
inflamwation of the throat may show a
layer of thick, creamy white fur all,
ever the tongue. Sometimes when the
,patient is much, exhausted the tongue
will not be furred, but dry, -red ancT
"Thrush" consists of small white
patches raised' above the surface and,
although not 501/0115 in itself, generally
shows that the constitution is weal:.
One strange ,thing about the tongue
is that, although it so often betrays the
state of the stomach to the' physician,
yet iu'two of the most serious stomach
troubles -cancer and gastric ulcer—the
tongue is generally very clean.
The; tongue In health 18 always under
the, muscular control of its owner and
should be perfectly steady when it is
put out. A. tremulous 'tongue,,deuotes
weakness, and the tongue that is coat-
ed and tremulous in the morning, but
that grows steadier through the day,
is generally the result of too much al-
cohol.—Youth's Companion.
Theyricliculecl Caracalla for dressing
himseif like Alexander the Grein:, al.
though his stature 1v18 below the aver-
age, but in that case they had not reek.
oiled with then roan, . Isis frightful re-
venge upon them MIS the almost total
extermination of all the: well to do
young men iI1'the city, whom be col-
lectecl together under a false pretense
and then' butchered in cold blood.
Sympathy Versus Scie, e
"Slee boast much of our advae,
nee i21
science, but science is naught to the
sick and wounded compared with the
word ofcomfort and assurance," says
the New York Mecliml Journal. "It is
literally true that we would rather die
than be treated successfully by certain
practitioners. " * '° A littlo sympathy
outweighs much science.";
Said the waiter to a noisy card party
-in a hotel bedroom: "I've been sent to
ask you to make le -ss noise, gentlemen.
The gehtleniau in the next room says'
be can't read."
• "Tell him," was the reply of the hot,
"that he ought to be ashamed of him-
self. Why, I could read when I was
five years old,"
Cholera, Morbus.
Inflammation of the stomach and
bowels caused by poison in the diges-
tive canal is called cholera morbus,. It
is especially liable ,to occur ,during hot
weather followed by cool nights. 11 is
chiefly caused by eating indigestible
foods, such as rawvegetables under -1 A Good Resolution : I will paysay
ripe or. overripe Eructs and spoiled' subscription .to'The \\Yews -Record in
Inea15 ,216.t tl." 0c9nc 1 aw'!." advance:,
Armenians Lost Name,
There is ne such country es Armenia.,
Officially the Turks decline to recognize
the as -me, and maps marking "Arme•i
nfstan" have regularly been confiscated,
Unoficially again nobody can say ex-
actly whore "-Armenia," or Kurdistan,
as 1118 alternatively called, begins and
leaves oft Nor is there properly such
a•people as the "Armenians." That is
only a name given them by foreigners.
They call themselves Balk and their
country Hai/led/1n, tracing theirde.
scent frau Balk, grandson of Japhet,
whose dynastywas overthrown by A1.
exander of Macedon.—London Specta-
. J. J. Cunningham
ts ia
west on a' stnCss trip.
Mrs. Malcolm Graham and :two
children of 'Uxbridge have been visit-
ors at the home of Mr, 11. A. Gra-
Misses Grata and .A.•ima ISennedy
have returned from Toronto Univer-
sity for tihe long vacation.
Dr, J. P. Kennedy was in 'Toronto
for several clays recently.
Mrs. R. Herdsman of Iianlilton
has been visiting friends in town.
Lir. G. 11. Ross attended the On-
tario Dental Society meeting in
Toronto last mealy.
Mr. and illrs. C. fi. Blackhall of
Wingham announce the engagement;
of their daughter, Iva Jean, .to Mr.
Arthur. C, Riley of Toronto, the
marriage to take place this month.
Mr.. L: Kargus and family, of G1101011
Have moved to-tocvn.
Wingham. .
Mr. and 11Irs. Newton 131ack have
moven to Berlin, where Mr. Black
has been engaged for some time past.
Mr. 0, R. Pinch, who has been ap-
pointed local agent for the Metropol-
itan Life, will move Here from Lon-
itir. A. L. Posliff, principal of the
Public school, has enlisted in the
16Lst Battalion and has been granted
leave of absence by the board, who
also passed a resolution of apprecia-
tion of his patriotic spirit.
David Thurloty died .at his Home on
Shuter street on Sunday' week. at
the age of fifty-two years after but
a short illness of pneumonia. Ile trial
a native of Colborne township and
had resided in Wingltatn for about ten
years. Itis wife and one daughter
11Ir•, W. A Sanderson. attended ' the
funeral of a brother in Orangeville
last week.
Suck a Comfort !
Its such a comfort not to have
to go `out when the weather is
cold and stormy,
But it is not alone in back
weather that a house Telephone
is a blessing. It saves so many
steps and so many precious
moments every day the year
round that no hone should be
without it.
The cost need not stand in
the way—no installation charge,
just a small'annual rental.
Fill out the Coupon below
and mail it to us to -day.
Bell Telephonetii.,
Co. of Canada.
The ,Reil Telephone Co. of. "Canada.
Gentlemen:—Please see me but Residence Telephone Seraice;