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St 44 4444 ►4444444444444*44 44 *4444 44444•► .W'444444
The 161st Huron Battalion has been ordered to mobilize about the 15th `of May AND AT FULL
Will your Coup
UNDER STRENGTH ? y be humiliated by having the first Battalion she was authorized to form o -. into Camp
Will the word "Huron" ever stand as a word of reproach throughout the Empire
of this County rally to their pride and to THEIR HONOUR ? Or will the people
The Last Call tor Volunteers.
The business of the young man of the County today is the completion of the Battalion
she 'Inas asked to form.
be one ?
Kitchener urges "men and more men." Canada has promised him 500,000. Will you
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages Ivhile other
men take your place in the firing Iine ?
Does the sight of your chum in khaki kave you untroubled and undisturbed ?
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (tithe Empire is worthy of there) to enable you
to take your place in your County Battalion.
ENLIST AND ENLIST TODAY, with the knowledge that, at last, you are playing
the part of a MAN.
To the Mothers; Wives and Sisters, ---
Do you know what is happening to women in Europe today ?
Do you know what the women of Belgium, of Servia, of Flanders and even of your own
race in the old land have suffered by the invading. Huns ?
Do you know that thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones, .are driven
starving from their homes to die in misery that they are being violated and slaughtered ?
Do you realize that if this War is not fought out in Europe, you and your children may
be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe ?
Do you realize tha t if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her liberty, her
men must be given without stint to take pare in the struggle ?
Thousands of glorious mothers, wives and sisters have given their dearest to this cause
of Humanity and of Empire. Can you meet this type of womanhood in social intercourse ? Are
you content to see other mothers, wives and sisters proudly sending ot1 their manhood to protect
you and your men -folk ?
Or will you meet the burden of this generation with COURAGE, "the' highest of
Divine Virtues ?"
Your Reason Is Only a Lame Excuse.
250 Huron Men for HurQn's Battalion and in 15
UUwill- find a gripping detective story in
the M a number o f MACLEAN'S
MAGAZINE—"Bc1i.i:ud the Bolted Door"—by
Arthur E. McFarlane. Full. of mystery, tense with
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sad incident, it is bafi'ling until the last paragraph of the last
This li eFarlane story is but one of many ' `specials"
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Stephen Leacock
Nellie L.. McClung
Robert W. Service
Agnes C. Laut
And neat issue (June), the first of ARTHUR STRINGER'S
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1'4 Get the May leeue - at your Bookseller's
Seaforth. Blgth
Mrs. Carbert visited Detroit friends
for a few days recently.
Mr. Conrad Eckart met with a had
accident recently when In getting his
horse from a friend's stable he was
kicked bye a horse in an, adjoining
Mrs. 0. L. (1,arIesworth of Blyth
was a visitor in town Last week,
Mrs. Cowan and babe of Toront
were guests last week at the home of
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Fisher,
Mr, Kenneth ilfeKay, who recently
enlisted with the 16.1ist, was present-
ed by the firm and staff of Henry
Edge & C'o. with a handsome signet
Mrs. .1ohnstone has returned to het
home at Lucknow, after a visit ,with
her daughter, Mrs. G. D. Haigh.
Mr, Chas, Stewart of Portland, Or-
egon, has been home on a visit to his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex: Stewart
of High street,
Miss Kathleen Halliday has retire -
ed to her home at Eden., Sask., after
a visit with her aunt, Mrs. B, Case,
Miss Margaret Scott went to Ham-
ilton for the Easter vacation,
Atiss Ella Webb has -returned to
Reading, Mich., after a visit with her
mother here, Mrs, Webb returned to
Reading with her to visit another
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Bell,
Mr. and Mr's. John Robb have re-
turned after a lengthy stay in Alber-
ta Province,
Mr. John Hinchley of Enthro had a
longer vacation than usual this Eas-
tertide on account of his school hav-
ing to--be'-closed on account of meas-
Miss Lillian May "Twins, daughter
of Mrs. J. Twiss, was united in mar-
riage on Wednesday of last week with
Mr, Alexander McGavin.
Lieut. Jack Pringle of the Iiightan-
ders, Hamilton, grandson of Mrs. J.
H. Broadfoot of town, visited rela-
tives here recently.
Mrs. Win. Jones of Toronto has
been a guest at the home of her fa-
ther, Mr. W. G. Holman.
Miss Sadie Moran Saginaw, Mich„
has been here visiting her sister.
Miss Ruth Sproat spent last week
with her mother, Mrs, John Sproat.
Mrs" John Hooper was in Hamilton
for the Easter vacation. ,"
Mrs. Nation of Duluth is a guest
at the home of her sister, Mrs. R.
S. Hays:
Mrs. George Smithers of Toronto
was here over Easter,
Mrs. P. Case is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. E. L. Pangman of Toronto.
Miss Lillian Pethick and Mr, A. 1',
Joynt were' united in marriage on
Mond -ay of last week.
Mr. George 13, Scott of Chicago,
formerly a well-known resident of
Seaforth, died at his hone recently
from au attack of apoplexy. His wife
who was a daughter of the late Sam-
uel Dormice, and one survive,,
Miss Lillie M. Carr was up from Messrs. ll. Apel of Merlin and Roy
Toronto for a few days last week. Appel of SeafortIs visited their par -
Mr. A. L. Bradwin of Sarnia visit -eats here for a few days recently.
ed at the home of Mr. J. G. Emigh Rev. Morris Mines of Leonia, N.J,,
recently. who was on his way from Deaver,
Mrs, J. J. Pollard and little son Col,, visited his parents, Mr, and
visited New Hamburg friends last Mrs. A. 0. Elutes, last week for a
Mr. Win, Bone has •purchased a
grocery business in 'Tilsonburg and
has removed thither.
