HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-27, Page 9, Coiled Our Sherwin-Williams lac—Campbe1!'s and • Muresco—Wall Now AY the celebrated the Newmarket Just price:is . Sprhig fire BUY IT NOW. less than manufacturers' cost today. A full supply of all the popular seasonable ----- goods Paints-Varnishes—Floralac—Japa- Varnish Stain—Alabastine---Jellstone Finish—Window Shanie-Etc. O'Cedar Mops and C'Cedar Polish, is the time to clip your homes. We have Stewart ball-bearing power clippers and and Decabut hand clippers, received a big stock of beaver board. ilarland Eros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. IIIIMMIIIIINIMMIIINIMMOMMIEW OUR It is not necessary Singer sewing themselves. made. It you with us. are good mattresses. not satisfied return Every house clean your rugs week you will Price $12.50. We invite You will say they chine you have I play it for you. SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. for us to say anything about the good quality of machines, they have made an enviable) reputation for They are without a doubt the ;best household machine contemplate buying a machine,come and talk it over Ostermoor Mattresses We will give you thirty nights free trial and if to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will and carpets thoroughly and tf used once or twice a save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given. Columbia Grafonolas. you to come in and hear our„Columbia Grafonolas arid are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will Ball Sc Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 188 Conseryall ina shoe of course, ing the we show and splendid heels Ideal bles you • v eShoes.! e Not every man waits the latest style ! We have the very latest models but for men who contentedly wear- same style of shoe, year after year, some splendid conservative styles values. $3.50, $4,00, $4.50 to $7,00, Black or tan leathers, broad toes, low and broad shanks. shoes for the man of affairs !! Come here with any sort of shoe trou- have ! We'll relieve them. FRED. JACKSON `%►"� �i 9 ( bi78;Ladies' Sizee 425, µ 8179--Ladiw''rwo.) Sing I f. 34 44lncbesbust measure Piece 2t wais i I�t 38, Skirt 1ew Sprin Stock. 1. Thousands of dollars worth of19 6's up-to-the-minute me newest ideas in up-to-the-minr-. �I -. ehandise are now on our shelves wait- 'Ring your inspection.. We ask you to come in and look these lines over at your earliest con- iivenience as prices are advancing and !Ji and in some cases goods are very scarce, I! ii' Those who buy earl et the season's y Y g very best values. We are showing New dress goods. wtt new prints, new ginghanls, new wash 38„ 48. i goods of all newest lines, new dresses, new clothing and shoes. a, 80 e8reCone Early. Buy Early, measure Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits =- Phone 25, --- More Business CAPES, CAPES EVERYWHERE \ SPANISH BOLEROS AND FULL SKIRTS' DRAPED AND EXTENDED HUS THREE FLOUNCED SKIRTS COSTUMES FOR APRIL BRIDES April, in her bountiful manner,` showers upon femininity lovely fashions without end, in the Standard Fashioi Sheet for APRIL W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Alwaas the Best. M:5ittI , nuvawi 511110u,t9ip� Mrs. Chas. Bartliff was with Goder- ich friends over the week -end. Miss Stella Copp of Grand Bend is home for the Easter vacation. 14irs. Christian of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Gaudier. Mrs. P. Cantelon and Mr, Harold Cantelon spent the holidays, with Toronto friends. Miss M. Chant of 'Unionville is visit. lag at the home of her brother, Mr. H. B. Chant. Miss Olive Marland of Toronto was up spending the :easter vacation with Clinton friends, Miss Holmes of Sarnia was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Beaton, during the vacation time. Miss Edith Herman of Caledon East is with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Herman, for the vacation season. Mr. John H. Cantelon of the llolsons Bank stall, Ridgetown, spent the holiday season at his' home in town. Miss Mame' Cleft of Goderich town- , ship was a week -end visitor of her uncle, Rev. W. T. Clufi of Strat- ford, Miss Rudd was in Toronto Monday and Tuesday attending a meeting of the Ontario Libraries' Associa- tion. Pte. Laurie Greig of the Canadian Engineers, Ottawa, was a visitor at the parental home, that of Mr, and Mrs, T. A. Greig. