HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-05-11, Page 5May 11th, 1916 I)) ..)Coderich. Mrs. A. S, a'hrystai visited her motile': and sistet at Port Huron vecentlp. Mrs: W. L. Eliot figs retuthed from a visit in Toronto. Mrs.(Rev.) Joseph Elliott has reterned from a visit of several months in England. ' Miss Ruby Stothers visited in "Guelph and Elera recent's% Mr. mud Mrs. S. Harding have one to 'Cleveland • where they, tend taking up tlieir residence. Mrs. W. G. Luker of Toronto was .a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. IL Johnston, for a few '•aays recently. Mrs. G. R. Elliott has gone to Chiseldon, Wilts, England, to join her husband. Mr. Geo. McMillan has sold his .kesidence and lots adjoining to Mr. James- Lavery' of North Bay. The remains of the late Harald Thompson, who was killed. near Sask, waile- attending to his duties as brakeman, weie brought here for interment, the fun- eral taking• place on Tuesday week. His wife and her parents accompan- - led the remains east. - , Miss Taplor of New Brunswick is -the guest of Mrs. Galt Clark. Mr. Robt. McKay bas returned inuch improved from a stay in Bar- -rade. - Mr. Carman Stodclart left last stveek for Walkerville where he has been apPointed to the start of the )3ank of Commerce. ' i s Helen Little has gone to Tor - on o to enter the General hospital as a nurse -in -training. Mr. Roy Walker is home from the Toronto Ihriversity for the long vacation. Miss Augusta McLeod has been appointed to complete the school term of Mr. White of the C.I. staff, wile has enlisted. , Capt. FIugh Davidson has gOne to Fort William where lie will be en- gaged for the summer. The "Mea - ford" the boat he commanded last season, has been taken to the Atlan- tic. The funeral of Hemp J. Murray took place on Sunday from his mother's residence to Maitland cem- etery. He was a fernier resident of Goderich, and left here about twen- tp-flve s;ears ago for Montreal, and later for Toronto. Mr. Murray has 'been ill for some time, and came to Goderich a few weeks ago to see • if the change would improve his health. He was a member of Mait- land Lodge, A. P. and A. M. which societp took charge of the services • 'at the cemetery. He leaves his wife, four daughters, and one son, at present in France. Rev. Mr. alager officiated at the house. BlUth 's. R. B. McGowan and Miss Nichol attended the Provincial W. M. S. convention in London aast week. •-"assaMV T. J. Huckstep was in .Detroit last week accompanying the remains of his sister, the late Mrs. McLeod of Goderich, which were taken there 'for interment. • Miss Mabel Colelough of Ethel has baen visiting at her home in town. Mrs. Moody of Berlin has been the ,guest of her parents, Mr. and MrS. George Collinson, Mr. George Comm ot East Wawa - nosh was married at Port Colborne on 'April 22nd to Miss Edith 0, Augustine. Wingham. Messrs, Milton Groves and Clifi darrett left last week for Stratford where thep, have taken Positions. Mrs. Carrick has returned to town .after spending the winter with her _daughter in Toronto. Miss Nora Smith has returned froi a visit of several weeks in Toronto, Mrs, John Homer is visitMg her parents in Owen Sound. Mr, Coleman and family have gone to reside in Toronto. Mrs. Dinsley has returned home after spending the winter in Detroit. Prof, Jas. A.. Breckenridge of Wa- bash College, Indiana, called on old 'friends in toWn last week. Mr. Little, teller in the Bank of Hamilton, has gone back to Toronto to enlist, Mr. Bannister of Listowel takes his place ou the balk staff. Mrs, C. D. Shackleton of St. ens spent a feta days with her moth- er recently,. Mrs. Robert .Kennedy and daughter have returned from Winnipeg and have Oaken up residence in their home in Lower Wingham. The bowlers have reorganized for the season, the following officers be- ing elected : lion. -president, A. E. :Smith ; president, Fred. Hardy; vice, :Amos Tipling, secretary --treasurer, A. M. Skelly. Mrs, ,Tames Weir, a respected resi- dent of Wingham atid formerly of Tureberay township, died quite sud- denly ou Sunday week at the age of seventy-six years. Mr. W. H. Haines and Mrs. W. .1. Haines were in Meaford last, week 'attending the funeral of little Win- nie Manuel, aagrandsiatighter of the Sormer. ,.Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Radford and little son of Goderich motored over and spent a few days with the lada's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Vanalstyno of the Bluevale Road, Miss ,Lockhart was in London last week as a delegate to the W. M. S. Provincial convention, Mr. Nelson Rush has gone to 'Guelph to take it position. Mrs. D. Angus and daughter 1Tel- ono of Cobalt spent some days as the guests ot Mr: and Mts, Harry Angus. 'gr. and Mrs. W, Bone left last -week for thdir new home in Tilson- "burg. • Mrs. P. S. Ijinklater has sold lier grocery bueiness to Ma. H. J. 'Thompson. SeafOrtils Mrs, Gee. Mardrei has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson of Ortonville, Mich, Mrs. Francis Parker has teturned to het., home in London after a visit with her mother, Mrs, Ilan. Cloven - lock. Mise Cora Dodds has been visiting Detroit Wendel Mies May Livens ef Windsor has been here on a visitto her home, Mr. J. W. Duncan was at Adrian, IVfich., attending the funeral of his sister,' Sister De Lourdes Duncan, Mise Irene Gemmell has returned from a visit of several months with relatives at. errand Rapids, Mich. Mrs, Alex, Wilson and MissMar- garet spent soma time here „with friends before leaving to 'join 10°1. Wilson in England. Mrs. McKinney of Kincardine has been here on * visit to t Mrs. W. "McMichael and other friends. Mr. Norman Hill, formerly a resi- dent of town but for some/ thue of Penticton, B.C., passed awas" at his home in the Coast Province recently. His wife was formerly Miss Dalep, and until her marriage she bad re- sided in Seafortii. Miss Thompson of Stratforia has been a guest at the home of Dt. Cooper. , Mrs. A. Scott, Miss H. I. Gra- ham, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, Mrs,. P.. 0. Herr and Mrs. Gibson were in London last week attending the Pro- vincial convention .of the •W. M. S. The latter two Were delegates from the Seaforth auxiliary. Mrs. James E. Troyer is visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. J. Dodds interids moving to London where he has taken a posi- tion as manager of a large bottling works. . Written While Crossing the "Big Pond." The rollowing lines were written by Sergt. Ed. Faulkner of "D" Company 33rd Battalion now • in England while he was with the troops on the Lapland crossing the Atlantic. The fourtli day out Three days at sea, oh my ! oh nie 'Tis hard to say which . way 'twill be, And oh 'tis suels a roily feeling Conies o'er my weakly system steal- ing, And some dislike the sight of dishes - They rather feel like feeding fishes - Por sudi a sickly rolly feeling Cones gently !through my system I stealing. And yet there's some who laugh and sing And shout each time the meal bells ring, We must confess the treatment's grand On board the good troopship Lap- land. Of courses more than e'er before Each one partakes and asks for more For sailing makes a fellow eat, Let it be fish or fowl or meat. The fifth day out. The fourth day's, gone the fifth has come, Still o'er the raging deep we roam, Aad everyone is satisfied for every need has been supplied, ' Each day Ivo have a life boat drill Which each man enters with a will, You ought to see us side bst side, With life belts firmly round us tied. We're nearing now the great war zone, Where [(Amen lurk beneath the foam, And so 'tis best to be prepared And prop that each man's life be spared For God who rules the rolling sea: Out promised pilot sure is He And he will guide us safely through Where we shall land His work to do, The sixth day out. For ads His work, this help fight, 'And He will help us with His might, Our faith in God is staunch and true While sailing o'er the waters blue, ° A few more bouts and we shall be Where many changes we may see, And yet, perhaps, the .foeman may C'ertake us e'er we reach the Bea. But why this fear, if God is near ? Our Pilot He, Heal keep us clear And land us safely on the shore Where we will serve WM more and more. Beneath the Empire's flying flag, Our energy shall never lag, For freedom, right and liberty, We'll noblp fight for victory. - The seventh day oat. We've seen a whale, we've seen a sail And now we're sailing in a .gale Of wind and rain and flying spray - It's really not a pleasant day. Dhn't think Oat We are anding fault No, no, be that far from out thought For God is good and He will guide Us. safely to the other side, alats will we trust aad never fear In wind or rain or sunshine fair. God istihe