Mr. Chester Loutitt of Detroit was
here during the holiday season visit-
ing friends,
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Burgess and
week for a few days, Iday. Miss Burgess were guests of Toronto ship Miss Minnie. Walker was united
Miss Cbnstine Haskett of Markdale Pte. Henry Seimon of the En- friends recently, in marriage with Mr. H. L. Humph -
°has returned to London to resume gingers' Corps,
Ottawa, spent a few Mr. Will Currie has returned home rcy of Victoria University.
Miss Jean Bowman of Cobalt has
been visiting Miss Sadie Davidson.
Mrs. H. F. Huntley and Miss Ber-
nice were with friends in St. Thomas
during the holiday period:
On Saturday week at the hone of
the bride's parents in Morris town -
her studies at the Western University 1 days during the holiday season with
after a visitwi h her aunt,t Mrs. his mother and other relatives
Miles Young. A fine new pipe orban has been pla-
ced int v
he E au
Mr. George Causton, who has been
gIical church and was
staying in Blyth for some little time dedicated on Sunday. On Monday an
organ recital
left last week for Edmonton where g was given.
he has taken a position as locatingtheory that lightning never
engineer with the C.N.R. ' The strikes twice in the same place would
Mr. Harold l'fcCali son of Mr. and seem to have been udg
proved by the fact that
thoroMr.ghly Geor e
Mrs, George McCall of Morris who T1teit's residence on the 14th conces-
enlisted with the 89 Battalion,' Cal- Sion of Flay has been struck twice
gar$', has been home on furlough but this' spring and this was the fifth
returned to duty on Thursday last, time within the past few years that
buildings on this farra have been
Ata -well attended patriotic meet-
ing held here on Thursday week Rev.
P. F. McL. Smith of Hensall and
Nursing -Sister: Neelin of Seaforth
were the speakers,
Mr. J. E. illoritz has been visiting
friends in Guelph,
DIr. W, Nieman of East Aurora, N.OPO
' +•
Y., was here on business last week, I
Miss Ella Desjardine of Serepta
has been visiting her sister, Mrs, A.
W. Morley.
Mr, C. Eilber has disposed of his
to Mr. Wm. Wagner
property g and in
exchange becomes owner of the lat-
ter'so r
It t se and lots in town which'
he has since sold to Mr, L. Foster,
who intends moving back to Zurich.
Mr. Either has also purchased Mr, F.
W. Hess' fine residence.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Sparks of Sea£ortli
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. T, L. Theis,
Mr. Lambeth Klopp of the Luther-
an Seminary, Waterloo, is spending
the Easter vacation at his home
Mrs. C. Either of Crediton visited
at the home of her sister, Mrs, W.
'C. Calfas, last week.
Miss Lydia Faust has returned from
a visit of some length with her bro-
ther at Cato Moll.
Mr. Fertlmand-Ho-waid- of the Wat-
erloo Seminary 11 home for the holi-
Rev. G. E. Brow,t attended the an-
nual conference of the Evangelical
Church at Pembroke last week,
Prior to, their departure from town
Mrs. G. 11 Brown; was presented by
the Women's Institute with a set .of
silver spoons and an appreciative ad'
Mrs, 5, A. Webster has,4' returnees
from a visit with Fres, Mends.
At the annual vestry meeting of
Trinity church the following officers
were appointed for the ensuing year :
Minister's Warden, Dr. McTaggart ;
Peoples' Warden, E; G. .McTaggart ;
Sidesman, 'Chas. Potter and Terrance
Tiernay; Vestry Clerk, .Frank Met-
calf'; Auditors, Messrs, Oharthew and
Metcalf ; Lay Delegates to Synod, F.
Metcalf ; Substitute, E, E. Robinson.
The marriage took place last week
of Miss Mary Potter with Mr. Al-
bert Davidson of Sarnia, Rev. W. W.
Hawkins .perfornteci the ceremony.
Mrs. D. Moody' was a C'linton.vis-
itor recently.
Master Norman Flood, was with
his grandparents in Londesboro last
Mrs. IL MeQuarrie visited her dau-
ghter, Mrs, A. M. Babb of Teeswat-
er, for a few days recently.
Mrs. J. 5, Chel'lew visited Toronto
friends during the holiday.. period,
Mrs. (Rev.) W. McLean and chil-
dren of Hanover have been in town
visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Elder. -
Mr, Robert Stewart of Toronto
spent a few days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, John Stewart, recent
Miss Edythe Gid,leyt of Toronto was
home tor a few days during the Eas-
ter vacation.
Wing -ham
Mr. D. Calvert left for Herschel,
Sask., last week after spending the;
past few' months with Wingham fri-
Mrs. Wm, C. Houruth of the tenth
concession of Turnberry, passed aur-
way on Wednesday week after a short
illness with measles and pneumonia.
Mts. Homuth was formerly Miss Mary
K. Hardie and Ieaves her ,husband
and two young childrdt.
after spending several ,tears in Bri-
tish Columbia.
Miss Maud Fryfogle of 'Toronto
spent the Easter vacation at her
home in town,
Mrs. Small visited her daughter,
Mrs. John
Ruby of Forest
few days,
Miss Jessie L. Wilson, daughter of
Mrs. rs. v'
Ga in.
has offered a her services as a nurse
and has been accepted, was hotne
spending a few days' with her par-
ents before leaving for England.
Mrs. 3. W. lVIORfbbon and children
have been visiting Toronto friends.
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