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Alcock of Hamil- ton were in town over the week- end, having come up to be present at the funeral of the late Mrs. C'hidley. Mrs, Curtin and Miss Wanda of Rip- ley and Miss Hazel Hancock of St. Thomas were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, A. Greig over the Eastertide. Mr. George D. Chidley arrived from Indian Head, Sask,, on Saturday in order to be present at his mo- ther's funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon. D. A. Cantelon of the Simcoe Battal- ion visited at the parental home ov- er the week -end, returning to Bar- rie on Monday. This is the second son of Mr. David Cantelon to wear the colors, all older one, 14, Ray Cantelon, having been in the trenches for some months and who is now in a convalescent hospital in, England. Harvey Harland, a native of Clinton and youngest son of Mr, Will. Har- land, has enlisted in the artillery and is a member of a Guelph bat- tery. This is the second . of Mr. Harland's three sons .to wear the colors, Russel having been in train- ing at Napanee -for several months with the 81Y1h Battalion which is slated for Overseas at an early date, R. 17. Jones of the Engineers Corps in training at Ottawa and which is expected to leave for Over- seas at an early date, is. the lroungest son of Mr. Robert Jones of Clinton. Mr. Jones' oldest son, Guy Jones, who was associated with him + in the business here, is also in the khaki as one of The Hurons and his third son, who is living in Seatot th, is also talking of enlisting. Mr, and Mrs. L. E Doherty and three little daughters were visitors over the Week -end with the lady's mother, Mrs, W. G. Smith, They were on their way from Goderich to Stratford where they intend In future to make their home, Mr, Do- herty being district manager for the Sun. Life over the counties of Hur- on and ;Perth. with Stratford as headquarters. Mr, and Mrs, Dotter' ty are former well-known residents of -Clinton having Left here for Goderich about seven years ago, and old friends in town , will be glad to hear of Mr., Doherty's pro- motion. Before leaving Goderich• the family were honored by the members of North street church and Mr, Doherty was presented by the Sunday school, of which he was secretary, with a handsome club bag. Clinton News -Record :ens ear Suiting$ Are a special feature of our dress : goods stock. We have them in Black and Indigo in Worsted Serge Cheviot Viouna DURING the past twenty-five years through all Fashion's fancies in. weaves, colors and fabrics; d'°''1:RESStOODS have been; as it were, at the front. Whatever Fashion demanded in fancy weaves; or in color, has been supplied by Priestleys' from the world-famous looms at -Bradford, England. This year—it's blacks and blues and plain colors—Priestleys' have them in different fabrics, but all in the same high grade and famous quality. Beforeselecting the material for your 0,0,4e1' su1t— come and see our display. It will pay you. WIZ • OF • 7011re Fashionable �. New Fabrics PRIESTLEYS' Dress Goods arefamous for their wide range of fashionable shades, their fast colours and splendid wearing qualities. Made of the finest grades of silk and wool. We are showing a most attractive assortment of the new Spring, it`r,"i` Priestley fabrics. You must see them to realize how delightfully they combine beauty with long -wearing utility.• 18War 18 18 88 88 i We carry the largest stock of Woollens and] Trrmrnfngs in Huron County, E di' BROWN'S. Londesboro. The Londesboro branch of the Wo- men's Institute will hold their regu- lar meeting in the Forrester's hall on Thursday, May 4th. Every mem- ber is requested to be present as it is the meeting for the election of of- flcers, Misses Eleanor and Jean Morris and B. Brogden and NIr. and Mrs. D. E. Dewar of London spent the week -end with friends here. 'Mrs. B. Brown of Brantford spent a few daps with her mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Young. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Crawford spent the holiday with the former's sister at Niagara Falls. Misses W. and I. Hill of Bi ith visit- ed at the home of Mr, F. Johnston, this week. Mr. T. Sampson is having consid- erable repairing done to his hause. Messrs. W. Griffiths & L. Pringle are doing the work. Londesboro. Mrs. T. Miller spent Sunday with Drayton friends. Rev. E. G. Powell occupied the pill - pits of Burns and Knox ox churches on Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Abreyi, Ile also assisted in the service in the Methodist church in the evening, Mr, Jos Stalker of Ingersoll visited his mother for a few days this week, Mrs.