same and He cloth know Our mission is that we ,may ,show To those we love and bold most dear And nobly' fight our Empire's war Till victory's won and fighting o'er. The eighth day out. I've no exciting tale to tell, But must report that all is well. No enemo is Risking near .To fill our souls with &read or tear, And gently o'er the rolling tide, The troopship Lopland still cloth glide, And soon we'll see the silver strand Of England, dear old Motherland. The ninth day out, Land in sight, oh glorious vision ! • Soon we'll atart oar wondrous mis- sion, Soone'll heat the welcome shout Rise from many a thousand throat Hail, Canadian soldiers brave, Ye .who dare to cross the waves, Ye who've heard the Empire's call, England welcomes one and Clinton News -Record „Varna Mre.(Rev.) D. Johnston is visiting friends in London this week, Mt. • Wm. Stogdill of the Goshen Line has engaged with Mrs Chri$. Ward for the seed time. The annual meetina of the.'Sunday scbool of the _Itletrodiat chttach was held on Wednesday evening last when the following ollicers were appoint- ed : Superintendent, V. M. Deihl. , Assistaart, Thos. Reid, Treasurer, Albert Horner. aecretary, Earl Wanless Assistant, Wm. Stephenson. Organist, Miss Ruth Reid. From the reports of, attendance, finances, etc., it was seen that the school is in a, thriving condition and the officers look forward to an even better and more prosperotte year than the one just closing. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott and blaster Jimmy of Clinton were guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid on Sunday. Messrs. Melvin Talbot and .1. T. McAsh spent Sunday. with Sealorth friends. Pte. Morris Johnston, who has en- listed with a Hamilton battalion, is horne for a short time to reetmerate after an attack of pleurisy, Mrs. Alfred' lugs spent Saturday and Sunday last at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner of Hay. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, May 90, 1901. The drug stores have ,decided to close at seven o'clock p,m. during the summer months. Court of Revision will be held on May 27th. The senior baseball team will play the Lucknow team on May Mith at the latter place. The council on Monday evening de- cided to grant the dontract for lay- ing granolithic walks to P. L. Mor- den & Co., London, theirs being the lowest tender, Clinton 0, I. football team visited Goderich on Friday last and played the first game' of the season. The result was it tic, each team winning one goal. • The Local Market. Wheat 630 to 64e. Barley 37e to 40e. Oats 29a to 30e. Butter lac to 15. Eggs 9c to Res. Live Hogs $6.00. Marriages • JOHNSTON-RAITIIBY-At Auburn, on May and, by Rev.'J. K. Entr- ada Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Raithbp, to Stan- ley R. Johnston of East Wawan- osh. Births WiSaa-In Goderich township, on April 10th, to • Mr. and Mrs. Wm, W. Wise, ' a daughter, (Evelyn Mary.) BROWN -In Detroit, Mich., on May. 3r5, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brown, formerly of Hullett, a son. MeCROSTIE--At St. Helens, on Apr. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mc- Crostie, •a son. MOULL-In McKillop township, on April, 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred, A. 1VIoull, a son. FIARDIE-In Hensall, on Aptil 28th, to Di. and Mrs. Hardie, it daugh- ter. CLARK -In Hensel' on April 28th, to Mr. and bit's. 'Percy, Clark, a song Deaths LOGAN-At Trout, Mich., on May May 8th, Jane Hutten, relict of the late Wm. Logan of Hayfield, aged 77 years and 7 months. HOHNER-In Stanlep township, on May 8th, Franklin Carrol, tlfe 16 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helmer, BAIRD-At Detroit, Mich., on May 8th, William Baird, formerly of Stanlep, aged 70 years. ELDER -In Goderich, on May ist, Robert Elder, aged •.69 years. ALLEN -At Dunlop, on May. and, Margaret Gardner, widow of' the late Anthony Allen, in her • 80th year. ' • . . 1VIcLE0DI-In Goderich, on, ' April 248th, Lucy Ciertrude Kernaghan, wife of Capt. Alex. 