HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-05-04, Page 8Clinton News -Record May 4th; 19 14,4 We will give a list of of a lot of Specials atbargain prices., ,. Now is the time "to use the'popular goods, Sher • win -Williams' Paints, Ja paiac, Flor'alac, Camp- bell's Stains, Alabastine, • Jelistone, Muresco, Li- quid Granite, Dustbane. A. good stock of Coiled Spring Wire, Brace Wire, Barbed Wire, Power and Hand. I.horse Clippers, Screen Doors and Win- dows. 2, 3 and 4 Burner Perfection " Oil Stoves,' Lawn Mowers, the good. kind, see the New Home High Speed Washer, the easiest running of all washers. Harland Bros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines.- It :s not necessary for us:to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviablei reputation .for themselves. They are without a doubt the ,beet household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will savetall your sweeping; and dusting. Free trial;given. Price $12.50. Columbia' Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ball & Atka. mot. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone'104. N. BALL Phone 110. O. D. ATKINSON, Phone 180 Conservative Shoes 1 Not every man waits the latest style in a shoe ! We have the very latest models of course, but for men who contentedly wear - in the same style of shoe, year after year, we show some splendid conservative styles anclgsplendidi values. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 to $7.00. Black or tan leathers,broad toes, low heels and broad shanks. Ideal shoes for the man cf affairs ! Come here with any sort of shoe trou- bles you have ! We'll relieve them. F E JACKSON CAPES, CAPES EVERYWHERE! rSPANiSH BOLEROS AND FULL SKIRTS DRAPED AND EXTENDED HiPS THRUNSKRtIS cosTUM ITSEE-FLOFOR APRiCEDL BRIDES April, in her bountiful manner, showers upon femininity lovely fashions without end, in the Standard Fashion Sheet for APRIL W. D. FAIR CO. Often' the Cheapest—Alwags the Best. , p. esueuu,mnnalliN, el • Mrs. Richard Govier is visiting in Toronto. Mr. W. Jackson was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. Jacob Taylor, Toronto, was in town part of last week: `Rev. J. A. Robinson was in Toronto for: sonic days this week. Miss Jule Bartliff spent a couple of days last week with Winghaui friends. Miss Parke of Toronto was the guest last week oI Dr, and Mrs. J. C. Gaudier. Miss Mildred Evans is spending a few weeks with her brother, Mir. F. W. Evans of Brantford. Mrs. A. Stringham of Woodstock ar- rived yesterday to visit at the parental home that of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wheatley. Miss Agnes (lhidley returned to Tor- Onto last week to resume her duties in connection with the De- partment of Education, Mr. J. W. Moore spent a day last week with his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs, James Young of Dungannon. Wiseman the f the staff. of 1. tns eman o Mix, Jac 1 Bank of Montreal, Toronto, who is recovering from a slight attack of illness, is spending this week at his Borne in town. Mr. G. D. Chidley left Monday for his hone at Indian -lead, Sask., after spending ten days or so at his home in town, having come down to attend the funeral of his mother. ly'Iiss Edna Lavis, who has just graduated from the Hamilton Nor- mal, has taken a position on the stall of the Brantford Public schools and left Monday to take up her new duties. Mrs. Wm. Simpson and her daughter, Jean, lett on Tuesday to join Mr. Simpson at Demmer,. Sask. The family resided in Clinton for a de- cade and have many friends here who were indeed sorry to see thein leave. Mr. and Ms, George Cordell and family are now comfortably locat- ed at Gerson Mine, in the nickel district, New Ontario, and though yet new to .the place the prospects appear to be good and they think they' will like it. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. .Libby leave this afternoon for a ten days' vis- it to New York City, Boston and Lowell, Mass, The latter city was their hone for many years, coining from there to Clinton two and a half years ago, Mr. R. Irwin. of Victoria College, Toronto, is at the parental home in town, that of Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. Irwin, this week. MIr. Irwin leaves again for Toronto on Satur- day and is enlisting for overseas service with the Royal Engineers, 'Ottawa. MIr. Fred. Stephenson of Springfield, Mass., has been 'a guest at the parental home, that of Mr, and Mrs. John Stephenson, during the past week. Mr. Stephenson cable on a sad errand on this occasion, that is to bring the remains of his wile to be interred at the old home at Parkhill. . Mrs. F. McEwan and Mrs. Herbert Alexander are in town this week after having sojourned in London during the winter:. Mr. Alexander is expected uli the end of the week and they intend moving to the Forest City, that being more cen- tral for Mr. Alexander,• who is mail clerk with the G.T.R. running out of London. ( 8178—Laded Waist Sizes 34 36, 38, 40. 