• McGee of Auburn and Mrs. Sturdy of Wingham were guests at the home of Mr. D. Geddes this week. NIr. John Hutton loaded a car of wheat on Wednesday of this week. ” Mr. F. II, Johnston received A car of B. C. shingles this week. Mrs. E. Murat, formerly Miss Pearl Lee, and hiss Edna Lee of Port Colborne spent a few, days with rela- tives during the holiday period. Miss A. Bell visited London 'friends last :reek. Add play hours to your day Summer will soon be here and you will want all the time you can get out-of-doors, free from work and worry. Get a house ':Telephone to help you 1 Nothing can do it so well, and it will cost only a few cents a day ! No installation charge. Let us call and talk it over— fill out the Coupon below and mail it to -day! The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Gentlemenr—Please see me about Residence Telephone Service. Name:...._........._-..-. Address Auburn Clarence Symington, who has been training at Guelph, paid a short vis- it to his home here prior to leaving for the front. Miss Everatt of Palmerston return- ed home Mondays after a short visit with friends at Auburn. Mr, Nickle Proud of the 121th Bat- talion, Toronto spent a fete days with friends here recently. A1� Mr. John Ferguson, who hlas engaged at Toronto spent the Eas- tertide at his -home -here. Miss Winnie Howson is spending a Week with Clinton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Halstead and family of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of the lady's father, Mr. Pleatzer, Mrs, James Iliokingbottom has re- turned home after a visit with her daughter at Fergus. Mr. Sutton, manager of the local branch of the Sterling Bank, spent the Easter vacation with friends at Palmerston. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. George I{emp on Mon- day when their eldest daughter, Me- linda, was united in marriage to NIr, Lawrence Ryll of Hamilton, Rev. Mr, Zeigler perforating the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Casemore of Wroxet- ex spent the Easter holidays at the home of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Mole, ' There was a very large attendance at the ball in Foresters' hall on Monday evening. Hullett Township Miss Loretto Flynn was home from Toronto for Easter. . Mike Cummins and Miss Brill-, I gie Cummins of St. Augustine spent Sundap and Monday with frienls in this vicinity. Miss Anna Lafirey is spending ilie Easter vacation at her !Lome ' i Windsor, Mr. Jos. Shan.t,uuii of the Royal $ank„ater, Stratford, spent Easter at'liome, bit. Ernest Sanderson of the 13tIi- con. of Hullett is to be congratula- ted on the excellent work he did on that line, gratis, by the use •ni a split log drag one day th`s week, NIr. A. W. Beacom who was over the - piece of road on Tuesday informed. us that about all the holes were fil- led up and the road nicely leveled which much improves the condition of the tra lie.—Blyth Standard. The following are the results of the promotion examinations in S.S. No. 2 ;—Sr. 4th—Dorothy Marquis, Clif- ford Tyndall, Gracie Gliddon, Bernard Reynolds. Jr. 4th promoted to Sr. 4th—Harold Glew, Elya .Johnston, Violet Gliddon, Maggie Johnston, Myrtle Hotter, Marjorie Glew, Annie Shobbrook, Gertrude Bayley. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—Willis VanEgmond, lddi Dale, Irene Steep, Bella hast, Sr and to Jr. 3rd—Ruth Dale, Stell Marquis', Josie Mann, Carman G11 don, Stanley, Shobbrook, Jr, and Elva Gliddon, Lillian Glew, Be, Hunter, Annie Hunter. Pt. 2nd Charity Snell. Pt. list—S. 13. , Glf don.—C. H. Holland, Teacher. Spring Footwear. You can sacure all the new toes and shapes in New Spring Fcotwear here. We have all the new lasts and leathers put to- gether by some of the best makers. , We sell shoes that are the best procurable in stylish appearance, in, quality, in materials and in workmanship—the best you can possibly buy for your money. A leap range of women's and men's shoes to chcose from, Fit guaranteed to be all that you could desire, S CHAPMAN PaosE 70