'McLeod. lateMIL LAN -In Tuckersmith, •on 'April 300, Daniel McMillan, in • his 59th year, WEIR --In Wingham, on 'April 30th, Mary Sproat Manson, relict of the late James Weir, aged 76 pears. JEFFREY -In Goderich, on May and, Leaner Denorno, wife of Jo eeph .1 effrey. courtT OB' REVISION, TOWNSHIP ol Stanley. -Notice is herebygiven that a meeting of the Court of Revision of the Township of Stan- ley Will be held 4 in the township hall, Varna,. on Monday, the 200 day of ,May, 1919, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hear- ing and determining complaints agaitist the Assessment Roll of the said township for the Year 1010• Any person' having business with this comb will please attend at the • said time and place. -R. J, Rich- ardson, Clerk. 'Varna, May 11th, 101,6, 30-2 PURE BRED INDIAN RUNNER Duda' Eggs 'For Sale. -Limited , quantity. Eggs, $1.00 per 12.--eF. • Copp; 'Clinton. afa--3 • FOR SALE. -A FORD R1JNA13OUT ; Awbomobile equipped with the Gray & Davis Starter and Lighting Sys- tem. 'Also with Shock Absorbers which add greatly to the easy rid- ing qualities of the car.-SeeleY & West, -36. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES - of the undersigned, Base Line, on or about May 511, 2 steers coming 2 years old ; One red mooley, the other grey, both with white faces. Any information will be gladly re- ceived by -John Macdonald, R. R. No. 1, CIlinton, phone 13 on 100.-46 DEBENTURES FOR SALE. -THE County of Huron offers $60,000 of debentures for sale. The debentur- es are first class security $$$ and will be offered to the residents of the county first. For particulars apply to Robt: W. Livingstone, Warden ; W. J. R. Holmes, Treas- urer, or the undersigned. -W. Lane, Clerk. Dated' Goderich, May iOth, 1916. 36-2 COURT OF' REVISION, TOWN OF Clinton. --Notice is hereby given that it meeting of the C ourt of 'Revision of the Toils of Clinton will be held in the Council Cham- ber on Friday, May 26th, 1616, at • 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of hearing and determing complaints against the Assessment Roll ef the said town for the pear 19116. Per- sons having business at this Court will please attend at the saidd, time ana place. -D. L. Macpherson, Clerk Clinton, April Iltb, 1016. • -30-2. COURT 03- REVISION, VILLAGE of 13ayfleld.-Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Court of Revision of the Village of Hayfield will be held in the town 'ball on Friday, May 26th, 19146, 1916, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing and de- termining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said vil- lage tor the year 1910, Persons having business with this Court will please attend at the said time and place. --IL W. Erwin, Clerk, Hay- field, April Ilth, 1916.1 30-2 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROal Bred -to -Lay Single Comb White Leghorns. Cockerels bred from re- cord laying strain imported from Pennsylvania Poultry Farm, Lan- cashire, Pa. Settings 50e per 13.- 11. Keegan, Hayfield. -27. FOR SALE. -COLLIE PUPS 131IE0 heelers on both sides, $2 ea:h.-- Milton Johnston, ILE. No. 4, Olin - ton, Phone 8 on 162. -35 WANTED -A SMART INTELLIGENT girl to learn the dry goods busi- ness. -Apply 01 owe hand writing to Box 255, Clinton, -34, FOR SALE—A SECOND HAND Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, tires practically new. Very cheap. -Seeley & West. -31 FOR SALE. -HOUSE ON RA.TTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs, Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. -32 A SAXON RUNABOUT, NEW, RAN 21,, months last season, for sale cheap. -Apply to A, 0. Pattison Victoria street. -3; FOR SALE. THE iSTORT house with i acres of land on On- tario street latela occupied by Mr. Battles. The garden is in excellent condition and there is acre 01 raspberries and small fruits. The house contains seven rooms with cellar lull size cif }lease. Furnace, electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John IVIedd as a barber shop. --Jacob Taylor. -35 FOR SERVICE,-TIIE ABERDEEN Angus bull "Prospector" No. 9522 will stand for the iniprovement of stook at lot 30, con. 11, aleder- ich township. "Prospector" was sired bp "Prince Bravo" Of the celebrated Larkin herd, Queens- town. -A, 51. Izzard, Owner 33-4 MS. J. JOHNSTON, WHO HAS taken over the agency for the Spit - elle corset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers, 'Phe Spirella is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Call and ask Mrs, John- ston about corsets and accessories. -02 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - Paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought s, machine a am pre, pared to French Dry Olean Ladies' Suits, Cient'a Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweats ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended ro. Rooms over Grigg's lewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 • CALVES FOR. SALE. -I HAVE made arrangements' to handle a limited number of calves. -W. It/female, 11.11. No, 1, Clinton. -25 HOUSE FOR S.A.LE• ON HURON street, tvvo doors west of Da. Thompson's. Niue rooms, water4 works and sett water. In good state of repair. Will be- sold •on reasonable terms.