42, 44 int hes bust measure. 5179—ladies' Two. Piece' Skirt Sizes 24, 26, 28, 80 inches' waist measure marlittlzelIPBMIN New Spring Stock. Thousaads of dollars worth of 1916's newest ideas in up-to-the-minute mer- chandise are now on our shelves wait- ing your inspection. We ask you to come in and look these lines over at your earliest con- venience as prices are advancing and and in some cases goods are very scarce. Those who buy early get the season's very best values. Weare showing New dress goods new prints, new ginghams, new wash goods of all newest lines, new dresses, new clothing and shoes. Come Early. Buy Early, y -- Plumsteel BPOS. Small Profits — Phone 25. — More Business Mrs. 1:. 3D. Hunniford and little Miss Stella left Monday for the former's old home at T'hediord in order to be present at the marriage which took place yesterday of her cousin, Miss Rooke. Mr. Hunnilord went down yesterday morning for the same interesting eVent. Miss Rooke visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hunniford Lor seats weeks Mast autumn and will be remembered by many in Clinton who met her during that visit. . Corset Is staged at the vital points in such a way that the shapely lines of your gown are accen- tuated and retained: At the same time this corset is so pliable and easy that absolute free* doe of movement is assured. It lends a youthful grace and elegance to the figure. The Wearer of a D. & A. Corset is Always Distinguished by Her Poise and Elegence of Figure. Not one women in ten thousand can real- ly have a "figure" without a corset. D. & A. Corsets furnish the actual support necessary to every lady. A few light strips of the peerless p. es, A. boning give as much control of the lines as the stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of former years. Whatever the design, style, or price of the D. & A. Corset you buy, it is the best value, best fit and quality for the money. We illustrate four styles of D. & A. Corsets --there are many --and, whatever your physical type, you'll find a "D. Ee A." to please you --a corset that will keep its shape and ✓ill beautifg gours. "Will not break or rust:or tear, D. & A. Corsets made for wear." Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next Royal Bank. See them at • Men's Store Custom 'Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library. Personals. Mfr, Janes, Young, formerly of Clin- ton, is seriously- ill at his honkie in Dungannon. h g Mc. -lank Hutchings, G.T.R.. yard- man, Barrie,, yisited with his sis- ter, Mrs. W. Bramfeld, for a few days last week, Mrs. 1). W. L. Cantelon and two children of Toronto are spending a few weeks in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Cantelon. Mr. George Cook, who cane up from Toronto to spend the week -end with this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook, leaves this week to take a'position in the buyers' of- fice 01 the Robert Simpson Con- pang• Cleaning the Streets. A gang of Hien have been at work during the past week clearing the macadamized streets of an accumu- lation of loose soil and when we chance to have a . dry day they present a neat and attractive ap- pearance and even when it rains they cannot become very muddy. A Talk on Shakespheare. On Monday evening nest in Owen M4emorfal. hall Rev,, Alex. MlacMhllan of 'Toronto will give one of his de- lightful literary 'talks, on this oc- casion having chosen es his subject, "Shakespeare."' The Clinton Travel Club .invite all who are interested to come and hear Mr. MacMillan. A silver collection in aid of the Red Cross will be taken. Their Fifth Anniversary, Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. An, McCartney. People You Know. Gunner A. Livermore of the 48th bat- tery O.F.A. returned to duty at Tor- onto on Friday last after spending three weeks on furlough with his'fa- ther Mr. Henry Livermore of the London Road. Goderich. At a recent meeting of the choir of St. 00085e's church five members and ex -members of the choir who are now .wearing the king's Uniform were presented with souvenirs of their connection with the choir. Those so honourees were : Lieutenants. Stur- dy, Doty, Porter and Privates Babb and Videau. Judge Holt made ' the presentation. Mx. and Mrs. S. MeV. Lloyd have returned from Tarpon Springs, Flor- ida, where they have purchased a cottage and intend malting their win- ter, hone. They will spend the sum- mer in Goderich. bullets Township The township council met on. Thursday last with the mem- bers ' all present, Communica- tion i n from Mr. it . o to, uxil- President of the Huron War- _ A nary, • asking for a grant of money to aid' in recruiting as 259 more men arc needed to complete the 101st Battalion. Moved and seconded by Messrs. Miller and Watt, That 