-applp to IL H. McBrien, Victoria street. -34. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS, FORMERLY occupied by Geo. Cordell, to rent. And for sale or to rent the large barn on Victoria street. -Apply to Chas. Wiltse, manager of Major Raece's farm. -13 To the Public: We are now prepared with better facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher Rolls, Gum Circular and Cress- • Out Saws. Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work, Do Rubber Tiring foe Bug- • gies. Repair 'Automobiles. Do Blacksmithing. Do Wood Repair Work. Sharpen Power Clippers. Sharpen Hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries. Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGH IN CONNECTION. SEELEY 8' WEST GIRLS wANTED WE CIAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co, LLNIITED. PAPER HANGING AND PAPER- ing.-I just wish -to say, that I am prepared to do the above class of work and to do it prompt- ly and properly. I respectfully ask for your patronage and guarantee to give you satisfaction. -W. A. Mason. -26 MILLINERY! Having received our first ship- ment of spring hats we would kindly, ask the ladies of Hayfield and vicinity to come and see them before buying elsewhere. Styles correct and •prices right. E. F. Merner, Bayfield, We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in it grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Peed of which we keep a hill stook and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods. D, A. WATSON Victoria St,, Next the Hoepital. ell Ped an Can accomplish more tvith less ef- fort than one improperly nourished. We would suggest that 'we should begin the day with. the correct food. For Morning Meal Breakfast foods such as Corn Flakes Gasto, Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat, Krumbles Roiled Oats, Rolled Wheat, Roman Meal, Ete. or it you wish something heavier in foods try our Breakfast Bacon. For Mid -Day Meal Canned vegetables -that are ere - pate(' in sanitary factories.. We re- commend otos Magonilia Brand of Peas, Cern and Tomatoes. Hare a siatality all their Own. To add zest to appetite try our Loose. Sweet or Mixed Pitarles, Cat- sup, Olives or Sauces. Dessert is always an importaat feature. Try our minute puddiug, all flavors, only lac per package. Jelly Powders. And last .but not least when day's work is done Try ,our cooked meats -it will save you cooking. Canned Jams make an excellent dessert, such as mar- malade, Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, Fresh Fruits, 13'toanas, Pine- apples, Etc. Also a. full stock of fancy cakes. sae.° Phone orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. CREAN( WANTED'. - DAIRYMEN haying cream to sell write to M for cane. We eapply two cans froe. Pay all expreas cha.,rges and isaue cheques twice each month, cheques' payable at par. We pa, the high - eat market prices consistent salts Ma honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each caa careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on ! arzival and statement • returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cane and give us a trial. Patrons in the wielaitp of Varna may d'eliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store' and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont. Have Juet Received a Carload of CEMENT And will keep a sepal), all summer. Come Here For your cement needs. JOHN HUTTON 140NDES130RO. More and Better Eggs and Poultry to Help Feed the Empire. In order .to assist farmers to pro- duce more non -fertile eggs, and more and better dressed poultry of the quality and kind that our high class inarket deraands, the firm of Gunn, Langlois ,& Co., Ltd. Montreal, have arianged with relied° breeders of "bred to lay," earlai maturing, Barr- ed Plymouth Rock poultry to distri- bute in the immediate vicinity of these porta', twelve thousand: (12,000) hatching eggs during the season of 1m9146, at a price of market eggs on the following conditions. Every farmer who finds it to his advantage to secure the benefit of the above mentioned eggs must com- ply with the following rules or regu- lations, and lend every. possible as sistance so that the greatest good to the community and to the in- dustry will follow. lst-Kill, or otherwise permanent- ly remove from his present flock of laying hens all male birds on his farm, March 10, 1916. 