1200 be placed at the disposal of the Huron War Auxiliary, Carried. Communication. from (neo. A, Put- nam, Supt. of Farmers Institutes, re appointing of a representative from this municipality to the Board of Farmers' Institutes. No action taken. The following accounts were passed : John Hutton, 60 bbls cem- ent MAO ; Jos. Stothers, ball rent for Division Court purposes in Blyth 17.50 ; Jos. Riley, team on grader, $4.50; Wm.Ilefi'ron, putting in sew- er, Boundary Mullett and Morris, 15; Wm. Dale, 13 loads gravel, 1130 ; Wm. Brown, putting in two culverts S.R. twenty and twenty-one, 06 ; B. Herrington, repairing culverts con. twelve and thirteen, $3 Geo. Knox, repairing culverts $1.50 ; S. McVittie drawing sixty bbls cement, $22, The clerk was instructed to notify the C.P.R Co. regarding completion of their portion of Bowen drain award. Council adjourned to meet an Thurs- day, Map twenty-01th at ten -thirty a.m. for Court of Revision purposes. —John Fingland, Clerk, The following is the result of the promotion exams in S.S. No. 9, Ilel- lett, Those marked with an asterisk failed in one subject : Total 700, to pass 420. .Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th—Glenn Raithby 491, Carl Wagner 475, Nelson Pat- terson* 471, Hector MacLeod* 419, Mamie Wagner. 424, Fred Wagner* 423, Archie Robinson* 420, Luella Robinson* 120. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd—Robert Mac- Leod 470, Harvey Prang* 345, Clar- ence Deer* 336. Total 625, to pass 375—Sr. 2nd to Jr.. 3rd—Russel Good 388, Ruby Car- ter* 294. Total 600, to pass 360—Pt. 2nd to Jr., 2nd—Harold I.ongeman 470, An- nie MacLeod 163, Tom Ouningham 43:8, Louis Wagner 311, Roy Daer 360. Sr. Pr. to Jr. Pt. 2nd-ltIargaret Wagner 492, Muriel 0ovier 428, Lloyd Raithby 400. Jr. Pr. to • .Sr. Pr.—Irene Govier 165, Jean Melrose 386. . Enrolled 23, average 21. Londesboro. On Tuesday evening next a recruit- ing meeting will .be -held in k'ores- esters' hall. Rev. J, Iia, Fothering- ham of Goderich ; Rev, J. K, Fair - full, Clinton,and Mr. A. 3. Mus- grove of WiIgliam are spoken of as the speakers of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addison and two daughters spent Sundays with her brother, Mr. Wm. Hoggart. Mrs. McIntyre mod firs. Rutledge of London .spout a few days last week with their brother, Mr, Robert Young here. Miss Flossie Brown resumed her duties as teacher at Kenilworth af- ter spending her vacation under the parental roof. Auburn Mary Jane Feagan died at her home in West Wawanosh on Tuesday last at the age of seventy-eight years. The deceased had been in ill health for sonic time. The re- mains were laid to rest ith Dungan- non cemetery on Thursday. Mrs. Walter Moore and family of Goderich spent a couple of clays at the home of the lady's father in Auburn. Mr, Wm. Sturdy is able to be about again after a somewhat severe attack of la grippe. Mr. Chas. Asquith has rented W. J. Parker's house and is busy mov- ing in, Constance."-.- 11Ir. and MIrs. D. Sutherland arriv- ed hone from Toronto the other day after spending a couple of month r re with their daughter there, 6 Mrs. Nicholson and son Joe Brussels spent Sunday as the 8::ti of another son of the former, Adam Nicholson. Mrs, Cole is visiting her daugh•; Mrs. Thomas Pollard, for ti h. days. Mr. and Mr's. Jas. Medd Sunday as the guests of the for' brother, Mr. Jack Medd of eslea. Mfr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams daughter visited the former's n• er, Mfrs. N. T. Adams of Blyth Sunday, Miss Margaret. Henderson visit her sister, Mrs. Sutherland, on Sun day. :hiss Campbell has sold her ho and lot to lir, W. McIntosh. Wo u. derstand that Miss Campbell tends going west and will probe' spend some time with friends ti Mr, Joe Riley is now driving 1 now rubber tiro buggy which recently, purchased. Mr. and Mrs. James Mann, visited their grandson Pte. Re' Moore of the 1.61st Batt., last prior to his leaving for the from. Auburn Mfr. Norman Muteh spent a eo,!in of days at his hone here before bay ing for the west. London Road The school here has been closed for a couple of weeks on account of measles, It seems no community is to be immune. - A consecration meeting was Held in connection with the League on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. (e. R. HIanley. Mr. G. W. Laytan took charge. No meeting had been held- for a couple of weeks during the holiday season. m =MI 9.2=103611191.010., Spry ear. You can secure all the new toes and shapes in New Spring Footwear here. We have all the new lasts and leathers p4tto gether by some of the best makers. We sell shoes thatare the best procurab,ie i n stylish appearance, in quahty, in materials and in workmanship—the best you can possibly buy for y01:.r money. A laige range of women's and hen's sloes to choose from. Fit guaranteed to be all that you could ;desire. ;.maw, H. S. CHAPMAN PHo1;� �1