2nd -Market all eggs twice a week, and conform with the suggestions made, re the care of eggs for market purposes, as same may, be issued from time to time. 3rd -Sell all cockerels that are fit for market as broilers during the early summer. ith-Bring all cockerels of heavy breeds to the firm's plant at either Clinton or Holmesville, to be capon- ized at a time, and under such con- ditions as the firm may specify, i-astaa GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live HAM and EGGS This is a seasonable com- bination and we ale in a position to furisish yam with both. The hams we sell are Spec- ially selected from young pork and have no equal. Strictly new laid eggs direct from the farm. Swift Premitun breakfast bacon is delicious and has a flavor all its owe. Special for Saturday : Let- tuce, Green Cations, Radish, Rhubarb and Tomatoes, E. E, HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. ced orn • asses. We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also good Seed lattekwheat. This is the hatching season, and that means lots of feed for' the Baby Chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Peed aed alao Chick Grit on liana, Tty some of our Creameal and Oil cake for your young Calves and Pigs, there ia nothing better. , Since Lard has risen to sucif •a high price, why not try our Easi- first Shortening, as it is not so ex- pensive and goes farther. We have it in 5 and 20-10. polls, ' Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Oatmeal, Breakfast Food and 'Flour always kept irt stock. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND PEED. Phone 199.. Highest prices peal for Grain and Wools Elevator, Cream! Cream New'Method. 1 ant in the maraet for any, quantity of cream at highest, marlret price. Year can see it weighed, teeted and take your money home with you. Cream taken •in every Thursday, morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Holmesville .110111110 1101( • Fresh Tomatoes. Imported tomatoes are now at their .best quality first class, Alymer Tomatoes. Are always at their best, 2 cans for 25c, Rex Catsup. Made of the very 3boicest tomatoes an d particularly fine flavor. Only 10c and 20c per bottle. • See our south win- dow, 104/0.14010/411•••••• T O'Neil Farmer! aamee.: Your land is valuable. Our coun- try needs every ounce of produce it can grow. It means money to pou, 'and prosperitso to Canada. DoubtIees seeding will be late this year, and •the only way to rush the growth is to apply large quantities of Buffalo Brand Fertilizers A fresh car load just arrived, and our prices are right. IDEAL WHEAT AND CORN AM $30 PER TON, BUFFALO 'GARBAGE TANKAGE AT $21 PER TON., for lst of October settlement or a percent. off for cash. We also handle all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, etc. saa—zaa-- JOHN B. MUSTARD Telephones : Hayfield Office, 8 on 174, Brucefield Office, 11 on 143. It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds 01 metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any, Plumbing done this pear you will save meney, bp getting prime at once. THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING- LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting. of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres readsi foie spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small era chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with atone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartet; mile from Porter'a Hili, -James Hamilton, Clinton. --lia Anything sa you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, Plumb i n g , Tinsmitaing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Rodfing, Steel Shingles,. Felt Roofing and Slate. Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given, BYAM & SUTTER Somitary, Plumbers., Phone 7, NeWs-Recora Means, News-Leadon,6